Got banned from Twitter for saying “barrack 0bama shall be hung from the neck until dead for high treason and sedition”. I realize now I should have added “after his trial” or “in Minecraft” or something.
My personal view is Joe Biden should be charged for treason and stand trial. Death by hangings is the harshest penalty allowed for a conviction of treason, there are lesser penalties a Judge/Jury can impose
It's his opinion and we still have a right to say someone should get the death penalty for treason. I'm MAGA and of the same opinion and I have every right to say that. He never said Joe should get vigilante justice.
Unpopular opinion: The ass that Biden is making of himself in front of the world right now is exactly the reason he will not be hung.
He was flipped using the evidence that Hunter provided against him, and the role that he is playing right now, being the scapegoat for all of the chaos that has to come to destroy the cabal, is the only thing sparing him from the rope.
He's not alone
He's not wrong either.
He's not wrong except the verb is hanged when it means executed : )
BTW username checks out!
Hanged. From the neck. Til dead.
Yes, 'hanged' like a human; not 'hung' like a tapestry.
...or a horse...
Or Michelle Obama.
Damn. After that statement he looks even more manly.
He's always been a very handsome man. You're right-- he looks even more manly and I love it.
Me, too! Lucille & u/Casually Observant
He has a beautiful voice and sings classics...💕
Them and many more…let it begin!
Hanged, I'm hung; traitors are hanged...
Bo knows.
Me too John, me too
People are hanged. Things are hung.
like michael obama. lol
big mike
You shifty jogger, they told me you was hung. ..And, they was right.
Hi wife recently passed away. I think he is one of the rare stars that weren’t compromised by hollywierd
😔🙏 I was not aware of his loss. May the Lord give him peace and comfort.
Just a good ol boy
This time meaning some harm...
And now, sure to be in trouble with the law.
Got banned from Twitter for saying “barrack 0bama shall be hung from the neck until dead for high treason and sedition”. I realize now I should have added “after his trial” or “in Minecraft” or something.
They banned you for saying hung instead of hanged
:) jk
Truth and how refteshing it is
Are the stars going to start outing the Deep State? Using their tools against then?
... Getting more popcorn!
Can't find that tweet but he seems to be legit. Found this instead which is pretty much the same
I miss Daisy Duke :(
(and Flash)
She will live on forever through those shorts.
Gawd if I could be a patch of denim for a day..,
Have you seen her lately?
Nope. Don’t care to… she is frozen in time and bent over the General Lee ;)
Maga can't be judge, jury, and executioner!
My personal view is Joe Biden should be charged for treason and stand trial. Death by hangings is the harshest penalty allowed for a conviction of treason, there are lesser penalties a Judge/Jury can impose
America's two tiered justice system needs to end
It's his opinion and we still have a right to say someone should get the death penalty for treason. I'm MAGA and of the same opinion and I have every right to say that. He never said Joe should get vigilante justice.
Already a done deal, bro. Err…I mean Bo.
Coo coo coo, funny
Yea, then he got a visit from the Secret Service:
Ridiculous. Have they visited every freak that threatened Trump's life, doubtful? There were/are many "stars" that did so publicly.
Just some good ole boys
consensus thinking
Hanged, not hung
Barrack hanged
Big Mike hung
Totally agree with him.
As I've said elsewhere: Do not piss off Jonathan Kent.
Where’s his gofundme? I’d drop him a couple bucks.
The Great Awakening is upon us.
Hanged. But I concur.
Put it on Pay-Per-View. National debt solved.
Unpopular opinion: The ass that Biden is making of himself in front of the world right now is exactly the reason he will not be hung.
He was flipped using the evidence that Hunter provided against him, and the role that he is playing right now, being the scapegoat for all of the chaos that has to come to destroy the cabal, is the only thing sparing him from the rope.
I don’t think it can happen. I believe he’s already gone, along with a lot of others.
Pa Kent has spoken!!
Add me to that list as well.
I tend to agree, actually.