A federal judge has compelled Dennis Montgomery, developer of the Hammer and Scorecard software to testify about the data that he took and blew the whistle on: that John Brennan, James Clapper, James Comey, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and the entire Cabal that took power after they assassinated JFK, they’ve been using supercomputers housed at a facility in Fort Washington, Maryland to “Rule the world through crimes against the United States of America.”
This, according to Pete Santilli, who explains that as part of Dennis Montgomery’s immunity agreement with the FBI in 2015, he handed over six disks of data to former FBI General Counsel James Baker – who later became Twitter Deputy Counsel.
This happened “In a SCIF, in Florida,” says Pete Santilli, who explains how this story fell in his lap, due to his association with Cliven Bundy, whose lawyer is also the lawyer of Dennis Montgomery.
Pete says of Fort Washington, “They built a separate NSA, Barack Obama did – and the CIA. Because the NSA is restricted. They’re part of our military. They can’t violate our Constitutional rights.
So what do they do? James Comey at Lockheed, John Brennan, he built a private organization, private contractor, they set it all up. They built a supercomputer and they set it up in Fort Washington, Maryland – and that man you just heard designed a system…that could surveil all of our enemies that were using encryption through pornographic videos, giving al Qaeda and ISIS all of their operational orders.
“This system was so powerful, to go get bad guys, it was so revolutionary that the government stole it from him and then started using it and pointing it towards the American People.
“This is in the court record. He discovered that when they stole his technology and then started using it, he put some bit of code in there to let him see how they were using it!
“And he was able to get into – and still, to this day – he’s that level of hacker, he has the highest level of security clearance, SAP [Special Access Program]…
“He has all of the data. He put it on disks, he went, in 2016 – and a large portion of those disks contained all of the evidence of the surveillance that they used during the Bundy Ranch Crisis. I have the serial numbers. Isn’t that interesting?
“But after 2019, this name came up and it was related to the attorney from the Bundy Ranch Crisis…this guy was part of my Bar Complaint against the attorney who screwed him and set him up for failure.
“What did James Baker do with all of the data? The computer system that Barack Obama accessed in the White House to Fort Washington, Maryland and was surveilling everybody? Nancy Pelosi was issuing Amazon stocks, she’s buying fricking votes in Congress, they were surveilling the Supreme Court.
“And let me tell you, I know where the evidence is against John Roberts. It’s documented. It was turned in.
“James Baker took that technology and guess what he did with it, Ladies and Gentlemen? You ready? He gave it to China. He gave it to China. He went to work at Twitter and guess what else he did?
“Miraculously, [The Hammer] was coming out; Mike Lindell stuff, what this guy and his work that he was doing, James Baker was at Twitter, suppressing it, suppressing it and suppressing it and Twitter knows all about it and Elon Musk knows all about it.
“Well, last week, a judge said – after years of litigation – Negroponte, the head of the DNI had asserted the Government State Secrets Privilege on that data and [the judge] said, ‘You cannot release this’.
“I have it on the court record, Ladies and Gentlemen, I’ve been verifying everything. The government attorney said all of this data is in the safekeeping of the Central Intelligence Agency. It’s with the OIG.
“Everything I just described to you is not conspiracy theory. Mike Lindell had a copy of it. It was in his safe; of all the disks. The whistleblower has a copy of all the disks. The Government has a copy of all the disks but it’s been kept under secret wraps, because the government asserted their authority and said, ‘You can’t’.
“During the Cyber Symposium, there were threats that they were going to drop in and fast rope down into the building, that if Mike Lindell showed a portion of it – what Mike Lindell had to do, under legal advice was he just had to take the bullets himself…
“He took all the slings and arrows and he filed all the data with the Federal Government and sought whistleblower protection. He doesn’t talk about it a lot but he has whistleblower protection and he’s been fighting in court and last week, a Federal Judge determined that you cannot put a national State Secrets Privilege on crimes perpetrated against the United States of America – and he has compelled [Dennis Montgomery] to testify.
“Do you understand this? How huge this is?
“That the election fraud that took place with China behind it? He has all the evidence. All the surveillance against the Bundy Ranch defendants and that whole operation? He has it. All of the blackmail that’s been done to seat Federal Judges, including the Supreme Court? He has it.
“All of the surveillance that they’ve done and the intrusions into your bank accounts and stealing your money and weakening you and social media influence operations against Barack Obama’s and the CIA’s political opponents. Tens of millions of Americans, surveilled and destroyed. He has all of it.
“Mike Lindell is partnered with him to bring this information forth. What is going to happen next month is bigger – and when Mike Lindell says this is the biggest event, LindellEvent.com, you have to go there and you’re going to receive a special invite.
“There are going to be millions of people on this stream. Get on that, because when people start finding out about all of this, literally – Mike Lindell is in a position right now, thousands of people are working with him. Election crimes are just a sliver of what Mike Lindell is going to do to save the United States of America. Mike Lindell is entrusted with this.
“The person whose voice you heard [Dennis Montgomery], despite all of the attacks against him has now been compelled to testify and there is no National Security State Secrets privilege, because you cannot keep National Security on crimes against the United States of America…
“[Dennis Montgomery] has entrusted Mike Lindell, because he’s a godly soul. I have been blessed with circumstances that brought me to this thing, not by happenstance, by Divine Providence.
“It’s all going to take place here on August 16th and 17th and you must enter your email address…You must share – and I mean, put everything you have into it: LindellEvent.com, referral code: PETE”
Everyone you see out there promoting MyPillow has helped Mike Lindell raise millions of dollars to obtain the data, to fight the lawsuits and to make the films. Pete says:
“What’s going to happen on August 16th & 17th, it’s for all the marbles. It’s going to literally save our country and the world…
“We’re not waiting till 2024 – we’re waiting on August 16th-17th. LindellEvent.com, referral code: PETE
Possible coinkidink - I just posted about "shadowgate" the documentary about the creation of a "new NSA" bit of tech, that went private. This documentary came out three years ago, and immediately seemed to go into the memory hole. I wonder if its the same topic? (I watched it 3 years ago so can't remember)
Okay. This is wild. I was literally listening to an interview from 2016 just now that talks about in detail Dennis Montgomery, Loretta Fuddy, the Hammer. Lots of good background info here on Dennis Montgomery (the good and the less good), also talks about them recently acquiring video footage of the Fuddy plane crash stuff, which many of us have now seen (submarine and scuba guy pulls her out). Warning for Juan haters: this is Juan when he was going by "W". So if you hate Juan, skip this interview. But know this: Juan was actively involved in helping out the Bundys back when that was all going on and Pete Santilli has described in past interviews with Juan being on site with Juan and the Bundys when their standoff was happening.
Note on this: this interview could not have been in September of 2016 because based on what is said, it's clear that President Trump was already president when this interview happened. So maybe it was September of 2017? I'm not sure.
It seems that didn't actually occur so it will be interesting to see what happens if it turns out later to be true.
Because if Trump was reinstated just 7 mos. after "Biden's" term began, instead of at least two years after, that means Trump can't run for president again in 2024. Which he is doing.
This does seem odd but wasn't Trump referred to as a "President in exile"? If that is true then I'm not sure that he could be prevented from running in 2024 because he was never technically installed? Heck - the DS pretty much stole the 4 years that he was in office from him through all of the impeachments and lawsuit after lawsuit. From my perspective, Trump is owed 8 years in the White House and all who participated in the f*ckery need to be in gitmo or eliminated.
While I certainly understand and agree with your sentiment. I hope that he is more like George Washington. We have already seen what absolute power can do. ;-)
I wish I could find it but I've looked and I cannot, in an interview a couple of years ago Trump said that America will be in a very good place in about 10 years.
when I saw that I said hell naw….
I won’t hang around that long, but they did a good job jerking our leash all the way here with some twists and turns.
Cool, maybe it will take some time for all the dust to settle and that's what Trump was talking about. I do remember that q-drop that you're talking about now that you mention it.
I really think it has to go down while it "appears" sleepy is in control, and Trump is under a zillion indictments. So it looks like the libs control all forms of Government and Alphabet Agencies as well as the Military. No one can say Trump did this, but they will KNOW he did because we TOLD them years ago he would. Win/Win.
All plausible but nothing really actionable here. Doesn't change our mission at all.
I'd recommend not sharing links like this because it can damage our credibility with normies. Wait for hard data to emerge and operate from that.
I did like that he commented on some of the legalese that would hypothetically allow the info to be shared:
"...last week, a Federal Judge determined that you cannot put a national State Secrets Privilege on crimes perpetrated against the United States of America."
So in theory this should be a case and a docket we could read somewhere, right??
Edit: ok my state secrets memory is coming back to me. Maybe this means that info that formerly was protected by state secrets is now in use in a criminal case and therefore is no long classified.
Edit2: good corroborating evidence would be election related people in boots or out of action...
Trump announced he was going to be arraigned a second time on Q day 2049 (a reference to dystopian movie Blade Runner 2049)
Trump was processed and released on Q day 2054 (Minority Report is set in year 2054, Spielberg made a point to talk about it)
Alien is set in 2122 which if years =days corresponds with August 20.
This is coincidentally 100 days before November 5th (see below). November 5th is 2,222 days since Trump mentioned the Calm Before the Storm
Aliens is set in 2179 (corresponds with October 16) and has the following quotes:
They cut the power!
Seventeen days? Hey man, I don't wanna rain on your parade, but we're not gonna last seventeen hours! Those things are gonna come in here just like they did before.
(This would correspond with November 2nd)
What the hell are we supposed to use, man? Use harsh language?
Game over, man. Game over.
Also notice that Q day 2199 is this November 5th. The Matrix, if not set in 2199 was damn closer to that date than 1999. Both the Matrix and V for Vendetta were written by the same writers. There are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidence. Recall that V for Vendetta started on the 5th of November with the bombing of Old Bailey and Evey finished the job the following year.
If the military takes out the deep state this November 5th, puts us under marshal law, and we have elections next year (coincidentally the 5th) , it would be deja vu with the Matrix and V.
Speaking of Deja Vu, actor John Hurt was protagonist in 1984, victim in Alien, and the villain in V for Vendetta.
I want to believe this but he LITERALLY has said this before. I think it was Summer of 2021, the date came and went and literally nothing happened and nobody even said anything. It'll be the same this time.
If you want to call me a doomer then let's go ahead and put actual money on it then.
A federal judge has compelled Dennis Montgomery, developer of the Hammer and Scorecard software to testify about the data that he took and blew the whistle on: that John Brennan, James Clapper, James Comey, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and the entire Cabal that took power after they assassinated JFK, they’ve been using supercomputers housed at a facility in Fort Washington, Maryland to “Rule the world through crimes against the United States of America.”
This, according to Pete Santilli, who explains that as part of Dennis Montgomery’s immunity agreement with the FBI in 2015, he handed over six disks of data to former FBI General Counsel James Baker – who later became Twitter Deputy Counsel.
This happened “In a SCIF, in Florida,” says Pete Santilli, who explains how this story fell in his lap, due to his association with Cliven Bundy, whose lawyer is also the lawyer of Dennis Montgomery.
Pete says of Fort Washington, “They built a separate NSA, Barack Obama did – and the CIA. Because the NSA is restricted. They’re part of our military. They can’t violate our Constitutional rights.
So what do they do? James Comey at Lockheed, John Brennan, he built a private organization, private contractor, they set it all up. They built a supercomputer and they set it up in Fort Washington, Maryland – and that man you just heard designed a system…that could surveil all of our enemies that were using encryption through pornographic videos, giving al Qaeda and ISIS all of their operational orders.
“This system was so powerful, to go get bad guys, it was so revolutionary that the government stole it from him and then started using it and pointing it towards the American People.
“This is in the court record. He discovered that when they stole his technology and then started using it, he put some bit of code in there to let him see how they were using it!
“And he was able to get into – and still, to this day – he’s that level of hacker, he has the highest level of security clearance, SAP [Special Access Program]…
“He has all of the data. He put it on disks, he went, in 2016 – and a large portion of those disks contained all of the evidence of the surveillance that they used during the Bundy Ranch Crisis. I have the serial numbers. Isn’t that interesting?
“But after 2019, this name came up and it was related to the attorney from the Bundy Ranch Crisis…this guy was part of my Bar Complaint against the attorney who screwed him and set him up for failure.
“What did James Baker do with all of the data? The computer system that Barack Obama accessed in the White House to Fort Washington, Maryland and was surveilling everybody? Nancy Pelosi was issuing Amazon stocks, she’s buying fricking votes in Congress, they were surveilling the Supreme Court.
“And let me tell you, I know where the evidence is against John Roberts. It’s documented. It was turned in.
“James Baker took that technology and guess what he did with it, Ladies and Gentlemen? You ready? He gave it to China. He gave it to China. He went to work at Twitter and guess what else he did?
“Miraculously, [The Hammer] was coming out; Mike Lindell stuff, what this guy and his work that he was doing, James Baker was at Twitter, suppressing it, suppressing it and suppressing it and Twitter knows all about it and Elon Musk knows all about it.
“Well, last week, a judge said – after years of litigation – Negroponte, the head of the DNI had asserted the Government State Secrets Privilege on that data and [the judge] said, ‘You cannot release this’.
“I have it on the court record, Ladies and Gentlemen, I’ve been verifying everything. The government attorney said all of this data is in the safekeeping of the Central Intelligence Agency. It’s with the OIG.
“Everything I just described to you is not conspiracy theory. Mike Lindell had a copy of it. It was in his safe; of all the disks. The whistleblower has a copy of all the disks. The Government has a copy of all the disks but it’s been kept under secret wraps, because the government asserted their authority and said, ‘You can’t’.
“During the Cyber Symposium, there were threats that they were going to drop in and fast rope down into the building, that if Mike Lindell showed a portion of it – what Mike Lindell had to do, under legal advice was he just had to take the bullets himself…
“He took all the slings and arrows and he filed all the data with the Federal Government and sought whistleblower protection. He doesn’t talk about it a lot but he has whistleblower protection and he’s been fighting in court and last week, a Federal Judge determined that you cannot put a national State Secrets Privilege on crimes perpetrated against the United States of America – and he has compelled [Dennis Montgomery] to testify.
“Do you understand this? How huge this is?
“That the election fraud that took place with China behind it? He has all the evidence. All the surveillance against the Bundy Ranch defendants and that whole operation? He has it. All of the blackmail that’s been done to seat Federal Judges, including the Supreme Court? He has it.
“All of the surveillance that they’ve done and the intrusions into your bank accounts and stealing your money and weakening you and social media influence operations against Barack Obama’s and the CIA’s political opponents. Tens of millions of Americans, surveilled and destroyed. He has all of it.
“Mike Lindell is partnered with him to bring this information forth. What is going to happen next month is bigger – and when Mike Lindell says this is the biggest event, LindellEvent.com, you have to go there and you’re going to receive a special invite.
“There are going to be millions of people on this stream. Get on that, because when people start finding out about all of this, literally – Mike Lindell is in a position right now, thousands of people are working with him. Election crimes are just a sliver of what Mike Lindell is going to do to save the United States of America. Mike Lindell is entrusted with this.
“The person whose voice you heard [Dennis Montgomery], despite all of the attacks against him has now been compelled to testify and there is no National Security State Secrets privilege, because you cannot keep National Security on crimes against the United States of America…
“[Dennis Montgomery] has entrusted Mike Lindell, because he’s a godly soul. I have been blessed with circumstances that brought me to this thing, not by happenstance, by Divine Providence.
“It’s all going to take place here on August 16th and 17th and you must enter your email address…You must share – and I mean, put everything you have into it: LindellEvent.com, referral code: PETE”
Everyone you see out there promoting MyPillow has helped Mike Lindell raise millions of dollars to obtain the data, to fight the lawsuits and to make the films. Pete says:
“What’s going to happen on August 16th & 17th, it’s for all the marbles. It’s going to literally save our country and the world…
“We’re not waiting till 2024 – we’re waiting on August 16th-17th. LindellEvent.com, referral code: PETE
I'll buy it. Something big is coming, I can see it in the comms. And Mike has been awful quiet lately.
He's a true Christian and patriot.
OOH .. OOH.. OOH!! I just bought the new pillow to “test out” literally 30 minutes ago … before we buy for the entire family (12 pillows).
My wife buys almost everything he sells. I won a pile of cash two weeks before last Christmas … 1/3 of it went to Brother Lindell 😂😂😂
Did you get the My Pillow 2.0? I love My Pillow but they do get very warm and the 2.0 is supposed to not do that.
Yes.. he's a remarkable man! Mike actually helped other lift up other addicts during his own addiction!
That, and every time there’s an event at Maralago or Bedminster, Mike is there. He is definitely inner-circle.
Two weeks!...well..3 actually.
Kek. Moar than 2 moar weaks by a week.
I just had to upvote even though it was on 17 ):
Thanks for sharing, OP! This is phenomenal if true
Of course we all know where datefagging has led us in the past
Still waiting for the first datefag to pan out
But I'm one who believes the human psyche benefits from hope and hopium even when the likelihood of a datefag coming true is, shall we say, low
Possible coinkidink - I just posted about "shadowgate" the documentary about the creation of a "new NSA" bit of tech, that went private. This documentary came out three years ago, and immediately seemed to go into the memory hole. I wonder if its the same topic? (I watched it 3 years ago so can't remember)
Okay. This is wild. I was literally listening to an interview from 2016 just now that talks about in detail Dennis Montgomery, Loretta Fuddy, the Hammer. Lots of good background info here on Dennis Montgomery (the good and the less good), also talks about them recently acquiring video footage of the Fuddy plane crash stuff, which many of us have now seen (submarine and scuba guy pulls her out). Warning for Juan haters: this is Juan when he was going by "W". So if you hate Juan, skip this interview. But know this: Juan was actively involved in helping out the Bundys back when that was all going on and Pete Santilli has described in past interviews with Juan being on site with Juan and the Bundys when their standoff was happening.
Note on this: this interview could not have been in September of 2016 because based on what is said, it's clear that President Trump was already president when this interview happened. So maybe it was September of 2017? I'm not sure.
Here's the link:
I love Mike Lindell. But if I had a pillow for every time he said something was happening I wouldn't be able to open my bedroom door.
You'd need to diversify with the sheets
And the towels. I love them.
Talk about comfy as fuck
According to Mike, Trump was reinstated August 13, 2021.
Sauce? Thanks anon
It seems that didn't actually occur so it will be interesting to see what happens if it turns out later to be true.
Because if Trump was reinstated just 7 mos. after "Biden's" term began, instead of at least two years after, that means Trump can't run for president again in 2024. Which he is doing.
This does seem odd but wasn't Trump referred to as a "President in exile"? If that is true then I'm not sure that he could be prevented from running in 2024 because he was never technically installed? Heck - the DS pretty much stole the 4 years that he was in office from him through all of the impeachments and lawsuit after lawsuit. From my perspective, Trump is owed 8 years in the White House and all who participated in the f*ckery need to be in gitmo or eliminated.
From my perspective he should be president until he doesn't want to any more, and then we should make him still be president a while longer :p
While I certainly understand and agree with your sentiment. I hope that he is more like George Washington. We have already seen what absolute power can do. ;-)
Updoot for a brilliant and vivid analogy.
Symposium 2.0!
Years at least.
I wish I could find it but I've looked and I cannot, in an interview a couple of years ago Trump said that America will be in a very good place in about 10 years.
Q told us by 2025. Said last 2, next 6 and that was in 2019.
when I saw that I said hell naw…. I won’t hang around that long, but they did a good job jerking our leash all the way here with some twists and turns.
That’s how you know you’re being psyopped lmao
Cool, maybe it will take some time for all the dust to settle and that's what Trump was talking about. I do remember that q-drop that you're talking about now that you mention it.
My brain computes that as 2023.
2019-2,+6. I'm probably not right.
lemme help you outta that hole.
2019 -2 = start in 2017.
start +2 +6 = 2025
I know. But the drop reads something like note the last 2 years, note the next six. 2019-2+6=2023.
Even in your equation, you factored the 2 twice. The 2 is not listed twice. 2019-2=2017, +6=2023.
I'm probably wrong, for sure. A girl can hope.
I really think it has to go down while it "appears" sleepy is in control, and Trump is under a zillion indictments. So it looks like the libs control all forms of Government and Alphabet Agencies as well as the Military. No one can say Trump did this, but they will KNOW he did because we TOLD them years ago he would. Win/Win.
The red folder...That's all I could think of while listening to this.
We have the best red folders, don't we folks?
We do!!
Sticky: more info in comments above on video. NCSWIC!
I do believe that what is coming, cannot be stopped.
It cannot be stopped and it’s totally baffling.
now that's my kind of datefagging
Obama the prick went after Pete because he was standing up at the Bundy ranch, making sure people knew what was happening.
Now that's a good hopium fix. Straight into the veins. Feels great, even clearing up my allergies.
Puff puff pass!
hey now
We are ready.....let it fly........
For a former crack head Lindell sure does have the best hopium doesn’t he?
yes he does and i hope this tree bears fruit....
All plausible but nothing really actionable here. Doesn't change our mission at all.
I'd recommend not sharing links like this because it can damage our credibility with normies. Wait for hard data to emerge and operate from that.
I did like that he commented on some of the legalese that would hypothetically allow the info to be shared:
"...last week, a Federal Judge determined that you cannot put a national State Secrets Privilege on crimes perpetrated against the United States of America."
So in theory this should be a case and a docket we could read somewhere, right??
Edit: ok my state secrets memory is coming back to me. Maybe this means that info that formerly was protected by state secrets is now in use in a criminal case and therefore is no long classified.
Edit2: good corroborating evidence would be election related people in boots or out of action...
Q said August was a HOT month.
One day after this target date. https://qalerts.net/?n=4599
Queen died on Q day 1776
Trump was arraigned on Q day 1984 (think Orwell)
Trump announced he was going to be arraigned a second time on Q day 2049 (a reference to dystopian movie Blade Runner 2049)
Trump was processed and released on Q day 2054 (Minority Report is set in year 2054, Spielberg made a point to talk about it)
Alien is set in 2122 which if years =days corresponds with August 20.
This is coincidentally 100 days before November 5th (see below). November 5th is 2,222 days since Trump mentioned the Calm Before the Storm
Aliens is set in 2179 (corresponds with October 16) and has the following quotes:
They cut the power!
Seventeen days? Hey man, I don't wanna rain on your parade, but we're not gonna last seventeen hours! Those things are gonna come in here just like they did before.
(This would correspond with November 2nd)
What the hell are we supposed to use, man? Use harsh language?
Game over, man. Game over.
Also notice that Q day 2199 is this November 5th. The Matrix, if not set in 2199 was damn closer to that date than 1999. Both the Matrix and V for Vendetta were written by the same writers. There are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidence. Recall that V for Vendetta started on the 5th of November with the bombing of Old Bailey and Evey finished the job the following year.
If the military takes out the deep state this November 5th, puts us under marshal law, and we have elections next year (coincidentally the 5th) , it would be deja vu with the Matrix and V.
Speaking of Deja Vu, actor John Hurt was protagonist in 1984, victim in Alien, and the villain in V for Vendetta.
So many connections I lost my Wifi
I want to believe this but he LITERALLY has said this before. I think it was Summer of 2021, the date came and went and literally nothing happened and nobody even said anything. It'll be the same this time.
If you want to call me a doomer then let's go ahead and put actual money on it then.
i've been tricked before.
Go Mike!
Still waiting for the long play.
I think I am OD'ing on Hopium.
August is a hot month intensifies
Let us talk about date fags
They never come true
Until they do