I've read all sorts of theories: adrenochrome OD, corrective surgery from adrenochrome overuse, adrenochrome injected in the eye, and a ritual hit with something like a Satanic bible. The only black eyes I've had were from fights. I fell down a flight of stairs and almost killed myself and didn't get a black eye.
Don't forget reptilian intrusion. Still, how many people you've known through your life that's gotten black eyes? To have so many well connected people with black eyes on the same side points to a reason and not coincidence. I want to know the reason for it.
Hah? I never watched it and I kinda wanted to but thought do I need to see another blood related entertainment piece? I guess it's not just another tradition vampire show. I'll give it a shot. When we make it out of this war, it'll be interesting to study all the books and literature that may relate to hidden history.
Yeah, pissweak, sounds sus. The only black eye I have had as an adult was from a head kick in Karate class. I personally don't know what to make of all peeps on social media sporting it like a trophy.
You are talking about the F-LDS. They are horrible. Making a broad statement about the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day saints, however, you are false. There are bad people everywhere..... Mitt for example. He is a dirtbag and he fooled us all.
That said, we have a lot of kids and we're not exactly on high alert for pedos at every waking moment, so we attract pedos like the porchlight attracts moths.
Recently we've made BSA-style youth protection (aka, how to profile and beat pedos at their game) mandatory for anyone who might have anything to do with kids in any type of official capacity. I had to take the training each year and all I did was play the piano for the kiddos.
When you get called to "senior" positions in the church (IE, ward council and above) they start really drilling into your head, "There are pedophiles among us, and we really need you to help identify and drive them out."
IE, if you even SUSPECT that there is child abuse or whatnot, you are supposed to immediately contact the bishop who will get on the "red phone" and call SLC to start the process of getting the police involved.
There is a reason why the church has a HUGE archive of reported child abuse stories -- it is always on the lookout for it and when there is something actionable it will always act.
Every time anyone has reported to me online that there is child abuse in our church, I have reported what I could. Most of the time when I start drilling for any sort of details the accuser shuts up. That's because they KNOW that the church takes it very seriously. If they bring it up, there will be law enforcement action.
Mormons aren't a Christian church. They rejected the Christian church, the Bible and its doctrines, calling it an abomination:
“Jesus said to Joseph that all the churches were wrong, and that their creeds were an abomination in his sight, that those professors were all corrupt." (First Vision)
Elder James E. Talmage observed that “when we say that the Lord is not pleased with those churches, we do not mean that he is not pleased with the members thereof. … The church as such may be wholly corrupt because of the false claims that are being made for it, and yet within that church as members there may be people who are doing their best.” (In Conference Report, Oct. 1928, p. 120.)
The Lord himself declared that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is “the only true and living church upon the face of the whole earth, with which I, the Lord, am well pleased, speaking unto the church collectively and not individually.”(D&C 1:30.)
Sadly, you rejected the Church in favor of a cult founded by a polygamous pedophile and womanizer who was a satanic Freemason occultist and modeled much of his cults symbolism and rituals on Freemason occultism. Irrefutable facts right here.
Pay attention to the words that Jesus used. He did NOT say:
The MEMBERS are an abomination
The CHURCH is an abomination
He said the CREEDS are an abomination.
Tell me, which creed did Jesus embrace? If the answer is "None", then you are correct. Jesus asked us to repent and be baptized, that's it. Anyone who preaches more or less than this is teaching false doctrine.
b) "those professors were all corrupt" Find me a loud-mouthed Christian who goes around shouting what he believes to everyone he can, and I'll show you a Christian who is corrupt. This is NOT what Christ asked us to do. We are to declare repentance and baptism, that's it. We are not supposed to argue and fight over the finer points of doctrine.
c) Conveniently, you withdrew all of the scriptures that correctly teach what we actually believe about other faiths. Namely:
The church (meaning, the believers in Christ) were NEVER taken from the earth. Indeed, Christ himself ordained people to protect them throughout the ages.
Christ is pleased with the work many outside of our church are doing, and commands us not just to not interfere, but to assist.
There are many people who, for whatever the Lord's purposes are, are kept outside of our church. I can only imagine the reasons.
Concerning our church, what makes it "the only true and living church upon the face of the whole earth"? Why is the Lord only pleased with us and not, say, the Catholics or the Protestants?
Several reasons:
Our doctrine is simple and pure and 100% aligned with what Christ and the early apostles taught. You can write our entire set of doctrine on a postage stamp. It is, simply put, "Repent and be baptized".
Our church is the only church with priesthood authority, passed on by the hands of Peter, James, and John to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery. And along with that priesthood is the commandment to bless the entire earth. In 1976, it was revealed that the Lord expects us to share that priesthood authority with every worthy adult male. If you are an adult male, and you have repented and been baptized, then you get the priesthood.
No other church that I can find relies exclusively on revelation to guide all its actions. We are taught, even at the lowest levels of the church, to seek revelation from Christ himself, and to act on it. Every official in our church constantly seeks revelation and acts upon it. To do anything else, to suppose or put our will ahead of the Lord's, is a gross sin and error and those who do it are called out and reprimanded. None of our leaders rely on their personal knowledge or insight, but exclusively on revelation.
That said, if you are dead-set on hating our church and our doctrines, more power to you. You are probably doing good works and have already accepted Christ, and increasingly likely to have the Spirit working in your life. I say God speed, whether you consider us Christian or not. I have noticed in the past 10 years that the Spirit is working miracles among pretty much every group that even remotely tries to point their way to the Savior.
Jesus, according to the felon and convicted fraud Joseph Smith, said that at the first vision, which is as credible as the Kinderhook plates, the seer stone, an Egyptian funeral papyrus and that talisman coin that Smith had in his pocket when he passed away in the jail shootout.
It wasn't just about creeds. Clearly, the LDS prophets spoke against the Christian Church and Christian doctrine.
The LDS church does not impart priesthood.
The LDS church doesn't point to Jesus, the Savior, God's only Son. It points to a man made Jesus that is conceived by Mary through a physical relationship and one that is the brother of Satan.
“Christ was begotten by an immortal Father in the same way that mortal men are begotten by mortal fathers.” (Mormon Doctrine, 1966, p. 547)
On first hearing, the doctrine that Lucifer and our Lord, Jesus Christ, are brothers may seem surprising to some—especially to those unacquainted with latter-day revelations. But both the scriptures and the prophets affirm that Jesus Christ and Lucifer are indeed offspring of our Heavenly Father and, therefore, spirit brothers….But as the Firstborn of the Father, Jesus was Lucifer’s older brother. (See Col. 1:15; D&C 93:21.)
We needed a Savior to pay for our sins and teach us how to return to our Heavenly Father. Our Father said, “Whom shall I send?” (Abraham 3:27). Two of our brothers offered to help. Our oldest brother, Jesus Christ, who was then called Jehovah, said, “Here am I, send me” (Abraham 3:27)….Satan, who was called Lucifer, also came, saying, “Behold, here am I, send me, I will be thy son, and I will redeem all mankind, that one soul shall not be lost, and surely I will do it; wherefore give me thine honor” (Moses 4:1).
Mormons don't have the same Jesus, nor do they have the same way of salvation.
We haven't even gotten to the LDS doctrine of becoming little gods, planet Kolob and/or populating our own planets via multiple wives yet.
For those that don't know, the black eye like this one is supposed to be from when someone gets too much adrenochrome. This apparently is most potent from a live child under the age of 12. I say apparently because although we can be confident this is how it all works, I'm also confident none of us have personally done this so information on it is a bit limited.
No, I mean having black eyes at all is the result of “disciplinary measures” by the DS for failure in some task. It doesn’t matter which eye it is, the fact that their handlers are resorting to violence/torture means they’re getting desperate.
He’s got a contusion above his eyebrow, so it looks like he was hit with something...maybe to make it look like a legit black eye from a typical injury?
I don't buy the whole adrenochrome theory. Not a single Q post ever mentioned 'adrenaline' or 'adrenochrome'. I think it's just a made up anon theory.
Is satanic blood drinking a part of the cult? Has it been practiced for thousands of years? Of course!
But I'll wait until there's solid proof that adrenochrome can be used as a drug, and more importantly, comes from cannibalism. If adrenochrome can be bought for pennies from laboratories, it can't possibly come from children, otherwise it would cost thousands of dollars per gram.
It's possible that the whole Pedoesta 'walnut sauce' stuff is not adrenaline related in any way.
Did some searching on the black eye club, "soul scalping" comes up a lot. Duckduck it. Freaking really strange to say the least if true, I doubt it but then where can one come up with a lizards brain entering and taking over someone's mind through the eye? You have to have a really wild imagination to come up with something that strange.
The parasite injectors are called vril. That's where the "lizard people" comes from. The people are people, but the parasote literally smites their consciousness out of existence and takes over, like the parasites that takes over ants, grasshoppers, or mice.
The fucked up thing is, they could at least try to cover these things up with make up or something and then hardly anyone would even notice...but, then, that would defeat the whole purpose.
I believe it completely BUT I'm also sure there are many, many people who would delight at the chance of putting a pounding on him. Once a traitor, never forgotten.
I would guess it has to be part of a ritual. Probably has to do with you need to submit to humiliation to show others you're a subservient minion and not a leader. Way to many black eyes in both houses as of late.
Well, I did as a kid .... after going 3 rounds with the Golden Gloves champ, and getting my ass pummelled (figuratively).
But the black eye was very faint ... my concussion was huge and much much more of a concern (couldn't stand up; Mom was freaking). Since he's not talking like a drunk (which I was at 13, never having consumed a drop), we can rule out massive head-trauma (like boxing).
Just stating so people understand what it takes to naturally get a black eye without a concussion ... DIRECT FUCKING IMPACT (or child rape, and he's not a child so disregard; gawddamn, these kids with Panda Eyes just fucking piss me off on a biblical scale ... hard to control the rage, but that's a different story).
Of course I heard that in the voice of Captain Falcon.
Falcooooooooo punch!
Isn't it usually the left eye?
Was just thinking that too. As I debate the punched vs andrenchrome theiry... could be a rare leftie in their group....
I've read all sorts of theories: adrenochrome OD, corrective surgery from adrenochrome overuse, adrenochrome injected in the eye, and a ritual hit with something like a Satanic bible. The only black eyes I've had were from fights. I fell down a flight of stairs and almost killed myself and didn't get a black eye.
Right? The step he fell down must have been fist shaped.
I disagree. If the Marines were involved, he'd be dead. Period.
Quick, get this to the meme mines! Now!
It's so perfect !!!!
Don't forget reptilian intrusion. Still, how many people you've known through your life that's gotten black eyes? To have so many well connected people with black eyes on the same side points to a reason and not coincidence. I want to know the reason for it.
The Strain
Hah? I never watched it and I kinda wanted to but thought do I need to see another blood related entertainment piece? I guess it's not just another tradition vampire show. I'll give it a shot. When we make it out of this war, it'll be interesting to study all the books and literature that may relate to hidden history.
First season starts strong but then it goes off the rails quickly. The main child actor is unbearable and his stupidity prolongs the entire show.
Yeah, pissweak, sounds sus. The only black eye I have had as an adult was from a head kick in Karate class. I personally don't know what to make of all peeps on social media sporting it like a trophy.
I dropped my phone on my eye a month or so back and had one.
Then again I'm special.
You very much are.
And a perfect illustration of how pressure must be applied.
Our eyes are very important, biologically very well defended. Hell, it's easier to crush our nuts than our eyes.....
How did you manage that?
Well combination of two things. 1 I'm on blood thinners.
2 I have a blackberry with a metal case, so it's pretty heavy for a phone.
Was lying on my back checking something and dropped it straight on to where cheek meets the eye.
Ah, there's the problem. You're using a BB ; )
Surely being part of this forum you can understand my desire for a phone that was built for privacy?
Yes, but I imagine Romney turned his head like a baby at the last second.
Oh damn. You fully of spice tonight. I cant stop laughing!
It is the left eye most of the time, but not always.
People on the "right" get the right eye?
Why am I not surprised by Romney being involved in the fucked up evil shit?
Not surprised. I wonder if it’s actually white hats behind this? Gotta keep the illusion going, this is a movie.
Mormons are disproportionately tied to the child trafficking thing. Utah in particular.
Surprised me to find this out.
You are talking about the F-LDS. They are horrible. Making a broad statement about the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day saints, however, you are false. There are bad people everywhere..... Mitt for example. He is a dirtbag and he fooled us all.
It didn't feel right to say that, to be honest. I read the Mormons were the most right wing Christian church.
Amish have us beat.
That said, we have a lot of kids and we're not exactly on high alert for pedos at every waking moment, so we attract pedos like the porchlight attracts moths.
Recently we've made BSA-style youth protection (aka, how to profile and beat pedos at their game) mandatory for anyone who might have anything to do with kids in any type of official capacity. I had to take the training each year and all I did was play the piano for the kiddos.
That's really good to know.
When you get called to "senior" positions in the church (IE, ward council and above) they start really drilling into your head, "There are pedophiles among us, and we really need you to help identify and drive them out."
IE, if you even SUSPECT that there is child abuse or whatnot, you are supposed to immediately contact the bishop who will get on the "red phone" and call SLC to start the process of getting the police involved.
There is a reason why the church has a HUGE archive of reported child abuse stories -- it is always on the lookout for it and when there is something actionable it will always act.
Every time anyone has reported to me online that there is child abuse in our church, I have reported what I could. Most of the time when I start drilling for any sort of details the accuser shuts up. That's because they KNOW that the church takes it very seriously. If they bring it up, there will be law enforcement action.
I feel the Trump admin made that a thing. Hope it sticks around through the next one.
Mormons aren't a Christian church. They rejected the Christian church, the Bible and its doctrines, calling it an abomination:
“Jesus said to Joseph that all the churches were wrong, and that their creeds were an abomination in his sight, that those professors were all corrupt." (First Vision)
Elder James E. Talmage observed that “when we say that the Lord is not pleased with those churches, we do not mean that he is not pleased with the members thereof. … The church as such may be wholly corrupt because of the false claims that are being made for it, and yet within that church as members there may be people who are doing their best.” (In Conference Report, Oct. 1928, p. 120.)
The Lord himself declared that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is “the only true and living church upon the face of the whole earth, with which I, the Lord, am well pleased, speaking unto the church collectively and not individually.”(D&C 1:30.)
Every Christian denomination thinks they’re the right one and the others are wrong.
Forget denominationalism. Just go with the truth of the Bible.
That's what all the denominations say lol.
We did not reject the Bible, its doctrines, or Christ. We DID reject the extra-Biblical dogmas that are found throughout mainstream Christianity.
Sadly, you rejected the Church in favor of a cult founded by a polygamous pedophile and womanizer who was a satanic Freemason occultist and modeled much of his cults symbolism and rituals on Freemason occultism. Irrefutable facts right here.
That's what you've been told. It doesn't make it true.
I marvel at how many people like to tell us what we believe rather than ask us what we believe.
Yes, to this. Factual history.
Not accurate.
Historically, LDS rejected the Christian Church and the Bible in favor of their prophets.
The LDS has a different Jesus and a different way of salvation.
Mitt Romney is just something akin to a modern day Joseph Smith They are similar con men.
Which ones?
Virgin birth? Trinity? What else?
Tell you what, if you'll ask specific questions, I'll answer them all to the best of my ability. Only do this if your curiosity is genuine.
If it is, you'll find this to be a good starting point. The first 8 minutes are fluff:
Religions tend to have a "this is the one true religion" clause. I don't honestly think there is just one, though. Wouldn't be benevolent.
Jesus said, " I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father, but through me."
John 14:6
a) Their CREEDS are an abomination.
Pay attention to the words that Jesus used. He did NOT say:
He said the CREEDS are an abomination.
Tell me, which creed did Jesus embrace? If the answer is "None", then you are correct. Jesus asked us to repent and be baptized, that's it. Anyone who preaches more or less than this is teaching false doctrine.
b) "those professors were all corrupt" Find me a loud-mouthed Christian who goes around shouting what he believes to everyone he can, and I'll show you a Christian who is corrupt. This is NOT what Christ asked us to do. We are to declare repentance and baptism, that's it. We are not supposed to argue and fight over the finer points of doctrine.
c) Conveniently, you withdrew all of the scriptures that correctly teach what we actually believe about other faiths. Namely:
Concerning our church, what makes it "the only true and living church upon the face of the whole earth"? Why is the Lord only pleased with us and not, say, the Catholics or the Protestants?
Several reasons:
That said, if you are dead-set on hating our church and our doctrines, more power to you. You are probably doing good works and have already accepted Christ, and increasingly likely to have the Spirit working in your life. I say God speed, whether you consider us Christian or not. I have noticed in the past 10 years that the Spirit is working miracles among pretty much every group that even remotely tries to point their way to the Savior.
Jesus, according to the felon and convicted fraud Joseph Smith, said that at the first vision, which is as credible as the Kinderhook plates, the seer stone, an Egyptian funeral papyrus and that talisman coin that Smith had in his pocket when he passed away in the jail shootout.
It wasn't just about creeds. Clearly, the LDS prophets spoke against the Christian Church and Christian doctrine.
The LDS church does not impart priesthood.
The LDS church doesn't point to Jesus, the Savior, God's only Son. It points to a man made Jesus that is conceived by Mary through a physical relationship and one that is the brother of Satan.
“Christ was begotten by an immortal Father in the same way that mortal men are begotten by mortal fathers.” (Mormon Doctrine, 1966, p. 547)
On first hearing, the doctrine that Lucifer and our Lord, Jesus Christ, are brothers may seem surprising to some—especially to those unacquainted with latter-day revelations. But both the scriptures and the prophets affirm that Jesus Christ and Lucifer are indeed offspring of our Heavenly Father and, therefore, spirit brothers….But as the Firstborn of the Father, Jesus was Lucifer’s older brother. (See Col. 1:15; D&C 93:21.)
We needed a Savior to pay for our sins and teach us how to return to our Heavenly Father. Our Father said, “Whom shall I send?” (Abraham 3:27). Two of our brothers offered to help. Our oldest brother, Jesus Christ, who was then called Jehovah, said, “Here am I, send me” (Abraham 3:27)….Satan, who was called Lucifer, also came, saying, “Behold, here am I, send me, I will be thy son, and I will redeem all mankind, that one soul shall not be lost, and surely I will do it; wherefore give me thine honor” (Moses 4:1).
Mormons don't have the same Jesus, nor do they have the same way of salvation.
We haven't even gotten to the LDS doctrine of becoming little gods, planet Kolob and/or populating our own planets via multiple wives yet.
Your prophets were dead set on hating the Christian Church, their doctrines and Biblical Truth.
I am an irrelevant part of that historical reality.
F-LDS is so damned blatant about their pedo stuff too. Like just search for the term and it's on the front page.
For those that don't know, the black eye like this one is supposed to be from when someone gets too much adrenochrome. This apparently is most potent from a live child under the age of 12. I say apparently because although we can be confident this is how it all works, I'm also confident none of us have personally done this so information on it is a bit limited.
So you don’t think it’s “discipline” on the part of the DS?
Discipline .... interesting. I hadn't thought of that. Thank you
The other eye for success... but punching the eye of Ra for failure. Hmmmmm
No, I mean having black eyes at all is the result of “disciplinary measures” by the DS for failure in some task. It doesn’t matter which eye it is, the fact that their handlers are resorting to violence/torture means they’re getting desperate.
I like your theory, but since adrenochrome is ingested it stands to reason that a systemic reaction would affect both eyes, not just one.
It’s actually common practice for Freemasons to be hit in the face with a mallet of sorts, lots of symbolism behind it.
He’s got a contusion above his eyebrow, so it looks like he was hit with something...maybe to make it look like a legit black eye from a typical injury?
I thought it was suppose to be a represenation of Eye of Horus.
I don't buy the whole adrenochrome theory. Not a single Q post ever mentioned 'adrenaline' or 'adrenochrome'. I think it's just a made up anon theory.
Is satanic blood drinking a part of the cult? Has it been practiced for thousands of years? Of course!
But I'll wait until there's solid proof that adrenochrome can be used as a drug, and more importantly, comes from cannibalism. If adrenochrome can be bought for pennies from laboratories, it can't possibly come from children, otherwise it would cost thousands of dollars per gram.
It's possible that the whole Pedoesta 'walnut sauce' stuff is not adrenaline related in any way.
Did some searching on the black eye club, "soul scalping" comes up a lot. Duckduck it. Freaking really strange to say the least if true, I doubt it but then where can one come up with a lizards brain entering and taking over someone's mind through the eye? You have to have a really wild imagination to come up with something that strange.
The parasite injectors are called vril. That's where the "lizard people" comes from. The people are people, but the parasote literally smites their consciousness out of existence and takes over, like the parasites that takes over ants, grasshoppers, or mice.
We deworm our cats, dogs, and horses every year. We stopped deworming ourselves 60 years ago.
So this would imply he's over his ability to handle. Kinda like calling for demonic reinforcements.
Seems fitting.
Hopefully it was from the butt of a rifle
Thats what im thinking. The one pelosi got was shaped exactly like the butt of a rifle.
I can imagine these pricks saying "dont you know who i am!"
"yep" THUMP
Hearing Jocko explain how they use muzzle strikes was kinda terrifying.
Is that Trump beating Cuomo down?
Significance of black eyes? Who the fuck could be giving these people beatings?
Big Mike beat down next up Lindsey
with a mushroom slap?
Pineal removal? They are slaves to their vices. They don't want to see the nightmares of their actions anymore. That's my theory at the moment.
Romney is a pedo. Charter member of the black eye club.
The fucked up thing is, they could at least try to cover these things up with make up or something and then hardly anyone would even notice...but, then, that would defeat the whole purpose.
Satanists are required to show who they are in public.
Been wondering this myself. Lady Anons, please help? Can you cover up a black eye like this with makeup?
(not trolling, I really don't know....I come from a line of men that would be lynched by their brothers/fathers for hitting a woman or child).
And oh how much would you pay to do the ass kicking? Just asking, because it seems to be good dream material
Black eye= BOOM
I was thinking classified level military interrogation. One of those "fun flights."
Is there a photo album of all with black eyes anywhere?
Mittens is a Freemason, not surprising.
I've seen Jim Jordan with a black eye. He better not be a part of the DS. I hope he doesn't like getting hit with a mallet too. lol!! Romney is A##ho!
I believe it completely BUT I'm also sure there are many, many people who would delight at the chance of putting a pounding on him. Once a traitor, never forgotten.
What a loser!
You sure he didnt just tray to suck Mike's dick wrong?
shellfish reaction
I would guess it has to be part of a ritual. Probably has to do with you need to submit to humiliation to show others you're a subservient minion and not a leader. Way to many black eyes in both houses as of late.
Have you ever had a black eye? No, none of us have. So creepy.
Well, I did as a kid .... after going 3 rounds with the Golden Gloves champ, and getting my ass pummelled (figuratively).
But the black eye was very faint ... my concussion was huge and much much more of a concern (couldn't stand up; Mom was freaking). Since he's not talking like a drunk (which I was at 13, never having consumed a drop), we can rule out massive head-trauma (like boxing).
Just stating so people understand what it takes to naturally get a black eye without a concussion ... DIRECT FUCKING IMPACT (or child rape, and he's not a child so disregard; gawddamn, these kids with Panda Eyes just fucking piss me off on a biblical scale ... hard to control the rage, but that's a different story).
He’s a full on Gad now.
Shouldn't it be his left eye, or is the image reversed??
Pierre Delecto!
Can anyone read whats on that phone?
It looks like it says "I've had some conversations YES, and we're just"
Whats the meaning behind that?
probably got poked in the eye by his wife before he was pegged.
Why would Big Mike punch Pierre Delecto in the face?
Beat up by US military or Chinese agents?
Not at all surprised.
Maybe he thinks joining the club will help him get over the hump
He needs to be given a used post and a coof mask for a blindfold when they shoot him at Gitmo, for sure.
All a bunch of gangsters. Retribution, mafia style.