I have been saying this for decades, the media and govt has been using the numbers at between 10 and 15 million for decades, but every year, MORE of them come. how can the numbers NOT increase?
Lol dude 50 %.? Idk, I guess it depends where you live. Old neighborhood I'd probably agree with you, well maybe not 50%. New neighborhood I'd say you were insane.
How they afford San Diego idk. That's alot of tacos you have to push
Not a dude but yeah perhaps exaggerating a bit and there definitely is a difference depending where in the county you go. North/west is wealthy areas and you will see mostly Americans and their illegal servants. South SD is prop above 50%. I definitely start to feel like a minority the closer I get to the border. Sometimes I have to double check that I’m still in the US as it’s looking more and more like Mexico. Everything is in two languages here too. How do they afford it? Government freebies and traveling back and from the border each day so they can live cheap in Mexico while working in America for a higher wage by stealing our jobs
Yes in my old neighborhood in Las Vegas, it was starting to feel very much like I was in a foreign land. So they are living in Mexico but working and collecting benefits in San Diego. In Las Vegas they have taken over the entire construction, landscaping and building maintenance industries. It happened quick too. In 15 years you went from seeing black, brown and white guys at construction sites to exclusively brown guys. So are we to believe white and black guys just aren't interested anymore? Hmmmm. Idk . But I think you are right there is no way there can be only 20 million illegals and further I think the government has a pretty good handle on a real number but are keeping that close to the vest. Thanks for the response, My cousin is in Vista, desperately trying to move out and move to the Carolinas.
So while I am happy to see we're finally doing something about it, cheering for 1,500 deportees is celebrating too soon.
We need to 10x this. At minimum. And, we need a full-on nationwide in-your-face Ad Campaign to make it very clear in many languages that the party is over and it is time to leave, and that leaving on your own steam is far, far smarter than staying and hoping you will not be found.
Self-deportation will be how we make our numbers, I think. Assuming using M240s and MK19s is off the table.
For years it has fascinated me that they all can figure how to apply for, and get those ebt cards, but not one can comprehend the 10 items or less sign.
So, they are starting with the high profile cases of illegal invaders who have also committed other crimes, besides their crime of illegal invasion.
Later, I expect Trump to ramp up the pressure on employers, schools, hospitals, welfare, etc., as well as cutting off transfers of funds to Mexico, all of which will cause a mass self-deportation.
I also want to see so-called "birth right citizenship" revoked, retroactively, since there was never any law granting them citizenship in the first place. The entire thing was a fraud created by a "policy," which is not law.
We have noticed the same. All of a sudden there isnt an army of illegals. Work sights have decreased. Think about the demand/supply side of the house. They were able to keep prices high and make a killing financially over high demand. Now the demand is gone whatever will they do?
I went to my local mcdonalds to get an ice coffee when i was returning home from work.. consistsntly always the same hispanic workers there…. This week… all new staff (non hispanic)not the usual i would see… things are changing indeed
Without knowing the date of this video it is very hard to say if it is legitimate. We had a freeze recently that basically shut Greater Houston down for 2 days and this video may have been taken during that time.
I also live near Katy and agree with you. There are a lot of people that live in Katy that are not illegals (I should know as I’m not one). What day was this taken? There are days and times when a Walmart might possibly be this empty, but at a normal time, on a normal day it would not be, as we’re not all illegals.
There are a couple of Walmarts on North Fry, so not sure which one. That area is a bit sketchy with many Hispanics. I was surprised to see a security guard at the HEB on North Fry.
I figure a lot of the illegals go to places like La Michoacana (which is actually quite nice). As a white guy I usually didn't go into them, but we wanted a molcajete and I figured they had them. You can usually tell the new illegals as they have that deer in the headlights look.
Sorry, though it was you that I had commented on earlier. It was ashlanddog who had commented to me Madam I'm adam, so I sent him:
Funny story from internet:
The topic for my ninth-grade class was palindromes, words or sentences that are the same read forward and backward. I asked the question, "What was the first thing Adam said to Eve?"
I was expecting the answer "Madam, I’m Adam," but one student had a better reply:
Dude…it’s 8:30PM on a weeknight. Do you expect a grocery store to be bustling at that hour? People are more than likely getting ready for bed at that time.
I looked at it, and I found "a carefree or spirited adventure". Sure, that works as well. But it's also in my view something that is not a normal/regular occurrence.
The number is woefully undercounted. Consider this, a couple break into the country and find a place to stay. Within 5 years they have 4 ninos, so now the 2 have become 6. Only the parents are counted as illegal, but the impact is now 300% greater.
That hasn't happened in my walmart, and I'm far away from the mexican border. There are a lot of non English speaking customers in my store, and I do not see them as being fearful of getting tossed over the fence. Heck, we even have an authentic Mexican restaurant where all the waiters cannot speak English. They don't seem to worry about being deported, either. ICE could make the rounds in my Walmart and no one would care. I do wish the illegals leave.
i believe so too. it's not just Mexicans that are here illegally. hell i went to my daughters house a few months ago, she was having work done on her house, and there were four workers there, not one of them spoke English.
so, one of them grabbed his phone and called his boss and the guy handed me his phone to talk to his boss because he was the only one who spoke English. they were all Ukrainians.
I don't think it's that many, but much higher than we've been told or even what some high estimates have been. If you include anchor babies, quite possible it's 100 million
I'm sticking with a previous theory I threw out the other day. They all have debit cards our government was putting monthly OUR money on while they're here, and suddenly no more money is being put on. If they're here illegally, they won't be able to get a job legally, and are beginning to figure out that self-deporting is looking better and better while they still have US currency worth something to take back with a lot more value than the home country.
This was also the scean at my local Costco. I was freaked out? Whare is everyone? It was nice to walk around without being crowded. Was this a lark? I will need to see...
I wouldn't be surprised if there were 20m illegals in this country. I'm getting hit with the mendela effect and keep remembering the US population as 365M but apparently trump just said 340M a day or so ago. I dunno. Definitely think there's far more illegals in here than the left has led people to believe.
Stand corrected. I googled the hours and they do now. Weird. I quit shopping at Walmart few years back when they quit selling guns and ammo. When I worked night shift I'd go 2-3 AM and see all the People of Walmart.
idk, how long is it going to take to replace 100 million chickens? lots of things made out of eggs. FJB and his administration should be starved to death.
I went to Burlington store with my mom yesterday and I said the exact same thing. Usually you have to wait a super long time in line. Yesterday it was all empty
I was in Houston and Katy over Christmas. The traffic was horrible. I told my husband every illegal must be in this area. I know that is false because 75000 are an hour away in Cleveland. Highway 59 north bound out of Houston has holiday type traffic every day for the last two years.
This is kind of an emergency. We had a guy approach us today wanting to turn himself into ICE. I live in the coomunist state of Illinois. They passed laws here to block cooperation. ICE tip line is down. Called ICE office in Chicago and no answer. This guy is homless and it's 25°. He will not survive in tthe streets tonight. I need a number! Has anyone got one. A couple of guys are driiving him down to the ICE office. We have no idea if anyone will be there.
I’ve been seeing these videos going around but I am a bit sceptical…I mean wouldn’t there at least be a few Americans shopping still? These videos could have been recorded during closing times. Not that I doubt many illegals are in hiding and there were more than we were aware of…I guess I can check out my local Walmart and home depot here in Cali to see for myself. If true this is insane.
exactly what i was thinking as well. where are the Americans? don't they still need supplies? wise to be skeptical of this kind of video where there is absolutely no one shopping.
Like a Covid hospital!
Without the dancing.
Oh.... I'm dancing.
I have been saying this for decades, the media and govt has been using the numbers at between 10 and 15 million for decades, but every year, MORE of them come. how can the numbers NOT increase?
I’ve been saying for at least 5 years that it has to be over 60 million minimum by now, and suspect it’s pushing 100 or more.
There are small towns in Nowhere, Oklahoma that are well over 50% Hispanic now. Lots of places other than Michigan are heavily Middle Eastern.
They were saying 20 million in the early 90’s. Are they saying 10-15 elsewhere?
Everywhere where there was already bad immigration problems before Obama got significantly worse when he got in.
I live in San Diego and I strongly feel at times we are close to 50%. Just the amount of taco shops in this city is insane..
Lol dude 50 %.? Idk, I guess it depends where you live. Old neighborhood I'd probably agree with you, well maybe not 50%. New neighborhood I'd say you were insane.
How they afford San Diego idk. That's alot of tacos you have to push
Not a dude but yeah perhaps exaggerating a bit and there definitely is a difference depending where in the county you go. North/west is wealthy areas and you will see mostly Americans and their illegal servants. South SD is prop above 50%. I definitely start to feel like a minority the closer I get to the border. Sometimes I have to double check that I’m still in the US as it’s looking more and more like Mexico. Everything is in two languages here too. How do they afford it? Government freebies and traveling back and from the border each day so they can live cheap in Mexico while working in America for a higher wage by stealing our jobs
Yes in my old neighborhood in Las Vegas, it was starting to feel very much like I was in a foreign land. So they are living in Mexico but working and collecting benefits in San Diego. In Las Vegas they have taken over the entire construction, landscaping and building maintenance industries. It happened quick too. In 15 years you went from seeing black, brown and white guys at construction sites to exclusively brown guys. So are we to believe white and black guys just aren't interested anymore? Hmmmm. Idk . But I think you are right there is no way there can be only 20 million illegals and further I think the government has a pretty good handle on a real number but are keeping that close to the vest. Thanks for the response, My cousin is in Vista, desperately trying to move out and move to the Carolinas.
Only chiming in to say that in San Diego, everyone is “dude” lol. Even my mother and I would call each other dude.
Yeah, "dude" is like the singular for "you guys".
60-100 is a good working range.
So while I am happy to see we're finally doing something about it, cheering for 1,500 deportees is celebrating too soon.
We need to 10x this. At minimum. And, we need a full-on nationwide in-your-face Ad Campaign to make it very clear in many languages that the party is over and it is time to leave, and that leaving on your own steam is far, far smarter than staying and hoping you will not be found.
Self-deportation will be how we make our numbers, I think. Assuming using M240s and MK19s is off the table.
Once they cut free stuff many will self deport. I suspect many already have as the writing is on the wall. Where are they hiding, at home?
Turn off EBT and anything that they are using. ALL OF IT. Turn it off noowwwwwww.
Once the free stuff is gone, the locusts will fly away.
For years it has fascinated me that they all can figure how to apply for, and get those ebt cards, but not one can comprehend the 10 items or less sign.
They can't arrest and deport all of them.
So, they are starting with the high profile cases of illegal invaders who have also committed other crimes, besides their crime of illegal invasion.
Later, I expect Trump to ramp up the pressure on employers, schools, hospitals, welfare, etc., as well as cutting off transfers of funds to Mexico, all of which will cause a mass self-deportation.
I also want to see so-called "birth right citizenship" revoked, retroactively, since there was never any law granting them citizenship in the first place. The entire thing was a fraud created by a "policy," which is not law.
Yes, all of that. Please.
We have noticed the same. All of a sudden there isnt an army of illegals. Work sights have decreased. Think about the demand/supply side of the house. They were able to keep prices high and make a killing financially over high demand. Now the demand is gone whatever will they do?
I went to my local mcdonalds to get an ice coffee when i was returning home from work.. consistsntly always the same hispanic workers there…. This week… all new staff (non hispanic)not the usual i would see… things are changing indeed
An ice coffee or I.C.E. coffee🤣
I live in Katy.
I rarely go to Walmart.
Without knowing the date of this video it is very hard to say if it is legitimate. We had a freeze recently that basically shut Greater Houston down for 2 days and this video may have been taken during that time.
I also live near Katy and agree with you. There are a lot of people that live in Katy that are not illegals (I should know as I’m not one). What day was this taken? There are days and times when a Walmart might possibly be this empty, but at a normal time, on a normal day it would not be, as we’re not all illegals.
I also live near katy. I looked up the TikTok user who posted the video.
User appears to be a guy that actually lives in katy.
He posted address of this Walmart as the one on Fry Rd. Video taken 1-29
So, not the week of the freeze. Interesting.
There are a couple of Walmarts on North Fry, so not sure which one. That area is a bit sketchy with many Hispanics. I was surprised to see a security guard at the HEB on North Fry.
6060 N Fry. (Up by W little York) KINO (katy in name only)
Ha! I’ve lived in “KINO” over 10 years and have never heard it called that.
Same here... There are several Walmarts in the proximity of Katy.... Wondering which one it is
There was a shooting at the one near 99 and Morton Ranch 5 days ago by a disgruntled worker.
Yikes... Did not know that.... That's the one I go to mostly
I figure a lot of the illegals go to places like La Michoacana (which is actually quite nice). As a white guy I usually didn't go into them, but we wanted a molcajete and I figured they had them. You can usually tell the new illegals as they have that deer in the headlights look.
You seeing Eve again?
Sorry, though it was you that I had commented on earlier. It was ashlanddog who had commented to me Madam I'm adam, so I sent him:
Funny story from internet:
The topic for my ninth-grade class was palindromes, words or sentences that are the same read forward and backward. I asked the question, "What was the first thing Adam said to Eve?"
I was expecting the answer "Madam, I’m Adam," but one student had a better reply:
Dude…it’s 8:30PM on a weeknight. Do you expect a grocery store to be bustling at that hour? People are more than likely getting ready for bed at that time.
The Walmarts where I live are always busy, no matter the time of day.
Can verify. I've seen my local Wal-Mart be busy as late as 10PM, when we needed to make an emergency trip there for something.
he should do this on EBT day.
I’ve certainly been at odd hours and seen them this empty. Every business has its lulls
No not in my community it's always busy.this was the day after swaring in. I don't know if it was a lark?
A lark?
An unusual occurrence.
Not really but ok
I looked at it, and I found "a carefree or spirited adventure". Sure, that works as well. But it's also in my view something that is not a normal/regular occurrence.
So we just make up our own definitions then?
It's also the end of the month. Free money don't load onto benefit cards until the 1st
Tell me you have never been at walmart at night without tell me you have never been at walmart at night
I have been to Walmart at night more times than I can count.
Sorry buddy
The number is woefully undercounted. Consider this, a couple break into the country and find a place to stay. Within 5 years they have 4 ninos, so now the 2 have become 6. Only the parents are counted as illegal, but the impact is now 300% greater.
That hasn't happened in my walmart, and I'm far away from the mexican border. There are a lot of non English speaking customers in my store, and I do not see them as being fearful of getting tossed over the fence. Heck, we even have an authentic Mexican restaurant where all the waiters cannot speak English. They don't seem to worry about being deported, either. ICE could make the rounds in my Walmart and no one would care. I do wish the illegals leave.
We have at least 100 million illegals in the country... AT LEAST.
i believe so too. it's not just Mexicans that are here illegally. hell i went to my daughters house a few months ago, she was having work done on her house, and there were four workers there, not one of them spoke English.
so, one of them grabbed his phone and called his boss and the guy handed me his phone to talk to his boss because he was the only one who spoke English. they were all Ukrainians.
I don't think it's that many, but much higher than we've been told or even what some high estimates have been. If you include anchor babies, quite possible it's 100 million
I'm sticking with a previous theory I threw out the other day. They all have debit cards our government was putting monthly OUR money on while they're here, and suddenly no more money is being put on. If they're here illegally, they won't be able to get a job legally, and are beginning to figure out that self-deporting is looking better and better while they still have US currency worth something to take back with a lot more value than the home country.
Yep, I agree. I think they are self deporting and it will speed up once the free stuff is cut.
This was also the scean at my local Costco. I was freaked out? Whare is everyone? It was nice to walk around without being crowded. Was this a lark? I will need to see...
I wouldn't be surprised if there were 20m illegals in this country. I'm getting hit with the mendela effect and keep remembering the US population as 365M but apparently trump just said 340M a day or so ago. I dunno. Definitely think there's far more illegals in here than the left has led people to believe.
If you include anchor babies, it's probably much higher
Since when did Walmarts start closing at 11pm?
Stand corrected. I googled the hours and they do now. Weird. I quit shopping at Walmart few years back when they quit selling guns and ammo. When I worked night shift I'd go 2-3 AM and see all the People of Walmart.
Ours was open 24 hours. Ironically up until COVID, when having less empty store times should have been a benefit if the hype was true
But 24 hours never came back.
It sucked when I was in the office as I would go at 5 or 6am before work. 7am was too late to be at work br 7:30 and after 5pm was always a zoo.
Ours is the same, 24hours then covid, now 6-11.
Yep...It REALLY IS happening!!!
More personal accounts here: https://greatawakening.win/p/19AKP0Grvr/-encouraging-realworld-developme/
Looks like product demand will be way down. That should cause a large decrease in prices.
idk, how long is it going to take to replace 100 million chickens? lots of things made out of eggs. FJB and his administration should be starved to death.
I know for a fact that Numberusa was saying around 30 million back in early 2000's.
"WHERE IS EVERYBODY.... WHERE IS EVERYBODY???" "Arby's, roast beef sale." "Oh..."
I went to Burlington store with my mom yesterday and I said the exact same thing. Usually you have to wait a super long time in line. Yesterday it was all empty
I bet you’re right
A comparison would be helpful. A random video on a slow night doesn't mean much.
Wouldn’t surprise me Katy has a ton of Hispanics, most don’t look or act like they have been here for long
I was in Houston and Katy over Christmas. The traffic was horrible. I told my husband every illegal must be in this area. I know that is false because 75000 are an hour away in Cleveland. Highway 59 north bound out of Houston has holiday type traffic every day for the last two years.
This is kind of an emergency. We had a guy approach us today wanting to turn himself into ICE. I live in the coomunist state of Illinois. They passed laws here to block cooperation. ICE tip line is down. Called ICE office in Chicago and no answer. This guy is homless and it's 25°. He will not survive in tthe streets tonight. I need a number! Has anyone got one. A couple of guys are driiving him down to the ICE office. We have no idea if anyone will be there.
I’ve been seeing these videos going around but I am a bit sceptical…I mean wouldn’t there at least be a few Americans shopping still? These videos could have been recorded during closing times. Not that I doubt many illegals are in hiding and there were more than we were aware of…I guess I can check out my local Walmart and home depot here in Cali to see for myself. If true this is insane.
exactly what i was thinking as well. where are the Americans? don't they still need supplies? wise to be skeptical of this kind of video where there is absolutely no one shopping.
This is your worst post ever.
Oh, You really hurt my feelings there....😎