1: Jan's recent popularity from her BBC news moment has catapulted her right into the top tiers of the PaYtriot movement and she's lapping it up.
2: This is a classic misdirecting bait-and-switch.
With a list (not THE list) coming out, throwing Trump's name in the mix gets the left in a frenzy to share the info which makes it viral and circulates it better. Once this happens, the truth about Trump never going to the island and in fact Trump seemingly to be one of the few to actually help with Epstien's prosecution is explained. This exonerates Trump (for the bazillionth time) and forces the left to swallow another red pill.
I'm leaning towards #1. Probably won't take much time to tell.
Agreed. I’ve listened to her since she appeared and the paytriots at BIN found her and dug their hooks in. I think she is legitimate, Trump-approved and is playing a significant part in getting info out.
45 retruthed her interview about election fraud, which was early on in her recent re-emergence into the alt-media spotlight.
It means nothing more than that. She said something 45 considered true about election fraud... which predates much of the kooky larpy shit she started spewing afterwards.
The MSM tells the truth occasionally too. Do you believe all the crap they push as well?
I'm sorry not sorry, but when your main outlets to the public are known grifter paytriot circles the likes of Charlie Ward, Simon Parkes, Nino, Scott McKay, & Juan the Con... then by default anons should immediately question everything they are pushing.
The only folks who fell in any so called rabbit holes are those gullible enough to do so. Many anons here have been vocal about the paytriot grift for years now and still some anons are addicted to any kind of hopium they can latch on to... even if it comes from literal sophists.
I mean, sure. Let’s wait for the 24/48 hour/day rule. But upon grifting, you are in the clinker until verifiable evidence pulls you out, because verifiable evidence put you in in the first place.
This is why We all should, Myself Included, exercise more caution regarding people who pop up out of nowhere and somehow becomes a face for this movement.
She should correct her statement. Unless that was in fact her goal all along."
What continues to strike me as odd about Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes is the MSM ignores her. It seems like the things she says would make for great story lines on how President Trump is openly undermining the Biden Administration. Or, at the very least, use her statements to kick the Anon community.
I literally explained this to people at a bar last weekend. He wants to and needs to be PLACED in the realm with the bad actors, so that normie and far left libs will be screamin from rooftops to find out who went to Epstein Island.
He rode on that plane before to NY or NJ because it's part of the OP for the media to "place him" in this realm.
Yet another person too many people suddenly latch on to….just like my earlier post on someone else…”the authoritative voice”
“ Brian Cates - Political Columnist & Pundit •
“Extensive use of religious nomenclature and 'the authoritative voice' at
all times is a key sign of a manipulator. There is a certain large segment of society that falls for the religious con man because they are psychologically wired to trust an authoritative
figure who uses 'the right words.”
thanks ,24 rule,better than jumping off cliffs,deepends / forgone conclusion's/ there destroying this lady over on nitter,looks like crow is in order for supper
Mystery solved. Now this does tell us she is not much better than some of us posting quick hot takes on the latest and greatest OMG! without checking it out first. So add her impulsivity to the pile when interpreting things she has said.
If she has so much in side information, where has she been? Something about her doesn't set well with me. I agree with Orangetastic......psycho-chick vibes. Also she doesn't look exactly like I remember her when I first saw her.
“ Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes
“I owe everyone a huge apology! Those logs were given to a politician by a court Whistleblower. I trusted this politician. I made a huge mistake. And thank you for calling me out.”
Emotionally charged knee jerk reactions do our cause a great disservice and this thread is chock full of them. Dont make comments based on feelings. Dig. If you think shes a paytriot and want me to concur, prove it, or at least give me something more than your feelings on the matter. This is a psychological war. Dont allow evil to easily score direct hits and dont allow a patriots misdirection to root out cabal players and push the lefts normies to realization, fool you.
We reside in the foggy domain between truth and lies. Being reactionary is playing into satans hand.
Whatever her role, setting up a psyop to get the left to dig into the Epstein logs or a grifter to get anons to go down fake rabbit holes, with this post she has effectively lost the Anons support for anything she says. She just paid a huge price for this comment.
FYI: In 1997, Little St. James was owned Arch Cummins and was for sale, island was bought in 1998 by Epstein’s company.
haha what if Trump DID go there...before Epstein owned it...that's some mind blown shit. Surveillance?
Trump probably went to see it for real estate, maybe knew Cummins,, decided to pass on it, and Epstein wound up buying it instead.
I think you’re right.
Then Jan Halper is likely setting a trap for the MSM so we can call them idiots if they publish it as a proof of wrongdoing.
Dig and find that Jan is Team Obama.
You just blew up the doomer and shills narrative in this thread.
I find it amazing that very few thought to go look up the year and the island’s history.
Interesting. Is this Wikipedia? Technically she could be telling the truth. Just a little word play?
I found information on Wikipedia
up you go. this is the answer
I see two scenarios here:
1: Jan's recent popularity from her BBC news moment has catapulted her right into the top tiers of the PaYtriot movement and she's lapping it up.
2: This is a classic misdirecting bait-and-switch.
With a list (not THE list) coming out, throwing Trump's name in the mix gets the left in a frenzy to share the info which makes it viral and circulates it better. Once this happens, the truth about Trump never going to the island and in fact Trump seemingly to be one of the few to actually help with Epstien's prosecution is explained. This exonerates Trump (for the bazillionth time) and forces the left to swallow another red pill.
I'm leaning towards #1. Probably won't take much time to tell.
Your #2 is actually the most insightful comment in this thread, so far. Good thought.
I'm leaning towards #2 as well, especially after my Morning coffee....kek
The problem with #1 is Trump actually recognizing her on a Truth.
+++ on Truth has also implied she's a good one
I'll take door number two, RAD. Everything she puts out there is purposeful. Of that, I feel certain.
Agreed. I’ve listened to her since she appeared and the paytriots at BIN found her and dug their hooks in. I think she is legitimate, Trump-approved and is playing a significant part in getting info out.
Your intuition is spot on. #1 is the correct answer.
Hayes is no different than the scummy paytriot circles she hangs with. Anons are their target audience.
Why did Trump recognize her on a Truth then and send us all chasing rabbits down the hole?
45 retruthed her interview about election fraud, which was early on in her recent re-emergence into the alt-media spotlight.
It means nothing more than that. She said something 45 considered true about election fraud... which predates much of the kooky larpy shit she started spewing afterwards.
The MSM tells the truth occasionally too. Do you believe all the crap they push as well?
I'm sorry not sorry, but when your main outlets to the public are known grifter paytriot circles the likes of Charlie Ward, Simon Parkes, Nino, Scott McKay, & Juan the Con... then by default anons should immediately question everything they are pushing.
The only folks who fell in any so called rabbit holes are those gullible enough to do so. Many anons here have been vocal about the paytriot grift for years now and still some anons are addicted to any kind of hopium they can latch on to... even if it comes from literal sophists.
She’s the female Lin Wood.
I mean, sure. Let’s wait for the 24/48 hour/day rule. But upon grifting, you are in the clinker until verifiable evidence pulls you out, because verifiable evidence put you in in the first place.
I said what I said. IDGAF
"Trump went from West Palm Beach to New Jersey. Never went to the island.
Pg 470- PBI to EWR. https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/6250471/Epstein-Docs.pdf
This is why We all should, Myself Included, exercise more caution regarding people who pop up out of nowhere and somehow becomes a face for this movement.
She should correct her statement. Unless that was in fact her goal all along."
(Pepe Deluxe)
I like some of the things she says, but...
Due to my early dating history, I've become very attuned to psycho-chick vibes. And she pins my internal meter.
But I could be wrong...
I dont play feelings ball.
when your feelings are screaming for you to use discretion, you should listen.
It's not yer feelings stopping you, but Someone else and you should mind that still, small voice...
What continues to strike me as odd about Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes is the MSM ignores her. It seems like the things she says would make for great story lines on how President Trump is openly undermining the Biden Administration. Or, at the very least, use her statements to kick the Anon community.
I notice this is well.
Daddy T is a white hat honey pot.
I literally explained this to people at a bar last weekend. He wants to and needs to be PLACED in the realm with the bad actors, so that normie and far left libs will be screamin from rooftops to find out who went to Epstein Island.
He rode on that plane before to NY or NJ because it's part of the OP for the media to "place him" in this realm.
"it's a trap!"
YES. And this is precisely why he called attention to Jan. People are missing this. Q followers should know better.
Yet another person too many people suddenly latch on to….just like my earlier post on someone else…”the authoritative voice”
“ Brian Cates - Political Columnist & Pundit • @drawandstrike “Extensive use of religious nomenclature and 'the authoritative voice' at all times is a key sign of a manipulator. There is a certain large segment of society that falls for the religious con man because they are psychologically wired to trust an authoritative figure who uses 'the right words.”
That’s funny because Cates is part of her same crew. He knows this tactic well and uses it himself.
This is her response: https://twitter.com/Biz_Shrink/status/1740594982581624991
I love the responses to her!
24 hr rule me thinks
comment above that the island was sold in 1998 is the answer :)
SHE RETRACTED THIS STATEMENT HERE: https://twitter.com/Biz_Shrink/status/1740790026802462918
thanks ,24 rule,better than jumping off cliffs,deepends / forgone conclusion's/ there destroying this lady over on nitter,looks like crow is in order for supper
Mystery solved. Now this does tell us she is not much better than some of us posting quick hot takes on the latest and greatest OMG! without checking it out first. So add her impulsivity to the pile when interpreting things she has said.
Maybe she's running some sort of reverse psychology psyop?
By her posting this it puts more eyes on the fact that he never went to pedo Island?
Just spitballing here
Her choice of Twitter handle sums up how she wants to be seen
If she has so much in side information, where has she been? Something about her doesn't set well with me. I agree with Orangetastic......psycho-chick vibes. Also she doesn't look exactly like I remember her when I first saw her.
And she’s had the female light bearer (think Columbia/Sony pictures) painting in some videos.
Freemason theology. Sus.
BAIT maybe!
She's made an apology and corrected herself on Truth.
Soooo…..oops? Lol
“ Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes @Biz_Shrink · 4h “I owe everyone a huge apology! Those logs were given to a politician by a court Whistleblower. I trusted this politician. I made a huge mistake. And thank you for calling me out.”
Emotionally charged knee jerk reactions do our cause a great disservice and this thread is chock full of them. Dont make comments based on feelings. Dig. If you think shes a paytriot and want me to concur, prove it, or at least give me something more than your feelings on the matter. This is a psychological war. Dont allow evil to easily score direct hits and dont allow a patriots misdirection to root out cabal players and push the lefts normies to realization, fool you.
We reside in the foggy domain between truth and lies. Being reactionary is playing into satans hand.
Whatever her role, setting up a psyop to get the left to dig into the Epstein logs or a grifter to get anons to go down fake rabbit holes, with this post she has effectively lost the Anons support for anything she says. She just paid a huge price for this comment.
Only listened to her one and half times. Nothing she says is original. She's a parrot, not a researcher, analyst, or select operator.
☝️ This bigly if not yugely.
That's exactly what she does. Same as Juan O... it's all old moldy bread and narrative without evidence given with an allusion to inside sources.