I live in Asheville, NC and all of the gas stations are running out of gas. The small town east of Asheville is also running out of gas
Long lines everywhere, everyone is aware.
The store closest to me is out already
Go get gas people
I live in Asheville, NC and all of the gas stations are running out of gas. The small town east of Asheville is also running out of gas
Long lines everywhere, everyone is aware.
The store closest to me is out already
Go get gas people
I like how this MSM story was circulating just days before the “hacker” group got into the pipeline... https://www.cnn.com/2021/04/27/business/summer-gasoline-shortage/index.html
Deliberate shortages planned and executed by the New World Order.
Can't keep the shutdowns going because no one is worried about Covid-1984? Remove gas from the equation and watch what happens. Everything is affected, including retail and everyone who relies on any kind of shipped goods (which is pretty much everyone).
Obviously everything is affected, but I feel inclined to mention the service industry. Things break, all the time. Without gas, no one is coming to fix them.
Think about how your poor food feels when you are fucking it... :(
You only will worry for a month or two.
Good point. Sans gas....how to get to work even, in places like CA? Most people here commute at least 10 miles, and many travel as much as 50 miles to work each day.
They do this shit every year just to jack up prices.
Could this have an opposite effect to the biden "admin" and DS? (At least I hope so. I even hope this will be the flashpoint that will trigger a mass blow back)
East coast got fast tracked to now
It's just what a total control freak might do. Oh, and genocidal psychopaths, forgot to mention that last bit.
All these fags and their technology. And they laughed at trump when he didnt want to change the launch systems on aircraft carriers.
The OP has a shill-twin.
Whoa now. Technology can be pretty great still. I’m pullin $4K a month for $70 of electricity on my mining rig right now ?
What do you mine?
Ethereum at the moment!
Nice, where can I go to get some more information on this? Is it as easy as just googling it? Or due to your experience, you can provide some better advice on how I might go about doing this.
Funny, innit, how he left that part out, as well as the cost of the mining rig itself.
Spend it on gold or sliver. Till then its just 1s and 0s. What is your mining set up?
Running 5 3080s and a 2080super on HiveOS, mining in the hiveon pool. These ethereum price gains sure are sweet ?
Keep it up fren. Make hay while the sun shines.
I already have a decent amount of silver and gold, and XLM which is metal backed. Idk hate on tech all you want doesn’t really change anything here I’m still banking off it doing nothing and it’s all excess that I can afford to lose without breaking a sweat. Pays way better than being an 03 in the corps. Not all of us nerds fit the generalization most here assign us ya know
This whole thing could be white-hat ops to wake more up to how good we had it a year ago.
My thoughts, at least to force Biden to open keystone back up lol
Sadly, it won't bring back the 13 oilfield workers who committed suicide the day dipshit decided to shut it down and who knows how many more since then.
Suicide rates are crazy up everywhere, along with overdoses, domestic abuse.. shits fucked.
Yup they're even reporting record suicides and attempted suicides from grade school aged kids during this lockdown bs.
Everything is white hat, they control it all
Imagine knowing your enemy so well you make their moves for them by creating reactions to your advance.
I don't care what color the hat, doing this on purpose would be terrorism
The only way to wake people up is to shake them awake. The coming economic implosion is going to be the scare event imo.
Agreed. It's the fastest way to get people awake. Until then build your communities, and unite as people, together.
Gas is probably running out for the same reason we ran out of toilet paper: tell everyone there's a shortage, whether there is or not, and let human nature run its course.
Yarp. I'm in ND the Bakken has more oil than Saudi Arabia. We should not be dependent on foreign oil ever.
We weren't under Trump. Not sure where we stand now though...
We stand at 40,000 feet watching Democrats realize what they've done.
I think this is really a big part of it. Wouldn't be surprised if this wasn't part of 'the plan' to get libs to feel the brunt of what biden's f'ed up administration is doing to us. They won't feel so invested in keeping Biden when these audits/truths start coming out.
We haven't since Obama but we still import oil from other people in order to refine it.
We have been importing oil for about two months.
toilet paper went quick because it takes up lots of space on the shelf per unit... so an entire isle of toilet paper can vanish quickly if everyone who goes through the store that day decides to snag a few packs.
people see the empty shelf, and people see everyone in line with a big pack or two... they think they also need to grab a pack before it's gone.
people post pics on social media of the empty shelves and the customers all buying carts full of things topped by one or two big packs of toilet paper...
suddenly there's a manufactured shortage and everyone rushes out the door to their local costco and buys a truck full.
now... we have people posting alarmist shit about gas shortages... so everyone gets in their cars to go buy gas, so lines form, gas runs out, people post pics on social media, panic ensues...
No offense...but that's a pretty commie take that you and u/HunnyB have.
It's completely rational for demand to increase due to uncertainty. In a free market, the fixed supply would result in higher prices. Because we have communist price controls (given the flowery name of "price gouging laws"), prices are not allowed to rise to counter-act the fear that uncertainty brings and ensure supply is available.
Since the prices aren't allowed to work and can't adjust, there is a real shortage.
When people say no offense they really mean I'm going to be an asshola and offend you.
All I said is that right here in the state where I live we have more oil in the Bakken shale formation than all of Saudi Arabia, and that's a shit ton, why would we ever need to be dependent on foreign oil?
I was referring to your agreement with the bad take.
Whenever you think prices should be driven by benevolence and temperament, it's using the same authoritarian logic Marx used, which in turn, killed hundreds of millions of people.
Where the hell did I say that? I as agreeing with the guy who talked about the toilet paper shortage last summer, they the government, and corporations create these shortages to manipulate us. I said nothing about prices, and nothing about the market.
I haven't had my coffee so you're making zero sense to me, and I'm sure once I've had my coffee you'll make even less sense.
So get this...
I read your comment an hour ago, then went to fill up the gas tanks. On the way there a huge military cargo plane roared overhead flying very low, then banked hard to the north.
I’m in TN near the KY state line. Never see this kind of military activity here.
I am in Gatlinburg TN and a military jet flew over a couple days ago. I thought it seemed odd.
We were out in the hills between Gatlinburg and PG last 2 weeks. We saw 2 Hueys (1 on 2 different days) and on 2 occasions very low and slow jets, each time there were 2 together. We spent 90% of our time on the deck staring into the mountains wondering what the hell we would return to. Then we'd eat. Hence, we had a ton of "sky time".
I am just so happy someone didnt say play it by year
I see them every other day the last 3 or 4 months. East TN.
So were we. We cancelled.
In Beaver PA gas was $3.05 this morning. Took your advice and ran out, gas is now $3.39
Add a dollar to that and you got commiefornia prices.
Yep. $4.30 for premium last week all over the place.
Hey neighbor! We live in the same town
Just in time for summer. Do you see the pattern frens? Create the illusion of lack, stoke it with the lying media. Stoke concern and fear. Pretty soon, the sheeple public will do the work for you, radiating the frequency of lack. No offense to anyone, but do you see the pattern?
Trump said gas prices would go up substanually. He's not been wrong.
Yeah, I was seriously thinking we'd go over $10/gal or MORE when he said that. I'm thinking since Covid-1984 didn't destroy this country economically, the baddies would find another way - stage a gas shortage?
Add a lumber shortage that isnt a shortage.
Gas shortages though will lead to everything shortages and sky high prices. This is an attack on the middle class through economic warfare. The Plandemic failed to stop us so they are onto other methods.
Yep - new housing starts definitely having problems (not a middle class issue, but just one more thing), and I'm sure that will be trotted out to elevate fear levels in the TV watchers because it's an economic indicator.
You will see ten dollar gas.
I had been thinking it would hit 20. But even 10 would freak the nation.
I remember the gas lines and rationing in the 70s. We were only allowed to get 5 gallons each trip, lines for blocks around gas station
Bigger than Carter. Someone ask Kaballah to drop a couple dozen marbles on the plane's stairs next time
Pensacola running out. I waited too late
Trying to keep truckers off the road so they can squeeze us even more. We should be ready for this. Stock up!
Hear me out: I believe that this may we'll be part of the awakening.
Energy crises are most likely the fastest way to galvanize a people's resolve and unite them behind a problem as a species instead of whatever other divisive mechanisms we've been enslaved by until now.
I think I've been recruited to get this message to people. That we need to unite as a species. An equal, co-conscious species, capable of so much more than we've been sold. I think I'll write something at length and get it in here. I think the GA community has minds and eyes open enough to begin understanding.
I'm with you on this.
My view is Jesus was a template of what we should be. We have "superpowers."
We don't need artificial stuff. Our minds can mold the physical world, which really isn't physical.
That's the illusion.
Jesus was also a kundalini master. The Holy Spirit is chi, prana, kundalini -- whatever you want to call it. John the Baptist said so -- that Jesus would baptize with the Holy Spirit and with fire.
Less focus on the physical and more focus on the spiritual is the way forward.
However, beware of churches. They are full of people. People have egos and agendas.
Just walk in Jesus' footsteps and ask him to guide you.
I’m in Charlotte, North Carolina, and several small cities near me have run out of gas already: Monroe, Indian Trail, Locust.
Yikes neighbor!
Yep. Now Ballantyne cars everywhere in line for gas. Speaking of Roy Pooper, have you seen this little bit of news? https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/house-passes-bill-to-bar-cooper-from-mandating-covid-shot/ar-BB1gAmXK
Saw it! Is Ballantyne out? Just heard down by Carowinds is out.
I guess if cars are in line then there is still gas. Answered my own question.
Ballantyne is probably out by now. That was several hours ago when someone told me about it.
Sorry to hear about your gas shortage. I hope you get some good news soon. I lived in Asheville for 12 years, now living in Colorado. I'm amazed to see someone in Asheville on Great Awakening. Asheville isn't exactly a bastion of conservative thought. But then again the town I live in now is an old hippie town too. Keep your head up. It's sometimes hard to live in liberal areas when you're based like us.
Thanks for the heads up. I live in the Coastal Plains of NC. I went out to fill a gas tank we use for our lawn mower that I emptied today. There were a lot of people there but not long lines and still some gas.
But called my hubby to tell him to drive his car over and get gas since he only had a quarter tank left. He said went he went there were no lines.
Now the Braindead Joe and Swill photo with the Carters makes alot of sense. Jimmy C was the father of gas lines and skyrocketing prices. From one numbnuts Democrap despot to another!
Thank you
Another fake fuel crisis
To take your eyes off THE AUDITS
Gas shortages? So they don’t want me going to work to keep the economy going, so that they may continuously tax me?
Idiots. I’ll get a horse if you’re gonna try punishing me with using a vehicle
Problem is, they don’t want you going to work, and they’re deliberately trying to tank the economy.
They want to punish us not just for driving a car, but for being born.
Gas crisis will change the news cycle.
This will keep us home, but also another way to jam electric cars down our collective throats and push through some of that climate change/Green Deal BS.
I live right across the gap in TN. It hasn’t hit us yet but it’s coming
OMG! Are the airlines okay?
Gas prices up, gas shortage inbound, yet the left will still blame Trump. If it's not already happening somewhere, it WILL happen. No matter the problem, "it's all Drumpf's fault" according to your local leftist.
Go buy a bunch of toilet paper...lol
Let's hope this wake up the zombie biden supporters.
I have no expectations. ?
I guess that was common in the 70’s
Id imagine that at some point the plan would require travel to cease 'organically', or at least minimize, for a week or two.
It'll make the casualties far less and allow for easy round up, especially low level scum like antifa.
Itll stop their soros busses from moving.
Same concept as what the enemy has been doing to gun rights, taking away ammo.
Can't stop vehicles from moving? Take away fuel.
I hope so.
I thought that's what lockdown would be used for.
I was wrong.
Then again, they had to neutralize that climate weapon first, so "they" say.
Who's they?
Whatever happened on 11/11/18 did something very significant.
Who knows what though. Unified gravitational waves rung the earth like a bell on 17 minute intervals.
Me thinks timeline convergence.
All possible scenarios crushed into one single timeline that cant be altered.
No escaping justice.
I thought the democrats hated pipelines and gasoline. Isn't this the goal? You should be taking public transport, right? Ain't you the privileged one with a privately owned vehicle?
This is just the beginning of the war against our infrastructure and the economy. Expect similar attacks on natural gas and electric grid soon.
The tyrants are out to destroy the middle class by destroying the economy.
A pipeline is shut down. No tanker trains? I know it's less efficient but would fill the gap somewhat.
I swear this was the sort of thing Klau Schwab was planning to do, cripple the west with cyber attacks on infrastructure in order to force the Great Reset agender and global communism. Dave Cullen was talking about it all year which is why he got nuked from Youtube, but he is still on Bitchute I believe.