No don't fall into that rhetorical trap... Everyone has the basic dignity of being a human being with inalienable rights, free will, and a soul CAPABLE of exercising self reflection, impulse control, and ethical choices. THAT's exactly the basis of making bad actors responsible for their bad actions. Assuming they're soulless automatons destroys culpability in a metaphysical sense. Don't go down that route.
Same reason I'm sick of all the clone / reptilian / demon-possessed claims of high profile bad actors, because it ultimately removes them from the realm of human notions of agency and susceptibility to the sword of justice.
It is easier to say someone has no soul when they do things on a continuous basis that goes completely against the Human experience of learning to raise frequency thru love and understanding. Those always destroying such are seen as being without a soul, but you're right: it removes a measure of culpability to so easily cast it in a focused light. Everything is a choice, and some choices are evil. Evil spans a broad spectrum. It should be recognized and dealt with as such.
I almost completely agree. Everybody has free will. Anyone can choose to believe they do not have free will. That does not excuse their choices. No spirit forces you todo anything. People that go down a really evil path will have a very hard time believing they have always had free will. They believe a lie and the lie destroys them.
Bottom line. Know the truth and the truth will set you free. John 8:32
You are right. People don't understand that there are all types of creatures of various origins with unique dna from all over the galaxy. Most people still think life is just Earth. I've heard in several places that there are far less actual true divine human souls on Earth than people believe. What everyone else is.... was not said.
I made a long thread about this in January, when shills were bombarding us with that "operation trust" clipping. The whole point of the movement is for the people to take back the country themselves. Trump's engaging in a teach-a-man-to-fish strategy. He raises awareness and then we help him at the state and local levels, and then this all works its way up through the government.
His choice of words here is brilliant. If he said, "I will teach you how to win" instead, that would've turned many people off.
If I remember right, in this context, he was talking about GOP politicians but I believe he was also talking about every person who actually watch and follow his work.
The sneering jackals who dismiss Trump brought the Trump Curse on themselves. It was inevitable.
Exactly, I think a lot of people, myself included, just wanted things to be sane again, and that we wouldn’t need to man the trenches every hour of the day to fix it.
Unfortunately real life isn’t like that and our enemies will not leave us alone. Thankfully, it’s not about sacrificing 10% of the populations free time and lives to be full-time activists, very few are up to that. It’s about 100% of us sacrificing just 10% (or more) to take back what’s ours through these local and important posts like school board etc
When the local levels are retaken, the committeeman process must go back to the people--out of the parties' hands. Committeemen can recall and/or indict--immediate consequences. We also must take back OUR courts and restore OUR common law, along with OUR common law grand and petit juries AND dump the unconstitutional sheriffs. The Committeeman carefully vets ANY potential candidates for constitutionality, no criminality, etc--definitely not being done at present and for many years. Whatever county the governor, senators or reps come from are overseen by the Committeeman (men) of that county--total oversight and control.
Q kept us from sliding into vigilantism which would have:
a) given them the reasons they needed to attack us
b) eroded our souls
c) made it much harder for those leaving the left, and awakening, to come look at what we had to say.
personally i am losing patience now. We're 7 months in and the country is in pieces, Biden is still fraudulently in office and they're fucking laughing at us.
Yay more recruits, welcome frens I see the media has labeled you and your curious what that label means. Well trust not the bullies, you are now in an open environment. Enjoy the breath of fresh air, as you finger through truths and the opportunity to awaken. God loves you and is drawing you near. Repent and be reconciled to Him! For only when we realize or need for God will our trials finally come to close. May you be blessed, welcome Anon. May you enjoy Q with us, as we together with Q point to the Truth.
God is in control and God wins. Nothing can stop what is coming.
Yep, everybody who doesn't want to live under a tyrannical govt and have their children taught that they're either in permanent victim status or born racists, are the crazy ones.
What's really crazy, and sad, is the useful idiots spewing this bullshit who actually believe what they''re saying
I thought just last week we were losing trust in "the plan" and taking matters into our own hands, causing violence? Now we're organizing grassroots efforts to get involved in local elections and turning things around? The MSM is giving me whiplash.
The left organizes like nobodies business. The right until now has not.
The left has has no competition or controlled it. That is all being dismantled and that freaks them out. They actually thought they were smarter because they were winning a game they were playing alone.
I bet the energy behind those standing up at school board meetings and telling teachers they cant teach CRT is coming from Q patriots who mostly are keeping there mouth shut about Q becouse of the ridiculer that happens from those wh have not fallowed the Q posts.
It's the look of someone without a soul.
This fren nailed it
No don't fall into that rhetorical trap... Everyone has the basic dignity of being a human being with inalienable rights, free will, and a soul CAPABLE of exercising self reflection, impulse control, and ethical choices. THAT's exactly the basis of making bad actors responsible for their bad actions. Assuming they're soulless automatons destroys culpability in a metaphysical sense. Don't go down that route.
Same reason I'm sick of all the clone / reptilian / demon-possessed claims of high profile bad actors, because it ultimately removes them from the realm of human notions of agency and susceptibility to the sword of justice.
Hmm. Solid argument I can't punch holes in.
It is easier to say someone has no soul when they do things on a continuous basis that goes completely against the Human experience of learning to raise frequency thru love and understanding. Those always destroying such are seen as being without a soul, but you're right: it removes a measure of culpability to so easily cast it in a focused light. Everything is a choice, and some choices are evil. Evil spans a broad spectrum. It should be recognized and dealt with as such.
Then call it a dead soul. You can see life in people.
I almost completely agree. Everybody has free will. Anyone can choose to believe they do not have free will. That does not excuse their choices. No spirit forces you todo anything. People that go down a really evil path will have a very hard time believing they have always had free will. They believe a lie and the lie destroys them. Bottom line. Know the truth and the truth will set you free. John 8:32
You are right. People don't understand that there are all types of creatures of various origins with unique dna from all over the galaxy. Most people still think life is just Earth. I've heard in several places that there are far less actual true divine human souls on Earth than people believe. What everyone else is.... was not said.
Soy eyes fren , too many latte's
For a second, I thought the dude was wearing earrings. :-P
He saves that for weekends when he plays dress up.
Dead fish eye too!
Adderall junkie cant even blink!
I was going to say they always have "club-drug" eyes. As if they just left a rave.
Definitely some form of amphetamine or SSRI usage.
It's the look of fear and stupidity mixed together.
This woulda been my guess.
Their narratives about Qanon will fade away but the awakened parents and citizens will take back our country.
THIS. ALL of this. Well stated.
Take back our country and our children.
Old hippies die hard
I made a long thread about this in January, when shills were bombarding us with that "operation trust" clipping. The whole point of the movement is for the people to take back the country themselves. Trump's engaging in a teach-a-man-to-fish strategy. He raises awareness and then we help him at the state and local levels, and then this all works its way up through the government.
“I will teach them how to win”
His choice of words here is brilliant. If he said, "I will teach you how to win" instead, that would've turned many people off.
If I remember right, in this context, he was talking about GOP politicians but I believe he was also talking about every person who actually watch and follow his work.
The sneering jackals who dismiss Trump brought the Trump Curse on themselves. It was inevitable.
Exactly, I think a lot of people, myself included, just wanted things to be sane again, and that we wouldn’t need to man the trenches every hour of the day to fix it.
Unfortunately real life isn’t like that and our enemies will not leave us alone. Thankfully, it’s not about sacrificing 10% of the populations free time and lives to be full-time activists, very few are up to that. It’s about 100% of us sacrificing just 10% (or more) to take back what’s ours through these local and important posts like school board etc
They tried the Operation Trust thing for a minute. No very effective, was it?
No, the Operation Trust wasn't effective because we don't just trust, we verify.
It's actually more applicable to normies.
what was the deal with that Op Trust thing from the 30s? Was it real or what
Local action really DOES equal national impact.
When the local levels are retaken, the committeeman process must go back to the people--out of the parties' hands. Committeemen can recall and/or indict--immediate consequences. We also must take back OUR courts and restore OUR common law, along with OUR common law grand and petit juries AND dump the unconstitutional sheriffs. The Committeeman carefully vets ANY potential candidates for constitutionality, no criminality, etc--definitely not being done at present and for many years. Whatever county the governor, senators or reps come from are overseen by the Committeeman (men) of that county--total oversight and control.
are you ready to take back your country?
is this not the peaceful option?
Q kept us from sliding into vigilantism which would have: a) given them the reasons they needed to attack us b) eroded our souls c) made it much harder for those leaving the left, and awakening, to come look at what we had to say.
personally i am losing patience now. We're 7 months in and the country is in pieces, Biden is still fraudulently in office and they're fucking laughing at us.
THIS. The shills and doomers just don’t get it. The plan was never about sitting around and doing nothing.
Yay more recruits, welcome frens I see the media has labeled you and your curious what that label means. Well trust not the bullies, you are now in an open environment. Enjoy the breath of fresh air, as you finger through truths and the opportunity to awaken. God loves you and is drawing you near. Repent and be reconciled to Him! For only when we realize or need for God will our trials finally come to close. May you be blessed, welcome Anon. May you enjoy Q with us, as we together with Q point to the Truth.
God is in control and God wins. Nothing can stop what is coming.
Thank you, OP, for watching and reporting on this so I don't have to.
Lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a dolls eyes.
Prayers for Adam Lanza Crazy Eyes, I mean Collins. Poor fella.
Any links to the vid?
LOL! numbnuts!!!!! Thanks for posting that link....definitely a soi boi right there. Must be a patent on it.
I love WINNING. Nowhere near tired of it yet.
"Q as pacification psy op" has to be the single most deeply retarded fake "conspiracy theory" we've ever seen.
What a tool. Go back and drink more soy milk ya jackazz.
Yep, everybody who doesn't want to live under a tyrannical govt and have their children taught that they're either in permanent victim status or born racists, are the crazy ones.
What's really crazy, and sad, is the useful idiots spewing this bullshit who actually believe what they''re saying
Dead eyes and air pods in the ears. Rude fucking zombies.
he's got those eyes
I thought just last week we were losing trust in "the plan" and taking matters into our own hands, causing violence? Now we're organizing grassroots efforts to get involved in local elections and turning things around? The MSM is giving me whiplash.
He looks
Jewish Homosexual Slavery, Child Molester Party.
All at the same time.
From “pacification psy-op” to whipping boys to smear and drag down MAGA... not much of an improvement.
Note: I’m referring to how the DS and Media uses you all and not referring to the reality of what you actually are.
I hate being called “crazy.” You wanna see crazy...I’ll give you crazy!
We are slow, not dumb. That's what progressives don't understand.
Maybe careful, deliberate, factual as opposed to slow?
patient is word i would use but running out for sure
hahah that concerned look on his face is priceless.
WOW these ppl are scared
The left organizes like nobodies business. The right until now has not.
The left has has no competition or controlled it. That is all being dismantled and that freaks them out. They actually thought they were smarter because they were winning a game they were playing alone.
He has that "I just got raped by every inmate in a Turkish prison" look in his eyes!
In the words of the Great Salty Legion... EAT SHIT COMMIES!!!
He’s insane like so many of them
I bet the energy behind those standing up at school board meetings and telling teachers they cant teach CRT is coming from Q patriots who mostly are keeping there mouth shut about Q becouse of the ridiculer that happens from those wh have not fallowed the Q posts.