100% agree with this guy's sentiments.
The public needs to increasingly demand it.
For Anons however... I've been saying for almost a year now that a lot of these deep state mvp's... have already met their end by way of a short drop with a sudden stop at Guantánamo Bay on the gallows.
You don't need a crystal ball to know this. You just have to know the proper places to get your information… Places that Q explicitly, clearly pointed out to the keen observer.
LIGHT DRIVES OUT DARKNESS! "executions have taken place at Guantanamo" (you say) maybe, but even if true, it has been done (for all intensive purposes) in the dark. The corruption and the extent of it has not been fully exposed to the light ( publicly) (fully transparent) (for all to witness) when it is done this way, (secretly) something is still wrong. "A LITTLE LEAVEN LEAVENS THE WHOLE LOAF" "LET YOUR YES BE YES, AND YOUR NO NO, ANYTHING MORE THAN THAT SHOWS SOMETHING IS WRONG." Root and all must be dealt with, and it must be done in the light (or at the very least eventually brought fully to the light, nothing left out) (for all to see) as a warning, or in 8 years or so, you'll be right back to where you started, under a new administration.
And it WILL come to light... in the form of 'a movie.'
This movie (based on what has already happened) will play out in front of all of us for everyone to see. An Awakening.
As for real life, justice for many many deep staters has already been carried out.
Finally, someone who understands how the movie plays out! Win the war upfront! All wars are won before they are started! Play out the movie later to wake up the normies! Satanic pedophiles could in no way be left to live normal lives if the White Hats knew their crimes!
They sent Bannon to prison. They sent Navarro to prison. They tried to bankrupt Lindell. They wiped out Rudy financially. They arrested Trump multiple times. Tried to ruin his business. Sniffed his wife’s panty drawer. There is nothing the satanic will not do. Like the OP says playing civil, no arrests, early retirement for treasonous traitors is not enough and if we go this direction the country is done. Period. They need to savagely attack the monsters.
Why isn’t President Trump charging these people? I don’t know but in spite of Q and all, I see all the time a lot of corruption and no justice or doing the tribunals.
I believe he’s getting these “judges” to show their true colours first, to remove them with public support then strike.
It’s pointless bringing ANY of these treasonous civil servants to court until the courts are clean. The Jan6 trials revealed the level of biased pro civil service political corruption in the courts at present.
If I had to choose, and I don’t want to, I would choose deep structural changes that will be practically impossible to reverse.
Sending government gangsters to prison should happen, but without deep structural changes to government, it will be a fleeting victory. A Dem President can easily pardon and reinstall these people if the corrupt institutions aren’t properly dismantled.
I think I’ll continue to trust the guy who has gotten us closer than any of us could have imagined eight years ago. If he can’t get it done, I don’t think the guy in this video will get it done.
Forfeiture of ALL assets, then hung till death or firing squad. it's the only way.
i think military tribunals work faster than our stupid justice system, so hopefully we will only have to pay for a months worth of food for them. Treason = military tribunals.
They do not deserve the American taxpayers paying for them being sent to prison. Most of them betrayed our country and that is treason. Short rope and long drop is the only justice they deserve!
IMO This is the make or break moment in history. They have 4 years to start putting a WHOLE bunch of bad characters in jail or worse (Think Treason!). I am a hard core firm supporter and have always been. But if they dont lock them up IMO its over. There has to be an example set so severe it wont be attempted for decades to come. I believe were on this path. I am being as patient as I can be. But I am soooooooooooo ready!
Aaaaand contrary to that Zionist Christian Bongino...If we don't stop putting Zionist Israel at the forefront of our national "concern" we are not going to save the United States as well. I feel like our government is more Zionist now than ever before!
There are a spectrum of crimes along a scale of severity. So also, there should be a spectrum of CONDIGN punishments. (The word means "truly appropriate.") But not everything can be "treason" and "death." Or nothing will be treason and death. Indiscriminate death sentences will revulse the public, who will rightly see it as another Jacobin Committee of Public Safety---which would thereby delegitimize the whole MAGA movement.
Don't sneer at what a sentence of imprisonment can mean for someone in the latter half of their life. Unless you've done it and can tell the tale. Solitary confinement can be hell. Release into a federal reservation in the hinterlands of Alaska could be a challenge. Or extradition to a foreign prison system (such as Zambia's), where the conditions are "not nice," nor are the guards. Fees for damages can be imposed that will pauperize the convict, or put them into lifelong debt. Is that fun to live with?
I don't know how we can expectantly chortle over "Suicide Weekend" following the guilty's mere exposure, and then think that prison will have no terrors for them. All punishment is punishment of a person's humanity, so if we do not keep in mind they are still human beings, no punishment will seem to be enough, and we go overboard into a madness of torture and immolation.
I agree with your sentiment, but our humanism, morals and Christian charity has been weaponised against us. This is why the White Christian Western Civilisation is in the state it is in.
We are giving “human rights” to people that would murder us in a heartbeat. We are enabling a fifth column of Marxist infiltrate every institution and rot it from within.
Though I agree where we are, I think of it differently. To say that our humanism, morals and Christian charity have "been weaponized against us," is to suggest someone has taken what is ours and done something to it. But as it always has been ours, the real problem is that we have become faithless in the name of a false virtue. Jordan Peterson makes a very good point in his discussion of the "meek inheriting the Earth." He points out that "meek" does not mean "weak." It means a man of deadly strength who chooses to live in peace. Frankly, our clergy have surrendered us to the non-Christian notion that we should all be weak and powerless. This is not the injunction. I believe it was when Christ had his final words with his apostles that he advised them to sell their cloaks and buy swords. You don't buy a sword at the command of Christ unless you will have a righteous reason to use it. When I attend church, there is commonly reference to the "Church Militant," struggling against death and the Devil. My criticism is that there is no "Church Militant"---only a "Church Complacent" that does not wish to challenge the secular atheist and pagan culture to its face. We all huddle complacently inside our churches, as though God is to be found only there---when God is at our elbow ever second of our existence outside the doors of the church.
So, nothing has been weaponized against us. Our churches have preached weakness and abnegation in place of courage and outspokenness. We have willingly thrown our own weapons away.
Another lesson is found in the account of the last days of King David, when he summoned his son, Solomon, to his deathbed and enjoined him to perform final justice on his enemies from the civil war with King Saul. There were those enemies he suffered to live...so long as he lived. The time was up, and King David named the names of those whom he enjoined Solomon to "fall upon." It was a meaningful passage to me for reasons of circumstance, but it had an eerie resonance to a scene that might have been from "The Godfather." And that's what Solomon did: carry out final justice on his father's mortal enemies, who could not be allowed freedom in life now that King David was no longer there to restrain them. So, while we should strive only to apply condign punishments, sometimes those include a sentence of death. But not as a blanket rule. And not as something we eagerly lust to perform. We are not to abandon our own humanity, for it is a rejection of God should we do so. Obedience to God far outweighs our lust.
Paper ballots and same day voting will go far in unelecting a**holes. Campaign financing by lobbyists needs to go too!
I know I was of the mind in the past where I thought my state gained more by having the same people reelected. NOT TRUE - they were all about gaining money and power for themselves - not us. The depth of corruption of unelected officials is obvious as well. Clear the decks and start over - we have 4 years for sure hopefully 8 after that to make up for the Obama/Biden farce.
Those who protect the guilty are the biggest pieces of shit. I don’t care what side of the isle, religion, or power. I’m almost to the breaking point and hope to God we are not being taken for a ride.
they need the death penalty for both. election fraud has almost turned the USA into a communist third world hell hole. Hurting children is a no brainer. we have got to rid the earth of satanists once and for all.
Yep in federal prison you'll learn a lot. Like how to arrange your shoes on the floor, tuck your shirt in Monday through Friday 6am to I think 4pm, where you can sit at lunch/dinner time, who all the shot callers are for every possible race and a few you never thought of, the true meaning of being alone, having to fight over the most meaningless thing( and then have in go through a gangs arbitration), you'll learn that you are a "thing", not a person, you'll learn that you really only have 2-3 real friends in the world, you'll stand up and be counted 3 times a day and 2 other times while you "sleep" (you never really do) and on Xmas and thanksgiving you will get a rotten turkey leg. On Halloween, you'll get a bag of candy. You will pay $1.00 for something in the real world that costs $.20. at the same time you will be required to work a job that pays about $0.16 an hour. If you're lucky, your girlfriend will visit you 2-3 times a year. In the summer, you sweat your balls off. In the winter, they freeze off. After a few years of that, you will have been reformed. You will also be a racist if you weren't one before. Then there's the halfway house. They take 1/3 of your pay before taxes so you can live in what is essentially a new lower level prison. Me? I was innocent.... The FEDS suck. FTFG
YES give that man a CIGAR
Fuck prison , they need a bullet, only way to fix the problem permanently
They can do their mafia criminality while they are in prison so they need to be eliminated
I got band or greatawaking jail ( 3 days) for saying over and over No One Goes To Jail!
Banned? Only for that?
TBF they do have to spend some time in prison awaiting execution :)
Did someone say cigar? I do enjoy a nice cigar...
100% agree with this guy's sentiments.
The public needs to increasingly demand it.
For Anons however... I've been saying for almost a year now that a lot of these deep state mvp's... have already met their end by way of a short drop with a sudden stop at Guantánamo Bay on the gallows.
You don't need a crystal ball to know this. You just have to know the proper places to get your information… Places that Q explicitly, clearly pointed out to the keen observer.
WWG1WGA Frens!
LIGHT DRIVES OUT DARKNESS! "executions have taken place at Guantanamo" (you say) maybe, but even if true, it has been done (for all intensive purposes) in the dark. The corruption and the extent of it has not been fully exposed to the light ( publicly) (fully transparent) (for all to witness) when it is done this way, (secretly) something is still wrong. "A LITTLE LEAVEN LEAVENS THE WHOLE LOAF" "LET YOUR YES BE YES, AND YOUR NO NO, ANYTHING MORE THAN THAT SHOWS SOMETHING IS WRONG." Root and all must be dealt with, and it must be done in the light (or at the very least eventually brought fully to the light, nothing left out) (for all to see) as a warning, or in 8 years or so, you'll be right back to where you started, under a new administration.
💯 u/2B23
And it WILL come to light... in the form of 'a movie.'
This movie (based on what has already happened) will play out in front of all of us for everyone to see. An Awakening.
As for real life, justice for many many deep staters has already been carried out.
Finally, someone who understands how the movie plays out! Win the war upfront! All wars are won before they are started! Play out the movie later to wake up the normies! Satanic pedophiles could in no way be left to live normal lives if the White Hats knew their crimes!
John i have been of that same opinion.
They sent Bannon to prison. They sent Navarro to prison. They tried to bankrupt Lindell. They wiped out Rudy financially. They arrested Trump multiple times. Tried to ruin his business. Sniffed his wife’s panty drawer. There is nothing the satanic will not do. Like the OP says playing civil, no arrests, early retirement for treasonous traitors is not enough and if we go this direction the country is done. Period. They need to savagely attack the monsters.
Why isn’t President Trump charging these people? I don’t know but in spite of Q and all, I see all the time a lot of corruption and no justice or doing the tribunals.
I believe he’s getting these “judges” to show their true colours first, to remove them with public support then strike.
It’s pointless bringing ANY of these treasonous civil servants to court until the courts are clean. The Jan6 trials revealed the level of biased pro civil service political corruption in the courts at present.
They can only be tried ONCE, it needs to count.
That’s the way President Trump is. First exposure, then get fired and go to jail nonstop
There needs to be a bulletproof process due to the corruption in the courts.
If I had to choose, and I don’t want to, I would choose deep structural changes that will be practically impossible to reverse.
Sending government gangsters to prison should happen, but without deep structural changes to government, it will be a fleeting victory. A Dem President can easily pardon and reinstall these people if the corrupt institutions aren’t properly dismantled.
I think I’ll continue to trust the guy who has gotten us closer than any of us could have imagined eight years ago. If he can’t get it done, I don’t think the guy in this video will get it done.
They cant reinstall them if they are all executed for treason.
That will cause deep structural changes for 200 years
Disagree strongly.
We had a great system.
It still got fuked up.
True, so long ago I wasn’t alive when it was great.
My real complaint is these so-called “influencers” who couldn’t accomplish 10% of what POTUS and the Q team have.
Many of them just shitalk for more money,they get payed from X for their views.
They just feed into popular sentiment. The real ones steer opinion towards the things in the plan or that are good for America.
It's easy to tell the difference if you have a smidgen of God given discernment and wisdom....l
We had a great system for a "moral and just" people.
Then, the immoral and unjust usurped it.
That system was based on moral Christian values and beliefs. We are dealing with satanic degenerates in every level of government now.
Very true,and that news as to come out to save and rebuild our republic.
Instead of prison & the cost of meals, medical & sex change operations. (😵💫🤣)
Forfeiture of ALL assets, then hung till death or firing squad. it's the only way.
i think military tribunals work faster than our stupid justice system, so hopefully we will only have to pay for a months worth of food for them. Treason = military tribunals.
They do & will.
...All your bass(base's) are belonging to us...
Blast from the past.
I disagree. Gimme public executions.
Watching those who deserve it hang would be in order
They do not deserve the American taxpayers paying for them being sent to prison. Most of them betrayed our country and that is treason. Short rope and long drop is the only justice they deserve!
Been saying this for years.
IMO This is the make or break moment in history. They have 4 years to start putting a WHOLE bunch of bad characters in jail or worse (Think Treason!). I am a hard core firm supporter and have always been. But if they dont lock them up IMO its over. There has to be an example set so severe it wont be attempted for decades to come. I believe were on this path. I am being as patient as I can be. But I am soooooooooooo ready!
I agree. There must be Justice.
Aaaaand contrary to that Zionist Christian Bongino...If we don't stop putting Zionist Israel at the forefront of our national "concern" we are not going to save the United States as well. I feel like our government is more Zionist now than ever before!
Edit: wrong clip, sorry, deleting comment
They're not gov people. They are simply citizen crooks.
A lot of them are dual citizens who despise America.
Ya gotta prosecute the corporations and countries they work for - while drawing a federal paycheck
There are a spectrum of crimes along a scale of severity. So also, there should be a spectrum of CONDIGN punishments. (The word means "truly appropriate.") But not everything can be "treason" and "death." Or nothing will be treason and death. Indiscriminate death sentences will revulse the public, who will rightly see it as another Jacobin Committee of Public Safety---which would thereby delegitimize the whole MAGA movement.
Don't sneer at what a sentence of imprisonment can mean for someone in the latter half of their life. Unless you've done it and can tell the tale. Solitary confinement can be hell. Release into a federal reservation in the hinterlands of Alaska could be a challenge. Or extradition to a foreign prison system (such as Zambia's), where the conditions are "not nice," nor are the guards. Fees for damages can be imposed that will pauperize the convict, or put them into lifelong debt. Is that fun to live with?
I don't know how we can expectantly chortle over "Suicide Weekend" following the guilty's mere exposure, and then think that prison will have no terrors for them. All punishment is punishment of a person's humanity, so if we do not keep in mind they are still human beings, no punishment will seem to be enough, and we go overboard into a madness of torture and immolation.
I agree with your sentiment, but our humanism, morals and Christian charity has been weaponised against us. This is why the White Christian Western Civilisation is in the state it is in.
We are giving “human rights” to people that would murder us in a heartbeat. We are enabling a fifth column of Marxist infiltrate every institution and rot it from within.
We need a complete purge at every level.
Though I agree where we are, I think of it differently. To say that our humanism, morals and Christian charity have "been weaponized against us," is to suggest someone has taken what is ours and done something to it. But as it always has been ours, the real problem is that we have become faithless in the name of a false virtue. Jordan Peterson makes a very good point in his discussion of the "meek inheriting the Earth." He points out that "meek" does not mean "weak." It means a man of deadly strength who chooses to live in peace. Frankly, our clergy have surrendered us to the non-Christian notion that we should all be weak and powerless. This is not the injunction. I believe it was when Christ had his final words with his apostles that he advised them to sell their cloaks and buy swords. You don't buy a sword at the command of Christ unless you will have a righteous reason to use it. When I attend church, there is commonly reference to the "Church Militant," struggling against death and the Devil. My criticism is that there is no "Church Militant"---only a "Church Complacent" that does not wish to challenge the secular atheist and pagan culture to its face. We all huddle complacently inside our churches, as though God is to be found only there---when God is at our elbow ever second of our existence outside the doors of the church.
So, nothing has been weaponized against us. Our churches have preached weakness and abnegation in place of courage and outspokenness. We have willingly thrown our own weapons away.
Another lesson is found in the account of the last days of King David, when he summoned his son, Solomon, to his deathbed and enjoined him to perform final justice on his enemies from the civil war with King Saul. There were those enemies he suffered to live...so long as he lived. The time was up, and King David named the names of those whom he enjoined Solomon to "fall upon." It was a meaningful passage to me for reasons of circumstance, but it had an eerie resonance to a scene that might have been from "The Godfather." And that's what Solomon did: carry out final justice on his father's mortal enemies, who could not be allowed freedom in life now that King David was no longer there to restrain them. So, while we should strive only to apply condign punishments, sometimes those include a sentence of death. But not as a blanket rule. And not as something we eagerly lust to perform. We are not to abandon our own humanity, for it is a rejection of God should we do so. Obedience to God far outweighs our lust.
I agree 100% with this speaker. They need to suffer consequences for their criminal actions!
I disagree. You can hang someone without sending them to prison
Thus my post about MAGA over on X having issues. Of course I get castigated and called all sorts of things.
I am gonna take it further unless ALL immigration is stopped and the JQ gets answered the West is done.
This- healing cannot begin until justice is served. It needs to be memorable, something that generations will remember and fear.
Paper ballots and same day voting will go far in unelecting a**holes. Campaign financing by lobbyists needs to go too! I know I was of the mind in the past where I thought my state gained more by having the same people reelected. NOT TRUE - they were all about gaining money and power for themselves - not us. The depth of corruption of unelected officials is obvious as well. Clear the decks and start over - we have 4 years for sure hopefully 8 after that to make up for the Obama/Biden farce.
Yes prison for many - but the death penalty were demanded by law!
They are fully capable of being arrested. Anyone who stands between them and their booking cell should be shot and killed on site. ANYONE.
Those who protect the guilty are the biggest pieces of shit. I don’t care what side of the isle, religion, or power. I’m almost to the breaking point and hope to God we are not being taken for a ride.
Yes, and not for election fraud.
For adrenochrome.
they need the death penalty for both. election fraud has almost turned the USA into a communist third world hell hole. Hurting children is a no brainer. we have got to rid the earth of satanists once and for all.
you touch a child, you die.
Yep in federal prison you'll learn a lot. Like how to arrange your shoes on the floor, tuck your shirt in Monday through Friday 6am to I think 4pm, where you can sit at lunch/dinner time, who all the shot callers are for every possible race and a few you never thought of, the true meaning of being alone, having to fight over the most meaningless thing( and then have in go through a gangs arbitration), you'll learn that you are a "thing", not a person, you'll learn that you really only have 2-3 real friends in the world, you'll stand up and be counted 3 times a day and 2 other times while you "sleep" (you never really do) and on Xmas and thanksgiving you will get a rotten turkey leg. On Halloween, you'll get a bag of candy. You will pay $1.00 for something in the real world that costs $.20. at the same time you will be required to work a job that pays about $0.16 an hour. If you're lucky, your girlfriend will visit you 2-3 times a year. In the summer, you sweat your balls off. In the winter, they freeze off. After a few years of that, you will have been reformed. You will also be a racist if you weren't one before. Then there's the halfway house. They take 1/3 of your pay before taxes so you can live in what is essentially a new lower level prison. Me? I was innocent.... The FEDS suck. FTFG