It became the overnight boogie man. It's semi-working. Any Biden supporter that was on the fence was brought back to their side through the fear mongering of "white Christina nationalists enacting martial law to enforce handmaids tale society." Unfortunately I know a few folks who bought into this. So regardless of Biden being a walking corpse, they are too fearful to consider voting anything but Biden.
Best way to keep an eye on what the current narrative is, is to go to The AI bots have been spamming Project 2025 in almost every thread.
I heard one of the people who started it on the radio and I almost signed up to help save America (but paranoid and don't trust anyone so I didn't) - The project is for when Trump wins they will need to clean house in the government (if Q is correct 90% will need to go) they need loyal people who don't do it for power they need people do it for the love of country and to help save America. This has been out there a while, so why are they freaking out now?
Here is the link where they train you for government so in 2025 we can hit the ground running.
"I know nothing about Project 2025. I have no idea who is behind it. I disagree with some of the things they’re saying and some of the things they’re saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal. Anything they do, I wish them luck, but I have nothing to do with them."
MAGA is not promoting a merger of church and state, though that group is desperately trying to attach themselves to MAGA.
See: we need a white theocratic dictatorship because of all this immorality!
See: Nick Fuentes & co.
See: Gab & 4chan
See: everything bad is muhjoos and Hitler did nothing wrong
See: Nazi esoteric beliefs, Thule society, Babylonian Talmud, Sun god worship, Vatican, Hinduism, Buddhism, Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Islam, Egyptian & Greek gods lore, and much much moar
They are failing. Look at the categories of "identity" she is shoving out of "power" and even discourse.
Everyone needs affirmation. White Christians, especially men, are not allowed ANY affirmation, for whatever talent or achievement, BECAUSE they simply ARE said white, said Christian, said straight . . . intact family, awesome woman professionally or as mother, and especially any and all men with any of those natural and worthy characteristics. They HAVE to be shoved out! Regardless of their merit, their intelligence, their compassion, their service, for precisely who they are.
This includes blacks whom they deride as "Uncle Toms" -- the horrible racists that they are!
Look! They cannot deny the majority of the population ANY affirmation, ANY access to jobs and to representation (which she defines as "power"), without the identity movement crashing under the weight of its own absurdity and blatant discrimination.
Ooh, 119 days of watching the minions get increasingly frantic and desperate? Nice.
After seeing the Potatus at the recent debate and realizing that what others had been saying about his dementia was the truth, that these malevolent media minions have been lying to them all along, I wonder how the newly-awakening are taking to this latest campaign of gaslighting and fear porn. I hope this minion here keeps having these little heart-to-heart chats with the public as it's quite entertaining to watch.
She should change her name to miserable cvnt. Without white christian males there would not be the world we have. Who the fvck fought & died in all the wars?!!!! Not black or white women.
Girl, you look at your own vid again and look just to the right of your eyebrow... ya' got a bug on the ceiling. What kind of household hygiene do you keep, anyway? Get several cans of RAID a start spraying.
Victim mentality is debilitating and insidious. It convinces the individual that the resolution to their problems exist outside one’s control. I suffered from this mindset in my early years and lost nearly everyone that loved me.
Project 2025 ?!? Just a total bunch of lies.
Trump recently repudiated Project 2025, said he has nothing to do with it.
It became the overnight boogie man. It's semi-working. Any Biden supporter that was on the fence was brought back to their side through the fear mongering of "white Christina nationalists enacting martial law to enforce handmaids tale society." Unfortunately I know a few folks who bought into this. So regardless of Biden being a walking corpse, they are too fearful to consider voting anything but Biden.
Yeah, I mean, Trump could aim the entire DOJ, FBI, CIA, NSA, and the rest of the IC to go after Joe and ALL democrats!
It's never been done before!
Soaking in Sarcasm
Best way to keep an eye on what the current narrative is, is to go to The AI bots have been spamming Project 2025 in almost every thread.
Biden campaign created Project 2025, apparently. Kinda telling, how she highlights that term, hoping people look it up.
Agenda 47 is the only way!
I heard one of the people who started it on the radio and I almost signed up to help save America (but paranoid and don't trust anyone so I didn't) - The project is for when Trump wins they will need to clean house in the government (if Q is correct 90% will need to go) they need loyal people who don't do it for power they need people do it for the love of country and to help save America. This has been out there a while, so why are they freaking out now? Here is the link where they train you for government so in 2025 we can hit the ground running.
Who created it?
I believe the Heritage Foundation
Thank you. I don’t really when did thing start, but is a good thing for us? Is it fake?
I don't want it. I do like Trump's Project 47 tho.
Ok, thank u.
The Heritage Foundation if I remember correctly.
That's one ugly dude
Corn pop is that you, one bad dude
Shut up skid mark
I believe another name for this is “PANIC”.
She is absolutely disgusting!! Ugly looking, ugly mouth and ugly heart!!
With a shovel
Brave soul
"I know nothing about Project 2025. I have no idea who is behind it. I disagree with some of the things they’re saying and some of the things they’re saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal. Anything they do, I wish them luck, but I have nothing to do with them."
realDonaldTrump - July 5, 2024 - Truth Social
Sounds like a racist, looks like a sour fish
She is entirely too close to the camera...
You’d think Don Cheadle would know about Field of View and Working Distance by now.
I wish she wore a wig for all these melt downs. It’s funnier when she has her hair on
As long as this chimp is mad, I’m happy. 😃
Trump doesn't push "white christian nationalism"
That's coming from the [Mysterious Babylonians] 🤡
MAGA is not promoting a merger of church and state, though that group is desperately trying to attach themselves to MAGA.
See: we need a white theocratic dictatorship because of all this immorality!
See: Nick Fuentes & co.
See: Gab & 4chan
See: everything bad is muhjoos and Hitler did nothing wrong
See: Nazi esoteric beliefs, Thule society, Babylonian Talmud, Sun god worship, Vatican, Hinduism, Buddhism, Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Islam, Egyptian & Greek gods lore, and much much moar
She used to be ugly with a cool prop. Now she's just ugly.
Yeah, she ditched the Trump haircut so fast once she started getting teased 🤣.
They are failing. Look at the categories of "identity" she is shoving out of "power" and even discourse.
Everyone needs affirmation. White Christians, especially men, are not allowed ANY affirmation, for whatever talent or achievement, BECAUSE they simply ARE said white, said Christian, said straight . . . intact family, awesome woman professionally or as mother, and especially any and all men with any of those natural and worthy characteristics. They HAVE to be shoved out! Regardless of their merit, their intelligence, their compassion, their service, for precisely who they are.
This includes blacks whom they deride as "Uncle Toms" -- the horrible racists that they are!
Look! They cannot deny the majority of the population ANY affirmation, ANY access to jobs and to representation (which she defines as "power"), without the identity movement crashing under the weight of its own absurdity and blatant discrimination.
Ooh, 119 days of watching the minions get increasingly frantic and desperate? Nice.
After seeing the Potatus at the recent debate and realizing that what others had been saying about his dementia was the truth, that these malevolent media minions have been lying to them all along, I wonder how the newly-awakening are taking to this latest campaign of gaslighting and fear porn. I hope this minion here keeps having these little heart-to-heart chats with the public as it's quite entertaining to watch.
She must have diddled a lot of kids
He, pretty sure it was born male
She should change her name to miserable cvnt. Without white christian males there would not be the world we have. Who the fvck fought & died in all the wars?!!!! Not black or white women.
How MK Ultra'd is this creature?
I wish she would stop appropriating my white culture with her articulate grammar.
Girl, you look at your own vid again and look just to the right of your eyebrow... ya' got a bug on the ceiling. What kind of household hygiene do you keep, anyway? Get several cans of RAID a start spraying.
You see R you don't vote for it!
That's all you need to know! You listening to me?
Low information Liberal votes gonna eat this up.
A white man who is a Christian and loves his country is a threat because why??
This lady is a mental case and trying to make her hysteria seem normal. WTF is she so afraid of??
No joy in that face.
Ugly on the outside and inside
I wonder what they have on her to be soooooo scared
They will destroy it all, they will burn it all down, just for the opportunity to rule over the ashes.
Nothing but racist drivel from this idiot.
This sounds like extreme panic! I can foresee that when Trump wins these people might hurt themselves!
Somewhere, a village is missing their idiot.
Well. I wouldn’t say they miss miss her…
She is such a racist, sexist, anti-Christian bigot
she's coocoo for cocoa puffs!!
She is disgusting.
Victim mentality is debilitating and insidious. It convinces the individual that the resolution to their problems exist outside one’s control. I suffered from this mindset in my early years and lost nearly everyone that loved me.