This post is a scandal. Either its clickbait, or the poster did not have enough sense to check and verify the assertion before posting it. (It took me about 4 minutes, even with being as slow as it usually is.)
Also, some mod stickied it.
It's fair enough to sticky posts in order to get eyes on and have evaluation (true/false? Good/crap?). But stickying a blatantly false and wrong post seems just plain wrong.
Sticky = (now) 102 upvotes. But how many of those who voted or even saw the post think "Hey, wow, this is a Q proof!!! HIllary actually changed her Twitter banner one day before the delta!!!!"?
Stickying this post is an active promotion of fake and false information, imo. It's not "eyes on". It's promoting to the board something that is just . plain . false.
I love our mod team, and our frogs, but this is NOT up to scratch for 'an elite research group' or even a good research board.
The post is bad, but forgivable. But the stickying?
Perhaps. But I like logic. Free speech seems so logical to me. Even the illogical kind. I would like to see verboten subjects have their own space rather than banned.
A thousand years ago a round earth would be banned. Now its flat earth.
verboten subjects have their own space rather than banned.
They DO have their own spaces. That's the point. It's just not here.
I think that it's more accurate to think of these topics as "off topic" rather than banned. The problem is, far too few people respect purpose and respect the imperative - or the right of the board creators/operators i.e mod team - to limit discussion to certain topics, and so without a heavy and serious 'banning' type approach, too many people would simply flaunt the fundamental principles of the board.
Freedom requires definition, limitation, discipline. The disciplined athlete is the one who is free to run at high speeds. The slob who does no training or makes no effort to refine his muscles does NOT have the freedom to run at high speeds.
I guess I like and approve of the definition and discipline that the rules bring, but where I get turned off is the lack of application of the same effort to weeding out crappy and rubbish posts. Like this one.
I don’t understand what you’re saying. Why the web archive from 2019 is relevant? I know the Q post was from 2019, but what you’re trying to say regarding 2019 and webarchive?
If you mean that the current X banner look different - you probably couldn’t see it because of a cache or so. I can confirm - I see the same image now.
I think most of us read the OP as asserting that "Killary changed her X banner just one day ago, one day before the delta for the related Q drop, which has this image in the drop, but which isn't a screenshot of her (then) twitter account".
I randomly chose an archive from 2019, not because of the drop, but to show that there has been no recent change in her banner pic and that this current banner is actually very old.
Aka Killary did NOT change her X profile banner to the one quoted in Q drop #2917 one day before the delta.
Moreover, she did not change the banner just prior to or after the qdrop, either, as this (random) archive from January of 2019 shows (the drops 2917 and 2915 were in March 2019).
The current X banner looks no different to how it did in March 3 2019 or in January 2019, etc.
The premise of the post is completely wrong. Killary did not change her t-profile banner just before, during or after the Q drop quoting the image. This is easily verified as mistaken (aka debunked) in 5 minutes, so why did the OP not even bother to check if his/her Post headline assertion was correct or not before posting? And why did a mod even pin it?
There is no Q proof here, and a lot of frogs not bothering to read, verify etc, have just walked away with completely erroneous information about Q and any Q proofs. That's the very opposite of 'research'.
Wait. Are you saying that one of us (frogs), just posted a massive assertion as a headline without actually verifying or checking to see if the assertion is true or not?
Surely not. I mean, surely not.
And, there is no way that such a dodgy, unverified or misleading post would get stickied, right?
How come when I posted this everyone was complaining and I had to take the post down. But when you posted it you got applause and a sticker? lol
I don't care.. have fun!
You prolly got hit with a shill wave or something... that's happened to me a few times. You drop something legit and get downvoted and commented against like crazy. Got to be a shill tactic...
They claimed Hillary has had that banner forever and Q just happened to screenshot it.. either way, I'm glad someone else posted it. All eyes on Haiti and Hillary now... Maybe Comey's daughter (gatekeeper of pedoville) is working for her and her boss and her boss's boss. All eyes on them. March 2 - 6 year delta..
Of course I'd really hope that white hats got control of Hillary's X account and she's sitting in a cell somewhere.
"How come when I posted this everyone was complaining and I had to take the post down. But when you posted it you got applause and a sticker? lol I don't care.. have fun!"
because this specific post is completely false. Internet archive shows that the banner had been in place for a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooog time. I randomly checked 2019, and that's in fact 5 years ago.
The fact that this post is stickied is terrible. It's wrong, and false, and even a 6-month newbie anon would be able to check that in 5 minutes.
When you truly stop caring about likes and stickies and online media popularity contests, you will be free from the burden of caring about being harassed (by certain members and mods), attacked by “post duplicating”/downvoting, etc.
So sorry. I was very busy and didn't give it the time it deserved when I posted this. I should have waited until I had time to look into it. I had never seen this banner before or heard of it. It was new to me. My bad. I had good intentions.
She did this before too, it's driving me crazy. She tweeted two words and the time stamp linked to a q post that was only the same two words, and I can't for the life of me remember what it was.
I was actually being serious. Now its bugging me more because you think I'm messing with people. I think it was "Keep Fighting" but I'm probably wrong and I burned out my X post views looking for it.
Sorry to hear you are bugged. I thought you were joking (but no, not messing with people).
Because the original story / premise is clearly wrong. Taking one specific thing and blowing that up into proof or even evidence of a hypothesis is a risky business.
That's why Q emphasized mathematical certainty, by highlighting instance after instance after instance after instance of Q 'proofs' etc. Not one or two.
I’m sick of popcorn at this stage.
Your not lying.
But I'm not tired of winning yet.
It's a great sign, that we are in control.
I remember how things were for the last 4 years.
Read some history and see how wars are fought.
You dont start with complete victory.
Some wars are fought over hundreds of years.....
Taking over the entire world is probably one of them.
Lucky for us,we may be at the beginning of the end.
Here's an archive of the website from 2019.
This post is a scandal. Either its clickbait, or the poster did not have enough sense to check and verify the assertion before posting it. (It took me about 4 minutes, even with being as slow as it usually is.)
Also, some mod stickied it.
It's fair enough to sticky posts in order to get eyes on and have evaluation (true/false? Good/crap?). But stickying a blatantly false and wrong post seems just plain wrong.
Sticky = (now) 102 upvotes. But how many of those who voted or even saw the post think "Hey, wow, this is a Q proof!!! HIllary actually changed her Twitter banner one day before the delta!!!!"?
Stickying this post is an active promotion of fake and false information, imo. It's not "eyes on". It's promoting to the board something that is just . plain . false.
I love our mod team, and our frogs, but this is NOT up to scratch for 'an elite research group' or even a good research board.
The post is bad, but forgivable. But the stickying?
@fatality @propertyofuniverse
At least no one mentioned chemtrails.
Untruths = ok
Chem trails = verbotten.
Seems like you have a lot of pente up frustration there, 76...
Perhaps. But I like logic. Free speech seems so logical to me. Even the illogical kind. I would like to see verboten subjects have their own space rather than banned.
A thousand years ago a round earth would be banned. Now its flat earth.
As Dylan said, "these times they are a changin'.
They DO have their own spaces. That's the point. It's just not here.
I think that it's more accurate to think of these topics as "off topic" rather than banned. The problem is, far too few people respect purpose and respect the imperative - or the right of the board creators/operators i.e mod team - to limit discussion to certain topics, and so without a heavy and serious 'banning' type approach, too many people would simply flaunt the fundamental principles of the board.
Freedom requires definition, limitation, discipline. The disciplined athlete is the one who is free to run at high speeds. The slob who does no training or makes no effort to refine his muscles does NOT have the freedom to run at high speeds.
I guess I like and approve of the definition and discipline that the rules bring, but where I get turned off is the lack of application of the same effort to weeding out crappy and rubbish posts. Like this one.
PS. Hope you got the pun.
I don’t understand what you’re saying. Why the web archive from 2019 is relevant? I know the Q post was from 2019, but what you’re trying to say regarding 2019 and webarchive?
If you mean that the current X banner look different - you probably couldn’t see it because of a cache or so. I can confirm - I see the same image now.
I think most of us read the OP as asserting that "Killary changed her X banner just one day ago, one day before the delta for the related Q drop, which has this image in the drop, but which isn't a screenshot of her (then) twitter account".
I randomly chose an archive from 2019, not because of the drop, but to show that there has been no recent change in her banner pic and that this current banner is actually very old.
Aka Killary did NOT change her X profile banner to the one quoted in Q drop #2917 one day before the delta.
Moreover, she did not change the banner just prior to or after the qdrop, either, as this (random) archive from January of 2019 shows (the drops 2917 and 2915 were in March 2019).
The current X banner looks no different to how it did in March 3 2019 or in January 2019, etc.
The premise of the post is completely wrong. Killary did not change her t-profile banner just before, during or after the Q drop quoting the image. This is easily verified as mistaken (aka debunked) in 5 minutes, so why did the OP not even bother to check if his/her Post headline assertion was correct or not before posting? And why did a mod even pin it?
There is no Q proof here, and a lot of frogs not bothering to read, verify etc, have just walked away with completely erroneous information about Q and any Q proofs. That's the very opposite of 'research'.
You can legally sub caramel corn.
The yellow pieces are now getting stuck in your teeth, you’re getting a bit parched. I feel ya.
This has been her banner for a LONG LONG TIME this place is hopeless tbh
We should make it an annual holiday: "Hiliary's Q Banner Day" kek
Wait. Are you saying that one of us (frogs), just posted a massive assertion as a headline without actually verifying or checking to see if the assertion is true or not?
Surely not. I mean, surely not.
And, there is no way that such a dodgy, unverified or misleading post would get stickied, right?
Surely not. I mean, surely not.
How come when I posted this everyone was complaining and I had to take the post down. But when you posted it you got applause and a sticker? lol I don't care.. have fun!
You prolly got hit with a shill wave or something... that's happened to me a few times. You drop something legit and get downvoted and commented against like crazy. Got to be a shill tactic...
OR, if you posted duplicate content.
I've seen both. Similar end result.
Maybe.. They claimed Hillary has had that banner forever and Q just happened to screenshot it.. either way, I'm glad someone else posted it. All eyes on Haiti and Hillary now... Maybe Comey's daughter (gatekeeper of pedoville) is working for her and her boss and her boss's boss. All eyes on them. March 2 - 6 year delta..
Of course I'd really hope that white hats got control of Hillary's X account and she's sitting in a cell somewhere.
At this point, Hillary’s corpse has long since decomposed.
Verified by Nehemiah, who went to the grave, and also checked the legal documents regarding the time of death, etc.
Brilliant. I don't know why we even need to apply critical thinking now. We know everything!
"How come when I posted this everyone was complaining and I had to take the post down. But when you posted it you got applause and a sticker? lol I don't care.. have fun!"
...carry on...
I forgive you cos dog looks cute :P
...I was wagging my tail in concurrence with your observation...
...carry on...
I don't own a dog, but if I do.. it'd be .. wait what's your breed of dog? Shiba? I'm clueless lol
"wait what's your breed of dog? Shiba?"
Shiba Inu
Shiba Inu are really fast. Try and chase one to catch it… impossible lol
"Shiba Inu are really fast. Try and chase one to catch it… impossiblel."
...calling is fruitless also...
...when that happens here, I just lie down on the ground and Emiko will stop what she is doing and run over to see what is up with Pop... every time...
...doggy winks...
Doge pees on shoe.
Still cute. Awoooo!
When did you post this? What was the content?
because this specific post is completely false. Internet archive shows that the banner had been in place for a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooog time. I randomly checked 2019, and that's in fact 5 years ago.
The fact that this post is stickied is terrible. It's wrong, and false, and even a 6-month newbie anon would be able to check that in 5 minutes.
When you truly stop caring about likes and stickies and online media popularity contests, you will be free from the burden of caring about being harassed (by certain members and mods), attacked by “post duplicating”/downvoting, etc.
I'm fairly certain this has been her banner for a long time. Could we post her former banner from before today if we really believe it's changed?
People are saying that's been up for awhile.
I saw it before the election. But hey, let people get their clicks I guess
Hasn't that been her picture forever now?
This. How do we know it changed?
we know that it DIDN'T change using web archives. The ones Q instructed us to utilize.
Glad someone archived her twatter. I been archiving other stuff.
Crazy, right!!?
And the Vatican posted an article today how Haitian Chikdren are suffering from lake of schools....
Ignore the doomer shills, fren. Nice find.
And Trump's tweet embedded in Q2915 is a delta today for the t-banner change.
Apparently, according to archives, not true. She's been using that banner since 2018.
Fake news clickbait. Please use discernment when posting. Mods will be issuing bans for this going forward.
So sorry. I was very busy and didn't give it the time it deserved when I posted this. I should have waited until I had time to look into it. I had never seen this banner before or heard of it. It was new to me. My bad. I had good intentions.
All good fren, we just need to be vigilant
I think the relevance is the date because i never saw her take this off her profile since back then.
Same banner for at least 6 years, but the actual profile pic itself has changed numerous times.
She did this before too, it's driving me crazy. She tweeted two words and the time stamp linked to a q post that was only the same two words, and I can't for the life of me remember what it was.
Your biting sarcasm has been duly noted.
Carry on.
I was actually being serious. Now its bugging me more because you think I'm messing with people. I think it was "Keep Fighting" but I'm probably wrong and I burned out my X post views looking for it.
Sorry to hear you are bugged. I thought you were joking (but no, not messing with people).
Because the original story / premise is clearly wrong. Taking one specific thing and blowing that up into proof or even evidence of a hypothesis is a risky business.
That's why Q emphasized mathematical certainty, by highlighting instance after instance after instance after instance of Q 'proofs' etc. Not one or two.
Great Delta for sure.
Go to @hillaryclinton Right click over the banner Filename: 1500x500.jpg
Except its not...its named 1080x369. Just verified myself.
What does that mean?
1500x1500 pixels
It means she used an image file name for her banner that is the same as the image file name from the Q drop, directly connecting them