This is likely true as well, but IRS only has Federal Jurisdiction as well, and payroll tax is “compelled fraud” and fully refundable if you ask for it back. I have received 3 years of 100% payroll tax back already, and they are processing back to 2009 for me now. File 1040-X with form 4852 W-2 correction form to zero out Box 1 W-2. For how values determined (field/line 9) use “All labor capital earned in exchange for labor in XX occupation was from labor performed 1. On private lands, 2. In non Federal job, and 3. In occupation not on Federal excise tax list for 20XX Tax Year”.
Going all the way back to 1987 to collect everything ever paid. IRS engaged in 7 types of fraud, 3 currently documented well enough to prove in court if I can trick them into giving me standing to sue. Result would likely be permanent injunction against IRS from collecting payroll tax in my state. Initial cost of Pro Se lawsuit $402 for Fed District Court, OR ~$505 if I go for Writ of Prohibition in Fed Circuit Court. Statutory remedy for fraud is 3x actual damage and 200x punitive with no statute of limitations.
More details here on how to reduce payroll tax if you Federal employee by exploiting section1 of tax code (no “wage” definition for “income tax”) vs section3 (with exclusive sect3 “wages” for social security”)
Have not heard of “Freedom Law School”, but sounds like a good idea. I am anonymously distributing nationwide “how-to” templates and lawsuit briefs to around 1200 targeted demographic areas to create numerous vectors of attack on IRS simultaneously so they don’t kill me. No joke.
Lots there in the old post in the main message (last link). That has instructions and a letter template that hits all the key legal points. I am reworking that post and may repost it soon. Brian Swanson is the guy that got me started down the rabbit hole, and then I compiled my own legal research confirming what he is saying. IRS Amendment not being properly ratified (ab initio fraud) is 1 of the 7 IRS frauds, but you don’t need to prove it to claim your sovereign “labor capital” property per 4th Amendment.
Key IRS frauds:
Jurisdictional fraud - they have Const. limited jurisdiction to 1. Federal lands, 2. Federal employees, 3. Occupations on Federal Excise Tax list
Compelled fraud - they force employers/corp to fraudulently misclassify labor capital as “taxable income” on W-2 by threatening to fine them per non LAW IRS rules
Operational fraud - per W. Virginia vs EPA (2022) SCOTUS ruling: An Article II entity may not usurp nor have delegated to it Constitutional authority that resides in an Article I entity (Congress, making Laws) or an Article III entity (Judiciary, imposing fines). Basically, all IRS rules (not LAWS) and Tax Courts (not COURTS) are automatically null and void, ab initio (from the beginning).
You are employee making a change to your own W-2. You are essentially saying “I do not consent to my labor capital being intentionally misclassified as income on this W-2.” Row#10 on 4852 you can put “letter sent to employer requesting W-2 correction”. Employer does not need to correct in order for it to work and to get full refund. Most employers likely will not correct as it is an admission of their complicity in the “compelled fraud” (i.e. they are forced under threat by IRS to misclassify the labor capital to trick you into thinking it is “taxable income”).
Legally employer is likely liable for the 203x damages, but unwise to threaten to sue employer while you still working for them. Respectful letter requesting a specific correction is all that is needed here since you don’t need them to do anything anyway.
I don’t know that part fully yet. Pushback on IRS as Corp or LLC by requesting “Congressionally approved Bill authorizing specific action or fine XX, and Federal Court documents with XX charges and court-ordered XX fine.” If the specific action is not authorized by a LAW, then it is not valid. Ref. W. Virginia v EPA (2022) in all challenges. IRS is terrified of that precedent being specifically applied to them via litigation if they do not do what you tell them to do (i.e. they give you standing to sue them).
Wow! I really need to block out time to study this. They know most people won’t. That’s how they get away with robbing American citizens just trying to do the “right thing”.
High probability that all taxes except sales tax are predicated on fraud and illegal if not outright unconstitutional. Common pattern being used by cabal is the following: "Rename that which CANNOT be explicitly taxed to some category that CAN be taxed, and then coerce via extortion and MSM brainwashing the payments." In some cases they literally fabricate something to permit taxation such as "real property" (i.e. instead of untaxable LAND) which is an entirely legal construct specifically for fraudulent tax collection, and is distinctly NOT 4th Amendment "property".
Yupp. We've built an entire society in which your ability to survive is predicated on your ability to stay employed constantly and consistently for your entire life so you can continue to pay both the government and private corporations...lest you fall behind, get your house taken for failure to pay property tax, or other repos.
You pay for the right to lease the land and dwelling on it. You never own it - biggest scam out there, “own property”. They will take that away as soon as you stop paying your “taxes” or forced to sell, either way, it’s not yours.
See Tyler v Hannepin County (2023); SCOTUS-imposed limits on Counties for collecting property taxes. Counties now required to pay all fees associated with sale of property "for you" to collect their taxes only. Arguably fees include “relocation costs”, then they turn over all proceeds less taxes plus interest within a required time period or you might get to liquidate the County Corp via Federal lawsuit for $402 filing fee.
Yes me to although DMV really pisses me off ,, I had to do that star smog on my rv and suv on top of the reg charges this year , what afreakin steal job .
In 2009, the Colorado legislation doubled the auto registration under the deceptive title of 'fee' so it could be sustained during some "emergency" and thus never sunsetted,,, 😒
DMV is likely using fraud as well. “Registration” legally is you consenting to “share title”, and then they can charge you rent on their property. Also, there appear to be two titles, one is allodial (legal owner) title, and the other is beneficial (user) title. If you pay off your car, you can demand allodial title from the STATE CORP through the DMV from what I understand.
I don’t know how to fix this yet, but getting to it after I stop Social Security & Medicare payroll with-holding.
Oh my Gosh , I own 4 cars out right Audi , Mercedes, ’ a Toyota van and an RV .. I didn’t know that these are all paid for im going to look into all idols title , I have pink slips ?
How the DMV FRAUD appears to work: When an auto manufacturer "sells" a vehicle within a state, they are forced via state Corporate/UCC law to give the full title (allodial) to the STATE CORP subsidiary DEPT OF MOTOR VEHICLES CORPORATION. When the vehicle is financed the bank holds the full title as actual owner, but agrees to share title with DMV CORP/STATE CORP to allow collection of property taxes (which bank helps extort from you). But when you "pay it off" you only get the beneficial title fraudulently, and DMV keeps the full title to allow continued collection of property taxes, and they use your "voluntary registration" as consent to do so. It is a mess to unwind it. See if you can put a dent into it.
Additional complication is DMV can say you never "bought it" because you used debt dollar to "buy it", and you cannot buy an asset with debt, only gold or silver per US Const. DMV workers are probably not sophisticated enough to pull this particular "debt dollar" BS, but County Treasurers pulling this BS with land purchases now.
Hopefully Trump does that! And in theory, it’s great to say file a corrected W-2 and a 1040 X, and get your money back. And if I knew it worked that easily then perfect. But in reality are they going to just send me the money or they going to file something against me for Fraud or start auditing every tax return from the last 7 years? It’s just a can of worms the average citizen doesn’t want to try to open even at the level of reward that means.
i think Zelensky is just a puppet and had to return the majority of the money to Soros, Congress, etc. i'm sure he got a nice cut, but he's not the main person in this game of bullshit.
"The charge was dismissed! Notice how I used an exclamation! Now.. keep this very public ruling in a court that any American at any time can go and personally verify a secret!"
According to the actual Constitution of 1776 & thanks to Marbury v. Madison 1803 - > any laws repugnant to the constitution shall be null & void -
When the common folk realize they’ve been lied to and stolen from for generations they will come to understand there are (2) Constitution’s - the Constitutional United States (1776) vs the Corporate United States (1871) …. We will demand every penny be paid back! And we’ll get it ….
This doesn't add up. If we will all be wealthy, who would be left and willing to do any work?
I assume it would be left to the younger generation that hasn't yet paid much towards income taxes. Maybe migrant workers here on a temporary work visa?
This nation isn't ready for 90% of the work force aged 30 - 65 to kick up their heels and start sipping Mai Tais.
"Wealthy" defined as owning 100% of the fruits of your labor you trade for a continuously appreciating currency. As productivity increases, everything continuously decreases in price, but individual purchasing power continuously goes up. Under a currency backed by labor, energy, or proof-of-work, NO WORK=NO CURRENCY.
Continuously increasing prices in a positively increasing productivity workforce is not mathematically or economically possible. What is happening is that all of the gains from productivity are intentionally being siphoned off via the "debt issuance" and continuous money printing (decreasing of purchasing power of users of the debt money). It is hard to understand since we haven't seen it (real economics without debt dollar) in action for a very long time.
Yes we've been taught that inflation is normal and even good! The whole Babylonian money debt slavery system is the inversion of true economics and a free market.
I truly believe this will morph organically. Why do people think if you're not forced to work that you won't do anything productive? Humans are wired to develop, dream, invent, discover and engage with life. We just need to come out of our slave mentality. If some people want to just kick back so be it. We are free to do that. As far as nobody going to a job? It'll mean that jobs that can't be automated will have to be good jobs to attract workers. Jobs that enliven the spirit instead of making people braindead zombies.
I'm of the latter. If GME and DWAC launch, I'd like to fund and introduce a culinary, automotive, Electronic / software, carpentry program at the local high school.
It's all the folks that are used to sponging off of us working class folks that concerns me.
Let the corporation fall. When the thieves are caught they have to return the diamonds. Our country is rich. The wrong must be righted before we as a country can go forward.
Note that if President Trump's Presidential immunity gets fully stripped, then Woodrow Wilson's 2 terms can be nullified since he was a foreign agent (accepted money indirectly from King of England via London bankers, emoluments violation while Governor) and automatically lost his citizenship PRIOR TO INAUGURATION per Amendment XIII TONA re-ratified January 30, 1824 with state #18 of 24 (75%), Indiana General Assembly ratification doing its thing. It was then integrated into the Military Laws of the United States in 1825, but hidden during/after Civil War. It is still active.
Nullification of Wilson's 2 terms removes both IRS Act and Federal Reserve Act that he signed "into law" on Dec 23, 1913. Obama will likely get his two terms nullified in this event as well as he is a citizen of Kenya which was likely still a colony of Britain when he was born, making him a direct subject of the King placed "legally as CEO of one of the King's Corporations", US Corp (theoretically).
Interesting, I went over to Chat GPT and it insists that 42 states officially ratified the 16th amendment.
Anyone know a way I could get it to tell me the truth?
Reparations I can get behind.
This is likely true as well, but IRS only has Federal Jurisdiction as well, and payroll tax is “compelled fraud” and fully refundable if you ask for it back. I have received 3 years of 100% payroll tax back already, and they are processing back to 2009 for me now. File 1040-X with form 4852 W-2 correction form to zero out Box 1 W-2. For how values determined (field/line 9) use “All labor capital earned in exchange for labor in XX occupation was from labor performed 1. On private lands, 2. In non Federal job, and 3. In occupation not on Federal excise tax list for 20XX Tax Year”.
Going all the way back to 1987 to collect everything ever paid. IRS engaged in 7 types of fraud, 3 currently documented well enough to prove in court if I can trick them into giving me standing to sue. Result would likely be permanent injunction against IRS from collecting payroll tax in my state. Initial cost of Pro Se lawsuit $402 for Fed District Court, OR ~$505 if I go for Writ of Prohibition in Fed Circuit Court. Statutory remedy for fraud is 3x actual damage and 200x punitive with no statute of limitations.
More details here on how to reduce payroll tax if you Federal employee by exploiting section1 of tax code (no “wage” definition for “income tax”) vs section3 (with exclusive sect3 “wages” for social security”)
Video explaining how “labor capital” is invested to earn a return called “income” per legal definitions. Ref. Black’s Law dictionary and 1913 Congressional record for sauce:
Post with instructions and DRAFT response letter to IRS to stop harassment and collect $1000 every time the IRS contacts you:
Wow fren, this good information. I would LOVE it if you would help guide frogs who want to be free of this tyranny.
Would you be willing to do a thread on this topic?
Have you ever heard of “Freedom Law School”. If so, what are your thoughts?
Have not heard of “Freedom Law School”, but sounds like a good idea. I am anonymously distributing nationwide “how-to” templates and lawsuit briefs to around 1200 targeted demographic areas to create numerous vectors of attack on IRS simultaneously so they don’t kill me. No joke.
National hero!
I would like as much information as you can possibly give please.
Lots there in the old post in the main message (last link). That has instructions and a letter template that hits all the key legal points. I am reworking that post and may repost it soon. Brian Swanson is the guy that got me started down the rabbit hole, and then I compiled my own legal research confirming what he is saying. IRS Amendment not being properly ratified (ab initio fraud) is 1 of the 7 IRS frauds, but you don’t need to prove it to claim your sovereign “labor capital” property per 4th Amendment.
Key IRS frauds:
Jurisdictional fraud - they have Const. limited jurisdiction to 1. Federal lands, 2. Federal employees, 3. Occupations on Federal Excise Tax list
Compelled fraud - they force employers/corp to fraudulently misclassify labor capital as “taxable income” on W-2 by threatening to fine them per non LAW IRS rules
Operational fraud - per W. Virginia vs EPA (2022) SCOTUS ruling: An Article II entity may not usurp nor have delegated to it Constitutional authority that resides in an Article I entity (Congress, making Laws) or an Article III entity (Judiciary, imposing fines). Basically, all IRS rules (not LAWS) and Tax Courts (not COURTS) are automatically null and void, ab initio (from the beginning).
Wow, eye-opening! Thank you for all your research.
I’m happy to help in whatever way possible and safely for all concerned.
What would be useful IMHO is a step by step guide with associated templates.
Feel free to DM.
Are you as the employee making the W2 change or you as the employer?
You are employee making a change to your own W-2. You are essentially saying “I do not consent to my labor capital being intentionally misclassified as income on this W-2.” Row#10 on 4852 you can put “letter sent to employer requesting W-2 correction”. Employer does not need to correct in order for it to work and to get full refund. Most employers likely will not correct as it is an admission of their complicity in the “compelled fraud” (i.e. they are forced under threat by IRS to misclassify the labor capital to trick you into thinking it is “taxable income”).
Legally employer is likely liable for the 203x damages, but unwise to threaten to sue employer while you still working for them. Respectful letter requesting a specific correction is all that is needed here since you don’t need them to do anything anyway.
Is there recourse for employers too?
I don’t know that part fully yet. Pushback on IRS as Corp or LLC by requesting “Congressionally approved Bill authorizing specific action or fine XX, and Federal Court documents with XX charges and court-ordered XX fine.” If the specific action is not authorized by a LAW, then it is not valid. Ref. W. Virginia v EPA (2022) in all challenges. IRS is terrified of that precedent being specifically applied to them via litigation if they do not do what you tell them to do (i.e. they give you standing to sue them).
Wow! I really need to block out time to study this. They know most people won’t. That’s how they get away with robbing American citizens just trying to do the “right thing”.
High probability that all taxes except sales tax are predicated on fraud and illegal if not outright unconstitutional. Common pattern being used by cabal is the following: "Rename that which CANNOT be explicitly taxed to some category that CAN be taxed, and then coerce via extortion and MSM brainwashing the payments." In some cases they literally fabricate something to permit taxation such as "real property" (i.e. instead of untaxable LAND) which is an entirely legal construct specifically for fraudulent tax collection, and is distinctly NOT 4th Amendment "property".
Another good resource (credit u/tstr) for understanding the real IRS authority that got buried down below in comments:
Thank you!!
Thank you!
Reparations, I’m not black enough, finally something for working whitey
I’d be happy is they would just stop taxing your property, and your retirement, all of which were taxed already.
i agree, as long as we have property taxes we never own our property. it's bullshit.
Yupp. We've built an entire society in which your ability to survive is predicated on your ability to stay employed constantly and consistently for your entire life so you can continue to pay both the government and private corporations...lest you fall behind, get your house taken for failure to pay property tax, or other repos.
You pay for the right to lease the land and dwelling on it. You never own it - biggest scam out there, “own property”. They will take that away as soon as you stop paying your “taxes” or forced to sell, either way, it’s not yours.
And many blue areas have been exponentially increasing taxes as they revalue properties higher and higher! Pure criminal theft
See Tyler v Hannepin County (2023); SCOTUS-imposed limits on Counties for collecting property taxes. Counties now required to pay all fees associated with sale of property "for you" to collect their taxes only. Arguably fees include “relocation costs”, then they turn over all proceeds less taxes plus interest within a required time period or you might get to liquidate the County Corp via Federal lawsuit for $402 filing fee.
Yes me to although DMV really pisses me off ,, I had to do that star smog on my rv and suv on top of the reg charges this year , what afreakin steal job .
In 2009, the Colorado legislation doubled the auto registration under the deceptive title of 'fee' so it could be sustained during some "emergency" and thus never sunsetted,,, 😒
Yeah they’re going nuts trying to crush everyone
DMV is likely using fraud as well. “Registration” legally is you consenting to “share title”, and then they can charge you rent on their property. Also, there appear to be two titles, one is allodial (legal owner) title, and the other is beneficial (user) title. If you pay off your car, you can demand allodial title from the STATE CORP through the DMV from what I understand.
I don’t know how to fix this yet, but getting to it after I stop Social Security & Medicare payroll with-holding.
Oh my Gosh , I own 4 cars out right Audi , Mercedes, ’ a Toyota van and an RV .. I didn’t know that these are all paid for im going to look into all idols title , I have pink slips ?
I believe pink is beneficial title. I think allodial title is green? It is different color than pink.
Thank you I never heard of this
Likely as intended.
How the DMV FRAUD appears to work: When an auto manufacturer "sells" a vehicle within a state, they are forced via state Corporate/UCC law to give the full title (allodial) to the STATE CORP subsidiary DEPT OF MOTOR VEHICLES CORPORATION. When the vehicle is financed the bank holds the full title as actual owner, but agrees to share title with DMV CORP/STATE CORP to allow collection of property taxes (which bank helps extort from you). But when you "pay it off" you only get the beneficial title fraudulently, and DMV keeps the full title to allow continued collection of property taxes, and they use your "voluntary registration" as consent to do so. It is a mess to unwind it. See if you can put a dent into it.
Additional complication is DMV can say you never "bought it" because you used debt dollar to "buy it", and you cannot buy an asset with debt, only gold or silver per US Const. DMV workers are probably not sophisticated enough to pull this particular "debt dollar" BS, but County Treasurers pulling this BS with land purchases now.
On behalf of my Family going back to 1913, I accept your terms.
Hot boxing the hopium pipe now.
Do the people who lived on welfare have to pay back every cent?
Damn it, I'm already broke, don't make me feel any WORSE.
(Social Security disability)
I wouldn't feel bad unless you're a black able bodied female selling drugs whilst collecting welfare, and driving around a BMW.
Talk about reparations: Let's see I should inherit money from my grandfather, father & what I have paid in, sounds good, Lets go!
we need a TAX REVOLT
Hopefully Trump does that! And in theory, it’s great to say file a corrected W-2 and a 1040 X, and get your money back. And if I knew it worked that easily then perfect. But in reality are they going to just send me the money or they going to file something against me for Fraud or start auditing every tax return from the last 7 years? It’s just a can of worms the average citizen doesn’t want to try to open even at the level of reward that means.
It's Theft. Let them spend their own fiat on their circle jerking bullshit. . . and then be gone forever. They CREATE nothing
no wonder they are trying to dismantle the royals in UK. they have all our money and would rather dismantle than pay back any money they owe us.
That little gay midget Zelenskyyyyyyy also has our money and needs to pay it back
i think Zelensky is just a puppet and had to return the majority of the money to Soros, Congress, etc. i'm sure he got a nice cut, but he's not the main person in this game of bullshit.
Will that be in April?
April 1st.
Got 'im!
I'll take mine in gold please.
Dittos, although silver would also be fine.
Do the heirs also get a refund of taxes paid by deceased grandparents, parents and siblings?
Yeah, let me know how collecting that goes.
"The charge was dismissed! Notice how I used an exclamation! Now.. keep this very public ruling in a court that any American at any time can go and personally verify a secret!"
good luck
dont pay your taxes and see what happens
187,000 armed IRS agents. They're expecting us to revolt.
According to the actual Constitution of 1776 & thanks to Marbury v. Madison 1803 - > any laws repugnant to the constitution shall be null & void -
When the common folk realize they’ve been lied to and stolen from for generations they will come to understand there are (2) Constitution’s - the Constitutional United States (1776) vs the Corporate United States (1871) …. We will demand every penny be paid back! And we’ll get it ….
Explanation of the above.
But ... Note the licensing thing.
added: here is some information on how the process then worked:
Oh, ya. We will be wealthy when all stolen funds are repaid in full.
This doesn't add up. If we will all be wealthy, who would be left and willing to do any work?
I assume it would be left to the younger generation that hasn't yet paid much towards income taxes. Maybe migrant workers here on a temporary work visa?
This nation isn't ready for 90% of the work force aged 30 - 65 to kick up their heels and start sipping Mai Tais.
"Wealthy" defined as owning 100% of the fruits of your labor you trade for a continuously appreciating currency. As productivity increases, everything continuously decreases in price, but individual purchasing power continuously goes up. Under a currency backed by labor, energy, or proof-of-work, NO WORK=NO CURRENCY.
Continuously increasing prices in a positively increasing productivity workforce is not mathematically or economically possible. What is happening is that all of the gains from productivity are intentionally being siphoned off via the "debt issuance" and continuous money printing (decreasing of purchasing power of users of the debt money). It is hard to understand since we haven't seen it (real economics without debt dollar) in action for a very long time.
Yes we've been taught that inflation is normal and even good! The whole Babylonian money debt slavery system is the inversion of true economics and a free market.
I truly believe this will morph organically. Why do people think if you're not forced to work that you won't do anything productive? Humans are wired to develop, dream, invent, discover and engage with life. We just need to come out of our slave mentality. If some people want to just kick back so be it. We are free to do that. As far as nobody going to a job? It'll mean that jobs that can't be automated will have to be good jobs to attract workers. Jobs that enliven the spirit instead of making people braindead zombies.
I'm of the latter. If GME and DWAC launch, I'd like to fund and introduce a culinary, automotive, Electronic / software, carpentry program at the local high school.
It's all the folks that are used to sponging off of us working class folks that concerns me.
With time they'll be a dying breed. The new renaissance man will emerge. 🙏
The corporation would file bankruptcy before paying We The People back.
Let the corporation fall. When the thieves are caught they have to return the diamonds. Our country is rich. The wrong must be righted before we as a country can go forward.
You just tied something together for me. Diamonds. I think that's where the bodies are hidden and part of the wealth that has to be returned.
Note that if President Trump's Presidential immunity gets fully stripped, then Woodrow Wilson's 2 terms can be nullified since he was a foreign agent (accepted money indirectly from King of England via London bankers, emoluments violation while Governor) and automatically lost his citizenship PRIOR TO INAUGURATION per Amendment XIII TONA re-ratified January 30, 1824 with state #18 of 24 (75%), Indiana General Assembly ratification doing its thing. It was then integrated into the Military Laws of the United States in 1825, but hidden during/after Civil War. It is still active.
Nullification of Wilson's 2 terms removes both IRS Act and Federal Reserve Act that he signed "into law" on Dec 23, 1913. Obama will likely get his two terms nullified in this event as well as he is a citizen of Kenya which was likely still a colony of Britain when he was born, making him a direct subject of the King placed "legally as CEO of one of the King's Corporations", US Corp (theoretically).
All of this would be a massive positive change.
Cracking the code.
Go to the site, buy the book. Get all your stolen money back.
Interesting, I went over to Chat GPT and it insists that 42 states officially ratified the 16th amendment. Anyone know a way I could get it to tell me the truth?