Is Amazon in deep shit? I am reading in multiple places that 75% of their products are made in China. When the tariffs come...
No wonder Bezos is kissing Trump's ass. Remember that Amazon doesn't actually produce anything.
Let's make stuff in America again.
That includes popcorn. And I need to go buy some more.
They will introduce an American made page/product comparison page... If they know what's good for them.
When the brand says KSNFIDFNB or something like that, it's a pretty clear sign it Chinee.
Some of them are clever.
Like "Johnny ID Sunglasses" or some shit.
Yes, no doubt.
Honestly, most "American Brands" have all sold out to China. It's all Chinese bullshit.
Designed obsolescence is a real thing. Everything is designed to fail two days after the warranty expires. It's all about buying more and more bullshit and having all of it fall apart so more shit needs to be bought. China has figured it out. They are making a killing. Time to tariff them into oblivion.
Make it in America again. Make it last. Use the tariff dollars to offset the higher cost of making things right and paying Americans to make it.
My husband ordered a shirt online one time and it literally said “Popular Brand” on it. We still laugh about that.
Well, here is the most important question.
Sadly, when the bullies saw that shirt they gave him a swirly
But that's just his head in the toilet, right?
He couldn't keep the shirt dry?
In their defense, the listing did say, "Made By Popular Brand." 😂
It was something like that, he opened like WTH 😂
Great idea. Let consumers decide. I will pay more for products not made in China.
As would I.
And with the tariffs, the price gap would shrink substantially
I stopped shopping at Amazon after working in fraud prevention. They mix and match Chinese garbage on their warehouse shelves with authentic products. That showed me the length and breadth of how much foreign shit is sold on their site.
Amazon has a very weird system.
On their listings, merchants take turns selling the product if all of them match the minimal price.
For example: let's say the listing is Duracell batteries and the price is 5$ per pack. There are for sellers on this listing. What this means that every single ordered will be fullfilled by a different seller in a rotating order.
So I imagine what happened is that someone snuck in some chinese knockoffs to make a quick buck and you got the short end of the stick.
Not totally true. Amazon will prioritize their listing if they hold the inventory.
Their warehouse system does comingle inventory. That's how the fakes make their way into the system. So Seller A can get penalized for Seller B's fakes. Makes it more difficult to track down the source of the counterfeit goods.
The products have gotten so bad that Amazon is becoming temu with faster shipping.
A dirty little secret. But now the Chinese are bypassing Amazon and selling directly to consumers through apps like TEMU and Shein. Customers can get the same Chinese substandard toxic garbage really cheap with little to no shipping charges. It just takes longer to receive an item versus Amazon. This is economic warfare and we will not win this unless we start dealing with them and soon - not to mention that much of the stuff they are shipping to the US is a danger to public health.
Not only that, but I’ve been told by product designers that if someone tries to sell a product there to improve revenues, and they notice it’s selling well, they’ll have it copied and start selling their own instead.
Its not just them, other central markets do this same thing - groceries, walmart/department stores, etc.
Yes. Pretty much everything with the Amazon brand was once a profitable item created by someone else that Amazon then poached, basically putting the original seller out of business. Because bezos doesn't have enough money already.
Correction: because [they] don’t have enough control already
It's not just amazon.
Most inexpensive shit anywhere is currently made in china!
The tariffs will only impact the fat-cat corporate assholes who have been grossly overcharging American citizens for the cheap Chinese shit they have been importing.
That's what I hope happens.
Not how tariffs work if done correctly. China has low labor costs. But so do several other countries. So that makes China eat most of the tariff costs. Otherwise customers will shift countries. For some things, there is a spin up time in the other country, but they are hungry for the business. And once it leaves China, it is not likely to return.
When you look at tariffs, you have to look at the much larger picture of actions and reactions. If done correctly, there is very little impact on inflation. And that will be more than offset by the domestic moves that Trump is making.
It's crazy, but China is going to have a very big issue soon. The cost of labor hour over there went up to 5$. It is now cheaper to manufacture goods in Mexico, where the labor cost per hour is $4.25. They are looking at a mass exodus in the near future of all the major corporations.
That's why more and more American companies are moving there instead of China. It's cheaper and way way closer.
Now that I think about it, it would be genius move if Trump put like a 10% lower tarrif on Mexico so that all illegals can go back home and get legal jobs in their own country. Then he can raise that tarrif a couple of years later.
Great input. China has also been papering over a financial collapse for years. With companies exiting, the problem may become unmanageable.
My hunch is that all the illegals who tasted America and the were sent back to their shit hole nations will be the ones who make those nations great
Companies will sell for the highest price they can get away with. If you're competing with the US, China really only needs to be slightly cheaper despite much lower energy and labor costs, maximizing profit.
If tariffs go up, you still have to be competitive with US (or any other place of origin) producers. Manufacturers will eat the tariff themselves rather than price themselves out of the market.
China's economy does not follow market rules. It is a centralized economy where the government will subsidize losses in order to create market share. Once they monopolize market share and destroy the competition, they then raise prices and use that market share as a political weapon. Thank goodness the US is finally starting to wake up and see what the CCP is trying to do to the rest of the world before they destroy more industries here in the US beyond what they have already done - like our steel manufacturing. Trump has been trying to reverse all that and rebuild our manufacturing base - or at the very least get it out of China and closer to home.
I hope they are. Even countries like Russia have something like 6 Amazon-like companies, creating competition and fairness for buyers and sellers.
Companies will comeback here to avoid tariffs. People will buy local produced goods and our country will prosper. Amazon will either sink or swim depending on they play it.
Amazon's strength is in its robust and flexible delivery service. Most customers in major cities can now get their orders same day or within 4-8 hours something both walmart and ebay can't touch yet.
They will be fine. They will just have to ditch the cheap chinese products.
Ordering from Amazon and having it same or next day beats driving in traffic to Walmart to squeeze around ham beasts and nasty people and hope they have it in stock.
We need local mom and pop shops and other small business to make a come back. Make me want to drive, park and come inside to shop vs ordering online.
TEMU and Shein are giving Amazon a run for their money because even though it takes longer to receive a product from China, Amazon cannot compete with the pricing. The stuff is really cheap and when people are financially strained these platforms make it very attractive to consumers trying to save a few dollars. However, the products are really bad and often toxic, not to mention that the apps themselves are malware that data mine consumer's private information. It is harmful to Americans on several levels and needs to be dealt with.
I know Amazon gets a bad rap because of Bezos and his shenanigans, however in my book they are pretty based.
Amazon itself has only 1 product series called Amazon Basics. Everything else you see on there are individuals sellers.
Amazon charges 15% if you use their platform to sell their product. This requires you to ship it and handle refunds. You can use their FBA(fulfilled by Amazon) program and they will store, pack, ship, deliver and even handle refunds. Thing is as close to an automatic or turnkey ecommerce business as you can get.
The problem comes were most sellers buy cheap chink shit from China via Alibaba(the biggest sourcing website in the world) and ship it to the amazon warehouses to make a quick buck.
I imagine with the tarrifs in place, all of these sellers can start working with American companies instead.
Amazon has several brands beyond Basics. Solimo, Wag, Mama Bear, Happy Belly and Goodthreads come to mind.
That is the problem. They cut out the US middlemen and those sellers are based in China so that's money going directly to China. It's never coming to the US.
There is nothing wrong with American importers who buy cheap things from other countries and resell them here, as long as they are Americans and the money stays in the US.
In the case of Amazon, that middleman IS Amazon
No... it's all sellers on amazon, Amazon is just the mall that gets the rent, the store owners aren't amazon.. what are you talking about?? Amazon is like Ebay, it's just a space for others to sell.
Yes, Amazon doesn't get any substantial part of the sale....that's why they're nowhere near the number 1 net worth corporation in the world /s
Gladly pay a bit more for American made stuff IF AMERICANS CAN EVER get around to making g shit again.
That's part of the problem. A lot of the small amount of stuff Americans still actually make is shit. Granted - it usually doesn't have lead paint so we have that going for us.
Well, that would explain why he chose now to sell $3B in stock ...
Yupp. Amazon went from a pretty cool place to cheap ass low quality China counterfeit bullshit.
You can't even pronounce half the brands on their. It's like their Chinese owner just slammed the keyboard to create their business name.
They just spam the keyboard for a name. Put up a listing and if reviews suck, delete and change names and move on. One day it's "MUUUVUUEAA" brand and next its "UWUUMEGA" or something stupid.
It has been the main selling platform for indie authors, so I suppose you could call it a publisher. For those writers getting an alternative would be good because Amazon does have a bad tendency to both kick out authors who write stuff they don't approve of, as well as bury authors they don't like but are still willing to let keep their books on the platform with their programming, making certain authors and certain type of books a lot harder to find.
But losing Amazon would still bring problems to indie authors as a group as the book buying audience has gotten too used to it, it would take them time to find the authors they are already familiar with and buying from other platforms. Or even just finding those new platforms.
And indies are where the male, and conservative authors have moved to after the trad publishing stopped buying their books.
Amazon started as an online book seller and grew into the seller of everything. They can go back to their roots.
Bozos sold off a few billion in Amazon stock just last week I think it was.
He knows what is coming.
They sell a lot of junk. I was telling my wife that. The quality of their products you can tell is a result of cheap mass production.
Their money maker is AWS, their cloud services to business, service, government, and military.
Make American Shopping Malls Great Again.
It’s high time young people meet each other the way God intended—at food “courts.”
I thought their stuff came from looters in NYC
Wouldn't surprise me.
seems like Amazon better help the transition to " Made in America " be swift and smooth to hope to be the first bringing those goods to the market.
I was kind of hoping Public Square would grow into an Amazon rival. Sadly, I have not been able to afford the items I am looking for on Public Square. I do however, use it to find local patriots and try to shop locally with those coffee houses and candle makers LOL
The real crim is Amazon curated data. They find what is selling hot from their third party distributors. Then they get a china knockoff made. Slap a 10.00 dollar discount on it. Then drive the small innovator out of business. Rinse and repeat. They are stealing ideas. Heven help you if you don't have a monopoly er, a patent on your idea. Sucks to be you. Oh well bezo needs his billions.
There are many creative ways to bring back a vibrant manufacturing to the USA. The future is bright for those with good ideas.
One can hope, burn the fucking thing to the ground.
Amazon helped Biden steal 2020 and helped again in 2024. This is a company that should die but has most of the internet by the balls.
They will reshuffle the deck and be forced to reprioritize american vendors and small businesses.
Amazon's shipping logistics, lets not forget, did play a role in delivering food to people.
Combined with the USDA they could be turned into a force for good.
Either that, or some other meaningful competitor could arise thats only 100% US based.
They will have to find decent products made in US instead of the absolute TAT they sell now.
Fuck Bezos I hope his company burns
Couldn't happen to a better man
Got news for ya....
We're ALL in deep shit when that happens.
Practically EVERYTHING is made in China now - and on one hand, it's pretty damned convenient getting a new remote control for a 15 year old ceiling fan for $10 in a day or two vs "Sorry, you gotta buy a whole new fan"
It's going to suck donkey dick until American manufacturing ramps up to meet our demands... and guess what? Cheap remotes and obscure products aren't going to be on the short list.
Unobtanium will be all the rage again... and depending on the business climate for manufacturing in the US, that could mean new opportunities for us.
Personally, I'd like to see Americans known for making durable goods again, just like we did circa WW2. No more designed obsolescence, machines or assemblies that can't be rebuilt or serviced and all that bs.
It's gonna cost more... and there are other "economic factors" to consider.
We are going to have to give up a lot of convenience going forward...
He just sold 16 BILLION is Amazon stock right before the election. That's with a B
Amazon holds less and less inventory each year. I don't think that they really want to own inventory for resale any longer. Their retail operations make money on warehousing, commissions on sales, distribution, and raping the USPS on last mile delivery. They don't need to tie up cash on goods and can make their money across the rest of the fulfillment chain.
Speaking of distribution, Amazon employs a ton of folks highly skilled in creating and running distribution networks. They're building out a secure network for prescription medications right now. In many ways they compete with UPS and Fedex, even as they partner with them. Once they have nation-wide last mile delivery, expect the USPS to have their legs cut out from under them unless USPS is willing to continue delivering packages at a loss. Amazon already has a business model for warehousing and delivering last-mile delivery. They see to operate like a franchisee.
The most profitable line of business is probably Prime memberships. Especially now that the service is more about digital services (high fixed costs, almost no variable cost per subscriber) and less about shipping (I haven't gotten a next day package in a couple years, and 2 day delivery is now rare).
Amazon Web Services profit is booming. They have like 1/3 of the "cloud" market and it's rapidly growing. Operating income was up nearly 80% one recent quarter.
I don't think Made in China tariffs are much of a threat to Amazon, beyond the COGS for their Amazon branded stuff or the price of equipment for AWS. If the price of goods goes up, their commission on sales goes up. They might ship a little less, but that's it. The rest of their business line is pretty much tariff agnostic.
Great, since amazon basically shut down every mom & pop store. MAGA!!
I don't think you know how it works... WE sell PLENTY to China as well..and the tarrifs there is over the top. As much as Americans use all china good from Walmart, Target, Amazon, etc, Chinese people use Alot of our stuff as well and our food, rice, soybeans, cheese, etc./ So they'll make a deal where both sides agree to the same rate of tarrifs so the US can sell alot to China and make lots of money from China, and American business owners who import Chinese goods into the US won't be too affected's a lot of jobs and people's livelihood, or else alot of us will lose our jobs too. if you don't rely on these type of jobs, it's easy for you to say unrealistic stuff.
Someone should tell Trump to fix the stuff from China coming in by US mail which is super cheap. Because they cut out the American middleman when they do that Alot of people buy direct from Temu, Alibaba, from China, like stationeries, computer parts, clothings. Let Americans make their profits, it helps American economies.
They're basically AliExpress / TEMU / etc that setup shop as an American company in disguise Using the guise of being a marketplace.
People won't stop buying cheap junk from China just because of tariffs. The prices will go up and people will still buy. At least not until we make enough cheap junk in America to meet demand. Even then, the cheap junk from China will still probably be cheaper even with the tariffs. It's hard to beat slave labor.