I like your assessment as well. I think that we at such a critical situation in history that Trump's options were severely limited.
Can you imagine the world where everyone in the whole world takes 3 monthly updates of whatever they tell you to take is mandated?
It is the actual end of civilization. We would have lost the last war. I believe he is giving us a fighting chance by heading off that scenario by rushing the plan. the situation was that bad.
I agree with and appreciate your assessment, but why would he push this particular vaccine? If exposing the truth is one of the goals, the truth appears to be that this vaccine is bad. I dare say I am more wary of the adenovirus vaccines than the mRNA vaccines. The additional blood clotting problem seems real to me.
Of course without accurate data I can't make a good judgement, but my instincts are telling me absolutely not on J&J (and all the rest of course as well).
Is it too out there to think the cabal wants to push the RNA delivery systems in the AstraZenica and Moderna products? Could the J&J vax, which is in direct competition with the RNA products, be sabotaged? I know many who were nervous about the AZ and Moderna vaxes but decided they would have the J&J vax. We all know there are just as many, if not more, adverse reactions and deaths the the RNA systems but they are not pausing those. There is a money trail to follow here. I would say trillions are on the line for these corporations...
AstraZeneca does not use MRNA technology. It is similar to j&J. At least in Europe, and most likely for political reasons (Brexit), it has also been discouraged because of blood clots. It really makes you wonder what is going on.
An experimental emergency use only & can not be mandated to be taken. To jab or not to jab, the choice is yours. Without warp speed, the economic condition & any FDA approval could have made it mandatory.
Well, I guess that answers my question in another thread about J & J not being with the "in crowd." Pfizer has people all in The FDA, apparantly.
Will this point out the collusion of our regulatory agencies and Pharma?
Either way, this statement creeps me out because we all know Vit D, C, Zn, and Ivermectin can kick this thing's ass in 48 hours. I guess psyops can get creepy.
They have no friggin idea which "vaccine" is better, if it will protect you, if you can transmit the virus. There hasn't been enough time to see the outcomes!! Many things are conjecture except for the horrific side effects were are seeing now.
My guess is Johnson & Johnson is maybe a vaccine that won't make you sick? Is Trump letting us know that j&j is actually inert in case we need to get it for a vaccine card?
And the other ones, which actually change your DNA and will kill your organs, are unsafe.
And that's why they're banning this one and not the other ones. So we can use the j&j to get around their passports.
I think this is exactly what’s going on. “Sheep” who read this will say “Wow, look at Trump trying to push forward a probably unsafe treatment!” And then many will take a look around and say “wait a minute...”
In a game of chess, it’s important to look beyond the stances/positions taken by individual pieces, to see what kinds of pressure those stances place on other pieces. The normies on the left hate Trump with a burning passion, along with everything he says and does. So if you’re Trump, why not use this to your advantage?
I think the biggest detail is no one can reasonably claim anyone who is anti-vax in any way is blindly following Trump. They have all seen how closely we've defended nearly everything Trump has said. Now saying that we still will refuse the vaccine does not look like anything but thinking for ourselves.
Well-said: "In a game of chess, it’s important to look beyond the stances/positions taken by individual pieces, to see what kinds of pressure those stances place on other pieces."
I think this is key to understanding all of Trump's "questionable" statements.
Given the UK published that report saying 60-70% of their new deaths and hospitalizations are people who got both doses of those bad boys, this may be it. They admitted failed immunizations are more of a risk for serious illness than unvaccinated individuals, and that fully vaccinated people will make up the brunt of the next wave if/when it hits.
Still wouldn’t get any of the vaccines. But those two are the worst.
Pfizer’s corporate culture is do whatever it takes for the bottom line, and they get away with some seriously shitty things all the time because of their connections.
It's significant to me that Trump is the first to point out that Johnson & Johnson's persecution could be at the hands of Pfizer/FDA. It's perhaps no coincidence that J & J's vaccine was not an mRNA concoction.
I replied to another person so I'll paste it below with the same response.
I believe J&J produced a real vaccine unlike Pfizer and Moderna which are both mRNA. I am wondering if the cases where people got sick from J&J were spiked or tampered with to create news stories to get them banned. I think AstraZeneca may also be a real vaccine which makes me question again if they did the same thing to them so that more people take the mRNA instead of the real vaccine. For the record I am not advocating for anyone to take any of this trash
AZ is the most likely to cause clots out of all four. They can all cause these problems if they aren’t given far enough into your deltoid and wind up causing endothelial cells to express spike protein.
J&J uses the exact same mechanism as all of the other shots, but it is delivered inside of a different dead virus, instead of a tiny lipid casing. They all use this mRNA tech. None of them use the traditional vaccination method.
J&J creates the spike protein externally and when those cells dir they don't recreate that spike protein. The spike protein is temporary whereas the moderna and Pfizer permanently recreate that spike protein.
I have not heard this to be the case. The virus shell that the mRNA is transported in has no capability to produce proteins. In fact, no virus produces proteins on its own. Instead, what viruses do is inject their mRNA protein instructions into cells and trick cells into producing the proteins necessary to create more copies of the virus, allowing it to replicate.
This is also how the J&J shot works, as I understand it. The mRNA is delivered to your cells which then produce the spike protein.
Now, what I have heard is that the two shot “vaccines” had to make modifications to the mRNA structure to increase its durability, because of how fragile it is. This means that the mRNA, once inside a cell, will last for much longer than any ordinary mRNA either from the cell itself or a naturally occurring virus. This raises the chance of the mRNA being reinforced back into the cell DNA through reverse transcriptase, which would result in some cells having the coding for the spike protein in their DNA (which would be carried on when the cell divides, so in theory you could have spike proteins lingering in your body forever).
I am not 100% certain on this last part, I will need to do more research. But I am fairly confident in my assertion that even in the J&J, spike proteins are being created inside cells, the same as the other shots.
“The only way to defeat the China Virus is with our great vaccines!” ?? I thought it was easily overcome for most healthy people? 99.98 survival rate (varied slightly for age groups)? Why do we need a vax if we have immunities for it?
I’ve always wondered if there was another shoe to drop. But why would he say this?
There’s also the added bonus that they can’t act like he’s down playing it. And they’ve now whipped the public into a vaccine frenzy so they won’t react well if they stop distributing vaccine.
They also won’t react well if they stop inoculating for “safety” but states that don’t have insane restrictions keep seeing cases drop. Biden can’t go back on the “we need the vaccine” at this point; their lack of factual grounding for their decisions is being exposed at the border and in the public health sphere.
That’s what I took from it. We know we’re not down for the jab. This implies they were going to delay release/production to keep lockdowns in place forever.
It is very likely that the J & J vaccine is not perfect and can itself make you sick. However, it would seem that the Pfizer one is much worse (it is mRNA) yet it gets a free pass.
I still would not get any vaccine for this virus as it's an unnecessary risk for a vaccine that doesn't work.
Speculating a bit but: Trump might be trying to setup a trap for the deep state on optics. He may sound like he's defending the J & J vaccine but he might actually be using it as an attack on Pfizer one more than anything. Pfizer might be one of the huge big state players that needs to be cleanup up and shut down.
You have to wonder which vaccine is the one that's been causing all these side-effects on the news. The one where whole schools shutdown because all the teachers got the vaccine at the same time and started feeling sick. It might be a mix, but the mRNA vaccine is the one that seems to be the most common as far as I can tell.
But I am confused: all these companies have long rap sheets. J&J may be one of the worst of the bunch. Maybe it's Pfizer/Moderna's time now, and J&J and the rest later?
However, currently Pfizer/Moderna are both mRNA. This is an experimental technology that if it doesn't injure/kill you right away, it can cause serious side-effects later down the line. Both are funded by bill gates. And both are not just experimental vaccines, they are experimental technologies.
I have not looked that far into the J & J vaccine but at least that vaccine is not mRNA. If you get and it survive, you should not expect side-effect later on. However, that is not to say the vaccine will work very well and there is a chance that it will actually m make your next corona virus infection worse (this has been observed in lab animals and is also what makes vaccines so tricky to develop for these types of viruses).
J&J is mRNA. The mRNA is delivered to your cells through a dead virus shell, instead of attempting to deliver the mRNA itself with a small protective casing. All of the viruses have the same end result, which is to program your cells to produce the spike protein.
J&J does create the spike protein but when those cells die, your new cells won't have the spike protein whereas Moderna and Pfizer have you forever producing the spike protein.
And why is that? They literally both do the exact same thing, which is deliver the mRNA into your cells to be read as instructions for producing the spike proteins.
My take from this is the following, you are free men. If you want the vaccine go get it, if not, don't.
Limiting the vaccine(s) + forcing the people into not vaccinated -> society rejects -> market etc never opening -> economy collapsing
There is no point in artificially limiting it. All of them are in alpha phase and they have side effects for sure one way or another (one of the reasons why it should not be mandatory)
Playing favorites is obviously pushing specific interests.
He had to! As others have pointed out, if he hadn't pushed for rapid vaccine development, the deep state and Washington swamp would have dragged the plandemic out for 2 or 3 more years. Now that there are vaccines, there is no excuse to keep lock downs going (although they keep trying to bring up scary new variants, but the case numbers in places where there are no lockdowns and minimal precautions (TX and FL) show that covid will soon be a non-issue).
Oh, I agree. I know why Trump got everything fast tracked. He wanted to take Covid card away from Dems. He could have done that in a different way though. He should have put Fauci on the hook for any complications from the vaccine by always saying that he relied heavily on the expertise of the medical team. So and so said it SHOULD be done because of the contagious nature, the fatalities and my medical team said it was worth a shot, so I put everything into high gear. That way it's clear he's relying on the experts. Then if people experience side effects, the question of what happened is directed to Fauci. Trump should have been more careful to not let his ego take over so he could wave a fist in the air as having won a race. Better to have always been in a position to say...so-in-so never said anything about PCI could register false positives, so-in-so never said anything about blod clots in the lungs. He could take the victory lap but made the vax crew the losers if anything bad happened.
Unfortunately, President Trump's main fault, I believe, is his personality/ego, although it may be what was required to show the BS and corruption of Washington. I still think there is a possibility that his "mean tweets" were purposefully done to drive leftists into such a rage that they would be careless in committing their various crimes, including the election fraud.
I agree but he was not well served by a number of people around him. His ego took over when he wanted to show the world he could get the impossible done. Which he did and even the left had to admit it was impressive. But his loyal followers have learned not to trust MSM. When Fauci funded the Wuhan lab for gain of function work he should have never been allowed to serve as the visible head of push for the vaccine. Most of the Trump followers don't trust Fauci and for good reason. This media extravaganza PR campaign to push people into the vaccine makes no sense at all. This is not ebola where people bleed out within hours and die. But everyone on the left is acting like it is. Trump had to say get the shot because he pushed for the development. Had he had better advice, he might have approached everything differently.
Sorry, Trump pushing vaccines when Hydroxychloriquine works and has been suppressed and he KNOWS this, really really really really really bothers me.
Sorry, but I'm really unimpressed and pissed with Trump right now.
And let's not forget, a virus with a 99.9% survival is NOT a fucking pandemic. The pandemic is the government overreach due to what was very likely an intentionally released bioweapon.
I think we have to keep it simple. Trump has his laser light out again playing with the cats. By defending the J&J vaccine the DS will have to utterly trash it. In the process they might have to reveal the actual truth about it. He's done this many times with other topics. While they play their game of look here not there........ Trump doesn't play......... he says look HERE. Maybe he'll take down the vaccines & companies one by one.
You weren’t gonna take it, so why would this change your mind? Retards that were gonna take it out of panic/stupidity are gonna take it either way. Might as well try to do SOME good
I understand why he did it. He is right, if the vaccine wasn’t created, they would have kept us locked down, and slowly kill us... the only solution then would be civil war, then Biden would send in his CCP China and UN soldiers to “control the situation”.... then it would be game over. The Johnson and Johnson vaccine may be “ok” and they are falsely reporting blood clots to get it shut down... MAYBE.
But... we all see what’s going on here.
This is UNDOUBTEDLY the mark of the beast. ... when God flooded the earth, Noah and his family were the only pure blood humans left on earth because the fallen angels had mixed their seed with man creating an abomination- (nephilim/ Raphiem, Giants, the serpent seed)
This vaccine ALTERS YOUR DNA AND rDNA... it’s mixed with nephilim DNA, which will make you an ABOMINATION UNTO GOD. That’s why he said in revelations, once you take the mark, that was it.
CV19 is a bioweapon released by CCP and DS. Trump and the military knows this. They couldn't come out and say it because 1) China would vehemently deny it, so would MSM; many people would not believe it 2) his supporters would've demanded war with China, which would lead to countless deaths on both sides and economic destruction. He also knows the goal of the virus is to shut down the US economy indefinitely while China and DS players consolidate power with the endgoal of destroying the US currency and financial system and transitioning into a global communist social credit digital currency system. That's why the vaccine was expedited and Trump is actively pushing it. It destroys the narrative that the US economy has to be shut down for 2+ years due to the virus. Meanwhile, he and the patriots are in the process of waking the masses up to what is happening to their country before this planned 'coup de grace' can happen
Appears President Trump is pushing the “ vaccines” because the globalists wanted to control everything for the next 3-5 years.... the amount of time it typically takes for a vaccine. He’s pushing it to block their agenda.
I understand why he’s doing this. Or I think. If vaccines start being questioned, then soon, it might be Pfizer or Moderna. Just to be clear : I’m not getting vaccinated. However, questioning the efficacy of the vaccine is just one more way to stall going back to a normal life. I’m not speaking about states that have reopened but everywhere in the US. Trump’s getting the vaccine out so quickly totally ruined the plans of the DS. Imagine how, with no vaccine, people would still be scared and how this would allow them to keep people masked up and locked down. Anyway, questioning the vaccine might mean less vaccines and less vaccines means a slower return to normality. By politics, I think he means this: the Biden administration creating problems so they can control more. Maybe I’m wrong.
Trust no one. Do your own research. It doesn't take much research to show you that the vax is not good. Why are they (DS/MSM) pushing it so hard? Why do you still have to wear a mask and distance after being vaxed? Why will you need regular "boosters"? They will keep pumping you full of crap til you die. Wake up.
Could this J&J vaccine be the only one with saline in it, or with safe "chemicals" and they caught wind of it so they wanted to prevent people from taking the "safe" vaccine?
Regardless of it being safe or unsafe, I'm still not taking the jab. My immune system will do the work for me, thanks.
To me, this is obviously one of Trump's favorite moves to play: Bring attention to something, anything, by publicly pronouncing the opposite position.
People have been conditioned to think that Trump doesn't know what he's talking about with medical science-related things. So, when he proclaims that the J&J vaccine, which he personally pushed for, should be kept in circulation, and that the FDA removing circulation is politically charged, then suddenly all of those people start to think about how J&J is actually unsafe (because to them, Trump is stupid) which leads to the thought of "not all vaccines are safe".
Otherwise, the FDA would want to just quietly end circulation of the J&J and not have it be widely known that the vaccine was pulled. Now that Trump is making a fuss out of it, depending on how far this gets out there, people will hear about it.
And six cases of blood clots associated with over a million people getting the J&J shot is such a ridiculous correlation! There are probably 100x that many of a host of side-effects associated with ANY injection!
If I had to take the vaccine, I think I'd prefer Johnson & Johnson over the others. Because if there's one person I trust, it would be President Trump.
My 16 year old wants to get the vaccine. I can't seem to talk him out of it. Any way to tell where to get the Johnson and Johnson one when it comes back out?
I like your assessment as well. I think that we at such a critical situation in history that Trump's options were severely limited. Can you imagine the world where everyone in the whole world takes 3 monthly updates of whatever they tell you to take is mandated? It is the actual end of civilization. We would have lost the last war. I believe he is giving us a fighting chance by heading off that scenario by rushing the plan. the situation was that bad.
I agree with and appreciate your assessment, but why would he push this particular vaccine? If exposing the truth is one of the goals, the truth appears to be that this vaccine is bad. I dare say I am more wary of the adenovirus vaccines than the mRNA vaccines. The additional blood clotting problem seems real to me.
Of course without accurate data I can't make a good judgement, but my instincts are telling me absolutely not on J&J (and all the rest of course as well).
Is it too out there to think the cabal wants to push the RNA delivery systems in the AstraZenica and Moderna products? Could the J&J vax, which is in direct competition with the RNA products, be sabotaged? I know many who were nervous about the AZ and Moderna vaxes but decided they would have the J&J vax. We all know there are just as many, if not more, adverse reactions and deaths the the RNA systems but they are not pausing those. There is a money trail to follow here. I would say trillions are on the line for these corporations...
AstraZeneca does not use MRNA technology. It is similar to j&J. At least in Europe, and most likely for political reasons (Brexit), it has also been discouraged because of blood clots. It really makes you wonder what is going on.
An experimental emergency use only & can not be mandated to be taken. To jab or not to jab, the choice is yours. Without warp speed, the economic condition & any FDA approval could have made it mandatory.
I’m hopeful Patriots have treatments ready for what they’re hoping these vaccines will really accomplish.
Same here I'm opting out of this one
Well, I guess that answers my question in another thread about J & J not being with the "in crowd." Pfizer has people all in The FDA, apparantly.
Will this point out the collusion of our regulatory agencies and Pharma?
Either way, this statement creeps me out because we all know Vit D, C, Zn, and Ivermectin can kick this thing's ass in 48 hours. I guess psyops can get creepy.
And don't forget Hydroxychloriquine.
I wonder... I wonder if the J&J vaccine is just these treatments in an injectable form?
Pretty sure it's a viral vector spike protein deal. Someone at J & J hasn't kissed a ring or something.
I do believe theirs is based off the Malaria Vaccine.
Interesting. I'm gonna try to find sauce for that.
Thanks, fren!
They have no friggin idea which "vaccine" is better, if it will protect you, if you can transmit the virus. There hasn't been enough time to see the outcomes!! Many things are conjecture except for the horrific side effects were are seeing now.
My guess is Johnson & Johnson is maybe a vaccine that won't make you sick? Is Trump letting us know that j&j is actually inert in case we need to get it for a vaccine card?
And the other ones, which actually change your DNA and will kill your organs, are unsafe.
And that's why they're banning this one and not the other ones. So we can use the j&j to get around their passports.
That's my theory at least
I had the sane reaction. But I still wouldn't get ANY vax. Nor any mRNA operation system injections (these are NOT vaccines)
Or, maybe Trump is inverting their inversion. In other words, our enemy will take the exact opposite position that Trump does.
I think this is exactly what’s going on. “Sheep” who read this will say “Wow, look at Trump trying to push forward a probably unsafe treatment!” And then many will take a look around and say “wait a minute...” In a game of chess, it’s important to look beyond the stances/positions taken by individual pieces, to see what kinds of pressure those stances place on other pieces. The normies on the left hate Trump with a burning passion, along with everything he says and does. So if you’re Trump, why not use this to your advantage?
I think the biggest detail is no one can reasonably claim anyone who is anti-vax in any way is blindly following Trump. They have all seen how closely we've defended nearly everything Trump has said. Now saying that we still will refuse the vaccine does not look like anything but thinking for ourselves.
Well-said: "In a game of chess, it’s important to look beyond the stances/positions taken by individual pieces, to see what kinds of pressure those stances place on other pieces."
I think this is key to understanding all of Trump's "questionable" statements.
Injuries from the J&J "vaccine":
Yeah, you’re probably right. The J&J vaccine isn’t an mRNA vaccine, so ban it and the US is left with Pfizer and Moderna.
Given the UK published that report saying 60-70% of their new deaths and hospitalizations are people who got both doses of those bad boys, this may be it. They admitted failed immunizations are more of a risk for serious illness than unvaccinated individuals, and that fully vaccinated people will make up the brunt of the next wave if/when it hits.
Still wouldn’t get any of the vaccines. But those two are the worst.
Pfizer’s corporate culture is do whatever it takes for the bottom line, and they get away with some seriously shitty things all the time because of their connections.
It's significant to me that Trump is the first to point out that Johnson & Johnson's persecution could be at the hands of Pfizer/FDA. It's perhaps no coincidence that J & J's vaccine was not an mRNA concoction.
J n J is the only safe one? The delta on this is pretty fucking crazy, not going to lie.
Also add the Rothschild stuff from yesterday,
Stolen election and gun control rhetoric fits about anywhere, but was definitely not as big of a topic in 2018
damn. and what are we supposed to make of this little word...
Honestly, if I were going to get a vaccine at all, it would be the J&J one based on known vaccines, rather than an mRNA one.
But I read this more as an indictment of FDA/Pfizer relationship, than an endorsement of J&J. It's a weird statement, though.
I replied to another person so I'll paste it below with the same response.
I believe J&J produced a real vaccine unlike Pfizer and Moderna which are both mRNA. I am wondering if the cases where people got sick from J&J were spiked or tampered with to create news stories to get them banned. I think AstraZeneca may also be a real vaccine which makes me question again if they did the same thing to them so that more people take the mRNA instead of the real vaccine. For the record I am not advocating for anyone to take any of this trash
AZ is the most likely to cause clots out of all four. They can all cause these problems if they aren’t given far enough into your deltoid and wind up causing endothelial cells to express spike protein.
J&J uses the exact same mechanism as all of the other shots, but it is delivered inside of a different dead virus, instead of a tiny lipid casing. They all use this mRNA tech. None of them use the traditional vaccination method.
Are the reports and articles deliberately lying? From what I've seen they're saying it's not classified as an mRNA.
J&J creates the spike protein externally and when those cells dir they don't recreate that spike protein. The spike protein is temporary whereas the moderna and Pfizer permanently recreate that spike protein.
I have not heard this to be the case. The virus shell that the mRNA is transported in has no capability to produce proteins. In fact, no virus produces proteins on its own. Instead, what viruses do is inject their mRNA protein instructions into cells and trick cells into producing the proteins necessary to create more copies of the virus, allowing it to replicate.
This is also how the J&J shot works, as I understand it. The mRNA is delivered to your cells which then produce the spike protein.
Now, what I have heard is that the two shot “vaccines” had to make modifications to the mRNA structure to increase its durability, because of how fragile it is. This means that the mRNA, once inside a cell, will last for much longer than any ordinary mRNA either from the cell itself or a naturally occurring virus. This raises the chance of the mRNA being reinforced back into the cell DNA through reverse transcriptase, which would result in some cells having the coding for the spike protein in their DNA (which would be carried on when the cell divides, so in theory you could have spike proteins lingering in your body forever).
I am not 100% certain on this last part, I will need to do more research. But I am fairly confident in my assertion that even in the J&J, spike proteins are being created inside cells, the same as the other shots.
Yes, that's what I read as well when I looked it up. Pfizer and Moderna use mRNA, but J&J takes the traditional approach and uses a dead virus.
Is that the 2 shot one?
Pfizer and Moderna are 2 shots... J&J is one
“The only way to defeat the China Virus is with our great vaccines!” ?? I thought it was easily overcome for most healthy people? 99.98 survival rate (varied slightly for age groups)? Why do we need a vax if we have immunities for it?
I’ve always wondered if there was another shoe to drop. But why would he say this?
To jump start an economy with normies they need confidence. Confidence is the the real cure and not a vaccine.
They could be giving people a placebo and it would probably have a better outcome to boost confidence in normies.
100% this?
There’s also the added bonus that they can’t act like he’s down playing it. And they’ve now whipped the public into a vaccine frenzy so they won’t react well if they stop distributing vaccine.
They also won’t react well if they stop inoculating for “safety” but states that don’t have insane restrictions keep seeing cases drop. Biden can’t go back on the “we need the vaccine” at this point; their lack of factual grounding for their decisions is being exposed at the border and in the public health sphere.
PPL are dying from this placebo... SMH
You gotta beat the enemy at their own game.
By this point in time, anyone with half a brain will stay far FAR away from any vaccines.
Precisely because at this point there is no point to obtaining a vaccine based on the data in front of us.
pushing vaccines again. no me gusta.
That’s what I took from it. We know we’re not down for the jab. This implies they were going to delay release/production to keep lockdowns in place forever.
It is very likely that the J & J vaccine is not perfect and can itself make you sick. However, it would seem that the Pfizer one is much worse (it is mRNA) yet it gets a free pass.
I still would not get any vaccine for this virus as it's an unnecessary risk for a vaccine that doesn't work.
Speculating a bit but: Trump might be trying to setup a trap for the deep state on optics. He may sound like he's defending the J & J vaccine but he might actually be using it as an attack on Pfizer one more than anything. Pfizer might be one of the huge big state players that needs to be cleanup up and shut down.
You have to wonder which vaccine is the one that's been causing all these side-effects on the news. The one where whole schools shutdown because all the teachers got the vaccine at the same time and started feeling sick. It might be a mix, but the mRNA vaccine is the one that seems to be the most common as far as I can tell.
But I am confused: all these companies have long rap sheets. J&J may be one of the worst of the bunch. Maybe it's Pfizer/Moderna's time now, and J&J and the rest later?
I wouldn't get either vaccine.
However, currently Pfizer/Moderna are both mRNA. This is an experimental technology that if it doesn't injure/kill you right away, it can cause serious side-effects later down the line. Both are funded by bill gates. And both are not just experimental vaccines, they are experimental technologies.
I have not looked that far into the J & J vaccine but at least that vaccine is not mRNA. If you get and it survive, you should not expect side-effect later on. However, that is not to say the vaccine will work very well and there is a chance that it will actually m make your next corona virus infection worse (this has been observed in lab animals and is also what makes vaccines so tricky to develop for these types of viruses).
Interesting! I didn’t realize the J&J wasn’t mRNA. Puts his statement in a new light. Found this article on the J&J. https://www.vcuhealth.org/news/covid-19/johnson-and-johnson-vaccine-how-is-it-different
J&J is mRNA. The mRNA is delivered to your cells through a dead virus shell, instead of attempting to deliver the mRNA itself with a small protective casing. All of the viruses have the same end result, which is to program your cells to produce the spike protein.
J&J does create the spike protein but when those cells die, your new cells won't have the spike protein whereas Moderna and Pfizer have you forever producing the spike protein.
And why is that? They literally both do the exact same thing, which is deliver the mRNA into your cells to be read as instructions for producing the spike proteins.
The only difference is method of delivery.
I was under the impression that the J&J. Vaccine was far less permanent but I am not at all trained in microbiology.
What happened to HCQ and others? What optics are we playing, here?
This 100%. And Ivermectin
My take from this is the following, you are free men. If you want the vaccine go get it, if not, don't.
Limiting the vaccine(s) + forcing the people into not vaccinated -> society rejects -> market etc never opening -> economy collapsing
There is no point in artificially limiting it. All of them are in alpha phase and they have side effects for sure one way or another (one of the reasons why it should not be mandatory)
Playing favorites is obviously pushing specific interests.
This /\ well said.
Anyone wondering when we have to stand? Looks like we are on our own to fight the jab.
I am not so sure I see it that way. President Trump supports freedom of choice.
We should be thanking President Trump for never mandating the vaccines.
I agree because Trump was pushing alternatives and including UV light.
People are stupid. People that we’re gonna take it are going to take it anyways. People who weren’t are not.
If Trump says don’t take vaccine, he gets the entire “Science is life” crowd and other rational Americans to think he’s just a crazy “anti-vaxx”.
Because some people like their vaccines, with their side effects, and Trump fights for them too, not just you!
I mean some, I assume, are good?
It's the one thing I wish Trump would not have done...got involved with vaccines.
He had to! As others have pointed out, if he hadn't pushed for rapid vaccine development, the deep state and Washington swamp would have dragged the plandemic out for 2 or 3 more years. Now that there are vaccines, there is no excuse to keep lock downs going (although they keep trying to bring up scary new variants, but the case numbers in places where there are no lockdowns and minimal precautions (TX and FL) show that covid will soon be a non-issue).
Oh, I agree. I know why Trump got everything fast tracked. He wanted to take Covid card away from Dems. He could have done that in a different way though. He should have put Fauci on the hook for any complications from the vaccine by always saying that he relied heavily on the expertise of the medical team. So and so said it SHOULD be done because of the contagious nature, the fatalities and my medical team said it was worth a shot, so I put everything into high gear. That way it's clear he's relying on the experts. Then if people experience side effects, the question of what happened is directed to Fauci. Trump should have been more careful to not let his ego take over so he could wave a fist in the air as having won a race. Better to have always been in a position to say...so-in-so never said anything about PCI could register false positives, so-in-so never said anything about blod clots in the lungs. He could take the victory lap but made the vax crew the losers if anything bad happened.
Unfortunately, President Trump's main fault, I believe, is his personality/ego, although it may be what was required to show the BS and corruption of Washington. I still think there is a possibility that his "mean tweets" were purposefully done to drive leftists into such a rage that they would be careless in committing their various crimes, including the election fraud.
I agree but he was not well served by a number of people around him. His ego took over when he wanted to show the world he could get the impossible done. Which he did and even the left had to admit it was impressive. But his loyal followers have learned not to trust MSM. When Fauci funded the Wuhan lab for gain of function work he should have never been allowed to serve as the visible head of push for the vaccine. Most of the Trump followers don't trust Fauci and for good reason. This media extravaganza PR campaign to push people into the vaccine makes no sense at all. This is not ebola where people bleed out within hours and die. But everyone on the left is acting like it is. Trump had to say get the shot because he pushed for the development. Had he had better advice, he might have approached everything differently.
Prob because the Astrazeneca and J&J are as harmful as other vaccines, but the mRNA's will turn people into zombies
Sorry, Trump pushing vaccines when Hydroxychloriquine works and has been suppressed and he KNOWS this, really really really really really bothers me.
Sorry, but I'm really unimpressed and pissed with Trump right now.
And let's not forget, a virus with a 99.9% survival is NOT a fucking pandemic. The pandemic is the government overreach due to what was very likely an intentionally released bioweapon.
I think we have to keep it simple. Trump has his laser light out again playing with the cats. By defending the J&J vaccine the DS will have to utterly trash it. In the process they might have to reveal the actual truth about it. He's done this many times with other topics. While they play their game of look here not there........ Trump doesn't play......... he says look HERE. Maybe he'll take down the vaccines & companies one by one.
Let's bring down Pfizer.
Blehhhhh....i trust him, but this shit hits me right in the gut
You weren’t gonna take it, so why would this change your mind? Retards that were gonna take it out of panic/stupidity are gonna take it either way. Might as well try to do SOME good
My mind isn’t changed? I just said it hit me in the gut.
And I love a lot of retards, so this whole fucking thing sucks.
Me too. But as hard as I’ve tried, I don’t think I’ve changed any minds.
Can’t save everything
They have to see it themselves. Everyone has their own experiences and knowledge...all in due time.
Exactly how I see it.
I understand why he did it. He is right, if the vaccine wasn’t created, they would have kept us locked down, and slowly kill us... the only solution then would be civil war, then Biden would send in his CCP China and UN soldiers to “control the situation”.... then it would be game over. The Johnson and Johnson vaccine may be “ok” and they are falsely reporting blood clots to get it shut down... MAYBE. But... we all see what’s going on here. This is UNDOUBTEDLY the mark of the beast. ... when God flooded the earth, Noah and his family were the only pure blood humans left on earth because the fallen angels had mixed their seed with man creating an abomination- (nephilim/ Raphiem, Giants, the serpent seed) This vaccine ALTERS YOUR DNA AND rDNA... it’s mixed with nephilim DNA, which will make you an ABOMINATION UNTO GOD. That’s why he said in revelations, once you take the mark, that was it.
This has been most understandable statements yet. Thank you for putting this into words.
CV19 is a bioweapon released by CCP and DS. Trump and the military knows this. They couldn't come out and say it because 1) China would vehemently deny it, so would MSM; many people would not believe it 2) his supporters would've demanded war with China, which would lead to countless deaths on both sides and economic destruction. He also knows the goal of the virus is to shut down the US economy indefinitely while China and DS players consolidate power with the endgoal of destroying the US currency and financial system and transitioning into a global communist social credit digital currency system. That's why the vaccine was expedited and Trump is actively pushing it. It destroys the narrative that the US economy has to be shut down for 2+ years due to the virus. Meanwhile, he and the patriots are in the process of waking the masses up to what is happening to their country before this planned 'coup de grace' can happen
Appears President Trump is pushing the “ vaccines” because the globalists wanted to control everything for the next 3-5 years.... the amount of time it typically takes for a vaccine. He’s pushing it to block their agenda.
I'm sure it's been discussed here, but President Trump has got to be the most vocal, high-profile "ex" president in modern history.
It is long standing tradition for "former" presidents to keep a very low profile out of respect & deference for their successors.
Yet another strong suggestion that he's still truly in charge.....
I understand why he’s doing this. Or I think. If vaccines start being questioned, then soon, it might be Pfizer or Moderna. Just to be clear : I’m not getting vaccinated. However, questioning the efficacy of the vaccine is just one more way to stall going back to a normal life. I’m not speaking about states that have reopened but everywhere in the US. Trump’s getting the vaccine out so quickly totally ruined the plans of the DS. Imagine how, with no vaccine, people would still be scared and how this would allow them to keep people masked up and locked down. Anyway, questioning the vaccine might mean less vaccines and less vaccines means a slower return to normality. By politics, I think he means this: the Biden administration creating problems so they can control more. Maybe I’m wrong.
Trust no one. Do your own research. It doesn't take much research to show you that the vax is not good. Why are they (DS/MSM) pushing it so hard? Why do you still have to wear a mask and distance after being vaxed? Why will you need regular "boosters"? They will keep pumping you full of crap til you die. Wake up.
Could this J&J vaccine be the only one with saline in it, or with safe "chemicals" and they caught wind of it so they wanted to prevent people from taking the "safe" vaccine?
Regardless of it being safe or unsafe, I'm still not taking the jab. My immune system will do the work for me, thanks.
To me, this is obviously one of Trump's favorite moves to play: Bring attention to something, anything, by publicly pronouncing the opposite position.
People have been conditioned to think that Trump doesn't know what he's talking about with medical science-related things. So, when he proclaims that the J&J vaccine, which he personally pushed for, should be kept in circulation, and that the FDA removing circulation is politically charged, then suddenly all of those people start to think about how J&J is actually unsafe (because to them, Trump is stupid) which leads to the thought of "not all vaccines are safe".
Otherwise, the FDA would want to just quietly end circulation of the J&J and not have it be widely known that the vaccine was pulled. Now that Trump is making a fuss out of it, depending on how far this gets out there, people will hear about it.
And six cases of blood clots associated with over a million people getting the J&J shot is such a ridiculous correlation! There are probably 100x that many of a host of side-effects associated with ANY injection!
I don't trust any of these shitty pharmaceutical companies. Especially not JJ after their cancer ridden powders
Welp, i’m confused. Still not getting any vaccine tho
I wasnt aware j&j was on of few non mRNA vaccines now it makes more sense why DS would like people to pick alternatives ie Pfizer moderna
Call me when (if) he gets it.
Trump should have one pharmaceutical company to put just a boost of vitamins in a “vaccine”.
Edit.... I meant to say, to have Only vitamins in the shots
Screw the vaccines but game theory chess.
If I had to take the vaccine, I think I'd prefer Johnson & Johnson over the others. Because if there's one person I trust, it would be President Trump.
My 16 year old wants to get the vaccine. I can't seem to talk him out of it. Any way to tell where to get the Johnson and Johnson one when it comes back out?