I had someone try to fact-check me on FB bc I commented that the cdc was removing the PCR test. My response... fact check’s major donors are the gates foundation and Facebook, so you’ll have to go read the actual cdc site then we can chat. I rarely even go to FB anymore bc it makes my blood boil.
Moral of the story- Stick to verifiable facts when talking to normies. We have an unlimited supply of those kinds of facts, without having to risk credibility by talking about specious topics.
This is also why someone calling for sauce on a post should NOT be down voted, ridiculed, or blasted to hell and back because of it. That just plays right into the left's hands.
When I first got here if you didn't post sauce your shit would just be removed. People would complain up and down. Folks get among what they find to be like minded people and just start believing everything without researching anything, then they share it. Asking for extra sauce is how we fight shills on many fronts from sliding to intentional misinformation. If someone refuses to offer it that's a huge red flag for bullshit unless framed as an opinion or personal experience and both should be taken with salt.
believing everything like the frankfurt raid? and all that shit coming out right after election that turned out to have no verifiable proof to it? yeah...
Yep. Good PSA, as it's increased cumulatively since 4 yrs ago.
Additionally, all of these "forced vax", "military jabbing folks", and "what if? what would you do?" posts are probably mostly honey pots and slide posts as well.
Of course the stark difference between us and them is that we fess up to the truth when a source is false or embellished. The Left runs faster with it when they are confronted with their lies.
To the mods credit, I have been allowed to stay as someone who is openly not a Q believer.
Now, I'm not sure if anyone else has gotten that privilege, but I haven't been banned yet.
However, I have said before that if only 4-6% of people will never wake up, then this site should open the fucking floodgates. For every 100 shills, 94-96 of them will leave here Awakened after seeing the evidence, if Q is right. You'd literally be a Great Awakening unto yourself.
Confirmed. The sidebar is law. Yes this WIN is for "Q believers," but that rule is directed towards shills. This guy is open about his beliefs and is clearly looking for solid evidence (even though I feel there's plenty to go around). Be respectful, be civil, that's all we ask.
Just out of curiosity, why do you think the media and all social media churns out thousands of intensely negative, anti-Q articles, desperately straining and striving to get you to not put any credence in it?
Doesn't it seem even a little bit obvious to you that, when the deepstate, CIA, media, social media and left-wing zealots are vehemently, even insanely opposed to something and willing to lie endlessly about it, then it must be real—and GOOD for America?
Well, I don’t accept the position that I am obligated to take any position on any issue just because someone I disagree with, or even find evil, takes the opposing side.
I would never give someone that much control over what I believe, especially someone that I don’t trust.
So no, I will not consider the Q movement valid based solely on the mainstream media taking the position that the Q movement is nonsense.
I will also not take the position that the Earth is flat simply because Q believes the Earth is round.
Because again, it’s absurd to give anyone, especially the MSM, that much power over what you believe is true about reality.
If you’re going to ask me to defend Clinton, you’ll want to find someone else. I’d put money down that despite my vehement opposition to Trump, I probably put more words out against Clinton in 2016 than anyone on this board. I do not care for her.
No it's more got to do with the contents of said emails and the absolute collusion displayed by the mainstream from Hollywood to CNN and every late night talk show.
If we can acknowledge together that there was a "cabal", if you will, supporting Clinton, it's not hard to ask why they are attacking Trump.
Well, I don’t accept the position that I am obligated to take any position on any issue just because someone I disagree with, or even find evil, takes the opposing side.
It's not about obligation. It's about common sense.
Anything the lying media are breathlessly shrieking about being evil is obviously very threatening to them. Therefore it is, in all likelihood, good for America.
Taking a position just because the media is saying otherwise makes you just as easily manipulated as if you were taking a position just because the media says to do so.
The trick to critical thinking is to not assume anything.
Perhaps the media does lie and twist the truth. What that means is that you look at every one of their claims critically. Some of it might be the truth. Some of it might not be. Critical thinking is to assume you don’t know, and to evaluate the claim from a neutral position.
If you’ve already decided the outcome based entirely on your assumption about the source, then you aren’t thinking critically. You’re just letting yourself be manipulated in the opposing direction of the sheep. Which is still being manipulated.
You can never forget, either, that just because a person posts here and considers themselves a "Q follower," that still doesn't mean they're awake. You can look at everyone in a thread, and quickly see that they all draw different conclusions.
That's because it's guesstimation, research that may or may not be influenced by negligence or confirmation bias, and entirely subject to the perspective of those in the same room.
There is nothing more valuable, however, than when everyone in the same room (here) draws the same, exact picture. It happens outside of these .Win sites, even on reddit, for those with beliefs the polar opposite of those here. Simple news reports affirm what people here collectively say for weeks - "Future proves past."
Like bread, the truth must sit in the oven until done. How long it takes, when you know neither the temperature of the oven nor the time it takes for the bread to cook - that's the factor of uncertainty every Q Follower must deal with. Likewise, the cause itself is noble:
We all want to see an end of the oppression of the American working class at the hands of a merger of Corporate and Government oligarchs - rather than turning to failed ideologies like Marxism, Democratic Socialism, and racial nationalism - the majority of those here believe that experts, who themselves elected to side with good, seek to abolish this system of servitude that threatens our liberties, our livelihoods, and our way of life.
If we're right - enjoy the privilege of moderating what will become a fantastic oven. Once they're in, they'll never be out.
I assume that 4-6% number is for after the hard evidence that covid was all a scam to enrich the elite, restrict liberties, and fraud an election. This is obvious to anyone paying attention, but if the public at large became aware of this they would unite against a common enemy.
I did get a couple of bans, but I think that was when a particular mod that has since relinquished their powers was going on a ban hammer spree.
I think after August and nothing happens, it will be unrealistic to expect zero anti-Q discourse. There is a fine line between presenting your argument and stance logically, which should be encouraged versus those who come here from Patriots and elsewhere to troll.
I myself have zero reason to trust some secret open plan that I am not involved with. At least not directly. However the Hopium runs rich here. Real hopium like Wins of the Day and general information that you will not find anywhere else. Even if Q is just an idea that lit a fire in those of us to come together and fight against this evil, then it has done more than enough. That said, however, if there is a Q plan... any day now would be appreciated. No I don't think we have to go to the exact precipice, this is high enough.
I’ve said before and I’ll say again: either I am way, way wrong, or Q believers are way, way wrong.
And neither of us believes we’re wrong.
But if I’m wrong, I lose nothing but a little face. Q people can rub it in forever that they were smarter than me, but as I’m not a pedophile, I really have nothing to worry about if Q is real.
So I have no problem waiting for the Plan. Whether Q shows up or not, I am going to be just fine in that world.
I am not certain that most Q people can make the same claim, which is why I think people are distrustful of me being here. Quite simply, every Q believer has a lot more to lose if they’re wrong than I do.
I don't think we have anything to lose except what many of us will have to do, if there is no plan. The Plan and belief in Q are what keeps some in check, including myself. I will wait patiently as long as possible, but there is a point where I will wait no longer. I hope and pray that when it starts, I will not be alone, but if I am, I will not stop until I can no longer continue, and that will be the end of my story. I pray for peace, but I'll give everything I've got for Freedom.
Not quite. If Q is correct, you lose your illusions. If Q is incorrect, we lose our illusions. The loss is equal. The only difference is that it would not be our first rodeo.
The illusions you are going to lose, we already lost those.
Its going to hurt you a lot more to lose yours. We could be wrong and it changes nothing for us, dogged pursuit of the truth will continue, regardless of what develops, we validate, we invalidate, we press forward -- and unfortunately for normie reality widespread individual self-interest didn't build this machine accidentally. 3 things:
Social Engineering is very real and ongoing. The intent can be measured by the result. Highly collaborative across too many industries and sectors.
Too much unchecked corruption across too many industries and sectors -- including, and especially law.
To be fair, you guys don’t give us a lot of credit for what we’re capable of imagining.
I absolutely believe there are rich pedophiles that get away with it and should be brought to justice.
Where you start to lose me is with Q himself and the belief that Donald Trump is leading some shadow group in hidden, genius moves against a cabal and so forth.
We agree on the general problems. Nobody has any illusions that the media can distort the truth and manipulate us. We agree that rich criminals get away with things. We agree that politicians lie through their teeth.
We get it. We just don’t buy the story that Trump isn’t an exemplification of these problems rather than some mastermind against them.
So I respectfully disagree. I would not melt if Q turned out to be correct about everything. I would be surprised that I underestimated Trump, but that’s it. I’d reevaluate and move on with my life and be glad someone as apparently capable as Trump is handling it.
And that is really not a terrifying future. Which is why I’m not really afraid of you guys being right whatsoever. I just do not believe that you are.
DJT is actually a really good guy. Lots of evidence of good character and genuine good intentions. Given that most evidence to the contrary comes from sources that have already proven themselves to be untruthful and deceitful, its a very weak position.
Look up anchor bias. Its the lever the corporate media and political apparatus have used to divide everyone. It worked in the 1500s through to the 2000s. Its only more effective with technology. Its just a good term to understand in this information age.
It is unreasonable to assume that multi-billion dollar companies, foreign adversaries, and internal power brokers would not go to great lengths to study, strategize, and systematically psychologically manipulate the population of the most powerful nation on the planet. Our politicians command trillions. Our military can be the salvation or destruction of entire nations.
No expense is too great to divide and manipulate us.
The illusion a lot of us had to give up, wasn't that there are no really bad people. We had to come to terms that our entire system was constructed to pacify us and the good guys are harder to find than the bad guys.
I talk about these illusions because, personally, I think everyone sees the same problem to some extent, the difference is the perception of the scale and cohesion of the network creating the problem. Anons took that leap and looked at the big picture.
And no one knows what Q is. We just know it pointed us to fragments that paint a very bad big picture.
Sorry to flood your inbox like a crazy stalker ex, but it is quite refreshing to have rational perspective here and I want you to know you're not alone in your skepticism.
I think the biggest thing we need to break is the hero worship. Chanting "we love you" in unison to a man who at the end of the day regardless of his personal status is still just a man and no better than you or I needs to stop. Trump is one man and I'd be willing to be that in the Q-bal hierarchy, he's pretty low on the chain. I will be just as surprised as you if it is in fact revealed that Trump alone was Q and that he alone came up with all of this. Or better yet that Q is but one individual.
Until then, Q appears to be a counter cabal of sorts. There are many Q. This is indicated by Q saying there is Q and there are anons. In the grand scheme, I would not be surprised to learn that a handful of anons are what make up Q. One man masterminds are the thing of fiction. Even though people unironically think Hitler was in charge of everything, reality does not agree.
As I’ve mentioned before, I think that there are a lot more kindred spirits out there than Q people give credit for. If this was purely an anti-pedophile organization dedicated to rooting out the misdeeds of the rich and powerful, you’d have my support and the support of a pretty diverse group of people you currently can’t reach.
Unfortunately, Q goes much further down the rabbit hole than that, and the more extraordinary the claim, the more extraordinary the evidence I require before I’ll start accepting it as reality.
I’m not here to debunk anything. I’m here to understand how I can look at the same story as a Q person and come to a wildly different conclusion. I feel that this generally benefits both parties as long as we both operate in good faith.
which is why I think people are distrustful of me being here
Well I think the flare doesn't help either.
Anyway, what others contingent on the plan have to come to terms with is putting so much faith in a plan that may or may not be real. Rationally speaking, even if the plan was 100% foolproof undeniable, it would still be foolish to trust that it will carry out perfectly as intended. The Q plan, in reality is many different plans happening all at once. Moves and counter moves. People need to also accept that fact that the good guys can in fact lose. That nothing is assured until it occurs. Is Trump gonna be reinstated? Maybe. But we won't know until it happens.
If we're still saying "trust the plan" in the start of 2022, then it's long past time to start making your own plans. Most people here, however seem to grasp and understand that and I think at the end of the day, all of us, yourself included just want a resolution to all of this BS with the least amount of casualties. I think if push comes to shove and things need to go hot, that we'll do what needs to be done... albeit begrudgingly.
Yes, but seeing someone just joined to spew BS is great ... not that every new user is a shill. It just makes it harder for triggly-puffs & bots to play their roles.
I think we don't have the luxury of time like we did ....
Fortunately in that thread someone came along and pointed out that the photo was not from the protest.
yes... that was me .. lol
Good work.
We need to fight disinformation any time we come across it.
Reverse image search everything I guess.
1.) images.google.com
2.) Click the camera icon to search by image.
3.) enter the url of the image
Tineye + Fotoforensic
Internet Detective lol
Foto forensics ip banned me when I checked to see if Hunters pics with that girl on the stripper pole was real.
What - gay. Fuck those faggots
Well good on you then.
I remember that thread. It was also on Patriots I think too.
Very odd that it wasn't deleted the moment it was confirmed fake so quickly.
I had someone try to fact-check me on FB bc I commented that the cdc was removing the PCR test. My response... fact check’s major donors are the gates foundation and Facebook, so you’ll have to go read the actual cdc site then we can chat. I rarely even go to FB anymore bc it makes my blood boil.
This guy is a shill. Take a look at this person's comments. Spamming this link crazily.
Yes. I read it in detail. It's not bad, reminds me of SG1, but seeing you spam out the link like crazy. Not sure what your objective is
Every time you see disinformation -
Clarify that it's disinformation, and smear truth in the face of $hills that can never be ignored.
Like this:
(Directly refutes the "debunk" in "france world cup celebration covid crowd debunk")
Ok. Now you're spamming the comments forum. Beginning to wonder if you're a shill.
Here's some "bullshit hopium" for you:
Those aren't from the france world cup celebration covid crowd debunk, those are actual protests against Covid restrictions and vaccine passports.
Moral of the story- Stick to verifiable facts when talking to normies. We have an unlimited supply of those kinds of facts, without having to risk credibility by talking about specious topics.
Stick to what sticks
I’ve experienced this many times, and have learned that seldom thought provoking sound bites outweigh frequent small breadcrumbs
This is also why someone calling for sauce on a post should NOT be down voted, ridiculed, or blasted to hell and back because of it. That just plays right into the left's hands.
When I first got here if you didn't post sauce your shit would just be removed. People would complain up and down. Folks get among what they find to be like minded people and just start believing everything without researching anything, then they share it. Asking for extra sauce is how we fight shills on many fronts from sliding to intentional misinformation. If someone refuses to offer it that's a huge red flag for bullshit unless framed as an opinion or personal experience and both should be taken with salt.
believing everything like the frankfurt raid? and all that shit coming out right after election that turned out to have no verifiable proof to it? yeah...
As long as they have the media and tech doing their bidding, the information war will continue.
On the bright side, they have the full support of the media and tech, yet more and more people question the narrative daily.
Could you imagine how many people would actually wake the fuck up if they started reporting the truth?
Yep. Good PSA, as it's increased cumulatively since 4 yrs ago.
Additionally, all of these "forced vax", "military jabbing folks", and "what if? what would you do?" posts are probably mostly honey pots and slide posts as well.
At a minimum, people should run sketchy pics through tineye.com and see what pops up.
Fotoforensic as well
Thank you for posting this - very true. John McAfee anyone?
Of course the stark difference between us and them is that we fess up to the truth when a source is false or embellished. The Left runs faster with it when they are confronted with their lies.
They like to pin you down in psuedo intellectual arguments and go on to post prayers to the Lord to show us they are true god fearing patriots.
Their genius and cunning know no bounds.
Goes to show that the great awakening movement is living rent free in msm's head.
Edit- ignore-replied to wrong Anon.
Why does 🦆🦆 crash when I press on the link?
To the mods credit, I have been allowed to stay as someone who is openly not a Q believer.
Now, I'm not sure if anyone else has gotten that privilege, but I haven't been banned yet.
However, I have said before that if only 4-6% of people will never wake up, then this site should open the fucking floodgates. For every 100 shills, 94-96 of them will leave here Awakened after seeing the evidence, if Q is right. You'd literally be a Great Awakening unto yourself.
Confirmed. The sidebar is law. Yes this WIN is for "Q believers," but that rule is directed towards shills. This guy is open about his beliefs and is clearly looking for solid evidence (even though I feel there's plenty to go around). Be respectful, be civil, that's all we ask.
Just out of curiosity, why do you think the media and all social media churns out thousands of intensely negative, anti-Q articles, desperately straining and striving to get you to not put any credence in it?
Doesn't it seem even a little bit obvious to you that, when the deepstate, CIA, media, social media and left-wing zealots are vehemently, even insanely opposed to something and willing to lie endlessly about it, then it must be real—and GOOD for America?
Well, I don’t accept the position that I am obligated to take any position on any issue just because someone I disagree with, or even find evil, takes the opposing side.
I would never give someone that much control over what I believe, especially someone that I don’t trust.
So no, I will not consider the Q movement valid based solely on the mainstream media taking the position that the Q movement is nonsense.
I will also not take the position that the Earth is flat simply because Q believes the Earth is round.
Because again, it’s absurd to give anyone, especially the MSM, that much power over what you believe is true about reality.
Just curious. What is your position on the Clinton email leaks?
Ha. Which ones?
How about the ones that dropped November 5th 2016?
Do you think they connect to Seth Rich's murder?
I’m not super convinced on the Seth Rich stuff, but I’m also not hugely invested in it, because I do not care for Hillary Clinton.
Asking the right questions.
If you’re going to ask me to defend Clinton, you’ll want to find someone else. I’d put money down that despite my vehement opposition to Trump, I probably put more words out against Clinton in 2016 than anyone on this board. I do not care for her.
No it's more got to do with the contents of said emails and the absolute collusion displayed by the mainstream from Hollywood to CNN and every late night talk show.
If we can acknowledge together that there was a "cabal", if you will, supporting Clinton, it's not hard to ask why they are attacking Trump.
Why is he such a threat to them?
I see Trump as a meteor. Whether you’re a good person or a bad person, him being POTUS was a problem for you. Not everyone, clearly.
But the world isn’t that black and white. Being an enemy of Hillary Clinton is not enough to claim you’re on the right side of history.
It's not about obligation. It's about common sense.
Anything the lying media are breathlessly shrieking about being evil is obviously very threatening to them. Therefore it is, in all likelihood, good for America.
Taking a position just because the media is saying otherwise makes you just as easily manipulated as if you were taking a position just because the media says to do so.
The trick to critical thinking is to not assume anything.
Perhaps the media does lie and twist the truth. What that means is that you look at every one of their claims critically. Some of it might be the truth. Some of it might not be. Critical thinking is to assume you don’t know, and to evaluate the claim from a neutral position.
If you’ve already decided the outcome based entirely on your assumption about the source, then you aren’t thinking critically. You’re just letting yourself be manipulated in the opposing direction of the sheep. Which is still being manipulated.
You can never forget, either, that just because a person posts here and considers themselves a "Q follower," that still doesn't mean they're awake. You can look at everyone in a thread, and quickly see that they all draw different conclusions.
That's because it's guesstimation, research that may or may not be influenced by negligence or confirmation bias, and entirely subject to the perspective of those in the same room.
There is nothing more valuable, however, than when everyone in the same room (here) draws the same, exact picture. It happens outside of these .Win sites, even on reddit, for those with beliefs the polar opposite of those here. Simple news reports affirm what people here collectively say for weeks - "Future proves past."
Like bread, the truth must sit in the oven until done. How long it takes, when you know neither the temperature of the oven nor the time it takes for the bread to cook - that's the factor of uncertainty every Q Follower must deal with. Likewise, the cause itself is noble:
We all want to see an end of the oppression of the American working class at the hands of a merger of Corporate and Government oligarchs - rather than turning to failed ideologies like Marxism, Democratic Socialism, and racial nationalism - the majority of those here believe that experts, who themselves elected to side with good, seek to abolish this system of servitude that threatens our liberties, our livelihoods, and our way of life.
If we're right - enjoy the privilege of moderating what will become a fantastic oven. Once they're in, they'll never be out.
I assume that 4-6% number is for after the hard evidence that covid was all a scam to enrich the elite, restrict liberties, and fraud an election. This is obvious to anyone paying attention, but if the public at large became aware of this they would unite against a common enemy.
I did get a couple of bans, but I think that was when a particular mod that has since relinquished their powers was going on a ban hammer spree.
I think after August and nothing happens, it will be unrealistic to expect zero anti-Q discourse. There is a fine line between presenting your argument and stance logically, which should be encouraged versus those who come here from Patriots and elsewhere to troll.
I myself have zero reason to trust some secret open plan that I am not involved with. At least not directly. However the Hopium runs rich here. Real hopium like Wins of the Day and general information that you will not find anywhere else. Even if Q is just an idea that lit a fire in those of us to come together and fight against this evil, then it has done more than enough. That said, however, if there is a Q plan... any day now would be appreciated. No I don't think we have to go to the exact precipice, this is high enough.
I’ve said before and I’ll say again: either I am way, way wrong, or Q believers are way, way wrong.
And neither of us believes we’re wrong.
But if I’m wrong, I lose nothing but a little face. Q people can rub it in forever that they were smarter than me, but as I’m not a pedophile, I really have nothing to worry about if Q is real.
So I have no problem waiting for the Plan. Whether Q shows up or not, I am going to be just fine in that world.
I am not certain that most Q people can make the same claim, which is why I think people are distrustful of me being here. Quite simply, every Q believer has a lot more to lose if they’re wrong than I do.
I don't think we have anything to lose except what many of us will have to do, if there is no plan. The Plan and belief in Q are what keeps some in check, including myself. I will wait patiently as long as possible, but there is a point where I will wait no longer. I hope and pray that when it starts, I will not be alone, but if I am, I will not stop until I can no longer continue, and that will be the end of my story. I pray for peace, but I'll give everything I've got for Freedom.
Not quite. If Q is correct, you lose your illusions. If Q is incorrect, we lose our illusions. The loss is equal. The only difference is that it would not be our first rodeo.
The illusions you are going to lose, we already lost those.
Its going to hurt you a lot more to lose yours. We could be wrong and it changes nothing for us, dogged pursuit of the truth will continue, regardless of what develops, we validate, we invalidate, we press forward -- and unfortunately for normie reality widespread individual self-interest didn't build this machine accidentally. 3 things:
To be fair, you guys don’t give us a lot of credit for what we’re capable of imagining.
I absolutely believe there are rich pedophiles that get away with it and should be brought to justice.
Where you start to lose me is with Q himself and the belief that Donald Trump is leading some shadow group in hidden, genius moves against a cabal and so forth.
We agree on the general problems. Nobody has any illusions that the media can distort the truth and manipulate us. We agree that rich criminals get away with things. We agree that politicians lie through their teeth.
We get it. We just don’t buy the story that Trump isn’t an exemplification of these problems rather than some mastermind against them.
So I respectfully disagree. I would not melt if Q turned out to be correct about everything. I would be surprised that I underestimated Trump, but that’s it. I’d reevaluate and move on with my life and be glad someone as apparently capable as Trump is handling it.
And that is really not a terrifying future. Which is why I’m not really afraid of you guys being right whatsoever. I just do not believe that you are.
DJT is actually a really good guy. Lots of evidence of good character and genuine good intentions. Given that most evidence to the contrary comes from sources that have already proven themselves to be untruthful and deceitful, its a very weak position.
Look up anchor bias. Its the lever the corporate media and political apparatus have used to divide everyone. It worked in the 1500s through to the 2000s. Its only more effective with technology. Its just a good term to understand in this information age.
It is unreasonable to assume that multi-billion dollar companies, foreign adversaries, and internal power brokers would not go to great lengths to study, strategize, and systematically psychologically manipulate the population of the most powerful nation on the planet. Our politicians command trillions. Our military can be the salvation or destruction of entire nations.
No expense is too great to divide and manipulate us.
The illusion a lot of us had to give up, wasn't that there are no really bad people. We had to come to terms that our entire system was constructed to pacify us and the good guys are harder to find than the bad guys.
I talk about these illusions because, personally, I think everyone sees the same problem to some extent, the difference is the perception of the scale and cohesion of the network creating the problem. Anons took that leap and looked at the big picture.
And no one knows what Q is. We just know it pointed us to fragments that paint a very bad big picture.
Sorry to flood your inbox like a crazy stalker ex, but it is quite refreshing to have rational perspective here and I want you to know you're not alone in your skepticism.
I think the biggest thing we need to break is the hero worship. Chanting "we love you" in unison to a man who at the end of the day regardless of his personal status is still just a man and no better than you or I needs to stop. Trump is one man and I'd be willing to be that in the Q-bal hierarchy, he's pretty low on the chain. I will be just as surprised as you if it is in fact revealed that Trump alone was Q and that he alone came up with all of this. Or better yet that Q is but one individual.
Until then, Q appears to be a counter cabal of sorts. There are many Q. This is indicated by Q saying there is Q and there are anons. In the grand scheme, I would not be surprised to learn that a handful of anons are what make up Q. One man masterminds are the thing of fiction. Even though people unironically think Hitler was in charge of everything, reality does not agree.
Anyway, glad to have you here.
I appreciate it.
As I’ve mentioned before, I think that there are a lot more kindred spirits out there than Q people give credit for. If this was purely an anti-pedophile organization dedicated to rooting out the misdeeds of the rich and powerful, you’d have my support and the support of a pretty diverse group of people you currently can’t reach.
Unfortunately, Q goes much further down the rabbit hole than that, and the more extraordinary the claim, the more extraordinary the evidence I require before I’ll start accepting it as reality.
I’m not here to debunk anything. I’m here to understand how I can look at the same story as a Q person and come to a wildly different conclusion. I feel that this generally benefits both parties as long as we both operate in good faith.
Here is a tldr of your "rational perspective".
First you say 'Trump is low on the Q hierarchy chain'.
Then you say 'Trump alone was Q and came up with the whole thing himself'.
Then its 'a handful of anons are Q'.
And finally 'One man masterminds are complete fiction'.
Well I think the flare doesn't help either.
Anyway, what others contingent on the plan have to come to terms with is putting so much faith in a plan that may or may not be real. Rationally speaking, even if the plan was 100% foolproof undeniable, it would still be foolish to trust that it will carry out perfectly as intended. The Q plan, in reality is many different plans happening all at once. Moves and counter moves. People need to also accept that fact that the good guys can in fact lose. That nothing is assured until it occurs. Is Trump gonna be reinstated? Maybe. But we won't know until it happens.
If we're still saying "trust the plan" in the start of 2022, then it's long past time to start making your own plans. Most people here, however seem to grasp and understand that and I think at the end of the day, all of us, yourself included just want a resolution to all of this BS with the least amount of casualties. I think if push comes to shove and things need to go hot, that we'll do what needs to be done... albeit begrudgingly.
Fascinating read. What is the point and context of sharing it here?
Now? You're a new handshake account. Don't shill like you've been here.
The handshake icon is great. Whoever decided to add that is a genius
I miss the QRV system of random numbers. It was better to judge each post on it's own merits.
Yes, but seeing someone just joined to spew BS is great ... not that every new user is a shill. It just makes it harder for triggly-puffs & bots to play their roles.
I think we don't have the luxury of time like we did ....
Lol...if the name didn't give it away
and the spin that came out of that fake pic on theDonald was
joined 3 hours ago ^
bot, chiming in..
prob that "myfavepillow" bot that got booted today.