I can’t and won’t say what he does. But it’s MAGA. I didn’t tell anyone until I was there for a year or so but my boss left recently. It hasn’t been a secret for a while and now the CEO cut me out leaving me and my team high and dry. Please pray for me and them. I have an interview soon and need to mail it. Thank you frens.
Edit: Thank you to everyone that replied and said prayers. Amen and on to new beginnings. I have no idea where this journey goes!
Dear Lord, please help your servant, HeratofStone2, make it through her interview on Tuesday without any tremors and may she make such an impression on them that she obtains a good job offer from them. Please also protect her team whom I assume still remain behind at her old job from being laid off or abused any way. We ask this in Your name, Lord. Amen
Any time I've been fired or laid off or quit a job I hated I have always ended up in a better place. Sometimes God has to take something away to give you something better. Even if you were fired because you're a MAGA supporter, God may be moving you to a job or situation that will be better for you. Don't give in to hopelessness or despair. Look forward to better days.
THIS! ^ God has plans for you.
Right don't fear that change.
We often underestimate our value and worth. And fail to see that we can be so much more and do so much more.
Yes and yes. The transition may be difficult, but growth only comes with change.
This! Also consider starting your own business...speaking from experience...getting laid off worked out really well in the long run.
Right. View it as an opportunity not a crushing loss.
Can confirm - just happened to me as well (the lay-off and getting a better job).
OP be careful. You might just end up in Trump's administration. Good luck!
Every.Single.Time. 👍
Gather your evidence and submit it to James O’Keefe at OMG. Fight back like a MAGA patriot. 🙏
There is not evidence by my part but I do know enough about other stuff not sure what route to go
Praying for you guys. You will get through this.
I have often wondered if there are systems in place to sniff out conservatives. I've had two employers who suddenly tried performance managing me out when I was hitting my quotas. Microsoft and LinkedIn were so politically charged when i worked for them I actually deleted all my social media as a defensive counter measure to protect my job. Google fired me for not taking the vaccine despite approving my religious exemption.
I have also wondered if there is a "black list" in place for conservatives looking for jobs. I have a extensive experience in my field, worked for almost all the tech companies. Hit my numbers 90% of the time, but I can't even get a call back from mid market to enterprise level firms despite having what I would consider a powerhouse resume.
Good luck. You are not alone. Stay strong, you guys will make it out of this.
I hope the tables will turn when we get the country back from the predators.
Many states publicly post residents’ voter registration and party affiliation. In Texas, they post online each registered voter’s full name, home address, party affiliation from their voter registration, and it lists even the elections you’ve voted in (but not the names of who you cast votes for - so the voter themselves can’t verify their votes were even accurately entered, of course).
It’s insane - and Texas voters have no say over them publishing our personal data like this! Guarantee companies are using this public data to discriminate and punish conservatives. I’m convinced I’ve been targeted by this publicly posted voter data. I’ve been let go for no legitimate reason from several mega libtard companies and I do NOT talk about anything political at work.
People who scam are always alert to those who are honest, because they'll eventually show them up. So they gang up. Whenever they think they can't get caught, the lazy grifters leave black marks on your record.
Startup culture rewards actual performance. Hope you're in a better place now.
Companies usually don't offer severance packages unless they they feel like they need to for some reason. I suspect your severance package is safe.
As for the tremors, I've had nerve damage that causes tremors since birth. It sucks sometimes. It took practice, but I can now minimize them by calming my mind. That's a tall order when you're interviewing. So, do those things that you know help, like eliminating caffeine and sugar as far before the interview as possible. Next, believe in yourself. Just like everything else in life, your attitude makes a huge difference in the outcome. Let us know how this works out for you.
But read the severance agreement - there will very likely be language that limits or fully precludes your ability to engage further.
There is no severance agreement. They agreed to severance in word only so it’s hopes and prayers for that. Otherwise it was termination with a black stain on a 25 year career for nothing I did wrong. Good and bad. Once the deposit is made…but until then I have no confidence it will happen.
You sound level headed and approaching it from the right perspective. If you are in a right-to-work state, they can fire you at any time for any reason. And if your former CEO or the hierarchy are lefties, you can guarantee you will get purged at some point if a protector is moved.
My wife is high up at a well known liberal .org. She actually has to pretend she is a lib or they'd can her despite generating millions upon millions for the .org. We've since moved from DC to NC and she's fully remote except a couple meetings a year. Her coworkers know I'm MAGA. One of them actually said to her "how can you be married to a Trump supporter?". These people are loons.
Prepare and know what the company does and all about their business. Best of luck in your interview.
I still can't get my mind around the fact that someone would be fired for merely being a Trump supporter. I could maybe see that happening if a person was very vocal and argumentative about it with other, but not just for being a supporter of another candidate.
I lived in DC through the entire election and PDJT 4 years in office. If you worked for the Fed, law firms, non profits, NGOs, etc. most were infested with libtards in high positions and would excoriate you or get you fired if they had the power . I've seen it up close and personal. You'd be shocked how bad it is inside the Federal government, depending on the agency.
One incident was a State Dept employee with a Trump picture on her desk. She was drummed out of her job AND they sicc'd Fairfax County CPS on her and took her kid from her for zero reason.
Don't doubt that it's happening fren. From the prospective of an old guy and my memory of an earlier time, it's just so shocking the level of evil operating in our gov, an businesses, and that the majority are just taking it on the chin without storming the gates, so to speak.
I have two close family members who are very high placed in D.C. now. I can't name them because I'm not a name dropper, not do I want to bring attention to myself or them.
Don't need any name dropping. DC is a crazy place. I lived there for over 40 years. Only moved away 2 years ago. My family is CIA, ODNI, etc. They don't even speak to me because I'm conservative/MAGA. I know a lot of high level folks as well. I used to work for LTG Flynn's team on certain projects. My former boss is one of the figures in the Flynn Intelligence Group photo. That's as close as I'll get to name dropping.
Absolutely right.
I heard my cousin say once that he was shaking so bad he could thread a sewing machine running wide open.
Wow! I've been there, but your cousin has a much better way with words than I do. A mind like that could have great future in comedy.
Thank you.
We're all family here ;) I pray this new job turns out to be a thousand times better than the one in your rear-view mirror. You got this.
Thank you.
Just checking in. How did the interview go? Did you get your severance pay?
Thanks fren! Interview went well and they put a severance offer in writing just waiting for the $$$.
That's awesome! Congratulations.
Lifting you up in prayer, Fren. Praying that you will awaken to the opportunity God is setting before you because of this change.
May God's grace, providence, and peace come upon you.
In Jesus' name, Amen.
Keeping you and your team in my prayers. May you all be blessed with great jobs making America great again.
My son was fired for not taking a vax. He turned around and got a better job with a better crowd, within a week.
So prayers for your next interview. God will help you.
friend - We invested a ton of money and moved from Ohio to Texas. After being there 3 months with a mortgage twice of our old house, I nearly died from septic shock and was fired from my job.
God didn’t move us for all to fail - just like you didn’t lose your job to become destiture. There is a reason! We recovered and are humble and thankful - we are better off now than we ever were, PRAISE GOD!
So happy to hear your move to Texas worked out due! 🤗
Praying for you HeartofStone2! I believe God is moving you for a reason! Please keep us updated on your path. Blessings to you and your husband!🙏
When one door closes, another one opens. I feel like something better is on the way and this simply frees you up for that!
My girlfriend gets tremors like that too. It always kicks in my protective instincts towards her.
Mine come on when I'm really stressed. My body quakes. SOmetimes, I don't even know I'm emotionally wrung out until the shakes begin. Doc says it's a PTSD symptom.
She has anxiety so that lines up
Firing you is meant to punish and hurt you. Don't give them the satisfaction. Endings are seeds for new beginnings and every bad thing that has ever happened to me forced me to make decisions I NEVER would have made which led me to people I never would have known , to places and things I never would have gone or done. For all of that, when I look back (you look back) I am so grateful...you will be too...it just doesn't feel like it when you're in that first step of the journey at this very moment but it will be thru the fruition of time you will realize it was a blessing in disguise.
You'll be in my prayers.
Favorite saying from an old electrician friend. I was looking for a job when I found this one.
father, in jesus name i ask that she - Nail it!
Be assured you are on to bigger and better times. Stay positive, that you can overcome this setback and continue to follow the path God has set for you. Prayers to God in Jesus name that you and your coworkers will use this as an opportunity for even greater success. Dream big and God will deliver. 🙏🏼
I know this position all too well fren. Christ has you during this. Some doors get closed for reasons you may not realize just yet. When I got my closed door it felt like the end of my world. It ended up being the best thing that could have ever happened to me. Prayers will be sent.
HeartofStone2, I am so sorry. Praying for you and your husband. Hoping the new CEO gets what he deserves.
Heavenly Father, We pray for HeartofStone2 and her husband, and ask that You would provide a new job for her, as they likely need the income . While they wait for Your provision, we ask You to give them peace and assurance of Your presence. Amen
As James directs us to give practical help, I offer a link that may be helpful:
And a song of encouragement from Farrell and Farrell (one of my favorite CCM artists): (He Will Always Make A Way) Bob Farrell and Jane Farrell (AKA Farrell and Farrell): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m10LtmsYMzE
I was fired once, almost 19 years ago, not for political reasons, but I just didn't fit in with the rest of the guys in my IT department. I was told I would be let go at the end of the summer, which they told me to give me time to find another job. They were dicks, but they weren't completely heartless. I was a nervous wreck all summer - I had one interview that didn't work out, and it wasn't looking good. The day they let me go, I felt a huge weight lift off my shoulders. I now had full days, every day, to look for a new job, which I did. In just a couple of days, I had 2 very nice interviews, one of which worked out, and I've been there over 18 years now. I've gotten some very nice raises over the years, and things couldn't be better for me. Someone told me about 8 or 9 years ago, that I could go somewhere else and make even better money, but I always replied that I'm not staying because of money. I'm happy where I'm at.
Hang in there fren, and don't lose hope! We're MAGA, and we don't fail!!! We may trip and stumble here and there, but good opportunities will find us all. Have faith in the Lord, and use your downtime wisely.
Good Luck!!!
Father, in you we live and move and have our being. That includes jobs and relationships. We know you work in all things, including loss and hardships. We pray to be given the mind of Christ to praise you in the lifting up and the casting down. We know you will provide for your servant exactly what is needed, and we thank you for this in the name of your son. Amen.
Prayers to you and your family. You will do fantastically on your interview. It may not feel like it right now, but it will all work out for the best. In 15 months that company may no longer exist, and you getting out will turn out to be the best thing that could have happened to you. God bless.
Everything happens for a reason... prayers for you and all the others
Prayers the way fren.
Your dinner is going to taste better than any meal you’ve ever eaten, and tomorrow will be the most beautiful day of your life.
Nothing is more scary than loss of income. I recently had a scare and can empathize with you. I prayed and asked the lord for help. Trust thr lord, look for opportunities and strengthen your will. It sounds like platitudes but it works. You are the man in the arena. You are the doer of deeds.
I think many of us here, at least myself, know exactly what it means to be fired from a job without cause. And what a terrible, life altering event it is and what it means for someone. I will remember you in my prayers, been there done that myself too many time.
The you fren
Hey, I just lost my job a week ago under shady circumstances as well so I can relate. I have a phone screening for a job tomorrow...
I'm trying so hard to keep the faith right now. Every hour it's getting harder and I'm hoping for the blackout or bank collapse at this point, I don't have much more to lose.
Don’t hope for the collapse. You will find a way my fren. I promise.
Best of luck on your interview. I'm sure God's got you in the palm of his hand.