One thing that puts me off Q stuff is how Q knows ahead of time this level of detail. I know there's been rumor of looking glass, is that really a thing?
Can this be explained without using a quantum sooth-sayer or a time machine or other fantastical solution?
Because predicting 4 carrier groups on the west coast while this character resumes tweeting after years in the same ballpark is pretty mindblowing.
I don't think the Q drops are prophecy: they're a playbook. Each drop is a page out of the playbook... some of the plays you'll run several times, some you might not run, and some are nonsense/red herrings/misdirects. You can let people know what's going on by referencing the plays, it's tough to reverse engineer the entire gameplan by just looking at the drops, and you can change things up as events arise and things go wrong.
So, assuming that Huma's twitter account was compromised/confiscated by white hats, one could easily just say "Follow Huma" at that time and keep the account tucked away for future use if needed.
Yes, that’s what I believe. People keep saying “your watching a movie”. I wasn’t getting what they were saying. I kept believing they were saying it in some matrix sort of way and I disregarded them. After the inauguration, i started to see what they meant. There are so many things that have to happen for us to stay safe, remove bad players and achieve the wanted outcome. The whole moves and countermoves. It’s brilliant really. We are unknowingly actors in this show. This isn’t about convincing us that Biden’s in power. Like you said, there is a playbook, but there’s flexibility, depending on the countermoves. Just my 2 cents.
Thanks, this is a very rational and well reasoned explanation of these coincidences without requiring me to believe in time machines or some kind of quantum future-telling device. Not saying that either of these can't happen, it just makes the leap of faith that much more significant.
For career intelligence operators, I can suspect t hat this kind of thing wouldn't be that difficult to set up as a kind of wake-up operation, given enough time.
It does beg the question and the validity of the statement "nothing can stop this", but it's been an interesting ride and the leftys are clearly obsessed with stopping it so that does give it credibility, although they may not realize they're drawing people towards it. (perhaps they are)
Definitely interested in where this movie ends, but I'm not going to go combing through clues anytime soon, so back to lurking I go.
I've thought about this a little bit, and it begs the question on where the computer pulls the information and knows how to present it as actual events. One thought was that it could be pulling updates off a twitter feed or some other internet service that remains up, with a future-agent feeding the past information via that feed, or just looking at news twitter feeds or something and pulling them back into the present. (or, then, the past)
Another is a probability type computer, but I don't believe we have enough information to actually write the correct equation in order to give reliable information on future events.
AI could be involved somewhere, but then again what process would it do? Pull data from where?
Curious if anyone has any solid insight on other options.
When you trace an IP route from one IP to another, you get directed like traffic through various other IP addresses or "hops" in order to reach the communication destination.
You can try it yourself by opening command prompt in Windows, then typing "tracert" or whatever other site you want, and press Enter. You will see the route map out and each "hop" in between.
When you trace an internet connection you see all the routes that connect that connection to whatever end. Think of it like taking a bus - you have to transfer a few times, right? Each hop = a transfer.
What we watched was - when 8 k u n was coming back online the IP from the website was sent THROUGH the Department of Defense network - 17 fucking times. A kek to those watching. I was brought up on the boards and someone pointed out the routes were also satellites.
If you’re not aware - most Nation States that are serious about OPSEC will use private networks running from satellite direct links.
Slower connections - but harder to trace - harder to disrupt - harder to shut down.
Edit: before you ask - yes I watched this with my own eyes and verified. The hops were real. 8kun and DOD were associated somehow network wise for a bit.
Hold up Hold up.
Nodes find shortest cost path with Djakstra's algo.
How the fuck is a route through the DOD the shortest cost path...
Satellite direct links...
My assumption is that the nodes have no knowledge (or are prohibited) of other nodes, so they must pass through the DOD network until the edge node that connects to the clearnet.
This means that the network is isolated until the final edge node, and the source of 8k was from the INSIDE.
Direct IP of 8k ----> 8k is being operated by the gov
IP of user in 8k ------> Cladestine operators inside DOD using 8k
Maybe it’s as simple as identifying WHO sends signals to their friends. If they’ve figured out that actors A B C and D wait for a signal from E, then they watch E for signals like this which could be “all clear”.
So, last week it took me a bunch of posts to ask this same exact thing when that image of an owl was drawn up as Capitol perimeter. And even though I kept saying that OWLS do not sing, they hoot, every response to my point was, They do when placed IN the cage. Everyone indignant that it was I who was missing the point.
And now you guys insist that birds sing when OUT of the cage and everyone agreeing?
Just saying, again, that this drop may not read the way we think it does. Same thing, "When do birds sing?" cannot mean both, inside and outside. Pick one. Or neither, to my eye we may be missing something in this drop.
Dual meaning the owl in dc to awaken people to all the ties of evil it represents / then a songbird released from its cage to RISE LIKE A PHEONIX FROM THE ASHES AND LAY WASTE
You know, I keep saying here that many take absolutely everything as a "Its a sign!!!" If someone at Mar-a-Lago farts tomorrow in a specific way I bet a bunch of people will claim "Its a sign!' and find a drop to match it. 100-1 bet.
I would not be here if a number of drops and confirmations didn't make me a believer in Q. But I also treat every "Its a sign!" with caution, doesn't matter if something matches some drop rather well, I still do a good dose of research for my own good and sanity (main reason I treat all the false prophets so many listen to in video feeds as charlatans and lying cheats any time I hear one utter "Insurrection Act has been invoked").
Not everything "matches a drop", nor should it. And this "When does a bird sing?" drop, while I get the implication, could easily fit a number of events. I have no idea why so many insisted that it doesn't matter if owls sing or not, because damn it, ITS A SIGN!!!
I understand the hopium and finding something to sustain it, last few days and today specifically are too hard to take for my wife and me, but we all should be rather selective in what is a "sign". Huma showing up today is precisely the proof that HUMA did NOT sing, nor was she locked up until now. IMHO, of course, and to my long trained analytical mind. Had she been singing in the past 2 years we would not be seeing her tweeting (singing) today.
You have somewhat of a point. However, if that someone at Mar-a-logo (building on your crass example) turns out to have indeed sharted, made a Q in their undies, while eating 2 scoops of ice-cream, and it was at exactly 17:45 ... how many coincidences until it's impossible?
There's a difference between grasping at straws and checking with open eyes for confirmation. The prevalent attitude here seems to have a healthy amount of skepticism once all facts are considered ... but does not blindly close their eyes before all data is gathered. Q's early drops/proofs taught them that.
I would recommend reading said drops to learn for yourself how to discern the signal from the noise; oftentimes just noticing the oddity for others to carry forth can be helpful too.
Not "you guys", for clarification, one person. Let's not broad brush the whole community from 1 comment. First time I've heard one say that also. Why be so argumentative?
The caged bird sings
with fearful trill
of the things unknown
but longed for still
and his tune is heard
on the distant hill for the caged bird
sings of freedom
Bro, you're kinda right but nothing about a "caged bird" mayng.
You're mixing it up with book by Maya Angelo, "I know why the caged bird sings"
But there are plenty of caged birds singing, I viewed that meaning people are confessing and telling all for a shot at freedom.. Like Kwame and the other pardoned.
Did we not have carriers and escorts in the pacific ocean yesterday or the day before that? With the transition we had today? Increased military movement, NG deployments started, false flags everywhere. HUMA comes back from the dark.
In Portland today, out playing golf and 8 fighters flew in pairs around the airport. Did it last week too. There's an Air National Guard base near the aiport, but it didn't seem like they were taking off or landing there. Over the years, jets would take off from that base usually in a group of four, around noon or 12:30, daily. Very routine. But now double the amount of jets, in formation, around 10:30 and seemingly not taking off or landing at the base? Possibly came from the carriers? Couldn't get a good look on the planes to see markings or models
I'm pretty new to Q, can you help me understand the theory here? If this was posted in 2017, how could that possibly have predicted Huma coming back for example? Or the other parts even... is the assumption here... time travel? Or what?
Basically, high up staff members near Trump leaked their playbook directly to the public so we could 1.) Learn 2.) Spread the message 3.) Understand the bird-eye view of the plan.
Some of the "breadcrumbs" that were dropped had descriptions or messages describing future events. They are cryptic so DS can't figure out what they're doing. They are also meant to look "random" so a normie looking at it will dismiss it. Plausible deniability.
To communicate, there are special rules that have to be followed. Usually you look for matching timestamps or specific patterns. To VERIFY that you're looking at something from Q and not just mumbo-jumbo, there is some proof at the end that lets you know it wasn't just a coincidence.
For example, in the farewell speech Trump signed "Q" in Morse Code. By itself, people would think, maybe it was just a coincidence that he moved his hands like that. However, he kept his hands down for most of the video (with 2 occurrences of barely lifting them up) and he did the gesture at 4:20. In an early Q breadcrumb, it stated numbers can be replaced by letter and vice versa A=1, B=2, C=3. So using the rules of Q, Trump signed in morse code Q AND did it at 4:20 which is DT... his initials. At this point we can say, okay, Trump is trying to communicate with us.
For this thread:
This breadcrumb is remarkable in its accuracy describing our current day situation. National Guard deployed? Yes. Pacific fleet? Yes. It says "Follow Huma". SO when you go to Huma's Twitter account, there's a new tweet with:
"Let there be light..."
Another Q phrase used many times is: From Darkness to Light. This could be a clue. Q also loves biblical scripture and this tweet follows a biblical theme, another connection. So there's potential that this tweet is from Q. The most interesting thing is that "Huma" hasn't tweeted since Sep. 2nd 2018 AND she used @FLOTUS and @POTUS (no names). It's as if this was a scheduled tweet set months ago before the Democratic nominees were known.
Regardless, this is a very interesting proof. I would still like to verify, Where's Huma? What if she did tweet this on her own? that would negate this proof. The breadcrumb said the NG would be deployed "the next day". Does that mean there was a clue for this specific breadcrumb that we all missed? That could solidify this.
That is very helpful, thank you. So not time travel, but rather Q controlling her account, got it.
Another comment here said that Q posts a lot of stuff and most doesn't come true, only a few things have, what's the theory about that? Why is so much of what he posts not coming true?
If Q is legitimate, there isn't any hocus pocus or mystical stuff involved with it. It's just a series of messages that people can reference if they want to communicate something.
For things not coming true, either that was a breadcrumb meant to look like it was talking about current events but really talking about future event. An example of that is this post here.
When in the past 3 years was there supposed to be a "transition"? We assume because it mentions Huma that it was specific to something in 2018, but with the Huma tweet, we have potential verification that Q is legitimate.
So I'm watching this video... and the first Q post said HRC would be arrested. She never was. Since I'm still a bit skeptical about all of this, why use a post that never came true as a basis for all of this?
It wasn't supposed to come true. Q says "Future proves past". Meaning breadcrumbs will be placed describing future events. In the past 3 years, when was there a "transition"?
This breadcrumb mentions Pacific fleet, NG deployment, transition.... also you can tell they don't know EXACTLY what is happening now, but
To prevent other state actors from attempting to harm us during this transition? Russia / China?
Or conversely all for NK? Or all three.
We've made peace with North Korea. As of right now we're guarding against China.
So this breadcrumb is kinda open-ended, but it's still accurate enough to get our attention. The funny thing is the "Follow Huma" part. Huma hasn't tweeted since 9/2/2018 and she just tweeted yesterday!
So it ties it all together. We just need to verify if someone on the Q team actually has control of Huma's twitter account. It's an intriguing point to research.
Huma hasnt posted in more than 2 years. The Q post says "follow Huma". Huma has now appeared, referencing light. "Dark to light". The award for best writing goes to Q. And our troops are on high alert in case China/Russia/NK decide to get frisky and play stupid games while we are transitioning power.
The Huma is a mythical bird of Iranian legends and fables. Although there are many legends of the creature, common to all is that the bird is said never to rest on the ground, and instead to live its entire life flying invisibly high above the earth. The Huma is known to bestow valuable gifts upon those in need.
I read some emails from Huma that were supposedly sent to her handlers. She was associated to the terrorists behind the Arab Spring.
She stated loosely that she had done some every horrible things with Hillary. Things that absolutely disgusted her, but she made the sacrifice for their cause and for Allah. I felt she was likely talking about the torture and murder of children. I can't imagine anything worse unless she was talking about having to lick Hillary's nasty cabbage smelling ass.
So the gist to me is; due to the huge dud of a storm on Jan 20th, Huma felt free from the fear induced by the Q conspiracy for two years. This sentiment spread amongst her colleagues and eventually to everyone in DC.
Roll the credits for "Panic in DC". Time for the next movie, "Fisagate"
When is the enemy most vulnerable? When they leave their guards down.
"The calm before the storm."
The let down is part of the plan. Optics mattered.
Her mother, Saleha Abedin, sits on the Presidency Staff Council of the International Islamic Council for Da’wa and Relief, a group that is chaired by the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi.
Perhaps recognizing how offensive such ties will be to voters concerned over future terrorist attacks on this country by radical Muslims professing allegiance to Sharia law, the Clinton campaign on Monday tried to downplay Ms. Abedin’s involvement in the Journal and the Muslim Brotherhood.
The Clinton surrogate group Media Matters claimed predictably there was “no evidence” that Ms. Abedin or her family had ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, and that Trump campaign staffers who spoke of these ties were conspiracy theorists.
To debunk the evidence, Media Matters pointed to a “fact-check” piece that cited as its sole source… Senator John McCain. This is the same John McCain who met Libyan militia leader Abdelkarim Belhaj, a known al Qaeda associate, and saluted him as “my hero” during a 2011 visit to Benghazi.
A little late to the thread but I’ve been following along and thinking critically. I have no idea if, as some have speculated before, Q is a group supported by quantum computing resources, or even what that would imply. But generally, I prefer to keep things simple, as the principle of Occam’s Razor reminds us and I believe Q often does as well.
In prompting us repeatedly to always “think logically,” it seems to me that Q is advising that logic is applied to reason our way through what other’s might deem “magic” or “mystery” or whatever. As Arthur C. Clarke posited within his three laws, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” So I’m saying, let’s not be fooled by advanced technology and start wandering down rabbit holes of magic. Maybe Q has a probabilistic engine of some kind that enables more precise predictions, I don’t know. But I would prefer to assume it’s based in some advanced science and not some magic.
Q asks lots of leading questions, always has and that’s been the historic Socratic method of teaching and reasoning. Q has asked “when does a bird sing.” Ok, but why would we assume he’s referring to a bird in a cage, or not in a cage, like the cartoon Tweetie bird always evading the cat? Take the question at face value - a bird, any bird in nature - sings in the morning and “after the storm.” The post above even alludes to it at the end, “the calm before the storm.” Here’s a famous quote to add further support: “ Birds sing after a storm; why shouldn't people feel as free to delight in whatever sunlight remains to them?” - Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy.
So fellow Patriots, I take this OP and thread to remind us that in 2017 Q foretold of events we observe this week, but reminded us in other posts about the birds that sing as a hint for reassurance. I suspect Huma is one of those birds, and the stark contrast of her posting now after such a long silence - regardless of who’s actually behind the post, we don’t know - is in my estimation a signal that Q advised us to watch for - the bird has sung, the storm is over. Nothing can stop what is coming now, white hats are in charge, relax, sing if you like, just watch what happens with dispassion.
Oo.. you are new to this, aren’tcha! It’s exciting to hear people asking these questions that I thought were common knowledge, because it means more people are being reawakened.
Huma is a disgusting satanist, she is one of the evil crew. Was a lot more relevant in the 2016 election, but now she is back or so it seems...
And Anthony Weiner's wife...a raging perv pedo scumbag former State Rep of NY. Supposedly had a shit ton of dirt on Killary and Huma on his laptop, which the authorities have had for some time
I'm a little new, got into this website about 2 months ago or so but didn't post, just checked it for news. I saw "Huma" mentioned in some of the Q drops but didn't know what or who it was. But this answers my question. If she's one of the satanic horde and is shoving her face in between HRC's legs then I'm not surprised.
I'm consistently surprised by people who talk about frazzledrip as if it's fact and not just a creepypasta with political figures shoehorned in
I definitely think that these people are involved in trafficking and the like, but there's not even a hint of evidence related to HRC and Huma torturing a child on camera.
MSNBC reported that FEMA and the NG would be. I think they are trying to make it look like troop movements and FEMA folks running around are by Biden's orders and not Trump's.
The right amount
And good timing too!
One thing that puts me off Q stuff is how Q knows ahead of time this level of detail. I know there's been rumor of looking glass, is that really a thing?
Can this be explained without using a quantum sooth-sayer or a time machine or other fantastical solution?
Because predicting 4 carrier groups on the west coast while this character resumes tweeting after years in the same ballpark is pretty mindblowing.
I don't think the Q drops are prophecy: they're a playbook. Each drop is a page out of the playbook... some of the plays you'll run several times, some you might not run, and some are nonsense/red herrings/misdirects. You can let people know what's going on by referencing the plays, it's tough to reverse engineer the entire gameplan by just looking at the drops, and you can change things up as events arise and things go wrong.
So, assuming that Huma's twitter account was compromised/confiscated by white hats, one could easily just say "Follow Huma" at that time and keep the account tucked away for future use if needed.
Misdirection, not magic.
They are definitely not prophecy. Q said 'do not worship us' and made the point they're just people doing their jobs. No magic.
Wizard's & Warlocks
Inside term.
Yes, that’s what I believe. People keep saying “your watching a movie”. I wasn’t getting what they were saying. I kept believing they were saying it in some matrix sort of way and I disregarded them. After the inauguration, i started to see what they meant. There are so many things that have to happen for us to stay safe, remove bad players and achieve the wanted outcome. The whole moves and countermoves. It’s brilliant really. We are unknowingly actors in this show. This isn’t about convincing us that Biden’s in power. Like you said, there is a playbook, but there’s flexibility, depending on the countermoves. Just my 2 cents.
Thanks, this is a very rational and well reasoned explanation of these coincidences without requiring me to believe in time machines or some kind of quantum future-telling device. Not saying that either of these can't happen, it just makes the leap of faith that much more significant.
For career intelligence operators, I can suspect t hat this kind of thing wouldn't be that difficult to set up as a kind of wake-up operation, given enough time.
It does beg the question and the validity of the statement "nothing can stop this", but it's been an interesting ride and the leftys are clearly obsessed with stopping it so that does give it credibility, although they may not realize they're drawing people towards it. (perhaps they are)
Definitely interested in where this movie ends, but I'm not going to go combing through clues anytime soon, so back to lurking I go.
It could be a quantum computer doing all sorts of crazy predictions down to the nitty gritty details.
damn hellavuh!
I keep coming back for more.
Sounds like Kraken, maybe?
I've thought about this a little bit, and it begs the question on where the computer pulls the information and knows how to present it as actual events. One thought was that it could be pulling updates off a twitter feed or some other internet service that remains up, with a future-agent feeding the past information via that feed, or just looking at news twitter feeds or something and pulling them back into the present. (or, then, the past)
Another is a probability type computer, but I don't believe we have enough information to actually write the correct equation in order to give reliable information on future events.
AI could be involved somewhere, but then again what process would it do? Pull data from where?
Curious if anyone has any solid insight on other options.
Trumps uncle.
Vannevar Bush etc Tesla
At what point is the intersection of “hmm” more than a curiosity?
I personally watched 8kun network hops jump through the DOD - 17. Fucking. Hops.
Can you explain hops a bit bro?
He is talking about network hops.
When you trace an IP route from one IP to another, you get directed like traffic through various other IP addresses or "hops" in order to reach the communication destination.
You can try it yourself by opening command prompt in Windows, then typing "tracert" or whatever other site you want, and press Enter. You will see the route map out and each "hop" in between.
Double that
triple that
I got FIIIIVE on IT!
When you trace an internet connection you see all the routes that connect that connection to whatever end. Think of it like taking a bus - you have to transfer a few times, right? Each hop = a transfer.
What we watched was - when 8 k u n was coming back online the IP from the website was sent THROUGH the Department of Defense network - 17 fucking times. A kek to those watching. I was brought up on the boards and someone pointed out the routes were also satellites.
If you’re not aware - most Nation States that are serious about OPSEC will use private networks running from satellite direct links.
Slower connections - but harder to trace - harder to disrupt - harder to shut down.
Edit: before you ask - yes I watched this with my own eyes and verified. The hops were real. 8kun and DOD were associated somehow network wise for a bit.
Wanna trip more? Explore VanwaTech
Hold up Hold up. Nodes find shortest cost path with Djakstra's algo. How the fuck is a route through the DOD the shortest cost path... Satellite direct links... My assumption is that the nodes have no knowledge (or are prohibited) of other nodes, so they must pass through the DOD network until the edge node that connects to the clearnet. This means that the network is isolated until the final edge node, and the source of 8k was from the INSIDE.
Direct IP of 8k ----> 8k is being operated by the gov
IP of user in 8k ------> Cladestine operators inside DOD using 8k
Should edit this comment for in-line. You seem keen so - if you are open to it I would like to get more familiar as maybe we can produce some things.
Know what else threw me off?
Why did Jim Watkins go to Congress, speak behind closed doors, and the DNC / Press say absolute Jack shit about it?
Wouldn’t they throw shade? Instead just cold dead silence? Why?
Maybe it’s as simple as identifying WHO sends signals to their friends. If they’ve figured out that actors A B C and D wait for a signal from E, then they watch E for signals like this which could be “all clear”.
And my blood pressure is back up.
First post since 2018, holy shit!
I've never used Twitter, let alone paid her any attention. Has she actually been dark for two years?
Yep, confirmed. Here's a screenshot:
So, last week it took me a bunch of posts to ask this same exact thing when that image of an owl was drawn up as Capitol perimeter. And even though I kept saying that OWLS do not sing, they hoot, every response to my point was, They do when placed IN the cage. Everyone indignant that it was I who was missing the point.
And now you guys insist that birds sing when OUT of the cage and everyone agreeing?
Just saying, again, that this drop may not read the way we think it does. Same thing, "When do birds sing?" cannot mean both, inside and outside. Pick one. Or neither, to my eye we may be missing something in this drop.
Dual meaning the owl in dc to awaken people to all the ties of evil it represents / then a songbird released from its cage to RISE LIKE A PHEONIX FROM THE ASHES AND LAY WASTE
I agree. I think of jail. A caged bird sings. A prisoner becomes an informant for a lighter sentence.
You know, I keep saying here that many take absolutely everything as a "Its a sign!!!" If someone at Mar-a-Lago farts tomorrow in a specific way I bet a bunch of people will claim "Its a sign!' and find a drop to match it. 100-1 bet.
I would not be here if a number of drops and confirmations didn't make me a believer in Q. But I also treat every "Its a sign!" with caution, doesn't matter if something matches some drop rather well, I still do a good dose of research for my own good and sanity (main reason I treat all the false prophets so many listen to in video feeds as charlatans and lying cheats any time I hear one utter "Insurrection Act has been invoked").
Not everything "matches a drop", nor should it. And this "When does a bird sing?" drop, while I get the implication, could easily fit a number of events. I have no idea why so many insisted that it doesn't matter if owls sing or not, because damn it, ITS A SIGN!!!
I understand the hopium and finding something to sustain it, last few days and today specifically are too hard to take for my wife and me, but we all should be rather selective in what is a "sign". Huma showing up today is precisely the proof that HUMA did NOT sing, nor was she locked up until now. IMHO, of course, and to my long trained analytical mind. Had she been singing in the past 2 years we would not be seeing her tweeting (singing) today.
You have somewhat of a point. However, if that someone at Mar-a-logo (building on your crass example) turns out to have indeed sharted, made a Q in their undies, while eating 2 scoops of ice-cream, and it was at exactly 17:45 ... how many coincidences until it's impossible?
There's a difference between grasping at straws and checking with open eyes for confirmation. The prevalent attitude here seems to have a healthy amount of skepticism once all facts are considered ... but does not blindly close their eyes before all data is gathered. Q's early drops/proofs taught them that.
I would recommend reading said drops to learn for yourself how to discern the signal from the noise; oftentimes just noticing the oddity for others to carry forth can be helpful too.
Not "you guys", for clarification, one person. Let's not broad brush the whole community from 1 comment. First time I've heard one say that also. Why be so argumentative?
Don’t discount the fact that the deep state worships moloch and the owl is a symbol of that. That’s why the shape.
The caged bird sings with fearful trill of the things unknown but longed for still and his tune is heard on the distant hill for the caged bird sings of freedom
Bro, you're kinda right but nothing about a "caged bird" mayng.
You're mixing it up with book by Maya Angelo, "I know why the caged bird sings"
But there are plenty of caged birds singing, I viewed that meaning people are confessing and telling all for a shot at freedom.. Like Kwame and the other pardoned.
So perhaps she's been in a cage, and sang... now we know what she was released, a reward for singing?
criminals sing like canary but a bird sings from joy? freedom?
Right, this. Im about to make an FYI post about this shit lol
Interesting. Worth a read especially the last part
Thanks, I was wondering about this very thing. That is platinum level information.
We are watching a fucking movie. You couldnt buy this quality a script. Ever. We ARE going to love how this ends. Great find!
I'd argue that if this was an actual movie we would be riffing on it. only reality could be this bizarre.
or the best comeback ever, only to be in the car on the way home. Oh my gosh these proofs....
life's not a movie.
if you write 4k+ messages, there's going to be stuff like this.
be vague as fuck, let people make shit up in their own minds.
Did we not have carriers and escorts in the pacific ocean yesterday or the day before that? With the transition we had today? Increased military movement, NG deployments started, false flags everywhere. HUMA comes back from the dark.
Isn't HUMA cheering for the new cabal puppets in that tweet?
Yeah but that tweet seems super fake.
I think thats the point.
PANIC at Twitter
Exactly, just like Michael Robinson's picture for his birthday in the palm trees... Miche
I do think it is weird she didn't name them.
There certainly are 4 carriers and groups off of California. Stennis, Roosevelt, Nimitz and Vinson
Do those names mean anything?
Carriers are locked in to which coast they're on for years at a time. But it's unusual to have more than one in any given spot, let alone 4.
Yes they are the names of famous figures in history.
Yes as fare as I'm aware 3 carrier strike groups are of the coast of Washington
In Portland today, out playing golf and 8 fighters flew in pairs around the airport. Did it last week too. There's an Air National Guard base near the aiport, but it didn't seem like they were taking off or landing there. Over the years, jets would take off from that base usually in a group of four, around noon or 12:30, daily. Very routine. But now double the amount of jets, in formation, around 10:30 and seemingly not taking off or landing at the base? Possibly came from the carriers? Couldn't get a good look on the planes to see markings or models
I'm pretty new to Q, can you help me understand the theory here? If this was posted in 2017, how could that possibly have predicted Huma coming back for example? Or the other parts even... is the assumption here... time travel? Or what?
Basically, high up staff members near Trump leaked their playbook directly to the public so we could 1.) Learn 2.) Spread the message 3.) Understand the bird-eye view of the plan.
Some of the "breadcrumbs" that were dropped had descriptions or messages describing future events. They are cryptic so DS can't figure out what they're doing. They are also meant to look "random" so a normie looking at it will dismiss it. Plausible deniability.
To communicate, there are special rules that have to be followed. Usually you look for matching timestamps or specific patterns. To VERIFY that you're looking at something from Q and not just mumbo-jumbo, there is some proof at the end that lets you know it wasn't just a coincidence.
For example, in the farewell speech Trump signed "Q" in Morse Code. By itself, people would think, maybe it was just a coincidence that he moved his hands like that. However, he kept his hands down for most of the video (with 2 occurrences of barely lifting them up) and he did the gesture at 4:20. In an early Q breadcrumb, it stated numbers can be replaced by letter and vice versa A=1, B=2, C=3. So using the rules of Q, Trump signed in morse code Q AND did it at 4:20 which is DT... his initials. At this point we can say, okay, Trump is trying to communicate with us.
For this thread: This breadcrumb is remarkable in its accuracy describing our current day situation. National Guard deployed? Yes. Pacific fleet? Yes. It says "Follow Huma". SO when you go to Huma's Twitter account, there's a new tweet with:
"Let there be light..."
Another Q phrase used many times is: From Darkness to Light. This could be a clue. Q also loves biblical scripture and this tweet follows a biblical theme, another connection. So there's potential that this tweet is from Q. The most interesting thing is that "Huma" hasn't tweeted since Sep. 2nd 2018 AND she used @FLOTUS and @POTUS (no names). It's as if this was a scheduled tweet set months ago before the Democratic nominees were known.
Regardless, this is a very interesting proof. I would still like to verify, Where's Huma? What if she did tweet this on her own? that would negate this proof. The breadcrumb said the NG would be deployed "the next day". Does that mean there was a clue for this specific breadcrumb that we all missed? That could solidify this.
I hope this helps, also you can watch this vid:
Awesome write up thanks. Keep it up.
That is very helpful, thank you. So not time travel, but rather Q controlling her account, got it.
Another comment here said that Q posts a lot of stuff and most doesn't come true, only a few things have, what's the theory about that? Why is so much of what he posts not coming true?
If Q is legitimate, there isn't any hocus pocus or mystical stuff involved with it. It's just a series of messages that people can reference if they want to communicate something.
For things not coming true, either that was a breadcrumb meant to look like it was talking about current events but really talking about future event. An example of that is this post here.
When in the past 3 years was there supposed to be a "transition"? We assume because it mentions Huma that it was specific to something in 2018, but with the Huma tweet, we have potential verification that Q is legitimate.
Holy crap... that video was JUST taken down, in the middle of me watching it.
What the heck???? It's down for me too. Removed for violating YouTube's Community Guidelines. WOW!
Yeah, they're going full speed with the takedowns now. I switched to watching it on Rumble:
So I'm watching this video... and the first Q post said HRC would be arrested. She never was. Since I'm still a bit skeptical about all of this, why use a post that never came true as a basis for all of this?
It wasn't supposed to come true. Q says "Future proves past". Meaning breadcrumbs will be placed describing future events. In the past 3 years, when was there a "transition"?
This breadcrumb mentions Pacific fleet, NG deployment, transition.... also you can tell they don't know EXACTLY what is happening now, but
To prevent other state actors from attempting to harm us during this transition? Russia / China? Or conversely all for NK? Or all three.
We've made peace with North Korea. As of right now we're guarding against China.
So this breadcrumb is kinda open-ended, but it's still accurate enough to get our attention. The funny thing is the "Follow Huma" part. Huma hasn't tweeted since 9/2/2018 and she just tweeted yesterday!
So it ties it all together. We just need to verify if someone on the Q team actually has control of Huma's twitter account. It's an intriguing point to research.
For the HRC part, that puzzled me too and that's actually why I walked away from Q 2 years ago. I'm willing to give it another shot, though.
1.) Maybe the plan changed
2.) Maybe the cards were meant for disinformation (DS is reading this too)
A plan built with military precision, the military was the only way anyway remember
lol wow. you 100% didn't serve. the military is not like this at all. we went into iraq without proper plating on our vehicles.
still only about 30% of our fighters are presently air worthy.
"military precision" is a euphemism.
Oof musta dropped his and landed on the optics... mine was precise.
i tell you what, i'll bet you $100k on a custom prop bet that none of this shit happens.
did they tax you on every transaction in and out like it was separate?
Maybe it isn't Huma?
project looking glass.
Cuz there's a million Qdrops, some are bound come true. Almost all didn't.
No offence, but we've been duped. Grow a pair. I'm getting my life back.
My buddy gave me 100:1 odds that the phrase “weaponized autism” would be used by Mike Pompeo before feb 1.
If you keep this up, I might just pull this off.
Great work OP.
Well Mike, you know what you need to do now sir and help a pede out. :)
updoot for viz.
Going to need a little commentary for this to make any sense.
Huma hasnt posted in more than 2 years. The Q post says "follow Huma". Huma has now appeared, referencing light. "Dark to light". The award for best writing goes to Q. And our troops are on high alert in case China/Russia/NK decide to get frisky and play stupid games while we are transitioning power.
Human, or HUMA? There's a difference, and Capitolization Matters. Keep that in mind when re-reading.
HUMA is the Harvard University Muslim Association ... also a really big lead, but different.
We think that evil cunt has already been terminated
This right here. Her and HRC did some evil level shit.
That isn't really her
Read the tweet.. it starts with "let there be light"
This is worth a sticky I think?
Damn good catch op!
Dark to light?
Seems possible. Looks like I got a fresh dosage of hopium.
What the fuck.
yup - confirms as 11.3 marker
Oh yeah, give me some of that sweet Afghani Hopium. Gets me every time!
Just replying to make it in the history books. Mom get the camera!
snap snap ?
To answer the question of your name, Podesta ordered the hit on Seth rich on behalf of Clinton
with MS-13 doing the dirty work, right?
I'm a noob how am I doing?
Apparently it's MS13 but I n ver checked for myself.
And no worries bro, I'm a newbie to Q, but not to the villany of the elites and pedos.
She is taking some major heavy flack on there too, ouch!
I’ve been asking for a week where Huma was. This is a pretty interesting revelation IMO.
Strangely, speaking of birds...
The Huma is a mythical bird of Iranian legends and fables. Although there are many legends of the creature, common to all is that the bird is said never to rest on the ground, and instead to live its entire life flying invisibly high above the earth. The Huma is known to bestow valuable gifts upon those in need.
Like 40,000 feet high??
Does this bird sing?
I read some emails from Huma that were supposedly sent to her handlers. She was associated to the terrorists behind the Arab Spring.
She stated loosely that she had done some every horrible things with Hillary. Things that absolutely disgusted her, but she made the sacrifice for their cause and for Allah. I felt she was likely talking about the torture and murder of children. I can't imagine anything worse unless she was talking about having to lick Hillary's nasty cabbage smelling ass.
Was that a part of the wikileaks drop back in the day? I'd like to read it if you have the link, or at least the source.
Yes, I believe that was where it originated, but I may have read in on 8chan. I don't have a link to it.
So the gist to me is; due to the huge dud of a storm on Jan 20th, Huma felt free from the fear induced by the Q conspiracy for two years. This sentiment spread amongst her colleagues and eventually to everyone in DC.
Roll the credits for "Panic in DC". Time for the next movie, "Fisagate"
When is the enemy most vulnerable? When they leave their guards down.
The let down is part of the plan. Optics mattered.
Were there 4 carriers and escorts in the pacific around Nov of 2017?
Best I could find April 2017
Here is Jan 19, 2021
This is from the answers part of the Q drop on .pub
Note increased military movement. -First time in history a U.S. Navy supercarrier visited Guam on Nov. 2nd. -All 7 US Carriers in opperation, Nov. 9th
US and South Korea:
Russia at N. Korea border:
LMAO no fucking way.
This. Is. Insane. This is true hopium right here.
925pm. Post 925
May be a stretch but I’ll save some of you the lookup. 2125 wasn’t relevant imho.
This is not about religions or party affiliation. EVIL is everywhere. There are no drawn lines. No boundaries. Good vs Evil. Q
Dude, off Twitter shitter. Can YOU please keep posting whatever she posts? Please?
Change to, otherwise keep URL the same. You will be looking at the tweets from a different front end.
I always wondered what that was. Thanks!
No probs, beats that script heavy, shithouse commie site.
"Let there be light" interesting
Wow....think it’s really her?
56: The Clinton campaign is attempting once again to sweep important questions under the rug about top aide Huma Abedin, her family ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and to Saudi Arabia, and her role in the ballooning Clinton email scandal.
Her mother, Saleha Abedin, sits on the Presidency Staff Council of the International Islamic Council for Da’wa and Relief, a group that is chaired by the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi.
Perhaps recognizing how offensive such ties will be to voters concerned over future terrorist attacks on this country by radical Muslims professing allegiance to Sharia law, the Clinton campaign on Monday tried to downplay Ms. Abedin’s involvement in the Journal and the Muslim Brotherhood.
The Clinton surrogate group Media Matters claimed predictably there was “no evidence” that Ms. Abedin or her family had ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, and that Trump campaign staffers who spoke of these ties were conspiracy theorists. To debunk the evidence, Media Matters pointed to a “fact-check” piece that cited as its sole source… Senator John McCain. This is the same John McCain who met Libyan militia leader Abdelkarim Belhaj, a known al Qaeda associate, and saluted him as “my hero” during a 2011 visit to Benghazi.
Q's telling all the doomers to chill. "The calm before the storm"
A little late to the thread but I’ve been following along and thinking critically. I have no idea if, as some have speculated before, Q is a group supported by quantum computing resources, or even what that would imply. But generally, I prefer to keep things simple, as the principle of Occam’s Razor reminds us and I believe Q often does as well.
In prompting us repeatedly to always “think logically,” it seems to me that Q is advising that logic is applied to reason our way through what other’s might deem “magic” or “mystery” or whatever. As Arthur C. Clarke posited within his three laws, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” So I’m saying, let’s not be fooled by advanced technology and start wandering down rabbit holes of magic. Maybe Q has a probabilistic engine of some kind that enables more precise predictions, I don’t know. But I would prefer to assume it’s based in some advanced science and not some magic.
Q asks lots of leading questions, always has and that’s been the historic Socratic method of teaching and reasoning. Q has asked “when does a bird sing.” Ok, but why would we assume he’s referring to a bird in a cage, or not in a cage, like the cartoon Tweetie bird always evading the cat? Take the question at face value - a bird, any bird in nature - sings in the morning and “after the storm.” The post above even alludes to it at the end, “the calm before the storm.” Here’s a famous quote to add further support: “ Birds sing after a storm; why shouldn't people feel as free to delight in whatever sunlight remains to them?” - Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy.
So fellow Patriots, I take this OP and thread to remind us that in 2017 Q foretold of events we observe this week, but reminded us in other posts about the birds that sing as a hint for reassurance. I suspect Huma is one of those birds, and the stark contrast of her posting now after such a long silence - regardless of who’s actually behind the post, we don’t know - is in my estimation a signal that Q advised us to watch for - the bird has sung, the storm is over. Nothing can stop what is coming now, white hats are in charge, relax, sing if you like, just watch what happens with dispassion.
Okay but who is Huma? I guess I don't know. Could Huma also be something/somebody else?
Oo.. you are new to this, aren’tcha! It’s exciting to hear people asking these questions that I thought were common knowledge, because it means more people are being reawakened.
Huma is a disgusting satanist, she is one of the evil crew. Was a lot more relevant in the 2016 election, but now she is back or so it seems...
And Anthony Weiner's wife...a raging perv pedo scumbag former State Rep of NY. Supposedly had a shit ton of dirt on Killary and Huma on his laptop, which the authorities have had for some time
I'm a little new, got into this website about 2 months ago or so but didn't post, just checked it for news. I saw "Huma" mentioned in some of the Q drops but didn't know what or who it was. But this answers my question. If she's one of the satanic horde and is shoving her face in between HRC's legs then I'm not surprised.
For real? I'm not surprised.
Ugh ? did you have to mention frazzledrip? Gives me the heebie jeebies.
HRC is gay? For how long?
Since college days.
I'm consistently surprised by people who talk about frazzledrip as if it's fact and not just a creepypasta with political figures shoehorned in
I definitely think that these people are involved in trafficking and the like, but there's not even a hint of evidence related to HRC and Huma torturing a child on camera.
I find this Huma Interesting too.Are the NG doing COVID vaccines?
MSNBC reported that FEMA and the NG would be. I think they are trying to make it look like troop movements and FEMA folks running around are by Biden's orders and not Trump's.