Proof that Reddit is a controlled operation! Two threads, posted 10 MONTHS apart, are identical! This glitch in their algorithm was not intended to be seen. The dead internet theory is beginning to seem highly plausible. How much of the internet is A.I. driven astroturfing?
🤖 A.I. World 🌎

Thread #1
Thread #2
Was going to ask for sauce, you got it. This is HUGE. Plaster it all X
I made a post on Breitbart, a long one. I posted it and instantaneously the “someone typing” indicator pops up. There is no way someone could have read my post and started responding in a tenth of a second. This tells me AI was trying to get into an argument with me or someone is watching in real time as you type. I wouldn’t be surprised if we found out that the whole platform is just AI, the “glass the Palestinian’s” “kill em all” BS on there is crazy. I’ve noticed a lot of thing that make me think so as of late, any rational, pragmatic thought is instantly savaged.
The internet is not real.
Insert <firsttime.gif>
Degrasse on mushrooms = Michio Kaku
Internet or Reddit?
Lol! That's crazy! What was it... All but 1 comment were verbatim identical?!?!
I know, right!?
We all know that reddit has a bot problem, but I don't think we expected it to make up 99% of their content.
Let's email their advertisers
impression fraud
Exactly! I've used Reddit on numerous occasion to get tech info related to my career, and even some lighter subjects... But wow... Just wow!
If you stay away from politics its not a bad place to get information.
As long as you're aware you're likely talking to a 450 lb. furry, sure.
I dont browse profiles so I will never know
Time to dig up a GAW post from 10 months ago and repost it…
There was a time when Reddit was pretty great.
Then 2015 hit and by the time 2016 came around nothing was the same.
It ain't ol' yeller anymore.
Oh, we realized this problem years ago.
That's why there's a meme that states:
The real problem is that they are now a publically traded company..
Well spotted, makes me think the bot operate like NPC's, the reason that comment was different, was the site was down, so the bot cam up with a different comment.
According to Imperva’s 2024 Bad Bot Report 50% of all internet traffic is non-human generated.
2024 Bad Bot Summary - register to DL
2023 Report
Bot Lives Matter
But dead internet is just a conspiracy /s
Quite Frankly announced he is doing a deep dive Of net neutrality using the 2017 4Chan breakdown of the 4 massive posts, To compare and contrast with today.
Fun stuff for us autists. I am super stoked for it and I recommend giving it a watch.
Can you expand on this?
Dead internet is real
Both posts have the same date?
Those dates are from an X post capture. The same content was used for each thread. The threads themselves are 10 months apart if you check the top of the post. Check out the archived links I posted and stickied.
Thread #1
Thread #2
wow bro that is a trip to see them right next to eachother. Same comments, different user names.
What the actual heck?
That is perhaps the most damning proof I've seen yet about Reddit.
This is pretty much what I have come to expect from Reddit. Bots and shills lay the groundwork and the NPCs are too afraid to go against the grain.
Well in my day (2006- 2010) the rule was that only like 1% of interest users contributed to the internet more than casual posting on social media or chat usage and even those numbers were abysmal across the gen pop.
(Consider smart phones are rare, remember?)
And so now days it seems to me some clever marketing/sociology/data/think tank fucks got hired out and have realized exactly what numbers of humans really contribute actively to the internet and have been able to also find the number of touchpoints lurkers need to have to sway their opinion over time
Think the 7x rule in sales or marketing or whatever
So then it's fairly easy to calculate the multiplyer of regular humans/bots you would need so that on average, the lurker humans would see an idea say 7x over a month.
Could even factor things in such as virality/word of mouth effects/etc .
Calculation on all this is all relatively simple and I'd think the execution would be much harder.
However bots + post scheduling + llm ai would make this all too simple actually.
Would take some time to work out the dine details but once the process was figured out initially it would be easily repeatable for anything.
Hm. And if my dumbass is thinking of this right now... bet your ass people have already done it.
Come on. This is just a TOTAL COINCIDENCE.
At least that's what brain dead normies would say. Lol
Only a conspiracy theorist would think otherwise.
I literally say it once a week. EVERYTHING ABOUT THE LEFT IS FAKE. Nice find.
Can't wait until Reddit is opened up.
This is eerie... does not sit well with me at all. What can be done about this? Will we ever know for sure what the hell is going on? Is this across all of reddit, or just particular subs meticulously chosen to set the narrative?
AI monitors all of the subs. If DJT is brought up, the bots that interact outside the sub pour in.
The only way to win that game is not to play!
My uncle is a rancher. He provides a field, fences, feed, water, inoculations, ear tags etc. And the cattle just accept it as their reality, even though my uncle plans and administraters it all.
We are the cattle. Our environment is man made. It is not organic. It is created for us. News, education, finance, sports, entertainment. All man made. All used to manipulate us.
A former Director of the CIA allegedly said, "We'll know we've done our job when everything the people believe is false."
I had to make a new Twitter/X account after my original was shut down. (Despite appealing my suspension.) Anyway, my new account has 150 followers of which at least 100 of them are bots.
are they all asian females with nothing on their wall?
Yes! Most of them have their back to you. Reminds me of the Holly Hobby's from the 70's, minus the bonnets.
Yep I get them too.
The up votes on each post is different, with the older one universally having more, and so are the number of comments, so it's not exactly identical.
Years ago 0ver 50% of websites and comments for fake(that's why you see so many copy/paste websites). It was never going to get better from back then.
I'm really into predeluvian history and I notice day by day anomalous artifacts, websites, and photos are being scrubbed.
Adjective_Noun_Number accounts are all bots. You will find accounts like these everywhere on Reddit
On anything on the internet. How can anything have proof of life? With techie things ai can still reply using anyone’s name. To prove a group of real people would need to post the same question on Reddit boards and all the replies would be checked for the same exact answers with different users or the same user that never sleeps.
When we reply on YouTube I doubt anyone’s real message is read. It feeds us messages we want to believe is real.
For instance a Christian would see many Christian replies as a woke person will see many woke replies.
I am comprehend and often believe this is the truth in much of what is there.
Why do the opposition never make typos or grammatical errors? For a long time that was what they would use against us if we make a typo or such.
I would not be surprised If ai is 99 percent of Reddit and YouTube.
Just like dating apps pay walling women that are interested in men to get you to pay, this has existed for a very, very long time. Twitter as an example, has large, and I mean large bot farms that are paid to promote content. Not by twitter but by Disney and the like. There was a guy recently who discovered it and released the info. I think his name was MasterofTDS. No idea if it truly means what we call TDS.
The post could have been removed somehow and put back up. Could have been an IT thing. They left the pic with the same date so it wasn't completely a separate post that was identical to an earlier on. But a repost.
The comments are identical, but the user names change between threads. If it was a reposted / reopened thread, the user names would have stayed the same. Your theory doesn't check out.
I see that now. Thanks. That’s a bot.
If you look at the usernames on the left (recent) post, you can see how they're all clearly generated -- two words put together and some random numbers.
Looks to me like bots trying to build a "history" so that they can pass off as real people later for scamming.
The Holocaust remembrance alliance? A remembrance alliance for a 1970’s mini series, prior to that all we had was concentration camps
Vietnamese click farms still doing business
What if all of you guys are just AI!??? The ultimate way to troll anons has now been going on for.....how long?
What's wrong with this? There is no issue here. They are 10 months apart but the comments say they are 10 months old. So what exactly is the issue other than the post was regurgitated. It's not as though it's being passed ad completely new, with new comments
If someone reposted this exact thread on this site 10 months from now, and a different user stole your exact comment.....you get it now?
These comments are AI generated.
It says 10 month old.