It's still early and it's subtle, but if you're paying close attention, it's discernable. It seems like the onset of acute brain fog. Like the email my boss sent out this morning - filled with uncharacteristic jibberish sentences and misspelled common words from an otherwise pretty smart individual. I'm seeing lots of people having trouble using their debit cards at checkout counters as if they've never used one before. The lady who cleans our house is having trouble remembering which room she already vacuumed and we're finding dirty folded cleaning rags in the linen closet. Tell-tale signs of "something" happening to people. Can't quite put my finger on it but I think it's from the jabs.
What say you?
They were cognitively impaired already.
Otherwise they would not participate in trans-humanism experiment to modify theirZZ DNA.
You've got a valid point there, fren. :)
I wrote about some of this here
Fair point...
Well, that's going to be difficult to deny or contradict.
Yeah - all you can say are that they are MORE impaired than they were originally...
If you keep drinking you ought to be more drunk.
Otherwise alcohol would not work, and Christ would not need to turn water to wine in Caana
this is anti-trans-humainsm
this is just a piece of poison
You don't understand.
You can die from poison as human.
Or you can die from poison as trans-human.
All the best.
You are correct in your observation. My very good friend received both shots (Pfizer). I have noticed that she does seem to be in a brain fog...struggling for words, confused and somewhat distant. None of those examples were present prior to the jab. She has even commented that the fog seems always present. DO NOT GET THE SHOT!
I have noticed this as well. small sample size though
Good friend who's an attorney and healthy had two shots and a couple weeks later had what he took to be a mini-stroke.
I've noticed the brain fog, confusion and typos too. Unfortunately it's my mother and stepfather who got the two Pfizer jabs ?
Somebody forward this to 45. He needs to know if he doesn't already.
So what's a man to do when there is no shot to explain the bitchiness? KeK
Killin me...
I’ve noticed the exact same thing. I thought it was just me!
Friend of mine, ex-military, has been a contractor for the last 12 years or so, going overseas to do security details for Americans abroad. He is usually top fit as he still has to pass PT test to remain certified etc.
Well, he was required to get vaccine if he wanted to keep his jobs coming in, so he got them early in the game.
As he was gearing up for his next tour, he started his pre-tour fitness routine to prepare for his upcoming tests and he was having a really tough time, getting gassed easy, not able to really push it.
He goes to doctor, they run bunch of tests and he has something wrong with his blood now, like he is not exchanging oxygen efficiently now, and some heart issues, not firing right.
He did manage to pass his test and away he went, but he definitely had something happen after he took that shot.
My father in law had something similar happen. About 2 weeks after getting the J&J shot he suddenly developed acute anemia. His hemoglobin numbers dropped by 25% then a few days later another 30%. Even after an emergency transfusion his hemoglobin started dropping again within < 24 hrs. His docs scrambled and came up with 4 different explanations (first they said it was from Tylenol use, then said it was a phantom internal injury/blood loss, then said it was chronic low iron anemia, then settled on beta thalassemia). After settling on thalassemia his doc didn't even tell him what to do about it and refused to refer him to a hematologist (he's on medicare so he's dependent on the referal). Evil incompetent assholes! We may just take him to an out of network Hematologist to get a second opinion although I don't trust most allopathic docs anymore.
Check this article out:
Well that’s fucking terrifying and would certainly explain a lot re: my FIL. Thanks for sharing.
Sorry to hear about your FIL. Hard way to red pill someone. Prayers are with you and your family.
Also this may explain those shapes on the outside of the cells…its micro thrombosis: (REINER FUELLMICH INTERVIEWS DR. PETER MCCULLOUGH | SESSION 56 | JUNE 13TH, 2021)
^^^ 37:50 mark: spike protein causes hemoglutination, attaches to sialic acid residues in red blood cells. Causes a unique micro thrombosis.
Thank you. I did watch this video already. Good info to know.
You know Thalassemia is an inherited or genetic blood d/o?
Yes it’s supposedly is an inherited disorder that causes red blood cells size to be small.
This sounds like multiple Myeloma.
Found this posted earlier today. Not sure if it's available elsewhere.
My elderly mothers dementia has dramatically worsened since her jabs.
My Mom has had 4 fall or almost fall incidents since the jabs. Last one put her in the hospital. She banged her head good.
Sorry to hear that, amigo. Hope she's ok. On another note....GO Trevor Lawrence! :)
Damn, sorry, that hurts. This shit is rough.
Been seeing this for the past month or more. Cashiers that I am familiar with at my pharmacies and grocery store having problems functioning. Some have made statements in this regard. All have had the jab!
How soon after the jabs are you noticing this? Within the first couple weeks, or not until later?
Was thinking the same thing. About 5-6 weeks ago JJ was suspended for sale in the usa. At that time it felt like an attack on JJ that theirs is not as detrimental. O won't get any, but now that JJ is banned and destroyed, it seems you have the best chance if you got JJ. take an ivermectin (12mg) each day with zinc and vitD for a few days if you have the JJ
yeah isnt the JJ one made more like a traditional vaccine or like a flu shot?
thats why they making JJ look bad because it doesnt mess with your rna
I've heard both, that it doesn't and it does, just a different way. But the JJ is certainly under attack so it must be better than the others. I won't ever take any
It was under attack so people would feel safe about the vaccines Bill Gates and Warren Buffet are profiting off of.
Something my mom and I noticed when talking to three 2-jabbers about the vaccine, and we brought up a lot of good points about what's in it, the side effects, how it isn't FDA approved, etc. These 3 women looked at us like they wanted to kill us for saying anything against them or the vaccine they took. Their faces turned red, and their eyes went wide with hate, and they would constantly talk over me and my mom, not letting us say ANYTHING that might make them use cognitive function. I think the vax is going to make people more aggressive, more angry, more susceptible and prone to violence, along with forgetful, brain foggy, etc.
Have to avoid that buyers remorse!
You just ran into three bitches. Many people are close minded. This is why they took the jab. They didn't listen to any outside source or even bother to research themselves.
When you put cracks in their cognitive dissonance the result is anger.
They were certainly b*tches, but there was something far more sinister beneath the surface. They call themselves Catholics, but they're like Biden Catholics. One of them is in FULL SUPPORT of gay marriage and shoving it in our faces. Two of them were all for birth control. And ALL of them HATE Father Altman, who speaks the truth that they don't like.
Either these women were demonic to start with, or the vaccine is accelerating their demonic take over.
They were having fear based anger. Youre not supposed to tell people it's poison after they've taken it lol
If you’ve already gotten the jabs you’re surely going to be unreceptive and likely hostile to any suggestion that you have made a huge mistake. You can’t unring that bell. You’ve entered the land of no return. It’s like women who have had an abortion, some them talked into it when weak, poor, and/or scared, will tend to ever afterward be vehement supporters of abortion. You can’t undo it and unless you are able to repent big time and take the emotional consequences you have to protect your ego and self image as a righteous person.
Let's assume this the case... that introduces a real global catastrophe. How do we handle that?
Talk about a distraction!
And the very people who created it will have the solution.
Brain fog? Well, we've got just the thing for you!
Step right up to get this neuralink chip to connect your brain directly to a cloud AI supercomputer.
You'll be solving sudoku puzzles in 30 seconds or less.*
*Statement not evaluated by the FDA.
The world we live in really sounds like the Monorail Song
I did not get vaxxed, However, I'm around vaxxers all day, I got pretty sick as well. This all may be coincidental but really right after my work partner gets vaxxed. Anywho, I'm upset because I keep loosing my train of thought. I will be covering a job section ( I've worked in this field for 22 years) and suddenly I lose my thought process. I struggle to remember what I was saying. Its happed three times and I'm not happy about it. I will try to keep track of this. But dam I hope it's not anything else.
Have you seen shedding posts like mine? There are others too.
Getting ill while being in contact with vaxxed people seems to really be a thing. Lots of people have experiences. I didn't have any cognitive effects though.
I recall that post a few days back. Awesome Dr ?
I know you’re only a Dr, Bones...but cantcha DO something?
Dohh!!! I’m John the Phishherman, not an Astrophysicist!!! Wait...
Link please?
Link please?
Has your wife gotten second jab yet?
Good memory! No, it's scheduled for the end of June. I hope that she sees enough in the MSM to stop her by then. It would have to be the BBC or the Guardian though.
Fargin Guardian. I’m praying for Ya fren. Read all your posts. Put her in Quarantine if she does it or get a cheeckfull of maggots, drive to the Midlands and go trout fishing for 2 weeks...
I'm in the midlands already :-)
I have two kids, one is severely disabled, quarantine isn't going to be easy to do. Going away isn't possible for me.
You are a really supportive person. I see your comments too, fren.
We’re all in this together and I do try to help others with some humor injections. Helping others is truly part of the Great Awakening. As Christ taught us, so we should do our best to emulate Him? (IMHO). Edit; I especially took note of your situation and I believe you are correct with the ACE2 thing? We’re all wired differently. Question; In that regard, did either of your children display reactions to your wife’s first jab? Thinking genetic similarities passed from your genes to them? On ANOTHER note...if you are correct about your ACE2 “wiring”, I wonder if an ACE2 “inhibitor” drug would help you? Or other people...(?). Let me do a digg and I’ll DM you with what I find. Keep an eye on your Comment Response list...
Thank you.
Neither of my children showed reactions, but with my son, he wouldn't be able to tell anyone if he felt ill. As far as I can tell, children don't express nearly as many ACE2 receptors so that's probably why they don't catch the virus, it probably means that they aren't so affected by shedding either.
Yes, I have heard that ACE inhibitors might help with the virus. Maybe the shedding too.
Buy some Quercetin with Bromaline. I HATE to say this...but look on Amazon or source elsewhere if possible. Amazon azzho.
I got lots of quercetin. no bromaline though. I'll look that up, thank you!
Same here.
I just got a new job and everyone around me is vaxxed. My first 2 weeks, I had severe headaches and extreme lethargy.
Starting to get nervous about my exposure to them.
Fortunately we can work from home a couple of days.
I got NAC and Pine Needle tea in an effort to combat the shedding if it is happening.
Likely to ask for HCQ when I go back to the doctor.
I recovered well from my suspected shedding if that's any help.
I have not been genetically modified, but sometimes I work with people who have been. Afterward, My trachea hurts, like the beginning of a bad bronchitis. It goes away after about twelve hours. One of my DIL got genetically modified. My son says she is very much scatter brained. Love her to death, but I'm afraid they won't be able to have kids. I want more grand babies. Makes me want to cry.
I'm feeling more forgetful too! And I work around some vaxxed people. I really hope its just because of a lack of sleep because I wake up in the middle of the night a lot, and not shedding if that is a thing.
Have you tried any supplements like Lions Mane? That stuff can really help with brain fog and forgetfulness. Look for whole fruiting body if you do.
Thanks, I will go and talk to some nutritionists, and see what this can do for me. I appreciate the help, especially if I can regain focus.
I've taken this before and it definitely helped me. Always be careful with new supplements though, you never know how they will affect you personally. Hopefully it can help you as well.
It's hard to tell here in Seattle. People are idiots as a baseline.
Hey wins. Didn’t know you were in crazy land. Praying for you and your family.
Well it is anecdotal and with only two subject cases... but it could be. However, I'd like to see more data with a wider group of test subjects before believing this. No shade on what you posted, I don't expect full-blown scientific studies from any of us average anons, but perhaps this is worthy of a broader study.
Well stated. I'm concerned about this situation because most of my family members and friends have gotten the 2-jab. I quit trying to reason with them awhile back because they thought I was Loony-Toonz. Stupid is as stupid does. We'll just have to keep an eye on the situation, but I think there's something to it all....
As TJBanjoMan points out, we have nothing more than anecdotal reports - on this and shedding and probably more to come. There are no studies because pharma, fauci et al want to withhold any inconvenient information from us.
In the meantime, all we have is what people are reporting from personal experience, and it was very helpful of you to do so. Now many of us know to keep an eye out and see if we notice similar things. When it's subtle, it's easy to dismiss it, but if it's happening with a lot of people, it may well indicate a medical issue.
Funny, but I was watching a video by a serious, respected clairvoyant channeler recently who said that the initial jab was not the end game, but was planned as an interim step. It would become the problem, and then the "fix" would be the end game. Who knows, everything is guesswork when we have no facts from anyone we can trust.
I certainly didn't need any further reasons to stay away from all tests and all jabs. Personal immunity through good health, diet, and getting outside is still the best bet.
Thanks again for bringing this situation to light.
You are wise. :)
Satan approves.
Gates has said that it won't be the first virus that gets us, but the second virus that takes us out. He keeps talking about a one two punch scenario. I'm just waiting for the second shoe to drop. GATES = EVIL
I have experienced vaxers relentlessly trying to convince me that I need to get vaxed. Both mRNA and JJ. I've been told I am being cavalier hahahahahha. My based friend who was going to hold out had his grandfather committed to a home that requires vax to visit. He caved and got the double whammy Phizer. All of a sudden he starts trying to convince me that I might as well get it too and that I will have to eventually, one way or another. Ya right. NEVER. Especially after this. I think the simple explanation is that these folks need to validate their receiving the jab. My refusal and staunch stance against it makes them feel uncomfortable. Especially when I start listing potential dangers... I suspect this is a compliance vaccine with cognitive side effects. A small percentage experience serious side efffects including death. This is just the test run. The booster shots will be far more fatal. I AINT GETTIN IT. THIS IS MAGA COUNTRY!!!!!!
Sorry about your friend. And yes, I think that once a person gets it, they kind of have to justify to the world around them about how it is a good thing/not a big deal and/or get defensive about it - so sad.
I know folks who are v fit but older before the vax but are now having to take naps in the daytime when this is SO totally out of character for her. Other friends who are total gym bunnies have been so unwell with “women’s problems” since taking it..
I know several older folks too that had the Vax who are exhibiting/voicing the same
I’ve noticed them behaving colder around me. Not anything about me, I think, but parts of their personality have been a little squashed.
Yeah man. The guy that handles the clerical work at the electric company I work for (small company. He does technician scheduling, invoicing, some customer relations etc...) Got the jab a little more than a month ago. He left early from work the day after getting it (got it on a Sunday) and proceeded to call out Tuesday and Wednesday. Said he was essentially bedridden for those 2.5 days.
By the way, total germaphobe even before covid...
But yeah, just recently I've noticed that he's just really not as.... enthusiastic? his mannerisms, his dialogue, and just overall seems like a numbed down and dumbed down version of himself prior to the jab. And yeah, it took about a month it seems until it became quite noticeable. Not tripping over words or anything (yet). Just...almost like he's on antidepressants or something. Very vanilla now.
I try not to give him a hard time about any of it at work and just generally avoid the topic all together since he never made remarks or attacks on my beliefs or my maga mindset. So asking him about it is probably not going to happen. Time will tell. No running from that bastard...
Definitely notice this with my father. 6 months ago he was doing great, sharp, seemed 10 years younger than he is (hes 80) Now he seems much older and more frail with subtle hints of dementia i.e. forgetting items on a menu of his favorite restaurant, that hes had 1000’s of times.
All 4 of my grandparents have been vaccinated. They’re all behaving much weirder than they ever have and seem to have aged 10 years in the span of a month. It’s so sad.
It's been 4 months since my neighbor got the shot. According to her, beef still doesn't taste the same. She says she can't stand that taste. It weird she can still eat, pork, la,b, chicken and seafood without any bad taste.
Vapor lock.
Absolutely. I work with some talented people on challenging problems, and their mental acuity is quite noticeably lower. I am very glad I was able to talk one of them out of it. He is still sharp.
You guys should take notes. See how this progresses...
a fucking nightmare. Turning into zombies now. How can we reason with them when it was already difficoult ar their best moments? Unreal
Yes ?? Get this, did my weekly food run today (proudly wearing my Trump 2020 B’Day hat) and anyway it was like the Walking Dead. WAY more than the usual. Not everyone, but noticed many people just staring at items. Like for a while without doing anything else. Not reading labels, just staring. Saw one gal just staring at broccoli. Musta reminded her of her lost mind. I pushed my cart around them in Commando guy-shopping style...but it was noticeable. Anyway, glad this was brought up cuz I wasn’t seeing things. We all oughta take notes?
Damn, for real ? I saw a video of people staring at things for like half a minute without doing anything but I thought it was staged or something, but that's just scary
I wrote that exactly as I recalled it. I hadn’t read anything about this specifically prior, but it was so noticeable it struck me as very odd. I’ve had some blood blisters on my arms after mingling with the public last couple months so I’m sure the spike protein shedding thing is real, and due to that I really blaze through the food store these days. However the several zombies I noticed gave me pause to look and take notice?! I’m thinkin we ALL oughta start taking notice I’m sure we’ll be seeing more on this.
Strangely enough we were just talking about my father in law because two family members independently noticed that he was texting strange, like an entire essay text without punctuation and hard to follow. This is out of character for him. He got the jab a couple of months ago.
Just ask Eric Clapton.
I had to reintroduce myself to a customer of 3 years
Condolences on the lost memories
Wondering how many of these cases are caused from becoming aware that their life might soon be over because of the vax. Ultimate betrayal, trapped, and impending death would be enough of a shock to send a person's brain into shutdown mode.
What is scary with this is all the children of these people if it truly goes this way. Are we all gonna have like 20 adopted kids in a year?
Half of those kids will probably be vaxxed too
Unfortunately those kids might have picked up what's shed by their parents.
My bio mother who is a rapid Republican. She didn’t raise me and our relationship is cordial but not close. She got the vaccine and has turned into an angry witch in public to me.
Condolences and prayers for your situation
Thank you
You don't happen to know which vaxes do you?
Sure don't. Some of the people I know personally and they've almost bragged about getting vaxxed. I'm guessing that others I see in public might be afflicted by it. There's a preponderance of this odd behavior....I don't think it's an anomaly or my imagination. Maybe that show "Walking Dead" was foretelling.
I personally think it's too soon for any prion stuff. It's probably some other effect either through something toxic passing the blood brain barrier or some other imbalance in the body due to the vaccine which indirectly causes the brain fog.
I guess there's no other environmental factor locally which has changed?
Anyway, I believe that taking coconut oil can often help ward off early dementia including breaking down prion plaques. I have a link to an article on it if anyone wants.
Would like to see that link re: coconut oil. Thx.
Coconut oil helps with early dementia from prion disease:
"The fatty acid stearic acid (C18:0) signals via a dedicated pathway to regulate mitofusin activity and thereby mitochondrial morphology and function in cell culture"
These are naturally occurring in meat, chocolate coconut oil etc. Fats rich in stearic acid include cocoa butter (typically consumed as chocolate), mutton tallow, beef tallow, lard, and butter. In meat (beef, pork, lamb, veal), stearic acid ranges from approximately 9% to 16% of total fat.
Moral of the story is to eat the fat!
If you see a skin on your hot milk, those are stearates. The lovely fat on the plate that congeals is the best bit.
There is a reason why there has been a sixty-year programme to dissuade people from eating fat. This includes the recent push towards Veganism.
luv the fat on the sides of a nice grilled steak
i try to eat things with omega 3 fatty acids like salmon and walnuts
One meal a day.
Plus, our ag soils are depleted so you got to supplement.
Study what's needed and don't be deficient.
Don't take in toxins.
Get some exercise.
Live in truth. (We are truth living.)
Fucking Ancel Keys with his bullshit 7 countries study in the late 50s RUINED US. We used it as the model for food and started eating a shitload of processed carbs and demonized fat. As a dietician who has been keto/carnivore for 4/5 years i feel so much rage toward this.
Coconut oil banned or prescription-only in 3, 2, 1...
but I also read the vax is also bad for the heart :)
Another important way to reduce amyloid plaques in the brain is to get at least 7 hours of sleep each night!
Well shit
What about coconut juice or coconut water?
MCT oil. Coconut milk. Paleo people have been doing this for a decade for a reason.
Monolaurin is the concentrate. It's a lot more effective than just coconut oil.
Just bought some MCT oil. Add it to coffee and yogurt.
I noticed my mood seems to be lifted.
No, it's in the oil I believe. Medium chain triglycerides.
I'll put that on my list of stuff
Lion’s mane mushroom too.
This ☝? And others. Turkey Tail, Agarikon, Red Reishi, Chaga, Cordyceps.
If the problem involves H. pylori, black seed oil is amazing and coconut oil not so much. I don’t know about whether this is afflicting jabbed folks but keep it in mind.
What's the connection to H. pylori? I thought that caused stomach ulcers, does it have anything to do with brain fog too?
Absolutely. Source: I know several people who just started taking black seed oil and several of them had unexpected improvements in their thinking. Brain fog is listed in the symptoms in the material the person who recommended it was working from.
I love it. Oldest “medicine” known to man.
That sounds great! Still no connection to H. pylori though, except maybe that black seed oil treats that too. Maybe black seed oil is effective for several unrelated conditions.
Those two are the mRNA vaxes IIRC. Interesting, thanks.
Perhaps that tech makes more spike proteins in practice, or maybe it's the nano lipids, or something else in there.
My wife and I have noticed this. We call it 'Vax Brain'.
I like the term... I’ve been noticing it too. I think it’s enhancing things that are already present in the body so things like dementia are just being sped up
One of the attorneys working with Attorney Thomas Renz (OhioStandsUp]( there are an increased amount of incidents where heavy equipment operators are making left turns when they should be making right and operating the wrong levers. Makes me wonder how this will affect people driving their vehicles.
This sounds crazy, but last week my family noticed numerous weird accidents around us: a car entering the freeway going full speed the wrong way and causing multiple accidents, old RV’s driving off the road (I saw three), dozens of incidents of crazy driving like running red lights and erratic driving. I mean, there is always things like this, but it was far worse than usual.
On my way home today. A big lumber flat bed truck went straight in to the woods going in to curve seemed normal speed. Could been texting,Distracted, impaired other med issue etc but it was weird no brake lights or attempt to swerve.
I haven't noticed that myself actually, I work remotely currently so I might miss out on a lot of coworker observation. I have noticed my mental fog has cleared after a month off a nasty antidepressant though!
It’s similar to the rhinovirus vaccine post jab … the vaccine is a foreign substance, chemical. The body is trying to deal with it. It affects everyone differently because the immune health profile is dynamic and individual.
The jab could cause almost like an immune ‘reset’, and if your body overreacts the immune system goes in full force which is deadly (cytokines storm).
I was reading about brain inflammation which could be cytokines happening in brain which would cause cognitive issues
On overdrive too