After reading the ingredients, some of them would be literal poison to me based on previous allergic reactions. Which is why people need to choose wisely and do the research before blindly lining up for a shot they know nothing about.
Nothng against Trump, but I don't care who pushes if it's going to do me harm. I know what's best for me.
I agree with you, but I'm not going to attack my family for doing something with their free will -- and there is an implicit trust in these people in these positions, and if white hats are in control then our families who take it should be safe.
And more to the point, if white hats are in control and these vaccines are bad for you, then Trump will get a lot of credit he won't want.
Additionally, I will personally hold everyone involved in these vaccines responsible if anyone in my family dies from them. And I do not forget.
I wonder what goes thru my parents head whenever I'm around & I have my podcasts going about all the problems with this jab ( I tried to stop em but my moms got stockholm & my dads a lemming to whatever she says )
Me too! I tried showing everyone at work. Half fell into the peer pressure. There is no way in Hell I'll let my Husband or children get it... over my dead body...
I really want to remind everyone that shit that happens during a presidents term that is bad is their fault, anything good was the responsibility of the previous admin. They won't credit Trump for the vaccine because the people will start dying, if reports are correct, during Biden's/Harris's term. Of course that is assuming the forensic audits don't force the Supreme court into action and reverse the election.
I hope you are right. I have multiple family members including nieces and nephews who have taken the shot. I would like to believe there is some kind of medicine or treatment to counter the shots they have taken. Most of my siblings are beyond the reproductive phase of their life but I have a few nieces and nephews and my own adult daughter who I really worry about bc of the sterilization part.
Now that there are videos of people with magnets sticking to their shot areas it makes you wonder if they were just chipping people. I would assume THAT could be removed.
Then you obviously haven’t seen the VAERs reports and what that actually means since only about one percent are reported there. It IS meant to kill and sterilize. It may not kill you right off (which it has done to many people right in the doctors office AND within two to three days of taking it), but it’s meant to over tax your immune system by constantly fighting a spike protein that your body now produces forever, turn off your cancer fighting cells, make you completely vulnerable when coming into contact with real viruses, and it’s full effects are realized within 48 months of taking it according to several doctors. You’re gonna see a lot of people dying within the next couple years that have taken it.
Any updates on the human test groups that were being held prior to the EUA designation? Those people are approximately 14 months in, if you go by the articles that say that human trials started in March 2020.
The ingredient list isn't going to be what you need to look at, its the quantities of those ingredients. The body can tolerate extremely low amounts of poisons with no ill effects, and those poisons actually help traditional vaccines be more effective and increase their shelf life.
What you have to keep in mind is they changed the definition of "vaccine" to include what these new drugs are: gene therapy.
It's the modification of EVERY cell in your body that is a concern to me; the other ingredient would be a secondary concern, and your body would most likely be able to deal with them, the same way it deals with contaminants in food and water.
Sure, thats the problem I have too. The other problem is we typically assume vaccines 'immunize' us from pathogens. We get immunized from polio with traditional vaccines, which use dead/weak pathogens to get our bodies to build immunity. These things they're calling vaccines don't do that at all, they instead modify our body's genetic code.
All I'm saying is that we aren't going to be able to look at an ingredient list, see a chemical and say "LOOK ITS POISONING US" because some of those same chemicals are in traditional vaccines.
Trump is DS, along with Q. Not a happy thought, but cannot be rejected out of hand.
Trump is white hat who threw sand in the gears of the DS plan with the vax.
What would the situation be like if Trump had not pushed for the vax? Remember, the 2020 election had not occurred, yet. Sure, they were planning on stealing it, but they didn't know for sure how it turned out. They unleashed the psyop that is Covid19.
A vaccine takes years to go through the testing and approval stage. DS knows that better than anyone. They bank on it $$$. So, you have a "deadly pandemic" unleashed on the public with no medical protection. You throw older people into nursing homes, hospitals, put them on ventilators, and run the panic script on the fake news channels 24/7.
Election coming up. People afraid of deadly virus. Scheme working. Vaccine off in the distance, until ...
Trump changes the script and says we'll get something together within a few months.
That just doesn't happen. But then, it does. DS has to adjust. They rush the vax through, showing their sloppiness. Trump talks up HCQ and other cheap alternatives.
Did YOU know that HCQ and these other cheap alternatives could be health tonics? I didn't. Remember seeing pictures and video of all those people in Asia wearing face masks all the time? Did you ever stop to ask if they are effective at all? I didn't -- before 2020.
You are right. Trump's endorsement of the vax is hard to reconcile, but then he likely knows a lot more about the sinister plans of the DS, and maybe this was the best alternative among bad alternatives.
Hard to say.
Let's see what happens with the Arizona audit and if heads start to roll.
I'd argue that there's a third possibility: Trump is being lied to by people he trusts and he doesn't know any better. He's no more of a medical expert than Gates is. It's not a happy thought because it comports with what Byrne was saying, and I'm very suspicious of Byrne... but nevertheless, it's an option to be considered.
Regarding option 1: Think about how much pure hate was directed at Trump .. that’s hard to fake imo .. also having gone to a rally the vibe was high, up there with anything I’ve ever felt at dozens of music festivals
Agreed, but then again what makes a good movie? Great actors.
I won't go with #1 just yet, but I also don't like a lot of what I'm seeing. I can't rule it out completely. Hopefully, the time will come (soon) when I can.
The things we are seeing can be explained by both scenarios.
if Trump is DS, we can say that he has hurt his handlers way more than he has helped them.
Awake people is the biggest fear of the DS, just look at the censorship on youtube and co.
And Trump has awoken a lot of people, telling them during 4 years that the MSM are fake news media.
I don't think that the DS was that glad about the Epstein Q drops. Not sure that they were glad with the arrest that followed the drop 2 years after.
So honestly, I just think that Trump is white hat and it's simply happening. And when you have faith, it's not that hard to believe.
Yup logically could be a sick pincer movement but get this the other day i was helping out my buddy’s food truck, guy walks up with American flag hat, names Storm, right as military chopper flew overhead. Wild. 2 days later I saw a vanity tag HAVQC. Got my attention!
I've had the same thought. Not even coming at it from the perspective that he's controlled opposition/DS agent but rather just from the concern that everything else with the election fraud will be undermined if people start dropping dead from the vaxx. How is he not going to take responsibility by talking up the shot even to this day?
Problem is, if they die in 24 months, it will be from something else, the vaccine suppresses own immune system so cant fight off other diseases, and auto immune diseases. Wont be able to prove it was from the vaccine.
According to Dr. Tenpenny, autopsies would show immediately if someone died from pathogenic priming, ADE, cytokine storm etc. You will note in many of the stories people have already told about losing loved ones, autopsies have not been done (in some cases refused even when family asked for it).
This is the part that gets me, the vaccinated experienced severe disease and death... Sounds pretty safe to me.
The emergence of the disease SARS and the rapid identification of its severity and high risk for death prompted a rapid mobilization for control at the major sites of occurrence and at the international level. Part of this response was for development of vaccines for potential use in control, a potential facilitated by the rapid identification of the causative agent, a new coronavirus [8]–[9]. Applying the principles of infection control brought the epidemic under control but a concern for reemergence naturally or a deliberate release supported continuation of a vaccine development effort so as to have the knowledge and capability necessary for preparing and using an effective vaccine should a need arise. For this purpose, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases supported preparation of vaccines for evaluation for potential use in humans. This effort was hampered by the occurrence in the initial preclinical trial of an immunopathogenic-type lung disease among ferrets and Cynomolgus monkeys given a whole virus vaccine adjuvanted with alum and challenged with infectious SARS-CoV [14]. That lung disease exhibited the characteristics of a Th2-type immunopathology with eosinophils in the lung sections suggesting hypersensitivity that was reminiscent of the descriptions of the Th2-type immunopathologic reaction in young children given an inactivated RSV vaccine and subsequently infected with naturally-occurring RSV [32]–[33]. Most of these children experienced severe disease with infection that led to a high frequency of hospitalizations; two children died from the infection [33], [40], [41]. The conclusion from that experience was clear; RSV lung disease was enhanced by the prior vaccination. Subsequent studies in animal models that are thought to mimic the human experience indicate RSV inactivated vaccine induces an increased CD4+ T lymphocyte response, primarily of Th2 cells and the occurrence of immune complex depositions in lung tissues [32], [42], [43]. This type of tissue response is associated with an increase in type 2 cytokines including IL4, IL5, and IL13 and an influx of eosinophils into the infected lung; [32], [33], [42], [44]. Histologic sections of tissues exhibiting this type of response have a notable eosinophilic component in the cellular infiltrates. Recent studies indicate that the Th2-type immune response has both innate and adaptive immune response components [33], [43].
In addition to the RSV experience, concern for an inappropriate response among persons vaccinated with a SARS-CoV vaccine emanated from experiences with coronavirus infections and disease in animals that included enhanced disease among infected animals vaccinated earlier with a coronavirus vaccine [31]. Feline infectious peritonitis coronavirus (FIPV) is a well-known example of antibody-mediated enhanced uptake of virus in macrophages that disseminate and increase virus quantities that lead to enhanced disease [31], [45]. Antigen-antibody complex formation with complement activation can also occur in that infection and some other coronavirus infections in animals. Thus, concern for safety of administering SARS-CoV vaccines to humans became an early concern in vaccine development
Yes, they've known for years and years that coronavirus (cold) vaccines are impossible to get right, and the 'liveliness' of mutation means we could never pick a strain to vaccinate against anyway. They've done this knowingly.
Provide proof. I’d like to see this evidence. And don’t make it an anonymous sourced article from an ex employee who left the company a decade ago. Thanks
Too many animals died... so they just abandoned testing and moved right on giving it to humans with assurances it was safe? Its like they were giving all the animals cyanide !
If I was on a jury issuing verdicts and sentencing for vaccine company staff, an admission like that would in my mind mandate the death penalty for every single person involved. With no exceptions.
Why are we only hearing this months and months after the 'vaccines' started to be issued?
If the vaccine actually has the sort of mortality rate some folks around here are calling, we're taking a worldwide death toll in the same order of magnitude as the Holodomor or the Great Leap Forward. My point of view looking at all this is that Trump and Co. love this country and all it's people too much to intentionally steer such a course.
(Only semi-related but it's horrifying that at least my version of Android tries to autocorrect Holodomor)
Their own followers are one of their biggest threats. They're too used to getting away with murder.
With the "right" they just have to lock us all up because they know, we won't stand up to them until its too late... because we actually believe in the system they're weaponizing against us.
Their NWO is essentially neo-feudalism. No middle class, just the peasants at the bottom (but not too many that they become a threat) and the 'elites' who will live like kings and control the cattle (that's us) for their benefit.
Much of their historical documents imply that the days of feudalism were their best days, and they desperately want it back. It's the 'natural order' in their minds. Communism is just a tool on the way there. If they succeed I don't think there could ever be any escape in the future as we'd be controlled by technology, chipped and tracked with social credit scores etc (well on the way with that latter).
There might be a few enclaves living off grid who manage to stay off the radar but the rest of the people will be herded into cities and their lives and thoughts controlled by our 'betters'.
Agenda2030 'you will own nothing and you will be happy'. They are gonna own it all if they pull this off, including us. And those 'activists' who helped them along the way will discover they are the first to be disposed of.
I've been watching this Agenda come to pass over 30 years and there is a sense of awe that it is now upon us (I thought I'd be dead when it happened, I'm 61 now). These people are RELENTLESS.
Imagine the long term planning for this? They are so close! Trump derailed them for a while so they have abandoned all subtlety now as they can't risk that again.
If they get caught, (I still have a little hope left there is a plan) well they will probably think it was worth it 'for the greater good' and consider themselves martyrs to The Cause.
They will still have damaged humanity and the World though, and we'll have to live with the consequences of that.
Well worth the 45 minutes to view. Stick around till the end for a couple of seriously asinine questions asked by one particular senator. I'm guessing he's a Democrap.
I shared this with my sister to which she replied "30 people a day are not dying! That's insane " she is an RN. What other sources can I share to confirm deaths?
Aside from scouring the obits, I think the VAERS website is the best source (another pede can correct me if there's something better) as it allows medical professionals to report incidents, as well as concerned family members who may feel they have been given the run-around about the cause of their loved one's death. It's agreed upon by many that this site only sees about 1% of the actual reported vax-related deaths.
I did see that when you posted it originally, and saved it to my research folder for later reference. There were a few videos in the bunch I hadn't seen yet, which I'll be sure to remedy! Many thanks to you, fren, for the excellent compilation! :)
Beware, the sensational headline is wrong. They didn't say ALL the animals died. People who share this with the false headline are setting themselves up for deboonking
Deaths are fine for the elite Satanists, just part of the natural world. The reason for the vaccines are not to cure or prevent anything. They must have included some sore of nano technology that will track people (who live) that took it. That is why they want so many people to be vaccinated. It is a first step for their transhuman evil fantasies.
People are going to start getting aggressive cancers in about 8 months, dementia, and Parkinson's as well. 18 months expect a mass casualty incident with a very large die off of people who took this. We're in the beginnings of this now and it's going to get a lot worse. People are having "vaccine remorse" in greater numbers but we tried to warn them. We did what we could do,
First, there is no reason whatsoever for ANYONE to get those injections. Period. They have a higher risk than the chinese virus itself, and they are not effective at all. Plus, there are easy and inexpensive preventions and treatments that are well proven, very effective and extremely safe.
Second, the injections are a tool for big pharma to make many billions in recurring revenue with "top up" shots every year, and as an excuse to introduce social score systems (like the chinese version) to other countries. The motivations are money and control - not depopulation.
The whole depopulation thing has no facts to support it - just wild speculation (I read the interview with the Pfizer VP and he never said the injections would kill people within 18 to 24 months, etc.). All of that is just fake news.
Listen to wild bill explain it in plain English to a live audience. I have seen his depopulation tour event videos. Video of him explaing it to various different groups around the world. Many support Gates and the DS agenda too, and many more have come out against it.
We get how hard it is to wrap you brain around, we were all there at one point.
I have been labeled a "conspiracy theorist" for decades because I understood that this and so much more is real. They have failed on attempts over the years thanks to great Patriots, many of whom have paid the ultimate price to stop them and to warn others. This is a war. We are at war.
How is federally mandatory vaccine released a few years down the line any different than what's happening now? Most of the people currently refusing the vax would happily shoot any feds who came up and tried to physically force them to take it in a mandatory scenario, while all the libs and middle of the road types who are already taking it don't care if it's mandated by the feds, or just by their state/county/place of work.
I keep seeing outrageous claims on this site. First, we need more context, what vax were they talking about and what was the study based on? Was it a toxicity study and they gave the animals 10, 000% at based dosing vs humans ? Which animals specifically were tested ? So those animals dying mean humans will die too?
Pfizer gave the vaccine to friends and family... so by this article, you peddlers of this garbage are trying to insinuate Pfizer will tank itself, purposefully implode itself by killing off its employees, who quite arguably run the most successful, if not the top, pharmaceutical company in the world ?
Use logic. Could this fear tactic be driven by false information or misinformation ?
So they want to kill of 50% of the population and vaccines is how it’s achieved ? ? why not poison the water or air over specific areas... or use energy weapons or nukes or rods of lightning? Does anyone still use critical thinking ?
This is such bullshit. We haven’t evolved much from the same people who burned heretics, god forbid they said things such as “the earth revolves around the sun.” They must be pure evil!
Please stop spreading this anti-Vax garbage. Be grateful the US has the scientific kno-how to be agile and innovative- and be grateful to the science that is saving people from dying like my 60 yr old cousin did from Covid.
The man is an ex employee and this video is old... Nov 2020 was long before there were various mutations of the virus.... what is he saying now regarding places like India?
There’s no doubt people are having adverse reactions but relative to the vaccine’s reduction of hospitalization/death , I think most people would take their chances with a vaccine vs a bio-weapon, like the Wuhan China Virus...
Understandably, the adverse events of some of these vaccines need to be reported to VAERS, and we need to ensure it remains beneficial. As of now, the rates of severe reaction remain pretty rare, although you can find them easily on the internet does not make them pervasive. What am I missing?
Vax deaths per day are almost double covid deaths.
You must be some kind of dumbass to believe the "strain" propaganda. Same in France too, coincidentally just after they banned covid passports and are now fighting the woke mentality.
People like you are the problem. Please go get the vax. If it's beneficial ask for several doses right away. Because that would be even better
I started reading your comment and somewhat agreeing with you... but the guy is talking about it being mandated as a term of employment - they are most definitely talking about the covid vax. I'm so sorry your cousin passed because of covid, but that doesn't automatically mean the vaccine is safe, or that people should take it. Have you even heard of these things happening (see link)?
Die fast enough ? You really think they couldn’t kill us faster ? False flag event, blame on Russia.. or Iran etc....mercury filling ? ? I always opt for ceramic, they don’t use methylmercury in fillings, which is harmful. They use a different, elemental Mercury, poses low risk? I doubt dentists would use it if it was dangerous, there are plenty of patriots who would ring the alarm bell..majority of dentists offer it...
You don't understand. If it was overt even the dimmest bulb would see the light and understand the threat. They don't want us to fight back as there are more of us (way more) than them. They would lose. But they know us very well, and they call us sheep and useless eaters because we behave like sheep. We always have which is why they can manipulate us so easily.
They need our permission to do this to us (they think they escape karmic consequences that way), so they tell us in various deceitful ways what their plans are (Revelation Of The Method aka Predictive Programming) but we don't take it seriously (it's in movies, books, statements they make about their Agenda, even leaked documents).
Are people voluntarily taking these vaccines or not? Even being coerced (by the threat of loss of freedom or employment) is still in the end a choice made. There is plenty of research on these vaccines and if people don't research it, don't pay attention to those who do and pass the info on, if instead they listen to the Corporate Media, and so-called 'experts' whose fault is it really? Children and those with mental impairment might have an excuse, but functioning adults have a CHOICE, and free will.
Bill Gates in one of his recent interviews let it slip that they have long known that flu vaccines don't work very well on the elderly - and yet they are the very population targeted every year for flu shots.
Not so long ago there was info leaked that an immigrant group in Israel (can't remember if it was Ethiopian Jews) noticed an alarming drop in their birthrate and it turned out there was something suspect (an ingredient known to effect conception) about the flu shots they were getting every year.
Same thing happened in some 3rd world country a few years ago and their local Priest blew the whistle, they were steriIizing the women when they were giving them vaccinations for something else. Heard nothing more about that, it all gets buried.
As these vaccines are experimental, when the full data comes out in a year or two they will blame the politicians for rushing things out so quickly. Not their fault they'll claim.
Of course if that lawyer in Germany with his 1000 lawyers and 10,000 medical experts manages to get a new Nuremberg 2 going (on the basis the 'tests' cannot pick up the virus and they know it, so they have ruined lives with the lockdowns and manipulated the world into taking an experimental medical procedure (which is against both the Nuremberg Code and Geneva Convention) well THEN they might be finally accountable. But...
In the meantime people will not only develop serious problems from the vaccines, and no doubt die earlier, but there will be many more deaths from heart disease, cancers and strokes simply because they can no longer get treatment as everything is geared to treating Covid.
It is rather astonishing what short memories people have. They said Thalidomide was 'safe' and the experts were pushing that on pregnant women but we know what happened there. The vaccine they gave for Swine Flu caused 1000s of cases of narcolepsy and paralysis and 2 dozen deaths. It was pulled off the market. And yet people still behave like mindless sheep and trust the 'experts' to make decisions for their health. VAERS database shows deaths from these vaccines around 4,000+ and that's just in the US. More deaths in this short time than all other vaccines combined. Yet they are ignoring this and pushing for more people to be vaccinated. For children too!
Swine Flu and Bird Flu still kill people every year btw. They never go away. There may very well be a mass casualty events in the next couple of Winters if fully vaccinated people react like the trial animals when they come across a virus 'in the wild'. We are going to have to wait for that, but it will take them years (unless the German lawyer is successful) to admit the vaccines are causing it, they will just keep blaming new strains of Covid and the lemmings will continue to listen.
The masks, the vaccines, the lockdowns. We accepted it all so they consider they have our permission to keep on this path.
Betcha they will try and lock us down again in the Winter. Because they know for sure we'll accept it now.
Whatever the elites use to poison people, they must be able to avoid it themselves. That rules out poisoned air and deadly infectious disease for which treatment is not perfect.
It makes water poisoning quite risky ( although low grade poisoning with fluoride or lead is avoidable enough).
Vaccine injections are perfect. They are various and random enough not to be blamed and they are totally avoidable by any elite who knows to avoid them.
You can give different poisons to different people at different times. It's all really controllable.
Know a few people who are having vax remorse. We may never know the full impact since the reporting is a fraud.
Stay vigilant in keeping your family and friends safe from this poison.
I'm sorry but it's still impossible to reconcile a vaccine pushed for hard by Trump with literal poison.
But I have ultimatums if my family dies from taking it.
After reading the ingredients, some of them would be literal poison to me based on previous allergic reactions. Which is why people need to choose wisely and do the research before blindly lining up for a shot they know nothing about.
Nothng against Trump, but I don't care who pushes if it's going to do me harm. I know what's best for me.
I agree with you, but I'm not going to attack my family for doing something with their free will -- and there is an implicit trust in these people in these positions, and if white hats are in control then our families who take it should be safe.
And more to the point, if white hats are in control and these vaccines are bad for you, then Trump will get a lot of credit he won't want.
Additionally, I will personally hold everyone involved in these vaccines responsible if anyone in my family dies from them. And I do not forget.
That’s been my experience. I was frantic trying to get them not to take it. Now that they’ve gotten it I just have to quietly wait and see.
I cannot believe this happening.
I wonder what goes thru my parents head whenever I'm around & I have my podcasts going about all the problems with this jab ( I tried to stop em but my moms got stockholm & my dads a lemming to whatever she says )
Me too! I tried showing everyone at work. Half fell into the peer pressure. There is no way in Hell I'll let my Husband or children get it... over my dead body...
I really want to remind everyone that shit that happens during a presidents term that is bad is their fault, anything good was the responsibility of the previous admin. They won't credit Trump for the vaccine because the people will start dying, if reports are correct, during Biden's/Harris's term. Of course that is assuming the forensic audits don't force the Supreme court into action and reverse the election.
Well stated pede !
I hope you are right. I have multiple family members including nieces and nephews who have taken the shot. I would like to believe there is some kind of medicine or treatment to counter the shots they have taken. Most of my siblings are beyond the reproductive phase of their life but I have a few nieces and nephews and my own adult daughter who I really worry about bc of the sterilization part.
Now that there are videos of people with magnets sticking to their shot areas it makes you wonder if they were just chipping people. I would assume THAT could be removed.
Fasting, and in particular, a 9 day dry fast might do it. It supposedly reboots the entire system and forces cellular apoptosis.
Wonder if that means that anyone vaxxed cannot be MRI'd now?
They’re nano particles.
People like Judy Mikovitch and Dr. Shari Tenpenney have said it cannot be reversed . . .
Then you obviously haven’t seen the VAERs reports and what that actually means since only about one percent are reported there. It IS meant to kill and sterilize. It may not kill you right off (which it has done to many people right in the doctors office AND within two to three days of taking it), but it’s meant to over tax your immune system by constantly fighting a spike protein that your body now produces forever, turn off your cancer fighting cells, make you completely vulnerable when coming into contact with real viruses, and it’s full effects are realized within 48 months of taking it according to several doctors. You’re gonna see a lot of people dying within the next couple years that have taken it.
Qbaby is on the money ?!
Any updates on the human test groups that were being held prior to the EUA designation? Those people are approximately 14 months in, if you go by the articles that say that human trials started in March 2020.
I'd be very interested to see that....
The ingredient list isn't going to be what you need to look at, its the quantities of those ingredients. The body can tolerate extremely low amounts of poisons with no ill effects, and those poisons actually help traditional vaccines be more effective and increase their shelf life.
What you have to keep in mind is they changed the definition of "vaccine" to include what these new drugs are: gene therapy.
It's the modification of EVERY cell in your body that is a concern to me; the other ingredient would be a secondary concern, and your body would most likely be able to deal with them, the same way it deals with contaminants in food and water.
Sure, thats the problem I have too. The other problem is we typically assume vaccines 'immunize' us from pathogens. We get immunized from polio with traditional vaccines, which use dead/weak pathogens to get our bodies to build immunity. These things they're calling vaccines don't do that at all, they instead modify our body's genetic code.
The vaccine could be Gates’ new scheme to “update” the human DNA program every year. Far more money in that than Microsoft 365, I would guess.
This statement is hilarious.
Vaccine science is full of shady studies and outright fraud.
Spot on! None of them are safe, none have ever been subjected to the double blind studies.....they are syringes of harm.
All I'm saying is that we aren't going to be able to look at an ingredient list, see a chemical and say "LOOK ITS POISONING US" because some of those same chemicals are in traditional vaccines.
i know what I can take and what I can't. Everyone's chemistry is different. Not here to debate efficacy; thanks for the viewpoint.
How about Polysorbitol 80…used for allowing other, accompanying ingredients to cross the blood-brain barrier
2 possibilities:
Trump is DS, along with Q. Not a happy thought, but cannot be rejected out of hand.
Trump is white hat who threw sand in the gears of the DS plan with the vax.
What would the situation be like if Trump had not pushed for the vax? Remember, the 2020 election had not occurred, yet. Sure, they were planning on stealing it, but they didn't know for sure how it turned out. They unleashed the psyop that is Covid19.
A vaccine takes years to go through the testing and approval stage. DS knows that better than anyone. They bank on it $$$. So, you have a "deadly pandemic" unleashed on the public with no medical protection. You throw older people into nursing homes, hospitals, put them on ventilators, and run the panic script on the fake news channels 24/7.
Election coming up. People afraid of deadly virus. Scheme working. Vaccine off in the distance, until ...
Trump changes the script and says we'll get something together within a few months.
That just doesn't happen. But then, it does. DS has to adjust. They rush the vax through, showing their sloppiness. Trump talks up HCQ and other cheap alternatives.
Did YOU know that HCQ and these other cheap alternatives could be health tonics? I didn't. Remember seeing pictures and video of all those people in Asia wearing face masks all the time? Did you ever stop to ask if they are effective at all? I didn't -- before 2020.
You are right. Trump's endorsement of the vax is hard to reconcile, but then he likely knows a lot more about the sinister plans of the DS, and maybe this was the best alternative among bad alternatives.
Hard to say.
Let's see what happens with the Arizona audit and if heads start to roll.
I'd argue that there's a third possibility: Trump is being lied to by people he trusts and he doesn't know any better. He's no more of a medical expert than Gates is. It's not a happy thought because it comports with what Byrne was saying, and I'm very suspicious of Byrne... but nevertheless, it's an option to be considered.
Regarding option 1: Think about how much pure hate was directed at Trump .. that’s hard to fake imo .. also having gone to a rally the vibe was high, up there with anything I’ve ever felt at dozens of music festivals
Agreed, but then again what makes a good movie? Great actors.
I won't go with #1 just yet, but I also don't like a lot of what I'm seeing. I can't rule it out completely. Hopefully, the time will come (soon) when I can.
The things we are seeing can be explained by both scenarios.
if Trump is DS, we can say that he has hurt his handlers way more than he has helped them. Awake people is the biggest fear of the DS, just look at the censorship on youtube and co. And Trump has awoken a lot of people, telling them during 4 years that the MSM are fake news media. I don't think that the DS was that glad about the Epstein Q drops. Not sure that they were glad with the arrest that followed the drop 2 years after. So honestly, I just think that Trump is white hat and it's simply happening. And when you have faith, it's not that hard to believe.
Yup logically could be a sick pincer movement but get this the other day i was helping out my buddy’s food truck, guy walks up with American flag hat, names Storm, right as military chopper flew overhead. Wild. 2 days later I saw a vanity tag HAVQC. Got my attention!
I've had the same thought. Not even coming at it from the perspective that he's controlled opposition/DS agent but rather just from the concern that everything else with the election fraud will be undermined if people start dropping dead from the vaxx. How is he not going to take responsibility by talking up the shot even to this day?
One can only hope, friend.
Problem is, if they die in 24 months, it will be from something else, the vaccine suppresses own immune system so cant fight off other diseases, and auto immune diseases. Wont be able to prove it was from the vaccine.
According to Dr. Tenpenny, autopsies would show immediately if someone died from pathogenic priming, ADE, cytokine storm etc. You will note in many of the stories people have already told about losing loved ones, autopsies have not been done (in some cases refused even when family asked for it).
Have you considered that the vax Trump pushed is no longer the vax being pushed by the Globalists? They have switched the entire lot.
Yeah he was pushing the made in America solution.
Please explain more....
There are/were multiple vaccines, that number has dropped to just 2. Was Trump's vaccine safe while these later ones are not?
What do you know, for sure?
Not much. Only that of the 3 or 4 initial vaccines, we are now down to mainly one. After Trump left, the ones he promoted were taken offline.
tell me the story... what made them have vax remorse???
If any of them have nice vintage electric guitars and amps... I'm available to come by and pick them up.
They can't bring those with them into the afterlife... so someone else should be able to enjoy them when they're gone.
I'm in estate liquidation. Flooding the market will kill my profits. ?
I told my wife that I get her Dad’s truck when he croaks from the vaxx. She was not amused ?♂️
That would be some positive benifit for house buyers, assuming the commission don't then take over the entire world by force that is.
Of course those homes will be full of spike proteins!
Yup all of my family accept me, my brother and his wife will be dead.
Link to the study (one of them):
Immunization with SARS Coronavirus Vaccines Leads to Pulmonary Immunopathology on Challenge with the SARS Virus
''Caution in proceeding to application of a SARS-CoV vaccine in humans is indicated.''
This is the part that gets me, the vaccinated experienced severe disease and death... Sounds pretty safe to me.
Discussion The emergence of the disease SARS and the rapid identification of its severity and high risk for death prompted a rapid mobilization for control at the major sites of occurrence and at the international level. Part of this response was for development of vaccines for potential use in control, a potential facilitated by the rapid identification of the causative agent, a new coronavirus [8]–[9]. Applying the principles of infection control brought the epidemic under control but a concern for reemergence naturally or a deliberate release supported continuation of a vaccine development effort so as to have the knowledge and capability necessary for preparing and using an effective vaccine should a need arise. For this purpose, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases supported preparation of vaccines for evaluation for potential use in humans. This effort was hampered by the occurrence in the initial preclinical trial of an immunopathogenic-type lung disease among ferrets and Cynomolgus monkeys given a whole virus vaccine adjuvanted with alum and challenged with infectious SARS-CoV [14]. That lung disease exhibited the characteristics of a Th2-type immunopathology with eosinophils in the lung sections suggesting hypersensitivity that was reminiscent of the descriptions of the Th2-type immunopathologic reaction in young children given an inactivated RSV vaccine and subsequently infected with naturally-occurring RSV [32]–[33]. Most of these children experienced severe disease with infection that led to a high frequency of hospitalizations; two children died from the infection [33], [40], [41]. The conclusion from that experience was clear; RSV lung disease was enhanced by the prior vaccination. Subsequent studies in animal models that are thought to mimic the human experience indicate RSV inactivated vaccine induces an increased CD4+ T lymphocyte response, primarily of Th2 cells and the occurrence of immune complex depositions in lung tissues [32], [42], [43]. This type of tissue response is associated with an increase in type 2 cytokines including IL4, IL5, and IL13 and an influx of eosinophils into the infected lung; [32], [33], [42], [44]. Histologic sections of tissues exhibiting this type of response have a notable eosinophilic component in the cellular infiltrates. Recent studies indicate that the Th2-type immune response has both innate and adaptive immune response components [33], [43].
In addition to the RSV experience, concern for an inappropriate response among persons vaccinated with a SARS-CoV vaccine emanated from experiences with coronavirus infections and disease in animals that included enhanced disease among infected animals vaccinated earlier with a coronavirus vaccine [31]. Feline infectious peritonitis coronavirus (FIPV) is a well-known example of antibody-mediated enhanced uptake of virus in macrophages that disseminate and increase virus quantities that lead to enhanced disease [31], [45]. Antigen-antibody complex formation with complement activation can also occur in that infection and some other coronavirus infections in animals. Thus, concern for safety of administering SARS-CoV vaccines to humans became an early concern in vaccine development
Yes, they've known for years and years that coronavirus (cold) vaccines are impossible to get right, and the 'liveliness' of mutation means we could never pick a strain to vaccinate against anyway. They've done this knowingly.
It's all about making and laundering that money!!!
Provide proof. I’d like to see this evidence. And don’t make it an anonymous sourced article from an ex employee who left the company a decade ago. Thanks
Too many animals died... so they just abandoned testing and moved right on giving it to humans with assurances it was safe? Its like they were giving all the animals cyanide !
If I was on a jury issuing verdicts and sentencing for vaccine company staff, an admission like that would in my mind mandate the death penalty for every single person involved. With no exceptions.
Why are we only hearing this months and months after the 'vaccines' started to be issued?
Because it is a depopulation shot and they want us dead.
What else is there? I know Bill Gates TED Talk, Event 201. Thanks in advance
If the vaccine actually has the sort of mortality rate some folks around here are calling, we're taking a worldwide death toll in the same order of magnitude as the Holodomor or the Great Leap Forward. My point of view looking at all this is that Trump and Co. love this country and all it's people too much to intentionally steer such a course.
(Only semi-related but it's horrifying that at least my version of Android tries to autocorrect Holodomor)
A sudden Death Rate that high would “bomb” civilization back to the Stone Age.
Their own followers are one of their biggest threats. They're too used to getting away with murder.
With the "right" they just have to lock us all up because they know, we won't stand up to them until its too late... because we actually believe in the system they're weaponizing against us.
Their NWO is essentially neo-feudalism. No middle class, just the peasants at the bottom (but not too many that they become a threat) and the 'elites' who will live like kings and control the cattle (that's us) for their benefit.
Much of their historical documents imply that the days of feudalism were their best days, and they desperately want it back. It's the 'natural order' in their minds. Communism is just a tool on the way there. If they succeed I don't think there could ever be any escape in the future as we'd be controlled by technology, chipped and tracked with social credit scores etc (well on the way with that latter).
There might be a few enclaves living off grid who manage to stay off the radar but the rest of the people will be herded into cities and their lives and thoughts controlled by our 'betters'.
Agenda2030 'you will own nothing and you will be happy'. They are gonna own it all if they pull this off, including us. And those 'activists' who helped them along the way will discover they are the first to be disposed of.
I've been watching this Agenda come to pass over 30 years and there is a sense of awe that it is now upon us (I thought I'd be dead when it happened, I'm 61 now). These people are RELENTLESS.
Imagine the long term planning for this? They are so close! Trump derailed them for a while so they have abandoned all subtlety now as they can't risk that again.
If they get caught, (I still have a little hope left there is a plan) well they will probably think it was worth it 'for the greater good' and consider themselves martyrs to The Cause.
They will still have damaged humanity and the World though, and we'll have to live with the consequences of that.
I reckon they thought the number of 'dissenters' would be quite low and that they could be handled by then.
And the 'free donuts for a year' would take care of any holdouts.
Here's a link to all the doctors' testimonies from this hearing:
Well worth the 45 minutes to view. Stick around till the end for a couple of seriously asinine questions asked by one particular senator. I'm guessing he's a Democrap.
I’m going to watch this tonight, thx!
Pop some corn and enjoy! :)
Thank you so much.
I shared this with my sister to which she replied "30 people a day are not dying! That's insane " she is an RN. What other sources can I share to confirm deaths?
Aside from scouring the obits, I think the VAERS website is the best source (another pede can correct me if there's something better) as it allows medical professionals to report incidents, as well as concerned family members who may feel they have been given the run-around about the cause of their loved one's death. It's agreed upon by many that this site only sees about 1% of the actual reported vax-related deaths.
My pleasure! I'm happy to help.
I did see that when you posted it originally, and saved it to my research folder for later reference. There were a few videos in the bunch I hadn't seen yet, which I'll be sure to remedy! Many thanks to you, fren, for the excellent compilation! :)
what date is this?
May 6th, 2021. Texas Senate hearing.
Thank you
You're welcome!
Thanks. You da real mvp
Not if you want a lot of people to die.
Beware, the sensational headline is wrong. They didn't say ALL the animals died. People who share this with the false headline are setting themselves up for deboonking
Deaths are fine for the elite Satanists, just part of the natural world. The reason for the vaccines are not to cure or prevent anything. They must have included some sore of nano technology that will track people (who live) that took it. That is why they want so many people to be vaccinated. It is a first step for their transhuman evil fantasies.
People are going to start getting aggressive cancers in about 8 months, dementia, and Parkinson's as well. 18 months expect a mass casualty incident with a very large die off of people who took this. We're in the beginnings of this now and it's going to get a lot worse. People are having "vaccine remorse" in greater numbers but we tried to warn them. We did what we could do,
Greta was right... A mass extinction. LoL
Wouldn't Trump have known this? If so why even push the vaccine and play into the hands of the demonic globalists?
First, there is no reason whatsoever for ANYONE to get those injections. Period. They have a higher risk than the chinese virus itself, and they are not effective at all. Plus, there are easy and inexpensive preventions and treatments that are well proven, very effective and extremely safe.
Second, the injections are a tool for big pharma to make many billions in recurring revenue with "top up" shots every year, and as an excuse to introduce social score systems (like the chinese version) to other countries. The motivations are money and control - not depopulation.
The whole depopulation thing has no facts to support it - just wild speculation (I read the interview with the Pfizer VP and he never said the injections would kill people within 18 to 24 months, etc.). All of that is just fake news.
The Ex-VP of Pfizer. The one that resigned, and acted as a whistle blower afterward. Yeah. That one.
All those "dumbs" turned out to be a very accurate description of you yourself. How ironic.
Saw an interview with a fertility clinic doctor saying vax is definitely sterilizing people.
Read or watch Agenda 21, 30.
Listen to wild bill explain it in plain English to a live audience. I have seen his depopulation tour event videos. Video of him explaing it to various different groups around the world. Many support Gates and the DS agenda too, and many more have come out against it.
We get how hard it is to wrap you brain around, we were all there at one point.
I have been labeled a "conspiracy theorist" for decades because I understood that this and so much more is real. They have failed on attempts over the years thanks to great Patriots, many of whom have paid the ultimate price to stop them and to warn others. This is a war. We are at war.
How is federally mandatory vaccine released a few years down the line any different than what's happening now? Most of the people currently refusing the vax would happily shoot any feds who came up and tried to physically force them to take it in a mandatory scenario, while all the libs and middle of the road types who are already taking it don't care if it's mandated by the feds, or just by their state/county/place of work.
was this today>?
That's a video worth sharing
Anybody got a shareable video on this?
When did this take place?
May 6th. I've posted a couple links to the hearing in this thread.
he states vaers deaths up to April 3 about 3300 deaths from Dec 2020 to March 2021. so likely within last month.
from the full video as u/tenthousandspoons posted
question. Full video of this hearing available? Link?
Above your comment
Is there a link to this so we can share it
it fits with the D-PopuIati0n AGENDA
Fuckin heavy.
Like a virus? Check, check, .......... whew.
Rip those people who took it already.
The closest I get to trust is with conditions, so I'm going to do what I always do and assume the worst until proven wrong.
Sadly, I'm rarely surprised....
Can you please post a link for this video clip or the whole session. ? Thanks !!
Danke !
This needs stickied
Where was this, when was this and who is there?
I keep seeing outrageous claims on this site. First, we need more context, what vax were they talking about and what was the study based on? Was it a toxicity study and they gave the animals 10, 000% at based dosing vs humans ? Which animals specifically were tested ? So those animals dying mean humans will die too?
Pfizer gave the vaccine to friends and family... so by this article, you peddlers of this garbage are trying to insinuate Pfizer will tank itself, purposefully implode itself by killing off its employees, who quite arguably run the most successful, if not the top, pharmaceutical company in the world ?
Use logic. Could this fear tactic be driven by false information or misinformation ?
So they want to kill of 50% of the population and vaccines is how it’s achieved ? ? why not poison the water or air over specific areas... or use energy weapons or nukes or rods of lightning? Does anyone still use critical thinking ?
This is such bullshit. We haven’t evolved much from the same people who burned heretics, god forbid they said things such as “the earth revolves around the sun.” They must be pure evil!
Please stop spreading this anti-Vax garbage. Be grateful the US has the scientific kno-how to be agile and innovative- and be grateful to the science that is saving people from dying like my 60 yr old cousin did from Covid.
I'll just leave this here:
Oops, I dropped this too:
The man is an ex employee and this video is old... Nov 2020 was long before there were various mutations of the virus.... what is he saying now regarding places like India?
There’s no doubt people are having adverse reactions but relative to the vaccine’s reduction of hospitalization/death , I think most people would take their chances with a vaccine vs a bio-weapon, like the Wuhan China Virus...
Understandably, the adverse events of some of these vaccines need to be reported to VAERS, and we need to ensure it remains beneficial. As of now, the rates of severe reaction remain pretty rare, although you can find them easily on the internet does not make them pervasive. What am I missing?
What are you missing? A brain.
Vax deaths per day are almost double covid deaths.
You must be some kind of dumbass to believe the "strain" propaganda. Same in France too, coincidentally just after they banned covid passports and are now fighting the woke mentality.
People like you are the problem. Please go get the vax. If it's beneficial ask for several doses right away. Because that would be even better
I started reading your comment and somewhat agreeing with you... but the guy is talking about it being mandated as a term of employment - they are most definitely talking about the covid vax. I'm so sorry your cousin passed because of covid, but that doesn't automatically mean the vaccine is safe, or that people should take it. Have you even heard of these things happening (see link)?
Why not poison the water or air?
They've been doing that, too.
We didn't die fast enough.
Look up Morgellon's. Notice how everyone scoffs at it, says people are delusional.
Makes it that much worse for the people who see weird things coming out of their skin.
Lyme disease. Some believe the army developed it.
Water -- fluoride is a poison.
So's the mercury in your fillings.
This is just another one.
Die fast enough ? You really think they couldn’t kill us faster ? False flag event, blame on Russia.. or Iran etc....mercury filling ? ? I always opt for ceramic, they don’t use methylmercury in fillings, which is harmful. They use a different, elemental Mercury, poses low risk? I doubt dentists would use it if it was dangerous, there are plenty of patriots who would ring the alarm bell..majority of dentists offer it...
You don't understand. If it was overt even the dimmest bulb would see the light and understand the threat. They don't want us to fight back as there are more of us (way more) than them. They would lose. But they know us very well, and they call us sheep and useless eaters because we behave like sheep. We always have which is why they can manipulate us so easily.
They need our permission to do this to us (they think they escape karmic consequences that way), so they tell us in various deceitful ways what their plans are (Revelation Of The Method aka Predictive Programming) but we don't take it seriously (it's in movies, books, statements they make about their Agenda, even leaked documents).
Are people voluntarily taking these vaccines or not? Even being coerced (by the threat of loss of freedom or employment) is still in the end a choice made. There is plenty of research on these vaccines and if people don't research it, don't pay attention to those who do and pass the info on, if instead they listen to the Corporate Media, and so-called 'experts' whose fault is it really? Children and those with mental impairment might have an excuse, but functioning adults have a CHOICE, and free will.
Bill Gates in one of his recent interviews let it slip that they have long known that flu vaccines don't work very well on the elderly - and yet they are the very population targeted every year for flu shots.
Not so long ago there was info leaked that an immigrant group in Israel (can't remember if it was Ethiopian Jews) noticed an alarming drop in their birthrate and it turned out there was something suspect (an ingredient known to effect conception) about the flu shots they were getting every year.
Same thing happened in some 3rd world country a few years ago and their local Priest blew the whistle, they were steriIizing the women when they were giving them vaccinations for something else. Heard nothing more about that, it all gets buried.
As these vaccines are experimental, when the full data comes out in a year or two they will blame the politicians for rushing things out so quickly. Not their fault they'll claim.
Of course if that lawyer in Germany with his 1000 lawyers and 10,000 medical experts manages to get a new Nuremberg 2 going (on the basis the 'tests' cannot pick up the virus and they know it, so they have ruined lives with the lockdowns and manipulated the world into taking an experimental medical procedure (which is against both the Nuremberg Code and Geneva Convention) well THEN they might be finally accountable. But...
In the meantime people will not only develop serious problems from the vaccines, and no doubt die earlier, but there will be many more deaths from heart disease, cancers and strokes simply because they can no longer get treatment as everything is geared to treating Covid.
It is rather astonishing what short memories people have. They said Thalidomide was 'safe' and the experts were pushing that on pregnant women but we know what happened there. The vaccine they gave for Swine Flu caused 1000s of cases of narcolepsy and paralysis and 2 dozen deaths. It was pulled off the market. And yet people still behave like mindless sheep and trust the 'experts' to make decisions for their health. VAERS database shows deaths from these vaccines around 4,000+ and that's just in the US. More deaths in this short time than all other vaccines combined. Yet they are ignoring this and pushing for more people to be vaccinated. For children too!
Swine Flu and Bird Flu still kill people every year btw. They never go away. There may very well be a mass casualty events in the next couple of Winters if fully vaccinated people react like the trial animals when they come across a virus 'in the wild'. We are going to have to wait for that, but it will take them years (unless the German lawyer is successful) to admit the vaccines are causing it, they will just keep blaming new strains of Covid and the lemmings will continue to listen.
The masks, the vaccines, the lockdowns. We accepted it all so they consider they have our permission to keep on this path.
Betcha they will try and lock us down again in the Winter. Because they know for sure we'll accept it now.
Whatever the elites use to poison people, they must be able to avoid it themselves. That rules out poisoned air and deadly infectious disease for which treatment is not perfect. It makes water poisoning quite risky ( although low grade poisoning with fluoride or lead is avoidable enough).
Vaccine injections are perfect. They are various and random enough not to be blamed and they are totally avoidable by any elite who knows to avoid them. You can give different poisons to different people at different times. It's all really controllable.