IDK, seems like he popped up out of nowhere.I think they plant some people to push us along sometimes. This guy should have been purged with all the other Q people on Twitter but there he is.
I had the same thought with the anon that just popped up out of nowhere with the DOD Law of War post on 8kun in January... anons didn't make the connection (Law of War manual is pretty esoteric) and so they provided a nudge in the right direction, so to speak.
This has the same feel to it - I have no proof at all, just a suspicion...
I feel like if we had dozens of ladypedes on the case Q would already have their ID blown and the whole thing would've been blown out of the water, guys don't do well with hint dropping, even autist guys.
God I love my wife. She is a foodie, and never has this problem. She always finds the most interesting places to eat, from simple American to the esoteric.
I couldn't imagine a wife that expects me to know what she wants all the time.
No, we are not stupid. This is the time to look at the book of Titus: "To the pure, all things are pure." This means that normal, law-abiding citizens are apt to be fooled by the faux "good" behavior of the criminals. But, God does not allow this to go on forever. It is time for the light to shine in the darkness and evil to be displayed for those who do not live that way. WWG1WGA!
You have to realize that no one would think to look for such an alternate explanation until those supposed dates all passed and we realized Trump really wasn't going to continue being President and Biden did, in fact, get into the White House. If you consider that, it was almost no time at all for this connection to be made.
No offense but I highly doubt that. If this is as big as people believe, they’re not going to go out of their way to ensure people on some random forum who they aren’t even able to verify are kept up to date and being “nudged”. That’s very naive thinking.
I think the point being made is, Twitter made a massive purge of all Q related accounts on Twitter a long time ago, and have been quick to put the kibosh on any new accounts that have anything to do with Q. So it's kind of fishy that this one account, which I've seen posted a lot recently, is able to post without getting blocked.
I think you're saying that Twitter wouldn't monitor this website, GA? Which you're right, but these screen shots are coming from Twitter, which is their domain.
Maybe I'm misinterpreting your comment, clarify if so.
Nothing posted here stays here. Everything on the free speech forums spreads like fire across all social media platforms even when they are doing everything in their power to censor and silence the information it still gets out.
Does anyone know anybody that has been on a grand jury?
If there are hundreds of thousands of these indictments going through a grand jury, wouldn't this mean there would be multiple times that in jurors? Statistically everyone should know someone who's been on one, but nobody has spilled the beans? I don't get it. Maybe I am misunderstanding something.
And most importantly, why aren't any anons getting some of that sweet grand jury action?
A grand jury at the local level could hear 250+ indictments in a single week. It’s the same group of people and they’re only presented the evidence, no names, no identifiers. They wouldn’t know the difference between a high ranking government official and the high school drop out working at Speedway.
yes I have a mother in law who was on grand jury last year, in southern California. she couldn't talk specifics about cases or how many, but there were definitely multiple cases that resulted in indictments, and from what she could say the vast majority had to do with corruptions of various kinds among city and county level officials. Nothing unusual from what I could sense, but I don't have other data points to compare her experience with.
At least 234,000 + people, everyone gets arrested at the same time. Don't want people tipping each other off to impending arrest. Notice it doesn't say anything about "in the U.S."... so it could be anybody in any nation where the arrests can be made. Politicians, business leaders, law enforcement, federal workers, religious figures, celebrities... could be anyone.
The only way to coordinate this as a surprise (and not devolve into world-wide chase scenes)... is to do it during a weekday and make all of the arrests from essentially 12:00am midnight to 6:00am. Shut down all non-essential internet globally. Shut down all telephone service (cell phones) globally except for emergency calls. Basically, have all of the various teams staged and ready, shut everything down... and then send in the teams.
They will need to have quick transports set up to move people to holding facilities, then transportation set up from there to move tens of thousands of them to regional holding facilities for processing.
There may be a reason why Xiden (or Fake Biden) declared a "national emergency" due to Russia. :>) That puts FEMA in charge... and also allows the president to use U.S. troops for law enforcement within the bounds of the United States. Think about that.
Very cool, but I thought the last time this was posted it was debunked because of false comparisons ("criminal" case type totals from past years compared with ALL case types for the current numbers).
Not sure about the debunking. I remember back on Voat there were many discussions about this but it doesn't seem likely that you would see a significant amount of sealed anything if there wasn't a criminal element to the case.
That’s pretty much in line with the posts that Rubieroo? Made on here at the beginning of March when I asked them to explain how a secret indictment worked.
They spent most of that day explaining it all very clearly on a thread here.
It would have been just after the end Feb figures were released.
I understood from Lawfags on QRB some time back 2018 or 2019 that these sealed indictments or indeed any ..... are not all actual arrest warrants but are sealed legal proceedings.... so for example, one sealed indictment might be a search warrant that follows an arrest from another sealed indictment or an other form of legal proceedings.....
So although the majority of these sealed indictments might be for arrests some of them will be other forms of warrant and or other legal proceedings.... in addition, although any one indictment can be for a company or companies as well as numerous individuals... it is also possible that a significant number of these sealed indictments can be for the same people or persons.....
The number of sealed indictments are higher than we have ever seen in US legal history but the number of them doesn’t equate to arrests or individuals..... we might even find that a number of these sealed indictments are reliant on one being opened before another due to the ‘dominoe’ effect needed.... so to assume all could be opened at once also doesn’t follow.....
The other detail that is important is that just because a sealed indictment exists, that doesn’t follow that it will be opened or indeed it could even be destroyed on the orders of a judge or other positions within the judiciary....
Why do so many people say “the first arrest will shock the world” as if quoting Q? I cannot find a drop with those exact words. I’ve found where Q says “the truth will shock the world” (drops 928 and 3915) as well as “the enormity of what is coming will shock the world” (drop 3728) but that is all. Drop 3716 states that the first arrest will verify action and confirm future direction, but that is all I can find. Yet I’ve seen so many times where people say “first arrest will shock the world”. Am I missing something?
s1Jq13jV6 ID: 4e4d4a No.7538264 ?
Dec 17 2019 17:03:45 (EST)
First indictment [unseal] will trigger mass pop awakening.
First arrest will verify action and confirm future direction.
They will fight but you are ready.
Marker [9].
It's in the tweet above, But you have to pay for data. That's why the chans have spreadsheets compiling data from multiple people who have sacrificed to pay for some of the data. If you're rich, go knock yourself out looking at the source. The rest of us can only look at the spreadsheets from the chans.
It's been since nov 2017 that we are talking about sealed indictments.
The VERY UNUSUAL number of sealed indictments in the US is one of the biggest proof that IT'S HAPPENING !
Turning a sealed indictment into a public one requires a US Attorney to do so. It's an open question whether any current US Attorneys will take further action.
Any lawyers here who can verify what he is saying? Asking because I read some months back that the whole sealed indictments thing didn't work this way and didn't mean much.
So a quarter million people arrested all at the same time? I don't think so. Logistics would be impossible unless they were all gathered together at the same place at the same time. We don't have enough police to do it. Can military do it without there first being a declaration of Martial Law? Great thought but keeping track of each of those indicted to know where they are at any given moment would be impossible, even if they all wore ankle bracelets. MJ sounds like he's smoking some MJ.
Well bro, someone else in this thread mentioned that the total number would be lower, as some of this 'sealed' indictments arn't indictments per se, but rather accompanying legal documents as well. Search warrants and what not.
I haven't verified that, but food for thought.
Someone asked about sealed indictments and what it means, so I thought I’d provide everyone with more information so you can understand...
Everyone has heard that there are sealed indictments... It is by far the most undervalued piece of information we have out there that shows that there is a plan to arrest a lot of people. ALOT OF PEOPLE......
If one person on a sealed indictment has multiple charges, will there still be only one indictment for that person? Or an individual sealed indictment for each separate charge? Seems to me a lot of criminals would be guilty of quite a number of charges, even for one overall crime. (ie: a person could be arrested for kidnapping but actually be charged with resisting arrest, impersonation of law officer, crossing border with minor, A&B, rape...etc etc).
sounds interesting but who is this guy MJ?
IDK, seems like he popped up out of nowhere.I think they plant some people to push us along sometimes. This guy should have been purged with all the other Q people on Twitter but there he is.
I had the same thought with the anon that just popped up out of nowhere with the DOD Law of War post on 8kun in January... anons didn't make the connection (Law of War manual is pretty esoteric) and so they provided a nudge in the right direction, so to speak.
This has the same feel to it - I have no proof at all, just a suspicion...
Damn are we stupid.
I feel like if we had dozens of ladypedes on the case Q would already have their ID blown and the whole thing would've been blown out of the water, guys don't do well with hint dropping, even autist guys.
If you really loved me you’d KNOW what I want for dinner! You’re just like all the rest....
God I love my wife. She is a foodie, and never has this problem. She always finds the most interesting places to eat, from simple American to the esoteric.
I couldn't imagine a wife that expects me to know what she wants all the time.
It's all Schrödinger's cat until they're UNsealed.
Here's the trick: Ask her to guess where you're taking her out to dinner. Whatever she guesses, that's where you're going. Easy.
I've learned a lot in almost 40 years of marriage.
No, we are not stupid. This is the time to look at the book of Titus: "To the pure, all things are pure." This means that normal, law-abiding citizens are apt to be fooled by the faux "good" behavior of the criminals. But, God does not allow this to go on forever. It is time for the light to shine in the darkness and evil to be displayed for those who do not live that way. WWG1WGA!
There is a limit to any single mind. If those minds cant find the right direction they cant see the wood for the trees.
What's the connection? Lacking context here
That 11.3 and other "dates" arent dates but direct references to the Dept of Defense: Law of War Manual
I've had that feeling as well about certain anons who seem to be "in the know".
Praying we have good instincts and not just hopium...
You have to realize that no one would think to look for such an alternate explanation until those supposed dates all passed and we realized Trump really wasn't going to continue being President and Biden did, in fact, get into the White House. If you consider that, it was almost no time at all for this connection to be made.
No offense but I highly doubt that. If this is as big as people believe, they’re not going to go out of their way to ensure people on some random forum who they aren’t even able to verify are kept up to date and being “nudged”. That’s very naive thinking.
I think the point being made is, Twitter made a massive purge of all Q related accounts on Twitter a long time ago, and have been quick to put the kibosh on any new accounts that have anything to do with Q. So it's kind of fishy that this one account, which I've seen posted a lot recently, is able to post without getting blocked.
I think you're saying that Twitter wouldn't monitor this website, GA? Which you're right, but these screen shots are coming from Twitter, which is their domain.
Maybe I'm misinterpreting your comment, clarify if so.
Nothing posted here stays here. Everything on the free speech forums spreads like fire across all social media platforms even when they are doing everything in their power to censor and silence the information it still gets out.
I disagree. I think they know they better give us some hope before ma fuckas start bustin caps
Indictments will be unsealed when they do gun confiscation, a world war or mandatory covid vaccines lol.
Yep, they're for conservative Christians
Ninety nine people could be in one indictment. or one person could be in 99. Do the algebra.
99 commie indictments on the wall. 99 commie indictments. Take one down, pass it around. 98 commie indictments on the wall
Does anyone know anybody that has been on a grand jury?
If there are hundreds of thousands of these indictments going through a grand jury, wouldn't this mean there would be multiple times that in jurors? Statistically everyone should know someone who's been on one, but nobody has spilled the beans? I don't get it. Maybe I am misunderstanding something.
And most importantly, why aren't any anons getting some of that sweet grand jury action?
A grand jury at the local level could hear 250+ indictments in a single week. It’s the same group of people and they’re only presented the evidence, no names, no identifiers. They wouldn’t know the difference between a high ranking government official and the high school drop out working at Speedway.
Not if it is done through the military.
yes I have a mother in law who was on grand jury last year, in southern California. she couldn't talk specifics about cases or how many, but there were definitely multiple cases that resulted in indictments, and from what she could say the vast majority had to do with corruptions of various kinds among city and county level officials. Nothing unusual from what I could sense, but I don't have other data points to compare her experience with.
Didn't one of Epstein's victims leak that they had been part of a grand jury process?
I thought one Grand Jury could hear several cases, no? But I do wonder what those jurors are up to and what they know...
This makes sense that they'd hear more than one case. Otherwise it would be near impossible to stop leaks and whistleblowers.
Yes, typically once you're picked to be on the grand jury, you go once a week for several months (3 months I think?) To hear cases.
That's not how that works
Nothing happens unless the organized men with guns are on your side.
I hope everyone understands what this means.
At least 234,000 + people, everyone gets arrested at the same time. Don't want people tipping each other off to impending arrest. Notice it doesn't say anything about "in the U.S."... so it could be anybody in any nation where the arrests can be made. Politicians, business leaders, law enforcement, federal workers, religious figures, celebrities... could be anyone.
The only way to coordinate this as a surprise (and not devolve into world-wide chase scenes)... is to do it during a weekday and make all of the arrests from essentially 12:00am midnight to 6:00am. Shut down all non-essential internet globally. Shut down all telephone service (cell phones) globally except for emergency calls. Basically, have all of the various teams staged and ready, shut everything down... and then send in the teams.
They will need to have quick transports set up to move people to holding facilities, then transportation set up from there to move tens of thousands of them to regional holding facilities for processing.
There may be a reason why Xiden (or Fake Biden) declared a "national emergency" due to Russia. :>) That puts FEMA in charge... and also allows the president to use U.S. troops for law enforcement within the bounds of the United States. Think about that.
I read this to my husband and he asked what the timeframe was for the 234k number. Any ideas?
Very cool, but I thought the last time this was posted it was debunked because of false comparisons ("criminal" case type totals from past years compared with ALL case types for the current numbers).
Not sure about the debunking. I remember back on Voat there were many discussions about this but it doesn't seem likely that you would see a significant amount of sealed anything if there wasn't a criminal element to the case.
If the prosecutor is a IS federal attorney, then I can assure you he is NOT on your side...
Sidney Powell is a federal attorney.
This sounds like some spooky campfire tale.
“The indictments...are......FOR YOU!”
They’re not. Relax.
The one thing that date fagging gets anyone is wrong.
Sealed = Bad. Rules for the and not for me
I would give my left nut for this to happen.
Id give both. I have enough kids
It should be close to 280,000 sealed indictments by now. 28 million. I’m guessing it’s gonna be around 10 to 15 million.
2,000 national guard were sworn in as fed marshals before the fake inauguration. wonder what they've been up to.
I almost forgot about that.
That’s pretty much in line with the posts that Rubieroo? Made on here at the beginning of March when I asked them to explain how a secret indictment worked.
They spent most of that day explaining it all very clearly on a thread here.
It would have been just after the end Feb figures were released.
I guess it's not a stretch at all to lump all the pedophiles together as one, giant, organized crime racket!
One thing we do know: there are a historic amount of indictments right now.
That means there is most certainly something going on.
This idea isn't new. We've been tracking these sealed indictments for years now. RICO this and that. Waiting, waiting. Not complaining, waiting...
I'm thinking the first arrest is Obama... but that really won't shock the world. I think people expect Obama and Big Mike to be arrested.
The thing that would shock me would be arresting the Queen of England. :>)
I don't think that's on the agenda.
Other than that, the only other shocking arrest would be China's Chairman Xi.
Secret grand juries, huh?
Well this gives me a warm fuzzy feeling.
I understood from Lawfags on QRB some time back 2018 or 2019 that these sealed indictments or indeed any ..... are not all actual arrest warrants but are sealed legal proceedings.... so for example, one sealed indictment might be a search warrant that follows an arrest from another sealed indictment or an other form of legal proceedings.....
So although the majority of these sealed indictments might be for arrests some of them will be other forms of warrant and or other legal proceedings.... in addition, although any one indictment can be for a company or companies as well as numerous individuals... it is also possible that a significant number of these sealed indictments can be for the same people or persons.....
The number of sealed indictments are higher than we have ever seen in US legal history but the number of them doesn’t equate to arrests or individuals..... we might even find that a number of these sealed indictments are reliant on one being opened before another due to the ‘dominoe’ effect needed.... so to assume all could be opened at once also doesn’t follow.....
The other detail that is important is that just because a sealed indictment exists, that doesn’t follow that it will be opened or indeed it could even be destroyed on the orders of a judge or other positions within the judiciary....
Why do so many people say “the first arrest will shock the world” as if quoting Q? I cannot find a drop with those exact words. I’ve found where Q says “the truth will shock the world” (drops 928 and 3915) as well as “the enormity of what is coming will shock the world” (drop 3728) but that is all. Drop 3716 states that the first arrest will verify action and confirm future direction, but that is all I can find. Yet I’ve seen so many times where people say “first arrest will shock the world”. Am I missing something?
I'm thinking the Pope
s1Jq13jV6 ID: 4e4d4a No.7538264 ? Dec 17 2019 17:03:45 (EST) First indictment [unseal] will trigger mass pop awakening. First arrest will verify action and confirm future direction. They will fight but you are ready. Marker [9]. Q
Q is like the Bible, open for interpretation and some people will just make shit up out of whole cloth and attribute it to the Bible.
Okay, gotta ask a dumb question - who is MJ and why is he credible ?
Your guess is as good as mine. I've onlynoticed people posting him over the last few days. I don't think anyone had a bead on the this guy.
Does anyone have any links to an official govt site that lists the number of sealed indictments?
It's in the tweet above, But you have to pay for data. That's why the chans have spreadsheets compiling data from multiple people who have sacrificed to pay for some of the data. If you're rich, go knock yourself out looking at the source. The rest of us can only look at the spreadsheets from the chans.
It's been since nov 2017 that we are talking about sealed indictments. The VERY UNUSUAL number of sealed indictments in the US is one of the biggest proof that IT'S HAPPENING !
If that is the biggest proof that you have, then you are in for one heck of a disappointment.
That VERY UNUSUAL huge number is just a number of "cases" and only a portion of that number of cases is made up by a number of sealed indictments.
For the last time... they are not ALL indictments. A lot are just regular court docs that cannot be public.
Turning a sealed indictment into a public one requires a US Attorney to do so. It's an open question whether any current US Attorneys will take further action.
A timely reminder. Thanks!
I hope this is true, but we’ve been hearing many people claiming “tick tock” for 4 years now
Any sauce on the 99 per indictment? Or indictments and where they are now?
Any lawyers here who can verify what he is saying? Asking because I read some months back that the whole sealed indictments thing didn't work this way and didn't mean much.
So a quarter million people arrested all at the same time? I don't think so. Logistics would be impossible unless they were all gathered together at the same place at the same time. We don't have enough police to do it. Can military do it without there first being a declaration of Martial Law? Great thought but keeping track of each of those indicted to know where they are at any given moment would be impossible, even if they all wore ankle bracelets. MJ sounds like he's smoking some MJ.
Hitler kept track of hundreds of thousands of people, and all he had was punch cards, soldiers, and fences.
Well bro, someone else in this thread mentioned that the total number would be lower, as some of this 'sealed' indictments arn't indictments per se, but rather accompanying legal documents as well. Search warrants and what not. I haven't verified that, but food for thought.
The first arrest could be Bin Laden, Obama, or George Floyd. I can't think of anyone more shocking to the world.
this guy wrote same. r these the same ppl?
MJTRUTH Someone asked about sealed indictments and what it means, so I thought I’d provide everyone with more information so you can understand...
Everyone has heard that there are sealed indictments... It is by far the most undervalued piece of information we have out there that shows that there is a plan to arrest a lot of people. ALOT OF PEOPLE......
read all-
I've always wondered - Are these the same indictments the left thought were meant for President Trump and his colleagues during the Mueller charade?
If one person on a sealed indictment has multiple charges, will there still be only one indictment for that person? Or an individual sealed indictment for each separate charge? Seems to me a lot of criminals would be guilty of quite a number of charges, even for one overall crime. (ie: a person could be arrested for kidnapping but actually be charged with resisting arrest, impersonation of law officer, crossing border with minor, A&B, rape...etc etc).
Don’t mind me....
I’m just here to mainline some of that weapons grade HOPIUM.
Wipe the spittle from your face, ya dang hopium junkie! /s