I have been done with that excuse for a long long time. Those people can fuck off just as much as the extreme left. This type of cucking is how you lose your Country. And betray the people you are supposed to serve.
That’s an action you are describing…The officers intent can’t be judged.
Down votes for stating a scriptural truth. Action can be judged…intent can not. Oh well.
Then he shouldn't have been there wasting tax payer money like a leech. Get a $2000 bicycle stolen and you'll get told the police don't have resources to deal with it, but they've got the resources to deal with being Facebooks police department?
This. You have DAs all over the country saying they won't prosecute theft under $1K, so cops don't bother, but guaranteed you will begin to see some FB posts be prosecuted.
The problem with this is peoples lack of documentation of their valuable goods. Sir, I had my pistol stolen out of my car. Its a s&w xyz "okay great, do you havr the serial number?"
Well...no ..
Replace pistol with about anything. I tell people all the time make your own engraving as well if possible. Hell carve a dick and balls into the back of your tv housing AND have the serial number written down somewhere. Then I can find it in pawn shops, back of a truck two cities away, whatever
Seriously? In another year it will be, "Excuse me sir, can you get into this cattle car? We need to take you to a camp for a day to talk about your social media posts."
They wouldn’t confirm. I was inside and Husband came inside to tell me the FBI was here and he said “let me guess…Facebook”. And they somewhat confirmed without confirming.
I have stated on Facebook that I was in fact present on Jan 6th. That’s not a crime. The FBI stated such.
It’s all these fucking retards who can’t even consider it a possibility that Jan 6th was a false flag intended to make us look like shit but freak out and completely forget the relationship you have had with them simple for being somewhere on a certain date. The FBI are the brown-shirts of our time. They can go fuck right off and leave me the hell alone.
My country is looking a lot like the one I escaped more and more every day. It worries me, as we reach these new fascistic frontiers. I try talking sense with people over here. Ask them, for instance, how Canadian businesses being shut down for being "non-essential" and a certain race's businesses being shut down in ww2 for being "non-compliant" are so different and you get the leftist gape, before they default to how it must be internalized oppression. Imagine being able to think for myself being a form of oppression.
Bring up how social fascism, by definition, is the state's ideology upheld in exaltation above individual rights or how that one ww2 party was literally an abbreviation of national socialists, you get more of the same... Before they screech about nationalism. Then, you mention how Mandela was a nationalist. As was Gandhi. In fact, Stalin was one too, for the particularly indoctrinated. Given the broadness of the term, you'd think they'd have enough neurons to figure out that nationalism isn't the common denominator amidst the baddies but rather authoritarian overreach, but little gets through. It's so frustrating.
That being said, I haven't bothered discussing any of this with my leftist friends recently. Maybe things have changed. Many have a brain. I knew them when they still could use it. They've just forgotten how and I can only hope they remember.
They talk about white privilege being an issue, but instead of actually using taxpayer money to help fix neighbourhoods in need, they’re patrolling the streets over mean posts. The only people who are privileged are the people who don’t see a problem in that. And they wonder why we hate taxes.
It sounds that cop didn't want to be there either but is trying to follow orders... tough place to be but if police are supposed to be brave enough to kill or be killed they can surely reject an order as out of control and not do it
I also agree with your edit, but some people seem to be really pissed, even though we both tend to agree that the cops need to have balls enough to fight against their superiors.
At the moment, there is no just law here in Canada. We have out Charter of Rights, but thanks to Trudeau SR. there is a clause that makes it null and void in the first paragraph under a national emergency.
It is genuinely tricky, not because of the principle per se, but because of the actual practicalities. If all cops quit as the plebs believe should, they'd all be replaced by fanatical communist social justice commissars by next week. Then comes civil war, then comes foreign intervention.
I've thought of solutions for these practical issues. One I'm leaning towards is making it impossible for a cop to be fired for disobeying the law without it going to the courts, should they appeal. Now, whether civilian or a typical judicial affair come another can of worms, as the question of who gets to choose people for jury duty for instance becomes suspect or who presides, but I reckon much of this can be quelled if any and all cases brought to a court of law can be publicized at the request of the defendant. This goes for any affair, including civilian. Should it come down to it, if a petition large enough by the constituents of their respective jurisdiction is signed, perhaps then it should come down to vote.
Of course, there's worry here. It can go well or can go terrible, depending on how radicalized the people there are. But, if anything, it's still the peoples' choice, as it's still the people who pay for these public servants, regardless if they choose right or wrong. As for fraud, that's what audits are for.
Is it just if the people decide wrongly? I think the idea of what that exactly means has always been up to the people, either way.
My Dad does that too but I don’t see why they can’t all just cross over to gab or telegram instead. Is there anyone sensible that hasn’t been redpilled yet?
Is there anyone sensible that hasn’t been redpilled yet?
Of course still is you lazy ##### !!! Who gave you the right to retreat from digital battlefield (that is desertion !) ?! Have we got new orders from Q ? No ? So what the fuck you are suggesting ?! Desertion ?!
Q post 4509:
You have been selected to help serve your Country.
Never retreat from the battlefield [Twitter, FB, etc.].
Use other platforms as a form of centralized command and control.
Organize and connect [bridge through linking].
Source meme(s) material from battlefield and/or garage [highlight & share][take & drop]
Mission 1: Dispute [reject] propaganda push through posting of research and facts
Mission 2: Support role of other digital soldiers [one falls another stands (rises)]
Mission 3: Guide [awaken] others through use of facts [DECLAS 1-99 material and other relevant facts] and memes [decouple MSDNC control of info stream] _ask 'counter' questions to initiate 'thought' vs repeat [echo] of MSDNC propaganda
Mission 4: Learn use of camouflage [digitally] _primary account suspended-terminated _use of secondary
Mission 5: Identify strengths / weaknesses [personal and designated target(s)] re: Twitter & FB [+other] example re: meme(s) failure to read through use of ALGO [think Tron (MCP_master control program)] _dependence on person-to-person capture [slow response time unidentified user(s)]
I think people are very uncomfortable now but won’t admit that something is just “off”. I just had an argument with mother’s cousin (raging liberal who worked at BBC for years.) She asked my mother who Dr Frank was in response to my mom sharing Dr Frank’s most recent post. My mother and I stupidly thought she was finally open to learning more about the election fraud. But she got mad when we gave her more information than just explaining who Dr Frank was. But at least she asked. Baby steps.
I know people are reading or scanning what I post because they will like the funny stuff. I’ve learned to screenshot the tweets so the text is blaring in their faces on their feeds. I create images of catchy titles or
My mother got told in person that her thoughtful posts were very much appreciated. But in a liberal state, no one dares respond to her posts online.
So don’t write off social media. We are posting items people won’t see elsewhere. They’ll remember when stuff starts popping. Hopefully soon!?!
Why yes, there are plenty of people who're being red-pilled every day that are sensible and just now waking up to reality. It's just that they were wrapped up in their own personal affairs and were severely disrupted by the Democrats attempting to institute totalitarianism and putting Biden in the white by cheating and election fraud. All we need to do is keep the pressure on.
It's not just a matter of pulling people from the left to the right. It's informing those who want to know about what's really going on. If they're still on FB I'll stay. If they go to other platforms - well, I'm there too already.
There have been several massive shill campaigns to try and make it sound like the Q community should get off social media to teach social media a lesson. Memes were made and blocks of text were spread through the Q community. I'm hoping most anons didn't fall for it.
That idiot cop is putting his life in jeopardy. The day isn't long way when that and other such laws start getting enforced with a vengeance.
If you're a LEO, pull your head out of your ass and start paying the fuck attention.
This shit can cost you years in prison or even your life by execution.
Quit being the punk bitch for depraved scumbags in your chain o' command and politicals that will throw you under the bus so fast your neck will break from the whiplash.
There ARE times when it is necessary for law enforcement to investigate certain FB posts. A good example would be FB posts that are threats to kill or maim others. How many times have we heard people exclaim that so-and-so posted that they were going to kill someone and then did it, and then the police were blamed for not acting on the information posted? You simply don't get to have it both ways.
If anybody would want to kill for example any of those crazy fuckers responsible for "great reset" or any other cabal communist shit then if those person is posting it in social media those person is retarded beyond any retard level and 100% deserves the consequences.
It's apples and oranges though, the fact this isn't blaringly obvious to you is kind of sad. Police don't stand on your door looking like they need a poo on their own if they're there because you threatened to stab someone.
That's not good enough. You would be enabling it rather than taking a stand against it. No surprise since most cops take an oath to their pensions and consider the constitution in the way of their special civilian privilege's.
Okkayyy buddy. You tell me what your doing to fight back. I made it blatenly clear to my administration this time last year that inwouldnt assist and health department related calls regarding masks, covid, anything to do with a business. Thankfully,bfor the citizens, no one had an issue with that but I made my stance clear. Fuck out of here, handshake
Funny how you still cant tell me what it is your doing to fight back when all im trying to do is show our community on here that there are plenty of officers who have taken a stand against shit like this. My whole department did. But thats just not good enough for you. Im sorry your father left you and your mother at such a young age and you've grown so hateful. Im sure youd still call 911 expecting your problem tl be solved though. Your mentally unwell man. Your a two week old hand shake shill peddling anger, hate and violence.
The policeman knocked on the right door. The guy put him in his place. "Go find a crime..." . Those who now run our countries(DS, Globalists, CCP, etc..) ARE the crime. Stand strong Patriots.
It’s not just social media. If any of you play online games with chat functions, the FBI monitors those. Ask me how I know. I got a visit from the FBI about a tasteless joke my twelve year old made on a gaming platform. The surveillance is everywhere.
Is that a Canadian accent? Pretty sure that is NOT a free country based on the last 18 months. Could probably say the same for here in the US to be fair. Even Texas had zero problem stripping rights away from us (thanks Abbott!).
Fyi - you can be arrested for what you post outside the ??. This is why i have gone mostly dark on public comms systems and adopted direct contact methods instead.
This little bitch dressed as a cop with a Canadian accent needs to be arrested for harassment. He really is a Jonas brother! I’d ask him to sing Pom Poms!
Is there any context? Does anyone know what the guy posted? We seem to be making a lot of assumptions in this thread, although if the guy had posted so.ething criminal or threatening I'd imagine the cop would stick around.
Thanks for wasting the taxpayers money.
“He was just following orders”
I have been done with that excuse for a long long time. Those people can fuck off just as much as the extreme left. This type of cucking is how you lose your Country. And betray the people you are supposed to serve.
I’m with you.
Exactly. Police aren't usually your friend. They are there to make $$ for the state and aid in your prosecution.
"To protect and serve" but not you.
That’s an action you are describing…The officers intent can’t be judged. Down votes for stating a scriptural truth. Action can be judged…intent can not. Oh well.
Then he shouldn't have been there wasting tax payer money like a leech. Get a $2000 bicycle stolen and you'll get told the police don't have resources to deal with it, but they've got the resources to deal with being Facebooks police department?
This. You have DAs all over the country saying they won't prosecute theft under $1K, so cops don't bother, but guaranteed you will begin to see some FB posts be prosecuted.
The problem with this is peoples lack of documentation of their valuable goods. Sir, I had my pistol stolen out of my car. Its a s&w xyz "okay great, do you havr the serial number?"
Well...no ..
Replace pistol with about anything. I tell people all the time make your own engraving as well if possible. Hell carve a dick and balls into the back of your tv housing AND have the serial number written down somewhere. Then I can find it in pawn shops, back of a truck two cities away, whatever
Seriously? In another year it will be, "Excuse me sir, can you get into this cattle car? We need to take you to a camp for a day to talk about your social media posts."
"Excuse me sir, do you mind stepping into this special shower here to bathe real quick? Don't mind that strange smell and lack of water."
When you get orders to violate your oath of office, you resign.
Unless you’re a traitor.
FBI came to mine. Guess what I don’t have anymore…FB. Get rid of it.
Sounds like you have a great story to tell us!
but how, did u post something publicly? or did someone on your friends list reported you?
They wouldn’t confirm. I was inside and Husband came inside to tell me the FBI was here and he said “let me guess…Facebook”. And they somewhat confirmed without confirming.
I have stated on Facebook that I was in fact present on Jan 6th. That’s not a crime. The FBI stated such.
It’s all these fucking retards who can’t even consider it a possibility that Jan 6th was a false flag intended to make us look like shit but freak out and completely forget the relationship you have had with them simple for being somewhere on a certain date. The FBI are the brown-shirts of our time. They can go fuck right off and leave me the hell alone.
Go on...
Because I was at Jan 6th. FB is LITERALLY the Government. I’m much happier without it.
Cana Da, eh?
My country is looking a lot like the one I escaped more and more every day. It worries me, as we reach these new fascistic frontiers. I try talking sense with people over here. Ask them, for instance, how Canadian businesses being shut down for being "non-essential" and a certain race's businesses being shut down in ww2 for being "non-compliant" are so different and you get the leftist gape, before they default to how it must be internalized oppression. Imagine being able to think for myself being a form of oppression.
Bring up how social fascism, by definition, is the state's ideology upheld in exaltation above individual rights or how that one ww2 party was literally an abbreviation of national socialists, you get more of the same... Before they screech about nationalism. Then, you mention how Mandela was a nationalist. As was Gandhi. In fact, Stalin was one too, for the particularly indoctrinated. Given the broadness of the term, you'd think they'd have enough neurons to figure out that nationalism isn't the common denominator amidst the baddies but rather authoritarian overreach, but little gets through. It's so frustrating.
That being said, I haven't bothered discussing any of this with my leftist friends recently. Maybe things have changed. Many have a brain. I knew them when they still could use it. They've just forgotten how and I can only hope they remember.
"Yuu arr Canay-dien, knot yu arr?"
Seems like those krazy kanucks are going full socialist... You never go full socialist.
Same in the UK.
They talk about white privilege being an issue, but instead of actually using taxpayer money to help fix neighbourhoods in need, they’re patrolling the streets over mean posts. The only people who are privileged are the people who don’t see a problem in that. And they wonder why we hate taxes.
It sounds that cop didn't want to be there either but is trying to follow orders... tough place to be but if police are supposed to be brave enough to kill or be killed they can surely reject an order as out of control and not do it
Fuck these cock suckers just following orders. Enemy number 2
You know what, you right. He seemed kinda sorry, and I'm not saying that just because he's Canadian.
Edit: Not condoning this sht at all. Just following orders is no excuse. They can't uphold just law if they don't have the balls to do what's right.
I also agree with your edit, but some people seem to be really pissed, even though we both tend to agree that the cops need to have balls enough to fight against their superiors.
Yeup! You pretty much said as much in your second sentence. Just because I understand how someone feels doesn't mean I've got to agree with it, lol.
At the moment, there is no just law here in Canada. We have out Charter of Rights, but thanks to Trudeau SR. there is a clause that makes it null and void in the first paragraph under a national emergency.
Guess what?
What, jr. has fake eyelashes too? I'm sure he has extras from his cosplaying days, aka every Thursday.
The guess what was a rhetorical. I was saying we are in a national emergency, so we don't have rights at the moment.
I know. Just couldn't resist making an eyebrow joke.
It is genuinely tricky, not because of the principle per se, but because of the actual practicalities. If all cops quit as the plebs believe should, they'd all be replaced by fanatical communist social justice commissars by next week. Then comes civil war, then comes foreign intervention.
That is how they want it to pan out.
I've thought of solutions for these practical issues. One I'm leaning towards is making it impossible for a cop to be fired for disobeying the law without it going to the courts, should they appeal. Now, whether civilian or a typical judicial affair come another can of worms, as the question of who gets to choose people for jury duty for instance becomes suspect or who presides, but I reckon much of this can be quelled if any and all cases brought to a court of law can be publicized at the request of the defendant. This goes for any affair, including civilian. Should it come down to it, if a petition large enough by the constituents of their respective jurisdiction is signed, perhaps then it should come down to vote.
Of course, there's worry here. It can go well or can go terrible, depending on how radicalized the people there are. But, if anything, it's still the peoples' choice, as it's still the people who pay for these public servants, regardless if they choose right or wrong. As for fraud, that's what audits are for.
Is it just if the people decide wrongly? I think the idea of what that exactly means has always been up to the people, either way.
Get the f off facebook. What the heck are y’all still doing there!?
Personally, I go there to spread red pills en mass. So should others. Use their platform against them!!!
My Dad does that too but I don’t see why they can’t all just cross over to gab or telegram instead. Is there anyone sensible that hasn’t been redpilled yet?
Of course still is you lazy ##### !!! Who gave you the right to retreat from digital battlefield (that is desertion !) ?! Have we got new orders from Q ? No ? So what the fuck you are suggesting ?! Desertion ?!
Q post 4509:
I think people are very uncomfortable now but won’t admit that something is just “off”. I just had an argument with mother’s cousin (raging liberal who worked at BBC for years.) She asked my mother who Dr Frank was in response to my mom sharing Dr Frank’s most recent post. My mother and I stupidly thought she was finally open to learning more about the election fraud. But she got mad when we gave her more information than just explaining who Dr Frank was. But at least she asked. Baby steps.
I know people are reading or scanning what I post because they will like the funny stuff. I’ve learned to screenshot the tweets so the text is blaring in their faces on their feeds. I create images of catchy titles or
My mother got told in person that her thoughtful posts were very much appreciated. But in a liberal state, no one dares respond to her posts online.
So don’t write off social media. We are posting items people won’t see elsewhere. They’ll remember when stuff starts popping. Hopefully soon!?!
Why yes, there are plenty of people who're being red-pilled every day that are sensible and just now waking up to reality. It's just that they were wrapped up in their own personal affairs and were severely disrupted by the Democrats attempting to institute totalitarianism and putting Biden in the white by cheating and election fraud. All we need to do is keep the pressure on.
It's not just a matter of pulling people from the left to the right. It's informing those who want to know about what's really going on. If they're still on FB I'll stay. If they go to other platforms - well, I'm there too already.
There have been several massive shill campaigns to try and make it sound like the Q community should get off social media to teach social media a lesson. Memes were made and blocks of text were spread through the Q community. I'm hoping most anons didn't fall for it.
Because boomers cannot understand they're "redpilling" chatbots and chatbots cannot migrate as a person because they're - well, chatbots.
Take your Bommerphobia and stick-it Derp.
t. facebook user.
Go tell Susan, 57, that she's talking to a GPT3 chatbot on facebook and she'll tell you:
It is it's own silly delusion that any other slacktivist has, if you don't see that then you might be a "Bommer" - whatever that is.
FB is redpill city. You want to reach lost minds? You go to FB. Best platform for redpilling people hands down.
Unfortunately I’m surrounded by lost minds in my life.
This ^ f*ck fakebook and twatter too.
Stupid idiot.
Look up Under Color of the Law. https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/242
That idiot cop is putting his life in jeopardy. The day isn't long way when that and other such laws start getting enforced with a vengeance.
If you're a LEO, pull your head out of your ass and start paying the fuck attention.
This shit can cost you years in prison or even your life by execution.
Quit being the punk bitch for depraved scumbags in your chain o' command and politicals that will throw you under the bus so fast your neck will break from the whiplash.
Stop. Being. Stupid. Fools.
There ARE times when it is necessary for law enforcement to investigate certain FB posts. A good example would be FB posts that are threats to kill or maim others. How many times have we heard people exclaim that so-and-so posted that they were going to kill someone and then did it, and then the police were blamed for not acting on the information posted? You simply don't get to have it both ways.
So yes, SERIOUSLY! [See this article for a perfect example: https://tptn.fayettevilleforum.net/index.php/2020/09/01/n-c-cumberland-co-sheriff-ennis-w-wright-a-racist-you-decide/ ]
You are conflating two things. That’s not why they showed up at this man’s door. If it were the questioning would’ve been different.
If anybody would want to kill for example any of those crazy fuckers responsible for "great reset" or any other cabal communist shit then if those person is posting it in social media those person is retarded beyond any retard level and 100% deserves the consequences.
It's apples and oranges though, the fact this isn't blaringly obvious to you is kind of sad. Police don't stand on your door looking like they need a poo on their own if they're there because you threatened to stab someone.
Nice ?
That's not good enough. You would be enabling it rather than taking a stand against it. No surprise since most cops take an oath to their pensions and consider the constitution in the way of their special civilian privilege's.
Okkayyy buddy. You tell me what your doing to fight back. I made it blatenly clear to my administration this time last year that inwouldnt assist and health department related calls regarding masks, covid, anything to do with a business. Thankfully,bfor the citizens, no one had an issue with that but I made my stance clear. Fuck out of here, handshake
Funny how you still cant tell me what it is your doing to fight back when all im trying to do is show our community on here that there are plenty of officers who have taken a stand against shit like this. My whole department did. But thats just not good enough for you. Im sorry your father left you and your mother at such a young age and you've grown so hateful. Im sure youd still call 911 expecting your problem tl be solved though. Your mentally unwell man. Your a two week old hand shake shill peddling anger, hate and violence.
Im sick of you. Your are mentally unwell man.
If you gave a shit, you'd resign.
You must be a real ignorant idiot. Your not even worth a response.
Which means pension over everything.
People say Canada has fallen. This, and the Christian pastor in jail, sure smell like communism to me.
The policeman knocked on the right door. The guy put him in his place. "Go find a crime..." . Those who now run our countries(DS, Globalists, CCP, etc..) ARE the crime. Stand strong Patriots.
This the problem with the police, they are following orders. So if they are told to do anything they will. Job security!
You know who else was just following orders? Nazis.
What a precious gift to any and every criminal in the nation when police goof off like this when they are supposed to be on duty.
Do your fucking jobs, or resign if you dont like it!
Happened to me 3 years ago. No kidding.I was ordered by the police to delete a facebook post
Did you say no?
It’s not just social media. If any of you play online games with chat functions, the FBI monitors those. Ask me how I know. I got a visit from the FBI about a tasteless joke my twelve year old made on a gaming platform. The surveillance is everywhere.
Is that a Canadian accent? Pretty sure that is NOT a free country based on the last 18 months. Could probably say the same for here in the US to be fair. Even Texas had zero problem stripping rights away from us (thanks Abbott!).
What country was this in?
Canada it seems.
Yep, noticed that in the comments later. I shoulda read further before commenting.
Sometimes I wonder if Q's suggestion to "Watch CA" has multiple meanings...Watch Canada, Watch California, Watch Certificate Authorities.
Edit...Thought of one more... "Watch Certification Authorities". As in Elections Certification Authorities.
Cool you met a Jonas brother.
Communist agenda
The Panic is real....
Go find a crime lmao
Welcome to the NWO.
Fyi - you can be arrested for what you post outside the ??. This is why i have gone mostly dark on public comms systems and adopted direct contact methods instead.
"Am I under arrest? No?" Shuts the door in his face.
This little bitch dressed as a cop with a Canadian accent needs to be arrested for harassment. He really is a Jonas brother! I’d ask him to sing Pom Poms!
Oh Canada!
this has happend to me.
in many states fakebook is public domain...careful what you say
This happened last year, I remember seeing this before the election
Also posted in this article (no details confimed about the location):
Oink oink
clarification needed, location of occurrence? Content of concerned facebook posting?
Is there any context? Does anyone know what the guy posted? We seem to be making a lot of assumptions in this thread, although if the guy had posted so.ething criminal or threatening I'd imagine the cop would stick around.
I just don't like jumping to conclusions.
Page gone.