...high fructose corn syrup, among other unhealthy ingredients? Can we expect an outright ban or is it more of an informative disclaimer that RFK is pushing for?
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I dont think the new administration is going to ban anything. I believe their agenda will be education. ie... teaching people what they are eating, once we know what is poisening us, we will stop using that product and it will fade away. It may take decades to reverse the damage the cabal has done to our food supply and our bodies.
Fair enough but wasn't there a video released by RFK not long ago in which he mentioned Trump banned 8 chemical additives in foods and that RFK wants to ban more, like yellow dye (tartrazine)?
Choices except when the ingredient is poison. Wasn't protecting the consumer from toxins the original mission? Like the health department closing filthy restaurants.
I agree. In an interview Bobby Jr. said this is America people will still be able to eat whatever they want but he's going to make all the information on the ingredients available. His plan is to educate people and let them make their own choices.
I agree with this sentiment though would also like to see a campaign that forces restaurants to disclose what type of goyslop they are using in the kitchen to prepare food.
So by your logic....
Maybe we could do some education campaigns about how cigarettes or alchohol are bad. Maybe we could also slap some warning labels on ciggerettes and alohol too! Let's tax them more too!
And with all that I'm happy to report Americans stopped smoking and drinking right?
Congrats you changed nothing.
Yep. If you know the dangers and do it anyway it's on you. The government should never be your daddy. If that's what you want move to North Korea.
They should ban it and it's stupid if they don't. How fucking stupid are we if we just slap a warning label and keep selling it and eating it? If that's the case drop all your lawsuits against vaccines and just slap a warning on it. How stupid are we if we just tax it more (see pop/soda). We know our food is poisoned yet we eat it anyways.
So we'll tax it more and slap a warning label on it (like we've always done and things have clearly continued to get worse)...
... and congrats you fixed exactly nothing and decided to go a route that we've always gone.
I for one quot eating that crap years ago and i was smart enuf to do my own investigations. The gubermint should not be controlling us. Just look at who has been overseeing our food chain.
There's so much food infrastructure out there. If you outright ban things, it all goes into chaos. It's much better to educate and help people make better choices. As the market shifts, resources will find better opportunities.
What about banning the ingredients that don't derive from the "food infrastructure", like the petroleum byproducts: yellow/red dyes, synthetic oils, preservatives, paraffin wax, olestra.
They put this stuff in our food because it costs more for companies to properly dispose of these byproducts.
I agree that they won’t ban it per se. But I hope there is some sort of hammer (tax?) to prompt these companies to take this shit out. If they just send out information nothing will change.
I want that shit banned. It will just get worse over the years if it's not banned.
It’s a touchy subject, because the government really shouldn’t ban anything. Look at what the current admin is doing with raw milk. I think the best bet is to prohibit it from processed foods. If someone wants to buy fructose and seed oils and add it themselves then they can go for it.
If we find out the cabal lied to make us sick, to profit from our sickness, feed us stuff that isn't food, for their Satan. It should be banned.
He is going after chemical additives which are known poisons and banned in food in other countries.
There will be a long way to go . . . God Bless him.
Education will be the focus.
"Banning" would come in the form of chemical poisons, like those prohibited in Europe.
As for this idea that they're going to be a bunch of fascists and go around banning everything people are currently eating - ain't gonna happen.
First of all, that would grenade the entire food system and be more detrimental to citizens than not. This gets into continuity of govt territory.
Second, there would be an unbelievable number of lawsuits from the food companies - there still will be anyway, but not nearly as many.
Third, it's all for naught without educating people on how to eat and what to eat.
And finally, if they're not eating cheap shit, that means they're going to be eating more whole foods - and there isn't enough of that right now to go around until producers ramp up to increase throughput.
It's going to be a slow process...
Any young people reading this would be amazed to learn how good McDonald's french fries were when they used beef tallow instead of seed oils. Try it at home. You won't regret it.
I'm old enough to remember. They used to be quite addictive to me and my brother. Often times I would go to McDs with a close friend and we would order nothing but fries. They were amazing. Until they weren't lol. Now they taste like cardboard. But I made some french fries in beef tallow for the first time the other day and it was like I had stepped into a time machine... fries suddenly tasted good again!
It is crazy - there are some youtoob videos showing ingredients in fast food - mcd’s fries are in the teens for number of ingredients - don’t quote me but something like 14………in fries.
14 ingredients and it still tastes like trash!
I also seem to remember, or maybe it was just my childhood taste buds (anything tastes good when you're a kid) that the Big Mac used to be good too? Or am I misremembering? I've ordered a Big Mac maybe 4 times within the last 8 years and each time it's tasted awful, downright awful.
You’re not wrong. They’ve definitely messed with the OG formula. We’ve taken to just making Big Macs at home! The sauce is really easy to make and you have control over the quality of the ingredients!
I worked there back then. Their beef was 100 percent back then.
It is still the consumer's right, to buy what he wants, but a precise declaration of the ingredients in plain English is the minimum. I use my own natural Kalamata olive oil, totally organic and unfiltered, but also butter and coconut oil. I also use hamp oil. So, I would not appreciate, if the governments tells me what to take and what not. It is like everywhere, do your own research. And that said, I never use canola oil.
Exactly. Government is not supposed to be our mom, adults need to have the right to use even unhealthy substances, food or anything else. Just tell us the known facts, clearly. Rest is then up to us.
They have. Have you never read the ingredients on your food's packaging?
You still bought it anyway, so much so that every food company switched to poisons because you, the consumer, kept buying it, despite them listing their poisons. Now you want an additional label rather than the fixing of our food supply.
Congrats you've fixed nothing.
Heh. No, I mostly didn't. And when I have it's both MY responsibility and MY prerogative, not the government's. They just need to make sure the facts are easy to find, and no "authority" figures or publishing try to obfuscate those facts so that you could easily get wrong impression of the product.
The government has no f*cking right to tell me something like what I can and can not eat, regardless whether it is healthy or not. They don't necessarily even know that as they rely on scientists, and scientists are quite capable of being wrong. What seems like certain today can be proven wrong tomorrow. You should not force anything on people even if you think it's for their own good (with some exceptions, like individuals who have some sort of mental issues and can't think straight due to them...).
You should just give us what you think are the facts, and let us decide. We may decide wrong. But that is also our right.
You've heard of food labels and the internet right?
You could use this logic against rfk
How weird is it to be on a Q board and know that the government is poisoning you on purpose, and then turn around and say "they don't know"
Circling back to, you've heard of food labels and the internet right? Hey maybe you're right, it is America's right to all be subjected to poisons at the hands of foreign entities and all be fat fucks dying earlier and earlier every year because it's muh right.
I would assume with your logic, you support vaccine companies too right?
And you seem to like government acting as your mommy.
Olive and coconut oils are from nuts, not seeds
Consumers right to buy what he wants. Nobody wants to buy poison. It's our right to know if there is poison in it. If an ingredient is poison then maybe a skull and crossbones with the word poison should be required to appear above the name of the product.
Okay, so we should drop any and all lawsuits against vaccine companies because it is the right of a company to poison us so long as we purchase the poison right as it is our right?
It is the right of food companies to poison us because we the consumer have the right to purchase poison to poison ourselves?
It's not like food companies weren't listing poisons on their food labels. All the dyes are listed and other shit. So by your logic, food companies have done nothing wrong.
Absolute clown world approach.
Do you believe the consumer should be allowed to buy drugs like meth and crack? If no, why not? Poison is poison. One just kills you faster than the other. At least with the hard drugs, one can easily go an entire lifetime without ever encountering them if one wishes. With the poison additives, you have to be hyperaware of everything you consume. If a child does not have a parent constantly reading ingredient labels and monitoring their food, they are going to consume these poisons. This generation of children is the unhealthiest ever to exist. Cancer, obesity, ADD, autism, etc. They banned DDT when they found out it was killing the eagle population. Eagles had no choice in avoiding DDT because it was in their food source (fish). Children are not given a choice in what they eat, they are entirely dependent on their parents. Poisons in our food must be banned to protect those who do not have informed consent.
Get rid of GMOs!
Former farmer here:
All RFK has to do is wipe out the MASSIVE tax incentives for corn and soybean, and the cost differences and public knowledge of harm would take care of the rest.
The department of agriculture has more employees than there are farmers in the whole United States. I fully expect DOGE to look upon up the incredibly complex and openly corrupt farming regulations, and as Ron Paul says "tear them down and replace them with nothing."
Be interesting to see the attack on the plan 2030 for meat substitutes and Soros bug eating plan.
Also let’s watch the ingredient labels change closer to other countries. The obesity problem in the states is a killer.
So in other words, yeah, ban the list of ingredients that are poison. Fuck em.
We are already dissolving cancerous government agencies.
May as well do the same with cancerous ingredients that dont belong in our bodies.
I'd appreciate if he at least got rid of the high fructose corn syrup. That stuff is almost impossible to avoid.
Need to stop Monsanto. We need to ban round up on all crops. Ban artificial colorings in everything.
I mean, just a humble suggestion. Not like it’s a passionate hatred of mine or anything.
Sorry for the spam. Blame the excess phytoestrogens.
Actually just not subsidizing it would go a long way, as bans are dubious at best.
I suspect some chemicals in food are just too dangerous to allow. I would like them banned here just as they are in Europe.
Whatever these are they should give the food industry some time to readjust their foods to more healthier options.
Maybe ban their use in foods marketed towards children.
The main problem is they put sugar in everything. They put sugar in soups, salad dressing mix, and flour tortillas.
And another thing, when's the last time you bought a tomato from a store that had taste?
When I was in the midwest, absolutely never. But ever since I moved to the southwest, a lot of our store-bought tomatoes are sourced from local farms and taste amazing.
South West? New Mexico?
Not sure how far he will take it , might start with warning labels. They do need to be banned.
The FDA already revoked brominated oils use. Enforcement is key to MAHA. Just saying.
I hope he bans all the poisons added to our food. And yes, the veg oil as well since it is actually not food at all. I have not heard anything negative of seed oils . Like avacado oil which seemed to be a great alternative to veg oil due to the high smoke point. Is this wrong?
Vegetable oil is a perfectly fine substance for lubrication for some things.
But not for food.
I think these chemicals need banned. They weapons against humanity.
14 to 19………yes 14 to 19 ingredients in mc-donald’s fries…….that is all anyone needs to know😀
Slap a warning label on this crap just like with cigarettes.
I think it will be an outright ban. Aslong as the elected (nor selected) members ban the ingredients, i could see it happening within a month or so. Don't want rfk Jr on that DOGE list lol. Once the ban happens, it all gets pulled off the shelves.
I think we are going to get a lot of truth and transparency, but people will have the choice. Mark my words, people will chose to voluntarily fluoridate their water when it is removed from the public water supply. It’s going to take years to de-program many. They won’t be able to process the evil as quickly as many here have.
There are better ways to fight than bans.
Stevia better become accepted more widely.
Stevia, while it ishas a high chance for allergies and it leaves a bad aftertaste for me. I do use Truvia, an extract of Stevia, with no problems
I disagree.
Anything that is a known poison should not be labelled as "food" nor sold as such. To do so would be deceptive.
All they are doing is taking industrial chemicals known to kill people and renaming them as a 'food product'.
This violates false advertising laws anyways.
Health = economy.
Healthy people work more, have better babies, make more money. This is proven.
So its a collective GDP death to allow poisons to be named as food.
Its a massive economic boom to eliminate poisons from food.
Food is food.
The ingredients can still exist AS THEY ARE, just DON'T CALL THEM FOOD because THEY ARE NOT.
Humans are evolved to eat food that grows naturally in nature. Only that, nothing else. Anything else is just a remix for aesthetics or taste.
Additionally these poisons are harming the environment which ALSO poisons us which Also HARMS gdp
and harms animals, who are innocent and necessary for sustaining the biosphere that is earth
WIthout them, we collapse.
Everything is all interconnected.
You can't have an economy, baby boom, without healthy food being the only options.
Probably just have them put up a sign in the grocery stores "Eat at your own risk" on every isle where there is processed food!
Yes. I love pecan pie but will no longer make it because of the corn syrup.
Corn syrup and High Fructose Corn Syrup are NOT the same thing. CS is natural.... HFCS is not natural.... Which is why it isn't good for you....and why they are different names
CS has been used safely for centuries...
Make your pies!
This. Corn syrup is fine for pies and candies. But I make pecan pie with maple syrup instead. Game changer!
I don't think he'd ban them so much as force them to advertise the existence of known toxins in their products.
Then the companies will change the food themselves instead of having to print toxic chemical warnings all over their products.
He should ban the downright toxic stuff but he should also make an ingredient list that can only be put in food with a detailed and prominent display of side effects on the packaging...
Have a feeling that will nix most of the ones he doesn't ban, be it because manufacturers don't want to risk it or because people don't want to buy it...
How about if you work for an Emergency based establishment, you have to be in relatively good physical shape for the task at hand.
Which should include the Department of Health and Human Services...
A good place as any to start.
I think we solve 50 percent of our health problems if we qt least educate people and get them to choose better. Invest in tallow companies. Maybe start one. Make products local out of good ingredients. Il pay more for healthy stuff. You need to eat less of it that way. Watch America's waste lines shrink.