From an Article Posted Aug. 30, 2024: Bank Records of Thomas Crooks Reveal a Few Unusual Payments - One to Ryan Routh, Trump's alleged 2nd assassin!
I was digging on Thomas Crooks and Maxwell Yearick and discovered this gem by sheer accident. The article was posted Aug. 30, 2024 - 16 days before the second assassination attempt on Trump:
"Bank records of Thomas Crooks reveal a few unusual payments to two individuals, Ryan Routh and Peter Riddle. We attempted to contact Ryan Routh through his Facebook account, but the messages weren't delivered, which is another unusual aspect of this case. The home of the other suspect, Peter Riddle, in Virginia, has been locked since July"
Check wayback machine. Article was updated to add Routh. Whole thing suspicious for disinformation now.
Aug 30 -
Sep 1 -
Sep 16 - Routh added
So either they are planting false connections that will be used to discredit valid research, or the connection already existed but until the assassination attempt was not understood as noteworthy.
Thanks for pointing this out.
Do we need to research Peter Riddle?
There is a Peter Riddle who was injured in the Boston Marathon bombing, and an author named Peter Riddle. I'm digging any farther than that.
can you sauce that? Will add this data point to the thread I made the other day, that's interesting. Why would a disinfo campaign add that name in the mix..
It also could be that the way back machine is being manipulated to make us look like fools. It makes perfect sense why it exists. People think they can look back at the previous version of a website, but it is only the Wayback Machine's previous version of the website. They aren't doing this out of the goodness of their heart, if an archive is free, then you are the product. Same goes with libraries in general.
I mean, we know for a fact that the article was edited after it was published, since it embeds a tweet from 9/16. That, alone, raises suspicion, which is corroborated by archiving.
Maybe they knew ahead of time. Do you think Q is involved here? Maybe this is evidence of Project Looking Glass.
Explain how a wayback image can be manipulated?
If the entire site is run by the deep state, and I've heard suspicions before that it could be. Sorry, I have no sauce. I can't remember who was talking about this possibility.
It's all 1s and 0s on some computer somewhere. They can update it with any content they like, just like any other website. I've noticed that websites I visit frequently change from time to time (except for the Space Jam website), why not the way back machine?
Yep!! They added an entire paragraph to the article. Wonder what Peter Riddle is going to end up doing, since his name was added in with Ryan Routh.
Isn't Riddle a Harry Potter character?
Tom Riddle. Embarrassed I know that.
Don't be.
It’s okay to be a Muggle. Not everyone can be a Wizard.
I think yes, or close. Wasn't it Tom Riddle? It was an anagram for Voldemort
um, was there a hidden 'v' somewhere...
Tom Marvolo Riddle = I am Lord Voldemort
And here it is - thanks fren!
Idk lol. I think it was. His middle initial
Thanks, fren!
I just found another article by the same author that was just posted today. The updates may be due to this new report??
Eyes on this, frens! Is this legit or not??
I'm calling bullshit but leaving door open for possibility.
I share your sentiments, fren.
Look for contextual clues.
What other stories does the website run?
Who does their target audience appear to be?
Are there heavy biases embedded into the overall content? (helps to indicate target audience)
How long has the website been in existence?
Are there similar stories published elsewhere, either copy/paste or rewrite without credit, etc?
Are there any corroborating facts, sources?
I’m wondering if this is Mossad fueled. A lot of info right away.
I'm having trouble with the notion of bad people in the intel sector going "I know! Let's make CONNECTIONS between the assassins that aren't really there. THAT'LL throw 'em off our trail!" when they could just...shut up instead.
It's like the Qtards over on PDW who believe the genius-level I.Q.s at CIA would think it a good idea to invent a psy op that reveals to the world the secret skullduggery and global criminal activities they've been up to, the intermarriages among intelligence, govt, and media personnel, just lays out their evil plans and connections for all to see...and then to claim a shadowy LARP called "Q" is making it all up out of thin air!
Like the CIA wouldn't have just shut up about all that shit instead of spraying the secrets everywhere and getting millions of anons on Trump's side, spreading the gQspel.
Q said multiple times that these people are stupid. Maybe this is an example of that? I can’t help but think there’s a reason that we haven’t quite figured out yet. I was reading another post and there was an article from an Indian publication that was spelling out the connections between this shooter and the first one. Then another name was dropped. Peter Riddle, if I remember right. My first thought was Batman🙂. My next thought was Trump telling that boy that he was Batman.
Research the author.
Discovered the same profile pic, but different name for the author of this article:
Evidently he was an author also: Routh also mentioned Trump in his book, which appears on Amazon without a publisher listed, and is titled “Ukraine’s Unwinnable War: The Fatal Flaw of Democracy, World Abandonment and the Global Citizen-Taiwan, Afghanistan, North Korea and the end of Humanity.”
Good find, fren!
Samuel White.
yeah right.
Yeah, have a look at this story:
Zero source, zero references. It reads like a novel (narrative and drafted fiction) and is absent any indication of actual factual references.
So, who or what kind of entity posts such stories?
Good work anon!
I also discovered a new article on this same site:
"Ryan Routh was a CIA operative who previously recruited Maxwell Yearick and Kenneth Hooper for the Ukraine war"
"Both Maxwell Yearick and Ryan Routh has previously worked at Patterson Energy, a company owned by the Rothschild family."
Yeahhhh, all you conspiracy theorists always think "the CIA" and "the Rothschilds" are out to get y—...oh.
It appears OP author merely added Routh to his article after the fact, indicating (but not proving) the site just says, and backdates, crazy things to get clicks. Connecting Routh to Azov and Medvedev is enough.
Yes! This find is a Godwink! All of the puzzle places are falling into place. Well done Wulf!! 👏
Is there any connection between Pattersen Energy and Duke Energy? If you recall, it was a Duke Energy employee, a Chechen, who was killed by the military homeowner in North Carolina.
Either way its quite a coincidence that Energy Companies play a part in both stories.
I have no time to dive in myself I am swamped at work for a change.
CIA must be running low on assets. They have their embedded assets performing double duty and that means strict compartmentalizion is not being followed during these ops.
Someone's going to find enough string to get all the way back to the people calling the shots and that's going to go badly for them all. I remember when Q indicated the CIA would be dismantled /abolished. It's coming soon.
It might be that the entire federal government is falling apart.
Remember the 87,000 IRS agents?
Turns out, that's authorization for 8,700 agents per year for 10 years.
Reason for this is that nearly 60,000 will be retiring soon.
Furthermore, they had a recent attempt to hire 10,000, but could only get less than 200.
CIA could be having same problem -- which would be great.
Great Dig!!
While I'm not excited about people trying to kill Donald Trump, I am very excited about the coming days of things to be revealed. It will be fun watching the MSM and Government Commies panic.
Find Peter Riddle. Riddle me this; Webster dictionary defines “routh” as a noun meaning “plenty”. Crooks Plenty Riddle
These made up names are fking killing me... might as well search for Tom Riddle and the chamber of secrets...
CIA = Plenty of Crooks solves the Riddle.
Gabby Petito - small talk
Brian Laundrie - brain washing
Corey Comperatore - ace promoter
Ashley Babbit - I dunno, slashy rabbit, ashy rabbit, white rabbit
Crooks - don't all these names seem fake-ish by now?
Yearick - ear yea? Can we wake up soon?
This site is not trustworthy, especially with the ghost edits. Heres info on the owner of the site
Name Vivek Jain Organization Interactive Media Pvt Ltd Address Bhangagarh GS Road City Guwahati State / Province Assam Postal Code 781012 Country IN Phone +91.9954024432 Email
Huge, possibly.
72 hour rule is in effect.
All these fools are linked because they all worked for the same group who's running the Shadow Govt behind Kamala.
The CIA is planting all of this information and making it way too easy. I still maintain that they want us to see how corrupt America is so we’ll accept their NWO.
Nice work
Jack Ruby incoming
What's the track record for ""?
Just been looking at that, domain name first registered in 2008.
The website only has articles going back to April 2024 though.
Articles smell a bit fishy.
indeed. Curried Fish.
office microwaves weep at the smell...
Fish that has been caught, gutted, left on the jetty for about 9 days with flies swarming around it and even dogs not wanting to go near-type fishy.
Thanks for the kek fren!
Whoa. Archived. thanks.
great find ol fren. spreading it now. thx alot
Excellent post, ,anon.
We minimise the significance of the ‘new right’ in this government at our peril, says Peter Riddle
Crooks or someone saying that the wrong person was 'nabbed' as the 'assasin'.
Who published that and how did they get the records? Seems like an awful easy and convenient trail to follow for a cia run asset.
This part of the movie is getting interesting. 🧐
Except for fake news, clickbait and disinformation operations.
Well, they have meaning, but a negative meaning.
I'm not so sure about that, John.
'twasn't I that gave you the downvote.
In any case, did I miss the context? Or did I miss the meaning? The context is the current post. Or do you have some context that the rest of us are not privilege to? What context are you referring to?
I'm more than willing to entertain the notion that I didn't comprehend what you actually MEANT, but.... blaming the reader for not understanding what you meant or (intended) to mean, hmmmm.....
And, for the record, I try to go full retard at least 3 times in a given year. Hope that helps.
What are you talking about... I go full retard on here every single night! 😂
THIS kills the Lone Gunman theory!
Great find!
Doest this without a shadow of a doubt prove that black $ abc is trying to do this?
Some people have let their emotions cloud their judgement. I get it. We all love our President and it truly would be devastating to lose him. But I think it would be naive to think it wouldn't happen. Or won't happen again.
I would give you a hundred updoots if I could for your effort to be the voice of reason!
What did he say. I missed it
Just basically saying don't go all-in on this it looks pretty sus...this is a research board and people shouldn't need to be reminded of that and was questioning the why of accepting without questioning and using discernment.
What I said is still there. This article has no credibility, and I don't know why people are eating it up here
Peter Riddle - Boston Marathon
Peter Riddle the author is from Nova Scotia and writes books about toy trains. Not really much in the search engine.
Thanks for the additional information, fren!