I agree. An audit of all fifty states will change the make of Congress dramatically to conservative patriots instead of the bought and paid for cabal puppets. It is needed, and many states will need new elections for those Congressional, and governor positions.
hearing constant victory laps and self back slaps about the experimental vaccines being doled out to the unwitting public... you want more of that right now? Because that's all he talks about besides the election cheating
You still don't get it do you? He has no choice. It was this rushed one (warp speed) or 3-5 years of home prison and then a mandated shot. by being experimental, it cannot be forced. He played their hand. You see all the free gifts for the shot and peer pressure. Thats why.
There are casualties in war, and its heartbreaking, but when he says its gonna save "millions and millions of lives" I dont believe hes referring to those that got it.
I live in Florida, and while I like Desantis just fine and have no problems with him, there are certain counties that could feasibly have had shenanigans, I think it would be interesting to see what an audit would turn up, I wanted to see Martin Hyde win in my county, he's quite similar to Desantis, and he's anti cancel culture. He didn't, and of course got accused of racism.
Exactly. If anyone is walking the talk these days it's DeSantis on the reg. I don't get why Linn is going after DeSantis all of a sudden. Did I miss something?
FL went to Trump and DeSantis is in charge, I think he feels like FL came out unscathed and doesn't want to take any risks? That said, we all know the true votes are more red than blue in FL.
It's all about locking down the next election.
Whether R or D or anything in between, we deserve an
honest understanding of where the voters stand.
It drives policy and we can't afford to make expensive
mistakes because someone is being bribed.
He was the first to call that Pence would be a traitor, first to confirm the Pope’s arrest, first to call out the RINOs running for senate in GA as untrustworthy and not worth voting for. A bunch of stuff that all turned out to be true after he told us.
Possible this op's title is misleading or mischaracterizing...
No reason to stir the pot here. DeSantis is not someone we have to worry over.
Florida is right now one of the only places on earth that resembles normalcy and sense. DeSantis is right now one of the only politicians willing to put his money and mouth in the same place. Lin Wood is a patriot, and should perhaps make sure his fire is trained on the correct target.
We need a full audit. On our side or not. If those on our side have abused the system, they must face the fire and he's given a target. No more fuckery.
Indeed. The free speech law FL just signed allowing banned politicians the right to sue social media platforms seems written especially for her, she's probably one of the most banned people throughout all of social media.
"He who has nothing to hide, hides nothing." Asinine expression used by anti-privacy advocates.
The gist here is that transparency is the remedy to all public corruption. Next time, Wood should try something like, "Only corrupt leaders neglect transparency."
Trump won NC, too. but we had cheating here mostly for the state races of Governorship, Sec of State, AG and the state auditor. These four people control the state elections here and they all won..
None of us believe Cooper won more votes than Trump
Yup. Inslee's stupid ass is still in the gov office here and, while not surprising, it smacks of fraud considering all the people I have talked with who want him gone.
All 50 states need to do a forensic audit. There is no way basement potato Joe received 81 million legal votes without all states being involved in the steal. The corrupt Deep State wouldn't just stop at the presidential election - - they would also tamper with the down ballot votes. The blatant fraud that went on with the Georgia senator race is a perfect example.
He's opening the door for all 50 states to be audited, even where Trump won.
This is not another 4 year election.
I agree. An audit of all fifty states will change the make of Congress dramatically to conservative patriots instead of the bought and paid for cabal puppets. It is needed, and many states will need new elections for those Congressional, and governor positions.
Makes perfect sense. Transparency is the best policy at this point.
I prefer to have Trump back as soon as possible. Waiting for all 50 states to perform a true audit is not ideal.
He can be back after they prove three to tip the electoral college to him officially. But they need to audit all 50 states.
But the other side can say maybe the other states will tip the other way. We know that's not true, but it is a valid legal argument.
A special election (redo) under military watch might dispel the "they cheated" arguments.
Military can publicly run the show until all states are audited properly.
That's my problem. Too
hearing constant victory laps and self back slaps about the experimental vaccines being doled out to the unwitting public... you want more of that right now? Because that's all he talks about besides the election cheating
Anything, anyone, is better than Biden. President Trump has been a fighter for the people from day one, even with his flaws
You still don't get it do you? He has no choice. It was this rushed one (warp speed) or 3-5 years of home prison and then a mandated shot. by being experimental, it cannot be forced. He played their hand. You see all the free gifts for the shot and peer pressure. Thats why.
There are casualties in war, and its heartbreaking, but when he says its gonna save "millions and millions of lives" I dont believe hes referring to those that got it.
I live in Florida, and while I like Desantis just fine and have no problems with him, there are certain counties that could feasibly have had shenanigans, I think it would be interesting to see what an audit would turn up, I wanted to see Martin Hyde win in my county, he's quite similar to Desantis, and he's anti cancel culture. He didn't, and of course got accused of racism.
Election night was strange; it took them forever to call FL.
Broward has needed to be cleansed for decades.
He does all the time.
Exactly. If anyone is walking the talk these days it's DeSantis on the reg. I don't get why Linn is going after DeSantis all of a sudden. Did I miss something?
Florida and DeSantis are the path of least resistance to audit all states.
oh, so that would tip the dominoes to fall faster?
Like California.
So why would DeSantis oppose it?
FL went to Trump and DeSantis is in charge, I think he feels like FL came out unscathed and doesn't want to take any risks? That said, we all know the true votes are more red than blue in FL.
It's all about locking down the next election. Whether R or D or anything in between, we deserve an honest understanding of where the voters stand. It drives policy and we can't afford to make expensive mistakes because someone is being bribed.
Then he should support it to shove it up the left ass.
Cost? And I say that having not researched who pays for it. If the state pays, it could be a tough sell politically.
Political theater
ehh why do we trust Lin so much here, blindly? I know I don't. He's all hat, no cattle so far.
He was the first to call that Pence would be a traitor, first to confirm the Pope’s arrest, first to call out the RINOs running for senate in GA as untrustworthy and not worth voting for. A bunch of stuff that all turned out to be true after he told us.
Was the pope arrested?
He hasnt been heard from, and it was especially glaring on Easter when he didnt deliver a mass.
I trust more in Lin Wood than some of the dumb shit I've seen posted here in the past few months.
In God we trust. All others we monitor.
Amen to that.
He was the first to do this: https://www.bitchute.com/video/u9vSTKCV3cGZ/
He certainly likes to stir the pot.
Possible this op's title is misleading or mischaracterizing...
No reason to stir the pot here. DeSantis is not someone we have to worry over.
Florida is right now one of the only places on earth that resembles normalcy and sense. DeSantis is right now one of the only politicians willing to put his money and mouth in the same place. Lin Wood is a patriot, and should perhaps make sure his fire is trained on the correct target.
Agreed, other comments hold water too, but ffs, can we not infight patriot to patriot, we have RINOs and Democrats to fight.
We need a full audit. On our side or not. If those on our side have abused the system, they must face the fire and he's given a target. No more fuckery.
How much y'all wanna bet Laura Loomer actually won her congressional race?
Indeed. The free speech law FL just signed allowing banned politicians the right to sue social media platforms seems written especially for her, she's probably one of the most banned people throughout all of social media.
Something about her I don't trust.
fraud was commited across all of america. we must have a complete audit of the entire banana republic of america
"He who has nothing to hide, hides nothing." Asinine expression used by anti-privacy advocates.
The gist here is that transparency is the remedy to all public corruption. Next time, Wood should try something like, "Only corrupt leaders neglect transparency."
Point made well. Depends on whether applied to an individual in their private lives, or a public entity.
I personally would want an audit anyway. It's not about the winner... it's about transparency.
It would make clear who the cheaters are. Or what proportion of each are cheaters.
He said for the down ballot.
Another interesting process would be to somehow audit the primaries (not particularly FL but many other places).
I think we would find that the swamp rats cheat to get RINO’s elected in most red states.
Trump won NC, too. but we had cheating here mostly for the state races of Governorship, Sec of State, AG and the state auditor. These four people control the state elections here and they all won..
None of us believe Cooper won more votes than Trump
Desantis would probably welcome this.
Have we not forgotten Broward County, home of DWS? This ties directly to HRC. The figurative and literal swamp.
Wow. Ok then. I like it. DO IT
Yup. Inslee's stupid ass is still in the gov office here and, while not surprising, it smacks of fraud considering all the people I have talked with who want him gone.
All 50 states need to do a forensic audit. There is no way basement potato Joe received 81 million legal votes without all states being involved in the steal. The corrupt Deep State wouldn't just stop at the presidential election - - they would also tamper with the down ballot votes. The blatant fraud that went on with the Georgia senator race is a perfect example.
Lin can be a loose canon....lol
While I agree for the most part, such an exercise is expensive when your constituents aren't calling for it and have no justification for it.
Maricopa isn't all of Arizona. Where would Linn like to see this said audit in Florida? I'm assuming places like the Keys or Miami?
Would we be surprised to learn that the two have already discussed this and agreed to a plan?
Lin Wood huffs and puffs too much. I trust zero politicians 100% like I do Trump. But second place is easily DeSantis and he’s a strong 90%.
Audit all 50. Desantis has nothing to hide.
Battles need to be chosen carefully and AT THE RIGHT TIME.
A few dominoes need to fall before other states start pushing for an audit. Otherwise it will be an uphill battle.
I feel like DeSantis is trying a bit too hard to win over conservatives for some reason