I was thinking, what if they redact the part that obviously implies Israel was connected. That'll make the chaos agents go nuts. Controversy breeds conversation.
80,000 pages, we're gonna be busy for a while with that lot!
Yep, and therefore a distraction is certainly incoming.
I guarantee you the Mid East cease fire is going to fail, thanks in no small part to the fact that Trump is releasing the JFK files tomorrow.
Soon, an attack on the Dome of the Rock mosque is going to set the Middle East on fire.
👆🏽 That Frens, will be the opening bell.
👆🏽 That will be the signifier that all the chaos that we've been expecting for so long has indeed arrived.
Didn’t watch the video (can’t right now)… but 80,000 pages? Was that specific number mentioned? Kash said he was ALL the JFK files. It doesn’t seem feasible….
That number was mentioned, along with him saying he didn't want any redactions - whether that is the case has yet to be seen, I'd be surprised if there weren't any at all.
yeah, he says he won't redact anything. Wow. Tomorrow afternoon it's supposed to be released. He says it's supposed to be "very interesting." 80,000 pages
It just occurred to me. Having this announced today makes perfect sense. This is St. Patrick's Day and the Kennedys are Irish.
"The Kennedy family is of Irish descent. They immigrated to the United States from County Wexford, Ireland, 35 years before Patrick Joseph "P. J." Kennedy, the patriarch of the family, became the first Kennedy elected to public office in 1884."
Read further down, middle of the paper. There is a reason this is "not certified" and is crazy to see the Truth hidden in literal plain sight.
Edit: I made a post covering it, and it looks like I'm too low in updoots still. I will reach out to the mods and see if they deem worthy for approval.
No matter what is in those papers, it won't be enough for some. They'll bitch just to be bitching. Sick of the negativity that comes from certain people.
They are not bitching Angel. They just know those files have been in the hands of criminals for y ears and years and believe they likely removed anything important. I hope they are wrong but I am suspecting they are not.
The 1:18 mark of this video posted by POTUS. It intentionally zooms in on Ford and Bush just after showing the reporter hanging his head in anguish over the JFK assassination. If that is clearly and unequivocally included in the release, then hang on because it's go time!
Just be braced for disappointment. The Epstein documents were a big nothing, followed by more big talk about more documents totally coming soon. Like three Arizona Audit, believe it when you see it and not a moment sooner.
Don't forget Gerald Ford ... He was on the Warren Commission ... I think Alan Dulles was on the commission too. This means that Dulles International should be renamed to Trump International when this is over.
I had forgotten about Dulles. Heard he was crooked but can't remember the details. Had no idea about Ford. Yeah, I can't see them having this stuff written down.
Latter, when the Church committee rose up as a threat to the CIA, Ford appointed G. Bush Sr. as CIA director and exploited the murder of Richard Welch, the CIA station chief in Greece to get Bush through his confirmation and also to discredit the Church committee: https://archive.ph/vnpUV
80,000 pages, we're gonna be busy for a while with that lot!
I'm sure the autists on the chans will use AI to get the juicy details
This for sure.
I was thinking, what if they redact the part that obviously implies Israel was connected. That'll make the chaos agents go nuts. Controversy breeds conversation.
Yep, and therefore a distraction is certainly incoming.
I guarantee you the Mid East cease fire is going to fail, thanks in no small part to the fact that Trump is releasing the JFK files tomorrow.
Soon, an attack on the Dome of the Rock mosque is going to set the Middle East on fire.
👆🏽 That Frens, will be the opening bell.
👆🏽 That will be the signifier that all the chaos that we've been expecting for so long has indeed arrived.
Busy enough to stop asking about the Epstein files. We all know the JFK and Epstein files have jews at the nub of the corruption.
Didn’t watch the video (can’t right now)… but 80,000 pages? Was that specific number mentioned? Kash said he was ALL the JFK files. It doesn’t seem feasible….
That number was mentioned, along with him saying he didn't want any redactions - whether that is the case has yet to be seen, I'd be surprised if there weren't any at all.
He just said he told them he did NOT want it redacted. Do ya'll listen to what he says?
yeah, he says he won't redact anything. Wow. Tomorrow afternoon it's supposed to be released. He says it's supposed to be "very interesting." 80,000 pages
I'll be looking too
He did say that, doesn't mean there won't be any at all though as it's not him personally releasing the documents.
did you even watch the video? Trump said he told them no redactions
It just occurred to me. Having this announced today makes perfect sense. This is St. Patrick's Day and the Kennedys are Irish.
"The Kennedy family is of Irish descent. They immigrated to the United States from County Wexford, Ireland, 35 years before Patrick Joseph "P. J." Kennedy, the patriarch of the family, became the first Kennedy elected to public office in 1884."
-- Brave AI
Good catch. Also today is the 17th.
And, I believe he is standing inside the Kennedy Center? Correct?
Oooh, I have something fun to show you all about this.
Edit: cleaned up my comment as post was approved
Is it the “Not Certified” at the top that you’re pointing out?
Read further down, middle of the paper. There is a reason this is "not certified" and is crazy to see the Truth hidden in literal plain sight.
Edit: I made a post covering it, and it looks like I'm too low in updoots still. I will reach out to the mods and see if they deem worthy for approval.
Hi fren
I've just seen this comment.
I'll investigate
I’ll go look, thanks fren.
Interesting! “Multiple”
I sneeze popcorn at this point
No matter what is in those papers, it won't be enough for some. They'll bitch just to be bitching. Sick of the negativity that comes from certain people.
They are not bitching Angel. They just know those files have been in the hands of criminals for y ears and years and believe they likely removed anything important. I hope they are wrong but I am suspecting they are not.
Yeah the chaos agents on X are getting annoying. Their goal is to divide Trump supporters and instill FUD.
Hit the deport button.
The driver of the car was one of the shooters.
Not so sure about that. https://rense.com/general86/rebut.htm
I've been back and forth on this one. If we don't know tomorrow, then we don't have it all.
Pretty confident that those is one of those fake conspiracies created by the deep state like the 'there were no planes on 9/11" one.
I'm going to need to buy more popcorn!
The 1:18 mark of this video posted by POTUS. It intentionally zooms in on Ford and Bush just after showing the reporter hanging his head in anguish over the JFK assassination. If that is clearly and unequivocally included in the release, then hang on because it's go time!
Great catch. I should write down things so I can do the 'future proves past' stuff like you just did.
HW Bush is CIA. Ford was on the Warren Commission. Both harmed this nation badly. May they rest in piss.
I'll believe it when I see it.
Just be braced for disappointment. The Epstein documents were a big nothing, followed by more big talk about more documents totally coming soon. Like three Arizona Audit, believe it when you see it and not a moment sooner.
If Trump says it, it holds quite a bit more credence. Still I'll believe it when I see it (unredacted hopefully).
I will take what we can get, unredated please.
We want dated documents /s
Toasting in epic bread
this is good an exciting news. Will it conclusively prove that JFK assassination was an inside job?
LBJ and George Bush Sr. But I can't imagine them stating this
Don't forget Gerald Ford ... He was on the Warren Commission ... I think Alan Dulles was on the commission too. This means that Dulles International should be renamed to Trump International when this is over.
I had forgotten about Dulles. Heard he was crooked but can't remember the details. Had no idea about Ford. Yeah, I can't see them having this stuff written down.
Yeah Dulles heading up the "investigation" just after being fired by JFK as head of the CIA. Nothing suspicious there.
Rename it America International. Make AI great again.
Yeah Dulles controlled the "investigation."
Latter, when the Church committee rose up as a threat to the CIA, Ford appointed G. Bush Sr. as CIA director and exploited the murder of Richard Welch, the CIA station chief in Greece to get Bush through his confirmation and also to discredit the Church committee: https://archive.ph/vnpUV
Wonder if RFK Jr got them today or over the weekend, so he can be prepared for the media bombarding him tomorrow.
I hope it is in PDF format so we can use search words like CIA, FBI, Bush and a few others!
It will all point to George Bush. BOOM!!! The GREAT AWAKENING!!!!
Rothschilds (Crown agents), and the C_A (their Orcs).
Link is 404d.
Welp, I guess tomorrow we'll know if we have it all. LFG
What if ten days of darkness is that each day is a release of important classified documents revealing the dark under belly of the deep state?
How much will be redacted
Briefing with link to declass files, referencing u/GDZeus post
Can't wait to see what's in this nothingburger.
Senator Robert F. Kennedy, and the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr,” Oh and Trump said no redact!
This should mean full exposure of the Bush family (and a few others) comes tomorrow. Jeb will be sad.
It appears there is an X account set up for KFK and it has a gray verification check mark: https://x.com/johnkennedygov?s=21
🍿🍿🍿 Jeb! What comment do you have on your father being revealed as the one who gave the order to shoot? 🍿🍿🍿
The air feels lighter today.. just a great Monday..I wonder why
Let's wait till tomorrow till we get excited. It may very well be bait.
Next up they will release the files on what caused the dinosaurs to become extinct ….call me when the Epstein files are released…