Trump Truth with an interesting use of words: no hanky/lanky. Shouldn't it be hanky/panky and two words? I've run some searches but get nothing.
Misspelled You Say?! 🧐

How did he know I wanted to do this GIF for Saturday nights Gifs?
Tucker interview hinting at the swamping wanting to kill him
Trump mentioning he has a ton of secret service around him.
Message is probably for the bad actors
You'd think WHs would have taken out all threats by now.
I think 90% of threats have been eliminated. We are dealing with the rogues
They can make more - like Doritos.
L. Only two posts in [L] format. I’m particular to #2478 in this instance. Let the declass begin!
What I find interesting is the drop date of all 11s. When you create a vanity license plate.... you can use the number 1 to represent an L. There's the [L] in declass in the post.
1111 is majestic
Post 2222 is about aliens so…
Learnt our comms? My man!
How about [p] ? Saving the best for last...
Sure, [p] has got some charm to it also. Another anon covered that here, post #714 with your “Saving the best for last…” decode. You know what’s funny is that the TDS sufferers are sitting there, likely spitting venom about how “stoopid drumph is”, can’t spell, etc. Meanwhile we’re all diving through the Q-Posts to decode our genius POTUS’s latest comms. We live in different dimensions, on the same planet.
I know what you mean, every day I wake up I feel like I've slipped into a slightly different parallel universe from yesterday, but I see other people who are stuck in the same reality day after day, it's almost like they are trapped in a greenhouse and can't see the walls of their mental prison.
We, however, know where the door is and keep walking outside of it.
It must be getting close now.
You know, that’s a pretty good analogy - greenhouse with the doors. It took me a few read-throughs to conceptualize it, but we DO keep walking back inside their world to communicate/interface with them on a regular basis, keep the connections up and so forth. And “It must be getting close now.” — from your words to God’s eyes.
Like Plato's Cave.
L has been the letter lately. Let the DEC[L]AS begin!!!
u/#q2173 u/#q4686
Tunnels in Germany
lanky > [p]anky
The letters between l and p are m-n-o.
That's all I got.
Whew! That made my brain tired.
Backwards they are o-n-m.
When you're hungry, it becomes nom.
When you're Jamaican, it becomes Mon
When you smoke Jamaican, it flips back and gains a multiplier effect of strength... nom nom nom.
When you subtract the N. You get "mo" as in mo money mo problems.
Hey mon!
Nice shot!
Take a break, you've earned it...
I’m gleaning a few things:
Outside of the “L” and posted Q drops, I’m probably just stating the obvious, but President Trump known to commit accidental typos.
His motorcade tells you all you need to know.
"President Trump is known to commit accidental typos".
Really? I did not know this and I've been following Q and Q+ on the boards since the first drop and President Trumps comments since he was Inaugurated.
Who KNOWS that President commits "accidental typos" and how do they know they WERE "typos"?
Genuinely curious. No hostility intended.
Especially before he's had his covfefe
Thats one of my favorite Trump comms that the Regime called a typo; a typo that proved President Trump had dementia and should be removed via the 25A.
Actually, as anons quickly figured out, covfefe is a transliteration of an Arabic phrase meaning "I remain standing".
In Trumps famous covfefe tweet the reference was to his ability to remain standing despite constant attacks from the Regimes Media.
In Qs Whole Armor of God drops, the reference was to the ability to " remain standing" despite being constantly attacked by demons.
Regime Media and demons, a difference without a distinction? Regime Media == demons in drag?
so we seem to have replaced a 'P' with an 'L'
I think there's probably some meaning to it... but we gotta acknowledge that those keys are close together
Congratulations, President Trump! 👏🇺🇲
I always thought it was -hanky-panky, with a hyphen.
behavior, in particular sexual or legally dubious behavior, considered improper but not seriously so:
"suspicions of financial hanky-panky" ·
goings-on · funny business · mischief · misbehavior · misconduct · chicanery · dishonesty · deception · deceit · trickery · intrigue · skulduggery · subterfuge · machinations · infidelity · unfaithfulness · adultery · liaison · affair · fling · fornication · knavery · extramarital sex
could this be referring to the 'key'stone?
Sometimes I look at my keyboard and notice that two letters are right next to each other and it would be easy to mis- type them...
Quite the week for our POTUS!
Ok, I know mis-spellings matter, but p and l are right next to one-another on keyboard. Is it possible he ever just fat-fingers something and hits send?
No Coinkidinks.
His posts are going to be proof-read. After all, Stollen has been mis-spelt several times now.
Code for a lanky dude named hank? Tom Hanks maybe? He's not lanky though....
I immediately thought of John Kerry. No reason I can explain.
There’s that pesky (L) for declss again
"Theres that pesky (L) for declass again".
Plus, in the same drop:
"Let the WORLD witness the TRUTH" and "JUSTICE UNDER THE LAW".
Check out this website title. https://spaceshipsandlaserbeams.com/hanky-panky-recipe-appetizer/
L to P is 4 letters?
Guess he's not too worried about being arrested on an hourly basis. That really backfired on the Democrats/RINOs.
He added an L when he used the word stollen. Now he replaces a P with an L.
L is also 50 in roman numerals IIRC.
Don't know what that might mean...
So I never read into these but my thoughts are: 1 - the wording of this tweet just seems off. It doesn’t flow well or seem to make sense with the transition from golf to secret service. 2 - stating “for those that care” must be over 50 years old seems odd and out of place. Why not just say you won? 3: maybe some of these are hidden acronyms.
4: trump really just wings it on his tweets and it’s truly strewn of conciousness. Kek
Did you mean stream? ;)
I got the p in 128. Looks most relevant.
Hank Haney coached Tiger Woods, Hank Kuenhe was a pro player,so is Hank Leboida, Haney is 6'1" and skinny, "lanky" could be a nick name?
Lanky means ‘long legs’ or tall in my understanding. My husband is 6’4” was 6’5” when I met him
Lanky for James Lankford, Oklahoma senator?