Greg Kelly: Audiotape Containing “Incontrovertible Evidence” of Joe Biden’s Corruption Will Be Released in Coming Weeks – Will Force Biden to Drop from 2024 Race (VIDEO)
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He's already on video saying highly corrupt and illegal things, I'm curious how this will be different.
True! When you’ve admitted to setting up a voter fraud net work, and retell the story of how are you Quid Pro Quo’ed Ukraine, and neither of those stick, a new tape probably won’t do much until it gets shown around enough and the problem with those videos is they just never got widely viewed enough.
What about a tape of him bragging about shaking down Ukraine or calling little, black kids roaches?
Would probably make some people go "huh, really..." and then life goes on.
The phone call Greg plays is much worse because it’s both Joe and Poroshenko talking. Is everyone not watching the video?
I didn't see the Kelly video. It it the same call between Biden and Poroshenko that Bannon and Bongino played a long time ago?
I'll have to try to find the Kelly one.
It is for those who are finally listening and may have include more info.
Right, tick tock……
It's probably the recording of Biden with Poroshenko that was recorded in Ukraine. Biden basically warned Poroshenko that Trump might try and uncover what was happening there. I think Biden urged him to close down a bank or something.
Wouldn't be the first time the mainstream was way behind us on a story.
I think I remember the headlines: "Octogenarian with a stutter fumbles his words", and "Six second clip with no context proves something"
Old Argument: If they have it … Fucking release it! So tired of this ‘Carrot & Horse’ bullshit …. Greg Kelly is another one I don’t entirely trust ….
You just have to wait a couple weeks, yeah I don’t understand the “I have information that is devastating but I can’t release it yet” yes you can just do it
Get DS to panic?
You think the deep state is panicked that they might have to choose a different Democrat puppet? It's not as if people like Biden anyway
And they fall for it every time, right?
Ooooo yes, panic…. A way over used word by now
scare ‘em good this time boyz.
So this 5G warfare is just each side trying to scare shit out each other?
All war is deception
And really scary
Surely you can wait two weeks. By then we’ll be fighting masks so nobody gives a shit about this old news
I suspect it is is for those who are finally listening and watching. We could have a big mess if done to soon or a smaller mess if we take time.
Timing is very important
Amen, timing is everything.
The way I'm interpreting this is that he has heard about the audio, but does not possess it. He said he is not sure yet where the audio will be released.
He is Hannity 2.0.
So tired of people announcing a future release of something damning. Release it already!
Me too. The whole “two moar weeks” is so annoying.
Is there some benefit people get with delaying and announcing ahead like this? Like, if I had something huge to release, I wouldn’t tell anyone, post it, and say, this is huge, check this out! Read all about it!
This is actually worse, it's potentially 2 months.
That's inflation for you
I just can’t think of any value it brings to ore announce this stuff. It’s just irritating.
It's a way to raise money for them so they can fund announcing big things.
A pre-release announcement can be useful, IF there is a hard date and time for the release, AND its not too far in the future.
Example: tomorrow at 7PM central time i will be releasing info in this space. Stay tuned.
Andrew Breitbart enters the chat.
Remember the guy who was releasing the unedited full Hunter Biden laptop in two weeks, that was like 18 months ago and he's still saying it's on the way soon, he just has to get his website up and running.
I understand your point quite well. But then this also forces the DS to make even more bad moves for the public to see.
Also, it is marketing 101.
Important information that the public needs to know either becomes immortal, or gets strangled in the crib, based on the amount of people paying attention. To inform the public of anything on a impactful scale, you need to maximize the number of eyeballs that are looking at the information, which, nowadays, require trusted reporters and influencers to report the information to their audience.
Just randomly dropping information without giving the reporters and influencers enough time to prepare to distribute the information to their audiences will probably result in the information getting little attention, generating unacceptable levels of impact, and makes it far easier for the deep state to send the information down the memory hole without anyone noticing.
Giving the reporters and influencers enough time to prepare, focus, and clear out the schedule means that they will get an opportunity to distribute the information to their audiences, maximizing the impact and rendering the information immortal.
and then nothing ever happens. I've been hearing this nonsense for 6 years now. When is something that is actually damaging going to be released by these so called reporters and influencers?
shit or get off the pot already
Outstanding and thank you for sharing.
I apologize for getting back this late . I had a article to post and share and being old my senior moment took effect sadly.
This kind of messaging is for the DS. What do we care about some tape coming out in the future with some possibly damning exposure of biden. We already know this guy is shot. This is to rattle the cages of the demonrats. To get them to keep going after Trump.
This is a show the people who would not listen in the past.
To copy what I said on another post, You think the deep state is panicked that they might have to choose a different Democrat puppet? It's not as if people like Biden anyway
They may not like him but the ds does not want him exposed. That would eventually lead to ALL of them.
I really don't see it considering his crimes have already been out there for years, and I'm sure the real deep state (not Obama) is very insulated from Joe's pay for play
The general assumption is white hats got a hold of this audio and are going to release it. I think it was the cabal in an attempt to replace pedo-joe with someone that requires less cheating to win in 2024.
It also helps them create a narrative that they are "non-partisan" in their lawfare.
So when you ask, who benefits? Its not Trump. He's already winning. Lots of benefits for the cabal though.
i'm seeing so much more telegraphing of moves these days from the clowns- smells of weakness.
Exactly. They are already conducting election interference before our very eyes. Their narratives are all falling apart. Their priority is to control the narratives to push their agendas.
They are losing more support as more exposures come forth. They no longer control the narratives.
Greg Kelly: There is an audio tape, I am told, by people in the know, not necessarily in government, not necessarily out of government. I can’t say too much, but there is incontrovertible evidence of Joe Biden’s corruption that is about to be made public. It’s not going to happen tomorrow. It’s not going to happen before Labor Day, but it will happen sometime between Labor Day and Halloween.
This tape will be made public. I’m not sure by what entity at this point, but once it is heard, joe Biden will have well, he’ll have only two options. Number one, he will not be able to remain a candidate for the presidency, for re election. It will be over and done with. The only thing that he might be able to do, potentially, but probably not, is remain as president.
am told this tape is that incriminating, and they’re worried about it right now at the White House. They know about it. They know it’s out there. There may be more than one. And it makes a lot of sense.
Seems more like the cabal is getting rid of him imo. The media isn’t allowed to speak about shit without their say so.
I agree. He is politically toxic from all the exposure.
Gonna be hard to spin a stolen election with Biden again and they know that. If they can put Newsome out there, then they can go back to their old tricks.
Exactly. President Trump has more support now then in 2020. I suspect they will use the Plandemic to shut elections and the Constitution down and hand us over to WHO.
"WHO"'s on first? 😉
I joke, but it's kind of scary what they're trying to pull off!
Amen Capt. But we have prayer and God.
Something we'll always have, that no one can ever take away. :)
The question I have is which group is driving this operation? They both have reasons to get rid of Biden. If Trump wasn't still a threat, Biden would be out office as soon as possible and the Cabal would be driving that. We can only guess about why a 2 month window ultimatum was just dropped in the MSM. My best guess is that one side just determined that the pResident is no longer useful to their plans after Labor Day. So much so that they are announcing that the protective gag order has a time limit. Did we just hear a side announce "checkmate in 5?" Assuming that the WHs are going to drop the information, we can speculate that the long 2 month window is being used to force the Cabal into exposing a key piece early. Like rolling out a new candidate for president too soon. In the election cycle, the earlier a candidate enters the race the more exposed they will be to Trump and Anons digging up information. aka RamaSwampy isn't going to last long on the Republican ticket.
I don't think the White Hats want Biden out. The system has to fall apart on his watch. Biden being forced out by Republicans gives the left an excuse for all the failures.
I suspect what we are seeing is the WH funneling the DS not to only make bad moves. But also force their hands to expose sleepers who are democrats and RINO's. If you notice people are digging up information and history on these people. And not just listening and buying what they peddle to the public.
This has happened in the past where a Politician was exposed and politically toxic and they had to replace.
i hope it does exist....it will sure stir the hornet nest when it is released...wonder what they are waiting for? time to get this show on the road..........
I have no doubt it exists.
Time to wake up those who were not awake.
if this is the real deal it will be the titanic moment..you know right when it was straight up with its ass in the air just before the big plunge....if they were looking for a way to rid themself of the potato they have it....but there needs to be accountability not just dropping out of the race and remaining president ...oh no we need this pedo poster child hanging from a tree along with his crack head kid and the rest of the corrupt family.........
This to me always has felt like a declass in progress.
could very well be hope your right
As Q stated nobody escapes from this. We have it all. Only thing needed were the sleepers they had to bring out.
I'd rather him stay in office to continue destroying his own party. (fake bidan or not)
Will force Byden to drop from race.. ok, what about accountability?! Not just for him either
I suspect that is coming. What is interesting is who they send to replace him.
More ‘two more weeks’ nonsense? Out with it already.
Sometimes when investigating you find more crimes and suspects. So this can change timetables.
We got him this time….
And he says THESE crimes will make ineligible to run for 2024.
Wtf. When it’s enough to hang him for murder & treason let me know
This to me is a sign that things are coming to a head now.
If this is anything substantial, it would have been "leaked" before the 2020 election, the media, FBI, and intel community would have debunked it as Russian disinformation and we'd still be where we are today. Absolutely no reason to think this will be anything significant. Most likely Biden will lose a few votes, but nothing will come of this, whatever it is. Everybody already knows he and his entire family and political machine are criminals.
Unless you have to show the people, when they do not listen to what you tell the people.
Maybe it happened after the 2020 election. Or maybe Greg is an attention addict. Or maybe he just hasn’t figured out stupid it’s become to dangle promises these days …
I don't understand the need to hype something like this. Just fucking release it. All you are doing is putting a target on your back and getting people hyped up for yet another major letdown. Release it and let us be the judge.
Is it better to share this info with a few ? Or is it better to hype and everyone listen ? The more people we wake up the less mess we have to clean up.
It's better to just release it. If it's good it will hype itself. You know how people with information get assassinated? By announcing they have a secret before releasing it. Once it's released the damage is done. A good example is the DC Madam. She announced she was going to release her client list. She specifically said she wasn't suicidal. A week later she "hung" herself in the shed behind her mother's house. They killed her. The client list was never released.
Think about this. If this is released and the DS has time. I bet their chatter is going wide open.
Enough with the tick tock bullshit. Folks with the goods drop them like a nuke.
Unless you want them to make more bad moves.
Oh man…this again. I feel like I’m at the bait store hearing fish stories. “I’ll be back here next week with proof, you’ll see. It’s a state record, if I woulda turned it in!” Telegraphed videooos! You just wait, you’ll see!
I think this helps the deepstate. It props them up as untouchable. Lowers morale of the public. People know Joe is a criminal. The government is criminal. No need for “BOMBSHELL” evidence of that. Just show it. The man has 50yrs of evidence he sucks in government. You could make an entire show, newscast, of idiots in government that runs all day. Not opinionated, just show the video proof next to the constitution. Done.
This is no longer about Chyna Joe. this is now about exposing all the players who protected him and the Globalist Masters.
Yea no kidding. But the video you posted is about….Chyna Joe. Do you really think Greg is gonna talk about all those other people? That’s laughable. Joe is, if anything, a fall guy. A puppet for puppeteers. The deepstate doesn’t care what happens to him. He’ll be cut when he’s used up. And Greg, and whoever else, will target “the target”, and people will learn nothing new. Oh he’s a criminal, yea, everybody knows that Greg! When they start talking about Obama, then they’ll get my attention.
This is where this is heading. To dismantle this organization you take them down from bottom to top. Otherwise you would just have replacements. Similar to the Columbian Cartels in the past.
I hope Anons paying attention realise that these kind of “predictions” are nothing but forcing moves as they shepherd the enemy into the corral, and does not necessarily reflect that the said release will happen.
Exactly. They are funneling the DS into convictions at Military Tribunals unless they selected the suicide option.
AND awakening the entire population to their doings
Exactly. Denying the DS the Civil War they desperately need and want.
I bet he's coherent when he is doing a corruption.
I also have my suspicions. We have seen the same pattern with Pelosi. When they are in trouble they have these incoherent moments. But when she was pulling the illegal coup on President Trump she was coherent.
SO Sept 5 - Oct 31. A White Hat response to 9/11 MAYBE.
They will never provide the exact date. I would take this as a hint to be stocked up before anything goes down.
how did you get 9/11 out of this?
I could see his point, in a way. 9/11 was the opening bell of the changing of America into a police state/power grab by the DS. If this tape is that damaging to this regime, it could be the turning point where we begin to take our power and hence the country, back.
Both sides play the numbers. Retribution MAYBE?
Between Labor Day and Halloween, pumpkin spice time !
In God we trust always. I suspect they will make more bad moves knowing this information.
Just 2 more weeks!! Hope it doesn’t get lost in a FedEx delivery.
Chyna Joe is exposed. Now it is time to expose all the players .
So again, will be released in the coming weeks, why wait and what are they waiting for? If they have the tape and want to play it, then play it and put out a follow-up. Don't tease about what is coming, just do it (if Nike taught you anything).
I doubt Obama is comfortable with all the heat on Biden. Obama was micromanaging back then. Remember the 7th floor ?
Vaguely (I'm probably one of the people they count on, forget about things a few years after,😂) but he was, and always will be a micro-manager!
They all are micromanaged by their Globalist Masters.
get ready for more fires or false flags to distract
They still are using the same old playbook .
2 more weeks!
my only comment is "drip, drip, drip" could it be a way to get the DS to expend more ammo? Just my random thoughts on this subject. The information has already been out there about the FJB and his trash son treason. It doesnt seem to get much traction because the MSM changes the narrative or is working overtime to cover up as much as they can.
The exposure destroys their support. Trying to avoid a civil war.
Thank you for the links. It all ties in together.
He's already on tape admitting to corruption. This is a giant nothingburger. Any time they claim to have something "devastating" that they don't immediately release means they're full of shit. Sick of these grifters.
Don't give up yet. The claim and the money trail will be exposed. You can claim anything but important to prove more then the claim. You only have one shot to convict .
Timing with McCarthy & House issuing articles of impeachment?
Must pass House vote
Trial/Hearing & 2/3rds Senate must vote to impeach.
Jim Jordan - House Judiciary Committee Chair must have 100+ Staffers (attorneys) handling all of Biden's & 3 letter agency crimes!
Good question. Depends on how many will fold. I still go with the military is the only way.
Two more weeks? -_-
People are watching and listening now around the world. They will soon learn who the major players are that protected Joe. Do you believe Joe could pull this without Obama knowing ? I wonder if Kenya is looking better by the day.
Did Greg also happen to mention that he's not suicidal? At the same time "Going to be released in the coming weeks".... not holding my breath.
This is not about Joe but the major players that protected Joe.
Blackout? Sept 15th and 23rd are 2 days that seem to keep coming back up
Great question. Either way it is best for people to be stocked up and prepared.
Why the hell don't people just release the crap they have and be done with it? I'm so sick of this garbage that "it will be released during this and that date!" and it never happens.
If this is real--and I am certain it's just bullshit--then announcing when you're doing something with these criminal psychopaths is a good way to end up suiciding yourself with several bullets to the back of your head. I don't care anymore unless they actually produce the goods.
How many bad moves will they make being aware this is coming ?
Audio tape?
It's been proved untrustworthy with AI all over the place.
Bank accounts and emails will support what is fact and what is fiction.
Incontrovertible evidence of Xiden's corruption? Forcing him to drop out of 2024 should be the smallest consequence. If such evidence is presented there needs to be prosecution, impeachment, removal, arrest, and a firing squad or two. If Biden is served up on a silver platter, it's because Obummer and the deep state planned it.
Problem is if Biden goes down so will they.
WND also had a similar story going the other day.