"Where'd Mike Lindell get the real time election stream data packets?"
Excellent question. I think that is the data Mary Fanning provided, but where did she get it? I know she is tied to Dennis Montgomery, who created Hammer and Scorecard. But who or what group actually did the IP packet capture in real time? That is some serious resources and access.
Jimmy "permanently drunk" Kimmel tried so hard to paint him as a nutjob during his interview, even literally bringing out a character actor at the end to portray him as crazy. Tells me they fear him, a lot.
"Where'd Mike Lindell get the real time election stream data packets?"
This has been one of the most reassuring mysteries of the entire Election Heist. They sure as hell didn't make it up, and even Mary Fanning is a pseudonym.
I'm sure Patrick Byrne's new book explains the "head's up" that was already floating around last summer. The packets were watched in real time by a good number of people. As to Mike Lindell... Well, God does have a sense of humor..the fellow who helps get us all the best night's sleep in the whole wide world would be the right one to help us keep getting those good night's sleep. God also put the pink flamingo's knees on backwards. God is awesome.
My theory is the data packets came from Dr. Frank. He has stated that there were six precincts in six different states that allowed his team on site "before, during and after" the elections. He says they watched it happen.
He phrased it as his team and he is very precise in his language. Yes, he is on Lindell's payroll but not sure if he already was at the time of the election.
In the ancient times God would visit Kings, leaders, and prophets, either in dreams or in person.
I firmly believe God is still active today, and I firmly believe that if Q is true, then God must have spoken to at least one to three of them, Trump included. The idea of sacrificing the election and trusting Chinese spies has so many wild gambits involved that trust in God would be the only thing they could stand on to trust the plan. In warfare, plans are known to go FUBAR, and when giving up the most important trump card (the presidency), you lost a lot of leverage in staying flexible when a plan falls apart down the road.
But, if you have God stating, or even giving hints at what to do, it would be far easier to sacrifice the trump card. I may do a post on this later, how David had to wait for Saul to die instead of taking the throne for himself. But I digress.
Every major event in the Bible is surrounded by trials, tribulation, and suffering, and this is an event of biblical proportions: the outing of the multi-generational, multi-national, elite cult Cabal.
That has always been my big hang up with the theory that Trump knew they were going to steal the election and he allowed them to succeed. Why would he give up the power he had as president and then fight from a weakened position? I don't know if God directly spoke to him; I am skeptical of such direct interactions; but I do think God inspires action from people. If this is the greatest sting operation in history we will have lived through the most momentous time in history!
“I firmly believe God is still active today, and I firmly believe that if Q is true, then God must have spoken to at least one to three of them, Trump included.“
Maybe that’s why Trump’s face always looks a little sun-burned.
I feel its a bit of a corollary to this thought experiment. Sorry about the length:
HR1 will not pass. Hell, it won't get passed cloture.
Neither will the removal of the filibuster.
Gonna go hypothetical on you everybody here. Imagine its November 2020. You're a swamp creature, and you know now Trump is going to win his second term in a landslide along with the Senate and most likely the house as well. The Super Majority if you will. Trump, without fear of losing a re-election, would proceed to demolish any standing opposition in the FBI, DOJ, CIA, and everywhere. More voting reform would come down the pipe, and you'd lose your phony-baloney jobs, if not end up in jail.
The woke tide, the social reforms, and the government control you'd been working on since the 60's would be set back another 50-60 years. This CANNOT happen.
The question is this: what choice do you have?
What do you do? You attempt the most ham-fisted voting theft in history, the theft of the presidency, and multiple house/senate seats. You are desperate, as you really have no choice. And it works. You win (cough)! The next step is to return things to normal, the new normal, forcing jabs and making people fall in line with the new world order, the great reset.
However... the minions you sent out are so stupid, and the means you used to steal the election was so badly planned and sloppily executed that there is tons of evidence laying around. While you may have stolen the election, your goal of returning things to the (new) normal falls flat on its face as there is tons of resistance. People, as a result, simply are not accepting that Biden won election. One of the states that would NEVER have voted for Biden draws a line in the sand and forces an audit of the votes. Rumblings from the audit are so bad that it is clear this election was blatantly stolen. The state has made it crystal clear they will act on the results as well (whatever that may entail). There is even an emergency meeting in that state be discus legal rights.
You and your swamp buddies never rested well. Now you are panicking. The release of the audit is days away.
Again the question is: what choice do you have?
HR1 is a mess. However there is little chance it will get the votes to end the filibuster. Hell, the bill to end the filibuster will probably die with, you guessed it, a filibuster. Your only hope is that there is a bend in scheduling, or some sort of mishandling of procedure to end the debate and allow the vote. It won't happen though.
What you must understand, the filibuster is meant to be described as the nuclear option. It isn't designed to stop the voting of a bill. Its designed to get the two parties together and discuss changes to a bill so it won't die on the floor. The irony of the situation is lost on these people. They are unwilling to bend as they have too much at stake, but the very thing that keeps them from not bending is going to make them snap.
These people are desperate. They are betting on a procedure mishap to get them to pass their bullshit so they can keep their phony-baloney jobs. It won't happen. Even if it did pass, it would be sued to oblivion, and face the supreme court where it would pretty much be instantly marked unconstitutional. If you haven't noticed, the Supreme Court hasn't been ruling in favor of liberal policy lately.
They need this to pass now, to make audits the pointless. It is the very definition of desperation. Have faith frens, trust the plan.
He raises some good points. Resident Buyden is a tool of the chinese, representing a hostile force occupying DC and segments of the federal government.
We are all waiting for the events that trigger 11.3 in the DoD Law of War manual - the end of occupation, and the beginning of reprisals against that occupying power...
You're right, M. I've considered the possibility that he's enough of a critical thinker to accept Q as real, but dismisses Q for the sake of getting his message out to a wider audience. Q folks are critical thinkers and open minded, and they'll listen to a rational argument no matter where it comes from.
Those who dismiss Q tend to dismiss anyone that is publicly open to Q being real.
This. I don't mention Q myself as too many people are triggered by it and stop listening immediately. Hence with normies I don't link directly to here or link videos that explicitly mention Q, I try to direct them in a way that they're likely to stumble onto it themselves.
Who is "they?" The only people who directly had hands on that virus fumbled it, and caused a moderately dangerous, genetically engineered cold germ to escape a lab. Other people then exploited the situation by employing a global psyOp propaganda campaign for profit, and power. Irregular warfare conducted by people of many nationalities. Nobody in the general public really knows who the head of the snake really is. But it doesn't really matter either. Lots of people are going to pay for their part in what has been happening. Pain is soon to be their "new normal."
Let their replacements witness how Voter Treason is handled, let the wind chimes swing to and fro for a few hours - and I promise that not a single convicted treasonous scum bag will ever repeat that act.
Further, any politician (of any party) will give considerable thought to repeating this past election.
Just came on to see if there was a post for this guys channel or not or Thomas wictor, can’t express how much of a “happening” this defector story could be all jokes aside from the name. How do u introduce evidence legally, how do u catch them all, this and with the news of congressional politicians actually being surveilled all while we thought nothing was happening… major major developments and has me very excited and that much more confident the plan is working.
Mike Lindells data packets are some of the white hat info of what was recorded. It let us know just how bad the theft was. But it also let the Ds know that we do indeed have it all. No bluffing here. Now we can argue who was the source from which Lindell got the data, but it doesn't matter. It was ultimately laundered from the whote hats to Lindell as part of the overall military operation.
Q said in 3 posts: How do you introduce evidence legally? I always thought it would be through the courts. It never dawned on me that spies would collect the evidence and defect.
Would it not be amazing if Kim jong Il aided in helping dong get to the white hats?
If the CIA is/was running North Korea how many other countries does the cia fuck over for their own ends. They are not patriots. They are a private army to those with the biggest checkbook.
It makes sense as to why they were allowed to steal the election and certify a fraudulent election. They will not be able to claim any type of plausible deniability or claim "I was just following orders". They walked right into a trap.
...I have another New York Times reporter calling about my representation of Patrick Ho – the fucking spy chief of China who started the company that my partner, who is worth $323 billion, founded and is now missing. The richest man in the world is missing who was my partner...
I want to know how Dong managed to get on a domestic flight with very limited international travel, loaded up with boxes of incriminating data, without the chinese authorities questioning him. They are not that slack, surely?
OK so I exagerrated a little bit, but I hope you get my point.
Here ElChapo, go get yourself a nice bit of homeleave in Mexico.
We expect to see you back here same time next week
Never gonna happen. These motherfuckers in China want to know where everyone is at all times. Even temporary guests to the country.
They trust nobody.
In fact, it's illegal for a hotel NOT to report the full details of a foreginer to the police upon check in!
You think they going to let #1 spymaster out of their sight?
If not saying there's anything to it, but I am saying let's not assume the best case scenario about our Dong!!!!
Explains why the shit tabloids over here in Blighty are running storys today about 'why Won't Trump except her lost the election blah blah'
They are shitting their pants.
Amen! “Trump wasn’t playing to win a battle. He was playing to end the war.” It will be Biblical!
“And He (God) will judge between the nations, and will render decisions for many peoples; and they will hammer their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, and never again will they learn war.” Isaiah 2:4
"Where'd Mike Lindell get the real time election stream data packets?"
Excellent question. I think that is the data Mary Fanning provided, but where did she get it? I know she is tied to Dennis Montgomery, who created Hammer and Scorecard. But who or what group actually did the IP packet capture in real time? That is some serious resources and access.
Jimmy "permanently drunk" Kimmel tried so hard to paint him as a nutjob during his interview, even literally bringing out a character actor at the end to portray him as crazy. Tells me they fear him, a lot.
Ah yes people have a great tendency to underestimate ex drug addicts
This has been one of the most reassuring mysteries of the entire Election Heist. They sure as hell didn't make it up, and even Mary Fanning is a pseudonym.
Mary Fanning is an anagram of Angry Fin Man
Is Lindell Finnish?
I feel sorry for anyone who DOESN'T know who he is.
I'm sure Patrick Byrne's new book explains the "head's up" that was already floating around last summer. The packets were watched in real time by a good number of people. As to Mike Lindell... Well, God does have a sense of humor..the fellow who helps get us all the best night's sleep in the whole wide world would be the right one to help us keep getting those good night's sleep. God also put the pink flamingo's knees on backwards. God is awesome.
He put a duck-bill on a platypus? That’s one Mr Potato Head critter there...
Didn't one of the election fraud teams have wi-fi and packet sniffers located near some of the polling tabulation and election sites?
My theory is the data packets came from Dr. Frank. He has stated that there were six precincts in six different states that allowed his team on site "before, during and after" the elections. He says they watched it happen.
I think Frank is part of the team but do not think it is 'his' team. He has stated he is on Lindell's payroll.
He phrased it as his team and he is very precise in his language. Yes, he is on Lindell's payroll but not sure if he already was at the time of the election.
Phil Waldron maybe?
Is that why ML called his platform Frank speech?
In the ancient times God would visit Kings, leaders, and prophets, either in dreams or in person.
I firmly believe God is still active today, and I firmly believe that if Q is true, then God must have spoken to at least one to three of them, Trump included. The idea of sacrificing the election and trusting Chinese spies has so many wild gambits involved that trust in God would be the only thing they could stand on to trust the plan. In warfare, plans are known to go FUBAR, and when giving up the most important trump card (the presidency), you lost a lot of leverage in staying flexible when a plan falls apart down the road.
But, if you have God stating, or even giving hints at what to do, it would be far easier to sacrifice the trump card. I may do a post on this later, how David had to wait for Saul to die instead of taking the throne for himself. But I digress.
Every major event in the Bible is surrounded by trials, tribulation, and suffering, and this is an event of biblical proportions: the outing of the multi-generational, multi-national, elite cult Cabal.
That has always been my big hang up with the theory that Trump knew they were going to steal the election and he allowed them to succeed. Why would he give up the power he had as president and then fight from a weakened position? I don't know if God directly spoke to him; I am skeptical of such direct interactions; but I do think God inspires action from people. If this is the greatest sting operation in history we will have lived through the most momentous time in history!
“I firmly believe God is still active today, and I firmly believe that if Q is true, then God must have spoken to at least one to three of them, Trump included.“
Maybe that’s why Trump’s face always looks a little sun-burned.
More proof that this is the grandest sting of all time playing out.
Shamelessly reposted from TDW by me:
I feel its a bit of a corollary to this thought experiment. Sorry about the length:
HR1 will not pass. Hell, it won't get passed cloture.
Neither will the removal of the filibuster.
Gonna go hypothetical on you everybody here. Imagine its November 2020. You're a swamp creature, and you know now Trump is going to win his second term in a landslide along with the Senate and most likely the house as well. The Super Majority if you will. Trump, without fear of losing a re-election, would proceed to demolish any standing opposition in the FBI, DOJ, CIA, and everywhere. More voting reform would come down the pipe, and you'd lose your phony-baloney jobs, if not end up in jail.
The woke tide, the social reforms, and the government control you'd been working on since the 60's would be set back another 50-60 years. This CANNOT happen.
The question is this: what choice do you have?
What do you do? You attempt the most ham-fisted voting theft in history, the theft of the presidency, and multiple house/senate seats. You are desperate, as you really have no choice. And it works. You win (cough)! The next step is to return things to normal, the new normal, forcing jabs and making people fall in line with the new world order, the great reset.
However... the minions you sent out are so stupid, and the means you used to steal the election was so badly planned and sloppily executed that there is tons of evidence laying around. While you may have stolen the election, your goal of returning things to the (new) normal falls flat on its face as there is tons of resistance. People, as a result, simply are not accepting that Biden won election. One of the states that would NEVER have voted for Biden draws a line in the sand and forces an audit of the votes. Rumblings from the audit are so bad that it is clear this election was blatantly stolen. The state has made it crystal clear they will act on the results as well (whatever that may entail). There is even an emergency meeting in that state be discus legal rights.
You and your swamp buddies never rested well. Now you are panicking. The release of the audit is days away.
Again the question is: what choice do you have?
HR1 is a mess. However there is little chance it will get the votes to end the filibuster. Hell, the bill to end the filibuster will probably die with, you guessed it, a filibuster. Your only hope is that there is a bend in scheduling, or some sort of mishandling of procedure to end the debate and allow the vote. It won't happen though.
What you must understand, the filibuster is meant to be described as the nuclear option. It isn't designed to stop the voting of a bill. Its designed to get the two parties together and discuss changes to a bill so it won't die on the floor. The irony of the situation is lost on these people. They are unwilling to bend as they have too much at stake, but the very thing that keeps them from not bending is going to make them snap.
These people are desperate. They are betting on a procedure mishap to get them to pass their bullshit so they can keep their phony-baloney jobs. It won't happen. Even if it did pass, it would be sued to oblivion, and face the supreme court where it would pretty much be instantly marked unconstitutional. If you haven't noticed, the Supreme Court hasn't been ruling in favor of liberal policy lately.
They need this to pass now, to make audits the pointless. It is the very definition of desperation. Have faith frens, trust the plan.
how I love those gifs..
He raises some good points. Resident Buyden is a tool of the chinese, representing a hostile force occupying DC and segments of the federal government.
We are all waiting for the events that trigger 11.3 in the DoD Law of War manual - the end of occupation, and the beginning of reprisals against that occupying power...
MAN I CAN’T WAIT!! Sorry...excitable-boy they all said.
Warren Zevon taught me how to say Mohammed!
He backed-up the Dead for a short while. Got to see him at one GD show. Excellent performer ??
Brian's pretty sharp for a guy that dismisses Q.
Or does he?
You're right, M. I've considered the possibility that he's enough of a critical thinker to accept Q as real, but dismisses Q for the sake of getting his message out to a wider audience. Q folks are critical thinkers and open minded, and they'll listen to a rational argument no matter where it comes from.
Those who dismiss Q tend to dismiss anyone that is publicly open to Q being real.
So it could just be a shrewd play on his part.
He could be playing an angle to get non-Q folks over to Q.
This. I don't mention Q myself as too many people are triggered by it and stop listening immediately. Hence with normies I don't link directly to here or link videos that explicitly mention Q, I try to direct them in a way that they're likely to stumble onto it themselves.
He describes himself as "Q neutral". Some of the other guys on Quodverum are a bit more skeptical.
Why is that important?
DJT's trollmaster level has no ceiling.
Deadman switches on Deadman switches. NCSWIC
Even if they hate him, they will respect how thoroughly he beat them. And we will all smile.
Very interesring point.
Then why they sent us the virus?
Exactly, really amazing how the flu deaths dropped to zero isn't it lol.
What's unbelievable are the idiots who actually buy that excuse even though they know that people were still getting COVID even with the masks.
The false positives due to overcycled PCR tests (that were dropped in cycles when Biden was inaugurated).
Covid deaths are mostly "deaths with covid" not from it. And even with, it's only determined by a test based on shit standards.
Who is "they?" The only people who directly had hands on that virus fumbled it, and caused a moderately dangerous, genetically engineered cold germ to escape a lab. Other people then exploited the situation by employing a global psyOp propaganda campaign for profit, and power. Irregular warfare conducted by people of many nationalities. Nobody in the general public really knows who the head of the snake really is. But it doesn't really matter either. Lots of people are going to pay for their part in what has been happening. Pain is soon to be their "new normal."
I’ve wondered hard about where Mike Lindell got his intel. This is all coming together! I see, said the blind man!
...who then picked up his hammer and saw.
Rope, Tree, Gravity and a SLOW DROP
Let their replacements witness how Voter Treason is handled, let the wind chimes swing to and fro for a few hours - and I promise that not a single convicted treasonous scum bag will ever repeat that act.
Further, any politician (of any party) will give considerable thought to repeating this past election.
Complicated business....
Classic line.
Just came on to see if there was a post for this guys channel or not or Thomas wictor, can’t express how much of a “happening” this defector story could be all jokes aside from the name. How do u introduce evidence legally, how do u catch them all, this and with the news of congressional politicians actually being surveilled all while we thought nothing was happening… major major developments and has me very excited and that much more confident the plan is working.
Mike Lindells data packets are some of the white hat info of what was recorded. It let us know just how bad the theft was. But it also let the Ds know that we do indeed have it all. No bluffing here. Now we can argue who was the source from which Lindell got the data, but it doesn't matter. It was ultimately laundered from the whote hats to Lindell as part of the overall military operation.
Q said in 3 posts: How do you introduce evidence legally? I always thought it would be through the courts. It never dawned on me that spies would collect the evidence and defect.
Would it not be amazing if Kim jong Il aided in helping dong get to the white hats?
If the CIA is/was running North Korea how many other countries does the cia fuck over for their own ends. They are not patriots. They are a private army to those with the biggest checkbook.
Nice shot of hopium right to the cerebrum
It makes sense as to why they were allowed to steal the election and certify a fraudulent election. They will not be able to claim any type of plausible deniability or claim "I was just following orders". They walked right into a trap.
remember the Hunter Biden audio exclaiming that his billionaire spy chief friend from China has been missing?
No. You got a source for that?
1 and a half mast!!!
Spot on, Brian. That was The Plan...
I want to know how Dong managed to get on a domestic flight with very limited international travel, loaded up with boxes of incriminating data, without the chinese authorities questioning him. They are not that slack, surely?
You could fit the entire text (no audio/video) of the library of congress on a hard drive the size of a book.
OK so I exagerrated a little bit, but I hope you get my point. Here ElChapo, go get yourself a nice bit of homeleave in Mexico. We expect to see you back here same time next week Never gonna happen. These motherfuckers in China want to know where everyone is at all times. Even temporary guests to the country. They trust nobody. In fact, it's illegal for a hotel NOT to report the full details of a foreginer to the police upon check in! You think they going to let #1 spymaster out of their sight? If not saying there's anything to it, but I am saying let's not assume the best case scenario about our Dong!!!!
I love this ?
Explains why the shit tabloids over here in Blighty are running storys today about 'why Won't Trump except her lost the election blah blah' They are shitting their pants.
Amen! “Trump wasn’t playing to win a battle. He was playing to end the war.” It will be Biblical!
“And He (God) will judge between the nations, and will render decisions for many peoples; and they will hammer their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, and never again will they learn war.” Isaiah 2:4
Damn straight!
More or less, yes.
ender's game; the difference between winning a battle and winning a war. Relevant?
Just wonderful!!
Losers! Haha, I love our President Trump.
I love this!!!! God Bless President Trump and God Bless America!