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Election Countdown special! High quality wallpaper for your enjoyment.
Today's wallpaper is Karate Pepe
Bonus Second version
And a 2D cartoon version
Anyone having a problem placing an order from the shop at donaldjtrump.com?
I get to the last page, where you press "DONATE" and it brings up a box to select the suggested mailing address. I select one. Then hit donate and nothing happens.
Kind of irritating, I've tried it 3 days in a row.
EDIT: Just had a friend try it. Same thing happened to him.
Does Trump team know this?
Maybe they are stopping all donations because they don't want people to feel bad about losing when they steal it?
Can I just vote at any city in my state? I'm registered at an old address and totally spaced it when I realized my best friend can't send me my ballot like usual since he moved. Doesn't matter, it's Colorado but I'd like to get Trump one more vote regardless. I'll be back in Colorado Sunday but on the wrong end of the state.
You can vote anywhere, even in another state, no problem.
Hilarious...If you missed it:
My Eyes!! 👀
My bad (I hate this saying)
Maybe its just my autistic anon brain but the left sucks at everything they produce in terms of media. Memes, comedy, promotions, campaign ads, adverts in general.... shit, everything in general. Nothing they produce ever comes off as genuine, authentic, or believable.
These people are stupid at best!
Is the search feature broken? I'm getting an error symbol with a "rate limited" warning when attempting to use the search feature.
EDIT: Found the problem. Mobile browser needed to be reset and cache cleared. Works fine on desktop.
That little compass pointer on Google Maps street view. One end of the pointer is white while the other end of the pointer is red. When you're heading East, will the white end be pointing towards the right, or will the red end be pointing towards the right? Same question for North. Will the white end be pointing straight up, or will the red end be pointing straight up?
Being a Continuous Learner is really a thing. Students should study more (6:20 video)
Funky Friday, election fever
Herbie Hancock - Secrets LP
Some interesting things I found while researching:
1935 News article about how CIA Spies on us. https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP90-00965R000706980002-3.pdf
The Black Budget 1987 https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP90-00965R000707040013-3.pdf
I don't even know what to say about this one..... https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/andromeda/lfa/v3n1grey.html
So my girl is heavily considering about becoming a US citizen. Says even in Nottingham she doesn't feel safe anymore after nearly getting mugged by two "future engineers". Don't worry, she used that bear mace i sent her so she got away with a small stab wound.
Now I'm a hot nervous wreck because i really wasnt DT to win. Normally im super calm about but fuck. Hate to ask this, can i get a few prayers my way?
Father in heaven, protect this anon and his loved ones. Bless them with joining together in this country and may their love endure no matter the distance nor hurdles they face.
Prayed, fren.
Btw, 'small stab wound?' I'd love to say, sure, send her over and let her become American, but it's not that great here right now. Maybe wait and see what happens. Otherwise, consider other options.
She managed to get away before he could sink the entire thing into her. He got a face (and mouthful) of spray. Funny enough, she says the same thing along with "Don't tell the others, but i hope America does elect Trump and not that chuckling cunt."
It's ridiculous that it's come to the point that people feel the need to be secretive about their support for Trump, but I do understand why. Glad she got away, that's for sure. And I'm glad she got him with the spray. So sorry she had to endure that, fren.
anybody see a really subdued turnout for halloween? people are understanding evil and it's ways now.
my frens i can't believe we're almost there. God bless you all.
No trick or treaters here, and being the Addams family, you'd think we would be a must visit.
Red October is not the month of October, but a name for the Russian "October Revolution." Its anniversary is on November 7th.
u/#q2458 u/#q724 u/#q2450
Well done LBT! 👏
Very interesting!
The deep state can't afford to let Trump have a second term. So... we know there will be plenty of cheating. The election may last a few days as swing states take forever to count the votes. UOCAVA votes are a vulnerability plus election machines. Hopefully Trumps people are on top of it. If Trump is confirmed the winner... Raskin said they plan not to confirm him. Hopefully we have someway to deal with that.
I was sent here by the moderator. Question… why isn’t ELECTION DAY a National Holiday? My kid asked me and I have no answer. Can you help me out?
as small business owners can tell you, the employees would be paid right out of the owner's pockets, with no income/production for that day...all national holidays hit hard on the business owners...giving their employees an extra hour for lunch, or start hour late, or extra hour off early would be much better idea, so the whole day isn't lost for productivity, imo...before the dems started playing their dirty tricks, the polls used to be open from 7am to 7pm, and you just needed to be in the line at the closing time, with an official LEO or other official standing in to mark the end of the line until each voter was done, at least in TX, that's how it used to be...
to keep working man away from the polls
What has the left in panic mode today?
Welp, guess that Lawyer was lying about the diddy list being released by the end of Oct.
Guess it wasn't the right time, prob said that to scare the freaks.
Is the sidebar "Search" feature broken for everyone or just me?
How about the term STEAMROLLER? Take that!
I’m ready for finding out what really happens to the money our government waste (Ex: foreign “aid”) and seeing people prosecuted for the crimes.
I’m ready for the propaganda to stop. Media needs to be broken up. FCC needs overhauled.
I’m ready for the mentally ill people to be treated as such.
The medical community should go back to the scientific method, peer reviewed, and blind studies. If you create drugs (or whatever) that harm, you should be held liable and they should be held accountable.
I’m ready for my currency to stop devaluing.
I’m ready for people to be held accountable and be treated fairly and justly.
I’m ready.
Amen, Brother!
Panda eyes is the topic of many posts on X after Jill wore a panda suit for Halloween.
The panda eyes on small children is dramatic and heartbreaking.... when the same thing is done to adults the eyes still bruise, just less. Remember all those political figures and actors (and pope) sporting their black eyes?
Most people don’t realize what causes panda eyes.
Yeah, there's a lot of talk about it on social media.... which is good, they're explaining it way better than I could....
Yes...they've got to find out...
Good morning all you beautiful patriots!
Top o' the Evening Kitty! 🤍🍀
See something, say something. So, I voted early. First time in over 20 years using a different polling station. The early voting station is for 8 different districts. Once you get your ballot they hand you a number, this number tells you which machine to feed your ballot into. They explained that each machine is for a different district. They also explained that the day before (I went on the second day) they had not handed out numbers, they simply told people which machine to go to. But now they hand out numbers because so many went to the wrong machine and their votes won't count because they were in the wrong districts machine. How many votes did we lose on day 1?? How do I know they are direction me to the right one?? I just don't like it.
Similar for me. I wondered what happened if people fed their ballot into the wrong tabulator. At my polling station you were directed back to a worker to check your early voting ppw and point you to the correct tabulator. There were 4 tabulators total at my location.
I just got a YouTube recommendation of Bill Gates reacting to a self-driving car.
It’s weird that he hates humanity, wants us all to suffer and die.
but simultaneously he cares about getting our attention and approval for social status.
what a gay retard.
I did yesterday too with the hubs
This is exactly what i have been saying. I believe Trump will win just about every state BUT the ones that were stolen last year. Those will be stolen again, which in turn will highlight what happened last year.
DIL = Daughter In Law, I'm pretty sure.
Mind blown 🤯 !!
Me, too!! u/Mary911 you are a GENIUS! 👏
Love the Karate Pepe's bb! 💚🥋🐸
Epic new sidebar!
We are in the Endgame now...
I can't fucking wait to see the results. Lol
Malia dropped the name "Obama" for Hollywood. She may as well have just reverted to her true last name, Nesbitt.
Maybe she was told to distance the Obama name from another Harvey Weinstein investigation....
Yes, I saw that.
Already boarding up windows in downtown Portland, Oregon.
Mostly peaceful protests?
We need Kyle!
The Violent Left
Boarding up DC too
They're bolting on hand ground lethal spikes onto the tops of the new anti climbing riot fences around the WH too - according to someone on X or truth social....
Some music for your browsing experience. Riding With Private Malone
The Worst Of Babylon Bee
Are You Garbage? Know The Signs
Biden Fitted With Muzzle So He Can't Bite Any More Babies
Aides Give Biden Tablet Playing Cocomelon And Some Goldfish To Keep Him Busy Until After Election
Kids At Tim Walz's Door Disappointed As He Fills Candy Bags With Tampons
San Francisco Parents Find Piece Of Candy In Child’s Bucket Of Needles
Welcome back and your timely return. Thank you.
God bless you Patriot!
May God bless you as well in the coming days and years to come.
...wags tail humbly...
Welcome back kotter-dog! Spreading that knowledge. Kek... those bee articles!
"If we couldn't laugh, we would all go insane".
3 woofs from me 😁
...valid observation, nicely stated...
Hey, welcome back!
'Home is the place where, when you have to go there, they have to take you in.'
Robert Frost
Kamala Harris orders Chinese Takeaway
Ok, so I’m a bit like “here we gooooooo”…..
But seriously, what the hell is gonna happen? I mean, we know who is going to win… but how are they going to try to stop it?
I'm not sure we know who will win. They still have their dominion machines. Which means WHs can stop the steal if they want. It's up to them and their plan.
Omg. Will something fucking happen already…
We'll know soon. All the cards on the table and what will be broadcast cause/effect.
Our role as anons remains the same. Stay outta the way when the MIL steps in and NEVER STOP COMMS. Word of mouth is and always has been the most efficient form of information spread... well according to OSHA anyways kek
MIL = Mother In Law?
That could work too if the military needs help. Baba is hard as the hammer and bent as the sickle that crosses it! /s
Election predictions I feel the best about right now based on early voting and people I follow
Virginia will be within 4-5 points
Trump will win Nevada by at least a few %
Florida will be a red bloodbath
All are in the right direction.
There are that many Kamala supporters left to where it will be close? All this makes me think the entire thing is rigged. For instance a few percents instead of like 34? I know there's libs out there but are there really that many to challenge Trump in every battle ground state this time around?
Oh know you said "bloodbath" !!!
Such garbage talk from garbage garbage garbage! Oh my garbergd!
Chus for you meng
It's ok he's already on at least 1 watchlist. Patriot, Trumper, Pepe poster, Free thinker, etc. Prolly lucky to be able to ride a bus.
We're all definitely on a watchlist.
I could give 2 shits
I suspect I was put on a watch list long before Q existed....