If Israel is "saved for last", could that signal an end to particular operations, and thus explain why Flynn is now directing people away from Q into local action?
π€π Theory π²π‘
That is, has the Q operation, whatever necessary moves were made behind the scenes, come to completion?
The effects of those hypothetical actions remain to be seen, but perhaps this signals a new chapter?
We now have a passionate educated populace with the knowledge, morals and skills to put things into action.
Was the disabling of Hamas the final chess piece in THIS PARTICULAR THEATRE OF WAR?
EDIT: The sticky is good for discussion, but I should point out that this was just a late night idea trying to reconcile opposing ideas re: Flynn.
I appreciate any discussion generated from this, especially discussion that pokes holes in the notion.
We've always been engaged locally. If this is Flynns tactic, he's doing a bad job. Making fun of people, then going back to apologize, is no tactic.
Maybe we have but that's not nearly enough. I think there's still close to 200,000 precinct committee seats vacant across the country (almost half). Flynn has been hammering on LOCAL ACTION - NATIONAL IMPACT ever since the stolen election. It's pretty clear this is his task. We still do not have nearly enough precinct seats filled and people running for local offices. I think this is what he's frustrated about.
Well, he's been talking about local action from well before that, too. Since 2018, he was emphasizing military personnel (vets, etc) stepping up to run in local politics, too.
there is a chance that it was comms. maybe not for us but to other groups. - like maybe go codes . hopefully its time for :PAIN
I thought the discussion following his comments was some of the most productive we've had in a while. It definitely kicked me into another gear.
Attended the County Committee meeting tonight and energy has shifted dramatically from a year ago. Attendance way up. The RINOs had vanished but with them gone it seems more good people felt welcome than ever before. Energy was directed in much more positive ways and the topics on people's mind were definitely Awakening related rather than retail politics.
I needed to hear what Flynn said. I suspect others did too. We were so busy looking for the great awakening that it may have already happened right under our noses. It's time to move to the next phase.
This is the way πΈ
If he wants to say it, Fucking Say It. Call us out! Mention the boards directly, and Say βqβ is fake and gay. Say it. Until then, Anons will act accordingly.
How would an anon know what other anons will do?
After all, anon means anonymous. In this case, anons encountered in the Screen World rather than in the Real World.
Are you simping bro? Read the words. Downdoot all you want. Quit pretending youβre some OG Anon. Read my fucking words. Iβm calling for bold clarity. Youβre effusive and plebe; as is this circular analysis of Flynn. βAnons are anonymousβ is limp dick Fox News level reads.
βLook to Twitter, exactly this, βMy fellow Americansβ¦ββ
Q isnβt done. We still havenβt gotten the Storm Tweet.
also the newer suspect Qs said there would be a Q and A in time.
It seems there would have been a much better way for Flynn to go about this. He acts super triggered and emotional every time the topic comes up and trashes people who followed Q. That just plain isn't necessary and wouldn't be a productive way of getting this message across.
β He acts super triggered and emotional every time the topic comes up and trashes people who followed Q.β
Ever considered the fact heβs doing it on purpose? Man, a lot of you take Flynn personally (for whatever reason) like he just pissed in your Cheerios or something. This guy wrote the book on irregular warfare. Ever been in the military? You will get treated even rougher there to help shape you mentally. Thatβs all heβs doing right now.
And plenty of people who are black hats through and through wrote their own books on irregular warfare. As far as tough treatment in the military that's very different than purposely trying to create division among the ranks, or simply recklessly acting in a way that does so. Last time I checked most drill sergeants don't sound like Flynn did here. Seemed more like Neil DeGrasse Tyson when he gets pissed off on a podcast.
ROFLMAO.. if this is a βhead checkβ by Flynn to the Q crowd, military style, judging by the responses of a lot of folks, heβd have you peeling potatoes!
Itβs true what they say, (mentally) weak men make weak times!
Who did he call by name? You wanna take personal offense, thatβs your choice. Some of us can see the trees AND the forest.
OMG Screen World General Flynn triggered insulted feels?
In a community dedicated to those trained by Q and those who missed out on the original training and are now, supposedly, trying to catch up on what they missed?
Pass out the pearls, smelling salts and fainting couches.
One of Qs big messages was to learn how to avoid becoming EMOTIONAL.
Another Q message, repeated over and over again, was that when EMOTIONAL it's impossible to assess guess about reality accurately because EMOTIONS shut down the brains ability to asses data points using LOGIC and CRITICAL ANALYSIS.
The sit around and wait to be saved people ARE "morons"; dangerous " morons".
They're totally inverting and perverting everything Q and PDJT have been saying.
WE =/= Someone else.
WE == thee, and me and each ONE of us as individuals who are also all part of a crew with a captain, PDJT.
One of his requests to his crew:
All I ever met in the Army, was Sergeants, Retards and Morons....
Prove me wrong, I'll wait, I have all week....
Sometimes Feelers get squashed, sometimes it's just words, and sometimes it's funny....
Civilians and Military Lifers just can't seem to get the Joke....
a. You might be either a Moron or a Retard....
b. You might be a Homicidal Psycho....
To break this down even better, in the Military we have::
Enlisted E-1 through E-4
Noncommissioned Officers, E-5 through E-9
Commissioned Officers, O-1 Through O-9
Warrant Officers, W-1 through CWO-4
Idiots. βThose so defective that the mental development never exceeds that or a normal child of about two years. E-1 through E-4 and O-1 and O-2, but also at times O-4
Imbeciles. βThose whose development is higher than that of an idiot, but whose intelligence does not exceed that of a normal child of about seven years. E-8 and above, and at times O-4
Moron is a person who is extremely frustrating and usually lacking in superior judgment. All the Warrants, and at times O-4
Retard is a person who is mentally retarded or uneducated. E-1 through E-4, O-1&2 and 4, some E-8&9....
ALL of these will fall under Combat, Combat Related/ Combat Support, Ordinance and Explosives, and Related, and Military Police....
""Frankly, it sounds retarded, ""
You wrote that....
And I whole heartedly agree....
And again, I can reference my post with the breakdown....
General is an O-9, a Master at doing stupid shit, truly a Retard....
The problem is that he didn't give a solid reference as to who exactly he was speaking to, so it goes out to the General Public, and it sounds as Jacked up as possible....
"He acts super triggered".
Rather than react, perhaps first take some time to reflect?
Perhaps consider the possibility that projection is clouding perceptions about what Screen World Flynn said?
If everyone is sitting around watching a movie, no one is participating or getting stuff done.
If Israel is last then did we miss:
I donβt think we just skipped to the end
No, we didn't miss anything, those things have not happened just yet....
BUT, it isn't up to us to Know what ""Q"" was talking about on lots of this stuff....
Not even the GAW Dumbass Muds know what Q meant on most things....
One hell of a lot of it is Code, and without the Magical Decoder Ring, everything is just a Guess, might be Right, might be way off....
Ascension Trumps local action by the millions*
Quick napkin math (correct me if Iβm wrong on it, mostly assuming), letβs assume 350 million Americans, and 50 states, 3,143 counties, 19,429 municipalities. Letβs assume each have 50 positions available then we are looking at around 1.13 million positions or 0.003%. What about the other 349 million? Thatβs not factoring in people who canβt for many reasons like current job, old age, sickness, company owner etc. but If even only 1% of the people decide to go with the ascension route that is 3.5 million people fighting the devil irt and best part anybody can do it from anywhere in all corners of the globe. This in turn raises the frequency of our planet where evil canβt survive
Local action could maybe mean attacking the non local consciousness* that shits been occupied for millennia
For inspiration perhaps find, watch and ponder You Tube videos that visually convey what sociologists call "The Third Dancer Phenomenon".
Doing so can be profoundly evocative.
LOL, or the 100th Monkey....
This thought seems reasonable. Flynn may be giving a huge green light signal for us to shift away from, not abandon, the digital battlefield and start adamantly getting involved with neighbors and local impact initiatives. As in less digital and more real life.
We know Flynn. How would he communicate this specifically to the Q anons in a cloaked way? I think he is signaling it's beyond time we move from digital to real life and doing it as strongly as he can.
Why wouldn't he do that without trashing Q followers and stoking unnecessary conflict and division? So far as I can tell they are doing more than most of the people denying Q, who tend to learn more toward dooming and apathy.
Optics. To appear contrary to Q. Why has Trump endorsed who he's endorsed at times? McCarthy? Oz? Or worse... Why would a drill Sargent be less than kind to new recruits? Who is Flynn's audience? Not everyone following him is on board with Q. Is it better right now to lead people to the drops or push everyone listening toward real life action. I'd like to be vindicated some day for all the crazy looks I've gotten discussing this operation and what I've pointed out that normies have laughed at along the way -it's probably not gonna happen to the extent I'd like. I've given up on that a while ago. Right now, I just want people to take their citizenship seriously. What leaders say in an information war is like waves of energy in the ocean meant to move things. We can't get to hung up on or take it to personally at times. The harsher the words the more serious the comm not the insult.
You'll be vindicated after this is all over, in another year. We will all be vindicated; just not right now in the middle of the war.
Agreed man nice. Youβll be vindicated imo no worries! But in psyops as you said, this may actually bring more people to Q drops...
During 2020, Q advised anons to drop referring to the Q drops when talking with others and to instead focus on spreading anything RELEVANT in the drops in an ENGAGING way without out mentioning Q.
Improving persuasion skills are far more SURVIVAL important right now, as Q pointed out, than gaining new readers of Qs old drops.
I agree with everything except one minor detail: a citizen was created by the government and is the property of the government.
God -> Man (-> woman -> child) -> Government -> Citizen
Donβt take your citizenship seriously. Find out what you really are and take that seriously.
Offering information before a person has questions ie has a reason to care, typically results, at best, in a sigh and "in one ear and out the other" retention.
If repeated, this approach leads to avoidance or hostility.
Perhaps notice anon's personal reaction to this "unsolicited" advice?
Perhaps because he believes that any "conflict and division" caused by his message that its long past time for those watching and waiting to be saved to get off their Screen World viewing asses and get busy in the Real World is NOT "unnecessary"?
Perhaps he views the message as very NECESSARY ie a matter of LIFE or DEATH for America? Its definitely a message he's conveyed several times before.
A message, btw, that was originally stated repeatedly by Q and Q+/PDJT.
IF he really wanted to Activate any Group, it would be best if he just came out and straight up said something Like::
Hey, Veterans, get your asses into the________ Seats, ASAP, and I mean Yesterday....
And guess what....
It would get done in a week or two....
That last super long Comment about Q, I don't know, but I didn't read the whole thing either, I've listened to Generals Talk before, and they take an Hour to say what a Sergeant says in like three sentences....
Sit around watching and waiting to be saved is the EXACT OPPOSITE message to the one Q and Q+ sent.
Q warned repeatedly about the watch and wait infiltration.
Now General Flynn is calling out the subversion, inversion perversion. Again.
Qs message, PDJTs message; a message Flynn is amplifying, is that EVERYONE needs to be ACTIVELY involved in the REAL WORLD or this ship will really sink and everyone on board really will drown.
Does anyone imagine that Qs famous WWG1WGA meant that when Storms hit watch while the Captain saves everyone on board?
Q has been silent for a long time.
Do we really need Q if the mission to wake people up is well underway?
Do we really need cryptic messages that most people don't understand, while presently RFK Jr, Seymour Hersh, Kesh Patel, Gen Flynn, Dan Scavino, Don Trump Jr. make clear public comments on mostly open platforms like TruthSocial and Twitter?
When Q first started posting, we didn't have TruthSocial and Twitter was a Democrat/Deep State controlled mouthpiece.
Sit, watch and wait to be saved people are totally antithetical to Q and Q+s message and mission.
Hopefully most ARE just "morons".
Fortunately, he's still trying to wake them up. Hopefully he'll have some sucess.
His brother Joseph seems to be a real ass.
I agree with those who take Flynn's words as saying, "Okay, the time for memes and theories and datefagging is over. Better be prepared to act."
Remember that DJT Jr. has been posting about how now is the time to exercise your 2A rights.
So, we're entering a new phase. We have no way of knowing if we will still hear "The storm is upon us," or if things have changed behind the scenes enough that things are different now.
We have no way of knowing exactly what's happened. There's too much we are not privy to. But we can all see the state of the world right now and we can hear what Flynn and DJT Jr are saying right now.
They're saying, "be prepared for action." Okay. I'll do whatever I can. Military is the only way? Maybe WE are the military now - the loyal militia - just like we are the news now, the honest journalists.
I'll do whatever I can to act.
So we all go run for local office? Iβve had this idea welling up in my heart. I live in a little village and could probably do it if I visit many houses.
I imitate the above post: YOU POST A HYPOTHESIS, BUT YOU DON'T KNOW!!
No. Open border. Fleecing Iβd Americaβs Jan 6ers. Biden. Fiat money. Covid shots. On and on for days. No.
I will never believe people waking up is a disservice. And he's not the only retired military person to mention "Q." I remember listening several times to an interview by Paul Vallely: https://patriotssoapbox.com/politics/ret-gen-paul-vallely-confirms-existence-of-q-in-interview/
By the way, here's a recent interview of Vallely: https://rumble.com/v2bhzk4-major-general-paul-e.-vallely-u.s.-army-ret-joins-his-glory-take-five.html
I don't believe he is disavowing Q. I see him telling people to get with the program and realize: You want freedom? Do something! Fight for it! Use whatever platform or influence you have to tell people that they must speak up and fight for their freedom. I also believe as a veteran, no matter how great a nation's military is, it needs WeThePeople standing with them and supporting them. My fiance is sometimes so disheartened by the disrespect he is shown after a 30+ year military career and learning how different Presidents used the armed forces to make money on both sides using the lives of precious men and women to do so. Compliant people wait to be rescued. Patriots say, "What can I do and how can I do it!!"
We are watching a movie, don't forget that.
Division is in everything except for God. The ds is ripe with it, surley tactics to split and have them fight amongst themselves has been an important objective. Even on our Side there seems to be many disagrements on a path to the same goal. Irregular warfare it is. Reminds me of wars where allies have fought each other, sorted it out, then faced the enemy more unified. Also the outcome can be and we want this for the deepstate is they severely weaken themselves infighting, while our infighting just leads to gettting more an more red pilled and unified. Let's goo
Christ said that He came not to unite but to divide or that that would be the result.
Winnowing wheat from chaff. Seperating wheat from weeds.
Division == testing and sorting.
I totally believe that Flynn wrote that for exactly that reason. Comms! Heβs telling everyone, for the most part, to get off our duffs, stop waiting to be saved, and help get us to the end of the movie!
We can't even get 20% to vote in local elections. They're probs being faked anyway. Good luck to us all.
Israel for last and also seemingly the end of central banking.
We need total DNC chaos 2024 so that no one in their right mind would vote D, then have the D do a steal anyways and then then military comes in.
Certainly a dasting assumption
One key to the coming MAGA wave is the down ballot races. The Washington impact can only go so far. Flynn has been the pied piper for this effort.
He's directing people away because he doesn't believe it, holy fuck how hard is someone telling you direct truth in terms of what they believe to understand?
Move on and actually go do something productive.
Which doesn't explain why Flynn, who Trump said will be back and important, continually made bank selling WWG1WGA stuff and frequently suggested involvement with the Q operation.
Of course, there was also that strange time he appeared on stage with CIA patsy and Q larper/misdirector Austin Steinbart...
So honestly, who knows?
I'm not suggesting that my idea is correct, it was honestly a late night headscratcher post.
Trying to reconcile all of this, and there are many conflicting ideas that arise from it.
It does, you literally say the answer in the first sentence.
It isn't "conflicting" at all. He literally, I cannot stress this enough, literally states, that he thinks it's a bullshit psyop. Holy fuck dude.
Are you dense?
He's literally telling you to not believe it.
Are you dense?
And here I thought we were a movement based on reasonably questioning what we hear and see from personalities.
Maybe Flynn is distancing from Q now that Sydney Powell turned states evidence.
How about the world peace that can come from militarily disabling ALL entities that disregard international law and UN resolutions, including Israel?
"Disregard International Law"
"Ignore UN resolutions"
Moar keks.
I ran into a new joke today that had a /pol/ vibe to it.
Someone referred to globalists as glow bull ists.
How about "disabling" all glowbullist entities; entities like the UN and International Courts?
It requires an analysis of the UN resolutions and International Courts.
Is the problem similar to say the tax codes and immigration laws in USA? :
The written law is good but not being enforced exactly as written.
The written law is unconstitutional and should be overturned/repealed.
"Its long been said".
What hasn't " long been said" by current Cassius doubt deployers?
Interesting thought. Care to make a post highlighting the physical differences?
If in this theatre of war, we're aware of doubles and can reasonably assume that White Hats are secretly controlling the Biden character, we must also be open to the idea of "our pieces" (whatever that means) being captured/replaced/controlled.