ancientarchitect369 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh absolutely, I actually personally know someone who had trouble. He wasn't "disappeared" per se, but he was locked up for over a month for bs reasons, I suspect it was because of the device he was working on.

If we were to band together and do research, everyone involved would

1: Have to be okay with the risk that comes with it

2: Need to open source 100% of designs

3: Store all data/designs in a secure but distributed system (no google drive, MS Onedrive, cloud providers, etc, all data would have to be present on every user's local workstation, but synced between workstations). Something like IPFS or Bittorrent might be good for this.

This would ensure that if someone were to disappear or otherwise leave the project (forced or otherwise), no data or designs are lost. It would also ensure that whatever results are found go towards benefiting the group rather than the individual. So many times someone creates something, attempts to patent it, and then the invention gets hidden away by the invention secrecy act never to be seen again.

ancientarchitect369 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm no expert and have no "proof", but it could be a form of radiation that isn't detectable with currently known detection methods/isn't a form of publicly known radiation.

We know there's the type of radiation emitted from anything nuclear (particle based radiation), and electromagnetic (EM) radiation. Nikola Tesla and many other people talk about an entire system of physics we aren't privy to that has additional forms of energy transmission including something by many names, "Logitudinal Magnetodielectric" or "Longitudinal Waves", "scalar energy", "cold electricity", etc, for example.

Supposedly travels faster than the speed of light and doesn't lose energy inversely over distance like standard EM waves, yet can be created using sharp high intensity electrical discharges. They say it presents itself in that initial impulse when you take a high energy source such as a large dynamo or capacitor, and connect it to a wire or coil, and is only present for the first fraction of a millisecond before normal current starts flowing.

It seems to have a lot of interesting properties and I suspect (once again I'm not saying know or can prove), but suspect, that it's the type of energy behind all sorts of supposed space age technology including healing/medbeds/UFO tech/faster than light travel/permanent sustainable energy/etc.

I don't know exactly how it works, but see enough evidence that such a thing seems probable/exists. If we could get a bunch of people together maybe we could crack the code and figure out how it all works?

ancientarchitect369 9 points ago +9 / -0

Near Portland and am for trump. I know multiple others who will be voting for him as well. Not gonna lie, I still see mostly blue signs here, but we still exist!

I feel like there's more of us here than you'd think, it's just that the area is so crazy that if you actually put up a sign you're begging to be vandalized/targeted :(

ancientarchitect369 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm not positive but have reason to believe there are also larger cycles. Like over longer periods of time the sun increases and decreases in output on top of these short(er) 11yr cycles. Think 11yrs ago when we were at the previous solar maximum, did we have auroras like this? No.

Carrington event was in the 1800s and that was a huge solar storm, much bigger than we have now. I remember hearing a bit over 14k yrs ago we had an even bigger event that was at least 10x Carrington level.

In some old books about electricity (early 1900s) I read that there were records of solar storms in the middle ages, st elmos fire would be visible on the steeples of churches and even on the end of knights lances.

I don't know the exact patterns, but this 11yr cycle is stronger than last, that one was stronger than the one before, and next will likely be even stronger than this one.

ancientarchitect369 6 points ago +6 / -0

I don't believe that using the correct frequencies could be harmful to good cells, but using improper frequencies probably could be. Also there is the concern that a lot of Rife machines are just basic signal generators and only output one frequency rather than the collection. They're supposed to output a carrier wave with the correct frequency overlayed which creates a multitude of sidebands, and it's the sideband frequencies that kill bad cells.

Another machine to look into is the Lakhovsky MWO (multi-wave oscillator). From my limited understanding it also uses frequencies but instead boosts the good cells rather than destroying the bad.

I'm no expert when it comes to the science behind these machines, but seeing two devices that work similarly but slightly differently made me come up with the following (note I could be wrong): The body resonates at a specific set of (likely multiple) frequencies when it is healthy. When it starts resonating out of that range, it becomes unhealthy and disease can take hold. You can either eliminate disease, or amplify health by adjusting what frequency the body resonates at by applying external electromagnetic fields which can interfere either constructively or destructively based on the current frequency of the body and the frequency of the external field.

You know how if you take a bunch of pendulums linked together at their base and start them going at different times, how they'll eventually want to sync up? This is like that. Place the body in a field that's vibrating at the frequency of good health, and the body will naturally start to sync with it and vibrate at the same frequency. Then disease naturally falls away since it can't survive in that environment.

ancientarchitect369 9 points ago +9 / -0

Read it a while ago but from memory a basic TLDR is:

-Most people have parasites whether they know it or not

-Parasites are likely root cause of majority of illness including MS, Schizophrenia, addiction, and basically everything else. Also weakens immune system and causes inflammation

-Specific protocol to get rid of parasites and stop them from taking hold again (seems to focus on Oregano oil, Black Seed oil, and NAC). Weirdly enough doesn't mention Ivermectin, but I imagine it would work well

-Likely will experience die-off symptoms when trying to get rid of the parasites

-Once getting rid of the parasites one will have less brainfog, be healthier, get sick less, etc

Might've missed a few points here and there, but that's the gist of it.

ancientarchitect369 8 points ago +8 / -0

Or if you're extra tech savvy, Searx. Can host it locally so it doesn't really get your data. It's a metasearch engine and you can configure it to load results from multiple search engines (note that you obviously can still be tracked depending on which search engines you pull from).

ancientarchitect369 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'll have to look into getting a filter. That's one of those things that I've always told myself I'd do at some point, but never really got around to. $80 isn't that bad. When it comes to the cold showers, I definitely know they're way better for you but I've been pretty terrible at actually getting myself to take them. I've just been trying to take warm-ish showers instead of hot, and cutting the time down as much as I can.

Any recommendations when it comes to drinking water? Currently I drink filtered water from a fridge, but I'm betting that while it filters some stuff out, it probably doesn't get much of the fluoride. I've thought about an RO system multiple times but never pulled the trigger.

ancientarchitect369 2 points ago +2 / -0

Semi related, but thought I'd mention since you said shampoo. For quite some time I've been noticing a mild allergic reaction after taking showers, my hands and sometimes feet would be slightly tingly/itchy, and it'd subside after maybe 5-10 minutes or so.

I tried to figure out what it was, thinking maybe it was the conditioner, or the shampoo, or soap, or something, and kept removing this and that to try and catch what it was.

The other day I was in a hot tub for a bit and noticed the same reaction and finally put 2 and 2 together. It was the chlorine! City water so it's chlorinated, and while I haven't got a shower filter yet to remove the chlorine and prove that's what is causing the reaction, I'm pretty certain it's the cause.

ancientarchitect369 8 points ago +8 / -0

Would like to add a link or two, and a few additional pieces of info:



-There are a lot of Rife Machine scams, people selling signal generators that don't do anything. Rife machine outputs a carrier frequency that has another audio level frequency overlayed on top to generate sidebands, and it's the sidebands that are effective, not the bare audio-level frequencies. The circuitry is similar to an FM radio in a way

-Solid State or Tube machines should both work, as long as they output the proper frequencies and sidebands

-From what I've heard, real machines seem to work incredibly well, fake/scam machines that are only a signal generator do nothing

ancientarchitect369 1 point ago +1 / -0

From my understanding Sudafed PE is practically useless and barely better than a placebo if at all. Normal Sudafed is what you're looking for and should still be available behind counter (it's controlled due to it's potential to be turned to Meth).

ancientarchitect369 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'd say wood is probably the best.

I keep hearing how microplastics are in everything, I don't know how much would come from something as simple as using a plastic spoon, but it probably adds up over time.

ancientarchitect369 8 points ago +8 / -0

I wouldn't compare the addictive-ness of weed and sugar. Sugar is INSANELY addictive. Weed is mildly addictive if anything. May be different for different people, but I'd personally argue Sugar is more addictive/harder to quit than hard stimulants like Meth.

ancientarchitect369 2 points ago +2 / -0

Part of the issue is government changing rules/regulations around solar in some states. California for example. It used to be that if your panels generated way power power than you used, that extra power would be sold back to the power company for credits, then when winter comes and your panels don't produce as much you use those credits for power and it evens out. I've heard that now when they buy back the power it's way below market rate, and when you want to use your credits in winter you're still hit with certain non-bypassable fees per kw/h.

In other words, prior if your panels covered 100% of your power usage, your bill was practically nothing (a smaller service charge). Now even if your panels cover all of your use, you still pay the power company like 5c/kwh or something.

It's no surprise that people don't want to buy panels when you still have to pay the power company. Anymore panels are really only useful if you're 100% off grid and combine them with batteries.

ancientarchitect369 3 points ago +3 / -0

I was there when I was young, maybe 10 or so. It felt super weird and off and I couldn't quite put my finger on what/why. It just wasn't happy, and I felt like I myself was super weird since after all it's supposed to be the "happiest place on earth" and a place that every kid wants to go.

Now over a decade later I'm starting to learn why I felt that way.

ancientarchitect369 4 points ago +4 / -0

I have a younger sister who just graduated high school recently and can promise that she wouldn't know any of these. This might be a bit of an "outlier" case as she's learning challenged and isn't the average student, but it's still crazy and a bit scary how school doesn't teach much anymore.

I also find that there is a complete lack of teaching of practical skills in high school. Of course parents should be teaching some of these things, but not all parents are great at that. I feel like we should put together a list of common things that everyone should know. Things like...

-How to change a tire

-Basics of managing personal finances

-Standard home maintenance, not even complex stuff but like how to change a furnace filter, if a door squeaks add oil

-Basic electrical, if power is out in a certain room check the breaker panel and see if one tripped

-How to measure something before you move it so you know it fits (blew my mind that she didn't think to do this)

-how to unplug a toilet, and how to shut off water to one if it starts to flood

-basic computer stuff like if one isn't turning on, perhaps check if it's plugged in? I get this one at work a lot, fully grown adults reach out to IT because their computer came unplugged, or the network cable got disconnected, or because their mouse ran out of batteries. COME ON PEOPLE!!!

-Check your car's oil. People have blown engines and are hit with expensive repairs since they either don't know how to open their hood, locate the dipstick, and literally look at it (or are too lazy, so they should also learn the importance of it)

Like basic life skills that everyone should know! Stuff that should be common knowledge, but apparently isn't.

ancientarchitect369 12 points ago +12 / -0

The other day I was at my parents (they watch all the non-fox mainstream news, cnn/etc) and I overheard the station running a story about a vax injury that happened in the clinical trials. Parents were paying close attention and listening carefully.

Keep in mind they ignored everything I had said and even went as far as banning me from their house for a year when I refused to get the shot.

So things are slowly changing for the better I think.

ancientarchitect369 5 points ago +5 / -0

Hope your daughter recovers well.

I just want to add that my grandma is currently in the hospital and when my mom took her into the ER it was completely packed. They said that all the emergency rooms/hospitals are full/overloaded and one of the nearby hospitals was set to divert their incoming patients to this hospital. according to them, 90% of everyone who was sick either had Covid, the Flu, or RSV.

Take that as you will, but this is what I'm told.

ancientarchitect369 3 points ago +3 / -0

Okay you are awesome! I came here to say exactly this after reading the post, but didn't have to because you already said it!

Been using Brave for several years now and it's easily my favorite browser of all time. And this is coming from someone who works in IT, is on the computer practically all day ever day, and has used like a dozen different browsers.

ancientarchitect369 3 points ago +3 / -0

Sort of. From my understanding nobody has a working model of his technology (or similar technologies), but we do understand at least the basics of how they work. Some names to start your research are Eric Dollard, John Keely, Dewey Larson, John Bedini, Walter Russell, Tom Bearden, Ken Wheeler, and there's more, that's off the top of my head.

Each of them have slightly different theories as to how the universe works, but there's great similarities between how all of them think. The core principles seem to be...

-The Universe seems to be an interplay of two opposing forces, Gravitation and Radiation (One inward/concentrative force and another outward/expanding force)

-Aether Theory > Atomic Theory (All space is filled with an Aether, and matter is just the motion or "flow" of that Aether. Take empty space which is the base state of the Aether and induce motion in the form of a toroidal vortex waveform and concentrate it, and you get matter. Light, Sound, gravitational waves, etc are just certain motions/flow states or "waves" in the Aether)

-Electricity is 4-dimensional rather than 2-dimensional (Flows through space and counter-space, also involves dielectricity and magnetism. Modern electrical theory doesn't recognize all of the dimensions, only some of them. Using all of the dimensions of electricity should allow for all this "space age technology" we hear about, faster than light travel, electricity transmission over distance instantly without losses, zero point energy, etc)

-Figuring out how Electricity works would also allow for healing technology, and other "dangerous" technologies. As matter is simply a "flow structure" of the Aether, and electricity is also a movement or waveform of the Aether, applying Electricity in the proper way should be able to form, change, or dissolve matter at will. Could be used for the good, or for evil. This may be part of why this technology was hidden in the first place. That kind of power in the wrong hands could be planet/civilization destroying, and would make nukes look like firecrackers

-Resonance/Harmonics plays a big part into it I think. Think of how pushing a kid on a swing requires a very small amount of energy to cause a lot of movement if you push the kid at exactly the right time, in comparison to random pushes with random amounts of force. Applying power in a specific resonant way could allow the extraction of energy that's hundreds (thousands) of times the amount of energy that's put in. Tesla mentions 3s, 6s, and 9s to be extra important for some reason. Maybe experiment with feeding a coil the 3rd, 6th, and 9th harmonic of the calculated resonant frequency of the coil? Tesla did a lot of work with impulses, so make sure these are impulses being fed in?

Idk, being completely honest I don't really know entirely what I'm talking about, I've just tried reading as much as I possibly can from Tesla, and anyone who's trying to do anything remotely related to what he was doing. I feel like if we crowdsourced research and had a whole bunch of people a lot smarter than me work together, we might get somewhere on this. Maybe we should create an "electricity.win" or something, and have as many people as possible start reading these papers and books, start bouncing ideas off of each other. I bet within a year we could crack the secret. Plus doing this sort of research takes a lot of equipment. Some of us know a lot of the theory of tesla tech but don't have equipment to test it, others have rooms full of equipment but have no idea where to begin.

This got kinda long and messy, but anyone with me? I'm being serious here that I think this can be done.

ancientarchitect369 9 points ago +9 / -0

Nobody has died close to me in any way that could be attributed to the vax. However, one person was in the hospital for blood clots in the lungs, and another had their period for months straight and had to take at least 2-3 pharmaceuticals and an iron supplement for over a month to resolve the situation.

Other than that, nothing serious. However people are very noticeably getting sick more. Between friends and family it seems like there's always someone sick. Right now 3x close family members are sick, and one of my friends was sick in the last week or so.

I'm the only person out of my family and close friends that didn't take the vax, and I'm the only one who hasn't had a single health problem. I've gotten sick once in the past 3yrs, had a fever, and was mostly better same day. Had a cough that somewhat stuck around for a week or so though.

The silver lining is they finally stopped bugging me about getting the vax, although they still get them.

There is one last thing I remember, at work we did have one person "die suddenly". She was apparently fine one day, the next day out sick, and the day after that dead. I work in IT so had to disable her account and that's how I found out about it. I work at a large MSP and we manage hundreds of clients though, so I can't really say "oh I know someone that happened to!" With a large enough sample size it's bound to happen.

ancientarchitect369 13 points ago +13 / -0

I've been there once, but was really young at the time (maybe 9-13 or something, can't remember). It's really interesting to me because I very specifically remember the whole place feeling "off", like there was something wrong but I couldn't quite point my finger at what. I didn't really enjoy it that much but felt bad because my parents had planned this whole big trip and everything.

Back then I knew none of the stuff that I do from hanging around here, and my entire family was as far as you can get from the type that would talk about this stuff so the worst I probably heard about the place was "there's long lines". Sometimes you just know I guess.

ancientarchitect369 3 points ago +3 / -0

The browser "Brave" works for me. It has built in ad-blocking and I don't get the popup and have played plenty of videos without ads without it it stopping me. Plus it's based on Chrome so you still get to use standard extensions.

ancientarchitect369 1 point ago +1 / -0

As of an hour ago I've seen several mainstream articles saying the debate got 12.8M views. 12.8M vs 230M+

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