You know; everyone LOVES to hate on the Catholic church for their pedo problem, but people only use that to bash Christianity; nobody ever seems to mention that each & every one of those MALE priests, loves to molest little BOYS.......
Lol. Not really…I have a lower tolerance for bullshit and higher angry side than she does. She’s Canadian and has learned well since we’ve been together. Her bullshit meter has evolved extremely well and sees/finds more than I do at times.
I don't have a problem if a person decides between them and their doctor that they need a mask for say allergies, weak immune systems etc, but what drives me bonkers are the chin wearers. I mean really, either you need it or you don't.
I used to wear my breathing mask on top of my head while walking through stores. When asked, I self-identify as a dolphin, so I'm covering my blow-hole.
If anyone didn't accept my dolphin-ness... then they are being intolerant and discriminating against me.
People did insist that I wear a mask over my mouth and nose also, but I'd point out that it's silly and goes against science. Dolphins don't breathe through their mouth or nose.
Turn all of their arguments against them. They have to accept my mental delusion... because otherwise, I don't have to accept theirs.
I saw them only once or twice, normally in a scooter with bottle of oxygen and a cig. But that is beside the point. They can wear anything they want. They can wear it around their eyebrows if they want. It is not up to me (or you, or bone head) to mandate. We are in this mess because we failed to maintain a spiritual God driven society and evil has taken root and is now blossoming in our midst.
I have a photo of my father from 1979 wearing a mask holding me as a newborn. He had a cold while i was being delivered. So i guess hospitals did it back then.
I would sometimes see people with masks on at places like pharmacies pre-plandemic. Usually they had breathing tubes in their noses and stuff too....
People cleaning mold or painting. Lol
Otherwise normal people didnt do it.
When I had my son the baby was not allowed in the room when visitors came.
After visiting hours the father could stay for about a half hour to an hour and he had to wear a mask. This was in 1977.
Exactly one year to the day in 1978 when my daughter was born the baby stayed in the room the entire time never left visitors came in held her and no one wore masks.
When I questioned why they changed the rules they said well the baby can't be kept in a bubble because you're going to be taking them home anyhow.
Your husband is like my wife. She gives me looks all the time and says I have no filter. I told her I'm the same man you were drawn to when we dated and got married and it's her that's changed, not me. 32 years married now, and I'm still the ornery, don't give a fuck what you think, don't tell me what to do man and always will be.
Back at the height of the mask madness. A guy made an angry comment telling me to put on a mask. My response was not my best me. Or maybe it was. But how I reacted bothered me for a while. I was cruel. But perhaps that is how we beat the insanity. I shouldn't have to destroy my fellow man. Sad times.
Yup that back when movies were good. There were such things as blockbusters.
I still remember the words to song:
Oh do you remember sweet Betsy from pike
When over the mountain with her lover Ike
Two yoke of oxen and one spotted hog
Tall shanghai rooster and a large yeller dog.
Movies I especially remember seeing were Jaws, Poseidon Adventure, Towering Inferno, Exorcist, and Butch Cassidy and Sundance Kid, Sound of Music and (Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte, and Curse of the Mummy's Tomb because they scared the crap out of me and I was scared to go to sleep.)
Probably my favorite comedy movie is Murder by Death
I remember my mom and dad taking me and my sister to see Conquer Worm with Vincent Price. My mom thought it must be a kids movie about a little worm. We didn't make it very far in the movie before leaving lol.
lol, you would think mine would have by now also after over 30 yrs together, but there are times I can still embarrass him & our grown kids 😂 Most times we just look at each other and roll our eyes when we see people with masks on, or I say "you've got to be kidding me or dear Lord" out loud, then he says "I know right?", lol.
My poor hubby tries to prep me ahead of time, like for business dinners. "Amber, I don't know what their politics are so just try to tone it down". Me: I can figure out their politics in one minute, now how do I look in this American flag dress and matching shoes?
Amen, I remember when they always recommended sunlight and fresh air. Old school was right, but then it was about curing and healing before the creation of Big Pharma.
They make a cure for that in a multitude of brass and nickel cartridges. They cost ~20-80¢ each. I am a believer that the more expensive cartridges are perhaps more effective, but that’s just me. I am the guy who likes to expend brass cartridges
"the cases in children have been traced back to men who have sex with men, the gay men community"
= pedophile community
Saying it without saying it... "traced back .... "adjacent to the community most at risk"
You know; everyone LOVES to hate on the Catholic church for their pedo problem, but people only use that to bash Christianity; nobody ever seems to mention that each & every one of those MALE priests, loves to molest little BOYS.......
I saw a maskateer yesterday with an N95 mask in the store.
I said to my husband very loudly oh are you kidding me we are doing this again and laughed out loud.
My husband gave me a dirty look for saying it.
I then decided that is the problem.
People won't say anything and then before you know it everyone is wearing them.
We need to make them uncomfortable this time.
Then this crap will stop.
Funny…I start and my wife will occasionally give me the side eye for being too blunt.
But then she goes over the edge on something else. It’s fun tag teaming on ridiculing the normies.
No mask, opposite way of arrows down aisles, fake cough walking by maskholes…all good sport back in the day.
I refused to follow the arrows I am not a sheep or cattle to be herded.
The most they did was dirty looks.
Ya'll got a good cop/bad cop thing going on?
Lol. Not really…I have a lower tolerance for bullshit and higher angry side than she does. She’s Canadian and has learned well since we’ve been together. Her bullshit meter has evolved extremely well and sees/finds more than I do at times.
LOL they are two different people; even the best marriages contain people with different views, preferences, picadillos, etc....
IDK about u guys, but my wife is SUCH a rule-follower it drives me totally insane....
I think it's just women in general being not as aggressive / blunt / assertive as men, biologically & fundamentally (if I had to guess)
Actually; now I'm terribly curious to do a poll to see if women - even conservative women - are generally more rule-following than men.
Me? If it's not explicitly written in the Constitution, IDC about it.........
I don't have a problem if a person decides between them and their doctor that they need a mask for say allergies, weak immune systems etc, but what drives me bonkers are the chin wearers. I mean really, either you need it or you don't.
I used to wear my breathing mask on top of my head while walking through stores. When asked, I self-identify as a dolphin, so I'm covering my blow-hole.
If anyone didn't accept my dolphin-ness... then they are being intolerant and discriminating against me.
People did insist that I wear a mask over my mouth and nose also, but I'd point out that it's silly and goes against science. Dolphins don't breathe through their mouth or nose.
Turn all of their arguments against them. They have to accept my mental delusion... because otherwise, I don't have to accept theirs.
I see a bunch of those, mostly hospital workers on their lunch breaks. So it makes sense for them, except that it's still stupid.
Since you seem to be okay with the masks for immune systems and because of doctor recommendation please answer this question.
How many times have you seen people do this prior to the scam?
People had bad immune systems in my sixty some years and I never saw it before.
This is how we got in this mess. People who say oh just leave them alone.
I saw them only once or twice, normally in a scooter with bottle of oxygen and a cig. But that is beside the point. They can wear anything they want. They can wear it around their eyebrows if they want. It is not up to me (or you, or bone head) to mandate. We are in this mess because we failed to maintain a spiritual God driven society and evil has taken root and is now blossoming in our midst.
I have a photo of my father from 1979 wearing a mask holding me as a newborn. He had a cold while i was being delivered. So i guess hospitals did it back then.
I would sometimes see people with masks on at places like pharmacies pre-plandemic. Usually they had breathing tubes in their noses and stuff too....
People cleaning mold or painting. Lol Otherwise normal people didnt do it.
My children were born a year apart.
When I had my son the baby was not allowed in the room when visitors came.
After visiting hours the father could stay for about a half hour to an hour and he had to wear a mask. This was in 1977.
Exactly one year to the day in 1978 when my daughter was born the baby stayed in the room the entire time never left visitors came in held her and no one wore masks.
When I questioned why they changed the rules they said well the baby can't be kept in a bubble because you're going to be taking them home anyhow.
Common sense.
Thank you for that perspective from long ago. It was an interesting story into how we keep changing things in the care of our babies.
Yes it is.
Your husband is like my wife. She gives me looks all the time and says I have no filter. I told her I'm the same man you were drawn to when we dated and got married and it's her that's changed, not me. 32 years married now, and I'm still the ornery, don't give a fuck what you think, don't tell me what to do man and always will be.
Same thing here but met 2002 and married 18 years.
He always says he has to round off my square edges.
Back at the height of the mask madness. A guy made an angry comment telling me to put on a mask. My response was not my best me. Or maybe it was. But how I reacted bothered me for a while. I was cruel. But perhaps that is how we beat the insanity. I shouldn't have to destroy my fellow man. Sad times.
So you had a "Think you used enough dynamite there Butch?" moment?
I usually just tell them that all they are accomplishing be wearing the mask is to signal to their globalist master that they are controllable sheep.
My fav movie!!!
Yup that back when movies were good. There were such things as blockbusters.
I still remember the words to song:
Oh do you remember sweet Betsy from pike When over the mountain with her lover Ike Two yoke of oxen and one spotted hog Tall shanghai rooster and a large yeller dog.
Movies I especially remember seeing were Jaws, Poseidon Adventure, Towering Inferno, Exorcist, and Butch Cassidy and Sundance Kid, Sound of Music and (Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte, and Curse of the Mummy's Tomb because they scared the crap out of me and I was scared to go to sleep.)
Probably my favorite comedy movie is Murder by Death
I remember my mom and dad taking me and my sister to see Conquer Worm with Vincent Price. My mom thought it must be a kids movie about a little worm. We didn't make it very far in the movie before leaving lol.
Sometimes…nuclear is necessary from a number of perspectives.
Adequate margins or it’ll come back stupider…
You should not feel guilty because they had no problem being angry with those that did not want to do it.
My husband gave up on my mouth embarrassing him 30 years ago. He just goes with it now.
I called my wife a Karen a couple weeks ago. It didn't go over to well
Make sure you neatly fold your blankets on the end of the sofa when you get up in the mornings, it might soften her a bit.
You would think mine would learn by now.
lol, you would think mine would have by now also after over 30 yrs together, but there are times I can still embarrass him & our grown kids 😂 Most times we just look at each other and roll our eyes when we see people with masks on, or I say "you've got to be kidding me or dear Lord" out loud, then he says "I know right?", lol.
My poor hubby tries to prep me ahead of time, like for business dinners. "Amber, I don't know what their politics are so just try to tone it down". Me: I can figure out their politics in one minute, now how do I look in this American flag dress and matching shoes?
Hmmm, if it where a White Hat operation, it would serve to spread the word about child trafficking.
Most people aren't going to worry about this as a disease for themselves. They will, however, wonder why some children are getting it.
And dogs
And horses
And monkeys
Don’t leave the chickens out of it all…poor chickens…
Kek at the "men who have sex with men community".
Must have taken talking points from KH lol
Define a man. Kekity kek!
Blokidy Bloke = man
Whoa, that just added a whole new complexity that basically could result in the act of reproduction being as intended...
Amen, I remember when they always recommended sunlight and fresh air. Old school was right, but then it was about curing and healing before the creation of Big Pharma.
Yes, exactly. And thank you for your support, 30 minutes later I really felt a shift to the better. :-)
Love those positive energies.
It’s crazy how those of us older ones are remembering the good stuff we learned growing up.
Glad we learned this so we can share it for others to benefit from.
Gay men rape children? Who would have thought?
children who are "adjacent", is that the new word for pedophile(s)?
disgusting pedo shit
It's undeniable proof of sexual transmission of the COVID shots.
Don't sleep with the jabbed.
The key to making all of this disappear is to completely ignore it. Don't comply. Don't even bat an eyelash. Treat it as you would Medusa. Look away.
Without universal fear to back it, it's just a nice piss in the wind.
I think what surprised everyone was the sheer scale of it all.
Like, we thought that a certain percentage of homosexuals were pedophiles, but we had no idea it was so high.
Now it makes sense why they had to make gay marriage a thing. If they are a married couple, they cannot be denied access to young boys.
PEPE'S FAM remembahs
Indeed... pedos
WTF? When was this clip originally posted?
So the cure is “Don’t rape children”
They make a cure for that in a multitude of brass and nickel cartridges. They cost ~20-80¢ each. I am a believer that the more expensive cartridges are perhaps more effective, but that’s just me. I am the guy who likes to expend brass cartridges