Tiffany Dover, who passed out minutes after she received the "experimental" lethal injection, tragically is dead at 30 years old.
This is a PRIME example of how the mainstream media and all sources associated with this depopulation agenda try to manipulate and hide truth!
(Imagine how the SAME MEDIA would be acting if just one person passed out and died from a NATURAL REMEDY which through a fluke caused it. They would replay every detail over and over hundreds of times, including details of the death, etc. Then everyone involved would be publicly gone after as though they were sadistic monsters, and imprisoned. But because this involves big pharma and global agenda of depopulation, they HIDE, repress, discount and minimize literally masses of deaths and horrific damages to humans.)
Tiffany was a mother of two, and is joined by untold thousands who have senselessly and cruelly died by lethal needle during these past months.
We need to tell and share the truth, because if we don't, countless children will suffer this same fate!
I will add: The person who gave Tiffany Dover this shot is IN PART responsible for her death!!
Ignorance is not an excuse, and nurses and doctors need to know what they are injecting and the possible effects.
All they have to do is be willing to SEE THE TRUTH, and if they have any sincerity in their heart, they could NEVER inject another human being with these shots!
Most nurses know the shot is destroying people but they would rather keep their jobs. Apparently it is ok to murder people to keep your job just like in Nazi Germany.
N does not refer to NAZI.
The continued NAZI ideology is relevant.
Events will clarify.
Think subgroup.
What about that Hitler was a puppet of the controlling families of the NWO? Roth’s?
Where did funding come from then? Where from now?
Old playbook[s] still used today?
Then v Now
Compare & Contrast
Understanding the past helps to understand the present.
Do they mention Angela Dorothea Kasner.
Daughter of a Pastor?
Name of FATHER?
History of FATHER?
HITLER youth (member).
Haircut today vs THEN (A).
US Intelligence post war controlled who?
The ‘Mission’
Who is Angela HITLER?
Relationship to Adolf?
How were children named in Germany during this period?
How did Soros replace family ‘y’?
Who is family ‘y’?
Trace the bloodlines of these (3) families.
What happened during WWII?
Was HITLER a puppet?
Who was his handler?
What was the purpose?
What was the real purpose of the war?
What age was GS?
What is the Soros family history?
What has occurred since the fall of N Germany?
Who is A. Merkel?
What is A. Merkel’s family history?
Follow the bloodline.
Who died on the Titanic?
What year did the Titanic sink?
Why is this relevant?
What ‘exactly’ happened to the Titanic?
What ‘class of people’ were guaranteed a lifeboat?
Why did select ‘individuals’ not make it into the lifeboats?
Why is this relevant?
How do we know who was on the lifeboats (D or A)?
How were names and bodies recorded back then?
When were tickets purchased for her maiden voyage?
Who was ‘specifically’ invited?
Less than 10.
What is the FED?
What does the FED control?
Who controls the FED?
Who approved the formation of the FED?
Why did H-wood glorify Titanic as a tragic love story?
Who lived in the movie (what man)?
Why is this relevant?
Opposite is true.
What is brainwashing?
What is a PSYOP?
What happened to the Hindenburg?
What really happened to the Hindenburg?
Who died during the ‘accident’?
Why is this relevant?
What are sheep?
Who controls the narrative?
The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital.
It must be controlled.
Snow White.
Iron Eagle.
Jason Bourne (CIA/Dream).
What about this NAZI PIN tag with COMMUNIST symbol, as seen here worn by Pope Francis and Gloria Vanderbilt with Baby Mockingbird Anderson Cooper?
History repeats itself (today).
Compare & Contrast
Then v Now Soros history
Assault on America.
Ask yourself, why are [D] party leaders refusing to condemn the violence?
Ask yourself, why are [D] party leaders refusing to seek a unified republic?
Was 'NAZIsm' ever truly destroyed?
Was it merely a sub-division within a larger organization?
One finger attached to a hand?
Did ANTIFA organically form?
Flag design coincidence?
Socialist push in US/WW coincidence?
Global power struggle.
There is a price we will not pay.
There is a point beyond which they must not advance.
We, the PEOPLE.
There is no greater [current] threat to the American people than the FAKE NEWS MEDIA.
Study NAZIsm.
Compare/contrast ANTIFA.
Compare/contrast SOCIALISM push.
Push for REBIRTH.
Who financed then?
Who is financing now?
Dark to LIGHT.
Most nurses don’t unfortunately. I mean just look at those tiktok videos nurses dancing. I’m also ashamed to say it but my gf is a nurse and she’s brainwashed and had no issues taking it. Weak and brainwashed I still don’t know what to think about it.
Hopefully. Don’t hold out so much though that you build resentment. I think naive and immature are more loving words to describe someone. There are plenty of good girls out there.
No. 3-6%ers are the ones who get jabbed while pregnant then continue to promote it after miscarrying. She just sounds too weak to fight her employer or scared of being outcast from her work social circle. It's sad but it's a very very different situation. 4-6%er will continue to say religion of peace after their SO gets beheaded in front of them. Let's not judge everyone so harshly just because we've seen behind the veil.
IIRC they dragged out a lookalike who had an extra 20lbs bf as a stand in a month after that video was taken of her passing out captioned as a still with "See silly conspiracy tards im finnnne". She posted 2-4 times daily to IG (iirrc) and her IG was a ghost time after she got the shot and other than some minor thing hasn't been touched since.
Whether or not she's alive or dead I don't know, but that was one of the creepiest "proof of life" videos I've ever seen. No dialogue, just blank stares into the camera. I couldn't even tell which one was supposed to be her during that, the double was that bad.
Doctors and nurses are responsible. If they have read the dangers, seen the deaths and problems involved with the reaction to the vaccine the they are culpable. My doctor didn't tell me not too take it, but she said about everything besides that.
We have brains and an immune system for a reason!
Fight with wife last night. RN full Vaxxtard, got her whole family to take it including her 3 duaghters of child bearing age. I asked if she has administered to anyone personally. Got a litle defensive.
I stated that medical professionals might be held responsible for harm and death. Not on speaking terms. Her whole fucking family?!
A young woman with pretty eyes faints on camera soon after advocating the vax. She gets up and says it's nothing but needle phobia and then she disappears.
Weird cover-up full of holes and symbolism.
The possible number of layers to a story like this makes it hard to discuss with a normie, like the Ashli Babbitt story.
They talk about vasovagal response as the reason she fainted. I actually have those responses - they occur (for me) at the time of injection or IMMEDIATELY after, not 15 minutes later. If I make it through the injection and last the first sixty seconds I'm good. Not sure if that's how it is for others, but the whole fifteen minutes later I'm having my reaction doesn't work well for me.
My wife has this too, you are right the fainting happens at the time of intense pain or at a time of working yourself up about it.
It does not happen 17 minutes later unless she was going thru some intense pain and looked fine until passing out.
I tried to go to and do the same search he did in this video. Try it for yourself enter Tiffany Dover, record type Death, and hit search.
We're Sorry! We can't find any results for your search.
Seems like the gentleman doing the video performed a decent cursory dive into the events and came to a reasonable conclusion. A bit more digging and perhaps some secondary validation and we can take this at face value. Not that it matters anymore, the evidence of the mRNA shot is conclusive at this point that it has a significant risk of adverse out comes. They deleted and covered up her death or she is still alive and they are waiting for a perfect moment to reveal her health and well being just to prove that the tin foil hats are nutty. Except that there is now so much evidence that it doesn't matter about poor tiffany, one way or the other. It'll come out in the end. The mental gymnastics around this topic have been impressive, but it isn't yet an Olympic sport, so move along, nothing to see here. Nothing with arguing about...Unleeeesss, we have a Chattanooga pede in the house that would be interested in doing a little ground work, and then boys and girls, we are off to a party! Anyone?
I wondered about her, especially since her social media had no further pictures of her. People were still saying, "she just wants privacy." Thanks for sharing, fren!
A Pontes family genealogy on Ancestry says that Tiffany Lashae Pontes Dover was born in 1990 and died December 17, 2020. She lived in Georgia. It's a private tree, so there's no further info available.
The Tiffany Dover who fainted lived in Chattanooga, TN and was probably a different person.
Thats bogus. Why in the world would they select someone who faints when they get a shot?
And people who faint when they get a shot faint WHEN they get a shot, not later, after conducting a press conference.
I wouldn't recommend using news like this to red pill, too much reasonable doubt for normies IMHO. Yes, the circumstances are weird (Personally, I think she's dead), but there's a lot of grey area and the "stakes" are low.
The opposite would be something like Faucis documented emails. Those are concrete, and harder to defend.
I personally believe she's alive and well, but this is NOT proof of that. This is just some website claiming she's alive, and discussing "all the proof" that has been provided, but not reprinting any of it.
It's articles like this that keep the theory that she's dead going.
Be careful with this one. I think it's a possible set up to discredit us. Since early this year, they've trying to say conspiracy theorists believing she died have ruined her life.
Oh, I thought she had died when she collapsed. Well, it's a shame. Nurses should be smarter than others, but they are often under the domination of the higher ups. God Bless her.
My uncle watches the daily beatings at Blizzard, but where's the proof?
People continuously say she's not dead when there are records indicating that she may be, there was the wave of propaganda before and after, and someone who was very clearly not her wearing a mask in the background pretending to be her after that.
Gonna take a bit more than "My niece works with her" to pull me back to the other side of this fence I'm sitting on.
Well, I wouldn't expect my anecdotal proof to be conclusive to you. Nevertheless, there is absolutely zero reason to believe she is dead. It's a funny thing--if I say that anyone (insert name here) is dead it is difficult to prove they are alive. If that person is on a video, it's faked or a body double is talking. If those who know the person and are friends with them vouch for them, then the friends are lying. If there is a paperwork trail, it's fraudulent and faked. Etc. etc. etc.
Tiffany Pontes isn't dead. Neither are David Mullins, Pete Dennings, Diane Carlson or any of the other people who are in my mother's intercessory prayer group who she talks to me about all the time but who you and I have never met. Nevertheless, it would be bizarrely difficult to prove to those who don't want to believe it.
Would a DNA sample be of use to you? You could use your laboratory and expertise in genetic sequencing to determine if she is still alive. Or perhaps you have no actual way to prove she is alive no matter what evidence is given you? In that case, I suppose you could just think she is dead because your feelings lead you that direction.
Thank you for making my point for me. There are many, many Cabal activities to concern ourselves with, so it's good to know that Tiffany is alive and well. As for Gina Haspel, I will let YOU do some actual research and make yourself useful in pursuing that truth. I eagerly await the results of your diligent efforts.
No, ultra_star - all people need is a recent, short video from Tiffany saying, "Hey idiots - I'm still alive"
After she fainted, her social media all went silent. THAT'S what's driving the conspiracy theory.
She must have known there were thousands of people on the internet who were worried about her. It was her refusal to post anything that let everyone know she was okay that caused this.
You figured "they" developed a doppelganger or clone and bribed hundreds of her family members and friends to say she was alive and then installed the clone into her place at her job and family but they, obviously, didn't have her password to facebook, so she disappeared from social media.
Yes, yes. It could hardly be explained by anything like embarrassment or fear in the face of a great outpouring of attention (much of it from strangers who were harassing her account and her relatives' accounts) and a bombardment of her social media and the fact that she switched to accounts that are in neither of her surnames names and are only available to her close friends and family.
Her proof of life video was clearly performed by the clone. It's surprising that after it appeared and people were intensifying their cyberstalking of her and her family, she did not make more videos or make herself more widely available to the people who were threatening to kill her brother in law for saying she was alive.
First off, I too believe she's alive. So before you spool up your next tirade of hyperbole and smarm, let's get that right out in the open.
Reread what I wrote: the whole reason this is even a thing is because she quit posting to social media after she fainted.
If the reason she did that is because of fear or embarrassment due to the outpouring of attention, I can totally understand that.
But it's been what, eight months now? At any time she could just go on instagram and post a short video, and this conspiracy theory would die like it should.
The longer she waits or refuses to do that, the more legs this bullshit gains.
I'm not well researched into this point because it's been a while and dropped off the earth for a while, but a lot of people seem to be convinced by obituaries and I recall that having been a thing shortly after this happened too.
Yes; people are definitely willing to call body double or fake but there was something eerie, creepy and frankly chilling about who was in that mask after the fact.
I cannot speak to the video or whatever it is that she spoke in. Perhaps she did not appear in the video. I'm just saying that she is living her whole normal life and is literally out and about in Chattanooga doing all the things she has always done. There is nothing to say if one wishes to feel that she is dead. All proof of life can be faked. Of course, her own family believes that the woman they embrace and speak to is their real daughter....but maybe they are just one of hundreds of average Chattanooga civilians who have been recruited to pretend that she is still alive?
If rumors of my death were going around then I think I'd post a video of me and tell everyone I'm alive.... just saying... there are ways to prove you are alive.
One cannot prove a negative, but it is a little bizarre because Tiffany literally has not changed her life at all. She is out in the world doing all her normal errands and going to work and going home and talking to/visiting with her friends and family. She literally has the exact same life she has always had. She is a friendly person with many, many friends who she has never stopped interacting with. Oh, well. shrug
Your situational narrative would indicate that you could easily provide proof of life.
Since we are all friends here just get that relative of yours to get the photo.
Pictures or it aint so.
You must be new to this. There are many pictures of Tiffany online. Photographs are no problem. Her family has been posting that she is alive on facebook since February. Or...are they LYING??!!!??!?!?!
Also, you were inaccurate - "Tiffany literally has not changed her life at all" - EXCEPT she went from 2 social media posts per day to zero with no explanation.
There's one person who can make the conspiracy theory go away, and that's Tiffany - why does she continue to refuse to do so?
No, you're right. It would be odd if she had switched her name on her social media to avoid attention and threats. It would also be odd that she doesn't make more and more videos to prove that she's alive.
It's much more likely that she was killed almost instantly by the vaccine and that her friends and family are lying about her being alive and/or are deluded by the clone that has replaced her.
I get what you're saying Pretty standard psyops stuff. Thanks for the red pill.
You have to stick to the really stupid argument that anti-DeathVaXXXers are threatening Tiffany and family...and that THAT is why she doesn't appear or use her social media.
Where else in the world are the anti-DeathVaXXXers singling out and terrifying pro-DeathVaXXX civilians?
People who fall for a hoax either honestly say "my bad" or they slink off and try to avoid calling attention to their error.
But wage a campaign to threaten harm to a victim and families?
That just sounds idiotic.
OK anonymous internet person but my Dad, who works at Nintendo and part times as a undertaker told me he buried her at Sea from a seal team 6 chopper flying backwards so I do support the vax but she is ded.
Do you want me to NOT be anonymous? I believe we are both "anonymous internet person", yes? As stated, you may mock me but she is alive. There is no evidence to suggest that she is dead, which is usually how we presume that one is alive. Regardless, I am happy to retract my claims if you have proof of her death.
She is living as she always does. She lives in her own home, goes to the grocery store, goes to work, drives the same car she has always driven. She visits her family. She has gone out to restaurants with friends. There is no shortage of proof for anyone who wishes to research it. One hopes researches would be polite, courteous and discreet in dealing with her, however.
Yep. I'm a shill. I work for the feebs and I am on here because the death of Tiffany is the cornerstone of the Cabal plot that I am forced to defend. My lizard overlords are very invested in this operation.
Of course, a video of her with her driver's license would not be enough proof for the discerning skeptics on GAW. After all, we have already faked her death and put her cloned double on video before. And, naturally, her driver's license is just another piece of government ID that I (as a federal agent) can create and fake. So I wouldn't be able to fool a real one like you with that....unless...YOU ARE A SHILL, TOO!
Making a claim that someone is dead is a big deal. There is no proof nor reason to assume it. Claims (in logical rhetorical argument) come from proofs not from supposition.
And where did you see the obituary? Facebook? Perhaps linked to a site that did not provide a valid obituary (with names of survivors, etc...)? I do not make claims that I don't know anything about, nor do I make claims as to my feelings about it. I cannot refute that you feel that something is suspicious. I can only tell you that Tiffany is alive and well and doing the same things with the same people as she always has.
Tiffany Dover, who passed out minutes after she received the "experimental" lethal injection, tragically is dead at 30 years old. This is a PRIME example of how the mainstream media and all sources associated with this depopulation agenda try to manipulate and hide truth! (Imagine how the SAME MEDIA would be acting if just one person passed out and died from a NATURAL REMEDY which through a fluke caused it. They would replay every detail over and over hundreds of times, including details of the death, etc. Then everyone involved would be publicly gone after as though they were sadistic monsters, and imprisoned. But because this involves big pharma and global agenda of depopulation, they HIDE, repress, discount and minimize literally masses of deaths and horrific damages to humans.) Tiffany was a mother of two, and is joined by untold thousands who have senselessly and cruelly died by lethal needle during these past months. We need to tell and share the truth, because if we don't, countless children will suffer this same fate!
I will add: The person who gave Tiffany Dover this shot is IN PART responsible for her death!! Ignorance is not an excuse, and nurses and doctors need to know what they are injecting and the possible effects. All they have to do is be willing to SEE THE TRUTH, and if they have any sincerity in their heart, they could NEVER inject another human being with these shots!
Most nurses know the shot is destroying people but they would rather keep their jobs. Apparently it is ok to murder people to keep your job just like in Nazi Germany.
WW2 from the German point of view...
A pro Hitler documentary is not the German point of view but a Nazi LARPERS point of view. Fucking six hours of that crap. Jesus.
Well, your name is a fucking lie.
Guys, don’t tell him how long Europa is…
Im sorry that untwisting a gigantic historical hoax lie doesnt fit into a 30sec tiktok vid.
Theres alot of in depth documentaries that are even longer
Do they mention as per Q that
The N in NWO does NOT stand for ‘New’?
N does not refer to NAZI. The continued NAZI ideology is relevant. Events will clarify. Think subgroup.
What about that Hitler was a puppet of the controlling families of the NWO? Roth’s?
Where did funding come from then? Where from now?
Old playbook[s] still used today? Then v Now Compare & Contrast END GOAL THEN V NOW? GOVERNMENT CONTROL. Understanding the past helps to understand the present.
Do they mention Angela Dorothea Kasner. Daughter of a Pastor? Name of FATHER? History of FATHER? HITLER youth (member). Haircut today vs THEN (A). Symbolic. US Intelligence post war controlled who? The ‘Mission’ Who is Angela HITLER? Relationship to Adolf? How were children named in Germany during this period?
How did Soros replace family ‘y’? Who is family ‘y’? Trace the bloodlines of these (3) families. What happened during WWII? Was HITLER a puppet? Who was his handler? What was the purpose? What was the real purpose of the war? What age was GS? What is the Soros family history? What has occurred since the fall of N Germany? Who is A. Merkel? What is A. Merkel’s family history? Follow the bloodline. Who died on the Titanic? What year did the Titanic sink? Why is this relevant? What ‘exactly’ happened to the Titanic? What ‘class of people’ were guaranteed a lifeboat? Why did select ‘individuals’ not make it into the lifeboats? Why is this relevant? How do we know who was on the lifeboats (D or A)? How were names and bodies recorded back then? When were tickets purchased for her maiden voyage? Who was ‘specifically’ invited? Less than 10. What is the FED? What does the FED control? Who controls the FED? Who approved the formation of the FED? Why did H-wood glorify Titanic as a tragic love story? Who lived in the movie (what man)? Why is this relevant? Opposite is true. What is brainwashing? What is a PSYOP? What happened to the Hindenburg? What really happened to the Hindenburg? Who died during the ‘accident’? Why is this relevant? What are sheep? Who controls the narrative? The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital. It must be controlled. Snow White. Iron Eagle. Jason Bourne (CIA/Dream).
What about this NAZI PIN tag with COMMUNIST symbol, as seen here worn by Pope Francis and Gloria Vanderbilt with Baby Mockingbird Anderson Cooper?
History repeats itself (today). RE: IRREGULAR WARFARE RE: TACTICS DEPLOYED v AMERICA Compare & Contrast Then v Now Soros history Assault on America. Ask yourself, why are [D] party leaders refusing to condemn the violence? Ask yourself, why are [D] party leaders refusing to seek a unified republic? IT WAS NEVER ABOUT THE VIRUS AND ALWAYS ABOUT THE ELECTION
Was the NAZI party ever truly destroyed (eradicated)? Did the belief carry-on [re-deployed]? Background of Soros?
Was 'NAZIsm' ever truly destroyed? Was it merely a sub-division within a larger organization? One finger attached to a hand? Did ANTIFA organically form? Flag design coincidence? Socialist push in US/WW coincidence? Global power struggle. There is a price we will not pay. There is a point beyond which they must not advance.
We, the PEOPLE.
There is no greater [current] threat to the American people than the FAKE NEWS MEDIA. #ControlledMSM Study NAZIsm. Compare/contrast ANTIFA. Compare/contrast SOCIALISM push. Push for REBIRTH. Who financed then? Who is financing now? Dark to LIGHT. GOOD WINS.
those who do not learn from history, are doomed to repeat it.
Most nurses don’t unfortunately. I mean just look at those tiktok videos nurses dancing. I’m also ashamed to say it but my gf is a nurse and she’s brainwashed and had no issues taking it. Weak and brainwashed I still don’t know what to think about it.
Why are you with her if you think she’s weak and brainwashed?
Pussy is a powerful drug.
I’m holding out, maybe she’ll wake up. With every other topic, she’s pretty good, ie. BLM, LGBTQ, borders, etc.
Hopefully. Don’t hold out so much though that you build resentment. I think naive and immature are more loving words to describe someone. There are plenty of good girls out there.
This seems like a 3-6%
No. 3-6%ers are the ones who get jabbed while pregnant then continue to promote it after miscarrying. She just sounds too weak to fight her employer or scared of being outcast from her work social circle. It's sad but it's a very very different situation. 4-6%er will continue to say religion of peace after their SO gets beheaded in front of them. Let's not judge everyone so harshly just because we've seen behind the veil.
I hope you right. Women are a very easy target because its in their biology. They express themself emotional and think in emotional patterns.
Very easy to manipulate them just ask any young man full of hormones
We'd need a pic to determine.
Congrats with your VTDs by still sleeping with her.
Because they're weak. We've created generations of weaklings who don't believe in themselves.
Well played, Cabal fucks.
When did she die? Does the records have any date on em? Im terrified at what the world js becoming. Please jesus help us
IIRC they dragged out a lookalike who had an extra 20lbs bf as a stand in a month after that video was taken of her passing out captioned as a still with "See silly conspiracy tards im finnnne". She posted 2-4 times daily to IG (iirrc) and her IG was a ghost time after she got the shot and other than some minor thing hasn't been touched since.
She probably died within 72h.
Whether or not she's alive or dead I don't know, but that was one of the creepiest "proof of life" videos I've ever seen. No dialogue, just blank stares into the camera. I couldn't even tell which one was supposed to be her during that, the double was that bad.
I heard her husband's FB was set to "single" after the nurse got the vaccination.
I went to and tried to reproduce the search and it came back with nothing for Tiffany Dover in any states, which is a mite odd.
Some bakers posted her death notice (local newspapers)....Same date, same age, same name....She died immediately. W/in days.
Not surprised its been erased.
Doctors and nurses are responsible. If they have read the dangers, seen the deaths and problems involved with the reaction to the vaccine the they are culpable. My doctor didn't tell me not too take it, but she said about everything besides that. We have brains and an immune system for a reason!
Fight with wife last night. RN full Vaxxtard, got her whole family to take it including her 3 duaghters of child bearing age. I asked if she has administered to anyone personally. Got a litle defensive.
I stated that medical professionals might be held responsible for harm and death. Not on speaking terms. Her whole fucking family?!
Fuckin sad man this fucking world right now is so fucked up.
Everyone has different opinions.
I believe the whole thing was a psyop, done for a variety of reasons.
I doubt she's dead.
That has always been at the back of my mind too.
A young woman with pretty eyes faints on camera soon after advocating the vax. She gets up and says it's nothing but needle phobia and then she disappears. Weird cover-up full of holes and symbolism.
The possible number of layers to a story like this makes it hard to discuss with a normie, like the Ashli Babbitt story.
What jumped out to me was that she passed out 17 minutes after taking the shot.
Yup I was just gonna post that.
If this were a psyop, I don't think it would be too difficult to get an entry into
paper thin
"DNS address could not be found." So I can't see the video.
They talk about vasovagal response as the reason she fainted. I actually have those responses - they occur (for me) at the time of injection or IMMEDIATELY after, not 15 minutes later. If I make it through the injection and last the first sixty seconds I'm good. Not sure if that's how it is for others, but the whole fifteen minutes later I'm having my reaction doesn't work well for me.
My wife has this too, you are right the fainting happens at the time of intense pain or at a time of working yourself up about it. It does not happen 17 minutes later unless she was going thru some intense pain and looked fine until passing out.
Her Instagram was active and now has no posts as well.
Damn they are covering this up big time!
I tried to go to and do the same search he did in this video. Try it for yourself enter Tiffany Dover, record type Death, and hit search.
I thought she died a few days after the lethal injection?
Seems like the gentleman doing the video performed a decent cursory dive into the events and came to a reasonable conclusion. A bit more digging and perhaps some secondary validation and we can take this at face value. Not that it matters anymore, the evidence of the mRNA shot is conclusive at this point that it has a significant risk of adverse out comes. They deleted and covered up her death or she is still alive and they are waiting for a perfect moment to reveal her health and well being just to prove that the tin foil hats are nutty. Except that there is now so much evidence that it doesn't matter about poor tiffany, one way or the other. It'll come out in the end. The mental gymnastics around this topic have been impressive, but it isn't yet an Olympic sport, so move along, nothing to see here. Nothing with arguing about...Unleeeesss, we have a Chattanooga pede in the house that would be interested in doing a little ground work, and then boys and girls, we are off to a party! Anyone?
I wondered about her, especially since her social media had no further pictures of her. People were still saying, "she just wants privacy." Thanks for sharing, fren!
Theres no proof its related to the shot! (Sarcasm)
Soon after faint someone showed a death record with her same day, city. And age and relatives. That sealed it for me.
Here is what we know: she was memory holed
A Pontes family genealogy on Ancestry says that Tiffany Lashae Pontes Dover was born in 1990 and died December 17, 2020. She lived in Georgia. It's a private tree, so there's no further info available.
The Tiffany Dover who fainted lived in Chattanooga, TN and was probably a different person.
What a coincidence. She fainted 17 minutes after the vaccine and died on the 17th.
So what's the comm? Dont take the vaccine? Is Q team behind the flood of info about the harm of the vaccine?
I saw a video of her explaining why she faints all the time. It was her for sure and now I can't find that video anywhere. This whole thing smells
Thats bogus. Why in the world would they select someone who faints when they get a shot? And people who faint when they get a shot faint WHEN they get a shot, not later, after conducting a press conference.
I want to find that video again.
She looks like one of Cuomo's accusers who has come forw5 and done interviews.
Man I just got obliterated for sharing this fake news.
what is the verification that this is fake?
Stuff like this is not helpful when I’m trying to RedPill family
I wouldn't recommend using news like this to red pill, too much reasonable doubt for normies IMHO. Yes, the circumstances are weird (Personally, I think she's dead), but there's a lot of grey area and the "stakes" are low.
The opposite would be something like Faucis documented emails. Those are concrete, and harder to defend.
I personally believe she's alive and well, but this is NOT proof of that. This is just some website claiming she's alive, and discussing "all the proof" that has been provided, but not reprinting any of it.
It's articles like this that keep the theory that she's dead going.
You probably don't want to include the Fakebook trackers.
How many minutes after the vaccine did she pass out?
More proof:
Wonder where the husband is…. Dustin Dover. Seems like somebody would be able to track him down.
Be careful with this one. I think it's a possible set up to discredit us. Since early this year, they've trying to say conspiracy theorists believing she died have ruined her life.
No way. She'd have been done with the issue if she showed her face once.
She was volunteering to do the VaXXX on TV and a news conf after....she was no shrinking violet.
So wheres the evidence shes dead?
Oh, I thought she had died when she collapsed. Well, it's a shame. Nurses should be smarter than others, but they are often under the domination of the higher ups. God Bless her.
I would double check these facts. In the video, I saw there was the same name in SC..
Tiffany is NOT dead. My niece works with her at CHI Memorial in Chattanooga. I do not support the vaxxx but this story is false.
My uncle watches the daily beatings at Blizzard, but where's the proof?
People continuously say she's not dead when there are records indicating that she may be, there was the wave of propaganda before and after, and someone who was very clearly not her wearing a mask in the background pretending to be her after that.
Gonna take a bit more than "My niece works with her" to pull me back to the other side of this fence I'm sitting on.
I just tried as per the video and there was no records at all for tiffany dover, which is odd.
Anyone can put info on
Well, I wouldn't expect my anecdotal proof to be conclusive to you. Nevertheless, there is absolutely zero reason to believe she is dead. It's a funny thing--if I say that anyone (insert name here) is dead it is difficult to prove they are alive. If that person is on a video, it's faked or a body double is talking. If those who know the person and are friends with them vouch for them, then the friends are lying. If there is a paperwork trail, it's fraudulent and faked. Etc. etc. etc.
Tiffany Pontes isn't dead. Neither are David Mullins, Pete Dennings, Diane Carlson or any of the other people who are in my mother's intercessory prayer group who she talks to me about all the time but who you and I have never met. Nevertheless, it would be bizarrely difficult to prove to those who don't want to believe it.
By definition, one cannot prove a negative.
proof of life
Would a DNA sample be of use to you? You could use your laboratory and expertise in genetic sequencing to determine if she is still alive. Or perhaps you have no actual way to prove she is alive no matter what evidence is given you? In that case, I suppose you could just think she is dead because your feelings lead you that direction.
while you are at it, where is Gina Haspel
Thank you for making my point for me. There are many, many Cabal activities to concern ourselves with, so it's good to know that Tiffany is alive and well. As for Gina Haspel, I will let YOU do some actual research and make yourself useful in pursuing that truth. I eagerly await the results of your diligent efforts.
Holy hyperbole, batman!
No, ultra_star - all people need is a recent, short video from Tiffany saying, "Hey idiots - I'm still alive"
After she fainted, her social media all went silent. THAT'S what's driving the conspiracy theory.
She must have known there were thousands of people on the internet who were worried about her. It was her refusal to post anything that let everyone know she was okay that caused this.
Ohhhh! I see.
You figured "they" developed a doppelganger or clone and bribed hundreds of her family members and friends to say she was alive and then installed the clone into her place at her job and family but they, obviously, didn't have her password to facebook, so she disappeared from social media.
Yes, yes. It could hardly be explained by anything like embarrassment or fear in the face of a great outpouring of attention (much of it from strangers who were harassing her account and her relatives' accounts) and a bombardment of her social media and the fact that she switched to accounts that are in neither of her surnames names and are only available to her close friends and family.
Her proof of life video was clearly performed by the clone. It's surprising that after it appeared and people were intensifying their cyberstalking of her and her family, she did not make more videos or make herself more widely available to the people who were threatening to kill her brother in law for saying she was alive.
Yes. I do see your point. Thank you.
Wow - you sure do get worked up, dontcha?
First off, I too believe she's alive. So before you spool up your next tirade of hyperbole and smarm, let's get that right out in the open.
Reread what I wrote: the whole reason this is even a thing is because she quit posting to social media after she fainted.
If the reason she did that is because of fear or embarrassment due to the outpouring of attention, I can totally understand that.
But it's been what, eight months now? At any time she could just go on instagram and post a short video, and this conspiracy theory would die like it should.
The longer she waits or refuses to do that, the more legs this bullshit gains.
I'm not well researched into this point because it's been a while and dropped off the earth for a while, but a lot of people seem to be convinced by obituaries and I recall that having been a thing shortly after this happened too.
Yes; people are definitely willing to call body double or fake but there was something eerie, creepy and frankly chilling about who was in that mask after the fact.
I cannot speak to the video or whatever it is that she spoke in. Perhaps she did not appear in the video. I'm just saying that she is living her whole normal life and is literally out and about in Chattanooga doing all the things she has always done. There is nothing to say if one wishes to feel that she is dead. All proof of life can be faked. Of course, her own family believes that the woman they embrace and speak to is their real daughter....but maybe they are just one of hundreds of average Chattanooga civilians who have been recruited to pretend that she is still alive?
Not sure why you're getting outright downvotes but: Family can be bribed. They have a lot of money that can be used to pay people off.
True. I guess there's no way to know if anyone is alive or dead unless you know them already. shrug
I died 2,000 years ago.
I came back every century afterward to troll people.
Here I am again.
This time, it’s different.
Prove I’m not already dead.
If rumors of my death were going around then I think I'd post a video of me and tell everyone I'm alive.... just saying... there are ways to prove you are alive.
I think you're new to this issue. Tiffany is and has been online. The video of her proof of life is one of the points of contention.
The video where half her face is covered, and she looks kind of different? Released by the hospital? While she continues to be silent on social media?
Can you not see how this combination of things just drives the "she's dead" narrative?
More sauce than that . She said he said. More sauce on all sides needed
One cannot prove a negative, but it is a little bizarre because Tiffany literally has not changed her life at all. She is out in the world doing all her normal errands and going to work and going home and talking to/visiting with her friends and family. She literally has the exact same life she has always had. She is a friendly person with many, many friends who she has never stopped interacting with. Oh, well. shrug
Your situational narrative would indicate that you could easily provide proof of life. Since we are all friends here just get that relative of yours to get the photo. Pictures or it aint so.
You must be new to this. There are many pictures of Tiffany online. Photographs are no problem. Her family has been posting that she is alive on facebook since February. Or...are they LYING??!!!??!?!?!
Have not seen them. Not new though, So many stories to track and not enough time to research. Thanks for the propper response.
Where are these pictures?
Also, you were inaccurate - "Tiffany literally has not changed her life at all" - EXCEPT she went from 2 social media posts per day to zero with no explanation.
There's one person who can make the conspiracy theory go away, and that's Tiffany - why does she continue to refuse to do so?
No, you're right. It would be odd if she had switched her name on her social media to avoid attention and threats. It would also be odd that she doesn't make more and more videos to prove that she's alive.
It's much more likely that she was killed almost instantly by the vaccine and that her friends and family are lying about her being alive and/or are deluded by the clone that has replaced her.
I get what you're saying Pretty standard psyops stuff. Thanks for the red pill.
You have to stick to the really stupid argument that anti-DeathVaXXXers are threatening Tiffany and family...and that THAT is why she doesn't appear or use her social media.
Where else in the world are the anti-DeathVaXXXers singling out and terrifying pro-DeathVaXXX civilians? People who fall for a hoax either honestly say "my bad" or they slink off and try to avoid calling attention to their error.
But wage a campaign to threaten harm to a victim and families? That just sounds idiotic.
Oh brother. You're too emotional to have a discussion with.
Have a nice life.
OK anonymous internet person but my Dad, who works at Nintendo and part times as a undertaker told me he buried her at Sea from a seal team 6 chopper flying backwards so I do support the vax but she is ded.
Do you want me to NOT be anonymous? I believe we are both "anonymous internet person", yes? As stated, you may mock me but she is alive. There is no evidence to suggest that she is dead, which is usually how we presume that one is alive. Regardless, I am happy to retract my claims if you have proof of her death.
She is living as she always does. She lives in her own home, goes to the grocery store, goes to work, drives the same car she has always driven. She visits her family. She has gone out to restaurants with friends. There is no shortage of proof for anyone who wishes to research it. One hopes researches would be polite, courteous and discreet in dealing with her, however.
Yep. I'm a shill. I work for the feebs and I am on here because the death of Tiffany is the cornerstone of the Cabal plot that I am forced to defend. My lizard overlords are very invested in this operation.
Of course, a video of her with her driver's license would not be enough proof for the discerning skeptics on GAW. After all, we have already faked her death and put her cloned double on video before. And, naturally, her driver's license is just another piece of government ID that I (as a federal agent) can create and fake. So I wouldn't be able to fool a real one like you with that....unless...YOU ARE A SHILL, TOO!
Making a claim that someone is dead is a big deal. There is no proof nor reason to assume it. Claims (in logical rhetorical argument) come from proofs not from supposition.
And where did you see the obituary? Facebook? Perhaps linked to a site that did not provide a valid obituary (with names of survivors, etc...)? I do not make claims that I don't know anything about, nor do I make claims as to my feelings about it. I cannot refute that you feel that something is suspicious. I can only tell you that Tiffany is alive and well and doing the same things with the same people as she always has.