I am open to a wonder drug.... But tbh I am always skeptical about a drug curing everything. Pot heads have been claiming this for a long time as well
Drugs have specific mechanisms that work for certain classes of problems. I thought this was mainly an antiviral, how can Ivermectin solve so many problems? I see post after post saying it cured this and that.
But if it's indeed curing some condition repeatedly that's really convincing and great news
It’s actually an anti parasitic that also reduces inflammation. Inflammation is also called infla-aging because it seems to make every aspect of aging worse, and accelerate its arrival.
I think more illness is related to parasites than what we have been led to believe. There are cancer studies that are starting to say so. Some other things too. Not saying I 100% believe the two day timeframe either. But I do think we have been misled and purposefully for profit and control.
In the south it’s red hots (see link) instead of SPAM. I vaguely remember the Spam can on our summer vacations, back when you stopped at a rest stop to eat your lunch from home. I was always eating tomato or banana sandwiches and never touched that. Don’t know why I grew up eating pickled pig feet and chicken feet cooked in the chicken pastry (rolled dough rest of the country). Just had some red hots tonight. Not the healthiest meat (carnivore) meal but better than grains & sugar.
I agree with you. It was probably a little better in the 70s & before. I still can’t believe some of the foods I ate as child. Ugh, potted meat & vienna sausages. I remember vienna was good but wouldn’t touch potted meat, looked like cat food.
And back in the '70s, soda drinks had real sugar and were bottled in glass. Now they are all made with HFCS and they are no longer sold in packs of 6 but ginormous boxes of cans.
I moved to Japan 13 years ago and only went back for a week just a couple months after moving here, and again for one week over 8 years ago in 2016 (before the big election). When my wife and I still lived in America, it used to annoy me how Japanese people would constantly complain about how everything was too sweet. Now that I've lived here so long, I've become the same. I cannot drink any sweet tea ever again.
There is so much food in America that is completely inedible to me now. My grandmother came from a wealthy family who had a maid to cook for the family, so she never taught Mom how to cook. She had to learn on her own, so she wasn't much help in teaching Mom how to be a good cook. I remember eating rubbery, boiled chicken when I was a child. For a long while I thought I hated spinach because all I had eaten was that sick Popeye-style canned spinach soaked in brine which tasted nasty. To her credit, she did get better at cooking. I was still raised on eating crap though. In the morning I ate Ghostbusters Cereal with those weird marshmallow bits in them, and other crap like that. Bags of Chips Ahoy cookies. And SPAGHETTI FROM A CAN? Sick. Salty mushy soup from a can, and desserts are way too sugary, with cakes and their artificially-colored frosting. So much American food is just nasty but most Americans don't notice it because they're used to it. Like fish in an aquarium that hasn't been properly cleaned in weeks, Americans just tolerate their environment because they've gotten used to it and don't have much say in the matter.
I miss stuff like Ben & Jerry's Frozen Yogurt and freshly-made snickerdoodles, abundant Mexican food restaurants, authentic, non-Japanized Chinese food, and of course a nice, thick T-bone steak. I can only pray that GMOs get banned and American foods can be restored.
My father is showing signs of dementia, but he’s so TDS, as well as my mom, that they would rather him lose all his faculties before taking IVM. They probably wouldn’t even take it if he had river blindness.
I don't think it's coincidentally, as statin destroys the mycelin covering (and protecting) the brain and mycelin is pure cholesterol. Once the mycelin is gone, people develop dementia, alzheimer's and many more neurological issues.
Yeah I've heard that people who have high blood pressure, should be taking CoQ10 to help manage their blood pressure. I guess that would be why and how blood pressure gets better due to the pathways being cleansed of parasites among other things.
Look into carnivore or keto diet. Search Dr Anthony Chaffee dementia on YouTube. He’s got lots of videos on the subject. Once one expert comes up others will. You need cholesterol to keep the brain healthy. Also some medications cause dementia, cholesterol meds do. He’s got really good videos, with backup on this. I understand how hard it is to get people to believe you. That older generation blindly trust doctors. My dad & in laws are like this. Sadly we say nothing because they think we are crazy. I’ve tried to talk to my dad about it and he shuts me down.
I'm going to say just be cautious on this.. im not sure it was full dementia.. but maybe forgetfulness.. and it was just 2 days on ivermectin.. sounds too good to be true.. so be careful with expectations.. don't expect this.. but try it and let us know
but what gives it some more validity to me is her husband noticed.
Why does IVM cost three bucks a pill from a pharmacy in India. It's been around for decades and by now it should be pennies a pill. Let's begin a program to make RFK Jr. understand the benefits of this wonder drug and somehow he can bring the price down.
I wonder if statins open up the system for parasites. I had an Aunt that progressed into Dementia. She was on statins and some other things. It is a noted side-effect depending on who you listen to.
Statins, fluoride, most older people are jabbed to the nines (not just COVID) so are fully loaded with neurotoxins, retroviruses among other things. Throw in seed oils, low fat diets, environmental toxins and voila dementia.
My worst case thinking on this is that statins are a purposefully designed as multi faceted attack mechanism against us to slowly destroy the brain ( like fluoride).
Modern medicine has lightly highlighted / admitted to the reduced chol. / ALZ. connection, but not the CoQ10 / parasite connection.
Why is the ‘parasite’ angle always looked over / ignored by the mainstream and even a fair bit outside of the mainstream, and something ‘else’ blamed that still fits the narrative.
Maybe they want to keep that hidden? But I digress…. Like I said - worst case thinking.
There was a video titled ‘but wait it gets worse’ ( or something like that) that covered parasites really well - not sure where it is findable anymore - maybe rumble. I might check later. It is pretty gross to anyone uninitiated but worth digging back up again.
Also, thinking the ancient so called, ‘spice trades’ were actually medicine trades - where a proper diet full of particular spices led to good health.
Reducing cholesterol is what causes dementia and Alzheimer’s. Our bodies produce cholesterol naturally and the brain needs it to function properly. Search YouTube, Dr Anthony Chaffee cholesterol. It’s very long and worth watching. He’s a neurosurgeon and has been eating carnivore a long time. Several of his videos gives the background and information to back it up.
I don’t doubt that mechanism is a factor. I do also think there may be a parasite connection through the reduction of CoQ10. They may be related too. I haven’t dug further than the article I linked above. It was the 1st I had found a parasite / CoQ10 (statin) relationship.
Probably correct on this. America isn’t a third world country but our food safety isn’t what it used to be. I wonder about mersa especially with older people. My granddad got it and was very sick. Although it was his fault, cutting toe nails with pliers. My brother got mersa a few years ago and it comes back occasionally, but he doesn’t eat healthy so it’s not helping him. My mil told me decades ago never use the bathroom in a nursing home because mersa is rampant. We never know what’s happening inside the body until it’s causing havoc.
I cured MRSA on a leg by applying garlic to the wound - cut a clove in half - wait 10 minutes - apply directly hold in place with band-aid or dressing overnight. Gets a bit hot on the skin though.
This was on a dermal open sore. Not internal.
Just an anecdotal case for you - not medical advice.
Thanks for sharing. Onions have been used to treat infections. I can’t remember all the things it treats. Seems like colds, throat infections and wounds. In the Outlander series I’m reading on was used on a nasty infected snake bite. I need to do more research.
Old timers used to have special bowls to put a sliced onion in and leave them around the house. Theory had it that it would attract bacteria from the air. No idea if it works but it has been - ahem…..’debunked’ by modern lie-ence….I mean science.😀
One thing to consider - UTIs in elderly people can cause symptoms identical with dementia. Especially if they have other infections. If they are treated and the person recovers from the infections it looks like the symptoms are gone, although the more this happens the less they heal.
My mom had dementia and was hospitalized multiple times with UTIs and a couple times for sepsis. She was almost normal after she healed the first two or three times and could remember things again for 2 or 3 days. Then it was all gone again. I would've tried ivermectin had I known, but her time was up anyway - too many issues.
I put her in hospice in late July and she died the end of September. She was unvaxxed, despite the nursing home's attempts to get me to authorize CV19, RSV, Pneumonia, and Shingles vaxxes WHILE IN HOSPICE with an active, posted DNR. I told them if they tried to give her anything vax-related or anything not on her Hospice drug list I would sue them out of business, and the Hospice nurses kept an eye on them and her chart.
I learned a lot of stuff I didn't want to know last year.
I want RFK Jr to make Ivermectin 100% OTC. I want to be able to go into Costco and buy a 2000 count of 12mg tablets for like $9.00. Do this and the floodgates open up!
Just got a tube of the horse paste. What should I expect to happen if I take one (my 1st) dose - are there any side effects? For preventative purposes how often do you all take it?
No noted side effects as far as I know.
As for prevention, I personally just take a dose every now and then.
If you're looking for something specific for prevention I think there's some links to guidelines that have been posted on this site in the past.
I’ve been taking it for a couple years now. Never diarrhea. No side effects at all for me. I take 3/4 to an inch twice a week and am 160 lb. I also use it topically on weird skin things. Had a raised thing on my cheek that was gray and crusty…it’s basically gone.
My grandma has been in a nursing home for the past several years. Within the last year or so, she has begun to show signs of dementia. I can't imagine convincing her to take "muh horse paste" though. She'd probably report it to the staff there.
And that's besides her views politically. I really don't know if she has much of an opinion on Trump or conservatives. She probably doesn't even remember or care she's been in the nursing home so long now. But she's originally from New England, so I imagine she's probably liberal. My grandpa is a big Trump supporter, though. Maybe I'll get in touch with him and ask if he's heard about this.
Which is why I'm skeptical. IVM is an amazing broad spectrum anti parasitic, but you'd think if dementia were caused primarily by parasites that we'd have figured it out by now.
Or would we???? Not if you believe rockefeller took over and institutionalized the medical industry and turned it into a profit center as many believe.
I used to scoff at those who said things like that and those that said modern virology is a fabrication and that parasites are behind just about every illness, including cancer, but not so much now.
My great aunt had breast cancer, and received treatment for it. She's all clear, it was caught early, but I've long suspected that the drugs she's stuck on are what's deteriorating her mind. It's horrible to watch. She's so forgetful and gets confused so easily.
She's a wonderful woman and we all love her so much. One of her daughters is super awake. I'll mention this to her and see what she says.
Thank you for sharing. It'd be miraculous if it worked for her.
Remember that the creators of Ivermectin won the Nobel Prize for Medicine for this wonder drug. We need to keep repeating this to the normies.
I am open to a wonder drug.... But tbh I am always skeptical about a drug curing everything. Pot heads have been claiming this for a long time as well
Drugs have specific mechanisms that work for certain classes of problems. I thought this was mainly an antiviral, how can Ivermectin solve so many problems? I see post after post saying it cured this and that.
But if it's indeed curing some condition repeatedly that's really convincing and great news
It’s actually an anti parasitic that also reduces inflammation. Inflammation is also called infla-aging because it seems to make every aspect of aging worse, and accelerate its arrival.
I think more illness is related to parasites than what we have been led to believe. There are cancer studies that are starting to say so. Some other things too. Not saying I 100% believe the two day timeframe either. But I do think we have been misled and purposefully for profit and control.
So before the cabal took over?
Sounds like a dangerous conspiracy theory.
At this point, we should all just be sprinkling crushed ivermectin on our corn flakes every morning for breakfast
Yep, except that should be bacon or sausage and eggs. You shouldn't be eating their GMO corn flakes. :) That is what is causing the dementia. kek
In the south it’s red hots (see link) instead of SPAM. I vaguely remember the Spam can on our summer vacations, back when you stopped at a rest stop to eat your lunch from home. I was always eating tomato or banana sandwiches and never touched that. Don’t know why I grew up eating pickled pig feet and chicken feet cooked in the chicken pastry (rolled dough rest of the country). Just had some red hots tonight. Not the healthiest meat (carnivore) meal but better than grains & sugar.
Red Hots
You might want to avoid them for the moment. The FDA just banned Red #3, yet that's shown as an ingredient on that page.
Thanks I didn’t even think of that, thankfully it’s just something I’ve eaten occasionally in my life.
I think Spam is disgusting. I was just making a reference to Monty Python.
I agree with you. It was probably a little better in the 70s & before. I still can’t believe some of the foods I ate as child. Ugh, potted meat & vienna sausages. I remember vienna was good but wouldn’t touch potted meat, looked like cat food.
And back in the '70s, soda drinks had real sugar and were bottled in glass. Now they are all made with HFCS and they are no longer sold in packs of 6 but ginormous boxes of cans.
I moved to Japan 13 years ago and only went back for a week just a couple months after moving here, and again for one week over 8 years ago in 2016 (before the big election). When my wife and I still lived in America, it used to annoy me how Japanese people would constantly complain about how everything was too sweet. Now that I've lived here so long, I've become the same. I cannot drink any sweet tea ever again.
There is so much food in America that is completely inedible to me now. My grandmother came from a wealthy family who had a maid to cook for the family, so she never taught Mom how to cook. She had to learn on her own, so she wasn't much help in teaching Mom how to be a good cook. I remember eating rubbery, boiled chicken when I was a child. For a long while I thought I hated spinach because all I had eaten was that sick Popeye-style canned spinach soaked in brine which tasted nasty. To her credit, she did get better at cooking. I was still raised on eating crap though. In the morning I ate Ghostbusters Cereal with those weird marshmallow bits in them, and other crap like that. Bags of Chips Ahoy cookies. And SPAGHETTI FROM A CAN? Sick. Salty mushy soup from a can, and desserts are way too sugary, with cakes and their artificially-colored frosting. So much American food is just nasty but most Americans don't notice it because they're used to it. Like fish in an aquarium that hasn't been properly cleaned in weeks, Americans just tolerate their environment because they've gotten used to it and don't have much say in the matter.
I miss stuff like Ben & Jerry's Frozen Yogurt and freshly-made snickerdoodles, abundant Mexican food restaurants, authentic, non-Japanized Chinese food, and of course a nice, thick T-bone steak. I can only pray that GMOs get banned and American foods can be restored.
Beef and eggs; no pork.
I have seen many that eliminate pork due to the issue of pigs having the single stomach.
The more real science reveals the more some of the practices from the Bible make sense.
That some great news - not sure I’d heard about it for that - makes sense
FN’ parasites……
My father is showing signs of dementia, but he’s so TDS, as well as my mom, that they would rather him lose all his faculties before taking IVM. They probably wouldn’t even take it if he had river blindness.
Maybe IVM would cure his TDS. You never know.
Wouldn't that be something. It's probably a parasite. I'd love to write a fake study and meme it out.
If you do, please message me
I wish I had the time fren.
Don't go down without fighting
Sneak some into Mark Hamill's booze if you get a chance.
Curious, are they on statins ( coq10 reducing )?
I ‘yandexed’ coq10+parasites and found:
The above link states coq10 helps rid the body of certain parasites and mentions specifically the brain - #5 on the list (not foot-noted though).
Just a brain-fart I had after reading success in treating alzh. w/ ivm and seeing some relatives develop alzh. (maybe coincidentally) with statins.
I don't think it's coincidentally, as statin destroys the mycelin covering (and protecting) the brain and mycelin is pure cholesterol. Once the mycelin is gone, people develop dementia, alzheimer's and many more neurological issues.
Not sure if this is the same mechanism as you describe, but from the article linked:
“ [5] Coenzyme Q10 is most effective against ascarids in the brain and bone marrow and helps to open the parasites’ expulsion pathways.”
Yeah I've heard that people who have high blood pressure, should be taking CoQ10 to help manage their blood pressure. I guess that would be why and how blood pressure gets better due to the pathways being cleansed of parasites among other things.
Excellent article
Look into carnivore or keto diet. Search Dr Anthony Chaffee dementia on YouTube. He’s got lots of videos on the subject. Once one expert comes up others will. You need cholesterol to keep the brain healthy. Also some medications cause dementia, cholesterol meds do. He’s got really good videos, with backup on this. I understand how hard it is to get people to believe you. That older generation blindly trust doctors. My dad & in laws are like this. Sadly we say nothing because they think we are crazy. I’ve tried to talk to my dad about it and he shuts me down.
candies: apple flavored chocolates
I'm going to say just be cautious on this.. im not sure it was full dementia.. but maybe forgetfulness.. and it was just 2 days on ivermectin.. sounds too good to be true.. so be careful with expectations.. don't expect this.. but try it and let us know
but what gives it some more validity to me is her husband noticed.
Exactly. But some people believe what they want to believe and ignore critical thinking.
Why does IVM cost three bucks a pill from a pharmacy in India. It's been around for decades and by now it should be pennies a pill. Let's begin a program to make RFK Jr. understand the benefits of this wonder drug and somehow he can bring the price down.
AllDayChemist $1.00/pill. 100 pills=$100.
Horse paste is about the same cost. I get about 10 doses from a tube that costs about ten bucks.
Valleyvet.com is $7 on sale.
Because anything by one pill at a time is going to be way more expensive per pill.
Reynold Meds has it for $1.30 a pill if you buy 100. The price per pill goes down the more you buy.
400 count, 12mg is $280.00 I just checked the site (reynoldmeds.com)
My grandma just died of Alzheimer's last year. Nice to find out now.
I wonder if statins open up the system for parasites. I had an Aunt that progressed into Dementia. She was on statins and some other things. It is a noted side-effect depending on who you listen to.
Statins, fluoride, most older people are jabbed to the nines (not just COVID) so are fully loaded with neurotoxins, retroviruses among other things. Throw in seed oils, low fat diets, environmental toxins and voila dementia.
Yes agree, see post a few above this for a possible link to statins and parasites since statins reduce CoQ10.
The association of statins and reduced CoQ10 was not new to me but, Reduced CoQ10 and brain parasites was.
Very interesting to say the least.
Yeah……. Kinda scary……
My worst case thinking on this is that statins are a purposefully designed as multi faceted attack mechanism against us to slowly destroy the brain ( like fluoride).
Modern medicine has lightly highlighted / admitted to the reduced chol. / ALZ. connection, but not the CoQ10 / parasite connection.
Why is the ‘parasite’ angle always looked over / ignored by the mainstream and even a fair bit outside of the mainstream, and something ‘else’ blamed that still fits the narrative.
Maybe they want to keep that hidden? But I digress…. Like I said - worst case thinking.
There was a video titled ‘but wait it gets worse’ ( or something like that) that covered parasites really well - not sure where it is findable anymore - maybe rumble. I might check later. It is pretty gross to anyone uninitiated but worth digging back up again.
Also, thinking the ancient so called, ‘spice trades’ were actually medicine trades - where a proper diet full of particular spices led to good health.
Reducing cholesterol is what causes dementia and Alzheimer’s. Our bodies produce cholesterol naturally and the brain needs it to function properly. Search YouTube, Dr Anthony Chaffee cholesterol. It’s very long and worth watching. He’s a neurosurgeon and has been eating carnivore a long time. Several of his videos gives the background and information to back it up.
I don’t doubt that mechanism is a factor. I do also think there may be a parasite connection through the reduction of CoQ10. They may be related too. I haven’t dug further than the article I linked above. It was the 1st I had found a parasite / CoQ10 (statin) relationship.
Probably correct on this. America isn’t a third world country but our food safety isn’t what it used to be. I wonder about mersa especially with older people. My granddad got it and was very sick. Although it was his fault, cutting toe nails with pliers. My brother got mersa a few years ago and it comes back occasionally, but he doesn’t eat healthy so it’s not helping him. My mil told me decades ago never use the bathroom in a nursing home because mersa is rampant. We never know what’s happening inside the body until it’s causing havoc.
I cured MRSA on a leg by applying garlic to the wound - cut a clove in half - wait 10 minutes - apply directly hold in place with band-aid or dressing overnight. Gets a bit hot on the skin though.
This was on a dermal open sore. Not internal.
Just an anecdotal case for you - not medical advice.
Thanks for sharing. Onions have been used to treat infections. I can’t remember all the things it treats. Seems like colds, throat infections and wounds. In the Outlander series I’m reading on was used on a nasty infected snake bite. I need to do more research.
Old timers used to have special bowls to put a sliced onion in and leave them around the house. Theory had it that it would attract bacteria from the air. No idea if it works but it has been - ahem…..’debunked’ by modern lie-ence….I mean science.😀
Yep I'm also thinking of my grandfather who died last year
My FIL died over COVID of his dementia.
I’m sorry for your loss.
Thank you very much, I have a realtive who suffers, and I am going to try.
2 doses and it was gone completely with no more doses? I call bull shit.
Need a full study.
Ever seen a horse with Dementia?
Just kidding I think its baloney too
One thing to consider - UTIs in elderly people can cause symptoms identical with dementia. Especially if they have other infections. If they are treated and the person recovers from the infections it looks like the symptoms are gone, although the more this happens the less they heal.
My mom had dementia and was hospitalized multiple times with UTIs and a couple times for sepsis. She was almost normal after she healed the first two or three times and could remember things again for 2 or 3 days. Then it was all gone again. I would've tried ivermectin had I known, but her time was up anyway - too many issues.
I put her in hospice in late July and she died the end of September. She was unvaxxed, despite the nursing home's attempts to get me to authorize CV19, RSV, Pneumonia, and Shingles vaxxes WHILE IN HOSPICE with an active, posted DNR. I told them if they tried to give her anything vax-related or anything not on her Hospice drug list I would sue them out of business, and the Hospice nurses kept an eye on them and her chart.
I learned a lot of stuff I didn't want to know last year.
Good thinking about the infection.
Very sorry about you mother.
Thank you.
I want RFK Jr to make Ivermectin 100% OTC. I want to be able to go into Costco and buy a 2000 count of 12mg tablets for like $9.00. Do this and the floodgates open up!
Interesting. Although I've read mebendazole is the better one for crossing the BBB.
Just got a tube of the horse paste. What should I expect to happen if I take one (my 1st) dose - are there any side effects? For preventative purposes how often do you all take it?
Only thing I've read about it for potential side effects might be diarrhea, but if you take the appropriate dose by weight it shouldn't be a problem.
Do your own due diligence first and research. I'm not a doctor by any stretch.
No noted side effects as far as I know. As for prevention, I personally just take a dose every now and then. If you're looking for something specific for prevention I think there's some links to guidelines that have been posted on this site in the past.
I’ve been taking it for a couple years now. Never diarrhea. No side effects at all for me. I take 3/4 to an inch twice a week and am 160 lb. I also use it topically on weird skin things. Had a raised thing on my cheek that was gray and crusty…it’s basically gone.
My grandma has been in a nursing home for the past several years. Within the last year or so, she has begun to show signs of dementia. I can't imagine convincing her to take "muh horse paste" though. She'd probably report it to the staff there.
And that's besides her views politically. I really don't know if she has much of an opinion on Trump or conservatives. She probably doesn't even remember or care she's been in the nursing home so long now. But she's originally from New England, so I imagine she's probably liberal. My grandpa is a big Trump supporter, though. Maybe I'll get in touch with him and ask if he's heard about this.
Geeze... It's like a cure all wonder drug!
Which is why I'm skeptical. IVM is an amazing broad spectrum anti parasitic, but you'd think if dementia were caused primarily by parasites that we'd have figured it out by now.
Or would we???? Not if you believe rockefeller took over and institutionalized the medical industry and turned it into a profit center as many believe.
I used to scoff at those who said things like that and those that said modern virology is a fabrication and that parasites are behind just about every illness, including cancer, but not so much now.
24mg isn’t really a small dose is it?
Someone needs to sneak some Ivermectin into Joe Biden's food and see what happens.
Don't give them ideas next thing you know Joe will be running against Don in 2028
My great aunt had breast cancer, and received treatment for it. She's all clear, it was caught early, but I've long suspected that the drugs she's stuck on are what's deteriorating her mind. It's horrible to watch. She's so forgetful and gets confused so easily.
She's a wonderful woman and we all love her so much. One of her daughters is super awake. I'll mention this to her and see what she says.
Thank you for sharing. It'd be miraculous if it worked for her.
25 mg of Ivermectin is NOT low dose. Standard dose is 200 micrograms per kilogram of body weight.
It seems as though someone is trying to muddy the waters on this important drug so that people will get hurt.
It isn’t harmless and should only be taken by people who completely understand dosage conversion.
Ivermectin and creatine are being used for diseases of the mind to great effect