I wouldn't be surprised. Many of these idiots don't even listen to their "leaders", ask them to name a single speech by Biden, Obama, etc and they can't seem to recall a single quote even.
Mr. D., do you have rocks in your head for brains? Kamala’s word salads say nothing of substance, her actions as VP are indicative of being able to function with zero VP. I would love her to debate DJT, but sadly if she too is bribed to get out, it won’t happen.
Hey Dash, your public education is showing. Stick to flipping burgers at Micky D’s. Otherwise we might need to tie you to a chair and make you watch 24 hours of Cameltoe obliterating the English language between bouts of hyena imitations. Afterwards, getting burned while dumping fries will feel like sheer heaven.
Door Dash has obviously had too many doors slammed in his face.It's sad, what repeated concussions can do to the brain. However, with that kind of thinking, maybe he should run.
“Listen, Jack, Am smart because support people that smart. Only smart know smart. You dumb because dumb. We get smart in president to do big smart. Not big dumb. You want big dumb. Why ask if me think through what say? Of course big think with what say! Go smart smarts!! Joe! Joe Joe! Joe smart two weeks ago. Not smart now. Joe dumb now. Joe tell me Joe smart. Now Joe tell me Joe dumb. So Joe dumb now. Need smart Kamala so not have dumb Joe or dumbest Tromp. Kamala is fix thing! No, stupid, was never wrong Joe. Joe was smart, best president ever, now Joe dumb. Thing change, IDIOT. Big stupid Tromp idiot no know thing change ha ha ha so stupid, big idiot. Open your eye and stop so much stupid, idiot.”
This would be top shelf satire, but he's 100% serious. Nobody is afraid of Harris, she was such a joke she didn't even get a full percentage of support in her own primary.
She is younger than Donald Trump.
She is a better cock sucker than Donald Trump,
She has sucked more cock than Donald Trump,
She is better masturbater than Donald Trump,
And a better cum gusseler than Donald Trump.
This is the Dems best 😄
You guys think this is funny, but that's the new liberal narrative. I frequent a soccer forum and just like all the forums they have a separate section for politics.
I went there and literally 80% of the users were parroting this. Hell, some of them were like Donald Trump is in severe decline, just as bad as Biden, the republicans are just to dumb to care. The other one was like Harris will reverse all of Trump's gains with the minorities.
This is your brain on drugs.
Any questions?
I would up vote, but you are on 17!!!! :-)
Qeq she said Kamala once but Donald Trump 5 TIMES. Total TDS.
For those you whipper snapper Anons out there: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FtNm9CgA6U.
Ha! Beautimous!!!
Drugs usually wear out... does this?
She always talks like a kid giving a book report and dint read the book.
Trump says she speaks in 'rhyme'.
...after twisting one up. I beat a big cloud of smoke rolls out everytime her limo door opens up.
don't disrespect smokers like that! many of us are on the right team!
…while drunk 😂
Obviously Dash has never actually heard her speak
I wouldn't be surprised. Many of these idiots don't even listen to their "leaders", ask them to name a single speech by Biden, Obama, etc and they can't seem to recall a single quote even.
Dash is hoping for a blow job from horse face obviously.
He gets head from Harry Sisson
fkn kek!
Mr. D., do you have rocks in your head for brains? Kamala’s word salads say nothing of substance, her actions as VP are indicative of being able to function with zero VP. I would love her to debate DJT, but sadly if she too is bribed to get out, it won’t happen.
Actually his name was Willie.
Willie Brown....
Yes she came up under Willie Brown........literally. I wonder if they know most women don't like a woman who, shall we say, slept her way to the top.
i love that cliche.
Now, if Kamala will just pick AOC as her VP, this movie will go down in history as the greatest ever made! Keke
Well AOC endorsed her and those endorsed by her tend not to do well so she's already received the kiss of death.
One can dream ZerroDefex! Keke
Hey Dash, your public education is showing. Stick to flipping burgers at Micky D’s. Otherwise we might need to tie you to a chair and make you watch 24 hours of Cameltoe obliterating the English language between bouts of hyena imitations. Afterwards, getting burned while dumping fries will feel like sheer heaven.
Just let her talk and roll your eyes.
Sipping on one too many adrenochrome packs.
Why don't you put her in charge then!
Does he have even a dash of common sense? GTFOoH
She is younger..
One out of five ain't bad, for a loser.
Speaking of which, she won't be the nominee.
Ha. Come Again
She is the best Cackler that is there.
Door Dash has obviously had too many doors slammed in his face.It's sad, what repeated concussions can do to the brain. However, with that kind of thinking, maybe he should run.
Dash of retardation.
“Listen, Jack, Am smart because support people that smart. Only smart know smart. You dumb because dumb. We get smart in president to do big smart. Not big dumb. You want big dumb. Why ask if me think through what say? Of course big think with what say! Go smart smarts!! Joe! Joe Joe! Joe smart two weeks ago. Not smart now. Joe dumb now. Joe tell me Joe smart. Now Joe tell me Joe dumb. So Joe dumb now. Need smart Kamala so not have dumb Joe or dumbest Tromp. Kamala is fix thing! No, stupid, was never wrong Joe. Joe was smart, best president ever, now Joe dumb. Thing change, IDIOT. Big stupid Tromp idiot no know thing change ha ha ha so stupid, big idiot. Open your eye and stop so much stupid, idiot.”
This would be top shelf satire, but he's 100% serious. Nobody is afraid of Harris, she was such a joke she didn't even get a full percentage of support in her own primary.
She is younger than Donald Trump. She is a better cock sucker than Donald Trump, She has sucked more cock than Donald Trump, She is better masturbater than Donald Trump, And a better cum gusseler than Donald Trump. This is the Dems best 😄
DELUSIONAL!! And I can no longer be “nice” or pretend these people are not mentally ill!!!
And to think she only had to pick her lips in front of him ti het him to say all that.v. by the way, who is this nobody.
The next two TV debates are still on right?
The last thing I'd like to see is Kamala Harris giving a master debate performance.
Maybe trump should debate her lol
No. Everyone Is terrified of tulsi gabbard and the possibility cameltoe sucks tulsi's balls dry so she can be tulsi's vp.
NAMBLAcrats have no chance to win post assassination attempt with any of the usual clown car fags
Yeah, right.
Is this irony? Surely!
apparently this clown has NOT heard one of the kamel's "speeches"!!!
I mean come on the cunts name is Dash! What did you expect?
You guys think this is funny, but that's the new liberal narrative. I frequent a soccer forum and just like all the forums they have a separate section for politics.
I went there and literally 80% of the users were parroting this. Hell, some of them were like Donald Trump is in severe decline, just as bad as Biden, the republicans are just to dumb to care. The other one was like Harris will reverse all of Trump's gains with the minorities.
You can see for yourselves: https://www.redcafe.net/threads/2024-u-s-elections-biden-drops-out-endorses-harris.473958/page-279
These people live in some kind of alternative reality.
Dash is a doofus.
This is the whitehats chance to show Harris wasn't even eligible to be VP much less President.
Can't leave this at 33 comments. If that ain't the first if many talking points trying to make the stolen vote look legitimate, I don't know what is.