He certainly seems to be going through those growing pangs... Where he's not correct or clear about every subject, but he's certainly questioning everything.
It is. I would have squarely written him off 15 years ago, where John Stewart at that time seemed more logical than him. But things have changed, as they are bound to. See their debate and check out that contrast, it's insane
Huge kudos for posting the original link instead of pushing some click-farmed "reaction" to it. It's nice to be able to watch the full length exchange without the jump cuts, without the breathless, hyperventilating commentary and make up my own mind. I can understand the hyperventilating with this one. Good Lord, this NPC was running every possible variant of NPC.exe. Absolutely brainless to the point of being infuriating. I'm glad Tucker lit her up like the retard she was.
Again, thanks for posting the original source and not the usual clickbait.
I know right? I hate those videos of people that take the original content and 30 minutes later, including 5 minutes of buy my merch, have added absolutely nothing to the story.
Disclaimer: Hate is really too strong a word, but you know what I mean.
You got a pretty high bar for what constitutes "completely." Did you expect that she was going to start crying, and repent of her sins, fall prostrate before him and beg forgiveness or something?
In my view, Tucker completely destroyed this journalist attempt to put him in an indefensible position. He completely annihilated her. First he called out her lying when she said he talking about White People being replaced. Then on from there he destroyed, again, and again any credibility she pretended to have. Third he totally eviscerated the media in general as mindless robots of the establishment, and gave the world a perfect, textbook example of why no one but paid trolls, and fellow mindless robot listeners think the media is in any sense objective.
What more did you expect. What would have met your definition of "Completely"?
Update: I see now where you said "double completely". I am going to let my comment stand anyway. Who knows, maybe completely, completely, if it were even possible to destroy something beyond completely, maybe it would require a bit of graveling on her part.
Her line of questions just got dumber and dumber every time she opened her mouth! Like taking to robot that’s been fed a script and taught how to be disingenuous.
If you watch for it, this is such a common tactic of the media.
They are given an assignment like "get Tucker to say he agrees with a mass shooter or that he's ok with mass shootings, get a quote we can spin in a headline" and then they work backwards twisting the question up so bad, that unless the entire question is rejected outright, they can spin the answer how they need.
Yup. That's why they resort to the "so you're saying" game where they take someone's words and twist them into something they obviously did not say just to try and get a sound bite they can splatter all over social media shorts and political ads.
Down boy! Tucker has fully owned up to being a chief expounder of lies in his past, that he was a slickered as we all were at some point.
It puzzles me that some people excuse their past errors due to their ignorance of truth, but hold others to a higher standard. Go back and consider things you supported prior to your awakening, and ask youself if you could support a person who once held those position.
BRILLIANT. In my view Tucker is a White Hat who was set to be unleashed at this stage. MASTERFUL planning by the Q team and Tucker has to be the BEST public speaker / interviewer in decades. Watched the whole hour twice.
Nice. He said it like it is. The problem with people like that is you got to tell them over and over and over again and most will just go back to their bubbles.
No, he doesn't. People are so retarded about who the fawn over for positions like this. The VP is a person who's supposed to be able to step in at a moment's notice and run the government. Tucker has no relevant experience at all. In fact, he openly disdains the idea. He'd be an absolutely terrible choice for this job. Do you think he could handle negotiating a treaty with Xi Jinping or Putin? Do you think he could manage a domestic disaster like a hurricane response? Could he usher through a major reform package through Congress? Would he want to do that work? No. No. No. No.
Tucker is a commentator and a very insightful one. Let him do that job for which he has talent, experience, and passion. Don't try and pigeonhole him into a slot like some sort of incompetent football manager trying to come up with a fantasy football team.
Find someone who you'd feel comfortable voting for for President. Someone who could actually run the country, who could handle a crisis, and who does have the passion for bureaucratic and legal reform. Trump's going to be completely overwhelmed and he's going to turf a lot of that to a VP. He's the captain. He needs a good XO.
IMHO: The VP should act like assassination insurance. That the opposition is so afraid of the VP getting into power that they dare not touch the President.
And I watched that grocery store shooting video. He fired off some rounds at some people in front of the store, then walked in and people were laying bleeding, dead/dying on the floor already. How did that happen? Magic bullets?
If you go to the full interview, about 20 minutes in, he gets a question of who is the most challenging interview and why. He starts off talking about people who have been drunk, froze on camera, etc. Then he mentions in a joking tone that he has interviewed all kinds of politicians - some where you get a feeling of darkness off them 'like I don't know what you are into, I don't want to know, but I am pretty sure drinking human blood is part of it. Brrrrr!'' Oh Tucker...
While this is enjoyable, I find it to be so demoralizing. These people are so incredibly stupid. Like, imbecile stupid. And I mean "imbecile" in the old-timey, criminally mentally deficient definition.
These people don't wake up. They don't become Saul and have the scales fall from their eyes. They talk to their ingroup and they attack the outgroup in equally mindless fashions.
Perhaps there's a place where these people could be warehoused.
The more I watch Tucker, the more I think his "awakening" is genuine. just my 2c.
He certainly seems to be going through those growing pangs... Where he's not correct or clear about every subject, but he's certainly questioning everything.
Anon level: 5/10
Tucker should see that grocery store shooting video as I did. It was fake. People were bleeding and dying before they were even "shot." Made no sense.
It is. I would have squarely written him off 15 years ago, where John Stewart at that time seemed more logical than him. But things have changed, as they are bound to. See their debate and check out that contrast, it's insane
Huge kudos for posting the original link instead of pushing some click-farmed "reaction" to it. It's nice to be able to watch the full length exchange without the jump cuts, without the breathless, hyperventilating commentary and make up my own mind. I can understand the hyperventilating with this one. Good Lord, this NPC was running every possible variant of NPC.exe. Absolutely brainless to the point of being infuriating. I'm glad Tucker lit her up like the retard she was.
Again, thanks for posting the original source and not the usual clickbait.
I know right? I hate those videos of people that take the original content and 30 minutes later, including 5 minutes of buy my merch, have added absolutely nothing to the story.
Disclaimer: Hate is really too strong a word, but you know what I mean.
In most cases that's Facebook/Instagram reposting, and in some particular cases they are trying to use GAW as affiliate posting and get paid.
Castrated robots! Lol.
Holy Fuck!
Double “completely” in the post title was a mistake, but let it be - he deserves it.
there's nothing I like better than a completely... except for maybe a completely completely (:
She did repeatedly keep tripping over her own tongue.
He definitely definitely deserves it.
I didn't notice until you pointed it out!
You got a pretty high bar for what constitutes "completely." Did you expect that she was going to start crying, and repent of her sins, fall prostrate before him and beg forgiveness or something?
In my view, Tucker completely destroyed this journalist attempt to put him in an indefensible position. He completely annihilated her. First he called out her lying when she said he talking about White People being replaced. Then on from there he destroyed, again, and again any credibility she pretended to have. Third he totally eviscerated the media in general as mindless robots of the establishment, and gave the world a perfect, textbook example of why no one but paid trolls, and fellow mindless robot listeners think the media is in any sense objective.
What more did you expect. What would have met your definition of "Completely"?
Update: I see now where you said "double completely". I am going to let my comment stand anyway. Who knows, maybe completely, completely, if it were even possible to destroy something beyond completely, maybe it would require a bit of graveling on her part.
i love that he said 'sovereign person'
I thoroughly enjoyed that , thank you !
That was excellent!!! This is how you fight back against the mind virus, call it out.
OK, that was sweet to listen to.
Her line of questions just got dumber and dumber every time she opened her mouth! Like taking to robot that’s been fed a script and taught how to be disingenuous.
If you watch for it, this is such a common tactic of the media.
They are given an assignment like "get Tucker to say he agrees with a mass shooter or that he's ok with mass shootings, get a quote we can spin in a headline" and then they work backwards twisting the question up so bad, that unless the entire question is rejected outright, they can spin the answer how they need.
Good for him to just clown on her instead.
Yup. That's why they resort to the "so you're saying" game where they take someone's words and twist them into something they obviously did not say just to try and get a sound bite they can splatter all over social media shorts and political ads.
Your comment maybe inspired a thought I just had which I posted under AI Chat Bot title.
That bitch needed a good cunt punt.
Our next VP.
Did he? I'd like to see a clip of him doing that.
I thought his political awakening happened alongside the laptop.
Seems like a giant leap to say this is Tucker covering up the Hunter Biden Laptop story.
Down boy! Tucker has fully owned up to being a chief expounder of lies in his past, that he was a slickered as we all were at some point.
It puzzles me that some people excuse their past errors due to their ignorance of truth, but hold others to a higher standard. Go back and consider things you supported prior to your awakening, and ask youself if you could support a person who once held those position.
I wonder if she experienced any twinges of cognative dissonance there...
No. She hates her own kind. Would never mention rapes and murders by invaders.
Liberals: Rrheeeere!!!!
Full speech...
Tucker Carlson Responds to Julian Assange’s Release During Australia Speech
BTW, in case it's not clear... he's going to be interviewing JA, so yanno...
It's gonna be lit!!! 🍿🍿🍿
Thank You kind fren.
If she was a Tranny, she would be emasculated! Keke
I really enjoyed listening to that.
Thanks - I really enjoyed that!
This was great!
I totally have a "man crush" for Tucker.
BRILLIANT. In my view Tucker is a White Hat who was set to be unleashed at this stage. MASTERFUL planning by the Q team and Tucker has to be the BEST public speaker / interviewer in decades. Watched the whole hour twice.
Double updoot!
That’s how you destroy a career in 4 minutes
A dime a dozen.....like all useful idiots
Nice. He said it like it is. The problem with people like that is you got to tell them over and over and over again and most will just go back to their bubbles.
He has to be the VP.
No, he doesn't. People are so retarded about who the fawn over for positions like this. The VP is a person who's supposed to be able to step in at a moment's notice and run the government. Tucker has no relevant experience at all. In fact, he openly disdains the idea. He'd be an absolutely terrible choice for this job. Do you think he could handle negotiating a treaty with Xi Jinping or Putin? Do you think he could manage a domestic disaster like a hurricane response? Could he usher through a major reform package through Congress? Would he want to do that work? No. No. No. No.
Tucker is a commentator and a very insightful one. Let him do that job for which he has talent, experience, and passion. Don't try and pigeonhole him into a slot like some sort of incompetent football manager trying to come up with a fantasy football team.
Find someone who you'd feel comfortable voting for for President. Someone who could actually run the country, who could handle a crisis, and who does have the passion for bureaucratic and legal reform. Trump's going to be completely overwhelmed and he's going to turf a lot of that to a VP. He's the captain. He needs a good XO.
Not quite.
IMHO: The VP should act like assassination insurance. That the opposition is so afraid of the VP getting into power that they dare not touch the President.
He could tag team the Press Secretary job with Kari Lake . There would be no survivors.
Ken Paxton.
I wish Tucker had said what he really thought!
She probably ran outside and said Tucker word raped her.
I see they are still calling it a conspiracy. In South Africa they've already graduated to here's why that's a good thing.
That young woman had no idea who she was dealing with. 🤣
That was absolutely Outfuckingstanding!!!
And I watched that grocery store shooting video. He fired off some rounds at some people in front of the store, then walked in and people were laying bleeding, dead/dying on the floor already. How did that happen? Magic bullets?
That made me laugh. Thanks.
If you go to the full interview, about 20 minutes in, he gets a question of who is the most challenging interview and why. He starts off talking about people who have been drunk, froze on camera, etc. Then he mentions in a joking tone that he has interviewed all kinds of politicians - some where you get a feeling of darkness off them 'like I don't know what you are into, I don't want to know, but I am pretty sure drinking human blood is part of it. Brrrrr!'' Oh Tucker...
Those who know can't sleep.
While this is enjoyable, I find it to be so demoralizing. These people are so incredibly stupid. Like, imbecile stupid. And I mean "imbecile" in the old-timey, criminally mentally deficient definition.
These people don't wake up. They don't become Saul and have the scales fall from their eyes. They talk to their ingroup and they attack the outgroup in equally mindless fashions.
Perhaps there's a place where these people could be warehoused.
They really are that dumb in Australia. She is probably from the ABC or Channel 9/Fairfax. As bad as it gets.