I mean they're trying to hand Trump a WW3 situation, and the only reason they'll fail is because Putin knows exactly who's trying to cause it and that Trump isn't going to be his enemy he's going to be their opponent, same goes for Xi.
So I assume they're going to try to crash the market before the end of the year and the MSM is going to try to sell it as some panic over Trump coming in.
Guessing around 500'ish shares is a decent starting point. My rule is that I want enough volume that I can hold 95% of my shares in DRS, and have 5% max on the amount I sell on the way up, by very small increments, to accumulate major liquidity prior to just watching it rise in value on ComputerShare.
Thank you! I've been screaming this from day 1. I still remember when they started pushing it all over the news a week after the initial squeeze. It's not even remotely close to the same fundamentals as GME. TO THE MOON.
Adam Aron is a hedge fund stooge (read the billionaire boys club DD) and has sold a ton of his stock and has diluted AMC so many times it’s near worthless now with a gigantic float. It will never squeeze. I was smart and got out at peak and sold it all at $60 years ago.
You know how badly diluted it is? If you look at the yearly charts look at peak it now says $600 meaning the value of each share has been diluted 10x.
The stock right now is worth the equivalent of 50 cents if you go by value before dilution.
Selling stock to build a cash war chest is not the same as diluting while the company is in massive debt while enriching yourself. Aron even went against shareholders and used a loophole to create the Ape preferred stock which he sold to make money then merged it into AMC diluting it further.
Ryan hasn’t sold a single share of GME he only profits by increasing share value. Same can’t be said for Adam he’s pumped hype up just to sell into it every single time to fatten his own pockets.
Yes. It. Fucking. Was. It took away the momentum, hype, and buying power of GME. It divided and conquered the “apes”. There’s only so many apes to buy these types of stocks with limited money.. and for the stock to go up, requires continuous buying and or locking up all the shares. GME apes failed to DRS and lock the shares up.
additionally, the added cash makes the company much more valuable further contributing to the squeeze. Lots of big institution money has poured in since those dilutions
Mother of all short squeezes. It's when all the hedge funds and financial institutions are forced to cover their naked short positions which will drive up the prices of various stocks to astronomical levels.
Elon has made it known he hates short selling. He said you cannot sell a house you don’t own multiple times and walk away so why can you do that with a companies stock. He hates the SEC. I feel DOGE will help initiate the destruction of short selling.
Yes. I mean if MOASS happened in Biden Gensler time, Wallstreet would have gotten the best of us. It would be poetic justice to have Gensler coming and going on a short squeeze.
In a market collapse the short sellers are the only buyers. Without them the whole thing locks up , NO Bidders , and ALL goes to zero. They are vultures that clean up the sick and dying . Giving hope to those holding the valuable stocks.
Well this makes no sense to me. I am a boomer and I dont have any wealth so what boomers are you talking about?
My next questions would be what are you doing just stealing money from boomers to give to their lazy kids?
I thought if they were going to take money from people it would be the rich and corporations that stole a lot of money from people why would they take it from boomers.
I am a boomer and I know lots of boomers that have no money at all.
I dont have any debt though so I guess thats a good thing.
Yeah, inretired from the navy and then a second career in law enforcement then an abbreviated 3rd career of bomb dog contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan. I have a small nest egg of precious metals. Collect my mil pension, SS amd my wife gets SS because she busted her ass for 35 years working and raising 4 kids. I own my home a double wide worth less than 100k and have little to no debt. No toys, no new vehicles. My income is very good situated as I am so we are able to travel, eat out if we want biut nobody would call me rich. Just frugal. Last week infinally replaced my 2 year old running shoes. Gimme a break because we earned every nickel. My kids all work hard and are doing well ages 25 to 33. They dont seem to be grudge us anything. When their mom and I are dead in 30 years they get it all. My dad died dirt poor. Quit trying to sow division with this childish mentality
You have the right attitude. A lot of people in your position are spending it all on "toys" they do not own, living recklessly and spending wastefully. Maturity should bring the ability to enjoy and live life the way you do. The idea that if you got sick or in accident, your kids are set, they will miss you dearly but life will get a little bit easier too.
He’s referring to inheritances. Many boomers are in their late 70’s and 80’s and are in the process of estate planning. Not most, but a good chunk of them have a material amount of assets. Particularly property which has skyrocketed in value over their lifetime. Collectively this will amount to over $80 trillion changing hands in the next decade. Buffet is basically saying people should have a plan and have the tough conversations right now. Don’t expect that things will just sort themselves out after the fact as there are consequences for tax and family dynamics. He's right.
I have ife insurance so my wife can love if I cack early and she will have the means for long term care so my kids won't have to worry about her even though they will, It won't burden them.
Very few have money regardless of generation. Wife and I are a damned if you do, damned if you don’t situation regarding going back to school. School is so fucking expensive but we need to do something to make more money to afford kids.
Find a service you can provide even if it's cleaning windows. Anything others can't or won't do for themselves can make you money amd sometimes lots of it.
Learn how to day trade. That is basically self education. Get on forums and ask question on what strategies are out there. Pick one you understand and follow the process. Always follow the process and make trades according to the plan you have put in place. Never stray. You can make a living or make extra money doing this. Just a thought. But educate yourself first and use simulators to practice with fake money. Webull for example has a free simulator. Good luck.
"Boomers" and early "Gen X'ers" are broke'ish like everyone else. In fact they have had a lifetime of wealth stolen every 7 or 10 years due to manufactured "recessions".
While this is true, I generally think that Gen X like the boomers had it easier as they had the luxury of a better purchasing power so they could acquire capital more easier, compared to today where the millennials/Gen Z are excluded from participating in the economy in a meaningful way. And Gen Z would have it easier than Alpha unless the money can be fixed.
True I remember getting a raise and then with in months it being wiped out by some crisis raising fuel through the roof and jacking up everything else.
I can tell you this from personal experience. Owning a home without the cabal 30 year mortgage is the cheat code in American life. Father left me a simple family home, but it is safe and comfortable. Cars are paid off. We don't drink or smoke. Not clout chasers or keeping up with Joneses. Total cost of living for 3 people is well under $1000. Under $1500 if we are counting hobbies, restaurants, etc
So what happens when all of a sudden, people have a house, maybe a car or two, and a little life insurance?
The scam falls apart. Now add in mass deportations, hedge funds falling apart, fed dissolve, income tax overhaul, etc
He is warning his own people, their jig is up.
People will no longer be enslaved.
The Great Wealth Transfer is the transfer of wealth from Baby Boomers to younger generations and charitable organizations. This transfer is expected to have a significant impact on the economy, culture, and politics of the United States.
Here are some things to know about the Great Wealth Transfer:
Amount: The transfer is estimated to be worth $84–90 trillion, which is two to three times the annual gross domestic product of the United States.
Who will benefit: The wealthiest 10% of Americans will receive the majority of the wealth, but the children of middle- and lower-class Boomers will also receive a significant portion.
Who will be impacted: The Great Wealth Transfer will impact many people, including:
Women: Women face unique challenges in giving and receiving wealth due to the gender wealth gap.
The sandwich generation: This generation will face the challenge of caring for both aging parents and children.
Workers: Many workers are facing insufficient retirement savings.
How to prepare:
To prepare for the Great Wealth Transfer, you can:
Understand your personal goals
Get organized
Create a plan
Communicate with heirs
Work with a trusted advisor
Talk with loved ones
Consider life expectancy
Open discussions about family legacy and financial literacy
Who will benefit: The wealthiest 10% of Americans will receive the majority of the wealth, but the children of middle- and lower-class Boomers will also receive a significant portion.
That's coming from a leftist, dare I say communist, perspective.
Leaving your stuff to your own children has been going on, like, FOREVER. So ya, weathier people will leave more to their children than poor people will. Duh.
But commies want "inheritance taxes" to "level the playing field". I.e. they want to keep your kids from getting your stuff when you die.
Edited to add: Not arguing with you, fren, but just frustrated that Google passes this off as a neutral observation when in fact it is pure commie propaganda.
He is talking about inheritance not "theee great wralth transfer". Basically, a generation is anit to die and shoukd be thinking about *how to transfer their wealth to offspring.
It certainly won't be the Great Reset the Globalists expect. I think of it as a wealth transfer between debtors and the savers. Historically we fluctuate between the two. When the easy money take power, the money flows from the savers to debtors slowly over time until it collapses in a grand liquidation and all that wealth transfers abruptly to the savers.
They better be transferring that wealth they've stolen, especially with the naked shorts in GME and AMC.
MOASS coming soon boys!
No cell, no sell.
You see this?
Ryan Cohen: "Teddy makes thanksgiving great again"
Also note in the picture the background, the light gray text says "Bullish Bearish"
Wow!!! I've still got my GME!!
Perfect. Buy more lol.
I should. But I've been buying DJT.
https://qalerts.pub/?n=326 Earnings delta. (12/10)
Another 12/10
I like it 🤩 And i also like the idea of MOASS starting before Trump is back into office.
Ohhhh I didnt even see the year!!
Yes. I wonder if the market will crash.
I mean they're trying to hand Trump a WW3 situation, and the only reason they'll fail is because Putin knows exactly who's trying to cause it and that Trump isn't going to be his enemy he's going to be their opponent, same goes for Xi.
So I assume they're going to try to crash the market before the end of the year and the MSM is going to try to sell it as some panic over Trump coming in.
Game over = Game Stop.
How come that post is not on his timeline?
It is. You just have to scroll all down to 2021 though. 😉
Dang nice!!!!!
Major comms and it flew over the heads of anons
What’s a decent sized non-whale GME egg?
Guessing around 500'ish shares is a decent starting point. My rule is that I want enough volume that I can hold 95% of my shares in DRS, and have 5% max on the amount I sell on the way up, by very small increments, to accumulate major liquidity prior to just watching it rise in value on ComputerShare.
Source: 5,XXX club w/ options on top for 1/17/25
Cool ok. Hopefully some non-DRS shares will be sellable at lower numbers too, before the real sifting starts.
Sellable? Oh yeah, all they will want is for us to sell - that's why we've got to hold. Selling is what will allow them to control the price.
Tiny lots for sale, even when we're north of $5k/share - $50,000/share+ . And never touching the DRS. That's my plan.
Dude, no. AMC was a distraction..
Thank you! I've been screaming this from day 1. I still remember when they started pushing it all over the news a week after the initial squeeze. It's not even remotely close to the same fundamentals as GME. TO THE MOON.
I wish I had never TOUCHED AMC. It was a fuckin piece of shit distraction.
Not even the CEO of popcorn stock believes in the company and is selling it.
It's a shithole stock.
Roaring Kitty had NEVER talked about, owned, or even hinted at AMC.
Gme is the ONLY moass rocket
As a former AMC bag holder...
Yes, I know exactly.
Adam Enron literally does not believe in AMC, is offloading shares, is buying fucking GOLD mines instead of making AMC succeed....
AMC has fucking TANKED like 95% since Jan 2021. It's a shithole of a company.
I hope you got out of it, I held like 10 shares up until this spring (forgot about them) and wish I had ditched those TOXIC shares in 2021...
Fuck AMC, fuck Adam Enron, gme is the only rocket.
Adam Aron is a hedge fund stooge (read the billionaire boys club DD) and has sold a ton of his stock and has diluted AMC so many times it’s near worthless now with a gigantic float. It will never squeeze. I was smart and got out at peak and sold it all at $60 years ago.
You know how badly diluted it is? If you look at the yearly charts look at peak it now says $600 meaning the value of each share has been diluted 10x.
The stock right now is worth the equivalent of 50 cents if you go by value before dilution.
You realize Ryan Cohen also diluted GME right? 🙄
You realized we voted for that right?
Selling stock to build a cash war chest is not the same as diluting while the company is in massive debt while enriching yourself. Aron even went against shareholders and used a loophole to create the Ape preferred stock which he sold to make money then merged it into AMC diluting it further.
Ryan hasn’t sold a single share of GME he only profits by increasing share value. Same can’t be said for Adam he’s pumped hype up just to sell into it every single time to fatten his own pockets.
Yes. It. Fucking. Was. It took away the momentum, hype, and buying power of GME. It divided and conquered the “apes”. There’s only so many apes to buy these types of stocks with limited money.. and for the stock to go up, requires continuous buying and or locking up all the shares. GME apes failed to DRS and lock the shares up.
We voted for 1 billion shares of GME to be made. We voted for it and the did what we voted for.
additionally, the added cash makes the company much more valuable further contributing to the squeeze. Lots of big institution money has poured in since those dilutions
Also $DJT
What is MOASS mean? I missed this.
Mother of all short squeezes. It's when all the hedge funds and financial institutions are forced to cover their naked short positions which will drive up the prices of various stocks to astronomical levels.
See Volkswagen in 2008 as an example.
Tesla 2020.
Elon has made it known he hates short selling. He said you cannot sell a house you don’t own multiple times and walk away so why can you do that with a companies stock. He hates the SEC. I feel DOGE will help initiate the destruction of short selling.
MOASS is 1/20/2025
Can you explain that date using some kind of crayon analogy?
That date is not an actual date of anything, aside from trump being in office.
It's NOT a moass date. Do not trade or expect anything to happen then. We have been burned by datefagging
Yes. I mean if MOASS happened in Biden Gensler time, Wallstreet would have gotten the best of us. It would be poetic justice to have Gensler coming and going on a short squeeze.
Good point
Just saying that Gensler and Biden need to go. Market reforms won’t happen with those two in office.
In a market collapse the short sellers are the only buyers. Without them the whole thing locks up , NO Bidders , and ALL goes to zero. They are vultures that clean up the sick and dying . Giving hope to those holding the valuable stocks.
You mean 1/20/25, right?
Mother of all short squeezes.
(Credit to librards_r_stoopid for correcting my original "Mother of all short sales").
*squeezes, not sales
Thank you. I'll update it.
It kinda is that, too, just not what is meant
Hopefully, I have GME and DWAC but have few stocks though
DWAC is now DJT.
You do not have DWAC.
Well this makes no sense to me. I am a boomer and I dont have any wealth so what boomers are you talking about?
My next questions would be what are you doing just stealing money from boomers to give to their lazy kids?
I thought if they were going to take money from people it would be the rich and corporations that stole a lot of money from people why would they take it from boomers.
I am a boomer and I know lots of boomers that have no money at all.
I dont have any debt though so I guess thats a good thing.
Yeah, inretired from the navy and then a second career in law enforcement then an abbreviated 3rd career of bomb dog contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan. I have a small nest egg of precious metals. Collect my mil pension, SS amd my wife gets SS because she busted her ass for 35 years working and raising 4 kids. I own my home a double wide worth less than 100k and have little to no debt. No toys, no new vehicles. My income is very good situated as I am so we are able to travel, eat out if we want biut nobody would call me rich. Just frugal. Last week infinally replaced my 2 year old running shoes. Gimme a break because we earned every nickel. My kids all work hard and are doing well ages 25 to 33. They dont seem to be grudge us anything. When their mom and I are dead in 30 years they get it all. My dad died dirt poor. Quit trying to sow division with this childish mentality
I’ve had my shoes since 2019. They are still in good condition
Thank you for serving in the navy.
You have the right attitude. A lot of people in your position are spending it all on "toys" they do not own, living recklessly and spending wastefully. Maturity should bring the ability to enjoy and live life the way you do. The idea that if you got sick or in accident, your kids are set, they will miss you dearly but life will get a little bit easier too.
He’s referring to inheritances. Many boomers are in their late 70’s and 80’s and are in the process of estate planning. Not most, but a good chunk of them have a material amount of assets. Particularly property which has skyrocketed in value over their lifetime. Collectively this will amount to over $80 trillion changing hands in the next decade. Buffet is basically saying people should have a plan and have the tough conversations right now. Don’t expect that things will just sort themselves out after the fact as there are consequences for tax and family dynamics. He's right.
Exactly. It’s not so much cash or investments, it’s the house and other property. That includes the gold and jewels I bought my wife over the years.
And insurance payouts.
I have ife insurance so my wife can love if I cack early and she will have the means for long term care so my kids won't have to worry about her even though they will, It won't burden them.
Actually, boomers are between 60 and 77 years old.
Very few have money regardless of generation. Wife and I are a damned if you do, damned if you don’t situation regarding going back to school. School is so fucking expensive but we need to do something to make more money to afford kids.
Fuck day trading. It takes years to master and you'll lose more than just your shirt.
Find a service you can provide even if it's cleaning windows. Anything others can't or won't do for themselves can make you money amd sometimes lots of it.
Learn how to day trade. That is basically self education. Get on forums and ask question on what strategies are out there. Pick one you understand and follow the process. Always follow the process and make trades according to the plan you have put in place. Never stray. You can make a living or make extra money doing this. Just a thought. But educate yourself first and use simulators to practice with fake money. Webull for example has a free simulator. Good luck.
You have to consider the source.
Right, we spent all the money our parents left us & now we'll take care of ours. 🤣🤣🤣KIDS😮😭
84 trillion and 84 years...interesting considering this is used often by the apes in GME.
I'm tired, boss.
Need trump to maga and rockets to moass. Please
🦍 🚀
"Boomers" and early "Gen X'ers" are broke'ish like everyone else. In fact they have had a lifetime of wealth stolen every 7 or 10 years due to manufactured "recessions".
Inflation of the 70s. Savings and loans of the 80s. The crash of 87. Dot com bubble, housing bubble. Then COVD crash.
Gen X literally had the economy blown up and reset every 10 years of their lives.
While this is true, I generally think that Gen X like the boomers had it easier as they had the luxury of a better purchasing power so they could acquire capital more easier, compared to today where the millennials/Gen Z are excluded from participating in the economy in a meaningful way. And Gen Z would have it easier than Alpha unless the money can be fixed.
True I remember getting a raise and then with in months it being wiped out by some crisis raising fuel through the roof and jacking up everything else.
This is a comm for them...
Wealth transfer is the houses, cars, etc
I can tell you this from personal experience. Owning a home without the cabal 30 year mortgage is the cheat code in American life. Father left me a simple family home, but it is safe and comfortable. Cars are paid off. We don't drink or smoke. Not clout chasers or keeping up with Joneses. Total cost of living for 3 people is well under $1000. Under $1500 if we are counting hobbies, restaurants, etc
So what happens when all of a sudden, people have a house, maybe a car or two, and a little life insurance?
The scam falls apart. Now add in mass deportations, hedge funds falling apart, fed dissolve, income tax overhaul, etc
He is warning his own people, their jig is up. People will no longer be enslaved.
You nailed it. Somehow you gotta find a way to get mortgage (death pledge) free.
The report of my demise is greatly exaggerated. Bloomers shall BLOOM.
Fear porn , meaningless bs
They initiated the wealth transfer when they forced this poison shits into seniors. So they know the population collapse is coming.
From Google:
The Great Wealth Transfer is the transfer of wealth from Baby Boomers to younger generations and charitable organizations. This transfer is expected to have a significant impact on the economy, culture, and politics of the United States.
Here are some things to know about the Great Wealth Transfer: Amount: The transfer is estimated to be worth $84–90 trillion, which is two to three times the annual gross domestic product of the United States.
Who will benefit: The wealthiest 10% of Americans will receive the majority of the wealth, but the children of middle- and lower-class Boomers will also receive a significant portion.
Who will be impacted: The Great Wealth Transfer will impact many people, including: Women: Women face unique challenges in giving and receiving wealth due to the gender wealth gap. The sandwich generation: This generation will face the challenge of caring for both aging parents and children. Workers: Many workers are facing insufficient retirement savings.
How to prepare:
To prepare for the Great Wealth Transfer, you can:
Understand your personal goals
Get organized
Create a plan
Communicate with heirs
Work with a trusted advisor
Talk with loved ones
Consider life expectancy
Open discussions about family legacy and financial literacy
That's coming from a leftist, dare I say communist, perspective.
Leaving your stuff to your own children has been going on, like, FOREVER. So ya, weathier people will leave more to their children than poor people will. Duh.
But commies want "inheritance taxes" to "level the playing field". I.e. they want to keep your kids from getting your stuff when you die.
Edited to add: Not arguing with you, fren, but just frustrated that Google passes this off as a neutral observation when in fact it is pure commie propaganda.
Well. He is talking about inheritance not "theee great wralth transfer". Basically, a generation is anit to die and shoukd be thinking about *how to transfer their wealth to offspring.
You've been title baited.
Wait what?
Can someone spell out what this is all about like I'm a pHuCkInG retard???
What do you mean..."like"?
Explain … what?
The $84 Trillion wealth transfer - ???
WTF is he talking about?
From where? How?
Why should parents "brace themselves"???
Como estas el yay?¿
It certainly won't be the Great Reset the Globalists expect. I think of it as a wealth transfer between debtors and the savers. Historically we fluctuate between the two. When the easy money take power, the money flows from the savers to debtors slowly over time until it collapses in a grand liquidation and all that wealth transfers abruptly to the savers.
I'd like to hope it's for the average people, but could it be 84 trillion is all the little people got left and they want that too?
I hope Trump stock and silver explode. My two big ones.
What's the warning for parents
What kind of warning? 84 Trillion Great Wealth Transfer is a good thing, no?
Someone please explain to me like I'm a drunk Kalama