See also - with very few exceptions, by design, because these institutions recruit for submissiveness, uncritical thinkers and compliance - the military, medics, teachers.
I think knowing the full story makes it even more heartbreaking. The father has said that his son is autistic, which is why he keeps flashing his flashlight, to calm himself down. Also the father and his son dressed up as police officers for Halloween for the past two years, as his son wanted to be one growing up.
The part where the officer tries to comfort the kid, then when the kid backs away, the officer mumbles “keep crying then”.
If you have concerns about someone walking with a child in the dark, gauge the child first. Strike up conversation, ask questions, watch the child's reaction.
You can probably count the number of people in Watonga, Oklahoma that have enough money to retain a lawyer with your fingers. This man is not one of them. Hell, I'm definitely not one of them, and I have a much better paying job than one could find in Watonga.....
It was particularly idiotic to say that since it was obvious that was not the reason they stopped the father in the first place.
But most cops are do not seem smart enough to properly explain their motives in a polite respectful manner.
He should had said. "Look, I understand that this may be a normal thing you do, But all I can assert as fact right now is an adult and a child walking together at a rather unlikely time and I suspect human trafficking. I understand I could be wrong and so, I ask you to cooperate with me while we gather the facts."
Even if the father were to say that's not right or whatever. The cop has at the point clearly articulated his motive and intentions in a professional and respectful manner.
Assuming of course he even had two braincells to rub together here... it seem that the two cops were actually only sharing a unique braincell among the two of them...
He should had said. "Look, I understand that this may be a normal thing you do, But all I can assert as fact right now is an adult and a child walking together at a rather unlikely time and I suspect human trafficking. I understand I could be wrong and so, I ask you to cooperate with me while we gather the facts."
Even if the father were to say that's not right or whatever. The cop has at the point clearly articulated his motive and intentions in a professional and respectful manner.
Fren I wish I could updoot this 1,000 times over. Thank you.
As long as good cops stand by and do nothing, this abuse will continue. THAT is what destroys trust in departments and with the public. Some people should NOT be in that field.
My uncle was a cop.... he was bad. He enjoyed hurting people with his leather covered lead billy-stick.
He enjoyed lording over others with his authority. The other men in his department "put up with it" Why? IDK. But finally, the men were tired of the chaos he caused, it was a small town, and his behavior was not what the rest of us believed in. It took a long time, but eventually he was fired, never to work in law enforcement again. One bad man brought so much harm to people who just wanted to be left alone.
Very few showed up for his funeral. Sad.
Stand up when you see wrong being done and treat others how you want to be treated. You can clearly see the cops had their agenda as soon as they stopped this man. What did he think a minor child was doing at 6am with an adult? But that is just the point isn't it? What is going thru the mind of these cops? This interaction was wrong on so many levels. Police Departments MUST do better with who they hire and how they train.
The suspected crime was obviously human trafficking. The Cop should had, while being ready for any extreme action, clearly expressed the crime suspected and proceed to clearly and politely ask the father to prove he is indeed who he claims he is. At said point they should accompany them both to their home where the father can then procure his ID, or better yet have the mother fetch it for him. It is a potentially dangerous situation for the cop. But facing danger for the sake of the people is what they are supposed to do.
5:30 am may be his usual time to take a walk with your son, But that is not a common practice and one can clearly suspect the child to be in danger after seeing this. How many more parents do you see around walking with their kids at that time?
So the problem is that the first officer failed to properly communicate with the father. More than likely due to poor ass training and never being actually taught the laws they are supposed to enforce or how to even properly do it to begin with.
And the second guy was just the usual police asshole. Who lacks understanding and is likely on a power trip. Easy pitfall when you are used to dealing with criminals. But not every one is a criminal and the police often forgets this.
The precursor to everything that went wrong was the first officer failing hardcore at communication... and well, the second officer was just an asshole so... yeah...
Actually, You would be surprised. Grooming is complex in many way. The victim can be a "willing" participant. Or simply fooled into what they should not do. In fact, the "Coyotes" often tell the children they traffic that if they (the kids) are caught by American police they (the kids) will be thrown in jail. And kids being kids, believe them. Also in cases of American criminals they often convince they minors they predate on that they (the kids) are willing participants and would "get in trouble" if caught.
Years ago, I had the misfortune of learning of a child prostitution ring in West Palm Beach, Florida... What the children involved had to say was often extremely disturbing and mind boggling. I learned then that common sense cannot apply to these types of situations.
The thing with children is that they simply do not know better. And can be manipulated easily. So obvious restrains are often not actually needed.
And this is merely one example of the plethora of different possibilities, circumstance and specifics that can take place.
Of course the education a child has received or not is a factor that influences this matter, But in the instance you spot a child with an adult at a rather unlikely time you really should not assume that nothing wrong.
I am by no means justifying the cops either. I already posted the hows and whys of their wrongdoings. The police were clearly at fault here. But not in the way expressed before.
To properly combat a problem, one must understand the problem fully. We must arm ourselves with accurate information in order to have a shot at fixing things.
Look at this. People downvoting a perfectly reasoned response, the same people who get all upset about human trafficking any other time on this board because they lack critical thinking skills and yet will call other people sheep.
I don't know about "not common practice", getting your kid accustomed to exercise at an early age will pay dividends in their future lives, and plenty of people have similar routines.
But you're right, there obviously is a suspected crime. But it's not like the kid has a way to identify himself, so IDing him on its own would not really accomplish a lot.
Correct. The point is the officers frankly sucked at proper communication.
I agree, plenty of people do, but for example, here in my city (yeah I know...) you would never see something like that. It would be extremely rare and odd.
By your logic, if I were to do the same as the father I would be suspicious?
1.- I am a naturalized American. I have a hell of an accent. Does having an accent makes me not American? Also, for your information, Americans like everyone else too commit crimes. So you are not above suspicion. (This is one of the reasons the left finds it so easy to call you a racist. Because people like you are actually racist and probably do not even notice it.)
2.-The Crime the father is suspected of is obviously human trafficking. 5:30 am is not an common time for a father and son walk. How many other parents do you see walking with their kids at that time?
3.- As stated human trafficking is not always straight forward but the assumption of obvious equipment is just wrong.
While these cops did failed at their job in a rather spectacular manner. You would had done no better than them.
In reply to @Datasinc I clearly explained how the cops failed at their duties. Please read it and be better informed.
I urge you to think things clearly before mindlessly posting here. The standard for us is way higher than it should be for the average person. Do better.
I told you about my post since you had already posted and I did not wanted to write the same thing all over again and clutter the thread. Since @Datasinc had also replied to the same post from you I thought it would be easy for you to find the post I was talking about. I apologize. In hind sight, it may had been better to type it all out again to avoid misunderstandings.
Yes, you did use your intuition and fell a bit short. And in the spirit of debate, I pointed at the flaws I saw with the argument you proposed. Please, do not take offense to this. I've fallen short many times in my life. It took people willing to talk to me help me expand my thoughts.
Am I saying I am superior to you? Hell no. I merely pointed at some mistakes on your logic this one time and tried to explain as politely as I could why so. If you were to observe me long enough, you would get plenty of chances to help me out.
So no. I am not trying to be condescending to you in any way. If anything, I merely wanted to engage in a conversation with you. That was all.
As you probably guessed by now, English is not my first language, so I apologize if I unwittingly sounded like some asshole. After all, the fact that you are in this forum with the rest of us, means that you love this nation and the people in general.
But assuming an individual actions are suspicious or not based on statics is a clear mistake, since of course, just asserting the he is American does not in fact make it so that he is not capable of committing a crime.
Surely you understand where I am coming from with this. The part that ignored this fact is where the "racism" comes in.
Of course, we are not leftist lunatics here. And there are plenty of times when I overlooked important facts as brain fart or out of my own stupidity.
As I am sure you know. We are in a war. I personally believe in using every tool at out disposal to win. So I implore you to try and be as mindful as you can when speaking and writing. I want you to be a powerful as you can possible be as our fellow fighter for the good of this nation and mankind.
"show me your ID" is literally the same as, "papers please". When will cops learn to respect the 4th amendment and when people say no to that request. They get so butt hurt every time someone exercises their rights.
Shameful. Without reasonable articulable suspicion of a crime being committed they have no right to detain this man and demand ID under threat of arrest. That is a Constitutional violation and is illegal. The most they had based on the video was a consensual encounter and they fucked it up.
Because they are Low IQ Hires, that should NEVER be allowed to be Cops, it comes from one of Two Places, Either they were Picked on by Bullies in school, and are now getting revenge, or they were Bullies in School and re now on a Power Trip....
The bullies theory is a stupid assessment. This behavior comes purely from piss poor training and lack of proper supervision holding high standards. I've seen 6 foot 5 athletes who were never picked on a day in their lives become cops that had poor training and supervision become assholes like these two cops were. It's a systemic problem in a department when it gets this bad. It come primarily from a them and us mentality that now citizens feed into exacerbating the problem. It's also about 10 percent of rhe cops who are screwed up. Here in the Gaw of all places people should recognize the manipulation most of you have fallen for by reading the comments it appears some of youbare adding to the fire.
Well, that was out of line. Still, I would wonder why an adult is walking around with a child all alone at 5:30 am. I would be conversational, ask questions, find out who they are and ask where they live. When the father said "We do this", the cop said no, you don't. Is it because they never saw these two there before?
Yes it could easily have been communicated and sorted out to the satisfaction of both parties. Had to do stuff that way myself. I'd take my time Soni could sleep k owing I didn't ignore a potential.problem or cause one. Most peiple if explained properly were appreciative of such efforts and once you met them you never had tondo more than wave at them next time you saw them. These guys are not suited for the job.
Yeah. Fuck the police. And this is the very reason as to why.
Did you not see the police all over the States enforcing the lockdowns? What could possibly posses some of you guys to think these imbeciles are in your side?
Not one cop iin las vegas enforced a lock down while i was there. I didn't see it either. You saw a few idiots do it. Same 10 percent that do what these guys did.
Good luck going against the casinos and their profits in Las Vegas. I think the one who had a somewhat distorted experience was you.
For example, even here in Florida; Miami, Orlando, Tampa, Jacksonville, any and all major population center had the mandates enforced for over 6 months. And the whole police departments played along.
These police department number in the thousands of officers by the way. So no. It was not some mere 10%. In fact more likely it was 10% of police who resisted the mandates if at all.
They should be forced to read the laws they try to enforce and the constitution they pledge to uphold.
Add to that all of the relevant court ruling in these matters.
And tested maybe every 6 months on it.
Instead of pepper spray the recruits to establish that getting pepper sprayed does in fact suck... They do that like once per month in the College of police by the way.
Thinking about the behavior of UK police in the sticky u/brain_dead had with a video log of the UK rioting. Weren't they claiming the rioters WERE ACTUALLY extremist racists, and most of them white?
So in that instance it was an anti-Muslim response generated by extremist white racist people (organized or no, but LIKELY right wing according to the UK media and you were backing up that position) who were doing the most egregious damage and causing harm and chaos.
Then there were groups of what seemed to be counter protesters, opposition made up apparently of folks with higher melanin, donning facial coverings and engaging with the original group. (And by now we can just abbreviate by calling them Nazi punks eh? Cuz the media said that's who they were... and most importantly, though it was lost on many, WHY they were out demonstrating)
And if I'm incorrect anywhere just say so, but did we not view footage in that video log where the UK police seemed to be actively engaging with Nazi punks while elsewhere they were allowing the brave counter protesters to walk on by even as they donned weaponry?
I am pursuing this because I think it leads to a major truth underneath: we now assign ourselves to a DIFFERENT MORAL CODE than ever before in the United States of America. Starting from a long period of indoctrination, miseducation in schools, trampling of religious doctrine, deception by an ever more false, jingoist media subsumed with propaganda and many other spheres of American life invaded, we have been turned to another way of thought and response, and I think mostly unbeknownst to us.
This is the LAW OF THE JUNGLE.
This is about man's treatment of his fellow man, when asked to do something to their neighbor that they know deep down to be wrong, how will that man who holds even the most meager bit of power over others will choose to act.
This is about Stockholm syndrome; when Father goes out at night and doesn't tell us where he has been, and gives us a beating for transgressions we didn't know we did. Then we take it out on brother and sister.
Because hurt people hurt people. Man is given to cruelty, especially when his masters are giving him the very same. The extreme manifestations of this in cancel culture and the celebration of victimhood are terribly ill omens for where the psychology of collective society is at currently. We have to find a way to NOT ALLOW OURSELVES to be victims, to rise above that label and overcome those miserable circumstances in pursuit of a brighter day.
The alternative is grim. Justice replaced by revenge. Tearing down someone else, whether or not they were your tormentors, is now the cultural standard we have been seduced into believing is acceptable. The endgame of that is again, a zero-sum one: mutual destruction.
Much of this has been a subliminal spread, only now starting to show itself in video clips such as this, and elsewhere, Rittenhouse or BLM or Canadian truckers and more stand as examples; but plainly I wonder if the tenure of Janet Reno, Oklahoma City, Ruby Ridge and Waco were the beginnings of the collapse. Once upon a time, the President's infidelity to his wife and the dreadful particulars of that story were a grievous injury to his public support and image; now just 25 years later, we would elect a dead man (or create one) just to stop the other scumbag from winning.
Support for a candidate gets people to go vote; hatred and disgust for the OTHER candidate wakes EVERYONE in the Nation to cast their ballots.
Culture is upstream from politics and whether we like it or not everyone is so afraid these days they almost instantly revert back into an identity group when threatened. The bubbles pods and echo chambers technology has helped all of us fall into are the way the globalists and Democrat machine destroys us; that is, by destroying one another.
More than anything else I think COVID was a social experiment, to see how much they could tighten the screws and get away with it. The worst thing about all of it was the sheer amount of people in positions of authority like doctors and police just doing their jobs.
Civil disobedience HAS to be the way. We can't allow ourselves to fear consequences to ourselves and our station in life MORE than we dislike punishing our fellow man for no real reason. Good Christians and Patriots MUST resist or we are doomed. Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.
Good food for thought. Did you notice the social experiment done by a young man who went to rallies of both Trump and Kamala? He wore Kamala t-shirt to Trump rally, and vice versa. Guess what happen to him?
Patriots take care of everyone no matter what color or how brain-dead they are.
Worthless f*ggot nazi!s
See how you like it when you loose support from the right. Suck the commies dics and see where you get.
Little bitch ass’s afraid of upholding the law, just want to oppress the citizens.
No respect for you thugs
Dumbass cops. fire and prosecute the morons.
But but muh back the blue. Muh muh the best of us the elite.
Fuck the blue; they are the biggest crooks in the criminal ecosphere.
If their employer says shoot the incovenient civilians then they will shoot.
Because they “just want to get home after their shift”.
See also - with very few exceptions, by design, because these institutions recruit for submissiveness, uncritical thinkers and compliance - the military, medics, teachers.
Where was this? TOTAL bullshit! His poor son was given a pretty crappy impression of cops also. That will most likely leave some emotional scars......
I think knowing the full story makes it even more heartbreaking. The father has said that his son is autistic, which is why he keeps flashing his flashlight, to calm himself down. Also the father and his son dressed up as police officers for Halloween for the past two years, as his son wanted to be one growing up.
The part where the officer tries to comfort the kid, then when the kid backs away, the officer mumbles “keep crying then”.
Well, that is a kid that won't back the blue.
If you have concerns about someone walking with a child in the dark, gauge the child first. Strike up conversation, ask questions, watch the child's reaction.
There was no need to go this far, for any reason.
IMO ---- it was the neck tattoo
This happened reportedly in Watonga, Oklahoma. source:
Can't hate that pig enough
These are the type of dudes who would be chomping at the bit to go door to door and forcibly vaxxxx people…….sad but there are a number of them.
Oh how I wish a ni**a would!
What an asshole , and that poor little kid is crying. That cop should lose his job.
The one doing the arrest has been shuffled around to various Departments, has been demote, and is probably suspended With Pay....
I've known like the or four cops like that, an wish I could have been in a position to sue....
No they should be held to same standards and prosecuted and lose their job
I thought that arsehole was going to arrest the kid for crying.
These cops are inhuman.
LOL, I expected that also....
That poor child is going to need therapy.
bigtime lawsuit
Two words. "Qualified immunity".
You’re going to pay for this! No better words said. Do not answer LEO’s questions. That’s why you put a lawyer on retainer
You can probably count the number of people in Watonga, Oklahoma that have enough money to retain a lawyer with your fingers. This man is not one of them. Hell, I'm definitely not one of them, and I have a much better paying job than one could find in Watonga.....
nothing rational about this other than the "OL DO AS I SAY OR ELSE COMPLEX,will get tossed out and yes he will get fired and sued.
"Failure to identify yourself to an officer" is NOT A FUCKING CRIME you IDIOT cops
You don't have the right to ask for ID unless the person is a suspect of a crime!
It was particularly idiotic to say that since it was obvious that was not the reason they stopped the father in the first place.
But most cops are do not seem smart enough to properly explain their motives in a polite respectful manner.
He should had said. "Look, I understand that this may be a normal thing you do, But all I can assert as fact right now is an adult and a child walking together at a rather unlikely time and I suspect human trafficking. I understand I could be wrong and so, I ask you to cooperate with me while we gather the facts."
Even if the father were to say that's not right or whatever. The cop has at the point clearly articulated his motive and intentions in a professional and respectful manner.
Assuming of course he even had two braincells to rub together here... it seem that the two cops were actually only sharing a unique braincell among the two of them...
If they were decent cops tjeybwouldnt have told the kid to go ahead and cry then. Theybdidnt give two shits about that child.
Yeah, they were assholes. We can add that to the list of failures.
Fren I wish I could updoot this 1,000 times over. Thank you.
As long as good cops stand by and do nothing, this abuse will continue. THAT is what destroys trust in departments and with the public. Some people should NOT be in that field.
My uncle was a cop.... he was bad. He enjoyed hurting people with his leather covered lead billy-stick. He enjoyed lording over others with his authority. The other men in his department "put up with it" Why? IDK. But finally, the men were tired of the chaos he caused, it was a small town, and his behavior was not what the rest of us believed in. It took a long time, but eventually he was fired, never to work in law enforcement again. One bad man brought so much harm to people who just wanted to be left alone.
Very few showed up for his funeral. Sad.
Stand up when you see wrong being done and treat others how you want to be treated. You can clearly see the cops had their agenda as soon as they stopped this man. What did he think a minor child was doing at 6am with an adult? But that is just the point isn't it? What is going thru the mind of these cops? This interaction was wrong on so many levels. Police Departments MUST do better with who they hire and how they train.
Good cops? Some one who stands by and does nothing is not a "good cop" that person is merely and enabler and a fking coward.
The cops should have taken a lot more into account.
No one not suspected of committing a crime is obligated to talk to or present ID to an officer.
Cops don't like people telling them no.
The suspected crime was obviously human trafficking. The Cop should had, while being ready for any extreme action, clearly expressed the crime suspected and proceed to clearly and politely ask the father to prove he is indeed who he claims he is. At said point they should accompany them both to their home where the father can then procure his ID, or better yet have the mother fetch it for him. It is a potentially dangerous situation for the cop. But facing danger for the sake of the people is what they are supposed to do.
5:30 am may be his usual time to take a walk with your son, But that is not a common practice and one can clearly suspect the child to be in danger after seeing this. How many more parents do you see around walking with their kids at that time?
So the problem is that the first officer failed to properly communicate with the father. More than likely due to poor ass training and never being actually taught the laws they are supposed to enforce or how to even properly do it to begin with.
And the second guy was just the usual police asshole. Who lacks understanding and is likely on a power trip. Easy pitfall when you are used to dealing with criminals. But not every one is a criminal and the police often forgets this.
It was a simple fix. Take the guy to house and checkout his story. If they were honestly that concerned for the child they would have taken the time.
This I agree with.
The precursor to everything that went wrong was the first officer failing hardcore at communication... and well, the second officer was just an asshole so... yeah...
And what human trafficker lets their mark just free walk 1-2 feet away?
Actually, You would be surprised. Grooming is complex in many way. The victim can be a "willing" participant. Or simply fooled into what they should not do. In fact, the "Coyotes" often tell the children they traffic that if they (the kids) are caught by American police they (the kids) will be thrown in jail. And kids being kids, believe them. Also in cases of American criminals they often convince they minors they predate on that they (the kids) are willing participants and would "get in trouble" if caught.
Years ago, I had the misfortune of learning of a child prostitution ring in West Palm Beach, Florida... What the children involved had to say was often extremely disturbing and mind boggling. I learned then that common sense cannot apply to these types of situations.
The thing with children is that they simply do not know better. And can be manipulated easily. So obvious restrains are often not actually needed.
And this is merely one example of the plethora of different possibilities, circumstance and specifics that can take place.
Of course the education a child has received or not is a factor that influences this matter, But in the instance you spot a child with an adult at a rather unlikely time you really should not assume that nothing wrong.
I am by no means justifying the cops either. I already posted the hows and whys of their wrongdoings. The police were clearly at fault here. But not in the way expressed before.
To properly combat a problem, one must understand the problem fully. We must arm ourselves with accurate information in order to have a shot at fixing things.
Look at this. People downvoting a perfectly reasoned response, the same people who get all upset about human trafficking any other time on this board because they lack critical thinking skills and yet will call other people sheep.
It saddens me a bit.
I don't know about "not common practice", getting your kid accustomed to exercise at an early age will pay dividends in their future lives, and plenty of people have similar routines.
But you're right, there obviously is a suspected crime. But it's not like the kid has a way to identify himself, so IDing him on its own would not really accomplish a lot.
Correct. The point is the officers frankly sucked at proper communication.
I agree, plenty of people do, but for example, here in my city (yeah I know...) you would never see something like that. It would be extremely rare and odd.
By your logic, if I were to do the same as the father I would be suspicious?
1.- I am a naturalized American. I have a hell of an accent. Does having an accent makes me not American? Also, for your information, Americans like everyone else too commit crimes. So you are not above suspicion. (This is one of the reasons the left finds it so easy to call you a racist. Because people like you are actually racist and probably do not even notice it.)
2.-The Crime the father is suspected of is obviously human trafficking. 5:30 am is not an common time for a father and son walk. How many other parents do you see walking with their kids at that time?
3.- As stated human trafficking is not always straight forward but the assumption of obvious equipment is just wrong.
While these cops did failed at their job in a rather spectacular manner. You would had done no better than them.
In reply to @Datasinc I clearly explained how the cops failed at their duties. Please read it and be better informed.
I urge you to think things clearly before mindlessly posting here. The standard for us is way higher than it should be for the average person. Do better.
Relax ^^. I am not you enemy.
I told you about my post since you had already posted and I did not wanted to write the same thing all over again and clutter the thread. Since @Datasinc had also replied to the same post from you I thought it would be easy for you to find the post I was talking about. I apologize. In hind sight, it may had been better to type it all out again to avoid misunderstandings.
Yes, you did use your intuition and fell a bit short. And in the spirit of debate, I pointed at the flaws I saw with the argument you proposed. Please, do not take offense to this. I've fallen short many times in my life. It took people willing to talk to me help me expand my thoughts.
Am I saying I am superior to you? Hell no. I merely pointed at some mistakes on your logic this one time and tried to explain as politely as I could why so. If you were to observe me long enough, you would get plenty of chances to help me out.
So no. I am not trying to be condescending to you in any way. If anything, I merely wanted to engage in a conversation with you. That was all.
As you probably guessed by now, English is not my first language, so I apologize if I unwittingly sounded like some asshole. After all, the fact that you are in this forum with the rest of us, means that you love this nation and the people in general.
Statistics aren’t racist. Calm down.
Correct. They are not.
But assuming an individual actions are suspicious or not based on statics is a clear mistake, since of course, just asserting the he is American does not in fact make it so that he is not capable of committing a crime.
Surely you understand where I am coming from with this. The part that ignored this fact is where the "racism" comes in.
Of course, we are not leftist lunatics here. And there are plenty of times when I overlooked important facts as brain fart or out of my own stupidity.
As I am sure you know. We are in a war. I personally believe in using every tool at out disposal to win. So I implore you to try and be as mindful as you can when speaking and writing. I want you to be a powerful as you can possible be as our fellow fighter for the good of this nation and mankind.
Psycho and sociopaths are drawn like moths to flame to positions of power. Like cops and politicians.
Nitter Link:
FFS 🤦♀️
"show me your ID" is literally the same as, "papers please". When will cops learn to respect the 4th amendment and when people say no to that request. They get so butt hurt every time someone exercises their rights.
Shameful. Without reasonable articulable suspicion of a crime being committed they have no right to detain this man and demand ID under threat of arrest. That is a Constitutional violation and is illegal. The most they had based on the video was a consensual encounter and they fucked it up.
but WHY did they do this
Because they are Low IQ Hires, that should NEVER be allowed to be Cops, it comes from one of Two Places, Either they were Picked on by Bullies in school, and are now getting revenge, or they were Bullies in School and re now on a Power Trip....
The bullies theory is a stupid assessment. This behavior comes purely from piss poor training and lack of proper supervision holding high standards. I've seen 6 foot 5 athletes who were never picked on a day in their lives become cops that had poor training and supervision become assholes like these two cops were. It's a systemic problem in a department when it gets this bad. It come primarily from a them and us mentality that now citizens feed into exacerbating the problem. It's also about 10 percent of rhe cops who are screwed up. Here in the Gaw of all places people should recognize the manipulation most of you have fallen for by reading the comments it appears some of youbare adding to the fire.
Sounds like a bunch of bad excuses for bad behavior under the guise of bad training.
What does one Rotten Apple do to the whole Bunch???
I keep forgetting that old saying, do you know it in full, I nee to relearn it....
Well, that was out of line. Still, I would wonder why an adult is walking around with a child all alone at 5:30 am. I would be conversational, ask questions, find out who they are and ask where they live. When the father said "We do this", the cop said no, you don't. Is it because they never saw these two there before?
Yes it could easily have been communicated and sorted out to the satisfaction of both parties. Had to do stuff that way myself. I'd take my time Soni could sleep k owing I didn't ignore a potential.problem or cause one. Most peiple if explained properly were appreciative of such efforts and once you met them you never had tondo more than wave at them next time you saw them. These guys are not suited for the job.
Wow...I hope these guys get actually get held accountable. Stuff like that has an impact on a kid that age...this is appalling
What a testosterone f-up.
Yeah. Fuck the police. And this is the very reason as to why.
Did you not see the police all over the States enforcing the lockdowns? What could possibly posses some of you guys to think these imbeciles are in your side?
Not one cop iin las vegas enforced a lock down while i was there. I didn't see it either. You saw a few idiots do it. Same 10 percent that do what these guys did.
Good luck going against the casinos and their profits in Las Vegas. I think the one who had a somewhat distorted experience was you.
For example, even here in Florida; Miami, Orlando, Tampa, Jacksonville, any and all major population center had the mandates enforced for over 6 months. And the whole police departments played along.
These police department number in the thousands of officers by the way. So no. It was not some mere 10%. In fact more likely it was 10% of police who resisted the mandates if at all.
The birth of another cop hater.
Major reform is needed across the US.
Don't refund the police, reform the police and root out these types
They should be forced to read the laws they try to enforce and the constitution they pledge to uphold.
Add to that all of the relevant court ruling in these matters.
And tested maybe every 6 months on it.
Instead of pepper spray the recruits to establish that getting pepper sprayed does in fact suck... They do that like once per month in the College of police by the way.
Total asshole cops. I just hope that few people will use this as an excuse to paint them with a broad brush, as all bad, as some are wont to do.
Tell me who your Friends are, and I'll tell you who you are....
All are complicit
Really, then you are complicit too.
Every cop that doesn't turn in / arrest other cops for violating people's rights or commiting crimes is a bad cop.
Every cop that doesn't have a good understanding of the law is a bad cop.
Most cops are bad cops.
Look at UK to see where this shit leads!
A town of 3000. If the cops don't know him already kinda means he's just an ok dude.
Who trains the police? They need much better training to know where their limits are.
How is rural Oklahoma similar to UK?
Thinking about the behavior of UK police in the sticky u/brain_dead had with a video log of the UK rioting. Weren't they claiming the rioters WERE ACTUALLY extremist racists, and most of them white?
So in that instance it was an anti-Muslim response generated by extremist white racist people (organized or no, but LIKELY right wing according to the UK media and you were backing up that position) who were doing the most egregious damage and causing harm and chaos.
Then there were groups of what seemed to be counter protesters, opposition made up apparently of folks with higher melanin, donning facial coverings and engaging with the original group. (And by now we can just abbreviate by calling them Nazi punks eh? Cuz the media said that's who they were... and most importantly, though it was lost on many, WHY they were out demonstrating)
And if I'm incorrect anywhere just say so, but did we not view footage in that video log where the UK police seemed to be actively engaging with Nazi punks while elsewhere they were allowing the brave counter protesters to walk on by even as they donned weaponry?
I am pursuing this because I think it leads to a major truth underneath: we now assign ourselves to a DIFFERENT MORAL CODE than ever before in the United States of America. Starting from a long period of indoctrination, miseducation in schools, trampling of religious doctrine, deception by an ever more false, jingoist media subsumed with propaganda and many other spheres of American life invaded, we have been turned to another way of thought and response, and I think mostly unbeknownst to us.
This is the LAW OF THE JUNGLE.
This is about man's treatment of his fellow man, when asked to do something to their neighbor that they know deep down to be wrong, how will that man who holds even the most meager bit of power over others will choose to act.
This is about Stockholm syndrome; when Father goes out at night and doesn't tell us where he has been, and gives us a beating for transgressions we didn't know we did. Then we take it out on brother and sister.
Because hurt people hurt people. Man is given to cruelty, especially when his masters are giving him the very same. The extreme manifestations of this in cancel culture and the celebration of victimhood are terribly ill omens for where the psychology of collective society is at currently. We have to find a way to NOT ALLOW OURSELVES to be victims, to rise above that label and overcome those miserable circumstances in pursuit of a brighter day.
The alternative is grim. Justice replaced by revenge. Tearing down someone else, whether or not they were your tormentors, is now the cultural standard we have been seduced into believing is acceptable. The endgame of that is again, a zero-sum one: mutual destruction.
Much of this has been a subliminal spread, only now starting to show itself in video clips such as this, and elsewhere, Rittenhouse or BLM or Canadian truckers and more stand as examples; but plainly I wonder if the tenure of Janet Reno, Oklahoma City, Ruby Ridge and Waco were the beginnings of the collapse. Once upon a time, the President's infidelity to his wife and the dreadful particulars of that story were a grievous injury to his public support and image; now just 25 years later, we would elect a dead man (or create one) just to stop the other scumbag from winning.
Support for a candidate gets people to go vote; hatred and disgust for the OTHER candidate wakes EVERYONE in the Nation to cast their ballots.
Culture is upstream from politics and whether we like it or not everyone is so afraid these days they almost instantly revert back into an identity group when threatened. The bubbles pods and echo chambers technology has helped all of us fall into are the way the globalists and Democrat machine destroys us; that is, by destroying one another.
More than anything else I think COVID was a social experiment, to see how much they could tighten the screws and get away with it. The worst thing about all of it was the sheer amount of people in positions of authority like doctors and police just doing their jobs.
Civil disobedience HAS to be the way. We can't allow ourselves to fear consequences to ourselves and our station in life MORE than we dislike punishing our fellow man for no real reason. Good Christians and Patriots MUST resist or we are doomed. Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.
Some food for thought.
Good food for thought. Did you notice the social experiment done by a young man who went to rallies of both Trump and Kamala? He wore Kamala t-shirt to Trump rally, and vice versa. Guess what happen to him?
Patriots take care of everyone no matter what color or how brain-dead they are.
Criminal cops.
Most states have a law that you have to identify yourself after arrest. Before arrest, no need.
Worthless f*ggot nazi!s See how you like it when you loose support from the right. Suck the commies dics and see where you get. Little bitch ass’s afraid of upholding the law, just want to oppress the citizens. No respect for you thugs
"Contempt of cop"
Fuck you.
I hope that kid's thoughts about you show up in their dreams as nightmares.