When Q or DJT misspell things we spend a lot of time and effort decoding what we assume was a deliberate act. I would rather not see the waters muddied by people who just cannot bother to spell.
Dog has one g. Username does not check out. Not the point of focus we need to be looking for. Message does not change in this case because of misspellings
We're just prolonging the interglacial period until the world freezes again. I wish people would pay attention to Milankovich cycles. Our influence is a good thing, unless you freeze your trendies off earlier.
Not so much the spelling but the use of the wrong word with the wrong meaning. For example, who is THE BOARDER? What secret message is Ted trying to convey? (If Trump had posted it, this is the question that we'd all be asking.)
So I'm in English major and I'm 85 years old and I find one misspelled word and it's a homonym and it might have meaning really? All the truths in here and somebody is picking on spelling give me a break!
Ejecting Nugent to spell correctly is like expecting every gallon of milk to stay fresh before the expiration date...
Usually does, but sometimes it goes sour a little early. Nothing you can really do about it. Already been pasteurized / spellchecked. Is what it is. Lol
...but it was around long before the US Government.
I myself have seen cancerous lesions on ancient bones, both human and animal. Doesn't mean they don't cause it now, but I just find it highly unlikely. The are more efficient ways to kill or disable people, which the govt has used, uses, and will continue to use. Cancer is one hell of a slow burn from which many survive. AllI'm getting at is there is no need to involve the powers that be for cancer - nature is perfectly capable of causing one to develop cancer all on her own.
The rest of his list, well, I agree with it to varying degrees. YMMV
Is this the same Ted Nugent who admitted to dating under age girls, and wrote a song about it? Sheesh, I would not take pride in someone like this representing my sentiments regarding the deep state and the immorality of the elite. Go ahead, downvote, How is he not an elite? Celebrity status etc? I would appreciate better representation. He's the right wing version of Woody Allen. Do better.
There has been a lot of talk about it over the past several years. They were opponents in the race for NY senator when Jr.'s plane had a malfunction. Some speculate he discovered the bomb attached to his plane before flying and faked his own death, hiding out all this time courtesy of his good friend DJT.
You don't give the rook or knight or bishop cancer, hoping it gets removed.
And sometimes, your opponent doesn't look closely enough at the board, and on your move your take their queen. They're still sour about that from 2016.
Must be so hard to stand up for things when you have millions of people who love and support you regardless.
Why are celeb opinions more important than anyone else's, especially on this forum? And you know what would be better than this meme? That thing we do here on this site: citing sources.
I don't think people here think celebrities opinions are more important, I think people here are thankful that SOME celebrities share their views, voice them publicly, and THAT results in millions of people hearing it, since most of us can only get our voice out to a small number of people.
Would be great if things weren't misspelled.
Do you really expect him to be a good speller?
I don't.
Lots of people follow and respect Ted.
This is a huge win.
Spell check is free to use. No excuse, words matter. Misspelled words reduce credibility. Don’t be lazy, if it’s worth posting get it right.
Go tell Ted on his Twitter page.
I'm sure he will get right on it.
i am sure you will get a fuk off and die response lol
At least you know he manages his own page lol
People don't actually expect Ted Nudget to spell gooder.
People don't make memes for you, they make them for their own enjoyment.
Edit. Looks like you have successfully derailed the thread.
Bingo. Thanks u/olddogg!
So Q has no credibility because of misspelled words.
When Q or DJT misspell things we spend a lot of time and effort decoding what we assume was a deliberate act. I would rather not see the waters muddied by people who just cannot bother to spell.
Dog has one g. Username does not check out. Not the point of focus we need to be looking for. Message does not change in this case because of misspellings
He is pretty conscientious....
Does not sound misspelled when I say it 🤣
Mr. Nugent is known for not giving a fuk about anything.
Fat but very agile fingers!
Misspelling is like an extra seasoning in a dish you didn’t expect!
The spell worked.
Influence? Yes.
We're just prolonging the interglacial period until the world freezes again. I wish people would pay attention to Milankovich cycles. Our influence is a good thing, unless you freeze your trendies off earlier.
Control? Naw... We barely make a dent.
So everyone here is more concerned about spelling? Fuck You!
Not so much the spelling but the use of the wrong word with the wrong meaning. For example, who is THE BOARDER? What secret message is Ted trying to convey? (If Trump had posted it, this is the question that we'd all be asking.)
plz. Nugent does not = Trump.
Does spellcheck catch homophones?
I'm hoping JFK jr was just an ATTEMPTED assassination, and he is in fact still with us.
Love the Nuge.
Well said with a correction , the US is a bankrupt corporation.
So I'm in English major and I'm 85 years old and I find one misspelled word and it's a homonym and it might have meaning really? All the truths in here and somebody is picking on spelling give me a break!
There is a run-on sentence at the end of your post.
*an English major ;)
Love Ted's big energy, but that list just barely scratches the surface. Nonetheless, excellent show!
Add, The Military Is The Only Way.
Ejecting Nugent to spell correctly is like expecting every gallon of milk to stay fresh before the expiration date...
Usually does, but sometimes it goes sour a little early. Nothing you can really do about it. Already been pasteurized / spellchecked. Is what it is. Lol
Ted Nugent didn't kill himself.
careful for those that might try...they will end up strung up in a tree gutted like a deer..........just sayin
Obama is a Muslim Brotherhood terrorist financier. At this point in America, no one cares if he's gay.
Those coming over the border are not immigrants. They are illegal aliens.
Bush Sr. had JFK Jr assassinated. As well as his father JFK. He called his magazine GEORGE for a reason.
Speculation has been Hillary "called it in" - his death opened the Senate seat for her
Its not the fact that he is gay that is the problem it is the fact he is a liar.
Enemy combatants go to gitmo
Fact check: True
Don't worry.
We can fix it all by holding the line and voting in 2024.
Good going Ted!
Cancer MAY be purposefully caused...
...but it was around long before the US Government.
I myself have seen cancerous lesions on ancient bones, both human and animal. Doesn't mean they don't cause it now, but I just find it highly unlikely. The are more efficient ways to kill or disable people, which the govt has used, uses, and will continue to use. Cancer is one hell of a slow burn from which many survive. AllI'm getting at is there is no need to involve the powers that be for cancer - nature is perfectly capable of causing one to develop cancer all on her own.
The rest of his list, well, I agree with it to varying degrees. YMMV
attack the meaning[s]
not the messenger [probably excited]
not the message [probably no spell check available in the meme maker]
sorry to slide further but the misspelling accusations are ghey
and fake
Whoa.....YAH !!!
Truth spoken!
Is this the same Ted Nugent who admitted to dating under age girls, and wrote a song about it? Sheesh, I would not take pride in someone like this representing my sentiments regarding the deep state and the immorality of the elite. Go ahead, downvote, How is he not an elite? Celebrity status etc? I would appreciate better representation. He's the right wing version of Woody Allen. Do better.
That’s about right? What’s this about Hillary having JFK Junior killed? I’m not privy to that story.
There has been a lot of talk about it over the past several years. They were opponents in the race for NY senator when Jr.'s plane had a malfunction. Some speculate he discovered the bomb attached to his plane before flying and faked his own death, hiding out all this time courtesy of his good friend DJT.
This is how you remove a chess piece.
You don't give the rook or knight or bishop cancer, hoping it gets removed.
And sometimes, your opponent doesn't look closely enough at the board, and on your move your take their queen. They're still sour about that from 2016.
Their is no smoking gun proof. But we know she will kill anyone in her way,and he was expected to win.
How about also:
All wars are bankers' wars.
9/11 was an inside job.
Intel inside.
It's not just a CPU slogan.
General Smedley Butler, USMC (Ret).
Go even further:
Virus dont exist The globe model is a lie! Climate change is bullshit unless of course you count in the multiple geo-weapons like Harp and many more.
Humans is a hybrid. Real humans died out long time ago Pretty much every conspiracy theory is real
Boy, that pretty much wraps it up.
Wasn't / am not, a fan of his music, but his patriotism is great!
Glad people with large followings are getting the message out.
The Nuge!
got you in a stranglehold baby!
Must be so hard to stand up for things when you have millions of people who love and support you regardless.
Why are celeb opinions more important than anyone else's, especially on this forum? And you know what would be better than this meme? That thing we do here on this site: citing sources.
I don't think people here think celebrities opinions are more important, I think people here are thankful that SOME celebrities share their views, voice them publicly, and THAT results in millions of people hearing it, since most of us can only get our voice out to a small number of people.
If this gets stickied, I'm voting for Newsome/Harris.
I suspect you are anyway.
I suspect you are a faggot that knee jerks his way through most days, LongTimeListenerBlindFollower.
Oh look, projection.
Whatevs, fren.