I have followed both campaigns closely and always felt that RFK was a white hat. That being said I am probably younger than most of you. I am 30 and on that Gen Z millennial border. Though I consider my self a millennial cause I remember 9/11.
Anyways people my age get their news from social media and podcasts. Nobody my age watches cable news. RFK knew this and did most of his campaigning on social media and with podcasters. I listened to all his interviews with Joe Rogan, Theo Von, Tim Dillon, Patrick Bet-David, Lex Friedman, etc.
Young people listen to these podcasts and follow all these people on social media. Guys like Joe, Theo and Tim Dillon supported RFK. RFK has red pilled millions of young Americans about the FDA and how fucked up the food supply is.
My prediction is as things get worse, Democrats gets exposed, major events happen etc. Trump will be interviewed by more of these people and endorsed by them. Trump was already on Theo Von the other day. Again these people have huge followings from normal Gen z and millennials. Not idiotic white liberal women but normal young people. Even Joe who is hesitant will reach his precipice and will either endorse Trump or have him on the Podcast.
They will lose the young vote. I have seen it for myself friends from high school who were Dems have kids now and have changed views. My radical marxist cousin had a child and realized feminism was mostly bs.
By the time November comes childless white liberal women will be some of their only young supporters left. Take it to the bank.
Thanks for this. This is why we come here - to hear from people like you. Otherwise we’d never know. Thanks again.
We are dominating with young men. Any man with an ounce of testosterone doesn’t want some freak teacher telling their child they are trans. It’s absolutely a top 3 issue when I talk to young fathers my age.
None of my son's (23 yo) friends or my daughter's (24 yo) friends are Harris/Walz or Biden supporters. My oldest girl (27 yo) is a lib but she's now slid into the "I'm not voting" category. I suspect her friends are the same. The tide is turning.
And there are plenty of freak teachers out there. Not to mention the laws that work to destroy a man's natural chivalry and incentive to get married in the first place. Most men know the deck is stacked.
Libs of tik tok is a gold mine for it.
My 18 year old nephew voted for POTUS Trump in his state's primary and will be voting for him in November. He mentioned to me the other day that 3 of his 18 year old friends are voting for him, also.
It's amazing how much your perception of the world changes when you have a child. I'm 49 now and my son is grown up, but man did it change how I viewed the world when he was born.
Just wait for the day when you have a grandchild. :) That feeling multiplies
Thank you for your story. It is inspiring.
And the childless, baby killing white liberal women should be mocked and treated like the shit they are.
That would be my sister in law. Her weak husband won’t divorce her. My wife agrees with me too. She wants to be a girl boss and not have kids.
He’s in his late 30’s and isn’t bad looking. I want to tell him so badly to divorce my sister in law and go find some younger Christian gal or become a passport bro if you must. I just don’t want him to take offense and cause a shit storm though.
In the 90s we called that being “bitchmade”.
You got to get you some "ackrite" and realize you can't turn a ho to a housewife!
Thanks Dr. Dre! One useful thing you did for the culture.
It’s best to stay out of other people’s marriages.
Nothing good will come of your meddling.
I am not meddling. That’s why I am not saying anything. I was just expressing what I would say if I 10000% knew he would listen to me without saying anything or take offense.
I like him as a person.
Don’t be offended. I’m just passing on a long lifetime of experience.
Life is a terrible teacher; she gives the test before giving the lesson.
Teaching through failure is not a good look.
True but that’s how experience works.
Look, some people don't want kids and if your brother is okay with that then you should accept her. Sounds really harsh and not very Christian of you.
He wants kids that’s the problem. It’s my sister in law’s husband not my brother.
My brother married someone that said they wanted kids, but then eight or so years went by and she "changed her mind" as she didn't want to deal with pain. By the time he divorced her and found someone else, he was too far along in life to have kids of his own. And dogs instead of kids somehow don't extend the family tree much.
That sucks man. Hold out for a couple more months!
Sorry to hear, fren, but glad that you unloaded the former trash and on a better trajectory now!
My cousin even after being in the navy still was on the left. After she has had 2 kids she said she is leaning more right on many issues. I was pleasantly surprised! Kids really do change your values. Add it to the reasons they dont want us to procreate.
Dependent, poor, single, and hopeless! That is the ideal serf for Democrats to rule over!
I love to see that American politics has now come full circle, with a new generation taking up Western values that we all thought were going to be lost forever.
In the book, "The Fourth Turning", the authors tell us that history is not linear, but rather cyclical, and that it is the driving force of generations that make it so. Today's young people, I am beginning to learn, are fed up with the licentious and progressive views of their parents, and are again picking up the mantle of conservatism, because there is so much to conserve.
Another way of stating "The Fourth Turning" is this: Hard times create hard men. Hard men create good times. Good times create soft men. Soft men create hard times.
We are now at the end of the current Fourth Turning, and these hard times have created a new generation of hard men. And I'm glad to see it.
Great comment fren.
I was standing on a crowded train today in Dublin. A young working-class lad and I started chatting about various stuff and at one point he said to me, "Kamala or Trump?" Normally I would self-censor to avoid the hassle, but he was a friendly lad so I looked him in the eye and whispered, "100% Trump." He got a big smile on his face and proceeded to tell me why it has to be Trump. We talked a little about the RFK endorsement and how important it is.
I'm humbled to think that people in Ireland (and other places too!) are so attuned to our upcoming election. We're fighting the good fight, and it's uplifting to know that others across the pond are caught up in this struggle too. Thank you.
I’m in commie New Zealand, and heard probably the most hilarious 20 mins of talk radio in my life during my drive to work on Thursday morning.
The radio DJ’s here have been shilling HARD for Kamala (because they’re all basically owned by the same US corporate media bosses).
Their topic for the morning was how wonderful Kamala is and how we should all be cheering her on. Their argument was that Trump and MAGA will always put America first, which would mean higher tariffs etc for us, but that Kamala would be a nice textbook globalist. “It’s strategically in our best interests…”
The hilarious part is that the general public simply weren’t having it. One guy called in and told them they were nothing but establishment shills, another called the Dems an “existential threat to humanity”, an old lady told them she would pray for them (that REALLY triggered them, lol). They started reading out text messages coming in to the show, and there was literally nothing but:
“Trump 2024”
“MAGA forever”
“The only way he loses is if they rig it again”
There wasn’t a single pro-Kamala caller or texter, and it was driving the 2 faggot radio DJ’s nuts. They kept whining that we need to “think strategically” and that “Kamala is in our bests interests from a trade standpoint”, but no one cared.
People world wide are sick and fuckin tired of the shit show.
It says a lot that the anti-Trump talking points in other countries are asserting that an establishment clown would be better since they won't put their own country first, and will instead put the rest of the world first, which would of course be beneficial to these other countries.
Then they'll spend a 10-minute segment prattling on about how virtuous they are for fighting against climate change to save humanity, all the while pretending that they didn't just go from "who cares what happens to those stupid Americans?" to "you're a bad and uncompassionate person if you don't eat ze bugs!"
Oh yes! I was protesting on the street a few weeks ago, holding a sign about free speech (Ireland has "hate speech" legislation brewing), and two young lads in a car rolled down the window and yelled "TRUMP! TRUMP!" as they drove by.
Yes, we are everywhere!
You're from Ireland!! Let me tell you, I was never actually in Ireland but about 10 years ago I had to change planes there. You know how there are lines & you run into people & talk & stuff. In that airport I was talking with an older Irish man & at some point he asks me where I'm from. When I told him I was from USA he told me that he would trust the crooks more than the govt here. He was a wise man, it stayed with me.
Very pleased to hear you met a real Irishman when you were here (albeit only in the airport) - these wonderful old timers are vanishing, but they are indeed very wise.
I think it's hard times create strong men. Just a slight but important distinction. We need strong men (and women) right now for sure!
It's in the poetry, and the parallelism, to say "Hard times create hard men." Because that leads to the next part, hard men creating good times... etc. I prefer my version, but thanks.
'Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times.”
'The quote, from a postapocalyptic novel by the author G. Michael Hopf, sums up a stunningly pervasive cyclical vision of history.'
No worries.
I surrender... I'm convinced.
Shawn Ryan is interviewing Trump over th weekend and it looks like that episode will air on 8/26. He's posted a few pics with Trump with the date 8/26.
So funny, the last one will be Rogan. Book it because you know it’s happening.
I listen to Joe frequently and there is no way he isn’t voting Trump. He left California because of people like Komrade Kamala.
Yeah, he’s a UFC commentator for 30 years. He’s been in Trumps pocket for eons. He does play a good role tho pretending he’s an independent lib. Which are his marching orders.
Exactly fren. & not just Joe. RFK was a great middle ground to send people who just can't talk about Trump. I would do that too, when talking to someone who's TDS is off the map. He played a vital role as an oasis in the desert of the liberal mind vacuum. Now it's time to cash in the chips & take off the masks, one by one. Rogan's will indeed be last & epic
Love shawn ryan and this will be huge for his podcast. Glad to hear.
Was surprised trump went on Theo von podcast. He is making the rounds.
Rogan has to be feeling the pressure, but, he might not even be able to get trump.
Tucker is the biggest Podcaster in the world now, so trump just has to do a tucker sit down and can say he went on the biggest podcast.
Tucker is just preaching to the choir though. Joe would be much more impactful.
Ground truth. I love it.
Trump is not running the normal kind of campaign. The base is solid, he is up double digits with independents, he is going hard for the democrat base. He is making a lot of progress. Every one of the democrats’ base is worth 2. This will carry over to popular support for all the initiatives he is going to do after getting elected.
They were already losing the youth vote when we saw that 70% of those who tuned in to listen to Trump and Musk were under the age of 35. This is the second shoe to drop.
Everyone I know in that generation (actually younger) my brother and all his friends (mostly black guys actually) who is 20 years younger than me are all voting Trump 2024 and did vote for Trump last time.
Political Pincer Maneuver
-Trump, RFK Jr., MAGA, nearly all <34 age demographic
Exactly this, I thought the same thing when RFK jr decided to run. I did think Trump might have picked him as VP, glad I was wrong, but it is nice to see that they are working together like I thought they would to take down the DS.
Exactly. More than one way to work together. This picture coming together as if it was planned out a while ago, like the Jan 10, 2017 meeting? https://time.com/4630675/robert-f-kennedy-jr-donald-trump-vaccines/
I think RFK jr has been part of this for a long time now given DJT and JFK jr history. Regardless, it’s still awesome to see the plan come together.
Kennedy family definitely part of team. Ezra Cohen-Watnick and Kayleigh McInany rumored to be Kennedy family grandchildren groomed for and placed into key roles in Trump I admin.
Who knows, there might be even more Pincer Maneuvers to come. There were a lot of angry groups around the DNC. Who knows. Maybe even one of them. RFK I sort of predicted but what's next? We'll see.....
"Anyways people my age get their news from social media and podcasts."
I'm 76, and so do I. And let us not forget, not all social media and podcasts are on the political Right.
"Nobody my age watches cable news."
Really? At the large university where I was once employed, the student body consists overwhelmingly of CNN junkies.
I'm 76, and I cancelled my cable subscription altogether, several years ago.
The moral is: Don't overgeneralize.
As someone his age I think the majority is strong enough to make that statement. Even when you see a group of us in a room with TVs, most of us have our phones out instead. Nobody I work with under 40 watches cable news. They might watch pieces of it on YouTube but they don't sit down after work and turn on the TV like our parents did. We hop on our PC or just watch something entertaining and maybe scroll our phone sometime before bed to check for interesting headlines, or posts here in my case.
Exactly people get YouTube tv for football season but other than that nobody watches cable TV.
Yeah, you aint paying attention.
Childless white liberal women...the scourge of this nation. If anyone deserves to lose the right to vote, it's THEM.
When Trump was on the Full Send podcast the first time, a lot of people here didn’t understand it because the full send guys act like frat boys and are aimed at a younger audience. That pod got over 8 million views on youtube before it was censored, giving it even more publicity. Trump has since been on a second time. Those guys genuinely love Trump, immature or not.
People got upset with how informally they treated Trump, but Trump is smart enough to realize that is the vibe of the podcast. He doesn’t need to act like he is above them. His willingness to not be uptight or easily offended on these podcasts is a good thing and comes across very well to the younger audience.
Why doesn’t Trump do more pod casts?Clearly Jr. knows how important they are. I’m 50 and apparently have more in common with 30 year olds! Thanks for your post. In my liberal Los Angeles enclave, there are presently three huge Trump flags flying below American flags right beside my daughters middle school. We did not see that 4 years ago. Maybe things really are changing.
I think some podcasters are hesitant to have him on because of advertising etc.
Remember the podcast he was on back in 2021 and the interview was up for like an hour before YouTube deleted it. Some are probably still spooked by that.
We need you 18-40 year olds to save us.
I've been wondering if RFK is part of the plan since, "touch your nose..."
That was definitely intentional…
God bless you for making it through this world at the age of 30 and knowing what you know. May the Lord bless you, and keep you and make his face shine upon you !
My oldest son is 22 now and when he was in high school he would tell me his entire grade was conservative and for Trump. They all hated the Democrats and laughed at them. Now my youngest who is in 10th grade is experiencing the same thing with his class. The young generations will be the most conservative in decades. Probably since the 50's...
This is spot on. The kids in school that got royally fucked by the Covid fuckery are almost militant conservatives. They HATE democrats. Its actually a little unnerving how much they resent the system (they have no problem listing how much the system robbed them of).
My son is now also in 10th grade. All of his friends are Trump supporters. Sounds like a lot of hope for the future.
I’m only a few years older than you but I absolutely agree. Those our age are seeing through most of the propaganda and utilizing critical thinking.
My son, 31, was mowing the lawn for me today. He had his red Trump 2024 hat and shirt on… 😜
I have nephews who in their early 20s. They have been on the Trump Train for awhile - and they are in SF.
I really like the podcast format. The hard part is time. I drive a fair amount in my job so I rotate between radio and podcasts but I find myself choosing lately because otherwise I don't have time to hangout with all you fine folks. 😁
Great post, this info is very valuable. I'm Gen X, my son is about half a decade younger than you so in theory, he should be a good source of what Gen Z is thinking.
However, the kid is so based that he basically dropped any of his non-based friends over the past few years. So I get nothin'.
I watched most of the Theo Von interview. I had seen Theo on other shows before, but had never seen his show.
I thought his approach to the interview took courage. Maybe he just did what he knows and he even said that they talk a lot about addiction on his show. But he resisted the urge which I am sure was probably very strong to try to make it a CNN interview. Instead it was personal. And it got quite personal, in terms of getting Trump to talk about his brother.
I ended up respecting Theo and I will watch him again. He also made me laugh hysterically once or twice. Especially "You become your own street light" was amazing. And "You end up go-karting with hookers", said to a President, was priceless.
I also ended up thinking that in a way this interview brought both sides together in a way I had not seen before. And here I don't mean "Right and Left". I mean "Under 30" and "Over 30".
Well done.
Same deal man, we’re the same age and we’ve probably got a similar story. I’ve been a Trump guy since 2015, but even outside of that, I’ve said RFK should be his running mate since he started getting loud. I’m happy they’re aligning… this is a huge opportunity for a coalition against the corrupt establishment and Democrats.
Nice brother. I was a Ron Paul guy in 2012. Quite the journey.
Can confirm. My 3 kids are range 25-30. All professionals. None of them, not any of their friend watch cable news. Zero. All podcasters exactly like OP said. 100%. If that demographic got serious about voting, they would be the ones who decide elections, and that is an immutable fact. Less than half vote. They are mega jaded.
My take is that RFK Jr was needed for the multifaceted awakening! He needed to pull those that have had personal grievances against Big Pharma, on the Democrat side and channel them to where the White Hats needed them! Note that awakening the masses is no easy task and is probably a White Hat Operation that has been effect for decades! There will be many sleepers playing deep state games to fulfill white hat objectives! It had to be this way!
Yes, this is very interesting observation and now that I think about it was probably part of the plan from the beginning!
RFK even met with the Krassenstein twins (and I’m assuming did an interview?)
He should do Crowder on rumble..free speech..he should call in Salty Cracker (wouldn't add votes but would be fun)
From your mouth (or in this case, fingers-on-keypad) to God's ear.
Democrat foreign policy is dangerous & they mention the draft once in awhile. That alone will give ALL young people a huge pause over their levers. Further, by now gen Z/Millenials have all heard Trump wants to stop the useless conflicts and needless loss of life.