Trust in Doctors and Hospitals Plummets
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Doctors kill a shitload more people every year than scary rifles do...
Something like 500,000 doctor murders vs 315 deaths by scary rifles...
That 500k is a medical malpractice number…many more die and aren’t limped into the malpractice column…
Hospitals are where people go to die. Always remember that.
Depends on if we're talking about broken bones or digestive tracts broken as a result of chronic exposure to toxic food.
Most people in the former category come out better than they walked in. It's the ones in the latter category that get most of the issues.
allopathic reductionism
What do you mean? Are there more unreported cases of medical malpractice; cases where they are covering their asses, or what?
Eh, that's kind of the equivalent of saying "hitler drank water; if you drink water, you are literally hitler too"
No offense. :-)
Yes, lots of people die at hospitals, but if you were gravely, seriously injured, where else you going to go?
People used to die at home in their beds with family and friends around them. Today they shove them to a hospital, try all types of procedures that don’t add any quality of life for a short life extension while draining bank accounts.
Of course broken bones and torn bodies need a hospital for repair.
That’s what I was getting at.
When it’s time I’ll die not at a hospital if it’s by natural causes and not something stupid I choose to do.
Ah, gotcha... Yeah, IDK; I thought the general consensus was hospitals are kind of trying to kill people; between there not being any profit in a cure and the depopulation agenda, IDK.....
I get your point though.
Not sure if I've told you, but you definitely have the best username on the forum. :-)
Greatest book of all time!!!! (Behind the bible, of course!)
Thanks. I believe hospitals (and assisted living institutions) suck the resources from a person then the life from them. I sat with my dad overnight his last night alive and watched everything done to him. I’m waiting for the right time to ask mom if she has the paperwork from his time in the hospital to learn what drugs they were pushing into him. I’m thinking there was midazolam which could inhibit his breathing. He wasn’t intubated nor on a ventilator. Had Alzheimer’s/dementia after being on statins for alleged high cholesterol for decades.
Unintended Consequences by John Ross is an incredible book, historic fiction. A must read for anyone wanting to learn how the BATFE was created based on illegal and improper cases. Then how they use the agency to prey on citizens. And then how a group of citizens fought back.
The 1984 part…no explanation needed besides it was a warning and not to be used as an instruction book.
Pass ‘em on!!
Can we get some common sense Doctor control?
How about an Assault Doctor ban? They've assaulted their patients far too long!
My rifle has never directly lied to me. Neither have any of my handguns. They do exactly what they were paid to do.
My MD is the extremely rare exception, did not push the vaccine, write a medical exception for me, and has been honest to me.
Yeah, but how many people has your rifle KILLED, eh?? 🧐🫣😲
Third leading cause of death and disability worldwide
Actually, they deserve more... accountability before the law. They deserve to stand and face the families of the dead and injured and be made to hear the charges of how they failed to look into hydroxychloroquin and Ivermectin personally, not read some pharma captured journal, but contact the doctors who had success and published articles, books, that were all over social media, adnd testifying before Congress in plain sight. They need to hear how their personal failure to look into the supposed vax and what it contained, what testing was actually done, ask the hard questions before recommending it as safe and effective. Their failure to abide by the law pertaining to drugs approved under Emergency Use Authorization only, which was to fully inform patients about the injection's potential risks and respect their wishes if they chose to opt out.
If they lose their licenses to practice medicine so be it. If they can't hold teaching positions or other roles of authority, too bad. No, they need to be shown as the key players they were in this human disaster. They had the ability to stop it, not recommend it, to tell their patients there was a significant risk if for no other reason than NOBODY on earth had any idea of long term consequences. For that fact alone, doctors had the responsibility to halt it's use and to champion drugs that other physicians had great results with. That latter group is the only ones I would trust now. In fact, those are the doctors that should be put in charge of medicine, medical schools and play the major role in re-structuring the medical establishment to make it better, safer and fully patient centered, not profit centered.
They used what they called COVID Hospital Protocols to murder thousands of people including my husband…I hope they all get what they gave.
Hospital protocols killed my mom as well. Not trusting medical doctors is an understatement. I absolutely abhor them now. What are we supposed to do? I sure hope we see accountability for their murders.
A scary time right now but trying my hardest to stay healthy. Sorry about your loss.
Remember the murderer Governor Cuomo who refused to use the hospital ships for covid patients, that President Trump supplied New York, but instead he put them in nursing homes to increase covid deaths as planned by the evil demons. Also, the Media Machine, that censored Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine President Trump suggested, that would have stopped the pandemic in it's tracks. Media Machine "It's our job to control EXACTLY what people think".
Exactly…also governor Wolfe in Pennsylvania
Exactly. Just last night I was sitting out on my back patio feeding the squirrels when one got overly excited and bit the shit out of my finger, which bled a lot. My brother told me I should go to the doctor. For what??? They'd just try to talk me into a bunch of vaccines. Besides my eyes sliding to the side of my head and my sudden craving for acorns, I'm just fine.
Good one
Well duh. Hospitals these days are houses of death. Have never trusted them to begin with, and do not plan on starting now.
I dunno, 20 years ago was my last visit and they did a pretty good job in my opinion. I wasn't about to just stare at that ulna poking out of my arm.
Hospitals and doctors have a purpose and do a lot of good as long as they are well informed and take their hypocritic oath seriously. The problem is the funding and steering of medical research has gone off the rails to profiteering.
Edit: that said the funding needs to be steered towards homeopathic treatments, therapies, and general wellness practices
I'm very aware of this. It took a turn for the worst when the American Medical Association was purchased by a Rockefeller. The medical field has been fucked up for the last hundred years since. Same deal with our education once Ghislane Maxwell's father became the exclusive person selling textbooks to schools.
Holy shit! I had no idea about this. The same Rockefeller family that created the marketing scheme that oil was a finite resource??? Figures eh?
Yup. Same guy who coined the phrase "fossil fuel".
It’s amazing I learned about all that just a year or so ago. Freaking crazy how actual conspiracies have been hidden so well.
Well now you know why the CIA coined the phrase "conspiracy theory" to discredit those bringing attention to what's actually going on. The more shit I learn the more I like jumping on the trampoline with my nieces and taking my dog to the river. I went full atheist for many years until I discovered how sinister and dark this world is. Every giggle from those little girls painting my toenails and stick my dog swims out of the river with is a blessing.
I’ve heard if you HAVE to go to the hospital go when you have a broken bone, otherwise stay the hell away from them.
Just cancelled a dr appt because they wouldn’t let me amend the affiliate hospital’s paperwork that required me to grant the hospital medical network a multitude of my rights and another of their documents that demanded rights to my data. I don’t need to go to the hospital, I just need to see the doctor. The hospital documents were not the normal HIPAA and Right to Treat. They were way longer than any other version that I’ve seen.
Don’t know what I’m going to do since that medical organization has a stranglehold in my area. I may have to take a ‘medical vacation’ just to see a dr. who is not owned by these corporate overlords
Maybe you can find a Mennonite or Amish clinic? They don't take insurance, but they are very affordable. They can administer tests and prescribe medicine, just like any other doctor.
I hadn’t thought about an option like that. I don’t think there are any Amish or Mennonite communities near us but I will look into it.
It’s pretty ridiculous that I have to worry about the medical community but this particular massive medical chain were aggressively forcing their Covid protocols on their patients and staff. I don’t trust them.
Signs that the world is waking up
Waiting on reforms & justice.
Some are waking up and some are falling asleep, suddenly.
Medical error is the 3rd leading cause of death. Tells me enough right there
That's good, but where does "Medical on-purpose" rank?
“Ope! The patient only has a forty nine percent chance of living, I guess it’s time to harvest their organs.”
That's numbers 1 and 2 with heart disease and cancer
What? They only murdered 30 million people. Is there a problem?
0 trust now.
I broke a bone? Sure, set my bone.
Anything else? i'm crowd-source searching for it.. someone out there has had it, and hopefully it's not fatal (and if it is, someone found a way to beat it).
I stopped trusting entire Pharma right after COVID scamdemic was promoted in 2020. From 2021 onward, I cancelled my health insurance. No more money spent on Pharma from my side. I rely on food, herbs, exercises, breath work to keep myself fit.
maybe if all the doctors and nurses can make more dance videos we can trust them....
Well deserved at this point.
“dropping from 71.5% in April 2020, to 40.1% in January 2024” (it’s probably lower now)
Doctors are glorified mechanics. Some mechanics are very good and can tell what is wrong with your car just by listening to it, fix your problem and send you on your way. Some mechanics are parts replacers and just throw parts at your vehicle until it's fixed. Some mechanics will put in a can of stop leak and fix your problem for a bit, but you have to keep coming back for another can of stop leak.
Funny you compare the pair. My son is an apprentice mechanic. He said "mum I'm better than a doctor. They have people tell them their problems, where I have to figure it out myself" 😆 Mind you we sent him to private school because he was considering being a doctor. Then convid hit and he lost all interest in schooling.
Just make sure he doesn't trade $40,000 student loan debt for $40,000 tool truck debt.
I plan to never willingly visit a hospital or doctor for the rest of my freaking life. Period.
This is facts... Went to the hospital for an issue a few months back, no joke the doctor spent 3 minutes with me... two weeks later got a bill for $3500. Fuck these hospitals and doctors.
3 minutes? That's VIP treatment.
30 seconds with the ER doctor so that he can say "all is fine". 5k bill. Plus another 5k from the hospital. Because yea, hospital != doctor.
Meanwhile this summer, in a european country. Child stepped on something, tore her foot a bit. Went to the equivalent ER clinic. Doctor cleaned & patched the foot. At 9pm.
No forms to fill. No 6Million questions. No interactions with minimum wage mouth breathers that can barely speak english (if they can speak at all). Just doctors and nurses.
Total time in the clinic: 30 minutes. Cost: $0.
Please tell me more about the 'superior' american health system.
I wish that I could say ours was superior... it's not.
Remember when they desperately resorted to hypnosis? This is creepy comedy at its best.
They were blinded by their own greed. Hang them all
I have great doctors and they never did anything for me to mistrust them. They have gone above and beyond. My PCP gave me hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin when we asked.
You need to vet the doctors on an individual basis.
Please share your doctor's name if possible with the rest of us. If they're not in my area, might they know of other PCPs that treat patients like they do? I'm serious. The biggest problem right now is finding doctors like this. For the reasons you stated alone, they sound like they should be at the top of the list of doctors people should have access to. There are far too few of them and the good ones just quietly go about their practice. I want to go to a doctor like yours.
I live in western PA if you want the information I can DM it to you. I have several doctors from PCP, Orthopedic, Urology, ENT and Gynecology.
All of them are top notch.
Death cult. The very few good ones are handcuffed to cure anyone by the very system they so adamandantly defend.
If they were truly good ppl they would've left upon that epiphany. Go into business for themselves or get with a legit smaller practice.
No matter the money there are tons of us that wouldn't KNOWINGLY maim and kill our fellow man, even the liberals, for money.
Doing muh job cannot get them a pass. Their stupidity also can't give them a pass. Everyone will just use those 2 excuses and then there will be no justice. This also sets precedent for future so their Crimes Against Humanity will continue if they're not held accountable.
Precovid..3rd leading cause of death is medical " malpractice " according to John Hopkins study.
Error, not malpractice--the latter is a legal term. But you're in the exact correct ballpark.
Here ya go--memholed from JH's site, but saved by Archive
From 2016...and it's been far worse in recent years.
Error implicates accidentally, as if they did not know. The crimes comes into play because THEY DO KNOW. Everything that has been done in the past and what they are doing today is on purpose and it's not " care ".
Examples are suppression of HCQ and Ivermectin during the supposedly most dangerous time in history, only allowing remesvidir and vents. The scaring, tricking, bribing, coaxing, threatening, & forcing ppl to take a shot that not only does not do what it claims, it injures and kills ppl.
If u think those " errors " then ok, but I believe they are by design. KNOWINGLY. We're cattle ( property ) to them. Nothing more.
Medicine is a Rockefeller crime family industry. That's why it has been weaponized. Covid woke a lot of people up.
After the International Virus Scam of 2020, I see doctors and politicians as the same thing. Subhuman trash.
One of the main reasons even Democrats have a mistrust is the avoidance of dealing with vax injury, I have many family members who are Democrats who took all the shots. Many of them are experiencing common vax injury health issues. They are getting the run around from all the doctors. They are angry with the lack of care they are getting. They would never connect the dots between their strange new health problems and the multiple covid vaccines. but they know their doctors are being vague and uninterested.
MEH, the study's obviously concocted/worded toward MAXIMIZING administrations of COVID VAX, INFLUENZA VAX, AND COVID BOOSTER. 🤦♂️
Since it's purposefully SKEWED to maximize THOSE results, then I ain't buyin' the data on e.g. percentages of those who don't trust, either. FAR FROM an impartial genuinely "Scientific Method". 🤮
Drs, dentists ,vets All owned by rx companies
I don't trust or need them.
I stopped seeing allopathic doctors in 2021. I've learned to make lifestyle changes that get to the root cause of a problem, rather than taking the drugs prescribed by allopathic doctors. Of note: I have not been sick at all since early 2021 when I started reading and watching videos on natural remedies. Do not trust drug dealer doctors anymore.
Womp womp.
No shit.