Panicing leftos going more and deeper into stupid every day.
Trying to use something this obvious as a ploy to discredit Gen. Flynn is going to be a current record for stupid. May last for two or three days, but look out, stupider is incoming.
Did he pay for or request this security? Or is this just a picture of a bunch of random clowns following Flynn around the Capitol? Are they turning his ordinary walk to his car into an entourage photo op?
Looks like bunch of goofy LARPing faggots to me that followed Flynn to his car.
100% plus - any security detail worth it’s salt will never, EVER carry a canned drink of whatever he’s holding in his hand. Why this post even got pinned is sus.
C’mon people we need to be more discerning than this. This is rookie hour up, down, east, west.
In this picture that I am supposed to believe is a professional security detail -- I see 2 fat guys, 1 old guy, 1 unknown. 2 have watches, 2 have their hands occupied carrying stuff, all 5 have clothing that can be used to strangle them in close proximity to their necks, 1 has a backpack -- which is fine, but only if the backpack is very important. Try fighting with a backpack on.
Unrelated, but flag face is making a trigger finger gesture for the camera on his chest. This is a photo op not a security detail.
Not exactly. This is a photo op. For some reason unknown to us, people wanted this photo to exist and be seen. Flynn allowed this. Flynn is king counterintel. They want a photo op? Okay. Let's see where they're going with this and who these guys are and what is this move, and where does it fit into a larger strategy? That's how Flynn's world works.
The real security detail will likely avoid being photographed if it all possible. Especially for a backdrop Capitol, framed and contrived, Beatles crossing the road style bullshit photo.
If I had to guess, I would say backpack guy is actual security. He's wearing light kevlar body armor, he's moving fast, hands are empty, professional posture (he's working, and scanning his sector), The body language, he knows where Flynn is going and he's escorting. The others are following Flynn and posing for the camera. Its subtle.
Everyone, please note that, THIS IS A DEVELOPING STORY. 48 HOUR RULE IN EFFECT!
From Cates:
Several of the people in Oath Keepers played a key role in the riot at the Capitol Building. They’ve been charged and held. It’s been demonstrated with evidence in court the attack by the Oath Keepers group was planned for weeks in advance. Either the top guy in Oath Keepers was a Federal informant all along, or after setting all this up he flipped on his associates and then turned informant. Because if there’s third explanation why Rhodes isn’t charged with anything and is waking around a free man, what is it?
I’m trying to get clarification of what, if any, relationship Rhodes had with 1AP. I’m now being told before 1/6, Oathkeepers were being used as security for Flynn and others at some events. People would mistake the Oathkeepers security detail for 1AP. The fact 1AP was also present at many of these events led to a lot of confusion.
Of course one of the first groups the FBI would target for infiltration by their informants would be 1AP. You just found out who one of the FBI informants is. And people asking if this means Flynn can’t be trusted are being so stupid I’m in awe of just how stupid they are being. What do informants do, anybody know? Why would the FBI want one of it’s informants closely following the General around?
true. it could be read as flynn if fake and gay or that flynn is legit as they come. i prefer the latter. time will tell.
what i dont get is how a dude like Rhodes who basically says everything we are saying, and walks talks and acts like a patriot, could be a deepstate sellout loser.
Panicing leftos going more and deeper into stupid every day.
Trying to use something this obvious as a ploy to discredit Gen. Flynn is going to be a current record for stupid. May last for two or three days, but look out, stupider is incoming.
Agree, the [DS] has a track record of assigning their puppets as VPs to populist presidents. Both JFK Jr. and Reagan. Weird how they were both shot ... haven't into the Lincoln situation yet.
Wow, just read through this article. Much of this is new, but did hear about a Pence/Ryan team up to replace Trump. When I tried to fwd this article in an email using the site, the link came up as in ALL chinese characters. That right there makes me suspecious.
Oh. This memo was issued after he was elected though...I never even heard about this while he was in office let alone before the election. I don't remember anything about that.
I thought Pence was only a known traitor after Jan 6th
This is true. I was one of the many who crapped on you guys, unfortunately. My belief was that Pence was one of the members who always stood by Trump for all those years, never once threw him under the bus, never spoke ill of him, and always agreed with his policies publicly.
Little did I know he did this to be the absolute stop-gap at the last critical moment. I was astounded.
Same idea with President Trump. He was vetted 6 ways to Sunday and those he brought into his administration were too. They were vetted and made part of the sting even though they didn't know it at the time. It's why I can't believe people still think Trump got duped by this person or that person, puleeze.
Keep your enemies close!
General Flynn had to hold his ground during the obama debacle...remember in the world of spy vs spy you play things close to the best. I'm sure theres a lot of disinfo and I'm sure we knew..likely feeding the turncoat fake info .
Theres no there there.
Is that picture even real? Not a photography or photoshop expert, but something seems off. Like how often would security be carry a drink? How many, if any, places in DC can you take a pic with no buildings or monuments in every part of the background ? The Capitol looks like a picture.
Now would it be surprising if the DS tried to get an informant close to General Flynn? Not at all. But this seems aimed at discrediting the General with the movement.
1st Amendment Praetorian is a volunteer group devoted to running security at MAGA events, assembling intelligence dossiers on Trump foes, and stopping threats from antifa protesters
Q Post # 60
Anonymous ID: WBXFv1gI No.147679416 📁
Nov 2 2017 18:03:36 (EST)
You can count the people who have the full picture on two hands.
Of those (less than 10 people) only three are non-military.
Why is this relevant?
Game theory.
Outside of a potential operator who has been dialed-in w/ orders (specific to his/her mission) nobody else has this information.
Operators never divulge.
Alice & Wonderland.
If trump and co know as much of the shite goin on as we’ve all been led to believe the last 5 years, do y’all really think they’d allow or wouldn’t know or know how to know if someone close them were a plant or compromised. This is disinfo imho. See who else pops their head up.
Read the body language. Flynn looks really uncomfortable and like he's trying to get away from these people.These clowns are following him and he's really creeped out.
We don't know if 1AP is. But I highly doubt it. If they are, then it makes no sense, because they're actively gathering Intel on known Cavaliers, Antifa, BLM, etc.
I've spoken with some of the founding members of 1AP in the past and have a hard time buying into the confusion surrounding this development.
Kinda bush league to employ a security service if you're a major player like Flynn. He has ex-military people he knows and trusts to put his detail together. Anyone to him should be people he has complete confidence in.
Actually... the guy in the back looking directly at the camera and making the trigger finger hand sign, as if holding an invisible gun -- that invisible gun would be pointing at Flynn if you drew a straight line.
1st Amendment Praetorian is a volunteer group devoted to running security at MAGA events, assembling intelligence dossiers on Trump foes, and stopping threats from antifa protesters
Judges mentioned he(Flynn) was too fond of money quite a while back and I got downvoted for repeating it but now it would seem the merit for that statement is starting to appear..
Not gonna condemn him on guilt by association as that is a DS thing, but while it certainly haven't reached a 10 yet 1+1 is still 2 as far as adding things up are concerned...
Does that look like a security detail Flynn would approve of? Sloppy ass, beer belly, T-shirt, jeans, ....another waving a American flag. Don't get me wrong, nothing wrong with sporting a American flag but not if you are working a security detail.
What if Flynn knew and was using him to feed bad intel? I mean the guy is a giant in the military intelligence realm...
I was thinking the same thing. Keep your enemies closer, kinda thing.
Panicing leftos going more and deeper into stupid every day.
Trying to use something this obvious as a ploy to discredit Gen. Flynn is going to be a current record for stupid. May last for two or three days, but look out, stupider is incoming.
... keep your enemies closer.
He also has 3 masters degrees hes no dummy
My lib cousin has multiple master's degrees as well and he's still an idiot. Just a piece of paper imo
Flynn was head of DIA wasnt he? He would have ANYONE beside him that he didnt know what the guy had for breakfast.
I mean, with so many people out to get him he would have to vet everyone thoroughly to ensure his family's safety.
Just ask Flynn. Email him.
Did he pay for or request this security? Or is this just a picture of a bunch of random clowns following Flynn around the Capitol? Are they turning his ordinary walk to his car into an entourage photo op?
Looks like bunch of goofy LARPing faggots to me that followed Flynn to his car.
Exactly. Saved me the "random clowns" jogging along for a photo op.
Yeah, that dude is not security.
Only thing he's guarding is the Twinkie isle.
100% plus - any security detail worth it’s salt will never, EVER carry a canned drink of whatever he’s holding in his hand. Why this post even got pinned is sus.
C’mon people we need to be more discerning than this. This is rookie hour up, down, east, west.
In this picture that I am supposed to believe is a professional security detail -- I see 2 fat guys, 1 old guy, 1 unknown. 2 have watches, 2 have their hands occupied carrying stuff, all 5 have clothing that can be used to strangle them in close proximity to their necks, 1 has a backpack -- which is fine, but only if the backpack is very important. Try fighting with a backpack on.
Unrelated, but flag face is making a trigger finger gesture for the camera on his chest. This is a photo op not a security detail.
If that's true, then anyone can get to Flynn and hurt/kill him.
Not exactly. This is a photo op. For some reason unknown to us, people wanted this photo to exist and be seen. Flynn allowed this. Flynn is king counterintel. They want a photo op? Okay. Let's see where they're going with this and who these guys are and what is this move, and where does it fit into a larger strategy? That's how Flynn's world works.
The real security detail will likely avoid being photographed if it all possible. Especially for a backdrop Capitol, framed and contrived, Beatles crossing the road style bullshit photo.
If I had to guess, I would say backpack guy is actual security. He's wearing light kevlar body armor, he's moving fast, hands are empty, professional posture (he's working, and scanning his sector), The body language, he knows where Flynn is going and he's escorting. The others are following Flynn and posing for the camera. Its subtle.
^ very good interpretation.
And probably poked his eye out running with a dildo...
And that orange monster.
I agree, looks like photo op. More popcorn?
Flynn always has security. Just look at that clip of Alex Jones trying to approach him. These are not random people.
Everyone, please note that, THIS IS A DEVELOPING STORY. 48 HOUR RULE IN EFFECT!
From Cates:
true. it could be read as flynn if fake and gay or that flynn is legit as they come. i prefer the latter. time will tell.
what i dont get is how a dude like Rhodes who basically says everything we are saying, and walks talks and acts like a patriot, could be a deepstate sellout loser.
They’re not being stupid, they’re trying to sow doubt & discontent.
It’s been on the rise the last few months, especially after audits started.
Panicing leftos going more and deeper into stupid every day.
Trying to use something this obvious as a ploy to discredit Gen. Flynn is going to be a current record for stupid. May last for two or three days, but look out, stupider is incoming.
2 days. Only comment. Mhmm.
We knew about pence when he was elected ?
Agree, the [DS] has a track record of assigning their puppets as VPs to populist presidents. Both JFK Jr. and Reagan. Weird how they were both shot ... haven't into the Lincoln situation yet.
And let's not forget about this one:
Wow, just read through this article. Much of this is new, but did hear about a Pence/Ryan team up to replace Trump. When I tried to fwd this article in an email using the site, the link came up as in ALL chinese characters. That right there makes me suspecious.
Oh. This memo was issued after he was elected though...I never even heard about this while he was in office let alone before the election. I don't remember anything about that.
I thought Pence was only a known traitor after Jan 6th
This is true. I was one of the many who crapped on you guys, unfortunately. My belief was that Pence was one of the members who always stood by Trump for all those years, never once threw him under the bus, never spoke ill of him, and always agreed with his policies publicly.
Little did I know he did this to be the absolute stop-gap at the last critical moment. I was astounded.
Wow I never even knew!
Of course. The Pence-Ryan emails.
That’s a stupid comment
It’s WAR, and infiltration is a key tactic. Not Flynn’s fault, although after all he’s been through this is to be expected.
Anyone who thinks Gen. Flynn doesn't vet his security is wrong.
If this guy was on his security detail Mike knew about him and he was there for a reason.
Same idea with President Trump. He was vetted 6 ways to Sunday and those he brought into his administration were too. They were vetted and made part of the sting even though they didn't know it at the time. It's why I can't believe people still think Trump got duped by this person or that person, puleeze.
Yes, would have to be. He’s one of the greatest Generals EVER after all. He wouldn’t risk OPSEC to a third party.
Keep your enemies close! General Flynn had to hold his ground during the obama debacle...remember in the world of spy vs spy you play things close to the best. I'm sure theres a lot of disinfo and I'm sure we knew..likely feeding the turncoat fake info . Theres no there there.
Is that picture even real? Not a photography or photoshop expert, but something seems off. Like how often would security be carry a drink? How many, if any, places in DC can you take a pic with no buildings or monuments in every part of the background ? The Capitol looks like a picture.
Now would it be surprising if the DS tried to get an informant close to General Flynn? Not at all. But this seems aimed at discrediting the General with the movement.
Sorry for a dumb question, but what is 1AP?
i wanna know also.
See above
1st Amendment Praetorian is a volunteer group devoted to running security at MAGA events, assembling intelligence dossiers on Trump foes, and stopping threats from antifa protesters
Thank you very much for the reply - I had never heard of them til now
Recommend as it is developing to apply the 48 hr news rule.
REMEMBER; Flynn knows where the bodies are buried!
Q Post # 60 Anonymous ID: WBXFv1gI No.147679416 📁 Nov 2 2017 18:03:36 (EST)
You can count the people who have the full picture on two hands. Of those (less than 10 people) only three are non-military. Why is this relevant? Game theory. Outside of a potential operator who has been dialed-in w/ orders (specific to his/her mission) nobody else has this information. Operators never divulge. Alice & Wonderland.
Looks like Flynn has a bullet proof vest on.
Or … sun tzu.
Exactly. I think the chances of us figuring this one out are pretty much 0%
If trump and co know as much of the shite goin on as we’ve all been led to believe the last 5 years, do y’all really think they’d allow or wouldn’t know or know how to know if someone close them were a plant or compromised. This is disinfo imho. See who else pops their head up.
Between the FBI plant and the Pegasus sage, it looks like there is a coordinated effort against the good General.
Maybe they're Flynn's informants inside 3 letter orgs and out. Infiltration.
He drinks Monster, should've known he was a shady guy.
Read the body language. Flynn looks really uncomfortable and like he's trying to get away from these people.These clowns are following him and he's really creeped out.
Has the feel of the left's favorite photo, Epstein standing near Trump. A guilt by association ploy that fell flatter than Rachel Maddow's chest.
Is that really General Flynn? It resembles him but thought he was in better shape than that being a surfer and all.
Wait 48 hrs.
We know The Oath Keepers were comp'd.
We don't know if 1AP is. But I highly doubt it. If they are, then it makes no sense, because they're actively gathering Intel on known Cavaliers, Antifa, BLM, etc.
I've spoken with some of the founding members of 1AP in the past and have a hard time buying into the confusion surrounding this development.
Kinda bush league to employ a security service if you're a major player like Flynn. He has ex-military people he knows and trusts to put his detail together. Anyone to him should be people he has complete confidence in.
If MI doesn’t know we’re screwed.
Actually... the guy in the back looking directly at the camera and making the trigger finger hand sign, as if holding an invisible gun -- that invisible gun would be pointing at Flynn if you drew a straight line.
5 steps ahead
What is 1AP?
1st Amendment Praetorian is a volunteer group devoted to running security at MAGA events, assembling intelligence dossiers on Trump foes, and stopping threats from antifa protesters
Judges mentioned he(Flynn) was too fond of money quite a while back and I got downvoted for repeating it but now it would seem the merit for that statement is starting to appear..
Not gonna condemn him on guilt by association as that is a DS thing, but while it certainly haven't reached a 10 yet 1+1 is still 2 as far as adding things up are concerned...
People on the board were saying it was an FBI operation, turns out they were right, just not in the way they thought.
He looks like a usless pud
Does that look like a security detail Flynn would approve of? Sloppy ass, beer belly, T-shirt, jeans, ....another waving a American flag. Don't get me wrong, nothing wrong with sporting a American flag but not if you are working a security detail.
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Maybe they kept dude around for the sake of feeding him bs that he could in turn feed the feds with?