In exchange for economic support from United States, the government of Kazakhstan agreed to transfer 30 biological laboratories from Ukraine to its territory. This was announced by the dir. of the Agency for ethno-national strategy, Aleksandr Kobrinsky.
Dziekuje, America!
The planned New World Order capital.
Have you seen the symbolism in its main city, Astana? (Satana)
Yes, they changed the name not that long ago, but the original intent hasn't been forgotten.
Yes... First thing I thought when I saw Khazaristan...
It really is as simple as God or evil. All of it.
And ((( Borat)))
Although this isn't a joking matter, I'm glad I wasn't the only one who immediately pictured Borat holding that flag with his #1 whore sister after kissing her.
Never saw that movie or characters
At this point idk that I'd recommend it unless you have honestly low expectations, a dark-ish and open sense of humor. It's funny, for sure, but don't set any standard prior to viewing.
And when she 14, her voice get real low "Borat, Borat"... And her vazhin hang like sleeve of wizard.
The entire movie had an agenda with subliminal "truths"
Sinister sites: https://vigilantcitizen.com/sinistersites/sinister-sites-astana-khazakhstan/
Vigilant Citizen is an excellent site.
They have some good stuff. I don't agree with everything in there (for example, a pyramid or tetrahedron shape is structurally sound). But good stuff there.
This is eastern half of ancient Khazaria with Ukraine the western half. The cabal objective is to unite them somehow by taking away the Russian territory in between that was intentionally taken over by Russian Empire to separate them.
Note that so-called “former Soviet Republics” are all Russian territory per all treaties going back 1000 years. All “break-up” agreements from 1991 specifically say that Soviet territory=Russian territory. MSM, NATO, UN ignored them to create a bunch of fake criminal countries for their nefarious activities.
This is flagrantly false. Certainly not ALL former Soviet states, shit barely half if that. The Dutchy of Lithuania (Pol-Lit Commonwealth) & the former Austro-Prussian Empire are simple enough proof of this.
The original Rus territory from your projected timeframe (1000 yrs past) covers the Caucauses, Belarus, Ukraine, and about half of Estonia. The rest of the current EU former satellite states were territories of other long removed empires, or their own sovereign states. E.g. The Baltic states were never a part of the Rus Empire until the 1700s when Rus & Sweden were at war for said territory.
I think it's "Duchy". Nothing to do with Holland. ;)
You're correct. Thanks fren, my grammar is not the best at times.
Soviet Socialist Repulics (S.S.R.s) = "former Soviet Republics". You are correct that Baltic Republics are NOT included. Lenin made sure to clarify via all international treaties that the following was true: "All former Russian Territory is now Soviet Territory." And Stalin reinforced this with a steel fist in addition to his attempted takeover of Eastern Europe and parts of the Middle East.
Lenin "gifted" Russian territory to the S.S.R. of Ukraine in anticipation of an attempt to make a country out of it with stolen Russian land around 1922. He likely did the same thing with Kazahkstan although I haven't seen any sauce on that (speculating at this point on an additional "gift" to that S.S.R.). It is quite interesting, imo, that the Russian "special operation" started a 100 years later.
When the Soviet Union got "dissolved", the new Russian Federation never relinquished any Soviet Territory. Eastern Europe and the Baltic States were never officially incorporated into Russian Territory, despite being controlled by the Soviet Union. Since 1991, the media has created the fake country of Ukraine which legally does not exist. The same likely applies to Kazahkstan.
Indeed. I was just correcting your over simplification of "all" former SSRs.
So we're in agreement that most were not in fact Rus Empire territory leading up to the 18th century.
All of these former SSRs were either autonomous nations or part of other empires pre 1700.
I completely concur about the Ukraine territory though. Same goes for Belarus and the lower half of Finland. I too am a bit lost regarding the post Napoleanic state of the Caucauses.
Additionally I would add that the list I just bulleted the new Russian constitution written in 1991 does not claim or cede land territory to Russia, but it does offer blanket protection for all Russian speaking people in those countries. It's a bit similar to our own policy in America when "rescuing" citizens abroad. E.g. Russian constitution would figuratively "cover" a military operation in any former SSR if the govt deemed the Russian population of (insert SSR here) in detriment.
Which is why Russia was/is legally covered by their own constitution to invade Ukraine, period. Even the UN & NATO agreed to this IRT 30 years ago.
Agreed. There is a distinction between the original 11 pre 1940 SSRs and all the rest. The two added in 1936 might also be suspect. Conversion from Russian Territory held at the time of the Revolution in 1917 into SSRs, and then back into autonomous countries does not appear to be legal. Conversion of sovereign states into occupied SSRs and then back into sovereign states with removal of occupier DOES appear to be legit (per your nice distinction on the Baltic States). 1940 and after SSRs appear to all be "war trophies" or "occupied territories" from an international law standpoint. Law of War appears to apply to those.
Interesting that there are some "temporary SSRs" I did not know about: https://en.wikipedia.org//wiki/Republics_of_the_Soviet_Union
https://i.redd.it/y83xwov79tp41.jpg notice anything at Astana, Kazakhstan Presidential Park? lol a giant phoenix flying through a womb-like canal into a pyramid. NEW WORLD ORDER REBORN FROM THE ASHES
So we will move the bio labs into another former Soviet country so Russia will invade and then we will say they are trying to take back all their countries?
What if the UFO/ We found alien bodies is cover for some monsters we created in the labs like fucked up human clones or crossed humans with genes of animals or reptiles or something.
I never thought of that. A UFO false flag with genetically-made alien bodies. That would be easy for them.
The sheep are dumb. They could dress a pig in a mylar suit, impact it at high velocity against a wall, and tell people it is extraterrestrial remains. These are the same people who think men can be women. Who's gonna argue?
Haha. Very vivid and true point. 👍
As in "The days of Noah" Jasher chapter 4, "sons of men in those days took from the cattle of the earth, the beasts of the field and the fowls of the air, and taught the mixture of animals of one species with the other, in order therewith to provoke the Lord; and God saw the whole earth and it was corrupt, for all flesh had corrupted its ways upon earth, all men and all animals."
Link: https://www.sacred-texts.com/chr/apo/jasher/4.htm
For anyone wondering, the Book of Jasher on the Sacred Texts website is Sefer haYashar, not to be confused with Pseudo-Jasher which is a different document.
I have a hard copy of Jasher translated by R.H. Charles, the text is the same but you are correct in saying that Jasher is a corrupted book but that's not to say it has no value in understanding the spiritual war we are entrenched in.
Neat! I didn't know R.H. Charles produced that work. That's good to know.
And yeah, my comment was because I saw different texts and didn't know why. Without prior knowledge, I had to dig around to find information on what common documents exist.
I wish I could have found R.H. Charles version quickly online as he is my preferred translator for this book along with Enoch. As a side note I have seen a pretty convincing case for the modern book of Jubilees being the Biblical book of Jasher mentioned in scripture. I did previously post some pages out of Jubilees in regards to Noah and his sons after the flood if you're interested.
That’s an interesting theory. Now I’m curious to compare Jubilees and the Book of Jasher (Sefer haYashar).
This is the main source for this argument. He makes some hardline statements disregarding Jasher which I only partly agree with but that never stops me from listening. Sorry for drawing this out but I thought I'd provide a link where I first heard this. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_FCuVpf5kvk&list=PLru2qbCMGOi7OFVQIN7pmc_glfS1QEZRS&index=1&pp=iAQB Thanks for your patience fren!
I thought you were joking. This is bad.
Wait, I was told there were no bilogical labs in Ukraine!
Remember when "The Honorable Victoria Nuland" admitted that Ukraine had biolabs in front of Congress?
pepperidge farm remembers
I have an idea. How about these CUNTS stop trying to murder the entire world! How about that?
I wonder why the US wants to put its labs into countries right next to Russia? Wouldn't it be more convenient if they were in, say, California or Washington state , New York, Massachusetts.?
I believe post Soviet Countries do not have the same regulations or safety standards in regards to biolabs as say the US. They still fall under soviet laws and are not a part of the bio treaty. Plus I do think targeting Russian genetics are one of their main objectives.
Incorrect. All of these countries have their own constitutions and newly formed state laws post Soviet collapse. Did some countries keep certain laws in place? Sure, perhaps in some specifc examples but they all formed their own new governments the moment they gained autonomy.
Building & utility infrastructure... Now there's something many of them kept! Government, no.
You had me at California...
It's not legal here
Seriously, how are there no Borat references here yet? I'll ablige. Have one from Langley
That's Niiiiice👌
US biolabs, if there is any real reason for them, should be in the US. This was reported very blandly, but it is probably coming from an evil place.
What could possibly go wrong
"Combat" ...
Funny way to spell "create"...
Isn’t that where they built that new smart city? With the pyramid and cube buildings and all the cabal stuff?
What bio labs?
Rooting for Putin to attack them and destroy the labs.
Didn’t the libs tell us we don’t have any bio labs in Ukraine?
Honestly thought this was a joke
Kazakhstan is like NWO Cabal HQ, no? Meaning they are closing their satellite office of evil in Ukraine and moving it to HQ?
Makes sense. They are retreating to their Helms Deep. Except this time THEY are the orcs and Gandalf is not bringing the cavalry to save them, rather, reinforcements are likely coming to finish them off.