Last year in Dublin I met a nurse practitioner from Seattle in a cafe. She spent about 10 minutes shouting (yes, shouting!) at me about Trump voters in Sammamish. She resented having to occupy the same land mass as these people (who lived about an hour away from her) and thought I would be horrified to learn that such people even existed in America. The shouting continued as we exited the cafe together.
I imagine if I had disregarded my safety momentarily and tipped my hand, she might have pushed me into the River Liffey. She would have justified it by saying my beliefs were a threat to her safety.
This! My older sister and younger brother both live there and not exaggerating when I say they are VIOLENTLY anti- trump. It is scary as heck and seems all surrounding them are like this. We once visited for a wedding back probably 20 years ago, driving an 85 Dodge with 4wd. Everywhere we went there was at least one person, OLD LADIES even, yelling and throwing shit at our truck and calling Munk (hubby) enemy of the earth. It was ridiculous. Whole town is an overgrown special needs daycare and the teachers are high.
This is crackers! Over a motor vehicle!!! And this was ten years before our favourite president came down the escalator.
It would be very interesting to read field reports about what it is actually like to live and work there now. Because I honestly cannot even imagine.....
I self-censor these days not only for my peace of mind, but for my safety.
The nurse practitioner I mentioned was so unhinged just talking about Trump voters that I don't know what would have happened if I had told her I was MAGA. Would she have hit me with her backpack?? Called the police??
It's ok..I mean, I moved to the Midwest a million yrs ago to get away from what they were doing to calif. The rest of them moved to Seattle. Seems like it's actually worse up there than where we came from. I wasn't willing to raise kids in that shit, while the rest of them think I'm the idiot. It is what it is.
Likewise..kinda. my husband has been schooling ppl on this stuff for almost 30 yrs on irc, 4 Chan, etc etc....he caught the q stuff before it was really a thing, latched on to when it first opened and we moved to gaw when it opened...3 yrs ago he had a bunch of strokes and now has dementia/ amnesia, barely understands any of this when he was once a teacher of it. Weird to think of. So now I and my daughters come here and we keep it going in our community. Long, hard road for patriots everywhere. That's just part of our personal story.
I’m so sorry to hear this.
May God Bless and heal your husband. Restore his ability to understand and remember all that is important to him. In Jesus’ name I pray 🙏🏼
Look into DMSO for strokes. Although his stroke was 3 years ago it might help with some cognitive function. It can be taken orally and/or topically. Of course, don’t forget prayer.
Hey thanks..I really appreciate that. I don't have a ton of time or internet intellect lol so I don't post or meme or do alot in other venues. I just sit here when I can and try to keep up and discern, pass along knowledge in the real world when out and about. Hands are pretty full with him. Completely disabled, needs lots of help, and I fill the rest of my time babysitting 5 little ones during the week. But I do enjoy what is offered here. I miss the irc's where I met my husband. Hard to feel like I fit in anywhere now that he's sort of a ghost. But I'm tryin'.
We are all suffering from broken hearts in some way or another, though what you carry is heavier than what most can possibly even begin to imagine.
We do not know what God intends, but know many of the anons here are thinking of you and praying for you. Your beloved hubby is one of our own, and you are not alone.
Late response sorry - my mom just went through taking care of my step dad who passed this summer. It was very hard to watch and it made me admire her so much more, how she was able to do it all.
I’m sure you’re doing all you can! Make sure while taking care of others you take some time for yourself, reading a book, taking a walk whatever brings you some joy in your tough situation.
Praying for you and your family! WWG1WGA!!!
That whole area and where I grew up..Los Angeles area...full of ppl in all generations that have been messed with. Looking back, school was just a lot of brainwashing and 'studying to take tests' but not alot of real learning, apart from a handful of rogue high school teachers who warned us not to believe the history books and THINK FOR OURSELVES. I get the feeling western Washington state abuses/abused its residents even worse than calif. Something in the water? Air? I get the whole 5g thing, but that's recent. So what happened there started wayyyyyy back.
The thought has come to mind. Mail man's kid. ....back when it was a mail MAN. He came right after the milk MAN.
Come to think of it, mom really liked the milk man.
You really have to ask yourself where these people are mentally,i would never walk onto someone's property like that and spew my opinions like this crazy old cunt .
When someone is constantly looking for a reason to get "triggered" and make trouble in order to get high from the adrenaline and dopamine rush.
Always searching for the slightest perceived gesture, no matter how small in order to pounce and start trouble.
And being "triggered" means that they are always able blame the other person. Projecting their actions onto others and absolving themselves of any blame.
This is PRECISELY what is happening. A subsection of the population can be programmed like this for political and social chaos-mongering. And since they don't have anything more coherent/solid at their core, it's what passes for meaning/religion for them.
El Gato Malo has had some good Substacks related to this.
Whenever these crazy democrats get bent out of shape by the suggestion that President Trump is a "moral" candidate -- dollars to donuts the nutjob in question is a rabid abortion supporter ignoring the fact her party butchers babies. You can take that straight to the bank.
I volunteered for the Trump campaign in 2020 and had almost this EXACT interaction with a woman when I was knocking on doors. And she looked almost exactly like this woman: short gray hair, glasses, and just that bitter liberal vibe they all have. She immediately started cursing at me for daring to bring Trump pamphlets into her yard and told me what a horrible woman I was for supporting him. "How DARE you!" Her miserable husband stood silently in the background. I finally said "God bless you" and walked away, and she shouted at me that my God wasn't real and "fuck your god." My husband left a Trump flyer on her fence. Anyway, this video just brought that memory back. Good times.
These people truly are NPCs, just soulless carbon copies of each other, infected with the same mind virus.
Man you could almost see the snake jumping out from that one. These people are possessed!! TDS needs to be declared a mental illness so those sick people can get the help they need. Or maybe we just slip them some ivermectin and the problem resolves it self.
4% are lost forever? Wow, that one may never be reachable. IMO goes to show the gaslighting by the cabal is very sophisticated and goes deep into the brain (okay in this case I'm using "brain" loosely). Fortunately, the antidote (the plan) by the white hats and anons is just as sophisticated and effective. Signs everywhere of people waking up more and more
Trump makes a locker room joke about Arnold Palmer or says the media is full of shit (which is verifiably true) and he’s “vulgar” and we need to “restore decency to politics”.
But the left can burn down cities, attempt assassination, scream and swear in people’s faces, call Trump and his supporters Hitler and deplorable and racist, and frequently wish for death against all of them… and they are morally superior and “decent”.
Think we all have some family that are part of the 4-6% unfortunately 😕 I know I have a few but they thankfully don’t act like this crazy lady. At least my immediate family (husband & grown kids) are awake, unvaxxed & vote Trump! I’m grateful for that or I’d really go nuts in my own house. Now the rest of the family is another story 🙄
Hey this lady looks familiar! Is she the one who got thrown out of the plane with the husband going from Oregon or Seattle for saying the same shit to the guy next to her w/ MAGA shirt?
My whole Seattle family is this retarded.
To be fair, virtually everyone in Seattle is that retarded.
In my limited experience visiting that hellhole, I support your hypothesis
Last year in Dublin I met a nurse practitioner from Seattle in a cafe. She spent about 10 minutes shouting (yes, shouting!) at me about Trump voters in Sammamish. She resented having to occupy the same land mass as these people (who lived about an hour away from her) and thought I would be horrified to learn that such people even existed in America. The shouting continued as we exited the cafe together.
I imagine if I had disregarded my safety momentarily and tipped my hand, she might have pushed me into the River Liffey. She would have justified it by saying my beliefs were a threat to her safety.
So yes, I have seen this with my own eyes!
This! My older sister and younger brother both live there and not exaggerating when I say they are VIOLENTLY anti- trump. It is scary as heck and seems all surrounding them are like this. We once visited for a wedding back probably 20 years ago, driving an 85 Dodge with 4wd. Everywhere we went there was at least one person, OLD LADIES even, yelling and throwing shit at our truck and calling Munk (hubby) enemy of the earth. It was ridiculous. Whole town is an overgrown special needs daycare and the teachers are high.
This is crackers! Over a motor vehicle!!! And this was ten years before our favourite president came down the escalator.
It would be very interesting to read field reports about what it is actually like to live and work there now. Because I honestly cannot even imagine.....
I self-censor these days not only for my peace of mind, but for my safety.
The nurse practitioner I mentioned was so unhinged just talking about Trump voters that I don't know what would have happened if I had told her I was MAGA. Would she have hit me with her backpack?? Called the police??
Yeah what if you'd been in as her patient and mentioned that?
That question goes through my mind A LOT with regard to healthcare practitioners.
Oh so sorry! I am glad you are still holding strong. I kind of feel like this about declassification already.
It's ok..I mean, I moved to the Midwest a million yrs ago to get away from what they were doing to calif. The rest of them moved to Seattle. Seems like it's actually worse up there than where we came from. I wasn't willing to raise kids in that shit, while the rest of them think I'm the idiot. It is what it is.
That is why we are here. I am so fortunate to have found this group when I did.
Likewise..kinda. my husband has been schooling ppl on this stuff for almost 30 yrs on irc, 4 Chan, etc etc....he caught the q stuff before it was really a thing, latched on to when it first opened and we moved to gaw when it opened...3 yrs ago he had a bunch of strokes and now has dementia/ amnesia, barely understands any of this when he was once a teacher of it. Weird to think of. So now I and my daughters come here and we keep it going in our community. Long, hard road for patriots everywhere. That's just part of our personal story.
I’m so sorry to hear this. May God Bless and heal your husband. Restore his ability to understand and remember all that is important to him. In Jesus’ name I pray 🙏🏼 Look into DMSO for strokes. Although his stroke was 3 years ago it might help with some cognitive function. It can be taken orally and/or topically. Of course, don’t forget prayer.
Tyvm. Prayer is forever a thing here. In spite of all the struggle, in spite of our sinful natures, the Lord has been good to us.
Stay strong and may God bless you abundantly and fill your home with plenty of love, joy and peace in Jesus' arms amidst your struggles.
Hey you are awesome for keeping up and staying in the community, I appreciate his work and the work you are carrying on!!
Hey thanks..I really appreciate that. I don't have a ton of time or internet intellect lol so I don't post or meme or do alot in other venues. I just sit here when I can and try to keep up and discern, pass along knowledge in the real world when out and about. Hands are pretty full with him. Completely disabled, needs lots of help, and I fill the rest of my time babysitting 5 little ones during the week. But I do enjoy what is offered here. I miss the irc's where I met my husband. Hard to feel like I fit in anywhere now that he's sort of a ghost. But I'm tryin'.
God bless you and your beautiful family fren.
We are all suffering from broken hearts in some way or another, though what you carry is heavier than what most can possibly even begin to imagine.
We do not know what God intends, but know many of the anons here are thinking of you and praying for you. Your beloved hubby is one of our own, and you are not alone.
Late response sorry - my mom just went through taking care of my step dad who passed this summer. It was very hard to watch and it made me admire her so much more, how she was able to do it all. I’m sure you’re doing all you can! Make sure while taking care of others you take some time for yourself, reading a book, taking a walk whatever brings you some joy in your tough situation. Praying for you and your family! WWG1WGA!!!
Me too!
I believe this.
I am really sorry.
Sorry to hear that. Imho they must have many skeletons in their closet..either gay, sex stuff, abortion, or some hidden guilt.
That whole area and where I grew up..Los Angeles area...full of ppl in all generations that have been messed with. Looking back, school was just a lot of brainwashing and 'studying to take tests' but not alot of real learning, apart from a handful of rogue high school teachers who warned us not to believe the history books and THINK FOR OURSELVES. I get the feeling western Washington state abuses/abused its residents even worse than calif. Something in the water? Air? I get the whole 5g thing, but that's recent. So what happened there started wayyyyyy back.
you will be happy to learn that you were adopted!!! :-)
The thought has come to mind. Mail man's kid. ....back when it was a mail MAN. He came right after the milk MAN. Come to think of it, mom really liked the milk man.
They always resort to name calling and swearing but they are the moral ones - LOL.
You really have to ask yourself where these people are mentally,i would never walk onto someone's property like that and spew my opinions like this crazy old cunt .
Right?! Like who really gives af who your neighbor votes for? Its not like our votes count anyway
I truly believe it’s the demonic energy of pride that compels people to do these insane things.
Has to be.. people didn't even act like that before Trump, right? Now everyone's true color is out in the open.
The demons inside them all know time is running out 😏
Is TDS covered by Medicare?
Only if you are an illegal.😬
New term.
"Trigger Addicted"
When someone is constantly looking for a reason to get "triggered" and make trouble in order to get high from the adrenaline and dopamine rush.
Always searching for the slightest perceived gesture, no matter how small in order to pounce and start trouble.
And being "triggered" means that they are always able blame the other person. Projecting their actions onto others and absolving themselves of any blame.
It is dangerous and deliberate behavior.
This is what is happening here.
They are bullies and cowards.
Wish I could updoot this x24
This is PRECISELY what is happening. A subsection of the population can be programmed like this for political and social chaos-mongering. And since they don't have anything more coherent/solid at their core, it's what passes for meaning/religion for them.
El Gato Malo has had some good Substacks related to this.
"Useful idiocy as personal identity"
You just know the trigger addicted are also booster addicted!
I've been calling it outrage addiction... it does seem to be a social contagion spread online...
Just another person stuck on MSM and the hate they spew.
I wonder if she paints her rocks and trees, and has a cat named vagina like E Jean Carrol?
I'd be willing to put money on it that she does.
She reminded me a hell of a lot of that lying, crazy bitch
She was…
I'm old enough that I wouldn't have been that polite to her
I would’ve released the dogs
.or the hose...
Her demon got angry when the nice lady responded back very calmly and truthfully. Demons hate it when you don't get angry in response.
Tells me everything I need to know.
It’s one of our best weapons, kindness.
Thanks for posting, that made my day.
You’re welcome fren!
Whenever these crazy democrats get bent out of shape by the suggestion that President Trump is a "moral" candidate -- dollars to donuts the nutjob in question is a rabid abortion supporter ignoring the fact her party butchers babies. You can take that straight to the bank.
These marxist-democrats are mentally ill or they are compromised big time by criminal activity.
She seems to be pretty calm compared to how she will react after President Trump wins the election.
"I'm Lovin' it"
Normal behavior…. Not a meltdown.
It's that lady from the airplane lol.
Isn't it? No wonder she looks familiar!
Grandmas gone wild!
I volunteered for the Trump campaign in 2020 and had almost this EXACT interaction with a woman when I was knocking on doors. And she looked almost exactly like this woman: short gray hair, glasses, and just that bitter liberal vibe they all have. She immediately started cursing at me for daring to bring Trump pamphlets into her yard and told me what a horrible woman I was for supporting him. "How DARE you!" Her miserable husband stood silently in the background. I finally said "God bless you" and walked away, and she shouted at me that my God wasn't real and "fuck your god." My husband left a Trump flyer on her fence. Anyway, this video just brought that memory back. Good times.
These people truly are NPCs, just soulless carbon copies of each other, infected with the same mind virus.
Man you could almost see the snake jumping out from that one. These people are possessed!! TDS needs to be declared a mental illness so those sick people can get the help they need. Or maybe we just slip them some ivermectin and the problem resolves it self.
Classic Kek.
Cognitive Dissonance. Even irrefutable facts when presented mean noting to them.
Please tell me her first name is Karen.
4% are lost forever? Wow, that one may never be reachable. IMO goes to show the gaslighting by the cabal is very sophisticated and goes deep into the brain (okay in this case I'm using "brain" loosely). Fortunately, the antidote (the plan) by the white hats and anons is just as sophisticated and effective. Signs everywhere of people waking up more and more
Trump makes a locker room joke about Arnold Palmer or says the media is full of shit (which is verifiably true) and he’s “vulgar” and we need to “restore decency to politics”.
But the left can burn down cities, attempt assassination, scream and swear in people’s faces, call Trump and his supporters Hitler and deplorable and racist, and frequently wish for death against all of them… and they are morally superior and “decent”.
icing on the cake...🧑🍳's 💋
Sadly I have family like this.
Think we all have some family that are part of the 4-6% unfortunately 😕 I know I have a few but they thankfully don’t act like this crazy lady. At least my immediate family (husband & grown kids) are awake, unvaxxed & vote Trump! I’m grateful for that or I’d really go nuts in my own house. Now the rest of the family is another story 🙄
Hey this lady looks familiar! Is she the one who got thrown out of the plane with the husband going from Oregon or Seattle for saying the same shit to the guy next to her w/ MAGA shirt?
Unhinged = status quo leftist
Who is this professor of 'oh my god'? Anyone want to bet she is either a retired nurse? Or teacher? Which one?
Thats the desperate vitriol of the braindead left wing democrat voter. The ultimate demonstration of a hipocrite. About what I expect.
This has to be a windup!!
Sounds like all the assholes i used to call family. Fuckers.
Apparently the hypocrite lliberal cannot understand what real morals are.
Looks like Kate Hikes. Lol