Sweaty Hollywood. Kek. Gonna use that one. All sports that are woke forget one thing: we watch sports to "forget about life for a while" (thanks, billy joel). Once the wokeism is injected, the magic is gone and I am not interested. Bye bye, woke sports. I'll go watch local kids' sports instead. As long as they keep score.
MLB... Many Lonely Bastards! don't go and support them! same with nfl... it's sickening when they charge 1 months salary for most people to go to watch a game and then pay these players hundreds of millions for a several year contract.... then then add in the woke politics... forget it!!! i will paint a wall just to watch the damned thing dry!
i will paint a wall just to watch the damned thing dry!
It can be quite satisfying to behold the changing of color from wet paint, into dry paint on your freshly painted wall. The sense of pride that swells up inside ones soul from seeing that wet paint undergo its metamorphosis into your perfectly chosen color once dried is truly difficult to explain to the uninitiated.
Should try painting a car. Its quite satisfying watching the paint go in the gun black but go on the car in different shades of greens and blues till it turns black.
Mixing the paint is pretty cool too. Its amazing how many different colors go in to make a color.
My best friend worked as a auto painter and mixed by eye-so good he was offered a primo job with a paint company. I really miss him-been gone for 16 months now ?..
Much nicer. There's a minor league stadium near us that I noticed (this was before the Rona) was way more entertaining than the hyper-commercialized majors had become - it was like baseball used to be when I was a kid. First time I went it was "used oil night" (cue banjo music); they did the chicken dance and had fireworks. Some of the seating was on the grass. It was just....nice.
I understand and I also would like to see more evidence. At the same time, when a doctor with his own clinic takes this precaution, I take notice.
If you search for vaccine shedding and then limit the search to for instance 2018 and years before, you will find many serious articles talking about vaccine shedding. Just a quick search:
Of course, recent articles are all about shedding being anti-vax propaganda.
It's hard to say. Some say with mRNA there will be no shedding since there is no live virus, but others say that when you breathe you will always breathe out genetic material so mRNA altered cells could also be breathed out.
These injections are not "shedding"; they are transmitting. Enjoy. Lots of information out there by very credible doctors--the few who will actually tell the truth instead of participating in this worldwide genocide.
Seriously. I think covid is overblown. The jab makes people develop a protein that's apparently in the virus. Read those comments and switch roles and people here would be calling the complainers liberal soyboys.
If we're going by anecdotes, i refuse the jab, my father got both shots and my mother got the first. Neither they nor Ihave had any adverse effects.
No one knows a thing but I work around vaxxed people all day and there's several of us who refuse to get it. No one feels "headaches for 4 days after being around a vaxxed persom OUTSIDE" as one of those commentors says.
If the virus is exaggerated, why would a person who produces the same protein be suddenly dangerous.
I don't disagree, but there was a thread linked where several prople were claiming they got horrible effects from just being near vaxxers because the vaxxers shed.
KP, Pepe-Ridge Farms remembers last year when everyone was afraid of those who had it previously and were shedding, or something very similar.
EDIT: Now I remember, it had to do with the jewish community in NY and the measles vax.
But why. We have no real knowledge of what is happening, so I don't think it's wise to discount what some are reporting. I have coworkers in their 30s who went to bed for several days while they recovered from vaxxed induced covid. I also know people over 80 who got it and are just fine. But that's what is scary. We don't know enough to know who or how they might be affected.
I don't think theyre great. I think it's retarded to shit on libs becauuse we don't get the injection but then we turn around and talk about vaxxers "shedding" and. Us suffering terribly for a week straight because they shed.
There is a thread I just saw around here (this site) that had an article alleging to show documents from the one of the pharma companies describing the potential for the vax to "shed." Hit the "new" section, and scroll through the threads to find it. I've also seen other reports going around during the last few months making similar claims, so information is out there to be found.
There's a real virus but it's not very dangerous. That has nothing to do with an injection used to prevent it. They're mutually exclusive things. There's a virus and there's an injection. The side effects of the injection have nothing to do with whether the illness is dangerous or being overblown.
Here’s a fact for ya, not only has Pfizer acknowledged it and said they are “looking into
It”, but the evidence happened to my wife the other night. She’s been fine the whole time of the plandemic until the other night. We were at karaoke and one of our friends there had been vaxxed. We were around him for several hours and almost immediately when we got home she had a terrible headache, aches, and lethargy. She threw up at 4 am.
I got her Ivermectin from Tractor Supply the next day and she was fine in 8 hours.
Shedding aside, so if vaccinated are safe, why separate them? They won't catch it. And why put unvaccinated together? They will spread easier. Unvaccinated would prefer to sit next to vaccinated and vaccinated shouldn't give a crap. Just more control. Power = control. (I have boycotted all sports except hockey but Madison Square Garden requires proof of vaccination to get in I've heard, so no more games for me. I have been vaccinated but refuse to carry nazi papers.)
Division. Always the same game. Get us all angry at eachother. Don't look at the Cabal, get angry at other Americans.
Apart from studying the effects of the vaccine that I will NEVER take - I've bowed out of this one when I'm with people who want it or got it, because it's a tactic being hyped by the media and I don't want to get drawn by their manipulative crap.
I guess they will need separate gates of entry, bathrooms, concession stands, gift shops. Yep that sounds like a need for a price hike on whatever fans they have left.
Might want to delve more than a casual glance. I gave you starters. It is your responsibility to be more informed instead of coming to an ignorant conclusion based off a singular brush with the topic.
It's affected tons of people much longer than two weeks. Research.
RIght from the second paragraph of the FIRST link I gave you: "Scientific evidence demonstrates that individuals vaccinated with live virus vaccines such as MMR (measles, mumps and rubella), rotavirus, chicken pox, shingles and influenza can shed the virus for many weeks or months afterwards and infect the vaccinated and unvaccinated alike.1,2 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10"
Whew, that will really help the pure, clean, unvaccinated avoid the toxic shedding of spike proteins that will be spewing from the contaminated "vaccinated" people.
Just another type of division they're pushing. Get both sides worked up - the "vaxxed" fearing and getting angry at "vax-deniers" or whatever the hell they're calling us now....and then our side angry for the lies, the physical threat (even to loved ones who GOT the damn thing) and for the pressurizing that's going on.
I wonder what would happen if we all yawned at their stupid lies, and let those who believe them just go on believing them until they learn the hard way?
Ppl at work are having visible side affects from the vax... swollen glands that requires "some kind of medicine" to slow the swelling, eczema around the eye.... who wants to sit next to sick ppl?
We can meet our patriotic brothers and sisters out there. We can meet others who aren’t brainwashed and we immediately know them by our designated seating.
Until companies stop segregating, stop supporting them. There may be benefit from staying away from vaccinated-avoid them shedding the poison of the vaccine!?
Should I go sit by myself in the empty stadium somewhere in the unvax section
With bright green QANON shirt
And a massive neon cardboard Q cut out and just wave that fucker around all day?
Maybe something like “proud to have NO VAX” or “SAY NO TO VAX/MASK”
Maybe “Bolshevik Leftist Marxist’s”
I absolutely despise sports but the unvaccinated section sounds like it might be lit for a little while, at least before they start hauling us off to Mart-Law Camp Fema!
No need for apartheid. Simply don't support the MLB.
An empty stadium is a lonely stadium....that still costs their owners money.
Sweaty Hollywood. Kek. Gonna use that one. All sports that are woke forget one thing: we watch sports to "forget about life for a while" (thanks, billy joel). Once the wokeism is injected, the magic is gone and I am not interested. Bye bye, woke sports. I'll go watch local kids' sports instead. As long as they keep score.
I haven’t bought Gillette or coke for a while.
Why hang out on a board that makes you so unhappy? Feel free to boycott this place, we won’t mind.
MLB... Many Lonely Bastards! don't go and support them! same with nfl... it's sickening when they charge 1 months salary for most people to go to watch a game and then pay these players hundreds of millions for a several year contract.... then then add in the woke politics... forget it!!! i will paint a wall just to watch the damned thing dry!
It can be quite satisfying to behold the changing of color from wet paint, into dry paint on your freshly painted wall. The sense of pride that swells up inside ones soul from seeing that wet paint undergo its metamorphosis into your perfectly chosen color once dried is truly difficult to explain to the uninitiated.
There's poetry in those brush strokes, fren!!?
Should try painting a car. Its quite satisfying watching the paint go in the gun black but go on the car in different shades of greens and blues till it turns black.
Mixing the paint is pretty cool too. Its amazing how many different colors go in to make a color.
My best friend worked as a auto painter and mixed by eye-so good he was offered a primo job with a paint company. I really miss him-been gone for 16 months now ?..
Much nicer. There's a minor league stadium near us that I noticed (this was before the Rona) was way more entertaining than the hyper-commercialized majors had become - it was like baseball used to be when I was a kid. First time I went it was "used oil night" (cue banjo music); they did the chicken dance and had fireworks. Some of the seating was on the grass. It was just....nice.
College baseball, for us.
Before the wuflu ? , of course.
Major League Butboys.
Pro Baseball is just watching millionaires wait in line
Oh shit LOL
Yup, bang on mate. Baseball isn't worth the aggro.
Few things I hate more than baseball or baseball players. Boring Game and Arrogant players.
Might be a blessing in disquise for the unvaxed.....who wants those knuckleheads shedding that poison on them
This is based on stories by people, but is still interesting:
I understand and I also would like to see more evidence. At the same time, when a doctor with his own clinic takes this precaution, I take notice.
If you search for vaccine shedding and then limit the search to for instance 2018 and years before, you will find many serious articles talking about vaccine shedding. Just a quick search:
Of course, recent articles are all about shedding being anti-vax propaganda.
It's hard to say. Some say with mRNA there will be no shedding since there is no live virus, but others say that when you breathe you will always breathe out genetic material so mRNA altered cells could also be breathed out.
Don't know yet what to make of it all.
These injections are not "shedding"; they are transmitting. Enjoy. Lots of information out there by very credible doctors--the few who will actually tell the truth instead of participating in this worldwide genocide.
You don't have to THINK that I'm sharing a lot of what if's and not a lot of hard facts, because that is what I was doing by my own admission.
I was just trying to be helpful by maybe sending you in the right direction. Good luck in your search.
TBA will suck the life out you with his lack of deep thinking skills.
Seriously. I think covid is overblown. The jab makes people develop a protein that's apparently in the virus. Read those comments and switch roles and people here would be calling the complainers liberal soyboys.
If we're going by anecdotes, i refuse the jab, my father got both shots and my mother got the first. Neither they nor Ihave had any adverse effects.
No one knows a thing but I work around vaxxed people all day and there's several of us who refuse to get it. No one feels "headaches for 4 days after being around a vaxxed persom OUTSIDE" as one of those commentors says.
If the virus is exaggerated, why would a person who produces the same protein be suddenly dangerous.
I don't disagree, but there was a thread linked where several prople were claiming they got horrible effects from just being near vaxxers because the vaxxers shed.
That strikes me as really fucking odd.
KP, Pepe-Ridge Farms remembers last year when everyone was afraid of those who had it previously and were shedding, or something very similar. EDIT: Now I remember, it had to do with the jewish community in NY and the measles vax.
But why. We have no real knowledge of what is happening, so I don't think it's wise to discount what some are reporting. I have coworkers in their 30s who went to bed for several days while they recovered from vaxxed induced covid. I also know people over 80 who got it and are just fine. But that's what is scary. We don't know enough to know who or how they might be affected.
Yeah. I was thinking it’s just another way divide us with fear.
If the injections are so great, how come they're resorting to bribing people, especially younger people (who shouldn't need it), to submit?
I don't think theyre great. I think it's retarded to shit on libs becauuse we don't get the injection but then we turn around and talk about vaxxers "shedding" and. Us suffering terribly for a week straight because they shed.
I seriously doubt at this early stage that there are going to be completed studies about this kind of repercussion.
There is a thread I just saw around here (this site) that had an article alleging to show documents from the one of the pharma companies describing the potential for the vax to "shed." Hit the "new" section, and scroll through the threads to find it. I've also seen other reports going around during the last few months making similar claims, so information is out there to be found.
enter text
Let Pfizer tell you themselves pages 67-69
Im not sure you are getting it and I dont want to pretend to be an expert.....see if something on this page can satisfy you in either direction
There's a real virus but it's not very dangerous. That has nothing to do with an injection used to prevent it. They're mutually exclusive things. There's a virus and there's an injection. The side effects of the injection have nothing to do with whether the illness is dangerous or being overblown.
No, they literally don't have the virus in their system.
The Pfizer vaccine doesn't contain any parts of the virus. So at least part of your statement is not based on the facts.
And these are not vaccines at all in the sense we think of.
It's not a vaccine they had to change the definition for covid. The "vaccines" are gene therapy instead
Tell me you're aware the definition of vaccine was changed in order to call these vaccines. If you're not, you have a lot of research to do.
If you are aware, please explain what mRNA is and how it operates.
Here’s a fact for ya, not only has Pfizer acknowledged it and said they are “looking into It”, but the evidence happened to my wife the other night. She’s been fine the whole time of the plandemic until the other night. We were at karaoke and one of our friends there had been vaxxed. We were around him for several hours and almost immediately when we got home she had a terrible headache, aches, and lethargy. She threw up at 4 am. I got her Ivermectin from Tractor Supply the next day and she was fine in 8 hours.
You know what Q says about coincidences ...
How is it not? ?
enter text
Shedding aside, so if vaccinated are safe, why separate them? They won't catch it. And why put unvaccinated together? They will spread easier. Unvaccinated would prefer to sit next to vaccinated and vaccinated shouldn't give a crap. Just more control. Power = control. (I have boycotted all sports except hockey but Madison Square Garden requires proof of vaccination to get in I've heard, so no more games for me. I have been vaccinated but refuse to carry nazi papers.)
Division. Always the same game. Get us all angry at eachother. Don't look at the Cabal, get angry at other Americans.
Apart from studying the effects of the vaccine that I will NEVER take - I've bowed out of this one when I'm with people who want it or got it, because it's a tactic being hyped by the media and I don't want to get drawn by their manipulative crap.
get people to see unvaxxed as diseased dirtbags so when they come to take us into quarantine camp there will be no resistance
Restriction of movement and sharing of information.
Every single time.
So we're back to segregation? Who do we talk to about reparations for we unvaxxed peeps?
I guess they will need separate gates of entry, bathrooms, concession stands, gift shops. Yep that sounds like a need for a price hike on whatever fans they have left.
Separate water fountains sound good, too!
well that should be interesting, would be nice if NO ONE was in the vaccinated section
It's the opposite. Nobody will be in the unvaccinated section.
sadly, that is what i think too
I'm all for not exposing the un-injected to the Covidiots, but this is just more 'how far can we push the control lever'.
Doesn't matter. Those getting Vaxxed are shedding disease on unVaxxed people like a fuckin German Shepard sheds hair in the summertime.
This is nothing but a segregationist placebo for the stupid.
Fuck "Pro" sports...you do not need them, but they sure as Hell need you.
Simple search. Check references at the bottom of this article for more than you wished for...
Same for YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-MOY8NfKoc
...and straight from the horse's mouth: https://dailyexpose.co.uk/2021/05/04/pfizer-confirms-covid-vaccine-shedding-leading-to-menstrual-cycle-disruption-is-possible/
Might want to delve more than a casual glance. I gave you starters. It is your responsibility to be more informed instead of coming to an ignorant conclusion based off a singular brush with the topic.
It's affected tons of people much longer than two weeks. Research.
Niether does your claim, "I did".
RIght from the second paragraph of the FIRST link I gave you: "Scientific evidence demonstrates that individuals vaccinated with live virus vaccines such as MMR (measles, mumps and rubella), rotavirus, chicken pox, shingles and influenza can shed the virus for many weeks or months afterwards and infect the vaccinated and unvaccinated alike.1,2 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10"
Fuckin shill retard....GTFO.
Whew, that will really help the pure, clean, unvaccinated avoid the toxic shedding of spike proteins that will be spewing from the contaminated "vaccinated" people.
Just another type of division they're pushing. Get both sides worked up - the "vaxxed" fearing and getting angry at "vax-deniers" or whatever the hell they're calling us now....and then our side angry for the lies, the physical threat (even to loved ones who GOT the damn thing) and for the pressurizing that's going on.
It's the new black vs white. By design.
I wonder what would happen if we all yawned at their stupid lies, and let those who believe them just go on believing them until they learn the hard way?
They are gonna feel the pain.. about to lose a lot more money now. Get woke, go broke.
This insanity seems to be mostly contained to NY for now. I think the Buffalo Bills football team is also requiring vaccine passports to enter.
It's only a matter of time before other idiotic organizations catch on, though. We MUST boycott this.
My seat is at home with the TV OFF.
Next year will be all unvaxxed. Know why???
Jim Crow laws are b....a.....c......k
Must be part of that new "Jim Eagle"
Ppl at work are having visible side affects from the vax... swollen glands that requires "some kind of medicine" to slow the swelling, eczema around the eye.... who wants to sit next to sick ppl?
How do they know if you are vaccinated or not? Will you have to show papers????
This is actually good.
We can meet our patriotic brothers and sisters out there. We can meet others who aren’t brainwashed and we immediately know them by our designated seating.
I’m all for this.
Could be the start of beautiful friendships.
GOOD! I didnt want to sit next to those vaxxed fuckers anyway..
Until companies stop segregating, stop supporting them. There may be benefit from staying away from vaccinated-avoid them shedding the poison of the vaccine!?
When will the Normies figure out it ALWAYS the Dems to bring the Deep State plans to fruition?
Don't like either team. who cares? Is George Castanza running it these days?
fuck MLB, stay home.
Good. Keep those walking time bombs (the fully-vaccinated) away from me.
How to instantly lose over 50% of your ticket paying customers.
Oh —what idiots. The DS is still hoping we will bend. Not happening.
Hahahaha! Love the comments/tweets underneath.
This will backfire spectacularly :)
I think LA doing that too.. Must be a Megalomaniac governors thing..
They woint need it. Only vaxxer shedders watch MLB anymore.
Should I go sit by myself in the empty stadium somewhere in the unvax section
With bright green QANON shirt
And a massive neon cardboard Q cut out and just wave that fucker around all day?
Maybe something like “proud to have NO VAX” or “SAY NO TO VAX/MASK”
Maybe “Bolshevik Leftist Marxist’s”
I absolutely despise sports but the unvaccinated section sounds like it might be lit for a little while, at least before they start hauling us off to Mart-Law Camp Fema!