I'm pretty sure that didn't stop Ruth Badger Ginsburg from continuing serving on the Supreme Court. And I might guess the real Joe Biden has been dead for several years by now.
Don't imagine for a moment they actually want to get rid of him. He is the perfect candidate for the following reasons:
They can completely control him. In the event that he becomes a liability, they can toss him in the white house dumpster and no one will say a word. However, why would he ever become a liability. It is quiet clear that going forward, votes and voters don't matter in US presidential elections. They have shown that the one who wins the election is the one who fraudulently steals it.
He sends a very strong message to the sane minded in America. That message is:
a) We (the deep state) are so powerful that we can get an unelectable walking corpse elected through fraud.
b) We have enough control over the institutions and enough of the population completely brainwashed (which I suspect are well under 50%, not the 70% they want us to believe) that we can push through a clearly fraudulent impossible election result and have it stand against all reason.
c) Everyone knows the so-called US president makes no decisions because he is clearly incapable of making any decisions. Therefore America is run by a secret cabal of unknown individuals who completely control him. The whole point of electing a president is so that Americans know who runs the country which is supposed to be the guy they elect which clearly we do not have in the US right now. And yet so many still goes through the motions and pretends like Xiden is the president of the US. There is no more president of the US, for now.
Even if he were to die, what stops them from embalming him and parading his corpse around like it were real. What would stop them from running his corpse in the next election and winning with the same voter fraud they used last time. If he's still alive and in a comma, what would stop them from putting literal strings on him and parading him around like a marionette. You may say, that would be too crazy and the brainwashed part of the population finally wouldn't stand for it. However, if those people already believed and treated as legitimate what has already taken place, they will believe anything. North Korea has done something similar, they have a perpetual president. However, at least there they have his earthy successors who you can attribute the decisions making from. I think the cabal will try to do better than that. Try to get the brainwashed part of the Americans population to believe a corpse being wheeled around or a comatose individual is actually running the country. They have pretty much done that already.
My point from this rant is as follows: I'm not saying there is no hope and we should despair. Absolutely not. What I am saying is that we stop pretending this is real. That means any conversation we have with anyone or any social media post should reflect that. To clarify a bit, this post itself seems fine and the information is good to know. However, some of the comments responding to this post (not all) make me think that even people on this forum thinks that Xiden's physical health or whether he is dead or alive actually matters in terms of him getting re-elected or him being the next candidate. It doesn't and we need to stop pretending that it does. It's time we start embracing the truth (that Xiden was never elected, makes no decisions, and that they don't even need him to be alive to run him as the next candidate and win - whether they chose to run a corpse is a whole other question, but they could if they wanted to) and communicating that message whenever the topic comes up. The cabal has changed the rules of the game and we are doing ourselves no favors by wasting our effort by thinking we can still win what they have thoroughly rigged. We need to engage the cabal where they don't have the advantage and where they are losing control. Part of that is exposing their inanity and mocking them and anyone who follows or believes them.
Completely disagree with point 1. If this is truth, why the lawfare? Why the desperate efforts to remove Trump from the ballot in many States? And explain 2016 please. They cheated then too and still lost.
If you eliminate their digital fuckery they are left with only so many possible votes they can possibly manufacture. They may get away with more votes than voters in a few localities but they cant have a national election that garners millions more votes than voters.
And the Patriot voter is highly motivated to get out and vote this time around. This number includes unprecedented numbers of voters who went Biden last time that will vote Trump this time. They cant cheat enough and they know it hence the other tacks they have taken.
They have enough footage of Biden from all angles that they could coast with CGI from here through next 5 years, if necessary. Biden campaigned from his basement, for Pete's sake. Animating his image in the OO would be nothing.
The script is interesting. Since we know this isnt the real Biden we can I guess expect he will be pulled soon. Bidens 2 aneurysms in 1988 make it all the more believable
And thus commences the plan to install their NEW candidate for the Presidency.
they are gonna get rid of him one way or another
Can’t someone just jump out of the bushes at him in a werewolf suit at dusk!? 😂😂
Yep a good Dogman sighting would definitely conclude the Joe situation.
Oooo! Oooo! Pick me! Pick me!
Okay! So out in the Rose Garden there is this one bush next to the West Wing back door out to where the chopper lands. So what you need to do is…… 😂😂😂
I'm on it! 🌕🐺
the Easter Bunny could scare him again.
As a helathcare professional., I must reject the idea that he has been having absent seizures.Why? Simple: No brain to be found in him.
Michael Obama incoming to replace him.
Campaign slogan, "We're coming in swinging."
They even caught it on camera.
It just Depends y’all. 😉
Others are saying Biden was on TV an hour ago talking about how crime is down. Who knows?
Yeah, MSM though: https://www.c-span.org/video/?c5107892/president-biden-annual-physical-shows-change-year
These MFers are dropping like flies.
I'm pretty sure that didn't stop Ruth Badger Ginsburg from continuing serving on the Supreme Court. And I might guess the real Joe Biden has been dead for several years by now.
isn't it glorious!!!
Popcorn is popped!
wish turtle flie would drop before Nov
At the rate of frequency of his strokes lately, I’d say he might.
How can he have become more brain damaged than he already was?
Don't imagine for a moment they actually want to get rid of him. He is the perfect candidate for the following reasons:
They can completely control him. In the event that he becomes a liability, they can toss him in the white house dumpster and no one will say a word. However, why would he ever become a liability. It is quiet clear that going forward, votes and voters don't matter in US presidential elections. They have shown that the one who wins the election is the one who fraudulently steals it.
He sends a very strong message to the sane minded in America. That message is:
a) We (the deep state) are so powerful that we can get an unelectable walking corpse elected through fraud.
b) We have enough control over the institutions and enough of the population completely brainwashed (which I suspect are well under 50%, not the 70% they want us to believe) that we can push through a clearly fraudulent impossible election result and have it stand against all reason.
c) Everyone knows the so-called US president makes no decisions because he is clearly incapable of making any decisions. Therefore America is run by a secret cabal of unknown individuals who completely control him. The whole point of electing a president is so that Americans know who runs the country which is supposed to be the guy they elect which clearly we do not have in the US right now. And yet so many still goes through the motions and pretends like Xiden is the president of the US. There is no more president of the US, for now.
My point from this rant is as follows: I'm not saying there is no hope and we should despair. Absolutely not. What I am saying is that we stop pretending this is real. That means any conversation we have with anyone or any social media post should reflect that. To clarify a bit, this post itself seems fine and the information is good to know. However, some of the comments responding to this post (not all) make me think that even people on this forum thinks that Xiden's physical health or whether he is dead or alive actually matters in terms of him getting re-elected or him being the next candidate. It doesn't and we need to stop pretending that it does. It's time we start embracing the truth (that Xiden was never elected, makes no decisions, and that they don't even need him to be alive to run him as the next candidate and win - whether they chose to run a corpse is a whole other question, but they could if they wanted to) and communicating that message whenever the topic comes up. The cabal has changed the rules of the game and we are doing ourselves no favors by wasting our effort by thinking we can still win what they have thoroughly rigged. We need to engage the cabal where they don't have the advantage and where they are losing control. Part of that is exposing their inanity and mocking them and anyone who follows or believes them.
Completely disagree with point 1. If this is truth, why the lawfare? Why the desperate efforts to remove Trump from the ballot in many States? And explain 2016 please. They cheated then too and still lost.
If you eliminate their digital fuckery they are left with only so many possible votes they can possibly manufacture. They may get away with more votes than voters in a few localities but they cant have a national election that garners millions more votes than voters.
And the Patriot voter is highly motivated to get out and vote this time around. This number includes unprecedented numbers of voters who went Biden last time that will vote Trump this time. They cant cheat enough and they know it hence the other tacks they have taken.
Epic post & sadly 100% spot-on.
They have enough footage of Biden from all angles that they could coast with CGI from here through next 5 years, if necessary. Biden campaigned from his basement, for Pete's sake. Animating his image in the OO would be nothing.
Now do Mitch.
Honestly guys, the way this month has gone, it is pretty much suicide weekend(month). These guys are dropping left and right
How can they tell?
Why did they put this eejit on Seth Meyers show?
Bullshit. This is just moving the replacement plan forward.
25th incoming
The script is interesting. Since we know this isnt the real Biden we can I guess expect he will be pulled soon. Bidens 2 aneurysms in 1988 make it all the more believable
President Kamala here we come! But, we knew that was their plan from the start.
Sound slowk he's on his way out the door
If Biden’s brain kills him, strap him to the chair and electrocute him anyway…..
It is really that time again... (to be baffled)
Kamela running things in the meantime?
I feel like joetard’s brain seized up 2 decades ago and we’re in the middle of a decades long seizure for slowjoe