The story of my father-in-law's two heart stent procedures that were canceled in the middle of the procedures is below in all capital letters.
TL;DR (Schedule is critical. See below)
I recommend you screenshot this.
4000mg L-lysine/ day total, taken in (2 separate) 2000mg doses on empty stomach or w/ a bit of juice/toast/carbs. NO protein for minimum 2 hrs before AND 1 hr after Lysine doses.
L-lysine absorption is impaired by protein. (Via amino competition)
4000mg Vitamin C/ day total, taken in (2 separate) 2000mg doses on empty stomach or w/ protein meal. NO Carbs for minimum 2 hrs before AND 1 hr after Vitamin C doses.
Vitamin C absorption is impaired by carbs. (Via glucose competition)
People that take these daily still get heart attacks/strokes. Why?
The goal is to achieve a very high blood concentration of each 2x daily. Absorption competition categorically prevents this.
In 2011, my 47yo FIL was diagnosed with heart disease (atherosclerosis) after a heart attack and had one stent put in. He smoked a pack a day and drank a 12 pack of Pepsi a day.
He played golf 4+ times per week w/ his friends. In summer 2015 he began getting out of breath playing golf. It got to a point where he was too tired/winded to do more than 9 holes. After another month he was too tired to golf at all. Doctor did a heart scan 'with contrast' and found 3 blockages between 70% and 90%. His left ventricle ejection fraction was barely 40%. Doctor scheduled heart stent surgery (technically regarded as non-surgical).
When I heard about his situation I immediately asked him to postpone the procedure for 4 weeks. He couldn't even work in his condition and he was very afraid to have such bad heart problems at only 51 so this was a big ask but he knows that I am a strange breed when it comes to separating signal from noise (thanks Steve Bannon) on obscure research like this so he trusted me.
I wrote out a schedule for him and he took it religiously. Four weeks later, during the stent procedure, the doctor said his arteries were "clean as a whistle." Then the doc sort of got worried because he thought it was SO IMPOSSIBLE. He checked to see if his office might have made a mistake and mixed up heart scans with another patient. Upon further checking, there was no mistake.
Just 4 weeks prior my father in law was 51, average build, active and couldn't even walk across the room without getting out of breath. After the four weeks, he felt better than he had in years. Zero chest pain anymore.
Now here's the Encore: 3 years after the above
After his first scheduled heart stent procedure was concluded with NO stents put in, he immediately stopped the treatment and didn't do it again.
Flash forward to 2018 after continuing (he never even quit during the therapy) to smoke now TWO packs a day and still drinking a 12 pack of Pepsi a day; the same thing happened only worse. He noticed it again when he was too tired to go more than 9 holes. Days later, he passed out on the green and was taken by ambulance to the hospital. The next day a scan with contrast showed very clearly 3 blockages, 2 @ 80% and the 3rd was near-100% blockage. His left ventricle ejection fraction was 20%. This is approaching heart failure. At 54 years old.
His cardiologist scheduled emergency stent surgery and a mechanical 'rotor-rooter' type procedure for the following Monday. FIL tried to buy time w/ the Doc so he could do the treatment again. Doc said any more than 2 weeks would be life-threatening.
FIL got right back on the dosage/schedule again. Two weeks later on 'procedure day' the same thing happened. Catheter scope/camera up the groin artery all the way to his heart. Camera sees NO blockages in the first 2 spots and only 20% in the one that was a near-total blockage only 15 days prior.
Doc abruptly ended the procedure with nothing needing to be done. ZERO STENTS AGAIN. The cardiac catheter camera was pulled from his groin and the doctor left the room.
As the nurses were wrapping everything up, the Doc and an unknown colleague (Doctor?) came back in with notepads and started asking questions. His doctor was absolutely astounded. Just couldn't fucking believe it. Said he had never seen anything like it in his career. FIL continued the Linus Pauling therapy for probably another 2 months. His ejection fraction was tested a few weeks later. It rose from ~20% to almost 70%.
TO BE CLEAR, TWO SEPARATE TIMES the blockages were clearly visible on scans and he was out of breath walking more than 30 feet. Two separate times he was on the table so to speak, with a cardiac catheter up his groin all the way to his heart and (after this therapy) both times there was nothing there and the catheter was withdrawn without mounting a single stent. He does 2 weeks of this regimen a few times a year and the problems have never returned in the 9+ years since.
SCHEDULE: Do not skip!
Before you take a single pill:
For yourself and for God,
This is flexible. Make it work for you.
But never ever break the "2hrs before/1 hour after" rule.
For reference my FIL's dose and meal schedule was:
7am: 2000mg Vitamin C on empty stomach or w/ small protein meal. NO carbs 2 hrs before & 1 hr after.
9am: 2000mg L-lysine on empty stomach or w/ a some juice/toast/carbs. NO protein 2 hrs before & 1 hr after.
Noon to 5pm eat whatever.
8pm: 2000mg Vitamin C on empty stomach or w/ small protein meal. NO carbs 2 hrs before & 1 hr after.
10pm: 2000mg L-lysine on empty stomach or w/ a some juice/toast/carbs. NO protein 2 hrs before & 1 hr after.
If you have a different sleep schedule, it's totally acceptable to take the 7am & 9am doses a few hours earlier/later, Or likewise move the 8pm & 10pm doses a few hours earlier/later respectively.
9am vitamin C.
11am Lysine.
1pm to 4pm eat whatever.
6pm vitamin C.
8pm Lysine
Example #2: On an empty stomach ONLY:
8am 2000mg Vitamin C & 2000mg Lysine.
10am to 6pm whatever food/drink you want.
8pm 2000mg Vitamin C & 2000mg Lysine.
The "2hrs before/1 hour after" rule are minimum values. "3hrs before & 2 hour after" doses could be even better if you're someone with slow digestion.
The real key here is the method of avoiding the competition. Without observing this rule, you are just wasting your time if you're trying to clear out your arteries to save your life. Life is a beautiful thing. Discipline is worth it.
The HOW & WHY:
All the credit for this goes to Linus Pauling, -the only person to ever win TWO unshared Nobel Prizes -invented this therapy when he discovered that the calcifications inside arteries featured a molecular "lysine binding site". This means Lysine gently but rapidly melts away blockages (atherosclerosis) like a sugar cube in hot coffee. No big pieces dislodge which could cause a stroke. By the way this therapy works for blockages anywhere in the body.
Here's the interesting thing to know and understand:
Heart pumping produces higher mechanical load on all the stereotypical points where blockages are found. This causes micro-tears in the single-cell-thick interior of the artery called the endothelial layer. (What spike protein attacks). These micro-tears occur naturally and frequently and are healed via a process in which vitamin C is CHEMICALLY REQUIRED.
Without sufficient vitamin C 'on tap,' cholesterol sticks to the 'scabby' (if you will) micro-tears that form from high mechanical load on the artery and that don't heal properly w/o Vitamin C. This then builds on its self over time.
The vitamin C helps heal the endothelial layer inside the arteries. Here's a mystery the medical establishment has never explained to you: Why do "clogs" start in larger arteries subjected to the highest mechanical load (pumping) rather than the itty-bitty single-blood-cell-wide capillaries? Any plumbers here?
If you're on a carnivore diet then congratulations, the gene you were born with that makes babies produce their own vitamin C is reactivated in you, therefore you don't need any vitamin C because you are producing it naturally like bears, wolves, and newborn babies. That's the answer to why people on "carnivore diet" do not get scurvy.
With no disrespect meant to any other method, because there certainly are many, I bring you this here with such conviction for two reasons:
Linus Pauling was a genius biochemist, chemical engineer, etc, whose hard work and treatment I presented to you all here tonight, was purposefully obscured and -after his passing in 1994 at 93yo -suspiciously added to. (you'll see if you dig)
This is the method I know first hand works from my own personal experience with a family member and their baffled doctors. Twice. 3 years apart.
I'm not a doctor
Can you take BOTH Vit C & Lysine together?
YES - but ONLY on an empty stomach (Only water 2hrs before/1hr after)
Does Vit C & Lysine compete with EACHOTHER?
How long should you do this for?
4-6 weeks. Bare minimum 2 weeks.
Does this interfere with medication(s)?
Possibly some. Google it.
Google says vitamin C interferes with my medication. Can I still do this?
Maybe. Ask your doctor if there's a loophole.
Do I need to add any other shit for this to work?
No. I know this exact method works FAST from firsthand experience. Most people, including my father-in-law saw a noticeable improvement in 7–10 days.
Will this work for jab-related blockages?
I don't know... what do you have to lose?
Can I take this on carnivore diet?
Yes but it's not necessary. See below.
What if I'm fasting?
That makes it easy. You can take them together
Can I take more/less?
I would not take less. You can safely double the dose.
Any side effects?
Upset stomach from Vit C. Maybe diarrhea the first few days. A hard boiled egg or couple slices of deli meat is recommended with Vit C.
Is the schedule (below) flexible?
Yes but the "2hrs before/1 hour after" rule is NOT
What type of vitamin C/lysine should I buy?
Lysine and L-lysine are the same thing. It is a constituent of protein, naturally occurring and cheap.
Vitamin C – Liposomal or the kind made out of fruit extracts, etc. is probably best. Capsules are preferable over hard-pressed pills for absorption.
NO time release/buffered Vitamin C.
~Hermes Trismegistus
If you already posted your results from trying this on one of the previous posts, please kindly post it again here so as many people as possible can benefit from your testimony.
God bless you All!
Per your request JT17:
I've also been taking Vitamin C and Lysine together for about 2 months because of your original post. Any chest tightness I had after eating a large meal or running with the dogs is now gone. Beforehand, even climbing the stairs would provoke the tightness.
I'm early in my 50's with a normal BMI. My dad is a similar build and his first heart attack at 46 with a triple bypass in his early 60's. I quit taking a cholesterol lowering statin 1.5 years ago and with a better diet I now have better blood test results now than when on the meds. I also lost ~25 lbs by occasionally walking 3 miles, fasting 14 - 18 hours several times a week and avoiding unnatural sugars.
It took me 5 hours to completely disassembled my kids dilapidated swing set in 88°F high humidity weather and I still had energy afterwards. No chest tightness at all.
Awesome u/What-Me-Worry!!!
I remember reading your testimony before. Thank you for posting it here again! Not everyone comes on here daily which is why I intend to re-post this every 5 or 6 weeks for a while. If someone goes 2-3 days without visiting GAW they could easily miss it.
Judging by the feedback on the previous posts, imagine how many lives have been saved or extended because they decided to try this!?! Thank God for Linus Pauling!
At my next physical I'm going to mention Linus Pauling to my Dr.
Much like me, I doubt he ever heard of him before.
Yes u/What-Me-Worry that's a good idea.
If enough of you on here tell your doctors, particularly if your doctors can verify some physiological/measurable, objective improvement, just imagine if some of them start recommending this therapy to their patients!
I'm about to start this regimen but I'm curious. Will this also treat bad cholesterol? I have a somewhat elevated LDL that my doctor is trying to get me to go on statins, but I refuse to take them. I'm trying to change my diet but I am thinking this regimen will help me jumpstart on taking care of the bad cholesterol faster before my next dr. appt,
Someone on GAW mentioned your brain is at least 75% cholesterol by weight, and these medical stooges are giving you drugs to lower cholesterol.... For clarification to those that have been on anti-cholesterol drugs for a while, this means they're trying to reduce your IQ. And set you up for neurodegenerative issues like Alzheimers later on. There was a line from an intercepted Trilateral Commission (precursor to WEF) that should stick in everyone's head. Roughly paraphrased: "We'll give them poison. And when they get sick from the poison and come to us for help, we'll give them more poison." FYI, "I'm not a doctor and you should consult your physician."
Jimmy Dore with the lowdown on cholesterol. Spoiler alert. They lied. The "bad" cholesterol is what repairs the arteries when shit happens. Now go have some steak and eggs.
Shocked, shocked I say (/s)!
I'm not sure if anyone mentioned cholesterol, but several people mentioned that their high blood pressure normalized after a few weeks on this therapy. Just like main stream medicine is clueless about the information in this OP, so are they ignorant about the true function/necessity of cholesterol. Keep your arteries clear and your blood pressure normal and you should be great.
OK thanks for the response. I will post at a later date with my results once I start this regimen. Thanks for bringing this to our attention!
I'm gonna give it a shot and see if it changes my blood pressure at all.
Wouldn't say I necessarily have "bad" numbers but just curious to see if things shift...
u/JohnTitor17: Can you confirm that you have to pop a crazy # of pills to do this? I bought the highest L-Lycene content pill in the store and it needs 3 pilils for 1000mg. So it'd be 12 pills a day?? Is there a brand you like that is more potent?
Also is it for normal for there to be secondary ingredients in L-Lycne? Mine has B-6, Vitamin C (!) and a pretty crazy amount of Zinc too (25mg per 1000mg L-Lycene).
I ended up buying the 1000mg version of both Vit C and Lysine from Amazon. 2 pills of each in the morning and 2 pills of each in the evening. The Lysine is straight Lysine with nothing else added.
Go find Dr. Berry's youtube video about statins. They are death! Take natto. And get off sugar. Lose weight..walk more. The doctors go by "SOC" Standard Of Care. To protect them from lawsuits. Pushing statins is in the SOC. They are harming their patients. Bless you. Fren. Stay strong!
Jimmy Dore with the lowdown on cholesterol. Spoiler alert. They lied. The "bad" cholesterol is what repairs the arteries when shit happens. Now go have some steak and eggs.
I have not tried OP method yet, glad I was pointed here though.
My diabetic doctor told both my brother & myself that Amla Fruit gets rid of bad cholesterol better than any other med out there, but most of his patients want a pill that is covered by insurance (doc, myself & bro all use Amla).
If you get Amla in bulk & make your own capsules, or mix in a drink it is just as cheap or cheaper most of the time than insurance paid meds every month (unless you are covered 100% on meds). You should to take 1 Brazil Nut (not lots consistently, or you get poisoned) each day with the Amla Fruit to enhance it's effects.
My general doc told me that it is the selenium in the Brazil nut that enhances the Amla & can poison you if you eat too many of them consistently. My GP also is one of the healthiest & most fit/muscular men I have met in their late 60s. He has zero problem with testing natural remedies so long as there is some track record with them & often found they work well if done correctly, though most won't do what is required (ie this method OP posted about abstaining from carbs/protien with certain supplements on a more tedious schedule than a pharma pill).
I've been on this schedule for about 3 weeks now. In good health at 60 so no miraculous transformations but at this age, my dad had a triple bypass.
I'm using liquid liposomal vitamin C and as we know, excess C usually amounts to technicolor, bright yellow urine. I'm not seeing any color change. Would that mean all of the C is being put to use? AKA its working? Or is my liquid C from Amazon just snake oil?
I'm not aware of any cardio pulmonary problems but I went on it for a month thinking it would be a good idea, like a cleansing diet. I shared it and as a result one person I know did more research and checked himself out of the hospital where he was waiting for bypass surgery, So far, he's alright and feeling better. Whew.
Awesome uMountaingale! I've been waiting for someone to come back saying they avoided bypass surgery! That's a big fvcking deal because, like you mentioned, people waiting for bypass surgery are usually NOT waiting for it in the comfort of their home; they are in a hospital bed.
This can be a very dangerous situation.
PLEASE I think it would be a good idea if you bug him several times a week, if not daily, with a phone call ensuring that he is doing it consistently and correctly. Just for redundancy.
4 weeks can go by quickly but people absolutely must take this properly or he could die suddenly.
I will be pissed off if anyone dies taking risks re this therapy. (nervous sarcasm)
I'm not a doctor and I know the ramifications of this are profound.
Please everyone exercise extreme caution if you know someone like his friend!
I hope you will keep us updated. Prayers for your friend. This is incredible!
I feel the same way. So far, so good. He's very grateful. He has a number of friends keeping close watch especially because he pushes it, then his heart tells him "not yet". They're keeping him quiet for a few months. Thank you for your prayers for him.
Thank you u/Mountaingalefor keeping us updated! I'm going to re-post this post again in a few more weeks.
This next time I will go through the previous three iterations and copy paste all of the testimonials with user names. If you can remember to update here, I will make sure it is in the next OP!
Ah hello again. I did bookmark your original post and after some research, gave your protocol a go. I'm fairly young but a decade+ of drinking, smoking, and spending a lot of time on the computer has left me with fine but less than stellar health. Over the past few years, I've noticed blood pressure rising on the average, most notably hearing blood/heart beat in my right ear. In the weeks before trying the treatment, it was a daily occurrence. Blood test had come back with stratospheric LDL and HDL levels a month prior, so your post was good timing.
After two weeks of following the protocol, the noise in my ear is gone. I generally feel more even-keeled, especially with energy levels throughout the day and mood/focus. It's a more subtle effect than I would like, but it's freeing up my mental clarity to start focusing on things like diet and exercise and goals, so I'm hoping to snowball.
Plan on doing it twice yearly. I should also get another blood test and an arterial/heart scan but that's for later.
I cannot put into words my gratitude for you. Thank you.
Jimmy Dore with the lowdown on cholesterol. Spoiler alert. They lied. The "bad" cholesterol is what repairs the arteries when shit happens. Now go have some steak and eggs.
Oh yeah, ribeyes are a staple. Saw that segment earlier, definitely aligns with OP's message
This post is fascinating. Thank you for sharing. I've spent the past couple hours reading Linus Pauling's Case Reports and watching a few videos, including one from Pauling himself with the recommendation. I've ordered some Liposomal Vit C, Lysine and Proline supplements.
I found this link very enlightening from that basically echoes what you discussed.
This theory of atherosclerosis is something I had never heard of or come across before. It's amazing how information like this can be hidden in plain sight or completely forgotten altogether.
Here's a YouTube video of The Pauling Heart Protocol in Dr. Pauling's own words (Starts about 3 mins into clip, about 1hr 4mins total)
Great post. Thanks. Your FIL though, is lucky (fortunate) to have you.
Thank you I screen shot the whole post.
thanks fren! sticking to my carnivore diet
I have a friend who I suggested this to and has started this regimen. We’ll see if he has the discipline to follow it through a few weeks.
He desperately need improvement after needing a pace maker and an ejection fraction at 10%. My guess is clot shots fucked him up bad.
I'm one week in and it very much appears to help. Now granted, I've been a once a week to the gym for at least 4 years now, around 59 y.o., no prescriptions or medical problems other than "lifetime obesity" (friggin sugar, corn syrup and recently finding out about "what in the natural flavoring!"). I never have been able to jog for any significant distance without having to walk & catch my breath. Now being in this regimen for 4 days there was a significant correlation between pulse and speed that's showing up. I was going to drop out of doing this after a week, but think I'll hang in for another and see if it gets better still. Important point: get a baseline before you start and record it. Don't push it and have a heart attack and die because you'll skew the results for the rest of us if you manage to report as you're laying there with GAW up on your phone </S>. For example, at an incline of 5%, speed 3.5mph my pulse was around 120bpm (your results might vary, "see your dealer for additional terms & conditions"). This was 4 days in, previously (from memory) this would get my heart around 126/7 bpm. Hope this helps, and yeah, avoid natural flavoring.
The following was originally posted on the 2nd iteration of this OP by u/PaPaSauce (emphasis added)
" I started taking high dose lycine and vitamin c some 5-6 weeks ago now, I think. Right after I read the first post of this.
Before, I felt constantly tired, ankles swollen (if I wore socks you could see impressions from them for hours) got light headed and dizzy standing up too quick, face got red and dizzy and drenched in sweat from light exertion, and more. I felt, truly, like my life was near its end. I'm not that old, but I have decreased Mobility from an injury and my cardiovascular health has gone downhill fast over the last few years. When I had my bp checked, the nurses checked 3-4 more times because it was so high they didn't believe it.
After just a few weeks I felt so much better. Most of my symptoms described above gone, and those still around severely reduced in how bad they were and getting better daily.
I was honestly at the point where I was worried about dropping over dead any day, I felt it in my heart, in my bones, if something drastic didn't happen I wasn't going to make it long. That shadow is no longer over me, and I cant describe how incredibly happy I am today.
To the one who originally posted this treatment, and to Dr. Pauling, thank you so much!
I'm well versed in chemistry and science, went to college for physics. I researched all of the background of why this works chemically and the theories behind why humans get these issues with high cholesterol in our arteries in the first place. To me, it all makes sense and I tell everyone I can about it.
In just the last two weeks (I saw results after 3 weeks, and some friends started at that point and have been on it for two weeks) several friends and family have already been noticing a difference in their lives and health. One friends relative is scheduled for some heart related surgeries and they feel like it may no longer be necessary, though time will tell.
In short, I believe everyone - even those without obvious symptoms - can benefit from adding these two items to their lives. And for those like me who have had issues with their arteries, this may give you a second lease on life. " " "
As a follow up, I'm still taking lycine and vitamin c and my health is so much better. I improved a lot very quickly, as I was in pretty rough shape. Now, I feel good and am still improving - though at a slower pace. Still, the miraculous level of quick improvement I saw must not be understated!
I can't express gratitude enough. I was sure my death was right around the corner, and I feel like I've added decades to my expected stay here on earth! Thank you @johnTiror17 / Dr. pauling
u/PaPaSauce there you are!
I noticed you hadn't posted in over a month and I wasn't sure if you were coming back. Testimony like yours is awesome. Most people are cynical and don't believe shit. I am one of them. It's statements like yours that raises eyebrows and can literally add decades to peoples lives!
Thank you for posting and I hope a good amount of people come across your words and are inspired by your testimony to give it a try even if it's just for a week or two!
I read this sometime back and promptly forgot all about it. Thanks for reposting! One question….will this help with high blood pressure? I assume it will at least to a degree given heart impacts but wonder if anyone has some feedback. Cheers Edit: just ordered online and starting Monday.
Thank you
Great info , thanks. Jimmy Dore with the lowdown on cholesterol. Spoiler alert. They lied. The "bad" cholesterol is what repairs the arteries when shit happens. Now go have some steak and eggs.
Does anyone remember the viral memes about Tractor Supply [TS] removing the lysine from the chicken feed? At the time I suggested that was about switching the "news" feed to Truth Social. So it might be interesting to apply a similar metaphorical reading here. Anyone have similar thoughts?
I remember and people who raised chickens were posting that their free range chickens had no problems because they weren't using the Tractor Supply feed.
Yes, all sorts of people were talking about it, which to me meant it was the comms.
Thanks fren. Passing this on to a fren - hopefully will help them. Any idea if the combination/regimen would have any effect on overall weight loss/body fat ratio?? If it is able to effect atherosclerosis I wonder if it is capable of similar effects in fatty tissue in other areas?? I’m going to have a digg later to see what I can find but I just wondered…
That is an interesting question. Maybe this and a carnivore/keto diet would be the ticket to getting rid of excess fat/weight. Modern medicine and big food has screwed humanity up for decades. We need to eat like our forefathers... no excess sugar or carbs! This cure seems to help immediately, and a good diet will help long term. GET OFF SUGAR, TODAY !!!!!
Read your bottle ingredients very closely friends.
Bought some L-Lysine and noticed it has Vitamin C, B-G, and Zinc mixed in with it...
In reading the first part of your post you started talking about lysine and then vit c. So that was the order I was taking it. Lysine first then vit. C 2hrs later. Does this mater or did I just waist two weeks doing this twice a day?
The order does not matter
I was with Linus Pauling's wife with other Arabian horse people right at the time that he was beginning to be supressed by the corrupt filthy medical establishment. The whole discussion had the most ominous feeling. It felt evil and frightening. I could tell what people were not saying; fear that his life was in danger.That was 1988.
Wow thanks for posting u/KnockKnockItsJinx!!!
Please feel free to share any parts of the conversation you think others would find interesting.
Can attest to effectiveness of this regimen.
So far, been doing this for ~3 weeks. Going to take a break for a while then cycle on again.
Before doing this, was getting of shortness of breath with any minor exertion things like bending over to tie shoelaces. Within a few days of starting JT17's protocol I could feel the difference.
I am deeply cynical about all things, so over the past few weeks, I have been constantly questioning if I am conning myself into believing this works. But I don't think its a con, I keep on finding myself doing things easily that would have previously got me puffing.
Thank you again JT17, you made a difference for this fat old guy.
We want to consume more lysine than arginine. Dr. McDougall’s diet claims to reverse heart disease. It’s a low fat vegan diet. It would be nice to figure out why it works even though the observations below are in conflict.
The limiting amino acid for Oats and other cereal grains is lysine. These foods also have higher arginine than lysine.
The foods that are a good source of lysine are dairy and meats. i.e. the foods that need to be banned because climate change.
Given what we are finding out about lysine, the RDA for lysine is probably too low. Lysine is the most needed amino acid for children 10-12.
I'm gonna give my honest opinion based on years of research…
"Anyone who seeks will find" the truth. ⬆️
Low fat… nope. Vegan, never. Dr McDougall is not correct.
thanks op. filed in meds.
I assume this would also drop blood pressure, but can you explicitly confirm that it does?
Yes it helps to normalize high blood pressure.
I've always thought it shouldnt be hard to find something that dissolves the blockages, everything has an opposite. I have been taking Ginkgo Biloba as it supposedly improves circulation to the extremities, softens blood vessel linings, thins blood and prevents clots forming but has seemed to do the opposite, I have had cold hands and feet since taking it, think it interferes with blood pressure regulation. Low dose aspirin is also said to dissolve buildup in the blood vessels.
My cholesterol has been going up for the past 10 years (265). I thought I would try this regime as I'm due to go to the doctors next month to get my annual bloodwork. I made it through about 10 days of the protocol, but experienced diarrhea towards day 7/8. I'm not sure if it was due to the high levels of vitamin C or something else, but when I stopped taking it on day 10, I did not have any more of those symptoms. So, I'll let you know if it impacted my cholesterol at all next the meantime, do you think 10 days of the routine will be helpful?
Jimmy Dore with the lowdown on cholesterol. Spoiler alert. They lied. The "bad" cholesterol is what repairs the arteries when shit happens. Now go have some steak and eggs.
Up is down.
Left is right.
If you're trying to clear blockages from your arteries, yes 10 days is better than nothing.
4–6 weeks is optimal.
If 10 days is all you can do at a time then I would do several rounds of 10 days each.
Everyone has to decide for themselves based on their current state of health.
What's worse, diarrhea or death?
Sometimes I'm not sure lol
You know that Vit C will give you diarrhea if you take too much! That is a known side effect. Maybe you can take a smaller dose of each to continue with the program, while preventing excessive diarrhea.
Greetings time traveler ;)
I'm still feeling great. I can't thank you enough for this info.
Place holder... artery treatment
new place holder
Update, 3 days into my father starting this protocol, he went to the doctor and let himself be feared into taking the statins. He says he's going to continue to do this protocol while he takes the statins however I don't know if this will interfere or not. He basically let the doctor scare him into thinking he's gonna die in the next 2 days if he doesn't start the statins now. The doctor told him this protocol was bullshit and it doesn't work. I responded with yeah? The same way y'all said ivermectin was bullshit and doesn't work? I'm disgusting by our Healthcare system. They see no reason to cure, only treatments that make money.
Will check back in after he does a few more weeks of this protocol and let you know how things are going but I don't think it's going to go very well now. Either way, whatever happens to him, I did the right thing by trying to help so the outcome will hold no weight on my conscience. The outcome will be the result of his own decisions, not mine.
Fear not u/SkiSkiUSMC, there is NO reason to believe statins should interfere with the protocol at all.
Keep us updated please. Perhaps you can schedule him a stress test. Two weeks on the protocol will make a difference, four weeks, a profound improvement.
"The power of life and death is in the tongue."
"Your FAITH has healed you."
Don't forget the Roman soldier who went to Jesus. His son was so ill that he could not bring his son to Jesus. Jesus said let's go to your house. The Roman soldier said you don't even need to come to my house, I know that he could be healed (without you even being there in person).
YOUR thinking (Faith) affects YOUR FATHER.
Congratulations… I'm confident your father will be doing well soon. Just keep him on the protocol for a few weeks. And when you pray, ask God for nothing. Rather, thank Him for everything you want (think: 'already have').
Well, time for the update.
He followed the protocol very strictly. Also cleaned up his diet and incorporated fasting. He only ate from 12-5 each day, 1800 calories, very clean eating. He just got the results back after doing this for the last 4 weeks and I'm sad to say that his calcium numbers actually went up 7 points. He did not get better. We're going to look into another dye test to see how the blockages are doing and if there was any improvement there that maybe just wasn't reflected in the numbers.
On the positive side though, thanks to the fasting and clean eating, he has lost 15lbs this past month. Hopefully he stays on this healthier lifestyle and doesn't revert back to his old ways.
Thanks for the reply! How does he feel cardiovascularly speaking?
He feels a ton better overall. Hopefully he doesn't give up and keeps with the protocol for a little longer. At least give it another month. He's got nothing to lose from taking vitamins.
My father just got his calcium numbers back and he's over 500 with multiple blockages. The doctor wants to put him on statins and then possibly surgery if the statins don't help. I talked him into giving this a try. Will he stick to it 100%? I don't know. But he just stocked up on all the vitamin c and lysine and is going to try it for 30 days with intermittent fasting. He's going to take it exactly as your father's schedule except without food when he takes the pills. I'll check back in with you in 30 daysish when he gets his bloodwork done again and provide an update. I figured at this point, what does he have to lose in at least giving it a try?
This is awesome! Please keep us posted!
Statins are not a good idea but I'm no doctor. If you do your own deep dive you will see they are linked to neurodegenerative disorders including memory loss. Cholesterol is the mortar that helps repair the body.
I want to hear your results, too. Please don't forget to follow up with us!
Can I do this routine if I'm already on blood pressure medicine?
My father-in-law was on blood pressure medication but I do not know which kind.
You need to call your Doctor Who prescribed it and ask them. Or you can search online to see if your medication interacts with either of the supplements
Alright, JT, my hubby finally started this today! I will start tomorrow. Blessings to you and yours and thank you!
Excellent! Keep me posted on your results. I will be making the post again soon.
So far, so good!
God bless you for posting this.
Wondering if adding an NO-producer like Arginine or Citrulline + Glycine might make the Lysine/C combo even more powerful.
I'd say it all depends on whether you want to take this for fun or you're trying to clean out your arteries to save your life.
If it's the latter I would avoid any other amino acids because of absorption competition.
Arginine is food for viruses. Proceed with caution.
Thank you for your time and thoughts on it, JT.
Much respect.
I would say no to the arginine.
+1 for the alchemical reference.
Can I do this as a preventive measure? I'm not diagnosed or feeling any symptoms yet but admittedly living a sedentary lifestyle.
I wonder what would happen if you take these without those blockage to dissolve?
Sure why not?
Great! I browsed amazon and these supplements are relatively cheap.. the powder form is up to 100% more cheaper than their capsules counterpart.
It's criminal to hide this kind of information.. Thank you for sharing you're doing God's work.
I have a 70% blockage of my LAD that they want to treat with medication. I do not want to be on medicines for the rest of my life, so I just started this today and will stick with it for the full 4 weeks to see how it works for me.
I am taking both the 2000mg of L-lysine and the 2000mg of Liposomal Vitamin C together twice a day. I am leaving 2 hours of no eating anything before and after taking each dose.
I had a pericardiectomy on 08/22/2024. I had chronic constrictive pericarditis that they believe was caused by an unknown auto-immune issue. It caused me to have severe congestive heart failure symptoms, and fluid build up around my heart and lungs. I was, quite literally, at deaths door when they performed the pericardiectomy. They had to remove my the entire protective sac, or lining, of my heart.
My blood pressure was extremely high before surgery, even hitting 190/110, at one point. I had severe edema of my legs and abdomen, causing pressure on my lungs and heart.
Since the surgery, I had low blood pressure, until they took me off all pain meds about 5 days after the surgery. It then was pretty steady around 120/65-ish.
While they were trying to diagnose what was wrong, they discovered a 70% blockage of my LAD. Due to the complications of the surgery, they opted not to deal with it during the pericardiectomy procedure. Since then, the decision was made to treat it with medication.
Well, after everything I have been through, I am not wanting a stent, not wanting an additional surgery to by-pass the blockage, and do not want to be on any medications long-term. When I saw this post regarding this protocol, I decided to start it for myself. I started on 09/23/2024 and have been doing it since.
I haven't been able to get a medical verification through my cardiologist or the heart surgeon that performed my pericardiectomy, in regards to this protocol reducing the 70% blockage of my LAD, but my blood pressure has been steady, I feel a lot better, I am able to walk without feeling like I am dying from lack of oxygen. I can breathe normally now, and am getting stronger every day.
I do feel the protocol is working, and hope to get a medical verification when they next decide to check on my blockage.
I am very grateful to @JohnTitor17 for posting this protocol. I feel it has been a blessing to my recovery, and my health.