That poor man. Those poor boys. People need to be held accountable for these jabs. This is absolutely grotesque and evil what they are doing to people.
Thus is what they want, complacency. You signed off, or you voted for, they want us to believe we are powerless to their ill intentions.
Makes me wonder how many this guy has personally woken up. A family friend discovered she may be barren due to the excessive bleeding post vaccine and has become distraught as well.
my mother in law got it and was diagnosed shortly after with a rare lung condition with 3 years to live. could be coincidence, who knows but imo its not.
If you're an ordinary person. But for this people a contract is almost holy. That's the reason I don't like contracts with them. And it's a contract if you say: I'm taking this vaccine by my free will.
100%. This is horrific. Not to be insensitive, but EVERY SINGLE PERSON that reads this thread needs to get mentally prepared for this. If the Whistleblower Virologists and other 'rogue' medical professionals are correct, expect to lose at least 1/3 the people that took the jab in the next 6-12 months. That is just to start. I have two kids and the their significant other that took it. only one child refuses. I'm begging them to supplement their immune systems so they have a fighting chance when they are exposed to a wild Corona variant. Could be any Virus them that kills them.
Exactly. If you want it after you know better, that’s on you. Most people don’t seem to know what we do. It’s disgusting to know big pharma and [DS] could do this.
My thoughts are.. if we can't sue the manufacturers or the government. . Or the administrators, we need to go after the media. For the hysteria, fear mongering.. killing our grandmothers and everyone else who fell for their bullshit propaganda
Then the government will just provide the Media with legal immunity. The legal system was never designed to help you. It was designed to protect the elites from you.
If this escalates to a widespread problem then I don't think a few laws are gonna stop the angry mob.
Maybe no liability can be challenged when they knowingly put people at risk. Also, I don't think these people have true informed consent. They don't the possible bad outcomes.
Why bother rounding people up and sending them to camps when you can just prompt them to do this crap to themselves? For the DS, it's easier and "cleaner".
Yes it is much easier than logistics of getting people to willingly go to a camp. They will kill in place. Certainly there are logistics in making the kill shot but they’ve been developing it for years, not 6months as they claim. First the vaccine and then the virus to scare people into taking the vax.
But meh.. everyone I know who had Covid has severe long term problems now and they didn’t have underlying condition...says the avg. social media shill without additional information
It's not killing any children, which the flu does, and they've inflated the deaths to hell and back.
If we assume the numbers are ACCURATE, this virus still doesn't look bad at all. 94% of deaths had 4 other causes of death and the rest were only to the virus? Flu looks worse to me, especially with 2,000 children under 5 dying annually to the flu
No, they are all complicit, and should FEAR the consequences of blatantly betraying their sacred duty to speak the honest truth to all the people that they rely on to exist in the first place.
He will NOT, that is OUR responsibility and we cannot afford to delegate it to ANY politician or dare to hope for the lord to intervene when we have not even exhausted ourselves trying. Most of us have done NOTHING so far to get involved.
We need to organize a bottom up movement, the American people must empower themselves.
Yep. Feels pretty bad to lose a family member to something that was not only 100% preventable, but from something that you were warned MANY times about...
My mother, sister and brother took it after I sent them all the information I had, and videos of people suffering. I may not have an immediate family in the near future.
I hope I am wrong.
I’m sorry for this lady’s family. My brother retired as an army Sargent & then was diagnosed with incurable cancer. Chemo depleted his immune system & he felt he needed the shot even though he survived covid back in December. I sent him all the info I could & told him there’s zero data that shows the shot would prevent anything. He said he’s read articles that say otherwise. I told him to send me just 1 article from a reliable source. Of course he couldn’t & just got pissed off. My point is, I love some of these people that are falling for the bs & all I can do is sit back & pray that they’ll be alright.
I'm in the same boat. My bro survived cancer and chemo two years ago. He took both shots, as did his wife and daughter. His wife also had cancer several years ago. i pray for their safety but that's all I can do. They couldn't wait to get the shot, and gleefully posted on FB when they did. I don't even know what to think.
Prayers for the husband & the young boys. What a hard hand to be dealt. My heart hurts for the family. I am thankful my wife's eyes are open. I am thankful many of my family members will refuse the vaccine, some of us will refuse in the presence of death itself.
Words cannot even begin to describe what this man is going through... And to think, the wife (& husband I assume) thought they were doing THE RIGHT THING by getting the vaccine.
So many like that happening. VAERs reporting says about 2,200 deaths and only about one percent get reported there. The true numbers are probably closer to 200,000 dead.
Yikes, that would mean vax is way more lethal than the virus. Much better to take vitamins and then get the virus which doesn’t do much if you have enough vitamins like vitamin D and zinc.
He's upset about a vaccine? Should have been upset with the diet.
Look at the FB pictures. They eat terribly! A little boy with fast food drink (of course it could be water but if you check out the rest of the pictures...) and Pringles...uuugggghhh! Stop feeding your children processed food! Please!
Diabetes and insulin resistance is the problem.
I still feel awful for their family and those little boys.
My neighbor beat his wife to death a couple months ago and looking out my window to see the children come and go makes me cry every time. These poor children! What do you tell them at night when mom or dad isn't there? So fucked up. I can't even.
Very very sad and unfortunately only one of thousands as a result of this. Health people having massive MI's and throwing clots so bad that you cant stent them fast enough because the clots keep coming. I'm convinced this is an exercise in depopulation and I fear for those who took the jab what will happen in months. We're going to have a much bigger problem in the very near future.
Yeah I mean reaching out for support when grieving is super sketchy, like why would anyone do that? Especially when they are confused and heartbroken sitting alone looking at their dead partners empty side of the bed.
My grandmother assured me that "faggot" means "young man whose still learning". Before she died she left everyone a note, mine just said "still a FAGGOT to me". So heartwarming that she remembers the nickname she called me as a young man.
This is the end result of being programmed by TV and AI. They did everything 'right' by listening to the suits on TV and the fact checkers on facebook, even though it was telling them to jump off a bridge, they did it anyways, because they gave up the ability for think for themselves in place of being told what to do by 'experts'.
Because they can’t recognize psychopaths/sociopaths apparently. “Experts” can also be sociopaths. And sociopaths are well represented in higher echelons because they crave power over others.
I dunno... Difficult for me to feel bad for literal retards that think an expirmental shot is necessary for a virus with a mortality rate that resembles the flu.
The doctors of the world need to re-take their Hippocratic Oaths to at least do no harm. They get sucked into the pro-vax narrative orchestrated by big pharma that pays for all the "trials" and studies. Their names are on view in every medical school. Becoming an MD means learning what they want you to know and believe. Forget what your logical brain tells you. Indoctrination for the purposes of control, peer group pressure. If you know this mRNA vaxx is unsafe, you keep your mouth shut for fear of being ostracized by your peer group, loss of certain privileges and a host of subtle and not so subtle ways to keep you in line with the "official" way of doing things.
So sorry to hear of this tragedy that was needless. It's at this level that the criminality of these vaccines are visible, not looking through a microscope and making predictions in some sterile lab rather than years of testing with animals and finally people who have been fully informed of the risks. .
Biden voters dropping like flies on the shit pile they created. The LGBTQP is to blame for all these people's feelings over facts attitude. Homosexuality will never benefit humanity it is an arm used by the devil to destroy humanity.
That poor man. Those poor boys. People need to be held accountable for these jabs. This is absolutely grotesque and evil what they are doing to people.
That's the problem. You can't hold the producers of the vaccine accountable. You have to sign, that you take the vaxx by your free will.
Thus is what they want, complacency. You signed off, or you voted for, they want us to believe we are powerless to their ill intentions.
Makes me wonder how many this guy has personally woken up. A family friend discovered she may be barren due to the excessive bleeding post vaccine and has become distraught as well.
I tried as hard to get my family not to take this stupid vaccine...
They did. Both my parents and my brother.
I pray nothing happens to them and I am really sorry for the lost of that family.
Much of my wife and my own families have taken it. I almost mourn already for them all.
Her family is holding visiting above her, making her far more likely to take the poison.
Show her stuff like this man. Plenty of reasons not to take it... for example:
This is a good thing to put on masks if still forced to wear them or on T-shirts “You are the Experiment”
Like this?
Get it before they ban it... lol
She's been trusting me this far, but she is very family oriented so this just feels like direct manipulation.
Luckily the few members of my family, though they have taken the vaccine because of of the fear porn, don't care about contact or social distancing.
my mother in law got it and was diagnosed shortly after with a rare lung condition with 3 years to live. could be coincidence, who knows but imo its not.
We should educate ourselves. If it is mandatory, why should I sign a contract that says, it's my own free will?
Absolutely true, fren.
The emergency shut down that came up this morning on the J&J vax in our state definitely made her more hesitant today.
I’m always being told you can’t sign away your liabilities.
If you're an ordinary person. But for this people a contract is almost holy. That's the reason I don't like contracts with them. And it's a contract if you say: I'm taking this vaccine by my free will.
100%. This is horrific. Not to be insensitive, but EVERY SINGLE PERSON that reads this thread needs to get mentally prepared for this. If the Whistleblower Virologists and other 'rogue' medical professionals are correct, expect to lose at least 1/3 the people that took the jab in the next 6-12 months. That is just to start. I have two kids and the their significant other that took it. only one child refuses. I'm begging them to supplement their immune systems so they have a fighting chance when they are exposed to a wild Corona variant. Could be any Virus them that kills them.
Too right. Prof Dolores Cahill tells you what's coming and when:
I find it strange to look around to people I know who have gotten the jab and know that they will be dead or disabled within the next few years.
It is like that Twilight Zone episode where the guy could see a glow around people who were going to die next.
Very sad.
People need to be held accountable for the choices they make. These idiots made a choice, no one forced a vaccine into them.
they need to hold themselves accountable. they stuck that shit into themselves. quit making excuses for these Branch Covidians.
RIP Emma. Our prayers go out to your family.
That hits deep. They never deserved to be misled this way.
Exactly. If you want it after you know better, that’s on you. Most people don’t seem to know what we do. It’s disgusting to know big pharma and [DS] could do this.
Very sad for these people losing loved ones over a virus with a 99.97% survival rate.
Media is complicit in crimes against humanity for pushing this shit.
Its LITERALLY murder.
My thoughts are.. if we can't sue the manufacturers or the government. . Or the administrators, we need to go after the media. For the hysteria, fear mongering.. killing our grandmothers and everyone else who fell for their bullshit propaganda
Then the government will just provide the Media with legal immunity. The legal system was never designed to help you. It was designed to protect the elites from you.
If this escalates to a widespread problem then I don't think a few laws are gonna stop the angry mob.
If it escalates into a widespread problem, they won’t be able to walk down the street ...
... and most of the prognosticators from over the years, including myself, would have been wrong to trust this plan.
Maybe no liability can be challenged when they knowingly put people at risk. Also, I don't think these people have true informed consent. They don't the possible bad outcomes.
It is murder. You are 100% correct. Mass murder
Why bother rounding people up and sending them to camps when you can just prompt them to do this crap to themselves? For the DS, it's easier and "cleaner".
Yes it is much easier than logistics of getting people to willingly go to a camp. They will kill in place. Certainly there are logistics in making the kill shot but they’ve been developing it for years, not 6months as they claim. First the vaccine and then the virus to scare people into taking the vax.
Yep ... nailed it. Was telling the misses last night that very thing. They don't have to clean up jack shit. we will have to do it for them.
But meh.. everyone I know who had Covid has severe long term problems now and they didn’t have underlying condition...says the avg. social media shill without additional information
What a convenient little fear morsel that "longterm" problems propaganda was. Our enemy is not without cunning.
It's far higher than 99.97%
It's not killing any children, which the flu does, and they've inflated the deaths to hell and back.
If we assume the numbers are ACCURATE, this virus still doesn't look bad at all. 94% of deaths had 4 other causes of death and the rest were only to the virus? Flu looks worse to me, especially with 2,000 children under 5 dying annually to the flu
No, they are all complicit, and should FEAR the consequences of blatantly betraying their sacred duty to speak the honest truth to all the people that they rely on to exist in the first place.
If it saves just one life... We should all inject this poison. /s
For those that can't read sarcasm, you forgot this... /s
Right, that is the lib logic for letting serial killers off death row, right ?
This is infinitely more logical than the COVID hysteria. (By that I mean, it would actually work)
Um no. How about sunlight, vitamins, and exercise.
C'mon man!
Those don't extend more control over us.
If we can save one life......we should all reject this poisonous jab
Road Rage has entered the chat.
Gardasil also has never prevented a single case of cervical cancer.
They use crazy backwards wording and pure theory to make that claim.
In fact, it can make you more likely to develop lesions that can lead to cancer.
They tried to mandate in Texas several years ago under Rick Perry and parents' rights groups cake unglued.
Mandated in NYS I’m pretty sure. But the cancer doesn’t kill kids. Go figure.
Is this bill gates? Asking for a friend...
I am so fucking outraged. Those poor babies and that poor dad. Lord Jesus please wipe the evil from thjs planet soon
He will NOT, that is OUR responsibility and we cannot afford to delegate it to ANY politician or dare to hope for the lord to intervene when we have not even exhausted ourselves trying. Most of us have done NOTHING so far to get involved.
We need to organize a bottom up movement, the American people must empower themselves.
Fb won't even let me lurk without an account anymore
Just incase you need the source.
Looks like it's an empty account now. He hide his posts?
Sometimes I hate being right.
So sad for the husband.
Yep. Feels pretty bad to lose a family member to something that was not only 100% preventable, but from something that you were warned MANY times about...
My mother, sister and brother took it after I sent them all the information I had, and videos of people suffering. I may not have an immediate family in the near future. I hope I am wrong.
I’m sorry for this lady’s family. My brother retired as an army Sargent & then was diagnosed with incurable cancer. Chemo depleted his immune system & he felt he needed the shot even though he survived covid back in December. I sent him all the info I could & told him there’s zero data that shows the shot would prevent anything. He said he’s read articles that say otherwise. I told him to send me just 1 article from a reliable source. Of course he couldn’t & just got pissed off. My point is, I love some of these people that are falling for the bs & all I can do is sit back & pray that they’ll be alright.
I'm in the same boat. My bro survived cancer and chemo two years ago. He took both shots, as did his wife and daughter. His wife also had cancer several years ago. i pray for their safety but that's all I can do. They couldn't wait to get the shot, and gleefully posted on FB when they did. I don't even know what to think.
:/ and this is just the beginning, they are ramping this up more everyday :\
She took a genocide vaccine, but we can’t figure out why she died. ?
But the husband seems certain, his kids will know, red pills shall be dispensed.
Tree of liberty requires both types of blood.
I am thinking, "They won't be able to walk down the street". When the people find out the real purpose of the vaccines.....
Looks like she had comorbidities...
Damn shame...
I told my family members stuff like this has been happening, but they all got it anyway...
This is so heartbreaking. He lost his wife, 2 young boys lost their mom. Absolutely horrible. ?
Prayers for the husband & the young boys. What a hard hand to be dealt. My heart hurts for the family. I am thankful my wife's eyes are open. I am thankful many of my family members will refuse the vaccine, some of us will refuse in the presence of death itself.
Words cannot even begin to describe what this man is going through... And to think, the wife (& husband I assume) thought they were doing THE RIGHT THING by getting the vaccine.
So many like that happening. VAERs reporting says about 2,200 deaths and only about one percent get reported there. The true numbers are probably closer to 200,000 dead.
Yikes, that would mean vax is way more lethal than the virus. Much better to take vitamins and then get the virus which doesn’t do much if you have enough vitamins like vitamin D and zinc.
This sucks.
That's fucking heavy.
I sincerely hope those pulling the strings meet their well earned fates.
Heartbreaking. Completely unnecessary. I pray for her children.
She was morbidly obese.
He's upset about a vaccine? Should have been upset with the diet.
Look at the FB pictures. They eat terribly! A little boy with fast food drink (of course it could be water but if you check out the rest of the pictures...) and Pringles...uuugggghhh! Stop feeding your children processed food! Please!
Diabetes and insulin resistance is the problem.
I still feel awful for their family and those little boys.
My neighbor beat his wife to death a couple months ago and looking out my window to see the children come and go makes me cry every time. These poor children! What do you tell them at night when mom or dad isn't there? So fucked up. I can't even.
Very very sad and unfortunately only one of thousands as a result of this. Health people having massive MI's and throwing clots so bad that you cant stent them fast enough because the clots keep coming. I'm convinced this is an exercise in depopulation and I fear for those who took the jab what will happen in months. We're going to have a much bigger problem in the very near future.
WHO THE HELL IS DOWNVOTING EVERYBODY!? This isn't even a bad discussion that hurts anybody.
I've been asking the same question.
"so long Emma, we'll always love you"? What kind of husband would write something like that?
A really sad one who can’t think of the right words.
but who just has to get his social media updated right away...
Yeah I mean reaching out for support when grieving is super sketchy, like why would anyone do that? Especially when they are confused and heartbroken sitting alone looking at their dead partners empty side of the bed.
Try harder faggot.
what would make me a faggot is if I have to rush to facebook in any kind of personal crisis.
My grandmother assured me that "faggot" means "young man whose still learning". Before she died she left everyone a note, mine just said "still a FAGGOT to me". So heartwarming that she remembers the nickname she called me as a young man.
Anyway, why would that make you a faggot?
This is the end result of being programmed by TV and AI. They did everything 'right' by listening to the suits on TV and the fact checkers on facebook, even though it was telling them to jump off a bridge, they did it anyways, because they gave up the ability for think for themselves in place of being told what to do by 'experts'.
Because they can’t recognize psychopaths/sociopaths apparently. “Experts” can also be sociopaths. And sociopaths are well represented in higher echelons because they crave power over others.
I dunno... Difficult for me to feel bad for literal retards that think an expirmental shot is necessary for a virus with a mortality rate that resembles the flu.
Play stupid games; win stupid prizes.
The doctors of the world need to re-take their Hippocratic Oaths to at least do no harm. They get sucked into the pro-vax narrative orchestrated by big pharma that pays for all the "trials" and studies. Their names are on view in every medical school. Becoming an MD means learning what they want you to know and believe. Forget what your logical brain tells you. Indoctrination for the purposes of control, peer group pressure. If you know this mRNA vaxx is unsafe, you keep your mouth shut for fear of being ostracized by your peer group, loss of certain privileges and a host of subtle and not so subtle ways to keep you in line with the "official" way of doing things.
So sorry to hear of this tragedy that was needless. It's at this level that the criminality of these vaccines are visible, not looking through a microscope and making predictions in some sterile lab rather than years of testing with animals and finally people who have been fully informed of the risks. .
Biden voters dropping like flies on the shit pile they created. The LGBTQP is to blame for all these people's feelings over facts attitude. Homosexuality will never benefit humanity it is an arm used by the devil to destroy humanity.
And the push the jab the most since they are full of diseases and want all of us to die too
Wasn't the Astrazeneca one pulled?
It has been in many countries and areas but I can’t cite specifics at the moment. But I believe it’s been banned in parts of Europe mostly.