it's a good start. the other thing is to stop federal student loan guarantees, and to let student loans be dischargable upon declaring bankruptcy. that would hit the money people in the place it hurts most, and the wheels would come flying off the whole bullshit float
Nothing more sobering than a solid defeat, keep pushing forward and dont worry with waking them up, they will wake up eventually or not, they may be a little late to the party but they’ll wake up when they wake up. Until such time they are enemy combatants and their Awakening is not my concern.
Sticky for the good discussion we should really have soon in the education world.
My off the cusp idea is:
The military needs to have a Patriot officer take over as the President of each institution, and present a mass speech to the student body that they’ve been lied to, and each will have to now take a Civics Class for a year to help un-brainwash them.
Otherwise I don’t know. I fear The Plan has fallen short on how to undo near 2 generations of young people’s DemoLib indoctrination….. so far. We want to wipe out the Cabal, but seeds have already been planted in these young people who will certainly outlive all of us current Anons.
I don’t have a good answer for undoing this. Only something extremely profound going forward will help them see the years of BS they’ve been fed.
Libs, especially young college libs, won't listen to anyone lecturing them about brainwashing. Their emotional defenses go up because they believe they arrived at their worldview as independent thinkers, as contradictory as that sounds.
Deprogramming will likely occur when they seek it themselves without realizing it. This is what's happening with the black population right now. No one needed to lecture black people about the decades of liberal race baiting and cultural decay through hip hop. They saw a mugshot of Trump and they remembered he's the guy who pushed prison reform and lowered black unemployment. So now they're making Youtube videos about abandoning the Democratic party.
This is how the plan is unfolding. Through mass media, it's slowly defusing the cultural time bomb by cutting each wire in a specific sequence.
I'm super late to this one, but I think if's important to not focus on undergraduate/graduate education first. We have to start with much younger students, and give them a solid foundation in American history and civics. We need to give the Javier Milei treatment ("Aufera!") to the federal Department of Education, and return schools to local (State or even County) governance, delete all traces of Common Core, DEI and Alphabet Mafia (aka the LGBTQ+ crowd) from all elementary, middle and high schools. We also need to do away with teachers' unions; they've become far too sprawling and powerful. I have no practical ideas about HOW to do this last one, but I think it's a crucial step. Put out a call for American patriots to apply for these new teaching positions.
As for the young adults who are already being indoctrinated, I think we're already seeing some law firms and big businesses saying, "We won't hire graduates from XYZ University, or graduates from ABC University's School of (whatever discipline). It's a good start. If enough of these businesses wake up from the virtue-signaling WEF/IMF spell they seem to be under, and return focus on their customers, shareholders and turning a profit, it might be enough for a paradigm shift to convince these arrogant and ignorant youngsters that there are potential long-term financial consequences for their actions & statements. New colleges and universities should be instituted with a focus on Christian, conservative values and an insistence on true free thought and speech. Potential investors are out there; I'm sure many have written angry letters to their alma maters describing their dismay at the direction these schools have taken. This is more of that "parallel economy" we've been talking about for years.
As for the college professors, give them all the Socrates treatment. They've corrupted the youth.
I like some of these ideas alot. It seems to me publicly funded universities are a lost cause. I feel that we need to teach our children at a young age that college is not the thing that we should strive for when we get out of high school.
In my opinion, we should be teaching them how to read and interpret the Bible and constitution, seriously emphasize survival skills, teach financial systems and government systems and how they have been corrupted in the past, TRUE history of the US, as much world history as they can fit in, and how to seek a life partner that's will enable us to have a strong marriage and healthy family, etc.
I just think if they know they have all the tools to survive by graduation, they will have confidence and not rely on outside approval (college and social media).
In conclusion: Stop telling kids they'll never be successful if they don't get into college. This was the lie told to my generation. As a result, most of my generation attended college and it probably did more harm than good for most.
Amen. These are all solid points! It turns out, even though (((they))) told us that "fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life" it's precisely these things that they have been preparing generations of our young people to do! College increasingly doesn't lead to success, but it is almost guaranteed to lead to debt. The kind of debt that chains one, slave-like, to a gospel of indoctrination. For example, have you met any MDs in the past few years who would literally do ANYTHING to anyone to make a buck, no matter how dangerous or deadly?
I'm a Gen-Xer. Almost all of my peers went to college. It was just what you did. I got one of those "useless" degrees, but I was able to find myself in a good career (which has hardly anything to do with what it says on my diploma) because I was able to parlay a collection of "soft skills" which were mostly instilled in me by my family into attributes that my employers have found appealing. I don't think a lot of kids today understand that second ingredient. Many of them seem to think the world owes them something simply because they exist. That is a completely foreign concept to me and many of my peers.
People vetted to do the proper job by the military. Especially if martial law is put into place for any period, this would be simple to do and have it continue under a “National Emergency” declaration just like the whole Covid Hoax.
I love Campus Reform videos. All these liberal students are moronic.
Do you like the green new deal?
Oh I LOVE it!
Yeah? Well here’s what’s in it! (Details)
So you’re down with that?
Rinse and repeat. It was really fun watching all the woke college kids say that diversity is a requirement in all areas of their school. It’s an absolute necessity.
What about your football team?
These college kids are incapable of simple analysis, yet they have strident opinions.
If you are not liberal in your youth it shows you have no heart ..if you are still a liberal as an adult it shows you have no sense...churchill I think
Very likely, he did. But he was not the first to share such a sensible sentiment. Many others did so long before, including American Founding Father, John Adams.
Nice to see that our higher education is fair and balanced. Hate for any Flag hugging Patriots to become a teacher there, they'd get fired on the first day for reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.
Most of those people will grow up at some point, and become Conservative. Some might do it as early as Grad-school.
If one is not a raging communist hippie when at University, hanging out at the coffee-shop eating brownies and wearing a red beret and Che t-shirt, with a handy reference from Saul Alinsky, and Marx, of course, then what are ya? One needs a edgy narrative to attract a partner, after all.
Also, staging sit-ins is fun - one gets to engage in a bit of grubby socializing.
There is so little viewpoint diversity in academia that students don’t even realize that what they are being taught is an ideology, not a factual analysis.
Democratic professors outnumber Republican ones by 9 to 1 ratio, according to new data
Langbert, M., Quain, A.J. & Klein, D. B. (2016). Faculty Voter Registration in Economics, History, Journalism, Law, and Psychology. ECON JOURNAL WATCH 13(3) September 2016: 422–451
A recent study found that a small fraction of American journalists are Republicans. The study from Syracuse University's Newhouse School of Public Communications found that just 3.4% of American journalists identify as Republicans.
As a conservative professor, I would NEVER choose this profession again.
In the 1990's it was approx 50% conservative and 50% libs, so the students received a well-rounded view of the world.
Simple. Don't go to some fancy pants university! Emphasize to your children the importance of considering a trade or technical school, a permanent labor position/trade, entrepreneurship, military, and a litany of other much healthier (both mentally & financially) alternatives to big box retail college.
Teach them to weld.
those types can not do physical labor they probably wouldn't even know which end to hold
On the bright side, I hear they have one less liberal faculty member on their staff, so things are starting to turn around.
To add to that, many campuses are having harder and harder times passing the liberals and the conservative groups are simply not attending college.
My cousin was head-hunted to go to Harvard. He toured and tried it out, then noped the hell out of there.
Proud of him.
Zero public funding
it's a good start. the other thing is to stop federal student loan guarantees, and to let student loans be dischargable upon declaring bankruptcy. that would hit the money people in the place it hurts most, and the wheels would come flying off the whole bullshit float
And the ones claiming to be less liberal, or conservative are lying.
Nothing more sobering than a solid defeat, keep pushing forward and dont worry with waking them up, they will wake up eventually or not, they may be a little late to the party but they’ll wake up when they wake up. Until such time they are enemy combatants and their Awakening is not my concern.
If you give your children to be taught by Cesar then don't complain when they come home as Romans.
Education and funding education is not the role of governments. It is traditionally the role of the parents and the church.
Sticky for the good discussion we should really have soon in the education world.
My off the cusp idea is:
The military needs to have a Patriot officer take over as the President of each institution, and present a mass speech to the student body that they’ve been lied to, and each will have to now take a Civics Class for a year to help un-brainwash them.
Otherwise I don’t know. I fear The Plan has fallen short on how to undo near 2 generations of young people’s DemoLib indoctrination….. so far. We want to wipe out the Cabal, but seeds have already been planted in these young people who will certainly outlive all of us current Anons.
I don’t have a good answer for undoing this. Only something extremely profound going forward will help them see the years of BS they’ve been fed.
Libs, especially young college libs, won't listen to anyone lecturing them about brainwashing. Their emotional defenses go up because they believe they arrived at their worldview as independent thinkers, as contradictory as that sounds.
Deprogramming will likely occur when they seek it themselves without realizing it. This is what's happening with the black population right now. No one needed to lecture black people about the decades of liberal race baiting and cultural decay through hip hop. They saw a mugshot of Trump and they remembered he's the guy who pushed prison reform and lowered black unemployment. So now they're making Youtube videos about abandoning the Democratic party.
This is how the plan is unfolding. Through mass media, it's slowly defusing the cultural time bomb by cutting each wire in a specific sequence.
Yep. As Q said, totally regulated and controlled.
Well the President did say (albeit half jokingly), he will be a dictator for one day only and only day 1, to correct the mess.
I'm super late to this one, but I think if's important to not focus on undergraduate/graduate education first. We have to start with much younger students, and give them a solid foundation in American history and civics. We need to give the Javier Milei treatment ("Aufera!") to the federal Department of Education, and return schools to local (State or even County) governance, delete all traces of Common Core, DEI and Alphabet Mafia (aka the LGBTQ+ crowd) from all elementary, middle and high schools. We also need to do away with teachers' unions; they've become far too sprawling and powerful. I have no practical ideas about HOW to do this last one, but I think it's a crucial step. Put out a call for American patriots to apply for these new teaching positions.
As for the young adults who are already being indoctrinated, I think we're already seeing some law firms and big businesses saying, "We won't hire graduates from XYZ University, or graduates from ABC University's School of (whatever discipline). It's a good start. If enough of these businesses wake up from the virtue-signaling WEF/IMF spell they seem to be under, and return focus on their customers, shareholders and turning a profit, it might be enough for a paradigm shift to convince these arrogant and ignorant youngsters that there are potential long-term financial consequences for their actions & statements. New colleges and universities should be instituted with a focus on Christian, conservative values and an insistence on true free thought and speech. Potential investors are out there; I'm sure many have written angry letters to their alma maters describing their dismay at the direction these schools have taken. This is more of that "parallel economy" we've been talking about for years.
As for the college professors, give them all the Socrates treatment. They've corrupted the youth.
Just my two cents.
I like some of these ideas alot. It seems to me publicly funded universities are a lost cause. I feel that we need to teach our children at a young age that college is not the thing that we should strive for when we get out of high school.
In my opinion, we should be teaching them how to read and interpret the Bible and constitution, seriously emphasize survival skills, teach financial systems and government systems and how they have been corrupted in the past, TRUE history of the US, as much world history as they can fit in, and how to seek a life partner that's will enable us to have a strong marriage and healthy family, etc.
I just think if they know they have all the tools to survive by graduation, they will have confidence and not rely on outside approval (college and social media).
In conclusion: Stop telling kids they'll never be successful if they don't get into college. This was the lie told to my generation. As a result, most of my generation attended college and it probably did more harm than good for most.
Amen. These are all solid points! It turns out, even though (((they))) told us that "fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life" it's precisely these things that they have been preparing generations of our young people to do! College increasingly doesn't lead to success, but it is almost guaranteed to lead to debt. The kind of debt that chains one, slave-like, to a gospel of indoctrination. For example, have you met any MDs in the past few years who would literally do ANYTHING to anyone to make a buck, no matter how dangerous or deadly?
I'm a Gen-Xer. Almost all of my peers went to college. It was just what you did. I got one of those "useless" degrees, but I was able to find myself in a good career (which has hardly anything to do with what it says on my diploma) because I was able to parlay a collection of "soft skills" which were mostly instilled in me by my family into attributes that my employers have found appealing. I don't think a lot of kids today understand that second ingredient. Many of them seem to think the world owes them something simply because they exist. That is a completely foreign concept to me and many of my peers.
Who would teach the civics classes? The same teachers that already teach them? The patriot officer?
People vetted to do the proper job by the military. Especially if martial law is put into place for any period, this would be simple to do and have it continue under a “National Emergency” declaration just like the whole Covid Hoax.
At least that’s how I’d do it.
You would need people to be vetted. There would need to be an interview process of millions of people to teach tens of millions of students.
Chicken/egg though.They wouldn't have gotten in unless the were "liberal" or "very liberal".
I literally just said the same thing and then saw your comment, don't worry I didn't go to Harvard or plagiarize your comment, it was coincidence.
HAHA I do the same thing all the time. It's so GAY.
I love Campus Reform videos. All these liberal students are moronic.
Do you like the green new deal?
Oh I LOVE it!
Yeah? Well here’s what’s in it! (Details)
So you’re down with that?
Rinse and repeat. It was really fun watching all the woke college kids say that diversity is a requirement in all areas of their school. It’s an absolute necessity.
What about your football team?
These college kids are incapable of simple analysis, yet they have strident opinions.
The entire university board needs to resign
They probably need to check the 'box' in the application.
Harvard was started by the puritans, and has been destroyed by satanists.
Did they turn them liberal or favor liberal applicants? Chicken or the egg.
Maybe both
If you are not liberal in your youth it shows you have no heart ..if you are still a liberal as an adult it shows you have no sense...churchill I think
Very likely, he did. But he was not the first to share such a sensible sentiment. Many others did so long before, including American Founding Father, John Adams.
I like john adams
Me, too!
Not bright enough to realize a Harvard grad is now damaged goods.
You make them feel the precipice ( a feeling that their lives are in grave danger, consistently, for a year )
Probably ALL plagiarized their work too. Time to check them all.
I agree! Re-check all their papers.
Damn, I Feel bad for the 20% who have to constantly bite their tongue for fear of being bullied, and ostracized by these leftist freaks.
Nice to see that our higher education is fair and balanced. Hate for any Flag hugging Patriots to become a teacher there, they'd get fired on the first day for reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.
My graduating class was all Conservatives. It's only been 10 years. -_-
Most of those people will grow up at some point, and become Conservative. Some might do it as early as Grad-school.
If one is not a raging communist hippie when at University, hanging out at the coffee-shop eating brownies and wearing a red beret and Che t-shirt, with a handy reference from Saul Alinsky, and Marx, of course, then what are ya? One needs a edgy narrative to attract a partner, after all.
Also, staging sit-ins is fun - one gets to engage in a bit of grubby socializing.
There is so little viewpoint diversity in academia that students don’t even realize that what they are being taught is an ideology, not a factual analysis.
Democratic professors outnumber Republican ones by 9 to 1 ratio, according to new data
Langbert, M., Quain, A.J. & Klein, D. B. (2016). Faculty Voter Registration in Economics, History, Journalism, Law, and Psychology. ECON JOURNAL WATCH 13(3) September 2016: 422–451
A recent study found that a small fraction of American journalists are Republicans. The study from Syracuse University's Newhouse School of Public Communications found that just 3.4% of American journalists identify as Republicans.
As a conservative professor, I would NEVER choose this profession again. In the 1990's it was approx 50% conservative and 50% libs, so the students received a well-rounded view of the world.
now: Indoctrination NOT EDUCATION.😒
To be fair, these institutions probably take on 80%+ liberals anyway
I believe this is probably the true percentage for most colleges and universities out there.
… which is the acceptable term for socialist/communist.
Simple. Don't go to some fancy pants university! Emphasize to your children the importance of considering a trade or technical school, a permanent labor position/trade, entrepreneurship, military, and a litany of other much healthier (both mentally & financially) alternatives to big box retail college.
You don’t. Go someplace else
Some critters ain't ever gonna learn...