Responsible gun owners have a duty to keep guns out of the hands of criminals. If you are forced to surrender your guns against your will make sure they are useless. Just in case they get lost on their way to be destroyed. For safety.
A dab of JB weld in the chamber should do the trick. Once the bolt closes, it ain't ever shooting again.
EDIT: To all the folks saying "Muh 1776!"... Only a small percentage of Americans went to war with the redcoats. A lot of people comply, for many reasons. This is for them, retailers especially, they can at least guarantee these guns don't go to Ukraine, Syria, ISIS, Gangbangers, etc.
I’ve told my wife the day the government goes door to door for our guns is the day the red line is crossed and there is no other option but to resist using any and every means available. Whatever horrors that day could bring would pale compared to what an unarmed America would look like a few months later.
Some will always just comply. This post is for them. Retailers especially.
When we finalize Canadian statehood they can enjoy some 2A freedom. 😝
Do you really want Canadian electoral numbers involved? Gonna go blue no matter who.
I don't want those commies voting in our elections.
We would never win again.
Hell no
Canada is California on steroids but without Hollywood and Silicon Valley.
New York or Florida version?
We had 2A freedom before Trudeau got in. And yes you could get hand guns and AR15s too despite what people were telling you. Most Canadians didnt even know that because most Canadians were not interested in getting guns. The only difference between Canada and US is in Canada you have to take a gun course and pass a back ground check.
Yeah I know you Americans go on and on and on and on about how there should be no checks. But if you look at the crime in Canada before Trudeau you would have seen it was a really really safe country. Mass shootings were rare you would hardly see 1 in every 10 years. So background checks worked. In Canada a mentally unstable person would not be able to buy a gun and that is the way it should be.
Since Trudeau came in and started letting all the middle eastern people in thats when the violence in Canada went way way up. You see homeless camps all over Canada now and we have never seen that before. Thats how much Trudeau has ruined this country.
You're 100% wrong, friend.
It has never been a 'right' or Charter protected to own a firearm in Canada. Owning a firearm in Canada is a privilege like a driver's licence. All assault type rifles were banned in the 70s.
Mass shootings are still extremely rare in Canada. Yes there is gang violence in the bigger cities, but nowhere near like some cities in the USA. The only mass shooting that happened in Canada where an actual assault type rifle was used was the one in Nova Scotia during convid. 95%+ of all shootings in Canada are by hand gun.
The "mass shooting' at the Montreal college in the 80's was a semi automatic rifle.
You might want to check your facts, no offence.
BTW... just for clarity & to not tarnish the good nature of law abiding Americans:
Every single one of the so called "mass shootings" in America that Europeans and others are so quick to bring up any time firearms are mentioned in conversation, were committed by a government affiliate in one shape or another - bar NONE. Our intel agencies or foreign or both, to push the agenda.
We, God loving, law abiding Americans aren't going to let this bullshit continue to be hung around our necks...
Thanks for listening...
"We Need To Talk About Sandy Hook" on BitChute ( Don't let the Alice Jones lawsuit pull the wool over your eyes, take a look at that video. PLANNED BY SOME OF THE COMMUNITY!
And remember the recent Texas one where the cops all stood outside? A father was getting his haircut. Heard about it. Got to school, ran in, and saved some kids. IIRC.
Thanks for that. I'll add a few things to your good points.
One doesn't have anything to do with the other. As we know, nearly all of the "mass shootings" are planned for political reasons. The more shootings that are planned, the more that the normies think they want guns eliminated. If they would use even one brain cell and figure out who actually wants guns eliminated (hint - it starts with govern and ends with ment) they might understand how the mass shootings help their agenda.
Remember - without guns we will become worse than Australia. There will be no more checks on the government's power.
Everyone needs to brush up on their Charlton Heston:
Yep. THAT'S the general idea...
So far they've been smart enough to keep their distance.
Oh, yeah and that mass shooting seems to have been the RCMP themselves. The guy they said did the shooting was paid off like 400k the week before the shooting by the RCMP, they claimed the guy had a replica police car 🙄 and then they were seen torching their cars after the murders.
Next the government banned all the guns. Problem, solution. Like in New Zealand with the hoax mosque shooting, or Australia, where they brought in Mossad gunmen to mass murder innocent civilians and then pinned it on a mentally disabled guy they said was a gun nut.
Wasn't that one an inside job by the RCMP?
The main reason I am an Absolutist on the 2nd Amendment, "The RIGHT to bear arms," is simple.
Once you start saying things like, we just need to do background checks, we just need you to have proof of training, you must show that you secure your guns safely, etc. Is because a nation will end up just like Australia and Canada.
Gun Confiscation, disarming the masses, centralized government control.
The 1A, the right to say whatever the fuck we want, and the 2A, the right to back it up, is how a nation stays free from government tyranny.
Our Founding Father's knew this and this is precisely why the 1A and 2A exist. No other reason. To STOP Government Tyranny.
The “well regulated” in the second amendment refers to the militias being well trained and drilled in operations, not “heavily/‘appropriately’ restricted”.
Excellent point. Very true.
The well-regulated militias from the newly independent states were a crucial force multiplier for the Continental Army in the War for Independence against the world's greatest military of the day.
Teach that sucka something. Right on MAGA. I dig what you said and how you said it.
We have to pass background checks here in Texas in order to purchase guns.
That's everywhere. Either state AND federal or just federal.
In NJ you have to also be anal swabbed...or might as well be... AND you can have your piece: At home, at place of business, the range (but can't stop to eat - gotta go straight to/from, or hunting lands same deal) - You ain't traveling to/thru/outside NJ with a piece.
Oh and 10 rounds max... it's obscene.
We're hoping lawsuits by GOA reverse a lot of this bs. True constitutional carry would be excellent - and over-rule draconian states.
Because the traitorous government lackeys have infringed on the 2A doesn't make it lawful or right. SHALL NOT INFRINGE.
In stores and gun shows. However we can still buy an AR from a guy in a parking lot outside the gun show. Or we can buy our friend's or family's gun(s).
Also if we are lucky enough to find some dumb liberal city doing a gun "buyback" and giving the morons HEB gift certificates, we can always walk up to the people in line and offer them cash instead - a little more than the "buy-back" people are offering.
I really need to figure out how to make an algorithm or a google news alert (is that still a thing?) to tell me whenever a buyback is happening within 250 miles of my home.
We don't require a background investigation for any of those cases.
And why would we?
Mass shootings would be rare here, too, if 1) cops were allowed to do their jobs correctly in the solidly blue leftists cities and states, and 2) we didn't have a corrupt Intel community purposely mind fucking people into becoming mass shooters, and 3) we didn't have a corrupt Intel community actively training such people with skills you would really only learn in a combat setting, and 4) we didn't have a corrupt DOJ, HSC, and Intel community working in tandem to flood our cities and gangs with true assault weapons.
And, really, mass shootings are rare here in the U.S., when compared to other crimes.
The problem, like with the rest of society all over the globe, isn't The People, it's the governments working to keep us divided on every issue imaginable that is plaguing our society, including the gun debate.
Pretty sure all modern mass shooters were on SSRI’s, too.
"Mass shootings were rare you would hardly see 1 in every 10 years. So background checks worked. In Canada a mentally unstable person would not be able to buy a gun and that is the way it should be."
I'm sure that's what your masters in Ottawa told you at the time
I said something similar to my wife - if Hillary Clinton had "won" the Presidency then I believed we would see door to door gun confiscation. That would, to me, represent the red line being crossed.
Wow a wild faggot on GAW. How’d you get here little fella?
Yup, we got a live one. Clean up on Aisle 17, have at him, troops!
User name checks out …
A real boss doesn't let his employees "force" him to do anything. Canadians have the same GOD GIVEN right to protect themselves, their families and their property as Americans and everyone else does. Just say NO.
“God-given” rights aren’t restricted to America. Their acknowledgement in the constitution is are only a promise by the government to respect them, which they aren’t currently doing.
Anyone, anywhere in the world, has the ability to demand them be respected.
Canucks, If they are forcing you to surrender your firearms, it is because they have something planned for you that you are not going to like!
First comes the gun confiscation then comes the genocide. Think Stalin, Hitler and the killing fields to name a few.
They should rename that "gunocide". It's genocide, but with the people's confiscated guns.
What mass killings by Hitler? After all we've learned over the past 8+ years, do you believe what you've been told about WWII and before?
Do you disagree that Hitler implemented gun control measures and confiscation to disarm and repress his population including his political opponents?
I don't know anything about firearms laws during that era in Germany, but I don't trust written history now.
This is really the advice? Comply, but disable your guns first?
Is there even a line that cannot be crossed anymore?
Losing your guns in a boating accident is way better.
Interesting. It used to be the fact that freemen would be obliged to own weapons to secure a free state.
Where the people no longer secure a state, that state has become a slave state.
In regards to foreigners and immigrants, they have had to wait till the ninth generation before they would reach the level of full BURGHER position and the capacity to own land.
4th generation foreigners would have a choice to answer to call to arms and weapons would then be provided for that particular call.
In North Western Europe the way things were organized differed somewhat from confederation to confederation, yet followed analogous lines. Certain Germanic principalities were incapable of maintaining standing armies, and went so far as to fine any freeman encountered on the street unarmed.
Canadians. You have lakes.
Get in some damn boating accidents.
If they are forcing you to surrender your guns, it's because they plan to do something to you and your family that you would shoot them for.
Our founding fathers didn't surrender their firearms. Canada could learn a thing or two.
Lost in a great lakes boating accident.
The government can ‘buyback’ any of the firearms they sold to me…
I’ll wait while they make a list…
They also seem to be planning on "buying" them back at discount.
I guess if someone forces you to sell something, them deciding the price as well shouldn't be a shocker.
"Give me you $5000 gun, now here's a $30 gift card for burger king. GFY."
Out of my cold dead hands.
I'd like to think my hands would still be warm when they tried to take them, or even hot if I grabbed the barrel while they were trying to take them. If my hands got cold they would be long gone - with my guns (except they were all lost in that boating accident).
... Unless they didn't manage to actually take them. Then MY hands wouldn't be the cold ones, and I just might suddenly "inherit" more guns (that will also likely be lost in another tragic boating accident).
edit - Yes - I know the reference. I prefer my take though.
Maybe Trump will save the day and make you Maple Leafs the 51st state of these United States.Then you can keep your guns. I bet if you’re 51 you would be one of the most , red neck, hillbilly, gun clinging basket of deplorables we got.
People have evidence of Justin Trudeau's participation in child related rituals and SA so maybe Canadians will get lucky and a case involving him such as the Diddy or Epstein list will help them remove him. And probably a lot more gov individuals. Hopefully changing some policies would be easier. God knows what needs doing.
Maybe so. But Canada's problem is that they don't have a Constitution in the American sense. They think they have one, but it's not the same thing at all.
Their version has the word "morning" in front of "constitution" and the letters "al" at the end of "constitution".
We do have a constitution, it just doesn't have 1A or 2A protections. It needs an update.
They will end up in Ukraine and syria
If its anything like when they took Australians guns, they will crush them and send them to smelter. No need to disable.
But the few remaining women&kids still fighting in ukraine need those so much!
Btw, you have got to learn about FFs and hoaxes to disarm. Important. This is the norm, now.
Here is my weapon - I packed it in damp salt last week to prevent any accidents. Yes, I know it looks like a BB gun coated in dried shit, but I declare that to be the weapon you have on your little list there.
THAT is hilarious!
I'd hate to be fighting the Russians with a confiscated .22.
Stockpile good vodka. Then instead of fighting we'd be partying and playing pool/darts.
Maybe even trade some Tennessee Whiskey for some Russian Vodka while playing cards or chess.
Lose em in the lake first
"forces to surrender"
Freedumz lol
JB weld works great until it is heated. If memory serves, heating it to 600 F with a propane torch will cause it to fail.
Would you want to be the first person that trusts that the torch worked and has to live-fire the gun?
Only the fools who bought anything in the last few years & called in transactions need worry.
I think the whole situation is worrying.
There's a helluva lot of fools out there then.
Millions perhaps....
They are called liberals & have never handled a firearm with a pistol grip.
Go back to reddit. This is the great awakening. Remember, they want us divided, you are helping to that end with your arrogance
What did they say?
Calling us snow Mexicans etc. His other posts mostly were hateful and arrogant.